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Dungeon Keeper (Room Guide) (e)

Dungeon Keeper - Room Guide

by Elly Davis 
taken from Reality X's Dungeon Keeper Homepage

converted to text form:
El Brutalo  for
El Brutalo's Cheat Compendium

Room	 Description				$/Tile	HP's	Capacity	Attracts
Name								per Tile	(min. size)
Dungeon  Your life force. Most important room 	     0	30000
Heart	 in your dungeon. Lose this and it's 
	 game up.

Bridge	 Use to join territory over lava and	   125	  350			Orc(1)

Portal	 Claim this room asap. Lowly creatures	     0	 4000
Room	 are easy to attract so as soon as you
	 have the Portal room you will at least
	 be attracting some form of creature,
	 even if it is just flies. Remember flies
	 are excellent for gathering information
	 about the dungeon territory.
Treasure Store gold here. Profitable room to        50	  100	   2250		Demon Spawn (1)
Room	 attack in multiplayer.					   Gold

Temple	 Sacrifice (carefully) creatures here to   350	 1000	  1 creature	Horned Reaper (9)
	 win or lose favour with the Gods or send 
	 unhappy creatures to help raise morale.
	 Each creature in the temple takes up one
         square. Drop a creature that has been
         transformed into a chicken or is diseased
         onto the Temple and it will be cured.

Grave-	 Dead creatures go here who will eventually 300	  350	  1 dead	Vampire (30+)
yard	 become vampires. Shape doesn't really			  creature
         matter with this room. One dead body per
	 tile. Once the body fully decomposes the 
         tile becomes available again. Once a
         certain amount of bodies have decomposed
         you will gain a Vampire.

Hatchery Store chickens here to feed your hordes    150	  350			Spider (9)
         and prisoners in an attempt to win them
         over to your side. If you place one of your
         minions in here it will eat whether it's
         hungry or not.

Barracks Monsters form bands here.                  125   350			Orc (1)        

Prison	 Store your prisoners here until you're	    225	  600	  1 creature	Skeleton (1)
	 ready to cart them off to the torture
	 chamber. One prisoner per tile.

Lair	 Living quarters for your creatures. Watch  100	  200	  1 creature	Beetle (1)
         over-crowding. Construct a separate Lair				Vampire (9)
	 for Warlocks. In an over-crowded Lair they				Spider (9)
	 will be unable to learn new spells.					Tentacle (9)

Guard	 Place creatures here to guard the	     50  5000     1 creature
Post	 immediate area, they will stay put unless
         otherwise ordered.
Workshop Place for doors and traps to be built.	    200   900	  1 creature	Trolls (1+)
	 Make sure this is easily accessible from		  or object
	 all parts of your dungeon as items (traps)
	 are dragged from here to where they are to
	 be set. If an enemy keeper captures your
         workshop he automatically attains all your
         traps and doors.

Library  Put creatures in here to research i.e	    200   320     1 creature	Warlock (9+)
         ghosts. Make sure there is enough room			  or spell
         for book shelve/s.

Scavenger Used to attract other creatures to your   750  1000     1 creature	Hellhound (9+)
Room	 dungeon. If, for example you place a
         Vampire in here and there are no other
         Vampires on the map, it raises your Portal
         attraction by half, thus increasing the
         creatures who enter your Dungeon. This
         room I think is a subtle dig by Bullfrog at
         Scavenger - software developers who
         promised untold riches to folk in order to
         get them to join their company and then
         went bust. tut tut.

Torture	 Torture enemies in here to persuade them   350  1000	  1 creature	Dark Mistress (9+)
Chamber  to join your cause or even your own					Ghost (1+)
         monsters to encourage them to craft that
         much harder. Has to be large enough to
         hold a table.

Training Put your creatures in here to gain	    150  1250	  1 creature	Demon Spawn (1)
Room     experience, learning spells.

In the Attracts Creature column is the name of the Creature that is attracted by that type of room.
However, all creatures require the room to be a certain size before they consider it worth their 
while coming to your Dungeon. The smallest number (1) means that as soon as you put that kind of 
room tile down, along will come that creature.

For some however, there is a randomness. Take a Warlock. It needs a Library of at least 9 tiles, (3x3)
before it will consider coming. However, if you make a huge library (8x8) there is more chance of 
getting a Warlock and you will also get more of them. For monsters without an +, then you do not 
increase the chance. For example, a Vampire needs a Lair of 9 tiles to come, but you won't have 
more chance of luring a Vampire even if you made the Lair huge.

Size of rooms. Certain creatures require a minimum room size, if it is too small it will not attract
any creatures. Make sure that the rooms have space for objects such as shelves in the library etc.

Efficient rooms. Creating rooms that run at 100% efficiency can be achieved by ensuring you have 
reinforced walls and keep the room as square as possible. Do not make rooms that are strips apart 
from Graveyards.