Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Jokers, Codes by UL1
Made on XP FX V4.41 Pro
These codes are for XPloder / XPlorer only !
RCJC Pad 1D00D 8252 ????
RCJC Pad 2D00D 8274 ????
RCJC Pad 1D00D 8254 ????
RCJC Pad 2D00D 825A ????
RCJC Pad 2D00D 825E ????
RCJC Pad 3D00D 8264 ????
RCJC Pad 4D00D 826C ????
1PAL2NTSC743B 8464 388D
343B 8464 388C
742C 26C0 564B
842C 26C0 564A
2Y-Fix742D D636 C448
842D D636 C45D
3No 'Continues' used342F C325 B346
4Sanctuary , Videoplayer, Artwork &
Gamemodes unlocked (Note 1)
743B ACD6 60F3
343B ACD6 600D
Gamemodes unlocked
5Size343B ACDB 61EE
6Super-Turbo-Mode343B ACDB 61ED
760 frames per second343B ACDB 61EB
8Disco343B ACDB 61E7
9Nightfight343B ACDB 61FF
10Low gravity343B ACDB 61CF
11Merry-go-round343B BB62 50E2
Gamemodes activated
12Size343B ACD4 60F5
13Super-Turbo-Modus343B ACD4 60F6
1460 frames per second343B ACD4 60F0
15Disco343B ACD4 60FC
16Nightfight343B ACD4 60E4
17Low gravity343B ACD4 60D4
18Merry-go-round343B ACD4 60B4
Number of Kills
19P1300D 1D9C 00??
20P2300D 1DA0 00??
21P3300D 1DA4 00??
22P4300D 1DA8 00??
Unlock characters
23All843B AB71 A05B
343B AB73 5F8E
Modifier I.
24Suang Dao343B AB71 5FC4
25Wuji343B AB71 5FCC
26Shrui Shan343B AB71 5FE6
27Wudi So343B AB71 5FEC
28All343B AB71 5F6C
Modifier II.
29Nan Wong343B AB70 60C3
30Gan Wuyin343B AB70 60CB
31Jin Gang343B AB70 60E1
32Juwen Gong343B AB70 6061
33All343B AB70 606B
Modifier III.
34Chang Daofu343B AB73 5F92
35Hei Mudan343B AB73 5F94
36Lei Gong343B AB73 5F98
37Momg Zhu343B AB73 5F80
38All343B AB73 5F8E
Unlock arenas
39Forgotten Temple343B AB0C 5039
40Shaolin Temple343B AB0C 503A
41Backyard Variation343B AB0C 503C
42Chinese Ship Variation343B AB0C 5030
43Warehouse Variation 1343B AB0C 5028
44Warehouse Variation 2343B AB0C 5008
45Dead end Variation343B AB0C 5048
46All343B AB0C 5047
Note 1 : You have to complete Story-Mode succesful once !

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Abfragen: 2.667

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.