Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Codes 1 & 2 by Cloudane Trihart
Joker, Codes 3 & 19 by zardoz
Code 4 by JOHNBOYGR1
Code 5
Codes 7 & 8 by HackMan
Code 4, 6, 9 - 18 by slab
RCJCD007 41CA ????
1PAL2NTSCD006 7F48 0001
8006 7F48 0000
2Y-FixD001 3B40 0010
8001 3B40 0000
3Enable codeD002 2850 1FFC
8002 2856 2400
D002 286A 3C02
8002 286A 3C00
D002 286C 3800
8002 286E 2400
4Infinite GIL8008 B7B0 FFFF
5Infinite magic stone all characters
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
5000 0990 0000
3008 B2A3 0063
6Infinite magic stonesD01E FFE8 0017
801E FFEA 2400
7Have all items
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
5000 FF02 0001
8008 B7C4 6300
8All key items5000 0902 0000
8008 B9C4 FFFF
9Skip published Square / EA logoD00A 7208 AAB7
800A 720A 2400
10Max HP all characters800C 8884 270F
800C 8886 240D
800C 88AE A64D
800C 899C 270F
800C 899E 240D
800C 89A2 A64D
11Infinite item usage (All positions)8002 83FE 2400
12Game time is 00:00:00D002 4748 7190
8002 473E AC60
13Max hunting points8007 C1DC 00FF
14Super item modifier (Note 19D01F 28AC 9821
801F 28B0 1D80
D01F 28AC 9821
801F 28B2 0C00
8000 7600 7FFF
8000 7602 27E3
8000 7604 02DE
8000 7606 9063
8000 7608 0002
8000 760A 2402
8000 760C 0024
8000 760E 1443
8000 7612 2400
8000 7614 76AC
8000 7616 9410
8000 7618 8007
8000 761A 3C01
8000 761C 0110
8000 761E 2E02
8000 7620 001E
8000 7622 1440
8000 7624 0001
8000 7626 2610
8000 7628 3F60
8000 762A 9422
8000 762C 8008
8000 762E 3C11
8000 7630 8300
8000 7632 3042
8000 7634 0018
8000 7636 1040
8000 7638 B7C4
8000 763A 3631
8000 763C 8020
8000 763E 3C12
8000 7640 ABA5
8000 7642 8243
8000 7644 ABA6
8000 7646 8254
8000 7648 ABA7
8000 764A 8255
8000 764C 1821
8000 764E 0074
8000 7650 1880
8000 7652 0003
8000 7654 A840
8000 7656 0015
8000 7658 1821
8000 765A 0075
8000 765C 8821
8000 765E 0223
8000 7660 8000
8000 7662 3052
8000 7664 0002
8000 7666 1240
8000 7668 0300
8000 766A 3052
8000 766C 0001
8000 766E 2631
8000 7670 0000
8000 7672 9223
8000 7676 2400
8000 7678 0007
8000 767A 1240
8000 767C 0200
8000 767E 3052
8000 7680 0003
8000 7682 1240
8000 7686 2400
8000 7688 0002
8000 768A 1000
8000 768C 0001
8000 768E 2463
8000 7690 FFFF
8000 7692 2463
8000 7694 0000
8000 7696 A223
8000 7698 0000
8000 769A 2410
8000 769C 76AC
8000 769E A410
8000 76A0 0001
8000 76A2 9262
8000 76A4 0008
8000 76A6 03E0
8000 76AA 2400
15Save anywhere (Note 2)D003 6414 EB60
8003 6AA8 3E00
D003 6414 EB60
8003 6AAA 0C00
D003 66B0 F809
8003 6698 3E06
D003 66B0 F809
8003 669A 0C00
D003 66B0 F809
8003 677C 3E06
D003 66B0 F809
8003 677E 0C00
D003 66B0 F809
8003 684C 3E0D
D003 66B0 F809
8003 684E 0C00
D003 61B0 2821
8003 6550 0008
D006 EB60 93D4
8006 EB3E 0084
D003 61B0 2821
8003 6998 0084
D00C 832C B188
800C 8304 0007
D00C 832C B188
800C 8330 0007
D00C B648 5448
800C B64C 0007
D00C B648 5448
800C B620 0007
8000 F800 0007
8000 F802 9202
8000 F804 0008
8000 F806 2405
8000 F808 0002
8000 F80A 14A2
8000 F80C 0039
8000 F80E 2405
8000 F810 000C
8000 F812 27FF
8000 F814 0008
8000 F816 03E0
8000 F818 0008
8000 F81A 2401
8000 F81C 0002
8000 F81E 9202
8000 F820 8006
8000 F822 3C04
8000 F824 FFFB
8000 F826 1422
8000 F828 0000
8000 F82A 0000
8000 F82C 0008
8000 F82E 03E0
8000 F830 CFB4
8000 F832 3483
8000 F834 001C
8000 F836 8E03
8000 F838 FFFC
8000 F83A 27FF
8000 F83C 0000
8000 F83E 2622
8000 F840 FFF7
8000 F842 1000
8000 F844 0008
8000 F846 2401
Walk through walls
16Overworld mapD00B 0F08 A021
800B 0F12 2400
D00B 0F08 A021
800B 0FCE 2400
17Everywhere elseD00C 378C 3021
800C 3792 1000
D00C 378C 3021
800C 389A 1000
No random battles
18Overworld mapD00A 897C 1821
800A 899A 2400
19Everywhere else
(Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2)
D007 41CA F0FF
8003 93F2 1000
Note 1 : Go to your item manager menu. Pressing the buttons will have the following results :
R2 will change your item to the next item in the list.
L2 will change your item to the item previous in the list.
Holding Square and pressing R2 will increase the quantity.
Holding Square and pressing L2 will decrease the quantity.
Note 2 : When you go to your status menu, there will be a new option called SAVE. Due to design
problems in the Game Buster DeLuxe (and possibly CDX), this code's length may cause problems
when trying to access the memory card. To fix this, turn off the Game Buster/AR when you see
the Slot 1/Slot 2 option while saving or loading. This is NOT our fault - it occurs with the
Super Item Code too. Also, using Save Anywhere to save in abnormal places can cause problems.
Use at your own risk ! Specifically, you don't want to save in the same room where an "event"
happened immediately after the "event".

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