Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Unlock teleport locations

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Unlock teleport locations

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Unlock teleport locations
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Codes by slab
1Activate teleportation spell (from magic menu)8006 1BC4 0105
2Worker's Breakroom3006 1C66 0001
3Wine Guild Hall3006 1C67 0001
4Black Market3006 1C68 0001
5Hall of Revenge3006 1C69 0001
6The Withered Spring3006 1C6A 0001
7Work of Art Work Shop3006 1C6B 0001
8Advent Ground3006 1C6C 0001
9Rue Vermillion3006 1C6D 0001
10Magic Hammer Work Shop3006 1C6E 0001
11The Crossing3006 1C6F 0001
12The Dark Tunnel3006 1C70 0001
13Rue Bouquet3006 1C71 0001
14The Sunless Way3006 1C72 0001
15The Faerie Circle3006 1C73 0001
16Forest River3006 1C74 0001
17The Wood Gate3006 1C75 0001
18Valdiman Gates3006 1C76 0001
19The Warrior's Rest3006 1C77 0001
20Keane's Work Shop3006 1C78 0001
21Sinner's Corner3006 1C79 0001
22Crumbling Market3006 1C7A 0001
23Treaty Room3006 1C7B 0001
24Bandits' Hollow3006 1C7C 0001
25The Ore Road3006 1C7D 0001
26The Auction Block3006 1C7E 0001
27Way Down3006 1C7F 0001
28Rue Lejour3006 1C80 0001
29Kesch Bridge3006 1C81 0001
30Metal Works Work Shop3006 1C82 0001
31Junction Point Work Shop3006 1C83 0001
32The Dark Coast3006 1C84 0001
33Plateia Lumitar3006 1C85 0001
34Sin and Punishment3006 1C86 0001
35The Atrium3006 1C87 0001
36Gods Hands Work Shop3006 1C88 0001
37Debug Area (Use WTW to get out of wall)3006 1C89 0001
38Enable all teleport locations
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher reqired)
5000 1202 0000
8006 1C66 0101

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Abfragen: 2.569

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