Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Miscellaneous

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Joker, Codes 1 - 13, 16, 17, 21 & 21 by slab
Codes 14, 16 & 19 by HackMan
Code 15 by XTOM
Code 18 by mp3boy
Joker CommandD008 329E ????
1Enable Code
(Must be on for ROM-Version lower than 3.2!)
D009 92E8 1FFC
8009 92EE 2400
D009 9302 3C02
8009 9302 3C00
D009 9304 3800
8009 9306 2400
2Debug menu ( Note 1 )D008 329E 010F
8007 0958 0001
D008 329E 010F
8007 095A 0049
3Magic increases800A F480 0001
4Most timers increase8001 1AEC 0001
5Infinite time8001 1ADE 1000
6Max EXP after 1 battle8007 9144 FFFF
8007 9146 FFFF
8007 9148 FFFF
7Skip introD001 2234 647F
8001 2236 2400
8Save anywhere8007 0B02 0100
9Have infinite money8007 8334 0FFF
8007 8336 5F5E
10Levitate (Note 2)
(Press L1)
D008 32DA 0001
8009 E306 AEC2
D008 32DA 0004
8009 E306 2400
D008 32DA 0001
8009 D9F6 AE22
D008 32DA 0004
8009 D9F6 2400
D008 32DA 0001
8009 DE9E AC64
D008 32DA 0004
8009 DE9E 2400
D002 CDE0 01E3
8002 CDE4 200A
D002 CDE0 01E3
8002 CDE6 0C00
8000 8028 01F8
8000 802A 9469
8000 802C 8009
8000 802E 3C01
8000 8030 0004
8000 8032 3129
8000 8034 0006
8000 8036 1120
8000 8038 0CEC
8000 803A 8C29
8000 803C 1F80
8000 803E 3C0D
8000 8040 5000
8000 8042 2529
8000 8044 0CEC
8000 8046 AC29
8000 8048 01F8
8000 804A 3C09
8000 804C 0078
8000 804E ADA9
8000 8050 0008
8000 8052 03E0
8000 8056 2000
11Max stats all charactersD002 3664 0002
8002 3666 1000
D002 3664 0002
8002 367C 0001
12Level 100 all characters & G.F.'sD002 1B00 4012
8002 1B08 0064
D002 1B00 4012
8002 1B0A 3408
13Quantity of item increases801E 4594 0001
14Have 99 of all items
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
5000 1F02 0001
8007 836C 6301
5000 1F02 0001
8007 83AA 6320
5000 1F02 0001
8007 83E8 633F
5000 1F02 0001
8007 8426 635E
5000 1F02 0001
8007 8464 637D
5000 1F02 0001
8007 84A2 639C
5000 0C02 0001
8007 84E0 63BB
15Have all cards
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
5000 1E02 0000
8007 8B08 E4E4
5000 0802 0000
8007 8B44 E4E4
5000 1302 0000
8007 8B56 FFFF
5000 0302 0000
8007 8B76 FFFF
5000 1102 0000
8007 8B54 F0F0
16Have all cards (Alternate)
(ROM-Version 2.2 or higher required)
5000 0F02 0000
8007 8B08 FFFF
5000 0F02 0000
8007 8B26 FFFF
5000 0902 0000
8007 8B44 FFFF
3007 8B55 00F0
5000 0F02 0000
8007 8B56 F0F0
8007 8B74 F0F0
8007 8B76 FFFF
8007 8B78 FFFF
3007 8B7A 0001
Walk through walls
(Press R1)
D008 329E 0008
8009 DE04 0010
D008 329E 0008
8009 DE06 1000
(Press R2)
D008 329E 0002
8009 DE04 0027
D008 329E 0002
8009 DE06 1440
19Level A8007 8598 1000
20All tests completed3007 855B 001E
Any item in any slot
(Note 3)
21Part 1 of 2D01E 7CCC 56BC
801E 7CD0 2034
D01E 7CCC 56BC
801E 7CD2 0C00
D01E 7CCC 56BC
801E 7CD6 2400
D01E 7CCC 56BC
801E 7CE2 2400
8000 80D0 0010
8000 80D2 9016
8000 80D4 0001
8000 80D6 3409
8000 80D8 001B
8000 80DA 16C0
8000 80DC B023
8000 80DE 02C9
8000 80E0 8020
8000 80E2 3C0E
8000 80E4 0003
8000 80E6 328C
8000 80E8 A694
8000 80EA 85CE
8000 80EC 8007
8000 80EE 3C01
8000 80F0 836C
8000 80F2 3421
8000 80F4 7040
8000 80F6 000E
8000 80F8 0D21
8000 80FA 002E
8000 80FC 0002
8000 80FE 1180
8000 8100 0001
8000 8102 328C
22Part 2 of 28000 8104 0001
8000 8106 2421
8000 8108 0000
8000 810A 9022
8000 810E 2400
8000 8110 000A
8000 8112 1580
8000 8114 0002
8000 8116 328C
8000 8118 0003
8000 811A 1580
8000 811C 0002
8000 811E 328C
8000 8120 0003
8000 8122 1580
8000 8124 0008
8000 8126 328C
8000 8128 0002
8000 812A 1180
8000 812C 0004
8000 812E 328C
8000 8130 0001
8000 8132 2442
8000 8134 0002
8000 8136 1180
8000 813A 2400
8000 813C FFFF
8000 813E 2442
8000 8142 A022
8000 8144 000A
8000 8146 3416
8000 8148 0010
8000 814A A016
8000 814C 0008
8000 814E 03E0
8000 8150 8006
8000 8152 3C01
Note 1 : To use, just stand anywhere and hold Select & L1 & L2 & R1 & R2
and the screen will begin to fade and you will be in the debug-room.
Note 2 : When you want to go back to the ground, press L2 and then walk
around and you'll instantly be back on the earth. Be careful, you could
get stuck by falling into an item or similar as well. Also, doesn't work
in Overhead view-mode, when the camera is stationary and in every room etc.
Note 3 : All codes must be entered exact this way. To use, go to your item
inventory menu,and place the cursor onto any of the 128 slots in the list.
Pressing R1 lets you get through the item list forwards, pressing the L1
lets you get through the item list backwards. Remember that you must have
a quantity of at least 1 before you can change a blank slot to an item.
To increase or decrease the quantity of that item use L2 & R2. You can change
the quantity to whatever you like.
Be warned : Don't go to far past the blank space before the 'Potion' item (when
changing the items backwards), or the 'Occult Fan IV' item (when going forwards)
or the game will freeze.

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Abfragen: 10.541

Diese Cheats stammen von MogelPower, MogelPower ist urheberrechtlich wie wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt und darf nicht als Grundlage fuer eigene Sammlungen verwendet werden.