Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Both Modes

Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen): Cheats für Both Modes

0-9 B D F H J L N P R T V X Z A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Alphabetische Auswahl
1 A B C D E F G H I J K L N M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Both Modes
(Gamebuster-Codes für PlayStation (PAL-Versionen))

0 Codes
Codes 1 - 4, 10, 11 & 29 - 33 Nachbrenner
Codes 5 & 6 by DiamondCutter
Code 9 by slab
Codes 7, 8 & 14 - 19 by
Codes 12, 13 & 20 - 24 by elend &
Codes 25 - 28 by elend & Nachbrenner
3004 A78A 0020
D008 A75E AC24
3008 A75E 0020
D001 DE52 AC24
3001 DE52 0020
D004 EDE6 AC24
3004 EDE6 0020
2Y-FixD008 7288 0010
8008 7288 0000
D004 70A4 0010
8004 70A4 0000
D004 B700 0010
8004 B700 0000
D001 AE7C 0010
8001 AE7C 0000
3Stopwatch slowed down (Note 1)D005 7EF8 0028
8005 7EF8 0001
4Stopwatch 00:00:001 & dumb opponents (Note 1)D005 7EF8 0028
8005 7EF8 0000
D005 7EFA 2442
3005 7EFA 0002
5Turbo-Boost I
(Press R3)
D00B C016 0002
800B 6DBE 0005
D00B C016 0002
800B 6D92 0005
6Only one lap to race ( Note 4 )D00B 6700 0000
800B 6700 0002
7Every race lasts two laps
(Press Select & L1 & R1)
D00C 0942 F3FE
800B 619C 0002
8Every race lasts two laps & always first
(Press Select & L2 & R2)
D00C 0942 FCFE
800B 619C 0002
D00C 0942 FCFE
300B 6700 0002
9Drive through carsD006 21C0 00E8
8006 21C2 1000
Drive through walls
(Press L3)
D00C 0942 FFFD
3006 7228 0000
(Press R3)
D00C 0942 FFFB
3006 7228 00FF
Turbo-Boost II
(Note 3)
12Part 1D00C 0942 B0FF
8000 0002 6464
D00C 0942 FFFE
8000 0002 0000
13Part 2D000 0002 6464
300B FEEC 0003
Keep language
14US3004 DDA4 0000
15UK3004 DDA4 0001
16France3004 DDA4 0002
17Germany3004 DDA4 0003
18Italy3004 DDA4 0004
19Spain3004 DDA4 0005
Cam codes
(Press Left & Select)
D00B C016 0081
300B 6362 001A
(Press Up & Select)
D00B C016 0011
300B 6362 0011
(Press Down & Select)
D00B C016 0041
300B 6362 0014
(Press Right & Select)
D00B C016 0021
300B 6362 0016
(Press R1 & Select)
D00B C016 0801
300B 6362 0031
25Camera reset
(Press Select & L1 & L2)
D00B C016 0501
300B 6362 0000
26Hoodcam right
(Press Square & Select)
D00B C016 8001
300B 6362 002C
27MicroMachines cam
(Press R2 & Select)
D00B C016 0201
300B 6362 00BD
28Skycam right
(Press Circle & Select)
D00B C016 2001
300B 6362 00C1
29256 cams selectableD001 DD3C 0002
3001 DD3C 00FF
Grip modifiers
(Note 2)
30Always asphaltD005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8C 0000
D005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8E 3403
31Always curbsD005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8C 0001
D005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8E 3403
32Always grassD005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8C 0002
D005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8E 3403
33Always sandD005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8C 0003
D005 FB92 A143
8005 FB8E 3403
Note 1 : Use only one of the codes.
Note 2 : Use only one of the codes.
Note 3 : Press L1 & L2 & R1 & R2 and X to activate, press Select to deactivate.
Note 4 : You will finish the race as you pass the startline on all two lap races.

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