007 - Die Welt ist nicht genug (e)
007 Legends (Multiplayer) (e)
The 11th Hour (dt)
The 11th Hour (e)
The 11th Hour (e)
1830 - Railroads and Robber Barons (e)
1914 - The Great War (e)
1942 (e)
1942 (e)
1942 - The Pacific Air War (e)
1944 - Across the Rhine (e)
24 - The Game (dt)
2400 AD (dt)
2400 AD (e)
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (dt)
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (e)
4X4 Evolution (e)
68000 (dt)
688(I) Hunter/Killer (e)
688(I) Hunter/Killer (e)
The 7th Guest (dt)
The 7th Guest (dt)
The 7th Guest (e)
9 - The Last Resort (dt)
9 - The Last Resort (e)
A-10 Attack! (e)
A-10 Attack! (e)
A-Train (dt)
Abenteuer auf der Lego-Insel (e)
Abenteuer Europa (dt)
Die Abenteuer von Rad Gravity (e)
Die Abenteuer von Valdo und Marie (dt)
Abuse (e)
Abuse (e)
The Abyss - Incident at Europa (e)
Ace Combat 2 (e)
Ace Combat 3 - Electrosphere (e)
Ace Combat 3 - Electrosphere (e)
Ace Ventura (dt)
Ace Ventura (e)
Acid Moon (dt)
ActRaiser (e)
ActRaiser 2 (e)
Adam - The Double Factor (e)
The Addams Family (e)
Addams Family Values (e)
Adidas Power Soccer (e)
Admiral Sea Battles (e)
Admiral Sea Battles (e)
ADOM - Ancient Domains of Mystery (e)
ADOM - Ancient Domains of Mystery (e)
Adrenix (Hex-Cheats) (e)
Advanced Squad Leader (Brettspiel) (e)
Advanced Tactical Fighters (dt)
Adventure in Time (e)
Adventureland (e)
Adventureland (e)
Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (e)
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension (e)
The Adventures of Darwin (e)
Adventures of Lolo (e)
Adventures of Lolo 2
Adventures of Lolo 3 (e)
The Adventures of Robin Hood (dt)
Adventures of the Smart Patrol (e)
The Adventures of Willy Beamish (dt)
The Adventures of Willy Beamish (e)
The Adventures of Willy Beamish (e)
Aerobiz Supersonic (e)
Aerofighters Assault (e)
Aerostar (e)
Die Affäre Morlov (dt)
Die Affäre Morlov (e)
Afterlife (dt)
Afterlife (e)
Age of Empires (dt)
Age of Empires (dt)
Age of Empires (e)
Age of Empires (e)
Age of Empires - Der Aufstieg Roms (dt)
Age of Empires - Der Aufstieg Roms (e)
Age of Empires 2 (dt)
Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors (e)
Age of Renaissance (Brettspiel) (e)
Age of Wonders - Shadow Magic (e)
Agent XXL (dt)
Aggressive Inline (e)
AGON (e)
AH-64D Longbow (dt)
Airline Tycoon (dt)
Airline Tycoon (e)
Akalabeth (e)
Akte Europa (dt)
Akuji - The Heartless (dt)
Al-Qadim (dt)
Al-Qadim (e)
Al-Qadim (e)
Aladdin (dt)
Aladdin (e)
Albion (dt)
Albion (e)
Albion (Tipps) (dt)
Alcatraz (dt)
Alcatraz - Prison Escape (e)
Alexander Zickler Total Soccer 2002
Alfred Chicken (e)
Alice in Wonderland (e)
Alice in Wonderland (e)
Alice in Wonderland (e)
Alien Breed (dt)
Alien Breed - Tower Assault (dt)
Alien Breed 2 (dt)
Alien Breed 3D (dt)
Alien Breed 3D 2 - The Killing Grounds (dt)
Alien Cabal (e)
Alien Cabal (VEdit) (e)
Alien Earth (dt)
Alien Earth (e)
Alien Earth (e)
Alien Incident (dt)
Alien Incident (e)
Alien Legacy (dt)
Alien Odyssey (dt)
Alien Odyssey (dt)
Alien Odyssey (dt)
Alien Trilogy (dt)
Alien Virus (e)
Alien vs. Predator (e)
Aliens versus Predator (e)
Aliens versus Predator (e)
Aliens vs. Predator (dt)
All Japan Women's Pro Wrestling (e)
Alleyway (e)
Alleyway (e)
Alone in the Dark (dt)
Alone in the Dark (e)
Alone in the Dark (e)
Alone in the Dark 2 (dt)
Alone in the Dark 2 (e)
Alone in the Dark 2 (e)
Alone in the Dark 2 (e)
Alone in the Dark 3 (dt)
Alone in the Dark 3 (e)
Alone in the Dark 3 (e)
Alpha Centauri (dt)
Alpha Polaris (dt)
Alpha Polaris (dt)
AlphaMan (e)
Altered Beast (e)
Altered Beast (e)
Altered Destiny (e)
Altered Destiny (e)
Alundra (dt)
Alundra (e)
Alundra (e)
Alundra (e)
Alundra (e)
The Amazing Spider-Man (e)
Amazon (e)
Amazon (Level 1) (e)
Amazon - The Guardians of Eden (dt)
Amber - Reisen ins Jenseits (dt)
Amber - Reisen ins Jenseits (dt)
Ambermoon (dt)
Amberstar (dt)
Ambush at Sorinor (dt)
Amenophis - Die Auferstehung (e)
American Gladiators (e)
Amerzone - Das dunkle Vermächtnis (dt)
Amnesia - The Dark Descent (e)
Amnesia - The Dark Descent (dt)
Amok (e)
Das Amt (dt)
Anarchy Online (e)
Ancient Domains of Mystery (e)
Android Pinball (e)
Andromedas Erbe (dt)
Angel Devoid - Face of the Enemy (e)
Angel Devoid - Face of the Enemy (e)
Angel Eyes (e)
Angel Eyes (e)
Angelique (e)
Animamundi - Dark Alchemist (e)
Animamundi - Dark Alchemist (e)
Animamundi - Dark Alchemist (e)
Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis (e)
Anno 1503 (e)
Anno 1602 (e)
Anno 1602 (dt)
Anno 1602 (dt)
Anno 1602 - Neue Inseln, Neue Abenteuer (dt)
Anomaly - Warzone Earth (e)
Another Code (dt)
Another World (dt)
Another World (e)
Another World (e)
Another World (e)
Another World (e)
Another World (e)
Another World (e)
Anstoss 2 (dt)
Anstoss 2 (dt)
Anstoss 3 (dt)
Anvil of Dawn (dt)
Anvil of Dawn (e)
Anvil of Dawn (e)
Ape Escape (e)
Ape Escape (e)
Apidya (dt)
Aqua Aqua (dt)
Aquanaut's Holiday (e)
Aquanox 2 (e)
Aquaria (e)
Arabian Nights (e)
Arachnophobia (e)
Arc the Lad (e)
Arc the Lad (e)
Arc the Lad (e)
Arc the Lad 2 (e)
Arcan - Der Schatz des Hexenmeisters (dt)
Arcana (e)
Arcanum (e)
Archibald Applebrook's Abenteuer (dt)
Are you afraid of the Dark? The Tale of Orpheo's Curse (e)
Area 51 (e)
Area 51 (e)
Area D (dt)
Argh! (dt)
Argh! (dt)
Ark of Time (dt)
Arkadian Warriors (e)
Armed Dragon Fantasy Villgust (dt)
Armored Core (e)
Armored Core (e)
Armored Core (e)
Armored Core - Project Phantasma (e)
Armored Core 2 (e)
Armored Fist 2 (dt)
Armorines - Project SWARM (dt)
Army Men - Air Tactics (e)
The Arrival (e)
Art of Fighting (e)
Art of Fighting 2 (e)
Art of Fighting 2 (e)
Art of Fighting 2 (e)
Art of Fighting 3 (e)
Art Truck Battle (e)
Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (e)
Arthur - The Quest for Excalibur (e)
Arx Fatalis (dt)
Ascendancy (e)
Asghan (e)
Ashgan (dt)
Assassin's Creed (dt)
Assault Rigs (dt)
Asse der Tiefe (dt)
Astal (e)
Asterix & Obelix XXL 2 - Mission Las Vegum (e)
Astyanax (e)
Asuka 120% Special - Burning Fest (e)
Atelier Marie (e)
Athena - Awakening from the Ordinary Life (e)
Athena - Awakening from the Ordinary Life (e)
Atlantis (dt)
Atlantis (dt)
Atlantis (dt)
Atlantis (e)
Atlantis 2 (dt)
Atomic Bomberman (e)
Attack from Mars (e)
Attack from Mars (e)
Attack from Mars (e)
Attack from Mars (e)
Auf der Suche nach dem Ultimate Mix (dt)
Avalon Arena (e)
Axelay (e)
Azrael's Tear (dt)
Azrael's Tear (e)
Azrael's Tear (e)
Azrael's Tear (e)
Aztec (e)
Azure Dreams (e)
Azure Dreams (e)
Azure Dreams (e)
Azure Dreams (e)
Azure Dreams (e)
B.S.S. Jane Seymour - Federation Quest 1 (dt)
Backstage (dt)
BackTrack (e)
Bad Blood (e)
Bad Cat (e)
Bad Day on the Midway (e)
Bad Mojo (e)
Bad Mojo (dt)
Bad Mojo (dt)
Baldies (e)
Baldies (e)
Baldur's Gate (dt)
Baldur's Gate (e)
Baldur's Gate (e)
Baldur's Gate (Item List) (e)
Baldur's Gate - Die Legenden der Schwertküste (dt)
Baldur's Gate - Die Legenden der Schwertküste (e)
Baldur's Gate - Die Legenden der Schwertküste (e)
Baldur's Gate - Die Legenden der Schwertküste (e)
Baldur's Gate - Die Legenden der Schwertküste (e)
Ballistic (e)
Bally Vector (Flipper) (e)
Bally's Corvette (Flipper) (e)
Bally's Creature from the Black Lagoon (Flipper) (e)
Bally's Creature from the Black Lagoon (Flipper) (e)
Ballyhoo (dt)
Ballyhoo (e)
Ballz 3D (e)
Ballz 3D (e)
Bandit Kings of Ancient China (dt)
Bangai-O (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (dt)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Banjo-Kazooie (e)
Baphomets Fluch (dt)
Baphomets Fluch (dt)
Baphomets Fluch (dt) (Umlaute)
Baphomets Fluch (e)
Baphomets Fluch (e)
Baphomets Fluch 2 - Die Spiegel der Finsternis (dt)
Baphomets Fluch 2 - Die Spiegel der Finsternis (dt)
Baphomets Fluch 2 - Die Spiegel der Finsternis (e)
Baphomets Fluch 2 - Die Spiegel der Finsternis (e)
Baphomets Fluch 2 - Die Spiegel der Finsternis (e)
Baphomets Fluch 2.5 (dt)
Baphomets Fluch 3 - Der schlafende Drache (dt)
Barb Wire (Flipper) (e)
The Bard's Tale (e)
The Bard's Tale (e)
The Bard's Tale 2 - The Destiny Knight (e)
The Bard's Tale 3 (e)
Baseball FAQ (e) (NES)
Bass Hunter 64 (e)
Bastard!! (e)
Bastard!! (e)
Bastard!! (e)
BAT (dt)
BAT (e)
Batman (dt)
Batman (e)
Batman Forever (e)
Batman Returns (e)
Batman Returns (e)
Batman Vengeance (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 (e)
Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (e)
Battle Beast (Secrets + Cheats) (e)
Battle Bugs (e)
Battle Bugs (dt)
Battle Isle 3 - Schatten des Imperators (dt)
Battle Isle 3 - Schatten des Imperators (dt)
The Battle of Olympus (e)
The Battle of Olympus (e)
The Battle of Olympus (e)
Battlecruiser Millennium - Gold Edition (e)
Battlefield 2 (Knife Guide) (e)
BattleTanx - Global Assault (e)
BattleTanx - Global Assault (Multiplayer) (e)
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Inception (dt)
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (e)
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawk's Revenge (e)
BattleTech Counterstrike (Trading Card Game) (e)
Battletoads (e)
Battlezone (dt)
Battlezone (e)
Battlezone 2 (dt)
Bazooka Sue (dt)
Beatmania (e)
Beatmania (e)
Beavis and Butt-Head (e)
Beavis and Butt-Head Do-U (e)
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity (dt)
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity (e)
Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity (e)
Beetle Adventure Racing (e)
Beetle Adventure Racing (e)
Beetle Adventure Racing (e)
Beetle Adventure Racing (e)
Below the Root (e)
Below the Root (e)
Beneath a Steel Sky (dt)
Beneath A Steel Sky (dt) (Umlaute)
Beneath A Steel Sky (e)
Beneath A Steel Sky (e)
Benefactor (dt)
Berlin Connection (1994) (dt)
Berlin Connection (1998) (dt)
Bermuda Project (dt)
Bermuda Syndrome (dt)
Bermuda Syndrome (dt)
Bermuda Syndrome (dt)
Best of the Best (e) (SNES)
Betrayal at Krondor (e)
Betrayal at Krondor (dt)
Betrayal in Antara (e)
Betrayal in Antara (e)
Beyond Good & Evil (e)
Beyond the Beyond (e)
Beyond the Beyond (e)
Beyond the Beyond (e)
Beyond Time (e)
Beyond Time (e)
Beyond Zork (e)
BiFi 1 - Snackzone (dt)
BiFi 2 - Action in Hollywood (dt)
BiFi 2 - Action in Hollywood (dt)
Big Bang Bar (Flipper) (e)
The Big Red Adventure (dt)
The Big Red Adventure (e)
Biing! (dt)
Biing! (dt)
Biing! 2 (dt)
Biing! 2 (dt)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (e)
Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure (e)
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (e)
Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg (e)
Bio Freaks (e)
Bio Freaks (e)
Bio Freaks (e)
Bio Menace (dt)
Bio Menace (e)
Bioforge (dt)
Bioforge (dt)
Bioforge (e)
Bioforge (e)
Bioforge (e)
Bioforge (e)
Bioforge (e)+(dt) ???
Bionic Commando (1988) (Dialoge) (e)
Bionic Commando (1988) (e)
Biosys (dt)
Birth of the Phoenix (e)
Black & Bruised (e)
Black & White (e)
Black Angel (e)
The Black Cauldron (dt)
The Black Cauldron (e)
The Black Cauldron (e)
The Black Cauldron (e)
Black Crypt (dt)
Black Dahlia (dt)
Black Dahlia (e)
Black Dahlia (e)
Black Dragon (CompuServe) (e)
Black Hole (Flipper) (e)
Black Knight (Flipper) (e)
Black Mirror (dt)
Blackstone Chroniken (dt)
Blackstone Chroniken (dt)
Blackthorne Level Codes
Blackwater 100 (Flipper) (e)
The Blackwell Legacy (e)
The Blade of Blackpoole (e)
The Blade of Blackpoole (e)
Blade Runner (dt)
Blade Runner (e)
Blade Runner (e)
Blade Runner (e)
Blade Runner (e)
Blair Witch Volume 1 - Rustin Parr (e)
Blast Corps (dt)
Blast Corps (e)
Blaster Master (e)
Blazing Dragons (dt)
Blazing Dragons (e)
Blazing Dragons (e)
Blazing Dragons (e)
Blazing Tornado (e) (SegaSat)
Bleifuss (e)
Bleifuss 2 (e)
Blinky 2 (e)
The Blobjob (e)
Blood (dt)
Blood (e)
Blood (Episode 1 - The Way of all Flesh) (e)
Bloodnet (e)
Bloodstone (e)
Bloody Roar (Moves) (e)
Bloody Roar (Moves) (e)
Bloody Roar 2 (e)
Bloody Roar 2 (e)
Bloody Roar 2 (e)
Bloody Roar 2 (e)
Bloody Wolf (Turbografx-16) (e)
Blown Away (e)
Blue Force (dt)
Blue Force (e)
Blue Force (e)
Blue Force (e)
Blue Force (e)
Blue Ice (e)
Blue Seed (e)
Blue Shadow (dt)
Blue Shadow (e)
Blue Stinger (e)
Blue Stinger (e)
Bob Squisch und der moosige Moorkönig (dt)
Body Harvest (dt)
Body Harvest (e)
Bomberman '94 FAQ (e)
Bomberman 64 (e)
Bomberman 64 (e)
Bomberman 64 - The Second Attack (e)
Bomberman Quest (e)
Bomberman Quest (e)
Bomberman Wars (e)
Bonetown (e)
Borderlands (e)
Borrowed Time (dt)
Borrowed Time (e)
Borrowed Time (e)
Borrowed Time (e)
Boss Rally (e)
The Bouncer (dt)
Box Champions (Moves) (e)
Brain Dead 13 (e)
Brain Dead 13 (e)
Brain Dead 13 (e)
Bram Stoker's Dracula (Flipper) (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Fencer Musashi (e)
Brave Prove (e)
Breakshot Pinball (Flipper) (e)
Breath of Fire (e)
Breath of Fire (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (dt)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 3 (e)
Breath of Fire 4 (e)
Brian Lara's Cricket 96
Brigandine (e)
Brigandine (e)
Brigandine (e)
Brigandine (e)
Brigandine (e)
Brigandine (Quest FAQ) (e)
Broken Helix (e)
Broken Helix (e)
Broken Helix (e)
Brutal - Paws of Fury (e)
The Bubble Bobble FAQ (e)
The Bubble Bobble FAQ (e)
Bubble Memories - The Story of Bubble Bobble 3 (Arcade) (e)
Bubble Symphony (e)
Bubble Symphony (e)
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (e)
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (e)
Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday (e)
Buck Rogers - Matrix Cubed (e)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (dt)
Bud Tucker in Double Trouble (e)
Buffy im Bann der Dämonen - Chaos Bleeds (e)
A Bug's Life - Das große Krabbeln (dt)
Bundesliga Manager 97 (dt)
Bundesliga Manager 97 (dt) Teil 2
Bundesliga Manager 97 (dt) Teil 3
Bundesliga Manager 98 (dt)
Burai Fighter Deluxe (e)
Bureau 13 (e)
Bureau 13 (dt)
Bureau 13 (e)
Bureaucracy (e)
Bureaucracy (e)
Bureaucracy (e)
Bureaucracy (e)
Burn Cycle (e)
Burn Cycle (e)
Burning Paper (e)
Burnout (e)
Burnout Paradise (dt)
Burntime (dt)
Bushido Blade (e)
Bushido Blade (e)
Bushido Blade (e)
Bushido Blade 2 (e)
Bushido Blade 2 (e)
Bushido Blade 2 (e)
Bushido Blade 2 (e)
Bust A Groove (FAQ) (e)
Bust A Groove (Musik-FAQ) (e)
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix FAQ (e)
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix FAQ (e)
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix FAQ (e)
Bust a Move 2 - Dance Tengoku Mix FAQ (e)
Bust a Move 2 - Saturn FAQ (e)
Bust a Move 2 Beginner FAQ (e)
Bust a Move Codes (e)
Bust a Move High Scoring Moves (e)
Bust a Move/Groove (e)
Bust a Move/Groove FAQ (e)
Bust-A-Groove (e)
Bust-A-Move (e)
Bust-A-Move (e)
Bust-A-Move 2 (e)
Bust-A-Move 2 (e)
Buster Bros Collection (e)
Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space (e)
Byteria Saga - Heroine Iysayana (dt)
Byzantine - Tod in Istanbul (dt)
Byzantine - Tod in Istanbul (e)
Cadaver (dt)
Cadaver (e)
Caesar 2 (e)
Caesar 3 (dt)
Caesar 3 (e)
Caesar 3 (e)
California Speed (e)
Call of Cthulhu - Dark Corners of the Earth (e)
Das Camp (dt)
Cannon Fodder (dt)
Cannon Fodder 2 (dt)
Capitalism (dt)
Capitalism (dt)
Capitalism (dt)
Capt. Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy (Flipper) (e)
Captain Comic (e)
Captain Comic (e)
Captain Commando (e)
Captain Gysi - Galaxis Futura (dt)
Captain Gysi und das Raumschiff Bonn (dt)
Captain Tsubasa J - Get in the Tomorrow (e)
Captain Zins (dt)
Cardcaptor Sakura - Tomoyo no Video Daisakusen (e)
Cardcaptor Sakura - Tomoyo no Video Daisakusen (e)
Cardinal Syn (e)
Caribbean Disaster (dt)
Carmageddon (dt)
Carmageddon (e)
Carmageddon (e)
Carrier Aces (e)
Cash on Wheels -- Barren Realms Elite (BBS) (e)
Casper (e)
Castle Master 1 (dt)
Castle of Dr. Brain (e)
Castle of Dr. Brain (dt)
Castles 2 - Siege & Conquest (e)
Castlevania (dt)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania (e)
Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (dt)
Castlevania - Rondo of Blood (e)
Castlevania - Rondo of Blood (e)
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (e)
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (e)
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (e)
Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (Enemy FAQ) (e)
Castlevania 2 - Simon's Quest (e)
Castlevania 2 - Simon's Quest (e)
Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse (e)
Castlevania Legends (e)
Cavewars (e)
Centaur 2 (Flipper) (e)
Centauri Alliance (e)
Challenge of the Five Realm (e)
Champion Pub (Flipper) (e)
Champions of Krynn (dt)
Champions of Krynn (e)
Championship Manager 2 (e)
Championship Manager 3 (e)
Chaneques (dt)
Chaos - A Fantasy Adventure Game (e)
Chaos - A Fantasy Adventure Game (e)
Chaos Island (e)
Chaos Overlords (dt)
Chasm - The Rift (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Checkpoint (Flipper) (e)
Chewy - Esc von F5 (dt)
Chewy - Esc von F5 (dt)
Chewy - Esc von F5 (dt)
Chewy - Esc von F5 (dt)
Chiller (e)
Chip's Challenge (e)
Chip's Challenge (e)
Chip's Challenge (e)
Chocobo Racing (e)
Chocobo Racing (e)
Chocobo Racing (e)
Chocobo Racing (e)
Chocobo Racing (e)
Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon (e)
Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon (Items) (e)
Chrome (e)
Chronicles of the Sword (e)
Chronicles of the Sword (e)
Chrono Cross (Mini-Guide) (e)
Chrono Quest (e)
Chrono Quest (e)
Chrono Trigger (e)
Chrono Trigger (e)
Chrono Trigger (e)
Chronomaster (e)
Chuck Rock (e)
Circuit's Edge (e)
Cirqus Voltaire (Flipper) (e)
CITY 2000 (e)
City of Heroes (Martial Arts FAQ) (e)
City of Villains (Energy Melee FAQ) (e)
CivCity Rom (e)
Civil War (dt)
Civilization (e)
Civilization (e)
Civilization - Call to Power (dt)
Civilization 2 (dt)
Civilization 2 (e)
Civilization 2 (e)
Civilization 2 (e)
Civilization 3 (dt)
Clan Lord (e)
Clandestiny (e)
Clay Fighter (e)
Clay Fighter (e)
Clay Fighter 2 (e)
Clay Fighter 63 1/3 (e)
Clay Fighter 63 1/3 (e)
Cleanman (dt)
Clock Tower (e)
Close Combat (e)
Close Combat (e)
Close Combat - A Bridge Too Far (e)
Close Combat - First to Fight (e)
Der Clou! (dt)
Der Clou! (e)
Der Clou! 2 (e)
Club Dead (e)
Cluedo Chronicles - Tödliche Täuschung (dt)
Cluedo Chronicles - Tödliche Täuschung (e)
Coaster (e)
Cobra Mission (dt)
Cobra Mission (e)
Code Warrior FAQ (e) (PSX)
Codename: Iceman (e)
Codename: Iceman (e)
Cold Blood (dt)
Cold Fear (dt)
ColecoVision (Konsole) (FAQ) (e)
Colin McRae Rally (dt)
The Colonel's Bequest (dt)
The Colonel's Bequest (e)
The Colonel's Bequest (e)
The Colonel's Bequest (e)
The Colonel's Bequest (e)
The Colonel's Bequest (e)
Colonization (dt)
Colonization (e)
Colonization (e)
Colonization (e)
Colonization (e)
The Colony (dt)
The Colony (e)
Colony Wars - Vengeance (e)
Colossal Cave Adventure (e)
Colossal Cave Adventure (e)
Comanche (dt)
Comanche 3 (dt)
Comanche 3 (e)
Comanche 4 (e)
Combat Flight Simulator (dt)
Come See Me Tonight 2 (e)
Comic Jumper - The Adventures of Captain Smiley (e)
Comix Zone (e)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot (dt)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot (e)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot (e)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot (e)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot (e)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot 2 (e)
Command & Conquer - Alarmstufe Rot 3 (dt)
Command & Conquer - Der Ausnahmezustand (dt)
Command & Conquer - Der Ausnahmezustand (e)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (Dateilisten) (dt)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (dt)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (e)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (e)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (File Formats) (e)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (GDI) (dt)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (Infotainment File) (dt)
Command & Conquer - Der Tiberiumkonflikt (Multiplayer) (e)
Command & Conquer - Gegenangriff (dt)
Command & Conquer - Gegenangriff (e)
Command & Conquer - Operation Tiberian Sun (dt)
Command & Conquer - Operation Tiberian Sun (dt)
Command & Conquer - Operation Tiberian Sun (e)
Command & Conquer - Operation Tiberian Sun (e)
Command & Conquer - Operation Tiberian Sun: Feuersturm (dt)
Command & Conquer - Vergeltungsschlag (dt)
Commander Keen (Serien-FAQ) (e)
Commandos - Hinter feindlichen Linien (dt)
Commandos - Im Auftrag der Ehre (dt)
Community Pom (e)
Companions of Xanth (e)
Companions of Xanth (dt)
Companions of Xanth (e)
Computer Bismarck (e)
Conan - The Cimmerian (e)
Conan - The Cimmerian (dt)
Confidential Mission
Confirmed Kill (Entwicklung eingestellt) (FAQ) (e)
Conflict - Freespace (dt)
Conflict - Freespace (dt)
Congo (dt)
Congo (e)
Conker - Live and Reloaded (dt)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (e)
Conker's Pocket Tales (dt)
Conker's Pocket Tales (e)
Conker's Pocket Tales (e)
Conker's Pocket Tales (e)
Conker's Pocket Tales (e)
Connections (e)
Conquest of the New World (dt)
Conquest of the New World (e)
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail (e)
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail (dt)
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail (e)
Conquests of Camelot - The Search for the Grail (e)
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood (dt)
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood (e)
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood (e)
Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood (e)
Constructor (dt)
Contra (e)
Contra 3 - The Alien Wars
Cool Boarders (e)
Cool Boarders (e)
Cool Boarders 2 (e)
Cool Boarders 2 (e)
Cool Boarders 2 (e)
Cool Boarders 3 (e)
Cool Boarders 3 (e)
Cool Boarders 3 (Spanisch)
Cool Spot (e)
Core War FAQ (e)
Corridor 7 - Alien Invasion (e)
Corruption (dt)
Corruption (e)
Cosmic Encounter (Brettspiel) (e)
Cosmic Fantasy 2 (e)
The Count (e)
The Count (e)
Countdown (dt)
Countdown (e)
Countdown (e)
The Coveted Mirror (e)
The Coveted Mirror (e)
Crack Does Pay (dt)
Crackdown (e)
Crackdown (dt)
Cranston Manor (e)
Crash 'n the Boys - Ice Challenge (e)
Crash Bandicoot (Boss-Guide) (e)
Crash Bandicoot (e)
Crash Bandicoot (Gems-FAQ) (e)
Crash Bandicoot (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped (dt)
Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped (e)
Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped (Time Trial) (e)
Crazy Circus (dt)
Crazy Taxi (e)
Creature Shock (dt)
Creature Shock (dt)
Creature Shock (e)
Creature Venture (e)
Creatures (dt)
Creatures (dt)
Creatures 2 (dt)
Crime Cities (e)
Crime Patrol (e)
Crime Wave (e)
The Crimson Crown (e)
Crisis Beat (e)
Critical Blow (e)
Critical Blow (e)
Critical Mass (e)
Critical Path (dt)
Critical Path (e)
Critical Path (e)
Criticom (e)
Cruis'n USA (Driver's Guide) (e)
Cruis'n USA (Driver's Guide) (e)
Cruis'n USA (Driving FAQ) (e)
Cruis'n USA (e)
Cruis'n World (Arcade) (e)
Cruis'n World (e)
Cruise for a Corpse (e)
Cruise for a Corpse (dt)
Crusade (dt)
Crusader - No Regret (dt)
Crusader - No Regret (e)
Crusader - No Regret (e)
Crusader - No Remorse (dt)
Crusader - No Remorse (dt)
Crusader - No Remorse (dt)
Crusader and Crusader Series FAQ (e)
Crusher Castle 2 (e)
Crypt of Medea (e)
Crysis Warhead (dt)
Crystal Dragon (dt)
The Crystal Skull (e)
Crystalis (e)
CTU - Marine Sharpshooter (e)
Cue Ball Wizard (Flipper) (e)
The Curse of Crowley Manor (e)
Curse of Enchantia (dt)
The Curse of Monkey Island (e)
The Curse of Monkey Island (dt)
The Curse of Monkey Island (dt)
The Curse of Monkey Island (dt)
The Curse of Monkey Island (dt)
The Curse of Monkey Island (e)
The Curse of Monkey Island (e)
Curse of the Azure Bonds (dt)
Curse of the Azure Bonds (e)
Curses (e)
Cutthroats (e)
Cutthroats (e)
Cyber Cycles (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Cyberbots - Full Metal Madness (Moves) (e)
Cyberbots - Full Metal Madness (Moves) (e)
Cyberia (dt)
Cyberia (e)
Cyberia (e)
Cyberia 2 - Resurrection (dt)
Cyberia 2 - Resurrection (dt)
Cyberia 2 - Resurrection (dt)
Cyberia 2 - Resurrection (e)
Cyberia 2 - Resurrection (e)
Cybermage (dt)
Cybermage (dt)
Cybermage (dt)
The Cyberplasm Formula (e)
Cyberpunks (Projekt-FAQ) (e)
Cyborg (e)
D (dt)
D (e)
D/Generation (e)
D/Generation (e)
D2 (dt)
The Daedalus Encounter (dt)
The Daedalus Encounter (e)
The Daedalus Encounter (Karten) (e)
Daikatana (dt)
The Dallas Quest (e)
The Dallas Quest (e)
The Dallas Quest (dt)
The Dame was Loaded (dt)
The Dame was Loaded (e)
The Dame was Loaded (e)
Dance Dance Revolution (e)
Dance! Dance! Dance! (e)
Dare to Dream (1) (e)
Dare to Dream (1-3) (dt)
Darius Gaiden (e)
Dark Arms (e)
The Dark Crystal (e)
The Dark Crystal (e)
Dark Earth (dt)
Dark Earth (dt)
Dark Earth (e)
Dark Earth (e)
Dark Empire (e)
The Dark Eye (e)
Dark Fall - Das Journal des Geisterjägers (e)
Dark Fall - Das Journal des Geisterjägers (e)
Dark Fall - Das Journal des Geisterjägers (e)
The Dark Half (dt)
The Dark Heart of Uukrul (e)
The Dark Heart of Uukrul (e)
Dark Hero (dt)
Dark Legend (Combo-FAQ) (e)
Dark Legend (e)
Dark Project - Der Meisterdieb (dt)
Dark Project - Der Meisterdieb (e)
Dark Project - Der Meisterdieb (e)
Dark Project - Der Meisterdieb: Director's Cut (e)
Dark Project 2 - The Metal Age (dt)
The Dark Queen of Krynn (e)
The Dark Queen of Krynn (e)
Dark Reign (dt)
Dark Reign (e)
Dark Reign (Lösung ab Mission 5) (dt)
Dark Rift (Combos) (e)
Dark Rift (e)
Dark Seed (dt)
Dark Seed (e)
Dark Seed (e)
Dark Seed (e)
Dark Seed 2 (dt)
Dark Seed 2 (e)
Dark Seed 2 (e)
Dark Souls (e)
Dark Sun - Shattered Lands (dt)
Dark Sun - Shattered Lands (e)
Dark Sun - Wake of the Ravager (dt)
Dark Sun - Wake of the Ravager (e)
Dark Sun Online - Crimson Sands (e)
Dark Tower (e)
Darkened Skye (e)
Darklands (e)
Darkmere (dt)
Darkside of the Sun - Der Stab des Lichts (dt)
Darkside of the Sun 2 - Palast der Verdammnis (dt)
Darkstalkers 3 (e)
Darkstalkers 3 (e)
Darkstalkers 3 (e)
Darkstalkers 3 (e)
Darkstalkers 3 (e)
DarkStar One (e)
Darkstone (dt)
Darkstone (dt)
Darkstone (e)
Darkstone - Necromina (dt)
Darkwatch (dt)
Daughter of Serpents (e)
Daughter of Serpents (dt)
Daughter of Serpents (The Scroll) (e)
Dave Dude in The Holiday Story 95 (e)
Dave Dude in The Holiday Story 95 (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Day of the Tentacle (dt)
Day of the Tentacle (e)
Day of the Tentacle (e)
Day of the Tentacle (e)
Day of the Tentacle (e)
Day of the Tentacle (e)
Day of the Tentacle (e)
Days of Oblivion (dt)
Days of Oblivion 2 - Frozen Eternity (dt)
DBquest (e)
Dead Angle (e)
Dead or Alive (e)
Dead or Alive (e)
Dead or Alive (e)
Dead or Alive (e)
Dead or Alive (e)
Dead or Alive 2 (e)
Dead to Rights (e)
Deadline (dt)
Deadline (e)
Deadline (e)
Deadlock (e)
Deadly Skies - Airforce Delta (Dreamcast) (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Death Crimson 2 (e)
Death Gate (dt)
Death Gate (e)
Death Gate (e)
Death in the Caribbean (e)
Death Knights of Krynn (e)
Death or Glory - Das Erbe von Morgan (dt)
Death Rally (e)
Deathkeep (dt)
Deathlord (e)
Deathlord (Skripte) (e)
Deathtrap Dungeon (e)
Deep Fear (e)
Deep Fighter (e)
Deep Fighter (dt)
Defcon 5 (e)
Defcon 5 (e)
Deja Vu (e)
Deja Vu (dt)
Deja Vu 2 (dt)
Deja Vu 2 (e)
Deja Vu 2 (e)
Deja Vu 2 (e)
Deja Vu 2 (e)
Delta Force (e)
Delta Force - Task Force Dagger (e)
Delta Force 2 (e)
Delta Force 2 (e)
Demetrios (e)
The Demon's Forge (e)
Demon's Tomb - The Awakening (e)
Demon's Tomb - The Awakening (e)
Demon's Winter (e)
Demons Lair (Hex-Liste) (e)
Denarius Avaricius Sextus (e)
Descent (e)
Descent (e)
Descent 3 (dt)
Desert Strike (dt)
Desperados (e)
Destiny of an Emperor (e)
Destiny of an Emperor (e)
Destiny of an Emperor (e)
Destiny of an Emperor (e)
Destiny of an Emperor (e)
Destiny of an Emperor 2 (e)
Destiny of an Emperor 2 (e)
Destrega (Celia) (e)
Destrega (e)
Destrega (e)
Destrega (Gradd) (e)
Destrega (Rohzen) (e)
Destrega (Zauber) (e)
The Detective (e)
Deus (e)
Deus Ex (dt)
Deus Ex (e)
Deus Ex (dt)
Deuteros (dt)
Devil Dice (e)
The Devil Inside (dt)
Devil May Cry 2 (e)
Devil Summoner 2 - Soul Hackers FAQ (e)
Devil's Deception (e)
Diablo (dt)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo (e)
Diablo - Hellfire (dt)
Diablo - Hellfire (e)
Diablo - Hellfire (e)
Diablo 2 (dt)
Diablo 2 (e)
Diablo 2 (Mini-Guide) (e)
Dick Tracy - The Crime-Solving Adventure (e)
Diddy Kong Racing (e)
Diddy Kong Racing (e)
Diddy Kong Racing DS (dt)
Die by the Sword (e)
Die by the Sword (e)
Die by the Sword (dt)
Die Hard Arcade (e)
Die Hard Trilogy (e)
The Dig (dt)
The Dig (e)
The Dig (e)
The Dig (e)
The Dig (e)
Diggers (e)
Digimon World (e)
Digimon World 3 (e)
Das Ding (dt)
Dink Smallwood (e)
Dino Crisis (dt)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dino Crisis (e)
Dinotopia (e)
Dirty Harry (Flipper) (e)
Disciples - Sacred Lands (e)
Discworld (dt)
Discworld (dt)
Discworld (e)
Discworld (e)
Discworld (e)
Discworld (e)
Discworld 2 (dt)
Discworld 2 (e)
Discworld 2 (e)
Discworld Noir (dt)
Discworld Noir (dt)
Discworld Noir (dt)
Discworld Noir (e)
Divine Divinity (e)
Dizzy the Adventurer (e)
Dizzy World Fantasy (dt)
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? (e)
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? (e)
DOFUS (Einsteiger-Leitfaden) (dt)
Dogday (dt)
Dogday (e)
Donkey Kong (e)
Donkey Kong 64 (e)
Donkey Kong 64 (e)
Donkey Kong 64 (dt)
Donkey Kong Country (e)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (e)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (e)
Donkey Kong Land (e)
Donkey Kong Land (e)
Doom (e)
Doom (e)
Doom 2 (e)
Double Cast (e)
Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls (e)
Double Switch (SEGA CD)
Down in the Dumps (dt)
Down in the Dumps (dt)
Dr. Chaos (e)
Dr. Chaos (e)
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde (e)
Drachen von Laas (dt)
Dracula - Resurrection (dt)
Dracula Unleashed (dt)
Dracula X - Nocturne in the Moonlight (e)
Dragon Ball Z (e)
Dragon Ball Z (e) (SNES)
Dragon Ball Z (FAQ) (e) (SegaSat)
Dragon Ball Z - Das Erbe von Goku (e)
Dragon Ball Z - Das Erbe von Goku (e)
Dragon Ball Z - Das Erbe von Goku (e)
Dragon Ball Z - Legend of the Super Saiya-Jin (e)
Dragon Ball Z Shin Butouden (e)
Dragon Crystal (e)
Dragon Force (e)
Dragon Force 2 (e)
Dragon Force 2 (e)
Dragon Lore (dt)
Dragon Lore (e)
Dragon Lore (e)
Dragon Lore (e)
Dragon Lore 2 (dt)
Dragon Lore 2 (dt)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (e)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (e)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (e)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (e)
Dragon Quest - Die Chronik der Erkorenen (e)
Dragon Quest 3 (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (Equipment List) (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (Script Translation) (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (Spell List) (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (Teil 1) (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (Teil 2) (e)
Dragon Quest 6 (Teil 3) (e)
Dragon Quest 9 - Hüter des Himmels (Alchemie) (dt)
Dragon Quest 9 - Hüter des Himmels (Berufungen und Talentpunkte) (dt)
Dragon Quest 9 - Hüter des Himmels (Einsteiger-Leitfaden) (dt)
Dragon Seeds (Item List) (e)
Dragon View (e)
Dragon Warrior (e)
Dragon Warrior (e)
Dragon Warrior 1 (e) (NES)
Dragon Warrior 2 (e)
Dragon Warrior 3 (e)
Dragon Warrior 4 (e)
Dragon Wars (dt)
Dragon Wars (e)
Dragon Wars (e)
Dragon's Blood
Dragon's Crown (e)
Dragon's Lair (e)
Dragon's Lair (e)
Dragon's Lair (e)
Dragon's Lair 3 (e)
Dragonflight (dt)
DragonHeart (e)
Dragonsphere (dt)
Dragonsphere (e)
Dragonsphere (e)
Dragonworld (dt)
Dragonworld (e)
Drakan - Order of the Flame (dt)
Drakan - Order of the Flame (dt)
Drakan - Order of the Flame (e)
Drakkhen (e)
Drakkhen (e)
Dreams to Reality (e)
DreamWeb (dt)
DreamWeb (e)
Driller (e)
Driver (e)
Driver (e)
Driver (e)
Driver 3 (dt)
Der Druidenzirkel (dt)
Der Druidenzirkel (dt)
Duck Hunt (e)
Duck Tales - The Quest for Gold (e)
Duckman (dt)
Duckman (e)
Duke Nukem - Time to Kill (e)
Duke Nukem - Time to Kill (e)
Duke Nukem 3D (dt)
Duke Nukem 3D (e)
Duke Nukem 3D (e)
Duke Nukem 3D (Editing FAQ) (e)
Duke Nukem 3D (Editor FAQ) (e)
Duke Nukem 3D (Secret Places) (e)
Duke Nukem 3D (Tipps) (e)
Duke Nukem 3D FAQ (e)
Dune (dt)
Dune (e)
Dune (e)
Dune (e)
Dune (e)
Dune 2 - Battle for Arrakis (dt)
Dune 2 - Battle for Arrakis (dt)
Dune 2 - Battle for Arrakis (e)
Dune 2 - Battle for Arrakis (MegaDrive) (e)
Dune 2000 (dt)
Dungeon Hack
Dungeon Keeper (dt)
Dungeon Keeper (dt)
Dungeon Keeper (dt)
Dungeon Keeper (e)
Dungeon Keeper (Room Guide) (e)
Dungeon Keeper - The Deeper Dungeons
Dungeon Keeper - The Deeper Dungeons (dt)
Dungeon Keeper 2 (e)
Dungeon Keeper 2 (Multiplayer FAQ) (e)
Dungeon Lords (e)
Dungeon Lords MMXII / 2012 (Hex-Codes) (e)
Dungeon Master (dt)
Dungeon Master (e)
Dungeon Master - Chaos Strikes Back (dt)
Dungeon Master 2 (dt)
Dungeon Master 2 (dt)
Dungeon Master 2 (dt)
Dungeon Master 2 (e)
Dungeon Siege (e)
Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna (e)
Dungeons of Avalon (dt)
Dunkle Manöver (dt)
Dunkle Schatten 2 (dt)
Dunkle Schatten I (dt)
Dust - A Tale of the Wired West (e)
Dust - A Tale of the Wired West (e)
Dust - A Tale of the Wired West (e)
Dynamite Cop (e)
Dynamite Headdy (e)
Dynasty Warriors (e)
E.T. Comes Back (e)
Earth 2140 (dt)
Earth 2140 (dt) Teil 1
Earth 2140 - Mission Pack 1 (dt)
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project (e)
EarthBound (e)
EarthBound (e)
Earthbound Zero FAQ (e)
Earthquake - San Francisco 1906 (e)
EarthSiege 2 (e)
Earthworm Jim (e)
Ecco the Dolphin (MD) (e)
Echo Night (e)
EcoQuest - The Search for Cetus (dt)
EcoQuest - The Search for Cetus (e)
EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (dt)
EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (e)
EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (e)
EcoQuest 2 - Lost Secret of the Rainforest (e)
Ecstatica (dt)
Ecstatica (dt)
Ecstatica (dt)
Ecstatica (dt)
Ecstatica (e)
Ecstatica (e)
Ecstatica (e)
Ecstatica 2 (dt)
Ecstatica 2 (e)
EF 2000 (e)
EF 2000 (dt)
Egg Venture (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Egypt 3 - Das Schicksal des Ramses (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Ehrgeiz (e)
Einhänder (e)
Einhänder (e)
Einhänder (e)
Einhänder 2 Strategy Guide (e)
El Dorado Gate 1 (e)
El Dorado Gate 2 (e)
El Dorado Gate 3 (e)
El Dorado Gate 4 (e)
El Dorado Gate 5 (e)
El Dorado Gate 6 (e)
El Dorado Gate 7 (e)
El-Fish (e)
El-Hazard (e)
The Elder Scrolls - Arena (dt)
The Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall (dt)
The Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall (e)
The Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall (e)
The Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall (e)
The Elder Scrolls 2 - Daggerfall (Semi-FAQ) (e)
The Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind (e)
The Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind (e)
The Elder Scrolls 4 - Oblivion (dt)
Electroplankton (dt)
Elemental Gearbolt (e)
Elisabeth I. (dt)
Elite (e)
Elite Forces - Navy SEALs (e)
Elite Forces - Navy SEALs 2 (e)
The Elk Moon Murder (dt)
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (dt)
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (e)
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of Cerberus (dt)
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of Cerberus (e)
Elvira 2 - The Jaws of Cerberus (e)
Elvira and the Party Monsters (Arcade) (e)
Emergency (e)
Emergency Room (e)
Emerson Arcadia 2001 (Konsole) (FAQ) (e)
Emperor of the Fading Suns (e)
Emperor of the Fading Suns (e)
Emperor of the Fading Suns (e)
Enchanted Castle (e)
Enchanter (dt)
Enchanter (e)
Enclave (e)
Enemy Nations (e)
Enemy Nations (Readme) (e)
Enemy Nations (Settings) (e)
Enigma (e)
Enslaved - Odyssey to the West (e)
Entombed (e)
Entomorph - Plaque of the Darkfall (dt)
Entrepreneur (e)
Die Enviro-Kids greifen ein (dt)
Epic (dt)
Das Erbe (dt)
Das Erbe 2 - Das schmutzige Erbe (dt)
Erben der Erde (dt)
Erben der Erde (dt)
Erben der Erde (dt)
Erben der Erde (e)
Eric the Unready (dt)
Escape from Delirium (dt)
Escape from Hell (e)
Escape from Ragor (dt)
Escape from Rungistan (e)
Escape from the Lost World (Flipper) (e)
Esoteria (e)
Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem (e)
Eternal Eyes (e)
Eternal Ring (e)
Eternam (dt)
Eternam (e)
Euro 96 Soccer (dt)
European Air War (dt)
Evangelion (e) (N 64)
EVE Online (Beginner's Guide) (e)
EVE Online (Caldari Ships) (e)
EVE Online (Science/Industry Guide) (e)
The even more Incredible Machine (e)
Everett Kaser FAQ (e)
Evergrace (e)
EverQuest (Baking FAQ) (e)
EverQuest (Character Guide) (e)
Everybody's Golf (e)
Everybody's Golf (e)
Everybody's Golf 2 (e)
Evidence - Wer tötete Sarah Hopkins? (dt)
Evil Genius (Research Guide) (e)
Evil Islands (e)
Evil Tower (dt)
The Evil Within (PC Console Commands) (e)
EVO - Search for Eden (e)
Evocation - Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit (dt)
Evocation - Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit (dt)
Evocation - Zwischen Traum und Wirklichkeit (dt)
Evochron Mercenary (e)
Evolution - The World of Sacred Device (e)
Evolution - The World of Sacred Device (e)
Evolva (e)
Exhumed (dt)
Exhumed (e)
Exile (dt)
Exile 1 - Escape from the Pit (e)
Exitilus (BBS) (FAQ) (e)
Exitilus (BBS) (FAQ) (e)
Expendable (dt)
Extreme Assault (e)
Extreme Assault (e)
Extreme Assault (Geheimräume) (dt)
Extreme G (e)
Extreme G (e)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (dt)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (e)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (e)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (e)
Eye of the Beholder 2 (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Eye of the Beholder 3 (dt)
Eye of the Beholder 3 (e)
Eye of the Beholder 3 (Hex-Codes) (dt)
F-14 Tomcat (e)
F-Zero - Maximum Velocity (e)
F-Zero X (e)
F-Zero X (e)
F-Zero X (e)
F-Zero X (e)
F1 Racing Simulation (dt)
F1 Racing Simulation (Teil 1) (dt)
F1 Racing Simulation (Teil 2) (dt)
Fable (dt)
Fable (dt)
Fable (e)
Fable (e)
Fade to Black (dt)
Fade to Black (e)
The Faery Tale Adventure (e)
Faery Tale Adventure 2 - Halls of the Dead (e)
Faery Tale Adventure 2 - Halls of the Dead (e)
Faery Tale Adventure 2 - Halls of the Dead (FAQ) (e)
Fahrenheit (dt)
Falcom Classics 2 (e)
Falcon 3.0 (Shoot to Kill FAQ) (e)
Falcon 3.0 (The Electronic Battlefield Series FAQ) (e)
Falcon's Eye (BBS) (e)
Ein Fall für Mütze & Co (dt)
Fallout (e)
Fallout (dt)
Fallout (dt)
Fallout (e)
Fallout (e)
Fallout (e)
Fallout (e)
Fallout 2 (e)
Fallout 2 (dt)
Fallout 2 (dt)
Fallout 2 (e)
Fallout 2 (e)
Fallout 3 (e)
Fallout Tactics (e)
Fallout Tactics (e)
Fantastic Dizzy (e)
Fantastic Dizzy (e)
Fantastic Dizzy (e)
Fantasy General (e)
Fantasy General (dt)
Fantasy General (Hex-Codes) (e)
Far Cry Instincts (dt)
Fascination (e)
Fascination (dt)
Fatal Fury (e)
Fatal Fury - First Contact (e)
Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition (e)
Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition (e)
Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition (e)
Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition (e)
Fatal Fury 2 (e)
Fatal Fury 3 (e)
Fatal Fury Special (e)
Fatal Heritage (dt)
Fate - Gate of Dawn (dt)
Fates of Twinion (e)
Fates of Twinion (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Faust (dt)
Faxanadu (e)
Faxanadu (e)
Faxanadu (e)
Felony 11-79 (e)
FIFA 99 (dt)
FIFA 99 (e)
FIFA Soccer 96 (dt)
FIFA Soccer 96 (e)
FIFA Soccer 96 (e)
FIFA Soccer 98 (dt)
FIFA Soccer 98 (dt)
FIFA Soccer 98 (e) Move List
Fifa Soccer 98 FAQ (e)
The Fifth Disciple (e)
Fighter Command (e)
Fighter's Destiny (e) Move List
Fighter's Destiny FAQ (e) Move
Fighter's Impact (e)
Fighters Megamix (e)
Fighters Megamix (e)
Fighters Megamix (e)
Fighting Bujutsu FAQ (e)
Fighting Force 64 FAQ (e) (N 64)
Fighting Force FAQ (e)
Fighting Vipers (e)
The Final Curse (e)
Final Fantasy (e)
Final Fantasy (NES) (e)
Final Fantasy (NES) (e)
Final Fantasy 10 (e)
Final Fantasy 10 (dt)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e)
Final Fantasy 2 (e) (SNES)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 3 (e)
Final Fantasy 4 (e)
Final Fantasy 4 (e) Item List
Final Fantasy 4 (e) Shoping List
Final Fantasy 4 (e) Weapon List
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy 5 (e) Enemy List
Final Fantasy 5 - Blue Magic (e)
Final Fantasy 6 (e)
Final Fantasy 6 (e)
Final Fantasy 6 (World 1) (e)
Final Fantasy 6 (World 2) (e)
Final Fantasy 6 (World 3) (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (Debug Room) (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (Debug Room) (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (Debug-FAQ) (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (dt)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (e)
Final Fantasy 7 (Weapons) (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (dt)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e)
Final Fantasy 8 (e) Debug Mode
Final Fantasy 9 (e)
Final Fantasy Anthology - Final Fantasy 5 (e)
Final Fantasy FAQ (e) Anthology
The Final Fantasy Legend (e)
The Final Fantasy Legend (dt)
The Final Fantasy Legend (e)
Final Fantasy Legend 2 (e)
Final Fantasy Legend 2 (e)
Final Fantasy Legend 2 (e)
Final Fantasy Legend 3 (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (Deep Dungeon Guide) (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (Deep Dungeon Guide) (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (Item List) (e)
Final Fantasy Tactics (Poaching List) (e)
Final Fight (e)
Final Fight 3 (e)
Final Fight 3 (e)
The Final Round (e)
Fire Emblem 4 FAQ (e)
Fire Pro Wrestling G (e) (PSX)
Fire Pro Wrestling G (e) (PSX)
Fireblade (e)
Firepower (Flipper) (e)
Firestorm - Thunderhawk 2 (dt)
Fist of the Northstar (e)
Fist of the Northstar (e)
Flashback (dt)
Flashback (e)
Flashback (e)
Flashback (e)
Flashback (Tasten) (e)
Fleet Defender - The F-14 Tomcat Simulation (e)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (dt)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (dt)
Flight of the Amazon Queen (e)
Flight Simulator 2002 (Import-Tutorial) (e)
Flight Simulator 98 (Sound-FAQ) (e)
Flimbo's Quest (e)
Floor 13 (e)
Floyd (dt)
Floyd (e)
Floyd (e)
Flucht von Monkey Island (dt)
Flucht von Monkey Island (e)
Flucht von Monkey Island (e)
Flughafen-Manager (e)
Fly! (ATC Tutorial) (e)
Flying Corps (dt)
Flying Dragon (e)
The Fool's Errand (e)
Formula 1 '98 FAQ (e)
Formula 1 (e)
Formula 1 (e) Car
Formula 1 FAQ (e)
Formula 1 FAQ (e) (PSX)
Formula One Grand Prix 2 (dt)
Formula One Grand Prix 2 (dt)
Forsaken (e)
Forsaken 64 (dt)
Fort Boyard - The Legend (e)
Fortnite (d)
The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki (e)
Foundation (dt)
Fountain of Dreams (dt)
Fountain of Dreams (e)
Fountain of Dreams (Hex-Codes)
Four Minutes to Midnight (dt)
Fox Hunt (e)
Fox Hunt (e)
Fragile Allegiance (e)
Frank Herbert's Dune (e)
Frankenstein (Sega) (Flipper) (e)
Frankenstein - Through the Eyes of a Monster (dt)
Frankenstein - Through the Eyes of a Monster (e)
Frankie goes to Hollywood (dt)
Frankreich 98 - Die Fußball-WM (dt)
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist (dt)
Freddy Pharkas - Frontier Pharmacist (e)
Free D.C! (e)
Free Spirit (dt)
Freedom Fighters (dt)
Freedom Force (e)
Freelancer (e)
Freespace 2 (dt)
Friday the 13th (e)
Friday the 13th (e)
Fritzi Fisch und der verschwundene Schatz (e)
Frogger (e)
Front Mission (e)
Front Mission 2 (e)
Front Mission 2 (e)
Front Mission 3 (e)
Front Mission Alternative (e)
Front Page Sports Football Pro (e)
Frontier - Elite 2 (e)
Frontier - Elite 2 (dt)
Frontier - Elite 2 (e)
Frontier - First Encounters (dt)
Frontier - First Encounters (e)
Die Fugger 2 (dt)
Future Wars (dt)
Future Wars (e)
Future Wars (e)
Fuzion Frenzy (e)
FX Fighter (FAQ) (e)
Die fünfte Dimension (dt)
Der fünfte Raum (dt)
G-Gundam FAQ (e) Move List (SNES) (JAP)
G-Nome (Cheats) (dt)
G-Police (e)
G-Police (Mega-FAQ)
G-Police (Secret Missions) (e)
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers (dt)
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers (e)
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers (e)
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers (e)
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers (e)
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (dt)
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (dt)
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (dt)
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (e)
Gabriel Knight 2 - The Beast Within (e)
Gabriel Knight 3 (dt)
Galactic Bloodshed (Teil 1) (FAQ) (e)
Galactic Bloodshed (Teil 2) (FAQ) (e)
Galactic Bloodshed (Teil 3) (FAQ) (e)
Galactic Bloodshed (Teil 4) (FAQ) (e)
Galactic Civilizations (e)
Galador - Der Fluch des Prinzen (dt)
Galador - Der Fluch des Prinzen (dt)
Galapagos (e)
Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (e)
Galaxy Fight - Universal Warriors (FAQ für Juri) (e)
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (e)
Game & Watch Gallery 2 (Star List) (e)
Game Boy Camera (e)
Game Boy Camera (FAQ) (e)
Ganbare Goeman 5 (e)
Ganbare Goemon 4 (e)
Gangsters (dt)
Gangsters (e)
Garfield (e)
Gargoyle's Quest (dt)
Gargoyle's Quest 2 (e)
Gateway 2 - Homeworld (e)
Gateway to the Savage Frontier (e)
Gateway to the Savage Frontier (Rassen-FAQ) (e)
Gauntlet - Dark Legacy (e)
Gauntlet Legends
Gauntlet Legends (e)
Gauntlet Legends (e)
Gauntlet Legends (e)
Gauntlet Legends (e)
Gauntlet Legends (e)
Gazillionaire Deluxe (e)
Gazillionaire Deluxe (FAQ) (e)
Gazillionaire FAQ (e)
Gearhead Garage (e)
Gearheads (e)
Gears of War (dt)
Geheimakte 2 - Puritas Cordis (e)
Das Geheimnis der Druiden (dt)
Das Geheimnis der Nautilus (e)
Geisha (e)
Gekido - Urban Fighters (e)
Gekitotsu Toma L'Arc - TomaRunner vs L'Arc-en-Ciel (e)
Gemfire (e) (NES)
Gene Machine (dt)
Gene Machine (e)
Gene Wars (dt)
Genius - Task Force Biologie (dt)
Genius - Unternehmen Physik (dt)
Geoffrey's Quest (e)
The Getaway (e)
Gex (e)
Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (dt)
Gex 3 - Deep Cover Gecko (e)
Gex 64 FAQ (e) (N 64)
Gex 64 FAQ (e) (N 64)
Ghost in the Shell (e)
Ghost Recon - Advanced Warfighter (dt)
Ghost Town (e)
Ghost Town (e)
Ghostbusters (e)
Ghostbusters (e)
Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams (e)
Giana Sisters - Twisted Dreams: Rise of the Owlverlord (e)
Giant Gram - All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 (e)
Giant Gram - All Japan Pro Wrestling 2 (e)
Giga Wing (FAQ) (e)
Gilbert Goodmate und der Pilz von Phungoria (e)
Gilbert Goodmate und der Pilz von Phungoria (dt)
Gloom (dt)
Gloom (e)
GNAP - Der Schurke aus dem All (dt)
Go! Go! Beckham! Adventure on Soccer Island (e)
Gobliiins (dt)
Gobliiins (dt)
Gobliiins (e)
Gobliiins (e)
Gobliiins 4 (e)
Gobliiins 4 (e)
Gobliins (dt)
Gobliins 2 (dt)
Gobliins 2 (dt)
Gobliins 2 (e)
Gobliins 2 (e)
Goblins 3 (dt)
Goblins 3 (dt)
Goblins 3 (e)
God of War (dt)
God of War - Chains of Olympus (dt)
God of War 2 (dt)
Gods and Generals (e)
Godzilla VMS (e)
Goemon's Great Adventure Lösung/FAQ (e)
Gold Rush! (dt)
Gold Rush! (e)
Gold Rush! (e)
Gold Rush! (e)
Gold und Ruhm - Der Weg nach El Dorado (dt)
Golden Gate Killer (dt)
Golden Gate Killer (e)
Golden Path (dt)
Golden Sun (dt)
Golden Sun - Die vergessene Epoche (dt)
Golden Sun - Die vergessene Epoche (e)
Golden Tee Arcade FAQ (e)
Golden Voyage (e)
Golden Voyage (e)
Golden Voyage (e)
GoldenEye (Flipper) (e)
GoldenEye 007 (Agent Mode) (e)
GoldenEye 007 (dt)
GoldenEye 007 (e)
GoldenEye 007 (e)
GoldenEye 007 (Multiplayer) (e)
GoldenEye 007 (Weapon FAQ) (e)
The Goonies 2 (e)
The Goonies 2 (e)
Goosebumps - Attack of the Mutant (e)
Goosebumps - Attack of the Mutant (e)
Gothic 3 (e)
Gothic 3 (Nahkampfguide) (dt)
Gothos (e)
Gottlieb - Bronco (Flipper) (e)
Gottlieb's Devil's Dare (Flipper) (e)
GP 500ccm (dt)
Das Grab des Pharao (dt)
Das Grab des Pharao (dt)
Das Grab des Pharao (e)
Gradius (e)
Gradius 3 FAQ (e)
Gran Turismo (e)
Gran Turismo (e)
Gran Turismo (e)
Gran Turismo (Tuning-FAQ) (e)
Gran Turismo 2 (Race and Winning Cars) (dt)
Gran Turismo 3 (dt)
Grand Prix 2 (dt)
Grand Prix 2 (e)
Grand Prix Legends (dt)
Grand Prix Manager (dt)
Grand Theft Auto (dt)
Grand Theft Auto (dt)
Grand Theft Auto (dt)
Grand Theft Auto (e)
Grand Theft Auto (e)
Grand Theft Auto (e)
Grand Theft Auto - Chinatown Wars (dt)
Grand Theft Auto - Liberty City Stories (dt)
Grand Theft Auto - London 1969 (dt)
Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas (dt)
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City (dt)
Grand Theft Auto 2 (e)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (dt)
Grand Theft Auto 4 (dt)
Grand Theft Auto 4 - Monster-Stunts und Tauben (dt)
Grand Theft Auto 4 - The Ballad of Gay Tony (dt)
Grand Theft Auto 4 - The Lost and Damned (dt)
Grandia (e)
Grandia 2 (e)
Grandia 2 (e)
Grandia Xtreme (e)
Granny (dt)
Granny (e)
Granny (e)
Granny (e)
The Granstream Saga (e)
The Granstream Saga (e)
Gray Matter (e)
Green (e)
Grid 2 (e)
Grid Runner (e)
Grim Fandango (dt)
Grim Fandango (e)
Groove on Fight (e)
Groove on Fight (e)
Gruds in Space (e)
Guardian Heroes (e)
The Guardian Legend (e)
The Guardian Legend (e)
The Guardian of Darkness (dt)
Guardian's Crusade (e)
Guardian's Crusade (e)
Guardian's Crusade (e)
Guardian's Crusade (e)
Guardian's Crusade (e)
The Guide to Adventure FAQ (e)
The Guild of Thieves (dt)
The Guild of Thieves (e)
Guilty (dt)
Guilty (e)
Guilty Gear (e)
Guilty Gear (e)
Guilty Gear (e)
Guilty Gear (Moves) (e)
Gulliver Boy (e)
Gumshoe (The Zapper FAQ) (e)
Gun (dt)
Gunblade New York Anti-Terrorist (Arcade) (e)
Gundam - Battle Assault (e)
Gundam - Battle Assault (e) (PSX)
Gundam Side Story 0079 - Rise from the Ashes (e)
Gundam Wing Endless Duel (e)
Gungage (e)
Gunnm - Martian Memory (e)
Guns 'n Roses (Flipper) (e)
Gunship 2000 (e)
Gunvalkyrie (dt)
Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten 1 (dt)
Gute Zeiten Schlechte Zeiten 2 (dt)
Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten
Gyromancer (e)
Hack (e)
Hacker (e)
Hacker Evolution (e)
Hacker Evolution (e)
Half-Life (dt)
Half-Life (e)
Half-Life (e)
Half-Life (e)
Half-Life (e)
Half-Life (e)
Half-Life (e) Multi
Half-Life - Opposing Force (e)
Half-Life - Opposing Force (dt)
Halo (e)
Halo 2 (dt)
Halo 3 (dt)
Hard Edge (dt)
Hard Nova (dt)
Hard Nova (e)
Hardwar (e)
Hare Raising Havoc (e)
Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders (Arcade) (e)
Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders (Arcade) (e)
Harpoon (e)
Harpoon 2 (e)
Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen (dt)
Harry the Handsome Executive (e)
Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town (e)
Harvest Moon 3 (e)
Harvest Moon 64 Dating Guide (e)
Harvest Moon GB (e)
Harvest Moon SNES (e)
Harvest of Souls - Stadt der verfluchten Seelen (dt)
Harvester (e)
Harvester (dt)
Harvester (e)
Haunted House (e)
Haunting Ground (e)
Heart de Roommate (e)
Heart of China (dt)
Heart of China (e)
Heart of Darkness (dt)
Heaven's Gate (e)
Heavy Gear (dt)
Heavy Gear (e)
Heavy Gear 2 (e)
Heavy Metal FAKK 2 (dt)
Heimdall (dt)
Heimdall (e)
Heimdall 2 (dt)
Heimdall 2 (e)
Hell - A Cyberpunk Thriller (e)
Hell Cab (e)
Hellbender (e)
Hellbender (e)
Hellcats - Over the Pacific (e)
Hellowoon - Das Geheimnis des Zauberstabs (dt)
The Helm (e)
Heretic (e)
Heretic (e)
Heretic (e)
Heretic (Hex-Liste) (e)
Heretic 2 (dt)
Hermie Hopperhead - Scrap Panic (e)
Hero X (e)
Heroes & Cowards (dt)
Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (e)
Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (dt)
Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (e)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (e)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (dt)
Heroes of the Lance (e)
Heroes of the Lance (Tipps) (e)
Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten (e)
Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs (e)
Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (e)
Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (e)
Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme (e)
Herzog Zwei (e)
Das Hexagon-Kartell (dt)
Hexen (e)
Hexen (e)
Hexen (e)
Hexplore (dt)
Hexuma (dt)
Hi-Octane (e)
Hidden & Dangerous (dt)
Hidden & Dangerous - Fight for Freedom (e)
Hidden & Dangerous - Fight for Freedom (dt)
High Speed (Flipper) (e)
Hillsea Lido (dt)
Hillsfar (e)
Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast (dt)
Hinter Gittern - Der Frauenknast Vol. 2 (dt)
Hired Guns (dt)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (dt)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (e)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (e)
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (e)
Hitman 2 - Silent Assassin (e)
The Hive (dt)
Holiday Lemmings (e)
Holiday Maker (dt)
Hollywood Hijinx (dt)
Hollywood Hijinx (e)
Hollywood Hijinx (e)
Holy Magic Century (e)
Holy Magic Century (e)
Holy Magic Century (e)
Homeworld (dt)
Hook (dt)
Hook (e)
Hook (e)
Hopkins FBI (dt)
Hopkins FBI (e)
The Horde (e)
Hostages (e)
Hostile Waters (e)
The Hound of Shadow (dt)
The Hound of Shadow (e)
The House of the Dead (e)
The House of the Dead (e)
The House of the Dead 2 (e)
The House of the Dead 2 (e)
The House of the Dead 2 (FAQ) (e)
The House of the Dead 2 (FAQ) (e)
Hugo 2 - Whodunit? (e)
Hugo 2 - Whodunit? (e)
Hugo 3 (e)
Hugo's House of Horrors (dt)
Hugo's House of Horrors (e)
Hugo's House of Horrors (e)
Hugo's House of Horrors (FAQ) (e)
Hugo's House of Horrors (spanisch)
Hugo's Trilogy (e)
The Hulk (e)
The Humans (dt)
Hunter - The Reckoning (e)
Hunter Hunted (e)
Hunter Hunted (dt)
Hybrid Heaven (Combat Guide) (e)
Hybrid Heaven (dt)
Hydro Thunder (e)
Hype - The Time Quest (dt)
Hype - The Time Quest (dt)
HyperBall (Flipper) (e)
Hypercycles (e)
Die Höhlenwelt-Saga - Der leuchtende Kristall (dt)
Die Höhlenwelt-Saga - Der leuchtende Kristall (dt)
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (e)
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (dt)
I Was An Atomic Mutant! (e)
I-War (e)
ICC Cricket World Cup England 99 (e)
Icewind Dale (e)
Ico (dt)
Idols Galore! (e)
Igor - Objective Uikokahonia (dt)
Igor - Objective Uikokahonia (e)
Illegal Communication (e)
Illusion of Time (dt)
Illusion of Time (e)
The Immortal (e)
The Immortal (e)
Imperialismus (dt)
Imperium der Ameisen (dt)
Imperium Galactica (e)
Imperium Galactica (dt)
Imperium Rex (e)
Imperium Rex (e)
Imperium Romanum (dt)
Imperium Romanum (dt)
Impossible Mission (Tipps) (e)
Impossible Mission (Tipps) (e)
In Nomine FAQ (e) (Analog-RPG)
In the 1st Degree
In the 1st Degree (e)
Inca (dt)
Inca (e)
Inca 2 - Wiracocha (dt)
Inca 2 - Wiracocha (e)
Inca 2 - Wiracocha (e)
The Incredible Machine (e)
Independence Day (Flipper) (e)
Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos (dt)
Indiana Jones - The Pinball Adventure (Flipper) (e)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (dt)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (dt)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (e)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (e)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (e)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (e)
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (e)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (dt)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (dt)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (dt)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (e)
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients (e)
Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel (dt)
Indiana Jones und der Turm von Babel (dt)
Indianapolis 500 (Flipper) (e)
Der Industrie Gigant (dt)
Indy 500 - Indianapolis Motor Speedway (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Infamous (dt)
Infidel (e)
Infidel (e)
Infidel (e)
Inherent Evil - The Haunted Hotel (e)
Innocent Until Caught (e)
Innocent Until Caught (e)
Innocent Until Caught (dt)
Innocent Until Caught (e)
Inspektor Griffu (dt)
Inspektor Zebok - Das Erbe (dt)
Instinct (e)
The Institute (e)
The Institute (Tipps) (dt)
International Superstar Soccer '98 (e)
International Superstar Soccer 64 FAQ (e)
International Superstar Soccer Pro (e) (PSX)
Interstate '76 (dt)
Interstate '76 (dt)
Interstate '76 (e)
Interstate '76 (e)
Interstate '76 - Nitro Riders (e)
Interstate '82 (e)
Iron & Blood (Moves) (e)
Iron & Blood (Moves) (e)
Iron Helix (DNA-Fundorte) (e)
Iron Helix (DNA-Fundorte) (e)
Iron Helix (dt)
Iron Lord (dt)
Isaku (e)
Ishar (dt)
Ishar 2 (dt)
Ishar 2 (e)
Ishar 2 (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Ishar 3 (dt)
Ishar 3 (dt)
Ishar 3 (e)
The Island of Dr. Brain (dt)
Isle of the Dead (e)
It Came from the Desert (e)
It Came from the Desert (e)
Jack in the Dark (e)
Jack in the Dark (e)
Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition (e)
Jack Orlando (dt)
Jack Orlando - Director's Cut (e)
Jade Cocoon - Die Tamamayu-Legende (dt)
Jade Cocoon - Die Tamamayu-Legende (e)
Jade Cocoon 2 (e)
Jagged Alliance (dt)
Jagged Alliance (dt)
Jagged Alliance (e)
Jagged Alliance (e)
Jagged Alliance (e)
Jagged Alliance - Deadly Games (dt)
Jagged Alliance 2 (dt)
Jagged Alliance 2 (e)
Jagged Alliance 2 (e)
James Bond 007 (e)
James Bond 007 (e)
James Bond 007 (e)
James Bond 007 - A View to a Kill (e)
James Bond 007 - Alles oder Nichts (e)
James Bond 007 - Goldfinger (e)
James Bond 007 - Lizenz zum Töten (e)
James Bond 007 - Nightfire (e)
James Bond 007 - Nightfire (e)
James Bond 007 - Nightfire (e)
James Bond 007 - Nightfire (e)
James Bond 007 - Nightfire (e)
Jelly Boy (e)
Jessica Plunkenstein and the Düsseldorf Conspiracy (e)
Jet Force Gemini (dt)
Jet Set Radio (e)
Jet Set Radio Future (dt)
Jet Strike (e)
Jetfighter 4 - Fortress America (e)
Jewels of the Oracle (dt)
Jinxter (dt)
Jinxter (e)
Jinxter (e)
John Sinclair - Evil Attacks (dt)
Johnny Mnemonic (e)
Johnny Mnemonic (e)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (e)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (e)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (e)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (e)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (e)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (e)
Jokerz (Flipper) (e)
Jonathan (dt)
Joshua & the Battle of Jericho (e)
Journey to Silius (e)
The Journeyman Project (dt)
The Journeyman Project (e)
The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time (e)
The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time (dt)
The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time (e)
The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time (e)
The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time (e)
The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried in Time (Teil 2) (dt)
The Journeyman Project 3 - Legacy of Time (dt)
The Journeyman Project 3 - Legacy of Time (e)
The Journeyman Project 3 - Legacy of Time (e)
Judge Dredd (Flipper) (e)
Jumper - Griffin's Story (e)
Jumpgate - The Reconstruction Initiative (e)
Jumpgate - The Reconstruction Initiative (e)
Jumping Flash! (e)
Jungle Strike (dt)
Jurassic Park (dt)
Jurassic Park (e)
Jurassic Park (e)
Jurassic Park (e)
Jurassic Park (e) (GameGear)
Jurassic Park 2 - The Chaos Continues (e)
Jurassic Park 2 - The Chaos Continues (e)
K-1 The Arena Fighters (e)
Kabuki Klash (e)
Kagero - Deception 2 (FAQ) (e)
Kameo (dt)
Kane & Lynch - Dead Men (dt)
Karateka (e)
Karma - Der Fluch der 12 Höhlen (dt)
Kasumi Ninja (e)
Die Kathedrale (dt)
Die Kathedrale (dt)
Kensei - Sacret First (e)
Kensei - Sacret First (e)
Kensei - Sacret First (e)
Kensei - Sacret Fist (e) (PSX)
Kessen (e)
Kessen 2 (e)
Key of Time (e)
Keychain LCD Games FAQ (e)
KGB (e)
KGB (dt)
KGB (e)
Kid Chameleon (e)
Kid Icarus (e) (NES)
Killer 7 (dt)
Killer 7 (e)
Killer Instinct (e)
Killer Instinct (e)
Killer Instinct (e)
Killer Instinct (e)
Killer Instinct (e)
Killer Instinct (e)
Killer Instinct (FAQ) (Game Boy) (e)
Killer Instinct (SNES) (e)
Killer Instinct 2 (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Killer Instinct 2 (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Killer Instinct 2 (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Killer Instinct Gold (e)
Killer Instinct Gold (e)
Killer Instinct Gold (e)
King Kong (dt)
The King of Chicago (Tipps) (e)
The King of Fighters '95 (e)
The King of Fighters '95 (e)
The King of Fighters '95 (e)
The King of Fighters '95 (e)
The King of Fighters '95 (PSX) (e)
The King of Fighters '96 (e)
The King of Fighters '96 (Game Boy) (FAQ) (e)
The King of Fighters '96 (Game Boy) (FAQ) (e)
The King of Fighters '96 (PSX) (FAQ) (e)
King of Fighters (FAQ) (e)
King of Fighters - Ultimate FAQ (e)
King of Fighters R-2 (e)
King of Fighters R-2 (e)
King of Fighters R-2 (FAQ) (e)
King's Field (e)
King's Field (e)
King's Field (e)
King's Field (FAQ) (e)
King's Field 2 (e)
King's Field 2 (e)
King's Field 2 (FAQ) (e)
King King's Field 4
King's Knight (e)
King's Quest (dt)
King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown (e)
King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown (e)
King's Quest 1 - Quest for the Crown (e)
King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (dt)
King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (e)
King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (e)
King's Quest 2 - Romancing the Throne (e)
King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human (dt)
King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human (e)
King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human (e)
King's Quest 3 - To Heir is Human (e)
King's Quest 3 Redux (e)
King's Quest 3 Redux (e)
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (dt)
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (e)
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (e)
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (e)
King's Quest 4 - The Perils of Rosella (e)
King's Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder! (dt)
King's Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder! (e)
King's Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder! (e)
King's Quest 5 - Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder! (e)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (dt)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (e)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (e)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (e)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (e)
King's Quest 6 - Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (e)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (dt)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (dt)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (e)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (e)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (e)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (e)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (e)
King's Quest 7 - The Princeless Bride (e)
King's Quest 8 - Maske der Ewigkeit (e)
King's Quest 8 - Maske der Ewigkeit (PC) (dt)
Kingdom - The Far Reaches (e)
Kingdom - The Far Reaches (e)
Kingdom Hearts (e)
Kingdom Hearts (e)
Kingdom Hearts (dt)
Kingdom O' Magic (dt)
Kingdoms of Amalur - Reckoning (Archmage) (e)
Kingpin (dt)
Kingpin (e)
KingPin Bowling (e)
Kingsley's Adventure (e)
Kirby - Tilt 'n' Tumble (e)
Kirby 64 - The Crystal Shards (e)
Kirby Series (e)
Kirby's Block Ball (e)
Kirby's Dream Land (e)
Kirby's Dream Land (e)
Kirby's Dream Land (e)
Kirby's Dream Land 3 (e)
Kirby's Fun Pak (e)
Kita e - White Illumination (e)
KKND (dt)
KKND 2 - Krossfire (dt)
Klass of 99 (e)
Klass of 99 (e)
Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (e)
Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (e)
Klonoa - Door to Phantomile (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Knight Quest (e)
Knightmare (dt)
Knights and Merchants (dt)
Knights of Legend (e)
Knights of the Round (e)
Knights of the Round (Arcade-Version) (e)
Knights of the Round (e)
Knights of Xentar (dt)
Knights of Xentar (Hints) (e)
Knights of Xentar (Hints) (e)
Knorrli - Abenteuer Atlantis (dt)
Knuckle Heads (Arcade) (e)
Koala Lumpur - Reise ins Chaos (dt)
Koala Lumpur - Reise ins Chaos (e)
Konung - Legends of the North (e)
Konung - Legends of the North (e)
Krazy Ivan (e)
KULT - The Temple of Flying Saucers (e)
Kuri Kuri Mix (e)
Kuri Kuri Mix (e)
Kurt (dt)
Kurushi (e)
Kya - Dark Lineage (e)
König Artus - Die Ritter der Tafelrunde (e)
Der König der Löwen (e)
Der König der Löwen (Mini-FAQ SNES) (e)
Labyrinth (e)
Labyrinth (e)
The Labyrinth of Time (dt)
The Labyrinth of Time (e)
The Labyrinth of Time (e)
Lands of Lore - Götterdämmerung (dt)
Lands of Lore - Götterdämmerung (dt)
Lands of Lore - Götterdämmerung (e)
Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos (dt)
Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Lands of Lore 3 (dt)
Der Langrisser (e)
Largo Winch - Empire Under Threat (e)
Larn (1986) (Unix) (dt)
The Last Blade (e)
The Last Blade 2 (e)
The Last Blade 2 (e)
The Last Blade 2 (e)
Last Bronx (e)
The Last Dynasty (e)
The Last Dynasty (dt)
The Last Express (dt)
The Last Express (dt)
The Last Express (e)
The Last Half of Darkness (e)
The Last Ninja (e)
The Last Ninja (e)
Last Ninja 3 (dt)
Laura Bow 2 - The Dagger of Amon Ra (dt)
Leas Reise durch die Zeit (dt)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (dt)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (e)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (e)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (e)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 (dt)
Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2 (e)
Left 4 Dead (Stufe Experte) (e)
The Legacy (e)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen (e)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen (e)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen (e)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 (dt)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 (Bosse)
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2 (e)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (dt)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (e)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (e)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (e)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (e)
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver (Extras) (e)
Legacy of the Ancients (e)
Legend - Hand of God (e)
Legend of Faerghail (e)
Legend of Faerghail (dt)
Legend of Kartia (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia (dt)
The Legend of Kyrandia (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - Hand of Fate (dt)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - Hand of Fate (dt)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - Hand of Fate (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - Hand of Fate (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - Hand of Fate (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 2 - Hand of Fate (e)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 3 - Malcolm's Revenge (dt)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 3 - Malcolm's Revenge (dt)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 3 - Malcolm's Revenge (dt)
The Legend of Kyrandia Book 3 - Malcolm's Revenge (dt)
Legend of Legaia (Bosse) (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (e)
Legend of Legaia (Item List) (e)
Legend of Mana (e)
Legend of Mana (e)
Legend of Mana (e)
Legend of Mana (e)
The Legend of Prince Valiant (e)
Legend of the Five Rings (Sammelkarten-Spiel) (FAQ) (e)
Legend of the Sea King (e)
Legend of the Zyca (e)
The Legend of Zelda (e)
The Legend of Zelda (e)
The Legend of Zelda (e)
The Legend of Zelda (Tipps) (e)
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (e)
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening (Boss-FAQ) (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening (dt)
The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening DX (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (dt)
Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask (Shooting Gallery FAQ) (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (dt)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)
The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (Items Guide) (e)
The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker (e)
The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker (dt)
The Legendary Axe (e)
Legendary Axe 2 (e)
Legends (dt)
Legends of Valour (e)
Legends of Valour (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry - Magna Cum Laude (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry - Reloaded (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry - Reloaded (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 1 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 2 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 3 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 5 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 6 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (dt)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (e)
Leisure Suit Larry 7 (Ostereier) (dt)
Lemmings (Archimedes) (e)
Lemmings (e)
Lemmings (e)
Lemmings (e)
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (e)
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (e)
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (e)
Lemmings Revolution (dt)
Lemonade Tycoon (e)
Les Manley in Lost in L.A. (dt)
Les Manley in Lost in L.A. (dt)
Les Manley in Lost in L.A. (e)
Les Manley in Lost in L.A. (e)
Les Manley in Search for the King (e)
Les Manley in Search for the King (e)
Les Manley in Search for the King (e)
Les Manley in Search for the King (e)
Lethal Weapon 3 (Flipper) (dt)
Lethal Weapon 3 (Flipper) (e)
Lethal Weapon 3 (Flipper) (e)
Lethal Weapon 3 (Flipper) (e)
Leviathan - The Tone Rebellion (e)
Libero Grande (e)
Life & Death (e)
Lighthouse (dt)
Lighthouse (e)
Lighthouse (e)
Lightning Legend (e)
Linda 3 - Cube Again (e)
Link - The Faces of Evil (e)
Links 386 Pro (e)
Linus Spacehead's Cosmic Crusade (e)
Lionheart (dt)
Little Big Adventure (e)
Little Big Adventure (dt)
Little Big Adventure (dt)
Little Big Adventure (dt)
Little Big Adventure (e)
Little Big Adventure (e)
Little Big Adventure (e)
Little Big Adventure (Northern) (e)
Little Big Adventure (Southern) (e)
Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsen's Odyssey (dt)
Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsen's Odyssey (e)
Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsen's Odyssey (e)
Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsen's Odyssey (e)
Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsen's Odyssey (e)
Little Nemo - The Dream Master (e)
Loaded (e)
Lode Runner (e)
The Longest Journey (dt)
The Longest Journey (dt)
Loom (dt)
Loom (e)
Loom (e)
Loom (e)
Looney Tunes Collector - Martian Alert! (e)
Lord Avalot d'Argent (e)
Lord of the Rings (e)
Lord of the Rings 1 (dt)
Lord of the Rings 2 (dt)
Lords of the Realm 2 (dt)
Lords of the Realm 2 (e)
Lords of the Realm 2 (e)
Lords of the Realm 2 (e)
Lost Eden (dt)
Lost Eden (dt)
Lost Eden (dt)
Lost Eden (e)
Lost Eden (e)
Lost Eden (e)
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes (dt)
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes (e)
The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes (e)
Lost in Blue (dt)
Lost in Time (dt)
Lost in Time (e)
Lost Kingdoms (e)
Lost Kingdoms (e)
Lost Planet - Extreme Condition (dt)
The Lost Vikings (dt)
Lost Vikings 2 - Norse by Norsewest (e)
Lost World (Flipper) (e)
Lost World (Velociraptor Guide) (e)
Lost World - Jurassic Park (Arcade) (e)
Lost World FAQ (e)
Lost World FAQ (e)
Lucifer Ring (e)
Lufia 2 - The Ancient Cave (e)
Lufia 2 - The Ancient Cave (e)
Lufia 2 - The Ancient Cave (e)
Luigi's Mansion (e)
Luka und der verborgene Schatz (dt)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (Boss FAQ) (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (Boss FAQ) (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (Demo) (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (Demo) (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (Demo) (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lunar - The Silver Star (e)
Lunar - The Silver Star (e)
Lunar - The Silver Star Story Complete (e)
Lure of the Temptress (e)
Lure of the Temptress (dt)
The Lurking Horror (dt)
The Lurking Horror (e)
Lylat Wars (e)
Lylat Wars (e)
Maabus (e)
Mace - The Dark Age (e)
Mace - The Dark Age (e)
Mace - The Dark Age (e)
Mace - The Dark Age (e)
Mace - The Dark Age (e)
Machinarium (e)
The Machine Bride of Pinbot (Flipper) (e)
The Machines (e)
Machines (dt)
Mad Dog 2 - The Lost Gold (e)
Mad Dog 2 - The Lost Gold (dt)
Mad Dog McCree (e)
Mad Max (e)
Mad News (dt)
Mad News (dt)
Mad Paradox (e)
Mad Professor Mariarti (Chemistry Lab) (e)
Mad Venture (e)
Madden 64 (e)
Madden NFL 97 (e)
Madden NFL 99 (e)
Mafia (e)
Mafia (e)
MAG!!! (dt)
MagForce Racing (e)
Magic & Mayhem - The Art of Magic (e)
Magic - Die Zusammenkunft (dt)
Magic - Die Zusammenkunft (e)
Magic Boy (dt)
The Magic Candle (e)
The Magic Candle (e)
The Magic Candle (e)
Magic Carpet 2 - The Netherworlds (e)
Magic Knight Rayearth (e)
Magic Knight Rayearth (e)
Magical Drop 3 (e)
Magician Lord (FAQ) (e)
Magicland Dizzy (e)
Majestic (dt)
Majestic (e)
Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (e)
Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (e)
Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (e)
Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (e)
MAME (e)
MAME (e)
Man-Eng - Master of Evil (e)
Mana - Der Weg der schwarzen Macht (e)
Mana - Der Weg der schwarzen Macht (e)
Manhunter - New York (dt)
Manhunter - New York (e)
Manhunter - New York (e)
Manhunter - New York (e)
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco (e)
Maniac Mansion (dt)
Maniac Mansion (dt)
Maniac Mansion (e)
Maniac Mansion (e)
Mansion of Hidden Souls (e)
Mansion of Hidden Souls (e)
The Marathon 1,2,Infinity (e)
Marble Drop (dt)
Marble Drop (e)
Marble Drop (e)
Marine Sharpshooter 2 - Jungle Warfare (e)
Mario Andretti (Flipper) (e)
Mario Golf (e)
Mario Golf (e)
Mario Golf (e)
Mario Golf (e)
Mario Kart - Double Dash (e)
Mario Kart - Double Dash (LAN-Verbindung) (dt)
Mario Kart 64 (e)
Mario Kart 64 (dt)
Mario Kart 64 (e)
Mario Kart 64 (e)
Mario Kart 64 (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party (e)
Mario Party 2 (e)
Mario Tennis (e)
Mario's Super Picross (e)
Mario's Time Machine (e)
Martial Champion (Arcade) (e)
Martian Gothic - Unification (dt)
Martian Memorandum (e)
Martian Memorandum (e)
Marvel Super Heroes (e)
Marvel vs. Capcom (Hulk-FAQ) (e)
Marvel vs. Capcom (Roll-FAQ) (e)
Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of the Super Heroes (e)
Marvel vs. Capcom - Clash of the Super Heroes (e)
The Mask of the Sun (e)
The Mask of the Sun (e)
The Mask of the Sun (e)
The Mask of the Sun (e)
Masquerade (e)
Master of Magic (dt)
Master of Magic (e)
Master of Orion (e)
Master of Orion (e)
Master of Orion 2 (dt)
MAX (dt)
MAX (e)
Max Payne 2 (e)
Max Payne 2 (dt)
Maximum Force (e)
MDK (dt)
MDK (e)
MDK (e)
MDK 2 (dt)
Mean Streets (e)
Mean Streets (e)
MechCommander (dt)
MechCommander 2 (e)
Mechwarrior (e)
Mechwarrior (e)
Mechwarrior (e)
Mechwarrior 2 (dt)
Mechwarrior 2 (dt)
Mechwarrior 2 (dt)
Mechwarrior 2 (e)
Mechwarrior 2 (e)
Mechwarrior 2 (e)
Mechwarrior 2 - Mercenaries (dt)
Mechwarrior 2 - Mercenaries (e)
Mechwarrior 3 (e)
Mechwarrior 3 (dt)
Mechwarrior 3 (dt)
Mechwarrior 3 - Pirate's Moon (e)
Mechwarrior 3 - Pirate's Moon (dt)
Mechwarrior 4 - Black Knight (e)
Mechwarrior 4 - Mercenaries (e)
Mechwarrior 4 - Vengeance (e)
Medieval Madness (Flipper) (e)
Medieval Madness (Flipper) (e)
Medieval Madness (Flipper) (e)
MediEvil (Draft FAQ) (e)
MediEvil (dt)
MediEvil (e)
MediEvil (e)
MediEvil - Die Rückkehr (dt)
MediEvil 2 (dt)
Mega Man (dt)
Mega Man Soccer (e)
Mega Man X (dt)
Mega Man X4
Mega Man Xtreme (e)
Megami Tensei Persona FAQ (e)
MegaRace 2 (e)
MegaRace 2 (e)
MegaTraveller 1 - The Zhodani Conspiracy (Cheats) (e)
MegaTraveller 2 - Quest for the Ancients (e)
Megrims Rache (dt)
Melty Blood (e)
Melty Blood (e)
Melty Blood (e)
Men in Black (dt)
Men in Black (e)
Men in Black (e)
Men in Black (e)
Men in Black (e)
Menzoberranzan (dt)
Menzoberranzan (e)
Mercenaries (dt)
Mercenary 3 - The Dion Crisis (e)
Messiah (dt)
Metal Combat - Falcon's Revenge (e)
Metal Combat - Falcon's Revenge (e)
Metal Fighter (e)
Metal Gear (e)
Metal Gear (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Metal Gear (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Metal Gear (Scripts) (e)
Metal Gear Solid (e)
Metal Gear Solid (e)
Metal Gear Solid (e)
Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops (dt)
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Sons of Liberty (dt)
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance (e)
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Substance (dt)
Metal Gear Solid 3 (dt)
Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots (dt)
Metal Slug (Arcade) (e)
Metaltech - EarthSiege (e)
Metroid (e)
Metroid (e)
Metroid 2 - Return of Samus (e)
Metroid Fusion (e)
Metroid Prime Hunters (e)
Metropolis Street Racer (d)
Michael Jordan - Chaos in the Windy City (e)
Michigan - Report from Hell (e)
Mickey Mania (e)
Mickey Mania (e)
Micro Machines V3 (e)
Midnight Outlaw - Illegal Street Drag: Nitro Edition (e)
Midtown Madness 2 (e)
Midwinter (e)
Midwinter (dt)
Might and Magic 1 - Secret of the Inner Sanctum (e)
Might and Magic 1 - Secret of the Inner Sanctum (Monster-Tabelle) (e)
Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World (dt)
Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World (e)
Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World (e)
Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World (Script)
Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra (dt)
Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra (e)
Might and Magic 3 - Isles of Terra (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (dt)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (e)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (e)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (e)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (e)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (Monster List) (e)
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen (Weapon List) (e)
Might and Magic 5 - Darkside of Xeen (dt)
Might and Magic 5 - Darkside of Xeen (e)
Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor (dt)
Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor (e)
Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor (e)
Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor (e)
Might and Magic 8 - Day of the Destroyer (dt)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (e)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (e)
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (e)
A Mind Forever Voyaging (e)
A Mind Forever Voyaging (e)
Mindshadow (e)
Mindshadow (e)
Mindshadow (e)
Mindshadow (e)
Mindshadow (e)
Mindwheel (dt)
Mindwheel (e)
Mirage (e)
Mirage (e)
Mischief Makers (e)
Mischief Makers (e)
Mischief Makers (e)
Mission Asteroid (e)
Mission Asteroid (e)
Mission Critical (dt)
Mission Critical (e)
Mission Supernova (dt)
Mission Supernova (dt)
Mission Supernova (dt)
Mission: Impossible (CIA Escape) (e)
Mission: Impossible (dt)
Mission: Impossible (e)
Mission: Impossible (e)
Mission: Impossible (e)
Mission: Impossible (e)
Mission: Impossible (e)
MissionForce - CyberStorm (e)
MissionForce - CyberStorm (e)
MissionForce - CyberStorm (e)
MissionForce - CyberStorm (dt)
The Mist (e)
MLB 99 (e)
MLB Pennant Race (e)
Mobile Suit Gundam - Char's Counterattack (e)
Mobile Suit Gundam - Char's Counterattack (e)
Mobile Suit Gundam - Char's Counterattack (e)
The Moment of Silence (dt)
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge (dt)
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge (dt)
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge (e)
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge (e)
Monkey Island 2 - Le Chuck's Revenge (e)
Monopoly Tycoon (e)
Monster Bash (e)
Monster Bash (Flipper) (e)
Monster Party (e)
Monster Rancher (e)
Monster Rancher (e)
Monster Rancher 2 (e)
Monster Rancher 2 (e)
Monster Seed (e)
Monster Seed (FAQ) (e)
Monty Python - Ritter der Kokosnuss (dt)
Monty Python - Ritter der Kokosnuss (e)
Monty Python's Reine Zeitverschwendung (e)
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (e)
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (Part 3) (e)
Moonmist (dt)
Moonmist (e)
Moorhuhn - Winter Edition
Moorhuhn Adventure - Der Schatz des Pharao (dt)
Moria (e)
Moria (Hex-Codes) (e)
Morpheus (e)
Morpheus (dt)
Morpheus (e)
Mortal Kombat (e)
Mortal Kombat (e)
Mortal Kombat 2 (e)
Mortal Kombat 2 (e)
Mortal Kombat 2 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat 3 (e)
Mortal Kombat Gold (e)
Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub Zero (e)
Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub Zero (e)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (e)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (e)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy (e)
Motocross Madness (dt)
Motor Toon Grand Prix 2 (e)
Mr. Do (Serien-FAQ) (e)
Mr. Gimmick (e)
Mr. Gimmick (e)
MRC - Multi Racing Championship (e)
MU Online (e)
MULE (e)
Mummy - Tomb of the Pharaoh (dt)
Mummy - Tomb of the Pharaoh (e)
Mummy's Curse (e)
Mummy's Curse (e)
Murder on the Mississippi (e)
Music 3000 (e)
Mutation of J.B. (dt)
Mylk (e)
Myst (dt)
Myst (e)
Myst (e)
Myst (e)
Myst (e)
Myst 3 - Exile (e)
Myst 5 (dt)
Mystery Fun House (e)
Mystery Fun House (e)
Mystic Ark (e)
Mystic House (dt)
Mystic Quest (e)
Mystic Quest (e)
Mystical Ninja (e)
Mystical Ninja (e) (N 64)
Mystical Ninja 1 - Starring Goemon (dt)
Mystical Ninja 2 (dt)
Mystical Ninja FAQ (e)
Myth - Kreuzzug ins Ungewisse (dt)
Myth - Kreuzzug ins Ungewisse (dt)
Myth - Kreuzzug ins Ungewisse (e)
Myth - Kreuzzug ins Ungewisse (e)
Mänick Mänschion (dt)
Namco Museum Vol. 1 (e)
Der Name des Bruders (dt)
Nanatsu no Hikan - Senritsu no Bishou (e)
Nancy Drew - Curse of Blackmoor Manor (e)
Nancy Drew - Danger on Deception Island (e)
Nancy Drew - Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake (e)
Nancy Drew - Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon (e)
Nancy Drew - Secret of the Old Clock (e)
Nancy Drew - Secret of the Scarlet Hand (e)
Nancy Drew - Secrets Can Kill (e)
Nancy Drew - Stay Tuned for Danger (e)
Nancy Drew - The Creature of Kapu Cave (e)
Nancy Drew - The Final Scene (e)
Nancy Drew - The Secret of Shadow Ranch (e)
Nancy Drew - The Secret of Shadow Ranch (e)
Nancy Drew - Treasure in the Royal Tower (e)
Napple Tale - Arisia in Daydream (e)
Naruto - Ultimate Ninja (e)
NASCAR 15 (Roster) (e)
Navy Moves (e)
NBA Fastbreak (Flipper) (e)
NBA Hang Time (e)
NBA Hang Time (e) (SNES)
NBA Jam (e)
NBA Jam (Multi) (e)
NBA Live 95 (e)
NBA Live 96 (dt)
NBA Live 96 (dt)
NBA Live 97 (dt)
NBA Live 98 (dt)
NBA Live 98 (dt)
NBA Live 99 (e)
NBA Live 99 (e)
NBA Live 99 (e)
Nebula (e)
Necris Dome
Necronomicon (dt)
Nectaris - Military Madness (e)
Nectaris - Military Madness (e)
The Need for Speed (e)
Need for Speed - Brennender Asphalt (e)
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit (e)
Need for Speed - Most Wanted (2012) (e)
Need for Speed - Porsche (e)
The Need for Speed - Special Edition (dt)
Need for Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit (e)
Need for Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit (e)
Need for Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit (e)
Need for Speed 3 - Hot Pursuit (e)
Net:Zone (dt)
Net:Zone (e)
NetStorm (e)
Neuro Hunter (e)
Neuromancer (dt)
Neuromancer (dt)
Neuromancer (e)
Neuromancer (e)
Neuromancer (e)
Neuromancer (Passwörter) (e)
Neutopia (e)
Neverend (e)
The Neverhood (dt)
The Neverhood (dt)
The Neverhood (e)
The Neverhood (e)
Neverwinter Nights (e)
Neverwinter Nights 2 - Storm of Zehir (e)
New Japan Pro Wrestling 2 (e)
New Japan Pro Wrestling 3 (FAQ)(e)
New Super Mario Bros. (dt)
The Next Big Thing (e)
NFL Blitz (Arcade) (e)
NFL Blitz 99 (Arcade) (e)
NHL 2000 (dt)
NHL 98 (dt)
NHL 99 (dt)
NHL Hockey '95 and '96 (dt)
NHL Hockey '97 (dt)
NHL Hockey 95 and 96 (dt)
NHL Hockey FAQ (e)
Nibiru (e)
NICE 2 (dt)
Night Warriors - Dakstalker's Revenge (e)
Night Warriors - Dark Stalkers Revenge - Vampire Hunter 2 --- The Doc FAQ (e)
Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy (dt)
Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy (dt)
Nightlong - Union City Conspiracy (dt)
Nights into Dreams (e)
Ninja Gaiden (dt)
Ninja Gaiden 1 (dt)
Ninja Gaiden 2 (e)
Ninja Gaiden 2 - The Dark Sword of Chaos (dt)
Ninja Gaiden 3 (e)
Ninja Gaiden 3 - The Ancient Ship of Doom (dt)
Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (e)
Ninja Masters (Arcade) (e)
Ninja Spirit (e)
Nintendogs (dt)
Nitemare 3D (e)
No Fear (Flipper) (e)
No Good Gofers (Flipper) (e)
No One Lives Forever (e)
Noctropolis (dt)
Noctropolis (e)
Noctropolis (e)
Nocturnal Illusion (e)
Nocturnal Illusion (Endings FAQ) (e)
Nocturne (dt)
Nocturne (e)
Nomad (dt)
The Nomad Soul (dt)
Normality (e)
Normality (dt)
Normality (e)
Nosferatu (e)
Nosferatu - The Wrath of Malachi (e)
Nova 9 (e)
Nuclear Strike 64 (dt)
Oasis (e)
Obsidian (e)
Obsidian (e)
Obsidian (dt)
Ocean City Nemesis (dt)
Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (dt)
Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (e)
Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (e)
Oddworld - Abe's Exoddus (e)
Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee (dt)
Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee (e)
Oddworld - Abe's Oddysee (e)
Oddworld Adventures (e)
Oddworld Adventures 2 (e)
Odell Lake (e)
ODT (e)
ODT (e)
Odyssee - Auf der Suche nach Odysseus (dt)
Odyssee - Auf der Suche nach Odysseus (dt)
Odyssee - Auf der Suche nach Odysseus (e)
Odyssey - The Legend of Nemesis (e)
Of Light and Darkness - The Prophecy (e)
Of Orcs and Men (e)
Off Road Challenge (e)
Oh no! More Lemmings (e)
Old Empire (Unix) (e)
Omega (Tipps) (e)
Omega Boost (e)
Omnicron Conspiracy (dt)
One Must Fall - 2097 (dt)
One Must Fall - 2097 (e)
One Must Fall - 2097 (e)
One Must Fall - 2097 (e)
One Must Fall - 2097 (e)
One Must Fall - 2097 (e) Moves
One Piece Mansion (e)
onEscapee (e)
Onimusha 2 - Samurai's Destiny (e)
Onimusha Tactics (Menu Translation FAQ) (e)
Opera Fatal (dt)
Opera Fatal (dt)
Opera Fatal (e)
Operation Air Assault
Operation Stealth (dt)
Operation Stealth (e)
Operation Stealth (e)
Operation Winback (dt)
Orb-3d (e)
Oregon Trail 2 (e)
Origamo (e)
Orion Burger (e)
Orion Burger (dt)
The Orion Conspiracy (dt)
The Orion Conspiracy (dt)
Ostfront (dt)
The Other Dimension (dt)
Outcast (dt)
Outcast (dt)
Outcast (e)
Outlaws (e)
Outlaws (dt)
Outpost (e)
Outpost (e)
Outpost (e)
OverBlood (dt)
OverBlood (e)
Oxyd (e)
Pac-Land (Arcade) (e)
Pacific Strike (dt)
Paladin's Quest (e)
Paladin's Quest (e)
Paladin's Quest (Items) (e)
Die Pandora Akte (dt)
Die Pandora Akte (e)
Panzer Commander (Demo) (e)
Panzer Dragoon Saga (e)
Panzer General (e)
Panzer General (e)
Panzer General (e)
Panzer General (e)
Panzer General 4 - Western Assault (e)
Panzer General 4 - Western Assault (dt)
Paparazzi! Tales of Tinseltown (dt)
Paparazzi! Tales of Tinseltown (e)
Paper Mario (e)
Parappa the Rapper (e)
Parasite Eve (dt)
Parasite Eve (e)
Parasite Eve (e)
Parasite Eve (e)
Parasite Eve (e)
Parasite Eve (e)
Parasite Eve (Inventory) (e)
Parasite Eve 2 (e)
Parasite Eve 2 (e)
Parasol Stars (e)
Parsec (e)
Party Zone (Flipper) (e)
Party Zone (Flipper) (e)
Passage - Path of Betrayal (e)
Past - Das Abenteuer Zeit (dt)
Der Pate (e)
Patrimonium (dt)
Der Patrizier (dt)
The Pawn (e)
The Pawn (e)
The Pawn (e)
Pax Imperia - Die Sternenkolonie (e)
Penny Racers (e)
Pepper's Adventures in Time (e)
Perfect Assassin (e)
Perfect Dark (e)
Perfect Dark (e)
Perfect Dark (dt)
Perfect Dark (e)
Perfect Dark (Glitch FAQ) (e)
Perfect Dark (Perfect Agent Walktrough) (e)
Perfect Dark Zero (dt)
Perfect Weapon (e)
Perihelion - The Prophecy (dt)
Perry Mason - The Case of the Mandarin Murder (dt)
Perry Rhodan - Operation Eastside (dt)
Perry Rhodan - Thoregon: Brücke in die Unendlichkeit (dt)
Perry Rhodan - Thoregon: Die verbotene Stadt (dt)
Persona (Megami Tensei Persona) (e)
Phantasie (e)
Phantasie (e)
Phantasie (e)
Phantasie (Spells) (e)
Phantasie 2 (Spells) (e)
Phantasmagoria (dt)
Phantasmagoria (e)
Phantasmagoria (e)
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens (dt)
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens (e)
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens (e)
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens (e)
Phantasmagoria 2 - Labor des Grauens (e)
Die phantastische Reise nach Terra-Gon (dt)
Phantasy Star (e)
Phantasy Star 4 - End of the Millennium (e)
Phantasy Star Online (dt)
Phantasy Star Online (e)
Phantasy Star Online Version 2 (e)
Pharao (dt)
Pharao (e)
Physikus (Lösung für die erste Version "A") (dt)
Physikus (Lösung für die zweite Version "X") (dt)
Pilotwings 64 (Cannonball) (e)
Pilotwings 64 (e)
Pilotwings 64 (e)
Pin-Bot (Flipper) (e)
Pink Panther und die Zauberformel (dt)
Pink Panthers gefährliche Mission (dt)
Pink Panthers gefährliche Mission (dt)
Pirate Adventure (e)
Pirate Adventure (e)
Pirate Adventure (e)
Pirate Adventure (e)
Pirates! (1990) (dt)
Pirates! Gold (e)
Pirates! Gold (e)
Pirates! Gold (dt)
Pirates! Gold (e)
Pirates! Gold (e)
Pizza Connection (dt)
Pizza Connection 2
Pizza Syndicate (dt)
Plan 9 from Outer Space (dt)
Der Planer 2 (dt)
Planescape - Torment (e)
Planescape - Torment (dt)
Planet's Edge (dt)
Planet's Edge (e)
Planetfall (e)
PlanetSide (Character Creating FAQ) (e)
Pocket Bomberman (e)
Pocket Fighter (e)
Pocket Fighter (e)
Pocket Fighter (e)
Pocket Fighter (e)
Pocket Fighter (e)
Point Blank (e)
Point Blank (e)
Pokémon - Blaue Edition (e)
Pokémon - Gelbe Edition (e)
Pokémon - Gelbe Edition (e)
Pokémon Blattgrün (Karten) (dt)
Pokemon Card FAQ/Lösung (e)
Pokemon Complete Walktrough (e)
Pokemon FAQ (e)
Pokemon FAQ (e)
Pokemon FAQ (e)
Pokémon Feuerrot (Karten) (dt)
Pokemon List (Australian Version) (e)
Pokemon Mini Guide (e)
Pokémon Pinball (e)
Pokemon Red/Blue FAQ (e)
Pokemon Red/Blue FAQ (e)
Pokemon Red/Blue FAQ (e)
Pokemon Rot/Blau (dt)
Pokémon Rubin - Karten (dt)
Pokémon Saphir - Karten (dt)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Snap (e)
Pokémon Stadium (e)
Pokémon Stadium (dt)
Pokémon Stadium 2 (e)
Pokémon Trading Card Game (dt)
Pokemon Walktrough (e)
Pokemon Walktrough (e)
Pokemon Walktrough (e)
Pokémon X/Y - Fundorte aller Pokémon (dt)
Pole Position (dt)
Police Force (Flipper) (e)
Police Quest - SWAT (dt)
Police Quest - SWAT (dt)
Police Quest - SWAT (e)
Police Quest - SWAT (e)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (dt)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (e)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (e)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (e)
Police Quest 1 - In Pursuit of the Death Angel (e)
Police Quest 2 - The Venegeance (dt)
Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance (e)
Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance (e)
Police Quest 2 - The Vengeance (e)
Police Quest 3 - The Kindred (dt)
Police Quest 3 - The Kindred (e)
Police Quest 4 - Open Season (e)
Police Quest 4 - Open Sesame (dt)
Policenauts (Mini-Guide) (e)
Pompei - Die Legende des Vesuvs (e)
Pool of Radiance (e)
Pool of Radiance (dt)
Pools of Darkness (dt)
Pools of Darkness (e)
Popeye (Arcade) (e)
Popeye Saves the Earth (Flipper) (e)
PoPoLoCrois (e)
PoPoLoCrois Monogatari (e)
Poporogue (e)
Populous (dt)
Populous (dt)
Populous (e)
Populous (e)
Populous - The Beginning (dt)
Populous - The Beginning (e)
Populous 2 (e)
Post Mortem (e)
Post Mortem (e)
Power Quest (e)
Power Stone (Ayame) (e)
Power Stone (e)
Power Stone (e)
Power Stone (e)
Power Stone (e)
Poy Poy 2 (FAQ) (e)
Praetorians (e)
Prey (FAQ von 1997) (e)
Primal (dt)
Primal Rage (e)
Primal Rage (e)
Prince of Persia (dt)
Prince of Persia (e)
Prince of Persia - The Two Thrones (dt)
Prince of Persia - Warrior Within (dt)
Prince of Persia 2 (dt)
Prince of Persia 2 (e)
Prince of Persia 3D (dt)
Prince of Persia 3D (e)
Prince of Qin (e)
Princess Crown (e)
Princess Maker 2 (e)
Prisoner of Ice (dt)
Prisoner of Ice (e)
Prisoner of War (e)
Priston Tale (e)
Priston Tale (e)
Priston Tale (Items-FAQ) (e)
Priston Tale (Monster-FAQ) (e)
Privatdetektiv Jim Pauder (dt)
Private Eye - Philip Marlowe (e)
Private Eye - Philip Marlowe (e)
Privateer 2 - The Darkening (dt)
Pro Pinball - Timeshock! (e)
Pro Pinball - Timeshock! (e)
Pro Pinball - Timeshock! (dt)
Pro Wrestling (MS) (e)
Pro Wrestling (NES) (e)
Project Freedom (e)
Prototype (1995) (dt)
Prototype 2 (e)
Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy (Boss-Guide) (dt)
Psychic Detective (e)
Psychic Detective (e)
Psychic Force (FAQ) (e)
Psychic Force 2012 (e)
Psychic Force 2012 (e)
Psychic Force 2012 (e)
Punch the Monkey (e)
Punky Skunk (e)
Puzzle Bobble 2 (e) Level Maps
Puzzle Bobble 3 FAQ (e)
Puzzle Bobble 4 FAQ (e)
Pyramid of Doom (e)
Pyramid of Doom (e)
Pyramid of Doom (e)
Qin (e)
Quake (e)
Quake (e)
Quake (e)
Quake (dt)
Quake (e)
Quake (e)
Quake (e)
Quake 2 (e)
Quake 2 (e)
Quake 2 (e)
Quake 2 (e)
Quake 2 Demo (e)
Quake 3 - Arena (dt)
Quake 3 - Arena (dt)
Quake 3 - Arena (e)
Quake 3 - Revolution (e)
Quake Mission Pack - Dissolution of Eternity (e)
Quake Mission Pack - Scourge of Armagon (e)
Queen - The Eye (dt)
Queen - The Eye (dt)
The Queen of Heart 2001 - Party's Breaker (e)
The Queen of Heart 2001 - Party's Breaker (e)
The Queen of Heart 2001 - Party's Breaker (e)
Quest - Brian's Journey (e)
Quest - Brian's Journey (e)
Quest for Camelot (dt)
Quest for Camelot (e)
Quest for Glory 1 - So You Want To Be A Hero (dt)
Quest for Glory 1 - So You Want To Be A Hero (e)
Quest for Glory 1 - So You Want To Be A Hero (e)
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial by Fire (dt)
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial by Fire (e)
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial by Fire (e)
Quest for Glory 2 - Trial by Fire (e)
Quest for Glory 3 - Wages of War (dt)
Quest for Glory 3 - Wages of War (e)
Quest for Glory 4 - Shadows of Darkness (dt)
Quest for Glory 5 - Drachenfeuer (dt)
Quest for Glory 5 - Drachenfeuer (e)
Quest for Glory 5 - Drachenfeuer (e)
Questron (e)
Questron (e)
R-Type Delta (e)
R-Type Delta (e)
R/C Helicopter (e)
Racing Simulation 2 (dt)
Rage Racer (e)
Ragnagard (e)
Ragnarok Online (e)
Ragnarok Online (e)
Rail on! (dt)
Railsim FAQ (dt)
Rainbow Islands (FAQ) (e)
Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear (dt)
Rakuga Kids (e)
Rally Cross (e)
Rally Masters (e)
Rallye Racing 97 (dt)
Rambo (e)
Rampage World Tour (GBC-FAQ) (e)
ran Trainer 2 (dt)
Ranma 1/2 - Battle Renaissance
Der Rasenmäher-Mann (dt)
Der Rasenmäher-Mann (e)
Raumschiff Titanic (dt)
Raumschiff Titanic (e)
Rave Shuttle (dt)
Ravenloft - Der Fluch des Grafen (e)
Ravenloft - Der Fluch des Grafen (e)
Ravenloft - Der Fluch des Grafen (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Ravenloft - Stone Prophet (e)
Ravenloft - Stone Prophet (dt)
Rayman (dt)
Rayman 2 - The Great Escape (dt)
Reach for the Stars (e)
Reach for the Stars (e)
Reah (dt)
Real Bout Fatal Fury (e)
Real Bout Fatal Fury (e)
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (Li Xiangfei Moves) (e)
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 FAQ (e)
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 FAQ (e)
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (e)
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special - Dominated Mind (e)
Real Robots - Final Attack (e)
Realms of the Haunting (dt)
Realms of the Haunting (e)
Recon (e)
Record of Lodoss War (e)
Record of Lodoss War / Lodss Tousenki (e)
Red Baron 2 (dt)
Red Baron 2 (Historical Overview) (e)
Red Hell (dt)
Red Hell (e)
Red Planet (e)
Red Steel 2 (e)
Redguard (e)
Redjack - Die Rache der Bruderschaft (dt)
Redline Racer (e)
Redneck Rampage (dt)
Rendezvous im Weltraum (dt)
Rendezvous im Weltraum (e)
Rendezvous with Rama (e)
Rendezvous with Rama (e)
Renegade (e)
Rent A Hero (dt)
Rent A Hero (e)
Replics 2 - Forget the Moon (dt)
Replics 3 - Behind the Light (dt)
Repton (e)
Requiem - Avenging Angel (e)
Requital (dt)
Rescue 911 (Flipper) (e)
Resident Evil (dt)
Resident Evil (alle Teile) - Plot Analysis (e)
Resident Evil (Chris) (e)
Resident Evil (dt)
Resident Evil (e)
Resident Evil (e)
Resident Evil (e)
Resident Evil (e)
Resident Evil (e)
Resident Evil (Jill) (e)
Resident Evil (Monster Guide) (e)
Resident Evil (Walktrough Chris) (e)
Resident Evil - Code: Veronica (dt)
Resident Evil - Code: Veronica (e)
Resident Evil - Director's Cut (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Claire) (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Claire) (Schnelldurchlauf) (e)
Resident Evil 2 (dt)
Resident Evil 2 (e)
Resident Evil 2 (e)
Resident Evil 2 (e)
Resident Evil 2 (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Files and Diaries) (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon Mission B Walkthrough) (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon) (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon) (e)
Resident Evil 2 (Leon) (Schnelldurchlauf) (e)
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (dt)
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (e)
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (e)
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (e)
Resident Evil 4 (dt)
Resident Evil 5 (dt)
Return Fire (e)
Return of the Phantom (dt)
Return of the Phantom (dt)
Return of the Phantom (e)
Return of the Tentacle (dt)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (dt)
Return to Krondor (e)
Return to Krondor (dt)
Return to Pirate's Isle (e)
Return to Zork (dt)
Return to Zork (e)
Return to Zork (e)
Reunion (dt)
Reunion (e)
Revenge from Mars (Flipper) (e)
Revenge from Mars (Flipper) (e)
Revolution X (e)
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (dt)
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (e)
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (e)
Rhapsody - A Musical Adventure (e)
RHEM (dt)
RHEM 2 - The Cave (dt)
Riana Rouge (e)
Richie Ritsch Ratsch (dt)
Riddle of the Sphinx (e)
Riddle of the Sphinx (e)
Ridge Racer (e)
Ridge Racer (e)
Ridge Racer (e)
Ridge Racer Revolution (e)
The Ring - Terror's Real (e)
Der Ring des Nibelungen (dt)
Ring of Red (e)
Rings of Power (e)
Ringworld - Revenge of the Patriarch (dt)
Ringworld - Revenge of the Patriarch (e)
Ringworld - Revenge of the Patriarch (e)
Ringworld - Revenge of the Patriarch (e)
Ripper (dt)
Ripper (e)
The Ripping Friends (e)
Rise 2 - Resurrection (e)
Rise 2 - Resurrection (e)
Rise 2 - Resurrection (e)
Rise of the Dragon (dt)
Rise of the Dragon (e)
Rise of the Triad (e)
Risen (Lösung)(d)
Risiko (dt)
Risky Woods (dt)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)
Rival Schools - United by Fate (Hyo/Sakura Combo Guide) (e)
Rival Schools 2 FAQ (e)
Rival Schools Fighting Diary 2 FAQ/Moves (e)
Riven (dt)
Riven (dt)
Riven (dt)
Riven (dt)
River City Ransom (e)
River City Ransom (e)
Robinson's Requiem (e)
Robinson's Requiem (e)
Robinson's Requiem (dt)
Robot City (e)
Robotech - Battlecry (e)
Robotrek (e)
Rock 'n' Roll Racing (e)
Rock Star Ate My Hamster (dt)
Rocket - Robot on Wheels (dt)
The Rocketeer (e)
Rockman and Forte FAQ (e) (SNES)
Rockman Dash (e)
Rockman FAQ (e)
Rockman X4 (dt)
Rockman X4 (e)
Rockman X4 (e)+FAQ
Rogue (The Dungeons of Doom) (e)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (dt)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (e)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (e)
RollerCoaster Tycoon (e)
Romance of the Three Kingdom 4 (e)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 (e)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 (e)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 (e)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms 3 - Dragon Destiny (e)
Romancing SaGa (e)
Romancing SaGa 2 (e)
Romancing SaGa 2 (e)
Romancing SaGa 3 (e)
Rome AD 92 (e)
Ronin Blade (e)
Rugrats - Abenteuerspiel (dt)
Rugrats - Auf der Suche nach Reptar (e)
Rugrats - Typisch Angelica (e)
Rumatas Sohn (dt)
Rumatas Sohn (spanisch)
Runaway - A Road Adventure (e)
Runaway - A Road Adventure (e)
Runaway 2 - The Dream of the Turtle (e)
Rush 2 - Extreme Racing USA (e)
Rush 2 - Extreme Racing USA (Key FAQ) (e)
Die Rückkehr des Finsteren (spanisch)
Die Rückkehr zur geheimnisvollen Insel (e)
Die Rückkehr zur geheimnisvollen Insel (e)
Rygar (Arcade) (FAQ) (e)
Ryu Knight - Road of the Paladin FAQ (e)
Das Rätsel des Master Lu (dt)
Das Rätsel des Master Lu (dt)
Das Rätsel des Master Lu (e)
Das Rätsel des Master Lu (e)
Sabrina - The Teenage Witch: Spellbound (e)
Sacred Ground (dt)
Sacred Ground (e)
The Sacred Mirror of Kofun (e)
The Sacred Mirror of Kofun (Hint-Sammlung) (e)
Sacrifice (e)
Safe Cracker (Flipper) (e)
Safe Cracker (Flipper) (e)
Safecracker (e)
SaGa Frontier (e)
SaGa Frontier (e)
SaGa Frontier (e)
SaGa Frontier (e)
SaGa Frontier 2 (e)
SaGa Frontier 2 (e)
Sailor Moon - Another Story (e)
Sailor Moon FAQ (e)
Sailor Stars - Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2 FAQ (e)
Saints Row 2 (dt)
Sakura Taisen (e)
Salammbo (e)
Sam & Max - Hit the Road (dt)
Sam & Max - Hit the Road (e)
Sam & Max - Hit the Road (e)
Samorost (d)
Samorost 2 (dt)
Sampaguita (e)
Samurai Shodown 3 (e)
Samurai Shodown 64 - Arcade - Hanzo FAQ (e)
Samurai Spirit RPG (e)
Samurai Spirits (e)
Samurai Spirits (e)
Sango Fighter (e)
Sango Fighter 2 (e)
Sanitarium (dt)
Sanitarium (e)
Satanica (dt)
Savage Island - Part 1 (e)
Savage Island - Part 2 (e)
Scared Stiff (Flipper) (e)
Scared Stiff (Flipper) (e)
Der Schatz im Silbersee (dt)
Schizm (e)
Schleichfahrt (dt)
Schleichfahrt (dt)
Schleichfahrt (e)
Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge (Cheat) (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge - Die Schicksalsklinge (e)
Das Schwarze Auge - Drakensang (e)
Das Schwarze Auge 2 - Sternenschweif (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge 2 - Sternenschweif (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge 2 - Sternenschweif (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge 2 - Sternenschweif (e)
Das Schwarze Auge 3 - Schatten über Riva (dt)
Das Schwarze Auge 3 - Schatten über Riva (e)
Das Schwarze Auge 3 - Schatten über Riva (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Die schwarzen Reiter (dt)
Scooby-Doo Mystery (e)
Scratches (e)
Scratches (e)
Scratches (e)
Scratches (e)
SD Gundam G-Generation F (e)
Sea Rogue (e)
Sea Rogue (e)
Seastalker (e)
Seastalker (e)
The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary (e)
Secret of Evermore (dt)
Secret of Evermore (e)
Secret of Evermore (Shopping Guide) (e)
Secret of Evermore (Trading List) (e)
Secret of Mana (dt)
Secret of Mana (e)
Secret of Mana (e)
Secret of Mana 2 - Par Codes FAQ (e) (SNES)
The Secret of Monkey Island (dt)
The Secret of Monkey Island (dt)
The Secret of Monkey Island (dt)
The Secret of Monkey Island (e)
The Secret of Monkey Island (e)
The Secret of Monkey Island (e)
The Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition (dt)
Secret of the Silver Blades (e)
Secrets of the Luxor (dt)
Der Seelenturm (dt)
Sega GT (d)
Sega Rally 2 (e)
Sega Rally Championship (e)
Sega Rally Championship 2 (e)
Sega Rally Championship 2 (e) 4-WD
Sega Rally Championship 2 (e) Peugeot 306
Sega Rally Championship 2 (e) Subaru
Seiken Densetsu 3 (dt)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (e)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (e)
Seiken Densetsu 3 (e)
Sentient (e)
Sentient (e)
Sentient (e)
Sentient (e)
Sentinel Returns (e)
Sentinel Returns (e)
Septerra Core (dt)
Septerra Core (e)
The Serpent's Star (e)
The Serpent's Star (e)
The Seven Cities of Gold - Commemorative Edition (e)
Seven Kingdoms 2 - The Fryhtan Wars (dt)
Severance - Blade of Darkness (e)
Severance - Blade of Darkness (e)
Sex Vixens From Space (e)
Sex Vixens From Space (e)
The Shadow (Flipper) (e)
The Shadow (Flipper) (e)
Shadow Company (dt)
Shadow Force - Razor Unit (e)
Shadow Madness (e)
Shadow Man (dt)
Shadow Man (e)
Shadow Man (e)
Shadow Man 2 - The Second Coming (e)
Shadow of the Beast 2 (e)
Shadow of the Beast 2 (e)
Shadow of the Beast 3 (dt)
Shadow of the Beast 3 (dt)
Shadow of the Beast 3 (e)
Shadow of the Colossus (dt)
Shadow of the Comet (e)
Shadow of the Comet (dt)
Shadow of Yserbius (e)
Shadow Sorcerer (dt)
Shadow Struggle (e)
Shadow Warrior (dt)
Shadow Warrior (e)
Shadow Warrior (e)
ShadowCaster (e)
ShadowCaster (e)
ShadowCaster (Tipps) (e)
Shadowgate (e)
Shadowgate (e)
Shadowgate 64 (dt)
Shadowgate 64 (e)
Shadowgate 64 (e)
Shadowgate Classic (dt)
Shadowgate Classic (e)
Shadowlands (dt)
Shadowlands (e)
Shadows of Cairn (e)
Shannara (dt)
Shannara (dt)
Shao Lin (e)
Shao Lin (e)
Shaq Attaq (Flipper) (e)
Shenmue (dt)
Shenmue (e)
Shenmue (e)
Shenmue (Slot Machine FAQ) (e)
Shenmue 2 (e)
Shenmue 2 (dt)
Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (e)
Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (e)
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective: Volume 1 (e)
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective: Volume 1 (e)
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective: Volume 2 (e)
Sherlock Holmes - The Mystery of the Mummy (e)
Sherwood Forest (e)
Shin Sedai Robot Senki - Brave Saga (e)
Shin Sedai Robot Senki - Brave Saga (e)
Shin Super Robot Taisen (e)
Shine (dt)
Shine (dt)
Shingen the Ruler (e)
Shining Force - The Sword of Hajya (e)
Shining Force 1 - The Legacy of Great Intention (dt)
Shining the Holy Ark (e)
Shining the Holy Ark (e)
Shivers (dt)
Shivers (dt)
Shivers (e)
Shogo (e)
Shogo (dt)
Shogun (e)
Die Siedler (dt)
Die Siedler (dt)
Die Siedler (dt)
Die Siedler (e)
Die Siedler (e)
Die Siedler 2 - Mission CD (dt)
Die Siedler 2 - Veni, Vidi, Vici (dt)
Die Siedler 2 - Veni, vidi, vici (dt)
Die Siedler 2 - Veni, vidi, vici (e)
Die Siedler 2 - Veni, vidi, vici (e)
Die Siedler 3 (dt)
Die Siedler 3 - Das Geheimnis der Amazonen (dt)
Siege of Avalon (e)
Sign of the Sun (e)
Silenced - The House (e)
Silent Hill (dt)
Silent Hill (e)
Silent Hill (e)
Silent Hill (e)
Silent Hill (e)
Silent Hill 2 (dt)
Silent Hill 2 (dt)
Silent Hill 3 (dt)
Silent Hill 3 (e)
Silent Hunter (e)
Silent Steel (e)
Silent Steel (e)
Silent Storm (e)
Silent Storm - Sentinels (e)
Silly Putty (dt)
Silver (dt)
Silver (dt)
Silver (e)
Silverload (e)
Silverload (e)
SimCity (1989) (e)
SimCity (1989) (e)
SimCity (1989) (e)
SimCity (1989) (e)
SimCity 2000 (dt)
SimCity 2000 (e)
SimCity 2000 (e)
SimCity 3000 (dt)
SimCity 3000 (e)
SimCity 3000 (e)
SimCity 3000 (e)
SimCity 3000 (e)
SimCity 3000 (e)
SimIsle (dt)
SimIsle (dt)
SimIsle (dt)
Simon the Soccerer (e)
Simon the Soccerer (e)
Simon the Soccerer (e)
Simon the Soccerer (e)
Simon the Soccerer (e)
Simon the Soccerer 2 (dt)
Simon the Sorcerer (dt)
Simon the Sorcerer (e)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (dt)
Simon the Sorcerer 3D (dt)
The Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants (dt)
Die Sims (dt)
Die Sims (e)
Die Sims (e)
Die Sims (e)
Sin (dt)
Sin (e)
Sin - Wages of Sin (dt)
Sixth Sense Investigations (dt)
Skeleton Krew (dt)
Skies of Arcadia (e)
Skies of Arcadia (d)
Skitchin' (e)
Skyworker (dt)
Slipstream 5000 (dt)
Slipstream 5000 (e)
Snake's Revenge (e)
Sniper Elite (e)
Sniper Elite (Kugel-Guide) (e)
Snow Surfers (e)
Snowboard Kids (e)
So Blonde (dt)
Solar Striker (e)
Solar Winds (e)
Solaris (e)
Soldier of Fortune (dt)
Soldier of Fortune 2 (e)
Soldiers - Heroes of World War 2 (e)
Soldiers at War (Modding) (e)
Soleil (e)
Solstice (e)
Sonata (e)
Sonic & Knuckles (e)
Sonic & Knuckles (dt)
Sonic 3 (e)
Sonic Adventure (A-Life) (e)
Sonic Adventure (e)
Sonic Adventure 2 (e)
Sonic Adventure 2 (e)
Sonic Chaos (e)
Sonic R (e)
Sonic R (e)
Sonic R (e)
Sorcerer (e)
Sorcerer (e)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (e)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (e)
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (e)
SOS - The Final Escape (e)
SOS - The Final Escape (e)
Soukaigi (e)
Soukyugurentai FAQ (e)
Soul Calibur (Maxi-Combos) (e)
Soul Calibur (Mega-FAQ) (e)
Soul Calibur (Mini-FAQ Beginners) (e)
Soul Calibur (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Soul Calibur (Moves) (e) (e)
Soul Calibur (Moves) (e)
Soul Calibur (Voldo-Moves) (e)
Soul Crystal (dt)
Soul Edge FAQ (e)
Soulbringer (dt)
South Park (e)
South Park (Flipper) (e)
Space Ace (e)
Space Ace 2 - Borf's Revenge (e)
The Space Bar (dt)
The Space Bar (e)
Space Crusade (e)
Space Crusade - The Voyage Beyond (e)
Space Empires - Starfury (e)
Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels (e)
Space Job (dt)
Space Quest (Reihen-FAQ) (e)
Space Quest 1 - Roger Wilco in The Sarien Encounter (dt)
Space Quest 1 - Roger Wilco in The Sarien Encounter (dt)
Space Quest 1 - Roger Wilco in The Sarien Encounter (e)
Space Quest 1 - Roger Wilco in The Sarien Encounter (e)
Space Quest 2 - Vohaul's Revenge (dt)
Space Quest 2 - Vohaul's Revenge (dt)
Space Quest 2 - Vohaul's Revenge (e)
Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon (dt)
Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon (e)
Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon (e)
Space Quest 3 - The Pirates of Pestulon (e)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (dt)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (dt)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (e)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (e)
Space Quest 4 - Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers (e)
Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (Coordinaten) (e)
Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (dt)
Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (e)
Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (e)
Space Quest 5 - The Next Mutation (e)
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier (dt)
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier (dt)
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier (e)
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier (e)
Space Quest 6 - Roger Wilco in The Spinal Frontier (e)
Space Rangers 2 (e)
Space Rogue (e)
Space Rogue (Hex-Cheats) (e)
Space Simulator (e)
Spawn - In the Demon's Hand (e)
Spawn - In the Demon's Hand (e)
Spawn - In the Demon's Hand (e)
Spawn - In the Demon's Hand (e)
Special Forces (dt)
Spectrum (Flipper) (e)
Speedball 2 (e)
Spellbreaker (dt)
Spellbreaker (e)
Spellcasting 101 - Sorcerers Get All The Girls (e)
Spellcasting 101 - Sorcerers Get All The Girls (e)
Spellcasting 201 - The Sorcerer's Appliance (dt)
Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break (dt)
Spellcasting 301 - Spring Break (e)
Spelljammer (dt)
The Speris Legacy (dt)
Spider-Man & Venom - Maximum Carnage (FAQ) (e)
Spider-Man (e)
Spider-Man (Flipper) (e)
Spider-Man - The Movie (dt)
Spirit of Adventure (dt)
Spiritual Warfare (Answers) (e)
Spiritual Warfare (Boss-FAQ) (e)
Spiritual Warfare (e)
Spiritual Warfare (Password-FAQ) (e)
Splatterhouse 2 (e)
Splinter Cell (dt)
Splinter Cell (e)
Splinter Cell - Chaos Theory (dt)
Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (dt)
Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow (dt)
Spooky Castle
Spore (e)
SPQR - The Empire's Darkest Hour (dt)
Spud! (dt)
Spycraft - The Great Game (e)
Spycraft - The Great Game (e)
Spycraft - The Great Game (e)
Spyro - Year of the Dragon (d)
Spyro the Dragon (dt)
Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (dt)
Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (dt)
Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (e)
Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (e)
Stalingrad (e)
The Stanley Parable (Console Commands) (e)
Star Control 2 (e)
Star Control 2 (e)
Star Control 3 (e)
Star Control 3 (e)
Star Control 3 (e)
Star Gladiator (e)
Star Ixiom (e)
Star Ocean (Part 1) (e)
Star Ocean (Part 2) (e)
Star Ocean (Part 3) (e)
Star Ocean (Power Up Guide) (e)
Star Ocean (Skills) (e)
Star Ocean - The Second Story (e)
Star Ocean - The Second Story (Battle Arena FAQ) (e)
Star Ocean - The Second Story (Claude) (e)
Star Ocean - The Second Story (e)
Star Ocean - The Second Story (Rena) (e)
Star Trek - The Next Generation (Flipper) (e)
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (dt)
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (dt)
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (e)
Star Trek - 25th Anniversary (e)
Star Trek - Armada (dt)
Star Trek - Away Team (e)
Star Trek - Borg (dt)
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars (e)
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Harbinger (dt)
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Harbinger (e)
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: Harbinger (e)
Star Trek - Deep Space Nine: The Fallen (e)
Star Trek - Der Aufstand (dt)
Star Trek - Generations (dt)
Star Trek - Generations (dt)
Star Trek - Generations (e)
Star Trek - Generations (e)
Star Trek - Generations (e)
Star Trek - Judgment Rites (dt)
Star Trek - Judgment Rites (e)
Star Trek - Klingon (e)
Star Trek - Klingon (e)
Star Trek - Klingon Academy (dt)
Star Trek - Klingon Honor Guard (dt)
Star Trek - Starfleet Academy (dt)
Star Trek - Starfleet Academy (e)
Star Trek - Starfleet Command (e)
Star Trek - Starfleet Command 2 (e)
Star Trek - Starfleet Command 3 (e)
Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternative (e)
Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity (e)
Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity (dt)
Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity (e)
Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity (e)
Star Trek - The Next Generation: A Final Unity (Tipp) (e)
Star Trek - The Next Generation: Future's Past (e)
Star Wars (Flipper) (e)
Star Wars - Battlefront (dt)
Star Wars - Battlefront (e)
Star Wars - Behind the Magic (e)
Star Wars - Dark Forces (dt)
Star Wars - Dark Forces (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung (dt)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung (dt)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Die dunkle Bedrohung (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (dt)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)
Star Wars - Episode 1: Racer (e)
Star Wars - Episode 3: Die Rache der Sith (dt)
Star Wars - Force Commander (dt)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight (Cheats) (e)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight (Demo) (e)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight (dt)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight (dt)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight (Force-FAQ) (e)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (e)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (dt)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (dt)
Star Wars - Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith (e)
Star Wars - Masters of Teräs Käsi (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Star Wars - Obi-Wan (e)
Star Wars - Rebel Assault (dt)
Star Wars - Rebel Assault (e)
Star Wars - Rebel Assault (e)
Star Wars - Rebel Assault 2 (dt)
Star Wars - Rebel Assault 2 (dt)
Star Wars - Rebel Assault 2 (dt)
Star Wars - Rebellion (e)
Star Wars - Rogue Leader - Rogue Squadron 2 (dt)
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (dt)
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron (Naboo Starfighter FAQ) (e)
Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (dt)
Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (dt)
Star Wars - Shadows of the Empire (e)
Star Wars - The Force Unleashed (dt)
Star Wars - Tie Fighter (dt)
Star Wars - Tie Fighter (dt)
Star Wars - Tie Fighter (e)
Star Wars - X-Wing (dt)
Star Wars - X-Wing (e)
Star Wars - X-Wing (e)
Star Wars - X-Wing (e)
Star Wars - X-Wing (e)
Star Wars - X-Wing (e)
Star Wars - X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter (dt)
Star Wars - X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Balance of Power (dt)
Star Wars - Yoda Stories (dt)
Star Wolves (e)
Star Wolves (e)
Starbucket (e)
StarCraft (dt)
StarCraft (e)
StarCraft (e)
StarCraft (Protoss FAQ) (e)
StarCraft (Terran FAQ) (e)
StarCraft (Veteranenkampagne) (dt)
StarCraft - Brood War (dt)
StarCraft - Brood War (e)
StarCraft - Brood War (e)
Starcross (e)
Starcross (e)
Starcross (e)
Starcross (dt)
Starfighter 3000 (e)
Starflight (e)
Starflight (e)
Starflight (Koordinaten) (e)
Starflight (Koordinaten) (e)
Starflight 2 (e)
Starlancer (e)
Starlancer (dt)
Starlancer (Fighter and Weapons Guide) (e)
Starship Troopers (2000) (e)
Starsiege (e)
Starsiege Tribes (e)
Starsiege Tribes (e)
StarTropics (e)
StarTropics (e)
StarTropics (e)
StarTropics (e)
StarTropics 2 - Zoda's Revenge (e)
StarTropics 2 - Zoda's Revenge (e)
Stationfall (dt)
Stationfall (e)
Steamgear Mash (e)
Steel Panthers (e)
Steel Panthers (e)
Stellar Wars (Flipper) (e)
Stonekeep (dt)
Stonekeep (e)
Stonekeep (e)
Stonekeep (e)
Stonekeep (e)
Stonekeep (e)
Stonekeep (Tipp) (dt)
The Story of Thor (e)
The Story of Thor (e)
The Story of Thor 2 (e)
Stranded Kids (e)
Strange Odyssey (e)
Street Fighter 2 (e)
Street Fighter 2 (e)
Street Fighter 2 (e)
Street Fighter 2 (e)
Street Fighter 2 - Hyper Fighting (Ken-Guide) (e)
Street Fighter 3 - 3rd Strike (Ryu) (e)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (e)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (e) Combo and Systems
Street Wars - Constructor Underworld (e)
Strider Hiryo (e)
Strife (e)
Strike Commander (dt)
Strike Commander - Tactical Operations (dt)
Stronghold (1993) (e)
Stronghold Crusader (e)
Das Stundenglas (dt)
Stuntman (e)
Stupid Invaders (dt)
Stupid Invaders (e)
Stupid Invaders (e)
Su-27 Flanker (e)
Su-27 Flanker (e)
Su-27 Flanker (e)
Su-27 Flanker (e)
Sub Culture (e)
Subwar 2050 (e)
Sudden Strike (dt)
Suikoden (e)
Suikoden (e)
Suikoden (e)
Suikoden 2 (e)
Suikoden 3 (e)
Suikoden 3 (e)
Suikoden 3 (e)
Suikoden 4 (e)
The Summoning (e)
The Summoning (e)
SunDog - Frozen Legacy (dt)
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross - Do You Remember Love (e)
Super Dodge Ball (e)
Super Double Dragon (Freezer-Codes) (dt)
Super Famicom FAQ (e) (SNES)
Super Gem Fighter (e)
Super Hydlide (e)
Super Mario 64 (dt)
Super Mario 64 (dt)
Super Mario 64 (e)
Super Mario 64 (e)
Super Mario 64 (e)
Super Mario 64 (Sterne-FAQ) (dt)
Super Mario 64 DS (dt)
Super Mario Advance (e)
Super Mario Bros (e)
Super Mario Bros (e)
Super Mario Bros 2 (Warps) (e)
Super Mario Bros 3 (e)
Super Mario Bros 3 (e)
Super Mario Bros Deluxe (e)
Super Mario Bros Deluxe (e)
Super Mario Bros Deluxe (e)
Super Mario Bros Deluxe (e)
Super Mario Bros Deluxe (e)
Super Mario Galaxy (dt)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (e)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (e)
Super Mario Kart (e)
Super Mario Land (e)
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (e)
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (e)
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (e)
Super Mario RPG - Legend of the Seven Stars (e)
Super Mario Sunshine (e)
Super Mario World (e)
Super Mario World (e)
Super Mario World - Super Mario Advance 2 (e)
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (e)
Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island (e)
Super Pitfall (e)
Super Punch-Out!! (e)
Super Punch-Out!! (e)
Super Robot Taisen Link Battler (e)
Super Robot Taisen Link Battler (e)
Super Robot War FAQ (e)
Super Smash Bros. (e)
Super Smash Bros. (e)
Super Smash Bros. (e)
Super Smash Bros. (e)
Super Smash Bros. (e)
Super Smash Bros. (e)
Super Smash Bros. (Jigglypuff) (e)
Super Smash Bros. Melee (e)
Super Smash T.V. (e)
Superbike World Championship (dt)
Superhero League of Hoboken (e)
SuperKarts (e)
Supernova (e)
Superspy - Das Omega-Projekt (dt)
Supremacy (dt)
Suspect (e)
Suspended (e)
Suspended (e)
Suspended (e)
Suspended (dt)
Swagman (dt)
SWAT 3 - Close Quarters Battle (e)
Sweet Home (e)
Sweet Home (e)
Swiss Family Robinson (e)
Swiss Family Robinson (e)
SWIV (e)
Sword of the Berserk - Guts' Rage (e)
Swordquest - Earthworld (e)
Syberia (e)
Syberia (e)
Syberia (e)
Syberia 2 (e)
Syberia 2 (e)
Syndicate (dt)
Syndicate (e)
Syndicate Wars (dt)
Syphon Filter (dt)
Syphon Filter (e)
Syphon Filter (e)
Syphon Filter (e)
Syphon Filter (e)
Syphon Filter (Waffen) (e)
Syphon Filter 2 (dt)
Syphon Filter 2 (e)
Syphon Filter 2 (e)
System Shock (dt)
System Shock (e)
System Shock 2 (dt)
System Shock 2 (e)
Sören 3D (dt)
T-Zero (dt)
Tag Wars (e)
Tail Concerto (e)
Tailchaser (nur Level 1) (dt)
Taito G-Net (e)
Tales of Destiny (e)
Tales of Destiny (e)
Tales of Phantasia (e)
Tales of Phantasia (e)
Tales of Phantasia (e)
Tales of Phantasia (e)
Tales of Phantasia (e)
Tales of Rebirth (e)
Tales of the Arabian Nights (e)
Talisman (dt)
Talisman (dt)
Tamagotchi (e)
Targhan (e)
Tass Times in Tonetown (e)
Tass Times in Tonetown (e)
Tass Times in Tonetown (e)
Tass Times in Tonetown (dt)
Taubenschrecker (dt)
Team Fortress 2 (e)
TechnoMage (e)
Tecmo Secret of the Stars (e)
Tecmo Secret of the Stars (e)
Tee'd Off (e)
Teen Agent (e)
Teen Agent (e)
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The HyperStone Heist (e)
Tekken (e)
Tekken (e)
Tekken 2 (e)
Tekken 2 (e)
Tekken 2 (e)
Tekken 2 (e)
Tekken 3 (Dr. Broskonovich) (e)
Tekken Tag Tournament (e)
Tekken Tag Tournament (e)
Telekommando (dt)
Das Telekommando kehrt zurück (dt)
Temujin (e)
Tenchi Muyo RPG (e)
Tenchi Muyo RPG (e)
Tenchi Muyo RPG (e)
Tenchi Muyo RPG (Hex-Codes) (e)
Tenchu - Stealth Assassins (dt)
Tenchu - Stealth Assassins (e)
Terminal Velocity (e)
The Terminator - Future Shock (dt)
The Terminator - Future Shock (e)
Terminator 2029 (e)
Terra Nova (e)
Terra Nova (dt)
Terra Nova (e)
Terranigma (dt)
Terranigma (e)
Terraria (e)
Test Drive Unlimited 2 (e)
Tetris (e)
Tex Murphy - Overseer (e)
Theme Hospital (dt)
Theme Hospital (e)
Theme Park (dt)
This Means War! (dt)
The Three Stooges (e)
Thrill Kill (e)
Thunderscape (e)
Thunderscape (e)
Thunderscape (Hex-Liste) (dt)
Time Crisis (e)
Time Crisis (e)
Time Crisis 2 (e)
Time Gal and Ninja Hayate (Tipps) (e)
Time Gate - Knight's Chase (dt)
Time Gate - Knight's Chase (dt)
Time Gate - Knight's Chase (e)
Time Hollow (dt)
Time Hollow (e)
The Time Machine (e)
Time Paradox (dt)
Time Trouble (dt)
Time Trouble (dt)
Time Trouble (dt)
Time Zone (e)
Timelapse (dt)
Timelapse (e)
Timequest (e)
Timequest (dt)
Timequest (e)
Times of Lore (dt)
Times of Lore (e)
TimeSplitters 2 (e)
Titanic - Adventure Out of Time (dt)
Titanic - Adventure Out of Time (e)
Titanic - Das unglaubliche Geheimnis (dt)
TKKG - Das Rätsel der Villa Drachenkralle
TKKG - Das Rätsel der Villa Drachenkralle (dt)
TKKG - Das Rätsel der Villa Drachenkralle (dt)
TKKG - Der Schatz der Maya (dt)
TKKG - Der Schatz der Maya (dt)
TKKG - Der Schatz der Maya (dt)
TKKG - Katjas Geheimnis (dt)
TKKG - Katjas Geheimnis (dt)
TKKG - Tödliche Schokolade (dt)
TKKG - Tödliche Schokolade (dt)
TKKG - Verrat an TKKG (dt)
TKKG - Verrat an TKKG (dt)
TKKG - Verrat an TKKG (dt)
Tobal 2 (e)
Tobal 2 (e)
Tobal 2 (e)
Tobal No. 1 (e)
Tobal No. 1 (e)
TOCA 2 Touring Cars (dt)
TOCA 2 Touring Cars (dt)
Tokimeki Memorial - Taisen Tokkaedama (e)
Tokimeki Memorial - Taisen Tokkaedama (e)
Tokimeki Memorial - Taisen Tokkaedama (e)
Tokyo Xtreme Racer (e)
Tom Long - The Time Adventure (dt)
Tom Long - The Time Adventure (dt)
Tomb Raider (dt)
Tomb Raider (dt)
Tomb Raider (dt)
Tomb Raider (dt)
Tomb Raider (e)
Tomb Raider (e)
Tomb Raider (e)
Tomb Raider (e)
Tomb Raider - Anniversary (dt)
Tomb Raider - Legend (dt)
Tomb Raider - The Lost Artifact (dt)
Tomb Raider - The Lost Artifact (e)
Tomb Raider - The Times Exclusive (dt)
Tomb Raider - The Times Exclusive (dt)
Tomb Raider 2 (dt)
Tomb Raider 2 (dt)
Tomb Raider 2 (e)
Tomb Raider 2 (e)
Tomb Raider 2 (e)
Tomb Raider 2 (e)
Tomb Raider 2 (e)
Tomb Raider 2 (e)
Tomb Raider 2 - Golden Mask (dt)
Tomb Raider 2 - Golden Mask (dt)
Tomb Raider 3 (dt)
Tomb Raider 3 (dt)
Tomb Raider 3 (e)
Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation (dt)
Tomb Raider 4 - The Last Revelation (e)
Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik (dt)
Tomb Raider 5 - Die Chronik (e)
Tomb Raider 6 - The Angel of Darkness (dt)
Tomb Raider 6 - The Angel of Darkness (e)
Tombi! (dt)
Tombi! (e)
Tonic Trouble (e)
Tonic Trouble (dt)
Tony & Friends - New Adventures: Invasion im Kelloggs Land (dt)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (e)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (e)
Tony Hawk's Underground (dt)
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (dt)
Tony Tough (e)
Tony Tough 2 (dt)
Toonstruck (dt)
Toonstruck (dt)
Toonstruck (e)
Top Gun - Fire at Will (dt)
Top Gun - Fire at Will (dt)
Top Skater (Arcade) (e)
Top Spin (e)
Top Spin (e)
Torin's Passage (dt)
Torin's Passage (dt)
Torin's Passage (e)
Total Annihilation (dt)
Total Annihilation (dt)
Total Annihilation (dt)
Total Annihilation (e)
Total Annihilation - Kingdoms (dt)
Total Distortion (e)
Total Drivin (e)
Total Overdose (dt)
Die total verrückte Rallye (dt)
Die total verrückte Rallye (dt)
Touche - Die Abenteuer des fünften Musketiers (dt)
Touche - Die Abenteuer des fünften Musketiers (e)
Towers 2 - Plight of the Stargazer (e)
Towers 2 - Plight of the Stargazer (e)
Toy Story 2 (e)
Toy Story 2 (e)
The Tracer Sanction (e)
The Tracer Sanction (e)
Trade & Battle - Card Hero (Kartenliste) (e)
Trade & Battle - Card Hero (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Traitors Gate (dt)
Transport Tycoon (dt)
Transport Tycoon (e)
Transylvania (e)
Transylvania (e)
Trauma (dt)
Treasure Hunter (e)
Treasure Hunter (e)
Treasure Hunter (e)
Treasure Hunter (e)
Treasure of the Rudras (e)
Treasures of the Savage Frontier (e)
Trial by Magic (e)
TrickStyle (e)
Trinity (e)
Trinity (dt)
Trinity (e)
Trinity (e)
Triple Play 2000 (e)
Troya - Historical Mystery Adventure 1186 (e)
True Crime - New York City (dt)
Tunguska - Legend of Faith (e)
Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (e)
Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (e)
Turok - Dinosaur Hunter (e)
Turok - Evolution (e)
Turok - Evolution (e)
Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (dt)
Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (e)
Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (e)
Turok 2 - Seeds of Evil (e)
Tusker (e)
The Twilight Zone (e)
The Twilight Zone (e)
Twisted Metal (e)
Twisted Metal - World Tour (e)
Two Worlds (e)
Tyrian (e)
Ubik (dt)
Udoiana Raunes - Auf der Suche nach der Schulordnung (dt)
UFO - Aftermath (e)
Ufouria (e)
Ultima - World of Adventure 2: Martian Dreams (e)
Ultima 1 - The First Age of Darkness (Hints) (e)
Ultima 1 - The First Age of Darkness (Tech File) (e)
Ultima 1 - The First Age of Darkness (Walkthrough) (e)
Ultima 2 - The Revenge of the Enchantress (e)
Ultima 2 - The Revenge of the Enchantress (e)
Ultima 3 - Exodus (e)
Ultima 4 - Quest of the Avatar (e)
Ultima 5 - Warriors of Destiny (dt)
Ultima 5 - Warriors of Destiny (e)
Ultima 6 - The False Prophet (e)
Ultima 6 - The False Prophet (e)
Ultima 7 - Forge of Virtue (dt)
Ultima 7 - Teil 1: The Black Gate (dt)
Ultima 7 - Teil 1: The Black Gate (e)
Ultima 7 - Teil 1: The Black Gate (e)
Ultima 7 - Teil 2: The Serpent Isle (dt)
Ultima 7 - Teil 2: The Serpent Isle (e)
Ultima 7 - Teil 2: The Serpent Isle (e)
Ultima 7 - Teil 2: The Serpent Isle (e)
Ultima 8 - Pagan (dt)
Ultima 8 - Pagan (e)
Ultima 8 - Pagan (e)
Ultima 8 - Pagan (e)
Ultima 9 - Ascension (dt)
Ultima 9 - Ascension (e)
Ultima 9 - Ascension (e)
Ultima Online (Mini-FAQ) (e)
Ultima Underworld - Der dunkle Abgrund (e)
Ultima Underworld 2 - Labyrinth der Welten (e)
Ultima Underworld 2 - Labyrinth der Welten (e)
Ultimate Doom (Thy Flesh Consumed) (e)
Ultizurk 1 - The Grandmaster's Quest (e)
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece (e)
Um Jammer Lammy (e)
Uncharted Waters (e)
Uncharted Waters (e)
Under a killing Moon (dt)
Under a killing Moon (dt)
Undercover - AD 2025 Kei (e)
Undying (e)
Undying (e)
Undying (e)
Die ungelösten Fälle von Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose (dt)
Die ungelösten Fälle von Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose (e)
Die ungelösten Fälle von Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose (e)
Die ungelösten Fälle von Sherlock Holmes - Das Geheimnis der tätowierten Rose (dt)
Uninvited (e)
Uninvited (dt)
Uninvited (e)
Uninvited (e)
Universe (dt)
Universe (dt)
Universe (e)
Unnkulian Underworld - The Unknown Unventure (e)
Unnkulian Unventure 2 (e)
Unreal (e)
Unreal (dt)
Unreal (e)
Unreal Tournament (e)
Unterwegs in Düsterburg (dt)
Uplink (dt)
Urban Assault (dt)
Urban Runner (dt)
Urban Runner (e)
Urban Runner (e)
Uru - Ages Beyond Myst (dt)
Uru - Ages Beyond Myst (e)
Utopia (e)
V-Rally 3 (e)
V-Rally 3 (e)
V-Rally 3 (e)
Vagrant Story (e)
Valhalla & the Fortress of Eve (dt)
Valhalla - Before the War (e)
Valhalla and the Lord of Infinity (e)
Vampire - Die Maskerade: Redemption (dt)
Vampire - Die Maskerade: Redemption (e)
Vampire Hunter D (e)
Vampire Savior - Morrigan (FAQ) (e)
Vampires Dawn (dt)
Vandal Hearts (e)
Vandal Hearts (e)
Vanguard Bandits (FAQ)(e)
Veil of Darkness (dt)
Veil of Darkness (e)
Vengeance of Excalibur (e)
Der verborgene Kontinent (dt)
Der Vergessene Gott (e)
Vergessene Länder - Erste Siedler (Tipps Bonus-Levels) (e)
Der Verkehrsgigant (dt)
Vermeer - Die Kunst zu erben (dt)
Verrat in der verbotenen Stadt (dt)
Verrat in der verbotenen Stadt (dt)
Versailles 1685 (dt)
Versailles 1685 (dt)
Versailles 1685 (e)
Die Versuchung (e)
Vib-Ribbon (e)
Vib-Ribbon (e)
Victor Loomes (dt)
Vikings (dt)
Villgust (dt)
Virtua Cop (e)
Virtua Fighter (e)
Virtua Fighter (Wolf Hawkfield FAQ) (e)
Virtua Fighter 3 (e)
Virtua Tennis (e)
Virtua Tennis (e)
Virtual Corporation (dt)
Virtual On - Cybertroopers (e)
Virtual Sailor (Basic Hints) (e)
Virus 2000 (e)
Virus 2000 (e)
Vollgas (dt)
Vollgas (dt)
Vollgas (e)
Vollgas (e)
Vollgas (e)
Voodoo Castle (e)
Voodoo Castle (e)
Voodoo Castle (e)
Voodoo Kid (dt)
Voyeur 2 (e)
Vroom (dt)
Die Völker (dt)
Die Völker (dt)
Wade Hixton's Counter Punch (e)
War Gods (e)
War Wind 2 - Die Invasion (dt)
Warcraft - Orcs & Humans (e)
Warcraft - Orcs & Humans (e)
Warcraft - Orcs & Humans (e)
Warcraft 2 - Beyond the Dark Portal (dt)
Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness (dt)
Warcraft 2 - Tides of Darkness (e)
Warcraft 3 - Reign of Chaos (e)
Warcraft 3 - Reign of Chaos (e)
The Ward (e)
Warhammer - Im Schatten der gehörnten Ratte (e)
Warhammer - Im Schatten der gehörnten Ratte (e)
Warhammer 40.000 - Chaos Gate (e)
Warhawk (e)
Wario Land 2 (e)
Wario Land 3 (dt)
Warlords (dt)
Warlords - Battlecry (e)
Warlords 2 (e)
Warrior Kings (e)
Warriors (e)
The Warriors (dt)
Warriors (e)
Warriors of Might and Magic (e)
Wasteland (dt)
Wasteland (e)
Wasteland (e)
Wasteland (e)
Watchtower (dt)
Waterslide Island (Registriercode) (e)
Waterworld (e)
Wave Race 64 (dt)
Wave Race 64 (e)
WaxWorks (e)
WaxWorks (dt)
WCW Nitro (e)
WCW vs. The World (e)
WCW vs. The World (e)
WCW vs. The World (e)
WCW vs. The World (FAQ)(e)
WCW/nWo Revenge (e)
WCW/nWo Revenge (e)
Ween - The Prophecy (e)
Ween - The Prophecy (dt)
Ween - The Prophecy (e)
Weird Dreams (e)
Welcome House (e)
Welcome House 2 - Keaton and His Uncle (e)
Wer wird Millionär - 2. Edition (e)
Wet Attack (dt)
Wetrix (e)
Whale's Voyage (e)
Whale's Voyage (dt)
Whale's Voyage 2 - Die Übermacht (dt)
The Wheel of Time (dt)
WhiteDay - A Labyrinth Named School (e)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (e)
Wibble World Giddy (dt)
Wild Arms (e)
Wild Arms (e)
Wild Arms (e)
Wild Arms (e)
Wild Arms (e)
Wild Arms 3 (e)
Wild Wild West - The Steel Assassin (dt)
William's Blue Chip (Flipper) (e)
Willow (e)
The Wimp Game (e)
Windows Minesweeper (e)
Windows Minesweeper (e)
Windwalker (e)
Wing Commander (e)
Wing Commander (dt)
Wing Commander - Privateer (e)
Wing Commander - Privateer (dt)
Wing Commander - Prophecy (dt)
Wing Commander - Prophecy (dt)
Wing Commander 2 - Vengeance of the Kilrathi (e)
Wing Commander 2 - Vengeance of the Kilrathi (dt)
Wing Commander 2 - Vengeance of the Kilrathi (dt)
Wing Commander 3 - Heart of the Tiger (e)
Wing Commander 3 - Heart of the Tiger (e)
Wing Commander 3 - Heart of the Tiger (e)
Wing Commander 3 - Heart of the Tiger (e)
Wing Commander 3 - Heart of the Tiger (e)
Wing Commander 3 - Heart of the Tiger (e)
Wing Commander 4 - The Price of Freedom (e)
Wing Commander 4 - The Price of Freedom (dt)
Winzer (dt)
Wishbringer (dt)
Wishbringer (e)
Wishbringer (e)
The Witcher (e)
The Witcher (e)
The Witness (dt)
The Witness (e)
Wizardry - Nemesis (dt)
Wizardry - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord (e)
Wizardry 2 - The Knight of Diamonds (e)
Wizardry 3 - Legacy of Llylgamyn (e)
Wizardry 3 - Legacy of Llylgamyn (e)
Wizardry 4 - The Return of Werdna (e)
Wizardry 4 - The Return of Werdna (e)
Wizardry 6 - Bane of the Cosmic Forge (e)
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (dt)
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (e)
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (e)
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (e)
Wizardry 7 - Crusaders of the Dark Savant (e)
Wizardry 8 (e)
Wizardry 8 (e)
Wolfenstein 3D (e)
Wonder Projekt J2 (e)
Wonderland (e)
Wonderland (dt)
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth (dt)
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth (dt)
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth (e)
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth (e)
World Driver Championship (Mini-FAQ) (e)
World Driver Championship (Mini-FAQ) (e)
World of WarCraft (dt)
World of WarCraft - Wrath of the Lich King (Raid-Vorbereitungen)
World Series Baseball 2K1 (e)
World Series Baseball 2K2 (e)
World Wars 2 - Sniper (e)
Worlds of Ultima - The Savage Empire (e)
Worlds of Ultima - The Savage Empire (dt)
WorldSpiral - Liath (e)
WorldSpiral - Liath (dt)
Worms (e)
Worms (e)
Worms (e)
Worms (e)
Worms 2 (dt)
Worms 2 (dt)
Worms 2 (e)
Worms 4 Mayhem (Waffen-Guide) (e)
Worms Armageddon (e)
Wraith (e)
Wrath of the Gods (dt)
Wrath of the Gods (e)
Wreckless (e)
Wrong Turn (dt)
Wukung der Affengott (dt)
WWE - SmackDown vs. Raw (dt)
WWF - Attitude (e)
WWF - Attitude (e)
WWF - In Your House (e)
WWF - Royal Rumble (e)
WWF - SmackDown! (e)
WWF - War Zone (e)
WWF - War Zone (e)
WWF - War Zone (e)
WWF - WrestleMania (e)
WWF - WrestleMania (e)
X - Beyond the Frontier (dt)
X-Change 2 (Ending List) (e)
X-COM - Apocalypse (dt)
X-COM - Enforcer (e)
X-COM - Terror from the Deep (dt)
X-COM - Terror from the Deep (dt)
X-COM - Terror from the Deep (e)
X-COM - Terror from the Deep (e)
X-COM - Terror from the Deep (e)
X-COM - UFO Defence (e)
X-COM - UFO Defence (e)
X-COM - UFO Defence (e)
X-COM - UFO Defence (e)
X-COM - UFO Defense (e)
X-COM - UFO Defense (dt)
X-COM - UFO Defense (dt)
X-COM - UFO Defense (e)
X-COM - UFO Defense (e)
X-Files - The Game (dt)
X-Files - The Game (e)
X-Files - The Game (e)
X-Files - The Game (e)
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (e)
X-Men vs. Street Fighter (e)
Xenogears (e)
Xenogears (e)
Xenogears (e)
Xenogears (e)
Xenogears (e)
Xenophage - Alien Bloodsport (e)
Xenosaga - Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (e)
XPLORA1 - Peter Gabriel's Secret World (e)
XTreme Racing (Data Disks) (dt)
XTreme Racing (dt)
The Yawhg (e)
Yoot Tower (e)
Yoshi's Island - Super Mario Advance 3 (e)
Yoshi's Island - Super Mario Advance 3 (e)
Yoshi's Story (e)
Yoshi's Story (e)
Yoshi's Story (e)
Young Merlin (e)
Young Merlin (e)
Ys 4 - The Drawn of Ys (e)
Ys Book I & II (Lösung)(e)
Ys Eternal - Ancient Ys Vanished Omen (e)
Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Touitsusen (FAQ) (e)
Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel Monsters 5 (e)
Yucatan - Das Gold der Mayas (dt)
Yuppi's Revenge (dt)
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Dai 4 Tama - Makai Touitsu (e)
Yuu Yuu Hakusho Dai 4 Tama - Makai Touitsu (e)
Z (e)
Z (dt)
Z - Steel Soldiers (e)
Zak McKracken - Between Time and Space (dt)
Zak McKracken 2 - Die neuen Abenteuer des Zak McKracken (dt)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (e)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (dt)
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders (e)
Zanzarah (dt)
Zapitalism Deluxe (e)
Zeewolf (dt)
Zeewolf 2 - Wild Justice (dt)
Die Zeitmaschine (dt)
Zelda - The Wand of Gamelon (e)
Zelda - The Wand of Gamelon (e)
Zero Critical (e)
Zero Divide (e)
Zero Divide (e)
Zero Divide (e)
Zero Tolerance (Karte) (e)
Zombie Revenge (e)
Zoo Keeper (e)
Zoo Keeper (e)
Zork - Großinquisitor (dt)
Zork - Großinquisitor (e)
Zork - Großinquisitor (e)
Zork - Großinquisitor (e)
Zork - Großinquisitor (e)
Zork - Nemesis (dt)
Zork - Nemesis (e)
Zork - Nemesis (e)
Zork - Nemesis (e)
Zork - Nemesis (e)
Zork - Nemesis 2 (dt)
Zork - The Undiscovered Underground (e)
Zork 1 (dt)
Zork 1 (e)
Zork 1 (e)
Zork 2 (dt)
Zork 2 (e)
Zork 2 (e)
Zork 3 (dt)
Zork Zero (e)
ZZT (The Caves of ZZT) (e)
ZZT (The City of ZZT) (e)
ZZT (The Dungeons of ZZT) (e)
ZZT (The Town of ZZT) (e)