Das Erbe von Goku Tipss,Lösungen,... (Game Boy (Advance))

Das Erbe von Goku Tipss,Lösungen,... (Game Boy (Advance))

Ich suche Tipps,Lösungen,... zu das erbe von goku?Kennt jemand welche,oder eine gute Seite?
1 oder 2?
wer spielt schon 1
Ich!Und ich würde gern ein paar tipps dazu haben,schliesslich haben das früher ja auch welche gespielt!
Das hat doch bestimmt schon mal jemand gespielt oder?
Wo bist du denn?
Noch auf der Erde oder auf Namek.
Ich bin jetzt gerade vor diesem Tempel,und weissnicht was ich machen soll!(Auf Namek)
Welches Level ist denn dein Goku?
Optimal wäre es so um die 20.
Hier die Erklärung:

Du musst zuerst 3 Artefarkte finden. Wo diese sind weiss ich aber auch nicht mehr dafür müsste ich das Spiel nochmal von anfang an Spielen. Aber ich schau mal nach vielleicht finde ich ja irgendetwas. Notfalls muss ich es halt spielen um herauszufinden wo die sind.
Den weg zur Ginju Force und Freezer hab ich schon mal erklärt ich hieß früher Der Pharao.
Melde mich wieder wenn ich was hab.

Die Farben der Artefarkte sind blau grün und rot oder gelb.

Sie sind draußen ganz oben links und im Tempel. Du musst unter Steinen gucken indem du sie zerstörst oder Gegner besiegen. Im Tempel musst du weiter gehen bis du Hände siehst die in eine Richtung zeigen. Gehe in diese Richtung durch die Wand. Hier findest du Kräuter Senzu-Bohnen... und den grünen Artefakt. Wo der 3. ist weiß ich noch nicht ganz.
Hier ne Lösung zu den Artefarkten ist allerdings auf Englisch. Wenn du kein Englisch kannst Spiel ichs halt. Dauert zwar etwas aber egal.

"This place is big, that's for sure, and is loaded with Teleport Pads of
varying colors. The trick here is to know which teleporters to take, since
they always take you to the same place, and simply following the right order.
For simpler purposes, I will tell you how to get to each Teleporter, as well as
what color it is.

"Start out by walking straight up, stopping in front of the oversized statue of
a Namekian Warrior holding a 1-Star Dragon Ball (not real, though). Directly
below this statue is a white square; this is the first Teleport Pad. If you
want to grab any Flight Charges, there are 2 Red Ones on opposite sides of the
room here. When you're ready, step onto the White Teleport Pad. This takes
you to a Room with a hand holding a Tablet directly North from here. There
are several tablets like this located throughout the Temple, and do nothing but
hold Namekian Wisdom for you. If you want to read 'em, go right ahead.

"To continue - walk Down and Right around the torches, following the flames
(take out the Henchmen if you wish). The path here will go Up and Right; you
will want to take the Right path. Continue moving past the Green Teleport Pad
(and the Green Flight Charge...it's the Green section!), beat up the Blue
Henchman, and Follow the Hall as it banks and goes Up. Your path will meet
with another Namekian Statue Warrior, this one Holding a 2-Star Dragon Ball.
Directly below the statue is a Namekian Statue of a Hand, pointing right.
That's a clue, folks - there's a hidden passage in the Right Wall. Walk
through the Wall to find a hidden area. What's inside this area? Why yes,
it's the 3rd and Final Artifact! Now you can finish the blasted quest!

"Exit the secret passage and walk Down, returning to the Green Telepad you
passed. This will take you to a new room, one with 2 teleporters - one green,
one blue - at the bottom of the screen. Ignore these, heading up towards the
next Namekian Warrior Statue (3-star Dragon Ball in hand). Take a left at the
statue, entering another North-South Hallway. This hallway has a Namekian Hand
Statue and a henchman. Head Down to the Orange Teleporter. In the next area
you're taken to (with a Namekian Tablet directly Up from here), started heading
Down. You'll see the next Namekian Warrior Statue (with the 4-Star Dragon
Ball), and a Namekian Hand pointing Left. Ignore the hand and the statue and
take out the 2 Henchmen, then move to Yellow Transport Pad (which is Down and
Right from the Hand Statue).

"This puts you in a North-South hallway that quickly branches left, as well as
continuing down. Start heading Left, ignoring the 1st passage leading up, the
Orange Teleport Pad, and the 2nd passage leading up. At the end of this
corridor is a White Teleport Pad; this is the one you want to take (you're
almost there, folks!). Inside this room is a Henchmen that almost immediately
attacks you, as well as 2 Namekian Statues (that do NOT attack you), holding
the 6- and 7-star Dragon Balls. Walk straight up, between the 2 Statues, to
another White Teleport Pad. Take it and you will be shifted to a room with an
oversized statue of Saichourou (the Namekian Guru), with 3 squares of different
color (Red, Green, Blue) around him. Hmm...Red, Green, and Blue - why, you
have artifacts that match those colors! Move to each spare and press the A
BUTTON next to them to place each Artifact. When you do, you'll gain your
rewards and a new Teleport Pad will appear on the Left Side of the Screen
(which is White).

[In Summary - Get the 2 Artifacts outside, and get the 3rd one by taking the
WHITE teleport pad in the first Temple Room. Follow the Path Right and up,
walking through the wall that is next to the Namekian Hand Statue, to find the
3rd Artifact. Take the GREEN teleport pad, then the ORANGE teleport pad next
to the Namekian Hand Statue. From here, head Down and Right to find the YELLOW
Transport Pad; take it to the next room. Walk Down, then Right as far as you
can go to find another WHITE Teleport Pad. Take that, then walk straight up in
this room to find yet another WHITE Teleport Pad. This takes you to the
Artifact Room. If you ever get lost, keep trying Teleport pads - one will
eventually send you back to the beginning of the temple, allowing you restart
the area.]

*** Quest #20 Completed ***

"Gokuu comments on how he heard a sound coming from the left; walk left to find
a new (White) Teleport Pad. There is another teleport pad in this room, in the
Upper-Right, but you do NOT want to take that pad - it brings you back to the
beginning of the Temple. Gokuu even comments in the game how he has a bad
feeling about the pad...this should tell you NOT to take it, and instead take
the White Pad instead. You'll be taken to a new hallway leading up. Move up
through the corridor, grab the Green Flying Charge (and ignore the White
Telepad, as it will just put you back in the Artifact Room), and head out of
the Temple through the top of the screen. This takes you to the next area, in
which resides:

Schreib wenn du was hast oder immer noch nicht weiter kommst.
hab mal ne frage und zwar komm ich nich weiter in den bergen wo man gegen den cyborg kämpft ich glaub C.19 is das auf jeden fall der alte opa da:D

man muss ja die generatoren schrotten hab bisher nur 2 aber den 3. find ich nich wo is der ?

hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen

sorry ich kann dir nicht helfen da ich das spiel nicht hab.
naja ok trotzdem danke das du helfen wolltest
Hey abcd hast du es jetzt?
wenn nicht schreibe es.
hat jemand auch legacy of goku 2?
ja man aber du nicht du stinkst aus dein mund wie ne kuh aus dem arsch
Hey wer benutzt da wie meinen Acoount?!@hamhamjam sorry irgendjemand hat mein Passwort
Für abcd das dritte Artefackt liegt rechts auf einem Berg unter einem Dieno
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