The HISTORY of some German openings! (Anime und Manga)

The HISTORY of some German openings! (Anime und Manga)

Hello friends! How are you?
Today I want to tell you the HISTORY of some german opening themes!
You know I'm Italian and I love Italian anime openings... in Italy many many
many animes and american cartoons were aired and almost all these series have had an Italian opening (that was not a translation of Japanese themes... in fact the music was made by Italian people). The main singer is Cristina D'Avena
(she has sung almost 500 openings. She started in 1981 and today she's singing many cartoon themes), she works for MEDIASET (Canale5/Rete4/ you know? The owner is Berlusconi).

Some years ago Berlusconi made television channels in the foreign countries, too! So in France he founded LaCinq, in Spain he made TeleCinco and in Germany he made TeleFunf! In fact they have got all a similar logo!
So on these channels many programs from the Italian MEDIASET were aired!
The animated series (Jap animes and American cartoons), too!
In Mediaset (that first was named Fininvest) the most important person that worked in the CARTOON SECTION was Alessandra Valeri Manera! She bought animated series from Japan, USA and other countries, she made programs for KIDS and finally she thought next to the realization of cartoon openings (she wrote the lyrics)! day...she thought that these series and these opening songs could be exported in the other countries, too! Then she sent an Italian (Vincenzo Draghi, that made many italian openings, like "Palla al centro per Rudy", that in Germany is KICKERS)
in France, Spain and Germany to find the singers and to realize the foreign versions of italian cartoon themes!
Sometimes the musics were not used for the rispective series...for example the music of Mila Superstar was originally made in Italy for another cartoon!
In fact it's Mila e Shiro: due cuori nella pallavolo (in JAP: Attacker Yu!), that
is not Mila Superstar (Mimi Ayuhara was named MILA beacause the adapters were italian!).
Here an image of Mila e Shiro:

In Italy Mila Superstar was Mimì e la nazionale della pallavolo!
In France and Spain (like in Italy) these songs were published in CDs, instead in Germany
they were never published, so it's difficult to find these German songs!

Untill today I found some of these German songs, and I'm looking for the others (that none knows!)!

They are:

01- Die kinder vom Berghof
In Italy the song was originally made for Là sui monti con Annette, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:
In France and in Spain they are "Dans les Alpes avec Annette" and
"Las montanas de Ana", the same cartoons!!

02- Mila Superstar
In Italy the song was originally made for Mila e Shiro, that isn't Mila Superstar!
The jap name is ATTACKER YOU!
Here the italian song:
In France and in Spain they are "Jeanne et Serge" and "Dos fuera de serie: Juana y Sergio"!
The cartoon is always ATTACKER YOU!

03 - Familie Nikolaus
In Italy the song was originally made for Alla scoperta di Babbo Natale, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:
In France it is "L'Histoire du Père-Noel" and it is always the same cartoon!

04 - Die Schatzinsel
In Italy the song was originally made for Maple Town: un nido di simpatia, that is not
Die Schatzinsel! The jap name is Maple Town Monogatori!
Here the italian song:
In France it is "Flo et les robinson Suisses"! The cartoon is Lazoku Robinson - Fushigina
shima no Flone!

05 - Eine fröhliche Familie (that was also used for Missis Jo und ihre fröhliche Familie)
In Italy the song was originally made for Una per tutte, tutte per una, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:
In France it is "Les 4 filles du Dt. March", the same cartoon!

06- Frau Pfeffertopf
In Italy the song was originally made for Lo strano mondo di Minù, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:

07 - Kickers
In Italy the song was originally made for Palla al centro per Rudy, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:
In France and in Spain they are "But pour Rudy" and "Supergol", the same cartoons!!

08 - Die kleinen Superstars
In Italy the song was originally made for Hilary, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:
In France and in Spain they are "Cynthia ou le rythme de la vie" and
"Piruetas", the same cartoons!!

09 - Lady Oscar
In Italy the song was originally made for Una spada per Lady Oscar, that is the
same cartoon to the german one!
Here the italian song:

10 - Hallo Kurt!
In Italy the song was originally made for Siamo quelli di Beverly Hills, that
is not the same cartoon (Beverly Hills teen)!
Here the italian song:
In France and in Spain they are "Les aventures de Claire et Tipoune" and
"Spanky", the same cartoons to the German one!


Then I think that these other italian openings were also used in Germany.
They are:

01 - D'Artagnan e i moschettieri del re
I think it was used in Germany for D`Artagnan und die drei Musketiere,
the same cartoon.
Here the song:

02 - Dolce Candy
I think it was used in Germany for the old first opening of
Die zwei Schwestern: Sophie und Virginie, that is not the same
cartoon. In fact I think there are two openings and the first was the "italian".
Here the song:

03 - David gnomo amico mio
I think it was used in Germany for Die kleinen Zwurze: Belfy und Lillibit,
that is not the same cartoon.
Here the song:

04 - Benvenuta Gigì
I think it was used in Germany for the German old opening of
Miyuki, that is not the same cartoon.
Here the song:

05 - Balliamo e Cantiamo con Licia
In Italy for "Rock'n Roll Kids" (Ai shite night, in Italy KISS ME LICIA) were made
some telefilms! Licia was Cristina D'Avena.
I think it was used in Germany for Maison Ikkoku, that is not the
same cartoon. I'm sur that this series was aired in Germany or in Austria!
Here the song:

06 - Milly un giorno dopo l'altro
I think it was used in Germany for Haikara san ga tooru, that is not the
same cartoon. I'm sur that this series was aired in Germany or in Austria!
Here the song:

07 - Pollyanna
I think it was used in Germany for Wakasuka no Charlotte,
that is not the same cartoon!
Here the song:

Could you tell me please if these italian musics are used also in Germany????
you can found some of these at .
if the other are used with italian music i will ask a friend who have watched these anime.

i apologize me for my english ^^"
in germany the songs where produced by a man his name is andy knote in germany the singers of the intros aren`t very popular and they sing in german

(anche io sona italiana conosci il cartonanimato rossana?)
@ Noir chat
Was bedeutet rossana?
Es gibt ein Pokemon das so heißt.^^
@kaiko flarana:rossana ist der italienische titel vom manga kodomo no omocha. in italien wurde das vor längerer zeit als anime gezeigt
Ich dachte es hätte irgendeine Bedeutung.
Mafiosis unter sich^^ *gg*
Hey was soll das heißen jan.?*dir zement in die schuhe gieß´**gg*
die mehrzahl von mafioso heißt übrigens nur mafiosi, nicht mafiosis, dass wäre dann doppelt ^^"
da hast du recht mew mew^^
Kenn mich da nicht so aus wie ihr beiden vielleicht^^
heeeee, soll das etwa heißen, dass ich auch einer bin? vielleicht ist das ja auch so hehehe *evilgrien* *zementsack hinter meinem rücken versteck*
Ihr immer mit eurem Zement.........

Heut zu tage nimmt man Superkleber und klebt die Leute an einen Nichtschwimmer, der geht unter und zieht den andren mit in die Tiefe.
ist das nicht ein bißchen umständlich? ich meine dann muss man ja noch mehr spuren verwischen :D
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