Item Drop LvL (* Diablo 2)

Item Drop LvL (* Diablo 2)

gibts irgendwo ne liste wo steht welche items wann droppen? ich weiß zb das klafter erst ab 89 droppen kann. bitte hier ein link posten.thx

hier kannst du errechnen, welche chance du hast, ein bestimmtes item von einem bestimmten gegner zu kriegen.
nein das meine ich nicht. den dropcalc kenne ich ja auch aber ich suche eine liste wo stehte welches item wann droppen kann ab welchem lvl. wie gesagt klafter droppt ab lvl 89 ´des eigenen chars. welches lvl zb braucht man für ber uniq ring usw.
Das eigene Level ist irrelevant, wichtig ist das Monsterlevel.
ach so. sowas hatte ich für die 1.09er. war in der Lod encyclopedia
konnte man sich bei runterladen. obs für 1.10 eine gibt weiß ich net. guck einfach mal nach
oops, link funzt net... dann geh lieber googeln.
@syrah tja dann kennste dich wohl nicht aus^^
wäre bissel kacke wenn lvl 1 char gf fänden würde wa ?`ist aber glaub es
Ich glaubs aber nicht. Die Mindestdroplevel, die angegeben werden, beziehen sich auf das Monster und nicht auf den Spieler.
syrah hat recht. was glaubst du, warum du bei pindle auf hell eher was gutes findest als in norm? weil sein lvl höher ist. du kannst ruhig mit lvl 90 in norm rumspazieren, wirst aber nie n harle finden. es hängt vom lvl der gegner ab, was droppen kann, net vom eigenen
@cs spieler
wenn ein lvl 1 char in hell rumrennt kann er gf theoretisch finden. aber ich glaub kaum, daß sowas jemals passieren wird. ^^
Die Mindestdroplevel, die angegeben werden, beziehen sich auf das Monster und nicht auf den Spieler.


Das grösste droplvl hat Baal(lvl99) in Hell
und der DiaClone.
Wäre ja zu schön, wenn ich mit ner Lvl 90 Sorc durch Akt1 normal renne und es droppen SoJs, perfekte statt lädierte Edelsteine, Tals Amu... Bei der Killspeed wäre das ein MF Run Paradies... (Aura vom Sölli reicht schon alleine, da kill ich quasi per Teleport, das macht zur Entspannung richtig Spass!)
Nee, das max. ItemLevel macht leider der Monsterlevel nicht der Char Level. Als Lvl 1 Spieler kannst Du bei Baal Hell was tolles finden. Nur ob Baal das freiwillig hergibt ist ne andere Frage, denn töten wirst Du ihn nicht :-) .
@ CandleWax

die monster in hell haben doch nur eine max lv. von 90.
wie kann dann baal lv. 99 haben?
baal is kein normales monster sondern ein boss. der diablo clon hat ein lvl von 110!
und bis zur 1.10 hatte sogar pindle 99, bei unique monstern geht das. dresch zocker hatte auch über 90

glaub mir ...
nachzulesen in der monstats.txt
moin moin

ist pindle eigentlich mephisto?
nein, pindleskin ist knochenhaut! das unique monter am eingang zu nilathaks tempel ^^
ja alles sagen nur das ist scheisse was ich laber ja dann sagt mir doch wo so ne liste ist oder wisst ihrs selber nicht?^^
Nachfolgende Listen können extrem lang werden.
Menschen mit einer sehr kurzen Lebenserwartung
wird empfohlen ihre Zeit sinnvoller zu nutzen.

1. Mephisto Dropliste
2. Baal Dropliste
ich hab dir geschrieben, woher ich meine hatte.
Mephisto (Hell) Runes

Highest Rune: VEX

Mephisto (Hell) Uniqs
Alma Negra - {qlvl 85}
Andariel's Visage - {qlvl 85}
Arachnid Mesh - {qlvl 87}
Arioc's Needle - {qlvl 85}
Arkaine's Valor - {qlvl 85}
Arm of King Leoric - {qlvl 44}
Arreat's Face - {qlvl 50}
Athena's Wrath - {qlvl 50}
Atma's Scarab - {qlvl 60}
Atma's Wail - {qlvl 59}
Axe of Fechmar - {qlvl 11}
Azurewrath - {qlvl 87}
Baezil's Vortex - {qlvl 53}
Bane Ash - {qlvl 7}
Baranar's Star - {qlvl 70}
Bartuc's Cut-Throat - {qlvl 50}
Biggin's Bonnet - {qlvl 4}
Bing Sz Wang - {qlvl 51}
Black Hades - {qlvl 61}
Blackbog's Sharp - {qlvl 46}
Blackhand Key - {qlvl 49}
Blackhorn's Face - {qlvl 49}
Blackleach Blade - {qlvl 50}
Blackoak Shield - {qlvl 67}
Blacktongue - {qlvl 35}
Blade of Ali Baba - {qlvl 43}
Bladebone - {qlvl 20}
Bladebuckle - {qlvl 39}
Blastbark - {qlvl 38}
Blinkbat's Form - {qlvl 16}
Blood Crescent - {qlvl 10}
Blood Raven's Charge - {qlvl 79}
Bloodfist - {qlvl 12}
Bloodletter - {qlvl 38}
Bloodmoon - {qlvl 69}
Bloodrise - {qlvl 20}
Bloodthief - {qlvl 23}
Bloodtree Stump - {qlvl 56}
Boneflesh - {qlvl 35}
Bonehew - {qlvl 72}
Boneshade - {qlvl 84}
Boneslayer Blade - {qlvl 50}
Bonesnap - {qlvl 32}
Brainhew - {qlvl 34}
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - {qlvl 66}
Buriza-Do Kyanon - {qlvl 59}
Butcher's Pupil - {qlvl 47}
Bverrit Keep - {qlvl 26}
Carin Shard - {qlvl 43}
Carrion Wind - {qlvl 68}
Cerebus' Bite - {qlvl 71}
Chance Guards - {qlvl 20}
Chromatic Ire - {qlvl 43}
Cliffkiller - {qlvl 49}
Cloudcrack - {qlvl 53}
Coif of Glory - {qlvl 19}
Coldkill - {qlvl 44}
Coldsteel Eye - {qlvl 39}
Corpsemourn - {qlvl 63}
Crainte Vomir - {qlvl 50}
Crescent Moon - {qlvl 58}
Crow Caw - {qlvl 45}
Crown of Thieves - {qlvl 57}
Crushflange - {qlvl 12}
Culwen's Point - {qlvl 39}
Dark Clan Crusher - {qlvl 42}
Darkglow - {qlvl 19}
Darksight Helm - {qlvl 46}
Deathbit - {qlvl 52}
Deathspade - {qlvl 12}
Demon Limb - {qlvl 71}
Demon Machine - {qlvl 57}
Demon's Arch - {qlvl 76}
Demonhorn's Edge - {qlvl 69}
Dimoak's Hew - {qlvl 11}
Djinn Slayer - {qlvl 73}
Doombringer - {qlvl 75}
Doomslinger - {qlvl 38}
Dracul's Grasp - {qlvl 84}
Duriel's Shell - {qlvl 49}
Duskdeep - {qlvl 23}
Dwarf Star - {qlvl 53}
Eaglehorn - {qlvl 77}
Earthshaker - {qlvl 51}
Endlesshail - {qlvl 44}
Eschuta's Temper - {qlvl 80}
Ethereal Edge - {qlvl 82}
Felloak - {qlvl 4}
Firelizard's Talons - {qlvl 75}
Flamebellow - {qlvl 79}
Fleshrender - {qlvl 46}
Frostburn - {qlvl 39}
Gerke's Sanctuary - {qlvl 52}
Gheed's Fortune - {qlvl 70}
Ghoulhide - {qlvl 44}
Gimmershred - {qlvl 78}
Ginther's Rift - {qlvl 45}
Gleamscythe - {qlvl 18}
Gloom's Trap - {qlvl 45}
Goblin Toe - {qlvl 30}
Goldskin - {qlvl 38}
Goldstrike Arch - {qlvl 54}
Goldwrap - {qlvl 36}
Gore Rider - {qlvl 55}
Gorefoot - {qlvl 12}
Goreshovel - {qlvl 19}
Gravenspine - {qlvl 27}
Gravepalm - {qlvl 39}
Greyform - {qlvl 10}
Grim's Burning Dead - {qlvl 52}
Griswold's Edge - {qlvl 23}
Guardian Angel - {qlvl 53}
Guardian Naga - {qlvl 56}
Gull - {qlvl 6}
Hand of Blessed Light - {qlvl 50}
Harlequin Crest - {qlvl 69}
Hawkmail - {qlvl 20}
Head Hunter's Glory - {qlvl 83}
Headstriker - {qlvl 47}
Heart Carver - {qlvl 44}
Heaven's Light - {qlvl 69}
Heavenly Garb - {qlvl 39}
Hellcast - {qlvl 36}
Hellclap - {qlvl 36}
Hellmouth - {qlvl 55}
Hellplague - {qlvl 30}
Hellrack - {qlvl 84}
Hellslayer - {qlvl 71}
Herald of Zakarum - {qlvl 50}
Hexfire - {qlvl 41}
Highlord's Wrath - {qlvl 73}
Homunculus - {qlvl 50}
Hone Sundan - {qlvl 45}
Horizon's Tornado - {qlvl 72}
Hotspur - {qlvl 7}
Howltusk - {qlvl 34}
Humongous - {qlvl 39}
Husoldal Evo - {qlvl 52}
Iceblink - {qlvl 30}
Ichorsting - {qlvl 24}
Infernostride - {qlvl 37}
Iron Pelt - {qlvl 41}
Ironstone - {qlvl 36}
Islestrike - {qlvl 51}
Jade Talon - {qlvl 74}
Jalal's Mane - {qlvl 50}
Kelpie Snare - {qlvl 41}
Kinemil's Awl - {qlvl 31}
Kira's Guardian - {qlvl 85}
Knell Striker - {qlvl 7}
Kuko Shakaku - {qlvl 41}
Lance Guard - {qlvl 43}
Lance of Yaggai - {qlvl 30}
Langer Briser - {qlvl 40}
Lava Gout - {qlvl 50}
Leadcrow - {qlvl 12}
Lenymo - {qlvl 10}
Lidless Wall - {qlvl 49}
Lightsabre - {qlvl 66}
Lycander's Aim - {qlvl 50}
Lycander's Flank - {qlvl 50}
Maelstrom - {qlvl 19}
Magefist - {qlvl 31}
Magewrath - {qlvl 51}
Manald Heal - {qlvl 20}
Mara's Kaleidoscope - {qlvl 80}
Marrowwalk - {qlvl 74}
Metalgrid - {qlvl 85}
Moonfall - {qlvl 50}
Moser's Blessed Circle - {qlvl 39}
Nagelring - {qlvl 10}
Nature's Peace - {qlvl 77}
Nightsmoke - {qlvl 27}
Nokozan Relic - {qlvl 14}
Nord's Tenderizer - {qlvl 76}
Nosferatu's Coil - {qlvl 68}
Ondal's Wisdom - {qlvl 74}
Ormus' Robes - {qlvl 83}
Peasant Crown - {qlvl 36}
Pelta Lunata - {qlvl 3}
Pierre Tombale Couant - {qlvl 51}
Plague Bearer - {qlvl 49}
Pluckeye - {qlvl 10}
Pompeii's Wrath - {qlvl 53}
Pus Spitter - {qlvl 44}
Que-Hegan's Wisdom - {qlvl 59}
Radament's Sphere - {qlvl 58}
Rainbow Facet - {qlvl 85}
Rakescar - {qlvl 36}
Rattlecage - {qlvl 39}
Raven Claw - {qlvl 20}
Raven Frost - {qlvl 53}
Razor's Edge - {qlvl 75}
Razorswitch - {qlvl 36}
Razortail - {qlvl 39}
Razortine - {qlvl 16}
Ribcracker - {qlvl 39}
Riphook - {qlvl 39}
Ripsaw - {qlvl 35}
Rixot's Keen - {qlvl 3}
Rockfleece - {qlvl 38}
Rockstopper - {qlvl 39}
Rogue's Bow - {qlvl 27}
Rune Master - {qlvl 80}
Rusthandle - {qlvl 23}
Sandstorm Trek - {qlvl 72}
Saracen's Chance - {qlvl 55}
Seraph's Hymn - {qlvl 73}
Serpent Lord - {qlvl 12}
Shadow Killer - {qlvl 85}
Shadowfang - {qlvl 16}
Shaftstop - {qlvl 46}
Silks of the Victor - {qlvl 38}
Silkweave - {qlvl 44}
Skewer of Krintiz - {qlvl 14}
Skin of the Flayed One - {qlvl 39}
Skin of the Vipermagi - {qlvl 37}
Skull Collector - {qlvl 49}
Skull Splitter - {qlvl 28}
Skullder's Ire - {qlvl 50}
Skystrike - {qlvl 36}
Snakecord - {qlvl 16}
Snowclash - {qlvl 49}
Soul Drainer - {qlvl 82}
Soul Harvest - {qlvl 26}
Soulfeast Tine - {qlvl 43}
Soulflay - {qlvl 26}
Sparking Mail - {qlvl 23}
Spectral Shard - {qlvl 34}
Spellsteel - {qlvl 47}
Spike Thorn - {qlvl 78}
Spineripper - {qlvl 40}
Spire of Honor - {qlvl 47}
Spire of Lazarus - {qlvl 24}
Spirit Forge - {qlvl 43}
Spirit Keeper - {qlvl 75}
Stealskull - {qlvl 43}
Steel Shade - {qlvl 70}
Steelclash - {qlvl 23}
Steeldriver - {qlvl 39}
Steelgoad - {qlvl 19}
Stoneraven - {qlvl 72}
Stormchaser - {qlvl 43}
Stormeye - {qlvl 31}
Stormguild - {qlvl 18}
Stormlash - {qlvl 86}
Stormrider - {qlvl 49}
Stormshield - {qlvl 77}
Stormspike - {qlvl 49}
Stormstrike - {qlvl 34}
Stoutnail - {qlvl 7}
String of Ears - {qlvl 37}
Suicide Branch - {qlvl 41}
Sureshrill Frost - {qlvl 47}
Swordback Hold - {qlvl 20}
Swordguard - {qlvl 55}
Tarnhelm - {qlvl 20}
Tearhaunch - {qlvl 39}
The Atlantean - {qlvl 50}
The Battlebranch - {qlvl 34}
The Cat's Eye - {qlvl 58}
The Centurion - {qlvl 19}
The Chieftain - {qlvl 26}
The Diggler - {qlvl 15}
The Dragon Chang - {qlvl 11}
The Eye of Etlich - {qlvl 20}
The Face of Horror - {qlvl 27}
The Fetid Sprinkler - {qlvl 46}
The Gavel of Pain - {qlvl 53}
The General's Tan Do Li Ga - {qlvl 28}
The Gladiator's Bane - {qlvl 85}
The Gnasher - {qlvl 7}
The Grim Reaper - {qlvl 39}
The Hand of Broc - {qlvl 7}
The Impaler - {qlvl 39}
The Iron Jang Bong - {qlvl 38}
The Jade Tan Do - {qlvl 26}
The Mahim-Oak Curio - {qlvl 34}
The Meat Scraper - {qlvl 49}
The Minotaur - {qlvl 53}
The Oculus - {qlvl 50}
The Patriarch - {qlvl 39}
The Reaper's Toll - {qlvl 83}
The Redeemer - {qlvl 80}
The Rising Sun - {qlvl 73}
The Salamander - {qlvl 28}
The Scalper - {qlvl 65}
The Spirit Shroud - {qlvl 36}
The Stone of Jordan - {qlvl 39}
The Tannr Gorerod - {qlvl 36}
The Vile Husk - {qlvl 52}
The Ward - {qlvl 35}
Thundergod's Vigor - {qlvl 55}
Thunderstroke - {qlvl 77}
Tiamat's Rebuke - {qlvl 46}
Titan's Revenge - {qlvl 50}
Todesfaelle Flamme - {qlvl 54}
Toothrow - {qlvl 56}
Torch of Iro - {qlvl 7}
Treads of Cthon - {qlvl 20}
Twitchthroe - {qlvl 22}
Umbral Disk - {qlvl 12}
Ume's Lament - {qlvl 38}
Undead Crown - {qlvl 39}
Valkyrie Wing - {qlvl 52}
Vampire Gaze - {qlvl 49}
Venom Grip - {qlvl 37}
Venom Ward - {qlvl 27}
Verdungo's Hearty Cord - {qlvl 71}
Viperfork - {qlvl 79}
Visceratuant - {qlvl 36}
Wall of the Eyeless - {qlvl 27}
War Traveler - {qlvl 50}
Warlord's Trust - {qlvl 43}
Warpspear - {qlvl 47}
Warshrike - {qlvl 83}
Waterwalk - {qlvl 40}
Windhammer - {qlvl 76}
Wisp Projector - {qlvl 84}
Witchwild String - {qlvl 47}
Witherstring - {qlvl 18}
Wizardspike - {qlvl 69}
Wizendraw - {qlvl 35}
Woestave - {qlvl 38}
Wolfhowl - {qlvl 85}
Wormskull - {qlvl 28}
Zakarum's Hand - {qlvl 45}
Baal (Hell) Runes

Highest Rune: ZOD

Baal (Hell) Uniqs
Alma Negra - {qlvl 85}
Andariel's Visage - {qlvl 85}
Arachnid Mesh - {qlvl 87}
Arioc's Needle - {qlvl 85}
Arkaine's Valor - {qlvl 85}
Arm of King Leoric - {qlvl 44}
Arreat's Face - {qlvl 50}
Astreon's Iron Ward - {qlvl 68}
Athena's Wrath - {qlvl 50}
Atma's Scarab - {qlvl 60}
Atma's Wail - {qlvl 59}
Axe of Fechmar - {qlvl 11}
Azurewrath - {qlvl 87}
Baezil's Vortex - {qlvl 53}
Bane Ash - {qlvl 7}
Baranar's Star - {qlvl 70}
Bartuc's Cut-Throat - {qlvl 50}
Biggin's Bonnet - {qlvl 4}
Bing Sz Wang - {qlvl 51}
Black Hades - {qlvl 61}
Blackbog's Sharp - {qlvl 46}
Blackhand Key - {qlvl 49}
Blackhorn's Face - {qlvl 49}
Blackleach Blade - {qlvl 50}
Blackoak Shield - {qlvl 67}
Blacktongue - {qlvl 35}
Blade of Ali Baba - {qlvl 43}
Bladebone - {qlvl 20}
Bladebuckle - {qlvl 39}
Blastbark - {qlvl 38}
Blinkbat's Form - {qlvl 16}
Blood Crescent - {qlvl 10}
Blood Raven's Charge - {qlvl 79}
Bloodfist - {qlvl 12}
Bloodletter - {qlvl 38}
Bloodmoon - {qlvl 69}
Bloodrise - {qlvl 20}
Bloodthief - {qlvl 23}
Bloodtree Stump - {qlvl 56}
Boneflame - {qlvl 80}
Boneflesh - {qlvl 35}
Bonehew - {qlvl 72}
Boneshade - {qlvl 84}
Boneslayer Blade - {qlvl 50}
Bonesnap - {qlvl 32}
Brainhew - {qlvl 34}
Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band - {qlvl 66}
Buriza-Do Kyanon - {qlvl 59}
Butcher's Pupil - {qlvl 47}
Bverrit Keep - {qlvl 26}
Carin Shard - {qlvl 43}
Carrion Wind - {qlvl 68}
Cerebus' Bite - {qlvl 71}
Chance Guards - {qlvl 20}
Chromatic Ire - {qlvl 43}
Cliffkiller - {qlvl 49}
Cloudcrack - {qlvl 53}
Coif of Glory - {qlvl 19}
Coldkill - {qlvl 44}
Coldsteel Eye - {qlvl 39}
Corpsemourn - {qlvl 63}
Crainte Vomir - {qlvl 50}
Cranebeak - {qlvl 71}
Crescent Moon - {qlvl 58}
Crow Caw - {qlvl 45}
Crown of Ages - {qlvl 86}
Crown of Thieves - {qlvl 57}
Crushflange - {qlvl 12}
Culwen's Point - {qlvl 39}
Dark Clan Crusher - {qlvl 42}
Darkforce Spawn - {qlvl 72}
Darkglow - {qlvl 19}
Darksight Helm - {qlvl 46}
Death Cleaver - {qlvl 78}
Death's Fathom - {qlvl 81}
Death's Web - {qlvl 74}
Deathbit - {qlvl 52}
Deathspade - {qlvl 12}
Demon Limb - {qlvl 71}
Demon Machine - {qlvl 57}
Demon's Arch - {qlvl 76}
Demonhorn's Edge - {qlvl 69}
Dimoak's Hew - {qlvl 11}
Djinn Slayer - {qlvl 73}
Doombringer - {qlvl 75}
Doomslinger - {qlvl 38}
Dracul's Grasp - {qlvl 84}
Dragonscale - {qlvl 84}
Duriel's Shell - {qlvl 49}
Duskdeep - {qlvl 23}
Dwarf Star - {qlvl 53}
Eaglehorn - {qlvl 77}
Earth Shifter - {qlvl 77}
Earthshaker - {qlvl 51}
Endlesshail - {qlvl 44}
Eschuta's Temper - {qlvl 80}
Ethereal Edge - {qlvl 82}
Executioner's Justice - {qlvl 83}
Felloak - {qlvl 4}
Firelizard's Talons - {qlvl 75}
Flamebellow - {qlvl 79}
Fleshrender - {qlvl 46}
Fleshripper - {qlvl 76}
Frostburn - {qlvl 39}
Frostwind - {qlvl 78}
Gargoyle's Bite - {qlvl 78}
Gerke's Sanctuary - {qlvl 52}
Gheed's Fortune - {qlvl 70}
Ghostflame - {qlvl 70}
Ghoulhide - {qlvl 44}
Giant Skull - {qlvl 73}
Gimmershred - {qlvl 78}
Ginther's Rift - {qlvl 45}
Gleamscythe - {qlvl 18}
Gloom's Trap - {qlvl 45}
Goblin Toe - {qlvl 30}
Goldskin - {qlvl 38}
Goldstrike Arch - {qlvl 54}
Goldwrap - {qlvl 36}
Gore Rider - {qlvl 55}
Gorefoot - {qlvl 12}
Goreshovel - {qlvl 19}
Gravenspine - {qlvl 27}
Gravepalm - {qlvl 39}
Greyform - {qlvl 10}
Griffon's Eye - {qlvl 84}
Grim's Burning Dead - {qlvl 52}
Griswold's Edge - {qlvl 23}
Guardian Angel - {qlvl 53}
Guardian Naga - {qlvl 56}
Gull - {qlvl 6}
Gut Siphon - {qlvl 79}
Halaberd's Reign - {qlvl 85}
Hand of Blessed Light - {qlvl 50}
Harlequin Crest - {qlvl 69}
Hawkmail - {qlvl 20}
Head Hunter's Glory - {qlvl 83}
Headstriker - {qlvl 47}
Heart Carver - {qlvl 44}
Heaven's Light - {qlvl 69}
Heavenly Garb - {qlvl 39}
Hellcast - {qlvl 36}
Hellclap - {qlvl 36}
Hellmouth - {qlvl 55}
Hellplague - {qlvl 30}
Hellrack - {qlvl 84}
Hellslayer - {qlvl 71}
Herald of Zakarum - {qlvl 50}
Hexfire - {qlvl 41}
Highlord's Wrath - {qlvl 73}
Homunculus - {qlvl 50}
Hone Sundan - {qlvl 45}
Horizon's Tornado - {qlvl 72}
Hotspur - {qlvl 7}
Howltusk - {qlvl 34}
Humongous - {qlvl 39}
Husoldal Evo - {qlvl 52}
Iceblink - {qlvl 30}
Ichorsting - {qlvl 24}
Infernostride - {qlvl 37}
Iron Pelt - {qlvl 41}
Ironstone - {qlvl 36}
Islestrike - {qlvl 51}
Jade Talon - {qlvl 74}
Jalal's Mane - {qlvl 50}
Kelpie Snare - {qlvl 41}
Kinemil's Awl - {qlvl 31}
Kira's Guardian - {qlvl 85}
Knell Striker - {qlvl 7}
Kuko Shakaku - {qlvl 41}
Lacerator - {qlvl 76}
Lance Guard - {qlvl 43}
Lance of Yaggai - {qlvl 30}
Langer Briser - {qlvl 40}
Lava Gout - {qlvl 50}
Leadcrow - {qlvl 12}
Lenymo - {qlvl 10}
Leviathan - {qlvl 73}
Lidless Wall - {qlvl 49}
Lightsabre - {qlvl 66}
Lycander's Aim - {qlvl 50}
Lycander's Flank - {qlvl 50}
Maelstrom - {qlvl 19}
Magefist - {qlvl 31}
Magewrath - {qlvl 51}
Manald Heal - {qlvl 20}
Mang Song's Lesson - {qlvl 86}
Mara's Kaleidoscope - {qlvl 80}
Marrowwalk - {qlvl 74}
Medusa's Gaze - {qlvl 84}
Messerschmidt's Reaver - {qlvl 75}
Metalgrid - {qlvl 85}
Moonfall - {qlvl 50}
Moser's Blessed Circle - {qlvl 39}
Nagelring - {qlvl 10}
Nature's Peace - {qlvl 77}
Nightsmoke - {qlvl 27}
Nightwing's Veil - {qlvl 75}
Nokozan Relic - {qlvl 14}
Nord's Tenderizer - {qlvl 76}
Nosferatu's Coil - {qlvl 68}
Ondal's Wisdom - {qlvl 74}
Ormus' Robes - {qlvl 83}
Peasant Crown - {qlvl 36}
Pelta Lunata - {qlvl 3}
Pierre Tombale Couant - {qlvl 51}
Plague Bearer - {qlvl 49}
Pluckeye - {qlvl 10}
Pompeii's Wrath - {qlvl 53}
Pus Spitter - {qlvl 44}
Que-Hegan's Wisdom - {qlvl 59}
Radament's Sphere - {qlvl 58}
Rainbow Facet - {qlvl 85}
Rakescar - {qlvl 36}
Rattlecage - {qlvl 39}
Raven Claw - {qlvl 20}
Raven Frost - {qlvl 53}
Ravenlore - {qlvl 82}
Razor's Edge - {qlvl 75}
Razorswitch - {qlvl 36}
Razortail - {qlvl 39}
Razortine - {qlvl 16}
Ribcracker - {qlvl 39}
Riphook - {qlvl 39}
Ripsaw - {qlvl 35}
Rixot's Keen - {qlvl 3}
Rockfleece - {qlvl 38}
Rockstopper - {qlvl 39}
Rogue's Bow - {qlvl 27}
Rune Master - {qlvl 80}
Rusthandle - {qlvl 23}
Sandstorm Trek - {qlvl 72}
Saracen's Chance - {qlvl 55}
Schaefer's Hammer - {qlvl 83}
Seraph's Hymn - {qlvl 73}
Serpent Lord - {qlvl 12}
Shadow Dancer - {qlvl 79}
Shadow Killer - {qlvl 85}
Shadowfang - {qlvl 16}
Shaftstop - {qlvl 46}
Silks of the Victor - {qlvl 38}
Silkweave - {qlvl 44}
Skewer of Krintiz - {qlvl 14}
Skin of the Flayed One - {qlvl 39}
Skin of the Vipermagi - {qlvl 37}
Skull Collector - {qlvl 49}
Skull Splitter - {qlvl 28}
Skullder's Ire - {qlvl 50}
Skystrike - {qlvl 36}
Snakecord - {qlvl 16}
Snowclash - {qlvl 49}
Soul Drainer - {qlvl 82}
Soul Harvest - {qlvl 26}
Soulfeast Tine - {qlvl 43}
Soulflay - {qlvl 26}
Sparking Mail - {qlvl 23}
Spectral Shard - {qlvl 34}
Spellsteel - {qlvl 47}
Spike Thorn - {qlvl 78}
Spineripper - {qlvl 40}
Spire of Honor - {qlvl 47}
Spire of Lazarus - {qlvl 24}
Spirit Forge - {qlvl 43}
Spirit Keeper - {qlvl 75}
Spirit Ward - {qlvl 76}
Stealskull - {qlvl 43}
Steel Carapace - {qlvl 74}
Steel Pillar - {qlvl 77}
Steel Shade - {qlvl 70}
Steelclash - {qlvl 23}
Steeldriver - {qlvl 39}
Steelgoad - {qlvl 19}
Steelrend - {qlvl 78}
Stone Crusher - {qlvl 76}
Stoneraven - {qlvl 72}
Stormchaser - {qlvl 43}
Stormeye - {qlvl 31}
Stormguild - {qlvl 18}
Stormlash - {qlvl 86}
Stormrider - {qlvl 49}
Stormshield - {qlvl 77}
Stormspike - {qlvl 49}
Stormspire - {qlvl 78}
Stormstrike - {qlvl 34}
Stoutnail - {qlvl 7}
String of Ears - {qlvl 37}
Suicide Branch - {qlvl 41}
Sureshrill Frost - {qlvl 47}
Swordback Hold - {qlvl 20}
Swordguard - {qlvl 55}
Tarnhelm - {qlvl 20}
Tearhaunch - {qlvl 39}
Templar's Might - {qlvl 82}
The Atlantean - {qlvl 50}
The Battlebranch - {qlvl 34}
The Cat's Eye - {qlvl 58}
The Centurion - {qlvl 19}
The Chieftain - {qlvl 26}
The Cranium Basher - {qlvl 85}
The Diggler - {qlvl 15}
The Dragon Chang - {qlvl 11}
The Eye of Etlich - {qlvl 20}
The Face of Horror - {qlvl 27}
The Fetid Sprinkler - {qlvl 46}
The Gavel of Pain - {qlvl 53}
The General's Tan Do Li Ga - {qlvl 28}
The Gladiator's Bane - {qlvl 85}
The Gnasher - {qlvl 7}
The Grandfather - {qlvl 85}
The Grim Reaper - {qlvl 39}
The Hand of Broc - {qlvl 7}
The Impaler - {qlvl 39}
The Iron Jang Bong - {qlvl 38}
The Jade Tan Do - {qlvl 26}
The Mahim-Oak Curio - {qlvl 34}
The Meat Scraper - {qlvl 49}
The Minotaur - {qlvl 53}
The Oculus - {qlvl 50}
The Patriarch - {qlvl 39}
The Reaper's Toll - {qlvl 83}
The Redeemer - {qlvl 80}
The Rising Sun - {qlvl 73}
The Salamander - {qlvl 28}
The Scalper - {qlvl 65}
The Spirit Shroud - {qlvl 36}
The Stone of Jordan - {qlvl 39}
The Tannr Gorerod - {qlvl 36}
The Vile Husk - {qlvl 52}
The Ward - {qlvl 35}
Thundergod's Vigor - {qlvl 55}
Thunderstroke - {qlvl 77}
Tiamat's Rebuke - {qlvl 46}
Titan's Revenge - {qlvl 50}
Todesfaelle Flamme - {qlvl 54}
Tomb Reaver - {qlvl 86}
Toothrow - {qlvl 56}
Torch of Iro - {qlvl 7}
Treads of Cthon - {qlvl 20}
Twitchthroe - {qlvl 22}
Tyrael's Might - {qlvl 87}
Umbral Disk - {qlvl 12}
Ume's Lament - {qlvl 38}
Undead Crown - {qlvl 39}
Valkyrie Wing - {qlvl 52}
Vampire Gaze - {qlvl 49}
Veil of Steel - {qlvl 77}
Venom Grip - {qlvl 37}
Venom Ward - {qlvl 27}
Verdungo's Hearty Cord - {qlvl 71}
Viperfork - {qlvl 79}
Visceratuant - {qlvl 36}
Wall of the Eyeless - {qlvl 27}
War Traveler - {qlvl 50}
Warlord's Trust - {qlvl 43}
Warpspear - {qlvl 47}
Warshrike - {qlvl 83}
Waterwalk - {qlvl 40}
Widowmaker - {qlvl 73}
Windforce - {qlvl 80}
Windhammer - {qlvl 76}
Wisp Projector - {qlvl 84}
Witchwild String - {qlvl 47}
Witherstring - {qlvl 18}
Wizardspike - {qlvl 69}
Wizendraw - {qlvl 35}
Woestave - {qlvl 38}
Wolfhowl - {qlvl 85}
Wormskull - {qlvl 28}
Wraith Flight - {qlvl 84}
Zakarum's Hand - {qlvl 45}
(ist mir fast peinlich, die Seite ausgerechnet HIER immer zu verlinken. Da gibt es u.a. einen Drop Calculator, da kannst Du ein Monster eingeben und der Calc liefert Dir die Drops, umgekehert funtioniert auch, Du gibst ein item ein und der Calc sagt Dir wo Du das mit welcher Wahrscheinlichkeit findest.

Und noch was für item Finder:
Wenn die Wahrscheinlichkeit ein item zu finden p ist, dann ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit bei n runs das item zu finden nich n*p (bei 50% wären das bei 2 runs 100%, es sind aber nur 75%) sondern:
Beispiel: p = 10% (=0,1) n = 4
p = 1 -(0,9^4) = 1-0,6561 = 0,3439 = 34,39%
Der Drop-Kalkulator fragt übrigens den Charakterlevel nicht ab! (Daraus folgt, dass er irrelevant ist).
Es wurde doch schon einstimmig entschieden das,
das Monsterlvl entscheidend ist nich das Charlvl.
hmm komischerweise finde ich sei ich 89 bin haufenweise klafter....davor kein einzigen...
und ich suche immer bei dem selben monster(pindle)....
Die Liste, was Mephi Hell nicht droppen kann, wäre u.U. kürzer^^
@cs spieler
bedenke, daß pindle mit der 1.10er deutlich runtergestuft wurde. man kann zwar immernoch gute sachen bei ihm finden, aber die wahrscheinlichkeit ist viel geringer als vorher! pindle lohnt sich nicht mehr so sehr.
stimmt, da man bei baal hell ALLES finden kann, wär die liste von dem, was es da net gibt wirklich viel kürzer ^^
Von Baal hab ich nicht geschrieben, sondern von Mephi. Und der kann definitiv nicht alles droppen.^^
oops. stimmt. sorry
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