Mario & Luigi - Wie komme ich zum Flughafen (Game Boy (Advance))

Mario & Luigi - Wie komme ich zum Flughafen (Game Boy (Advance))


bin grade bei der Passage wo man aus der Unterwasserwelt wieder zurück zur Bohnenburg kommt und stehe voll an. Wie soll ich denn bitte zum Flughafen kommen und die Prinzessin empfangen? Der Weg endet irgendwann am Wasser und fliegen oder schwimmen kann ich ja nicht... Bitte helft mir, habe keine Ahnung wie es weiter geht.

Gruß, naddlb
hab es nur in engl. gefunden:

The story will turn to Bowser, who has seemed to have landed in an unknown place, when a hurt Fawful begins crawling towards him. Fawful then transfers Cackletta's spirit to Bowser...

Back as Mario, you'll run into Peasly, who orders you to go to BeanBean Airport, as Peach is visiting the kingdom! He will fly away, leaving you with your new destination. Head to the north and enter the cave to find a warppipe, giving you quick access to the town. Exit the town to the west and head south across the bridge, the same way you took to the Chateau. Instead of taking a left towards the Chateau, turn to the right and keep going until you reach a black block. Hit it to release a gate, then turn back around until you reach the sign on the tree, and from here, head to the south until you reach the airport.

Beanbean Int'l Airport

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