GTA III MTA 0.2 (* GTA 1-3 + Vice City)

GTA III MTA 0.2 (* GTA 1-3 + Vice City)

Hi ertsma,

Ich hab mir gerade GTA III MTA 0.2 gesaugt und wollt es gleich ausprobieren. Aber anscheinend bin ich zu blöd um des zu kapieren :) Desshalb frag ich hier ob jemand ne Anleitung reinposten könnte oder mir nen Link zu ner Seite geben wo ne Anleitung rein gestellt is. ( Am besten in Deutsch ) Ich freue mich auf jede Antwort, Egal ob sie mir hilft oder nicht.

cu euer Backfish... ähhhhh Black Fish
ich hab zwar glaub ich ne anleitung, ich sitz bloß grad nich zu hause, also müsstest du noch bis 15:00 oder so warten. ich glaub auch, dass ich sie in deutsch hab. mir war die ganze anleitung aber zu umfangreich (naja, so umfangreich is sie auch wieder nich) aber auf jeden fall, hatte ich keine lust, da jeden einzelnen schritt zu befolgen *gg*

also auf jeden falls müsstest du nochn bisschen warten, bis ich zu hause bin. falls mir jemand zuvor kommt und hier ne anleitung reinpostet geht das ja auch...
sorry, is leider doch auf englisch:

To make a multiplayer game over lan,
uncheck the Internet Game setting and
let the server click Host Game. Let the
client fill in the network ip of the server
and let him click Join Game. There
should be standing Connected To.. now
on the client (and Connected to (IP)
both on client and server). For both
client and server: Start GTA3, go to the
place where you want to start (for
example Shoreside Vale) by using a
savegame there or using the Quick
Hideout Warps in GTA3:MTA if you
haven't got savegames there. Walk to a
car (doesn't matter what type, for
example Banshee) and enter the
vehicle. Then exit the vehile you've just
entered. Walk to another car (also
doesn't matter what type, for example
Stinger), enter the vehicle and stay in it.
Now, if the client and server have done
this above, one of them (for example
only the server) must press ALT+F12.
The system that pressed ALT+F12
should be displaying "Multiplayer
Initialised" now and the other system
should be displaying "Server pressed
ALT+F12". The first car you've entered (in our example the
Banshee) is moving now like the car on
the other system. Your multiplayer game
has begun! (Crashing and bumping into
each other could cause a crash of

- To use outgame chat, connect and
type your message in the textbox below.
Use enter to send the message.
- To use ingame chat, make sure you've
started a multiplayer game (as described
above), then press SHIFT+Z to enable
chat and SHIFT+X to disable the chat.
When you've pressed SHIFT+X, you
just have to type the message you
want and press TAB to send this
message. You can see your messages,
messages of the other player and what
your typing in the corner at topleft.

- When you've selected Internet Game
and you want to host a game, click
Host Game and let the TIL (TermNL
IRC Listserver) connect to the
irc-server. This can take up to 90
seconds to connect. When it's
connected it will send your IP to the
irc-server, and your ip will be listed in the
serverlist. Then other people can join
your server. If you close your server,
your IP will be removed.
- When you've selected Internet Game
and you want to join a game, look at
Serverlist. It should display [BEGIN] and
[END], and if there are servers running,
there should be some IP's between
[BEGIN] and [END]. If you want to join
a server, select an ip from the list by
holding your mousebutton, select it,
copy it, and paste it into the IP-textbox.
Then click Join Game to join the server
and begin playing!
thx ich werd sie ma in nen translator stecken und gucken was dabei raus kommt. :)
Ich hab schon wieder nen neues Problem. Immer wenn ich in nen server gehen will, werde ich nach 20 sec. wieder raus geworfen. Woran liegt das? Egal welchen server ich nehme.
Logge dich ein um einen Beitrag zu schreiben.