Schaden erleiden? (RPG-Maker)

Schaden erleiden? (RPG-Maker)

Hallo ihrs,

kann man wenn man zb "Schaden erleiden" macht und dann steht ja dort mit Verteidigung und so.
Also das wird dan ebend berechnet mit der Verteidigung und nun meine frage wie kann ich jetz schreiben wie viel schaden man erlitten hat? weil das berechnet ja immer anders !
Okay. Wovon redest du? oO
Wenn du einfach nach der Formel fragst, nach der der Schaden im Standart-KS berechnet wird, dann hier:

Zitat aus der Hilfe-Datei des RM2k:
The attacking character is 'A' and the attacked character is 'B'. The success or failure of the action decided at the probability is separately decided based on random numbers. The effect amount regulation is separately reflected in damage and the amount of the effect at the attack with an attribute.

Damage of attack normally:

Damage (HP decrease value)(attack power ÷= 2 of A)-(defense power ÷4 of B)

·Actual damage changes at random within the range of 80-120% of the above-mentioned value. ·Three values are multiplied for "Kill without fail" and "Critical Hit".

·Hit rate of attack is usually (%) =100-hit rate -(rate (%) of hit of equipment arms of 100-A)×+ (quickness -1 of quickness ÷ A of B)1÷2

·When the option of "Ignore Monster Evasion" is given to arms, the basic hit rate becomes a hit rate as it is. ·Hit rate change value (%) is multiplied by present "Condition".

·When B is equipped with the protector of "Rise Avoid of Physical Attack", 25% is subtracted from the hit rate. The hit rate is unconditionally assumed to be 100% when under the "Condition" that B cannot act.
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