Yu-Gi-Oh! WCT 2007 Duellrätsel (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Yu-Gi-Oh! WCT 2007 Duellrätsel (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

Ich schaffe:
Aus ver. Blickwinkel sehen
Furchtbare Entladung
Versuch des Monsters
Waghalsiger Angriff
Schlage den Gegner
nicht kann mir jemand helfen?
Dabei bin ich sozusagen ein Profi da ich bei der WCT 2006 100% bei den Rätseln hab.
weißte wie man die anderen löst?? vieleicht kannste mir ja helfen
ich guck se mir nomma an kann die ja net auswendig^^

haste auch fc code wenn ja kannste mir den mal geben können uns ja dann mal duellieren
kann leider net Wifi zoggn seit wir arcor hammn geht det nemmeah
Unter Setup der Nintendo WFC steht bei schritt 2 man soll den WEP-Schlüssel eingeben!! Was ist das und wo krieg ich den her???
Im Setup von deijnem Internetanbieter kannst u diesen ändern.
danke ich habs!!
Weiß einer in welchem Booster die Apparate enthalten sind??? Will mein reales Deck, im Spiel nachbauen!!
nö null ahnung aber kauf Unionsstärke: sehr gutes Pack
dem pflichte ich bei
Mach ich, aber wenn ihr mal je einen Apparat zieht, sagt mir bescheid in welchem Booster ihr sie fandet!!
postet doch ihr duelrästel rein sonst is das ihr eh nur spam
hab nen grünen gezogen muss aber nomma gucken welcher Booster det war
alle rätsel

Level 1 Puzzles

1. Summon "Lava Golem" (does not matter whom you tribute)
2. Activate "Ojama Trio"
3. Activate "Flash of the Forbidden Spell"
4. Attack with "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther"
5. Attack with "E-Hero Neos"

Look from Another Angle:
1. Activate "Back to Square One" discard "Ruin, Queen of Oblivion" and target
2. Activate "Fissure"
3. Summon "Manju of the Ten Thousand" and activate its effect. Target the only
card you can.
4. Activate "Ectoplasmer"
5. Activate "Ritual Foregone" and target "Shinato, King of a Higher Plane"
6. End your turn. "Ectoplasmer" will activate. Target "Shinato, King of a
Higher Plane"

Lost Power:
1. Activate "Confiscation" and target "Armed Dragon LV3"
2. Summon "E-Hero Stratos" and activate the its only effect that you can.
Target "E-Hero Ocean"
3. Activate "Fake Hero" and target "E-Hero Ocean"
4. Activate "Level Down!?" and target "Armed Dragon LV7" replace it with
"Armed Dragon LV3" in face up attack position.
5. Attack with "E-Hero Stratos"
6. Attack with "E-Hero The Heat"

Close Call:
1. Activate "Creature Swap", switching "Spirit Reaper" for "Dark Ruler
2. Summon "Dark Ruler Ha Des" by tributing "Spirit Reaper"
3. Activate "Owner's Seal"
4. Attack with both.
5. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Dark Ruler Ha Des"
Hint: Ring is needed to win, but you can't kill yourself, so...

Dreadful Removal:
1. Activate "Degenerate Circuit"
2. Activate "Soul Absorption"
3. Activate "Compulsory Evacuation Device" targeting "Jirai Gumo"
4. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Fiend Megacyber"
5. Activate "Return from a Different Dimension" returning "Jirai Gumo"
and "Goblin Attack Force" and attack
Hint: Half of something can't be nothing in Yu-Gi-Oh!

Super Reversal:
1. Activate "The Transmigration Prophecy" to recover your "Blue-Eyes White
Dragon" and "Ancient Rules"
2. Summon "Reshef the Dark Being" by Activating "Advanced Ritual Art"
discarding "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
3. Activate "Upstart Goblin"
4. Activate "Monster Reincarnation" by discarding "Luster Dragon"
5. Activate "Ancient Rules" to special summon "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
6. Activate "Reshef the Dark Being" and discard "Share the Pain" to gain
control of enemy's "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
7. Attack with everyone
Hint: You don't need all your monsters

Duel Magic:
1. Summon "Masked Chopper" in Attack Mode, and equip him with "Mist Body" and
"Black Pendant"
2. Activate " Ancient Rules" to special summon "Battle Steer"
3. Activate "Shien's Spy" targeting "Battle Steer"
4. Attack "Battle Steer" with "Masked Chopper" and activate "Bark of Dark
Ruler" reducing "Battle Steer" to 0

Monster's Trial:
1. Activate "Mask of Restrict"
2. Summon "Breaker the Magical Warrior" and Activate it, destroying "Swords
of Reveling Light"
3. Activate "Skill Drain"
4. Flip "Man-Eater Bug"
5. Activate "Creature Swap" targeting "Man-Eater Bug"
6. Attack with "Skull Descovery Knight" and "Breaker the Magical Warrior"

A Daring Charge:
1. Flip "Banisher of the Light"
2. Activate "Soul Absorption"
3. Go into Attack Phase.
4. Attack "Summoned Skull" with both "Goblin Attack Force"
5. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Summoned Skull"
6. Attack with "Banisher of the Light"
7. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Banisher of the Light"
8. Activate "Burial from Different Dimension" targeting "Goblin Attack Force"
9. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Goblin Attack Force"
10. Attack with "Goblin Attack Force"
Note: don't end your Attack Phase

Hit the Opponent:
1. Activate "Soul Absorption"
2. Activate "Cloak and Dagger" targeting "Armed Dragon LV10"
3. Tribute "Des Koala" to summon "Destiny Hero - Dasher"
4. Activate "Book of Moon" targeting "Armed Dragon LV10 "
5. Start Attack Phase
6. Attack "Armed Dragon LV10" with "Slate Warrior"
7. Activate "Twister" targeting "The Dark Door"
8. Attack with "Destiny Hero - Dasher" and "Curse of Dragon"

Level 2 Puzzles

What's the Trump Card:
1. Summon "Breaker the Magical Warrior"
2. Activate "Premature Burial" targeting "Big Koala"
3. Chain "Dust Tornado" targeting anything
4. Chain "Soul Reversal" targeting "Des Koala"
5. Chain "Miraculous Rebirth" targeting "White-Horned Dragon"
6. Activate "White-Horned Dragon" targeting all possible spells
7. Attack "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" with "White-Horned Dragon"
8. Attack with "Big Koala" and "Breaker the Magical Warrior"

Dance in the Sky:
1. Activate "Dimension Fusion" targeting "Sacred Crane"
2. Flip "Penguin Soldier" targeting oppnent's "Sacred Crane"
3. Summon "Dark Magician of Chaos" and activate it's effect targeting
"Dimension Fusion"
4. Activate "Dimensional Fissure"
5. Activate "Confiscation" targeting "Sacred Crane"
6. Activate "Dimension Fusion" targeting "Sacred Crane"

1. Activate "Demotion" targeting "Spirit Reaper"
2. Summon "Luster Dragon #2" sacrificing "Goblin Attack Force"
3. Attack with "Luster Dragon #2"
4. Activate "The Shallow Grave" targeting "Goblin Attack Force"
5. Activate "Thunder Crash"

Let Your Imagination Fly:
1. Activate "Mind Control" targeting "Cannon Soldier"
2. Activate "Windstorm of Etaqua"
3. Chain "Tragedy"
4. Activate "Monster Reborn" targeting "Perfect Machine King"
5. Attack "Spirit Reaper" with "Perfect Machine King" and "Cyber-Stien"
6. Activate "Cannon Soldier" tributing "Perfect Machine King" and "Cyber-Stien"

Dying Strike:
1. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Granadora"
2. Actvate "Heavy Storm"
3. Activate "Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce" targeting "Cyber Ogre" and
discarding "Elemental Hero -BladeEdge"
3. Activate "Cyber Ogre" from Hand targeting "Cyber Ogre"
4. Attack "Woodborg Inpachi" with "Cyber Ogre" twice

Slice and Dice:
1. Activate "Mystic Box" targeting "Serpentine Princess"
2. Activate "Call of the Mummy" targeting "Ryu Kokki"
3. Summon "Castle of Dark Illusions"
4. Activate "Offerings to the Doomed" targeting "Despair from the Dark"
5. Activate "Book of Life"
6. Attack "Magician of Black Chaos" with "Ryu Kokki"
7. Attack "Despair from the Dark" and "Castle of Dark Illusions"

Important Effect:
1. Switch "Treeborn Frog" to attack position
2. Summon "Mystic Tomato"
3. Attack with "Mystic Tomato"
4. Activate "Mystic Tomato" and Special Summon "Memory Crusher"
5. Activate "Kunai with Chain" targeting "Memory Crusher"
6. Attack with "Treeborn Frog" and "Memory Crusher"

Dream Combo:
1. Activate "Acid Rain"
2. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Labyrinth Tank"
3. Chain "Mispolymerization"
4. Activate "Stop Defense" targeting "Electromagnetic Bagworm"
5. Activate "Scroll of Bewitchment" targeting "Electromagnetic Bagworm" and
choosing DARK
6. Activate "Overload Fusion" targeting "Labyrinth Tank"
7. Attack "Electromagnetic Bagworm" with "Luminous Soldier"
8. Attack with "Labyrinth Tank"

Goodbye Forever:
1. Activate "Creature Swap" targeting "Necroface"
2. Activate "Dark Core" discarding "Level Limit Area B." targeting "Necroface"
3. Activate "Strike Ninja" targeting both "Necroface"
4. Activate "Card Destruction"
Note: "Call of the Haunted" and "Summoned Skull" are not Activated.

A Fiend's Feast:
1. Activate "Creature Swap" targeting "Jowls of Dark Demise"
2. Activate "Crush Card Virus" tributing "Spirit Reaper"
3. Activate "Two-Pronged Attack"
4. Special Summon "Dark Necrofear"
5. Attack with "Dark Necrofear"
Level 3 Puzzles
Reptile Mania:
1. Summon "Drill Bug"
2. Activate "Des Counterblow"
3. Attack "Sasuke Samurai" with "Drill Bug"
4. Attack with "Insect Knight"
5. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Insect Knight"
6. Attack with "Insect Knight"
7. Activate "Ojama Trio"
8. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Ojama Token"
9. Activate "Thunder Crash"

Don't Assume:
1. Activate "Autonomous Action Unit" targeting "Gren Maju Da Eiza"
2. "Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon" tributing "Gren Maju Da Eiza" and "Spirit
3. Set "Owner's Seal"
4. Activate "Mage Power" targeting "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
5. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Summoned Skull"
6. Attack "Guardian Sphinx" with "Summoned Skull"
7. Attack with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
8. Activate "Ring of Destruction" targeting "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

Reviving Monster:
1. Activate "Dimension Fusion" targeting "Frostasaurus"
2. Activate "Dark Core" discarding "Barrier Statue of the Inferno" targeting
"Barrier Statue of the Torrent"
3. Activate "Premature Burial" targeting "Barrier Statue of the Inferno"
4. Activate "Dimension Fusion" targeting "Great Angus"
5. Attack "Mobuis the Frost Monarch" with "Frostasaurus"
6. Attack with "Barrier Statue of the Inferno" and "Great Angus"

Strike the Weak Point:
1. Activate "Autonomous Action Unit" targeting "Granadora"
2. Attack "Berserk Gorilla" with "Granadora"
3. Attack "Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness" with "Summoned Skull"
4. Activate "Tremendous Fire"

Legendary Witness:
1. Activate "Destruction of Destiny"
2. Activate "Altar for Tribute" targeting "Destiny Hero-Disk Commander"
3. Activate "Premature Burial" targeting "Destiny Hero-Disk Commander"
4. Activate "Destiny Draw"
5. Activate "Zero Gravity"
6. Shift "Airknight Parshath" into attack position
7. Attack "Cyber Ogre" with "Airknight Parshath"

Only Challanges Here:
1. Summon "Judge Man"
2. Activate "Shield and Sword"
3. Activate "Ultimate Offering" summoning "Darkfire Dragon"
4. Activate "Creature Swap" targeting "Darkfire Dragon"
5. Attack "Darkfire Dragon" with "Judge Man"
6. Activate "Option Hunter"
7. Activate "Skull Invatation"
8. Activate 2x "Twister" targeting 2x "The Dark Door"
9. Attack with "Millenium Shield"

My Graduation!:
1. Activate "Beast Soul Swap" targeting "Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts"
2. Summon "Phantom Beast Rock Lizard"
3. Attack "Man-Eater Bug" with "Phantom Beast Rock Lizard"
4. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Phantom Beast Rock Lizard"
5. Attack with "Phantom Beast Rock Lizard"

Trap Mania!:
1. Activate "Tribute to the Doomed" discarding "Masked Chopper" targeting
"Elemental Hero Wildheart"
2. Flip "Magician of Faith" targeting "Creature Swap"
3. Chain "Torrential Tribute"
4. Chain "Macro Cosmos"
5. Chain "Ultimate Offering" (do not use its effect)
6. Chain "Chain Strike"
7. Activate "Soul Release" targeting "Masked Chopper"
8. Activate "Dimension Fusion" targeting all possible targets
9. Activate "Creature Swap" targeting "Great Maju Garzett"
10. Summon "Great Maju Garzett" tributing "Zera the Mant"
11. Attack "Great Maju Garzett" with "Masked Chopper"
12. Attack with "Great Maju Garzett" and "Magician of Faith"

Test of Imagination:
1. Activate x2 "Mystic Box" targeting "Labyrinth Wall" and "Marshmallon"
2. Special summon 2x "Megarock Dragon" targeting one monsters each
3. Attack "Sasuke Samurai #3" with "Megarock Dragon"
4. Attack "The Bistro Butcher" with "Megarock Dragon"
5. Activate "Full Salvo"

It's Good to be Cute:
1. Activate "Book of Moon" targeting "Penguin Soldier"
2. Summon "Tsukuyomi" targeting "Man-Eater Bug"
3. Flip "Penguin Soldier" targeting "Penguin Soldier" and "Tsukuyomi"
4. Activate "Swords of Revealing Light"
5. Activate "The Shallow Grave"
6. Activate "Nobleman of Crossout" targeting "Man-Eater Bug"
7. Activate "Book of Taiyou" targeting "Gemini Elf"
8. Attack with "Gemini Elf"

Level 4 Puzzles
Effects over Cards:
1. Activate "Nobleman of Crossout"
2. Activate "Fissure"
3. Activate "Giant Trunade"
4. Attack "Berserk Gorilla" with "Neo-spacian Grand Mole"
5. Summon "Neo-spacian Grand Mole"
6. Activate "Card Destruction"

Returning Power:
1. Activate "Excavation of Mage Stones" targeting "Card of Safe Return"
2. Activate "Card of Safe Return"
3. Flip "Man-Eater Bug" targeting "Destiny Hero - Disk Commander"
4. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Destiny Hero - Disk Commander"
5. Attack "Skull Servant" with "Destiny Hero - Disk Commander"
6. Activate "Premature Burial" targeting "Destiny Hero - Disk Commander"
Note: Activate "Card of Safe Return" when ever prompted.

Need Nutrients:
1. Summon "Fairy King Turesdale" tributing "Dandylion"
2. Activate "Book of Moon" and "Book of Taiyou" both targeting "Submarineroid"
3. Switch "Mystic Tomato" into Attack Mode
4. Attack "Steel Ogre Grotto #2" with "Mystic Tomato"
5. Attack "Sumarineroid" with "Berserk Gorilla"
6. Activate "Level limit area A"
7. Attack with both "Fluff Tokens"
8. Activate "Zero Gravity"
9. Attack with "Fairy King Trusdale"

Break Through:
1. Activate "Level Up!"
2. Activate "Dragons Mirror"
3. Activate "Hammer Shot"
4. Activate "Fusion Gate"
5. Attack "The Six Samurai - Zanji" with "CyberDark Dragon"

Scale that Wall!:
1. Summon "Lava Golem" tributing "Frostosaurus" and "Slate Warrior"
2. Flip "Spell Purification" discarding "Vorse Raider"
3. Activate "Tribute to the Doomed" discarding "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole"
targeting "Vorse Raider"
4. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Vorse Raider"
5. Activate "Premature Burial" targeting "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole"
6. Attack "Lava Golem" with "Neo-Spacian Grand Mole" and activate its effect
7. Attack "Vorse Raider" with "Vorse Raider"
8. Activate "Rope of Life"
9. Attack with "Vorse Raider"

Can you solve this?:
1. Activate "Creature Swap"
2. Activate "Fissure"
3. Activate "Shallow Grave"
4. Activate "Creature Swap" targeting "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
5. Activate "Stop Defense" targeting "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"
6. Activate "Owners Seal"
7. Activate "Ojama Trio"
8. Activate "Flash of the Forbidden Spell"
9. Attack with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

Pure Meat Eater
1. Activate "Graceful Charity" discarding 2x "Gazelle the King of Mystical
2. Summon "Phantom Beast Rock Lizard" tributing "Chimera the Flying Mythical
Beast" with "Nightmare Wheel" attached
3. Activate "Premature Burial" targeting "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast"
4. Attack "Flame Cerberus" with "Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast" twice and
Special Summon "Gazelle the King of Mystical Beasts" each time
5. Attack with both "Gazelle the King of Mystical Beasts" and "Phantom Beast
Rock Lizard"

Dinosaur Exhibition:
1. Activate "Tribute to the Doomed" discarding "Mad Sword Beast" targeting
the face-up "Jinzo"
2. Special Summon "Gigantes" targeting "Mad Sword Beast"
3. Chain "Torrential Tribute"
4. Activate "Survival Instinct" targeting "Sabersaurus"
5. Activate "Call of the Haunted" targeting "Hyper Hammerhead"
6. Summon "Banisher of the Radiance"
7. Activate "The Shallow Grave" targeting "Tyranno Infinity"
8. Chain "Trap of Darkness" targeting "Hunting Instinct" Then targeting
"Super Conductor Tyranno"
9. Activate "Book of Taiyou" targeting "Tyranno Infinity"
10. Attack "Jinzo" with "Hyper Hammerhead"
11. Activate "Mystical Space Typhoon" targeting "Call of the Haunted"
12. Attack with "Tyranno Infinity", "Banisher of the Radiance", and "Super
Conductor Tyranno"

Roid Attack-
1. Flip "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive"
2. Activate "Monster Reincarnation" discarding "Neo the Magic Swordsman"
targeting "Steamroid"
3. Activate "Vehicroid Connection Zone"
4. Attack "Destiny Hero - Defender" with "Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill"
5. Activate "Dust Tornado" targeting "Skill Drain"
6. Attack "Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive" with "Dekoichi the
7. Attack "Gaia The Fierce Knight" with "Light and Darkness Dragon"
8. Target "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" with "Light and Darkness Dragon"
9. Attack with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

Welcome To the Darkness
1. Activate "Riryoku" targetting "Super Conductor Tyranno" then "Masked Chopper"
2. Activate "Elemental Hero Glow Neos" targeting "Horus the Black Flame Dragon
3. Activate "Hammer Shot"
4. Activate "D - Time" targeting "Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude"
5. Summon "Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude"
6. Activate "D - Chain"
7. Activate "Skull Invitation"
8. Attack "Super Conductor Tyranno" with "Masked Chopper"
9. Attack "Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6" with "Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude"
10. Attack with "Elemental Hero Bubbleman"

Level 5 Puzzles

Stop Time!:
1. Activate Rush Recklessly designating Airknight Parshath as the target
2. Chain Chain Detonation from Light & Darkness Dragon's effect
3. Chain Ring of Destruction (Target L/D Dragon) from Chain Detonation
4. Chain Chain Healing from Ring of Destruction
5. Chain Miraculous Rebirth from Chain Healing, targetting Blue-Eyes White
6. Special Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon to your field in Attack Mode
7. Attack Skull Servant with Airknight Parshath
8. Attack with Blue-Eyes White Dragon for game

Prove Your Skill!
1. Summon Winged Rhino in attack mode.
2. Chain Needle Ceiling then hold the A button to chain again.
3. Chain Winged Rhino
4. Activate Raigeki Break discarding Winged Rhino to destroy Sakuretsu Armor.
5. Flip summon Hane-Hane to send itself back to your hand
6. Activate Pot of Generosity to send Hane-Hane and Blue-Eyes White Dragon to
your deck.
7. Activate Advanced Ritual Art to summon Shinato.
8. Activate Birthright for Blue-Eyes.
9. Attack with everyone for the win.

Watch Out For Fire!:
1. Activate Ring, target Hane-Hane
2. Chain Malfunction.
3. Chain Ring to Blast Asmodian's effect
4. Chain Solemn
5. Chain Raigeki Break to Blast's effect, discard Brain Control, target
6. Chain MST to Blast's effect, destroy Magic Jammer.
7. Play Banner of Courage
8. Attack for game.

Cruelness of the Dark World:
1. Activate Graceful Charity, discarding Nobleman of Extermination & Dandylion
from your hand
2. Activate Token Feastevil once Fluffy Tokens have been Special Summoned
3. Flip Summon Magician of Faith, targetting Graceful Charity and activate
Two-Pronged Attack
4. Tribute Magician of Faith and Scarr, Scout of Dark World to destroy either
opp. face up monster
5. Activate Graceful Charity, discarding Mirror Force and Sillva, Warlord of
Dark World
6. Special Summon Sillva in Attack Mode, then activate Book of Taiyou targetting
Morphing Jar
7. Destroy opponents remaining monsters once Goldd's Special Effect activates
8. Special Summon Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World in Attack Mode
9. Special Summon Goldd & Reign-Beaux in Attack Mode
10. Use Reign-Beaux's Special Effect to destroy all Spell and Trap cards, then
attack with all monsters for game

Spell Cards are the Key!:
1. Activate Skill Drain
2. Sacrifice Penguin Soldier to Summon Jinzo
3. Chain Ring of Destruction to your opponent's Trap Hole and use it on Jinzo.
4. Activate Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your Skill Drain.
5. Activate Dust Tornado to destroy Mirror Force.
6. Flip Summon Copycat
7. Flip Summon Guardian Sphinx
8. Activate Call of the Haunted to bring back Jinzo
9. Attack with all for the win.

Peace to the Zombies:
1. Flip up Hane-Hane and send Night Assailant to your hand
2. Activate Malice Dispersion discarding Night Assailant and grab Deikoichi
3. Set Deikoichi on the field face down
4. Activate Acid Trap Hole on Deikoichi.
5. Flip up Hane-Hane and send Night Assailant to your hand.
6. Activate Silver Bow and Arrow to Hoshinigen and then QUICKLY HOLD DOWN THE
7. Chain Magic Jammer and discard Night Assailant
8. Grab Deikoichi with Night Assailant's effect.
9. Activate Ultimate Offering to set Deikoichi.
10. Activate Book of Taiyou on Deikoichi
11. Activate Ultimate Offering to summon Gilford the Lightning sacrifing both
Hane-Hane and Deikoichi.
12. Attack with all monsters to win.

Castle of Mist!:
1. Activate The Six Samurai - Kamon's Special Effect to target and destroy
Spatial Collapse.
2. Normal Summon The Six Samurai - Yaichi, then activate its Special Effect to
target and destroy Sakuretsu Armor.
3. Activate Twin Swords of Flashing Light - Tryce, discarding Great Shogun
Shien and target Zanji.
4. Attack Master of Dragon Soldier with The Six Samurai - Zanji, sacrificing
Yaichi or Kamon when asked to save Zanji
5. Continue attack with all remaining monsters for game

Fight, Elemental Heroes!:
1. Summon Elemental Hero Stratos, use Destroy Spell/Trap effect to destroy
Imperial Order and Gravity Bind.
2. Use Hero's Bond, Special Summon both Elemental Hero Stratos from hand,
using search effect with both.
3. Choose Elemental Hero Clayman And Elemental Hero Bubbleman from deck.
4. Use Order To Charge, tributing Elemental Hero Sparkman, and destroy any
creature besides Gren Maju Da Eiza. (I chose Gyroid)
5. Use Polymerization to summon Elemental Hero Electrum.
6. Have each monster attack Gren Maju Da Eiza for game.

Shine, Hero!:
1. Use A Feather Of The Phoenix, discard HERO Flash!! and choose Elemental
Hero Bubbleman to put on the top of your deck.
2. Activate Pot Of Greed.
3. Use Spell Reproduction, discard Polymerization and R-Righteous Justice,
and return Bubble Illusion to your hand.
4. Summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman and use Bubble Illusion.
5. Use Polymerization and Summon Elemental Hero Electrum.
6. Attack The Six Samurai-Zanji in Attack Position with Elemental Hero Electrum.
7. Activate Change Of Hero-Reflector Ray from hand after Elemental Hero Electrum
is destroyed for game.

Road of a Hero:
- summon neo-spacion glow moss
- fusion neos with glow moss
- activate graceful charity discarding hero flash and hamminbird
- activate fake hero to summon the neos in your hand
- activate common soul equipping flare scarabb and special summon neo spacian
aqua dolphin
- activate aqua dolphin's effect discarding the cheerful coffin and destroying
either kuriboh.
- fusion summon neos with aqua dolphin
- activate destruction of destiny
- use o- oversoul on neos to special summon him.
- use common soul equippin flare scarab to special summon dark panther
- activte dark panther's effect on soul reaper
- activate aqua neos special effect discarding the remaining card in your hand
attack with everyone for the win!

Download Puzzles

1. Discard King of the Swamp to fetch Polymerization from your deck
2. Flip Raigeki Break, discard Wroughtweiler, destroy XZ Dragon Cannon.
3. Activate Future Fusion, select Electrum.
4. Activate Miracle Fusion, Special Summon Electrum. (note - Don't remove King
of the Swamp)
5. Activate Giant Trunade to return Future Fusion and Monster Reincarnation.
6. Activate Future Fusion, select Tempest.
7. Activate Miracle Fusion, Special Summon Shining Flare Wingman.
8. Flip Monster Reincarnation. Discard Polymerization and pick up Burstinatrix.
9. Normal Summon Burstinatrix.
10. Attack The Masked Beast with Electrum
11. Attack Blue Eyes White Dragon with Shining Flare Wingman
12. Attack directly with Burstinatrix FTW!!!

Blue Medacine
Marauding Captain(special summon Little Chimera)
Ultimate Offering(Summon Dark Avatar)
Twin Swords on Dark Avatar(discard frost Sauraus)
Attack Obnoxios with Dark Avatar
Activate Call(bring back Saurus)
Attack with Dark Avatar and Frost Saurus for the win.
More to come when they become available...
eine kurze frage noch: Ich hab sehr viele der Elementarhelden-fusionen:Madballman Tempest ERikshilder Steamhealer etc. aber für die braucht man Bubbleman: In welchem Booster gibt's den???
dowload 3
1. Flip Penguin Soldier, returning Horus Lv 8 and Armed Dragon Lv 10 to the opponents hand.
2. Flip Des Koala.
3. Activate Tribute to the Doomed, discarding Masaki, and destroy Meteor Dragon.
4. Special Summon Gigantes, removing Misaki from play.
5. Summon Dark Eraser, sacrificing Penguin Soldier, Raging Flame Sprite and Gigantes.
6. Enter battle phase and attack Gene-Warped Warwolf with Dark Eraser.
7. Choose to special summon Forest Guard Green Baboon, and attack your opponents lifepoints directly.
ähm kann mir jemand sagen was man in Yu-Gi-Oh WCT machen muss und obs da eine handlung wie bei Spirit Caller gibt??
Nein es gibt keine Handlung, aber mehr Karten!!!

Du musst stufenweise Gegner wie Cyber-enddrache, Kuriboh... besiegen. Es gibt aber auch einen Herausforderung modus der sehr amüsant ist!!
was muss man da machn??
Gegner besiegen!!!
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