Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Wunderbriefe (Pokémon)

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Wunderbriefe (Pokémon)

Ein neuer thread nur für Wunderbriefe und entsprechende Generatoren, hier schon mal eine aus allen möglichen foren zusammengestellte sammlung:
1?NK !W…? ?P?W
83?T 64?0 WW?W

und hier sind noch ein paar
Lebens samen
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
F?9? R?X? 46??
(m)!?7 F4?6 W3??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
??9? R?T? 4666
M!?7 F??6 W8??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
??9? R?Y? 4666
S!?7 F4?6 WN??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
4?9? R?+? 46??
Q!?7 F4?6 W(f)??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
4?9? R?X? 4666
(f)!?7 F??6 W!??/F
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
4?9? R?F? 4666
K!?7 F4?6 W1??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
??9? R?S? 46?6
4!?7 F4?6 WJ??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
1?9? R?F? 466?
N!?7 F??6 WX??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
1?9? R?0? 466?
K!?7 F4?6 WF??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
1?9? R?F? 46?6
N!?7 F4?6 WX??
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
4?9? R?X? 4666
K!?7 F??6 W1??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
??9? R?F? 4666
+!?7 F4?6 WM??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
4?9? R?0? 46??
2!?7 F4?6 W0??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
??9? R?X? 4666
M!?7 F??6 W-??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
F?9? R?0? 466?
4!?7 F4?6 WR??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
4?9? R?+? 46??
N!?7 F4?6 WX??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
4?9? R?(...)? 466?
J!?7 F??6 W9??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
F?9? R?0? 466?
!!?7 F4?6 W+??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
F?9? R?F? 46?6
(m)!?7 F4?6 W3??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
??9? R?(...)? 466?
+!?7 F??6 W7??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
4?9? R?0? 4666
6!?7 F4?6 WQ??

Place: Tiny Woods 1F
1?9? R?T? 46??
J!?7 F4?6 W9??
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
??9? R?(...)? 466?
S!?7 F??6 WN??
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
??9? R?Y? 4666
H!?7 F4?6 W9??

Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
1?K? ??0? 4??6
JF?? F466 (...)S??

I can't get out!
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
??K? ??Y? 4?66
?F?? F?66 (...)7??

I'm sad and lonely.
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
1?K? ??T? 4?66
RF?? F466 (...)P??

I can't get home!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
F?K? ??F? 4???
?F?? F466 (...)M??

I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
??K? ??X? 4?6?
7F?? F?66 (...)C??

I'm in trouble...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
F?K? ??T? 4?66
(m)F?? F466 (...)5??

I'm scared!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
1?K? ??X? 4???
QF?? F466 (...)???

I can't get home!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
F?K? ??(...)? 4?66
3F?? F?66 (...)4??

I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Red Gummi
1?K? ??X? 4?66
NF?? F466 (...)C??

I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
??9? ??T? 4??6
1F?? F466 ST??

Where am I?
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
1?9? ??0? 4?6?
NF?? F?66 S7??

I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
F?9? ??S? 4?6?
MF?? F466 S!??

I'm too tired to move.
I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
1?9? ??+? 4??6
(...)F?? F466 S-??

I was attacked!
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
F?9? ??S? 4?66
7F?? F?66 SM??

I'm lost.
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
1?9? ??S? 4?6?
TF?? F466 SK??

I'm lost.
I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
F?9? ??X? 4?66
1F?? F466 SQ??

I'm sad and lonely.
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
4?9? ??X? 4??6
TF?? F466 SK??

Help me!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
4?9? ??T? 4?6?
RF?? F?66 SN??

I'm in trouble...
I lost in a battle...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Blue Gummi
4?9? ??+? 4?66
KF?? F466 S3??

I can't get home!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
F?9? ??0? 4??6
PF?? F466 T6??

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
1?9? ??S? 4?66
NF?? F?66 T4??

I can't get home!
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
F?9? ??(...)? 4?6?
FF?? F466 TN??

I can't get out!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
1?9? ??0? 4??6
TF?? F466 TR??

Help me!
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
1?9? ??+? 4?6?
QF?? F?66 TQ??

I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
??9? ??F? 4?6?
FF?? F466 TC??

I'm not a fighter...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
4?9? ??T? 4??6
5F?? F466 T9??

I was done in...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
F?9? ??(...)? 4?66
HF?? F?66 T0??

I fainted...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Yellow Gummi
1?9? ??S? 4?6?
NF?? F466 T4??
ok von jedem 9 bitte schön wenn du noch welche braucht frag mich

leute hier sind die ersten 10 samen

Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??F? 4??6
(f)F?? F466 RS??

I can't get out!
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??X? 4?66
8F?? F?66 R7??

I'm sad and lonely.
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??S? 4?66
(...)F?? F466 RP??

I can't get home!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? ??Y? 4???
8F?? F466 RM??

I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??T? 4?6?
FF?? F?66 RC??

I'm in trouble...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? ??T? 4?66
PF?? F466 R5??

und der rest

I'm scared!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??X? 4???
NF?? F466 R???

I can't get home!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? ??(...)? 4?66
7F?? F?66 R4??

I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??T? 4?66
0F?? F466 RC??

I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??S? 4??6
3F?? F466 RT??

Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?0? ???6
C4?? F466 RS??

I can't get out!
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? 6?S? ???6
(m)4?? F466 R7??

I'm sad and lonely.
This dungeon is scary!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?0? ???6
N4?? F466 RP??

I can't get home!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? 6?Y? ????
(m)4?? F466 RM??

I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? 6?S? ????
?4?? F466 RC??

I'm in trouble...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? 6?0? ???6
34?? F466 R5??

I'm scared!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?X? ????
(f)4?? F466 R???

I can't get home!
I can't move another step.
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? 6?0? ???6
!4?? F466 R4??

I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Please, I need help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?+? ???6
64?? F466 RC??

I can't move another step.
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? 6?T? ???6
H4?? F466 RT??

Where am I?
I can't move another step.
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?X? ????
W4?? F466 R7??

I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? 6?F? ????
X4?? F466 R!??

I'm too tired to move.
I can't move another step.
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?+? ???6
94?? F466 R-??

I was attacked!
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? 6?0? ???6
(m)4?? F466 RM??

I'm lost.
This dungeon is scary!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? 6?F? ????
04?? F466 RK??

I'm lost.
I can't move another step.
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? 6?+? ???6
H4?? F466 RQ??

I'm sad and lonely.
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
4?9? 6?X? ???6
04?? F466 RK??

Help me!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
4?9? 6?(...)? ????
64?? F466 RN??

I'm in trouble...
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
4?9? 6?X? ???6
C4?? F466 R3??

I'm in trouble...
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? 6?S? ????
F4?? F466 RK??

bitte sehr 20 stück die von gestern konnt ich nicht machen

I can't get out!
I'm famished...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??F? 4??6
3F?? F466 RS??

I'm scared!
I lost in a battle...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9F ??X? 4?66
9F?? F?66 R7??

Help me!
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??S? 4?66
SF?? F466 RP??

Whoa! It's too rough here...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9F ??T? 4?7?
FF?? F?66 RM??

I'm scared!
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9F ??(...)? 4?7?
+F?? F466 RC??

I can't seem to get out.
This dungeon is scary!
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9F ??(...)? 4?N6
8F?? F?66 R5??

I'm lost.
Fighting a tough foe was a mistake...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??+? 4?N?
RF?? F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9F ??Y? 4?P6
RF?? F?66 R4??

die nächste 10

sorry sin nur 8 hier die anderen beiden

Help me!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??0? 4??6
+F?? F466 RC??

I'm in trouble...
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9F ??X? 4?66
QF?? F?66 RT??

ich könnte auch 8 rein machen die ihr in einem dungeon macht geht dann ganz schnell wenn nicht ist mir auch recht hier

Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??F? 4??6
(f)F?? F466 RS??

I can't get out!
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??X? 4?66
8F?? F?66 R7??

I'm sad and lonely.
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??S? 4?66
(...)F?? F466 RP??

I can't get home!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? ??Y? 4???
8F?? F466 RM??

I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??T? 4?6?
FF?? F?66 RC??

I'm in trouble...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? ??T? 4?66
PF?? F466 R5??

I'm scared!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??X? 4???
NF?? F466 R???

I can't get home!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9? ??(...)? 4?66
7F?? F?66 R4??

I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??T? 4?66
0F?? F466 RC??

I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??S? 4??6
3F?? F466 RT??

10 level samen nur für euch morgen gibst wida welche

Where am I?
I can't move another step.
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: One-Room Orb
1?K? ??X? 4???
(m)F?? F4N6 +7??

hier ein paar von mir

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?X? ????
(f)4?6 F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Blastoise
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? P?0? 4???
NF?7 F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Ivysaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? 6?(...)? ????
(f)4?? F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? ??(...)? 4???
NF?? F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Venusaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? 6?S? 4???
C1?? F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Charmander
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? 7?T? ????
(...)??6 F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Charmeleon
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? 7?X? 4???
NF?6 F466 R???

sorry leute mein pc war irgendwie schrott ist aber alles wider ok also

I can't get out!
I'm famished...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??F? 4??6
3F?? F466 RS??

I'm scared!
I lost in a battle...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9F ??X? 4?66
9F?? F?66 R7??

Help me!
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??S? 4?66
SF?? F466 RP??

Whoa! It's too rough here...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9F ??T? 4?7?
FF?? F?66 RM??

I'm scared!
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9F ??(...)? 4?7?
+F?? F466 RC??

I can't seem to get out.
This dungeon is scary!
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9F ??(...)? 4?N6
8F?? F?66 R5??

I'm lost.
Fighting a tough foe was a mistake...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9F ??+? 4?N?
RF?? F466 R???

I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
F?9F ??Y? 4?P6
RF?? F?66 R4??

könnt ihr alle auf einmal mache und der rest

I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
1?9? ??0? 4??6
0F?? F466 RC??

I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed
??9? ??X? 4?66
3F?? F?66 RT??

Hier codes für lv+ samen.

Keine Angst man kommt leicht ans ZIel..

1?NN RWY? 49?W
S♂?7 6466 RW?W

1?NN WWT? 4P?W
S1?Y 6466 RW?W

1?NN 6WY? 4P?W
H8?? 646R RW?W

1?NN 9WF? ?R?W
3M?N 6466 RW?W

1?NN XW…? 4P?W
W0?K 6466 RW?W

1?NN CWS? 48?W
0Q?2 6466 RW?W

1?NN RWX? 4R?W
H!?7 6466 RW?W

1?NN !WX? 4R?W
F+?T 6466 RW?W

8 Briefe bitte sehr sind alle Kleinhain E1

hier wieder lv. samen doch diesmal besser..^^

Kleinhain E1

1?NN -WY? ?R?W
JN?♀ 6466 RW?W

Kleinhain E2

1?NN RW0? 496W
S♂?7 6?66 RW?W

Kleinhain E3

1?NN CWF? 486W
0Q?2 6466 RW?W

Kleinhain E1

1?NN TW+? 4P?W
Y2?- 6466 RW?W

Kleinhain E2

1?NN TWS? 4P6W
Y2?- 6?66 RW?W

Kleinhain E3

1?NN WW0? ?86W
MJ?W 6466 RW?W

Kleinhain E1

1?NN PWS? ?8?W
1P?7 6466 RW?W

Kleinhain E2

1?NN +WF? 486W
5S?R 6?66 RW?W

Kleinhain E3

1?NN TWX? ?86W
YJ?- 6466 RW?W

9 Samen bittesehr.... das wir auch ma wieder vorwärtskommen mit dem Training

so hier sind 5 e1,e2,e3 für kleinhain

Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?T? ???6
H4?6 F466 RS??

I can't get out!
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?F? ???6
W4?6 F466 R7??

I'm sad and lonely.
This dungeon is scary!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?T? ???6
P4?6 F466 RP??

I can't get home!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?(...)? ????
W4?6 F466 RM??

I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?F? ????
64?6 F466 RC??

I'm in trouble...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?Y? ??66
Q4?6 F?66 R5??

I'm scared!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?S? ??6?
34?6 F?66 R???

I can't get home!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?Y? ??66
(f)4?6 F?66 R4??

I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?F? ??66
74?6 F?66 RC??

I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?(...)? ??66
J4?6 F?66 RT??

Where am I?
I can't move another step.
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?Y? ??6?
?4?6 F466 R7??

I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?F? ??6?
Y4?6 F466 R!??

I'm too tired to move.
I can't move another step.
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?+? ??66
F4?6 F466 R-??

I was attacked!
I've reached my limit...
Someone, please help!
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?0? ??66
W4?6 F466 RM??

I'm lost.
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Charizard
Objective: Help me.
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?F? ??6?
+4?6 F466 RK??


O?O9(M)Y??+73+H?F+?204M?W - Donnerhallhöhle - Himmelblauebene
3?2N82Y?4Q8341?...65R...!?W -Lapishöhle - Geröllhöhle
0?05760?4WP4KX?6-?0553?- -Stillklamm - Mondlichtberg

Noch ein paar Wunderbriefe

Belohnung: Enger Gürtel
1?5N QWS? 4R?W
♂??X 64?0 …W?W

1?6N ♀WT? 4P?W
S1?T 6466 RW?W

1?6N 1WF? 4P?W
70?W 6460 RW?W

1?6N 6WY? 48?W
?3?? 6466 RW?W

1?6N RWT? 49?W
S♂?7 6466 RW?W

1?6N JWS? 4R?W
K!?+ 6466 RW?W

1?5N 4W0? 4R?W
J+?F 64?6 FW?W

1?6N 6WS? ?P?W
♂5?4 64?6 WW?W

1?6N KWT? 4P?W
22?♀ 64?6 KW?W

1?5N 2W+? ?8?W
♀H?S 64N6 FW?W

1?5N 6WY? 48?W
PQ?4 6466 PW?W

1?5N 8W+? 4P?W
60?C 6476 RW?W

1?6N 2W0? 4P?W
M2?3 64?6 QW?W

1?5N KWT? ?8?W
46?Q 6460 -W?W

1?6N CWS? 48?W
5Q?2 6466 KW?W

1?6N SW0? ?P?W
…M?W 64?0 QW?W

1?6N 3WT? 4P?W
9C?C 6460 !W?W

1?6N 6WT? ?R?W
9!?! 64N0 MW?W

1?6N 4W…? 4R?W
-??5 6470 RW?W

1?5N CWT? ?R?W
3C?2 6476 +W?W

1?6N JW…? ?R?W
7+?N 6470 +W?W

1?6N 7W+? ?9?W
F8?6 6466 -W?W

1?5N MW+? ?P?W
5♀?4 6460 !W?W

1?6N 8W…? ?9?W
41?N 6460 WW?W

1?6N ♀WX? ?8?W
0T?… 64?0 FW?W

1?5N MWT? 48?W
ST?2 6476 0W?W

1?5N 7WY? 4P?W
CH?M 6470 PW?W

Belohnung:Enger Gürtel
1?5N YWF? ?8?W
NH?9 64?6 …W?W

1?6N ?W…? 48?W
…S?F 6470 …W?W

Belohnung:Feiner Schal
1?5N KWF? ?P?W
Q??0 64?0 KW?W

1?5N 4W0? ?9?W
SM?P 6460 1W?W

1?6N ♀WS? 4P?W
H7?! 6470 5W?W

1?5N CWS? 4P?W
TN?S 6470 YW?W

1?5N 5W0? ?R?W
+??0 64N0 4W?W

1?5N QWT? ?P?W
!N?J 6460 PW?W

1?6N -WS? ?P?W
8♀?! 6470 KW?W

1?5N ?WX? ?R?W
ST?# 9794 RW?W

1?6N ?WX? 4R?W
S4?Y 64N0 CW?W

1?5N TWX? 4P?W
50?8 64?0 -W?W

1?6N HWS? ?R?W
1N?9 64?0 WW?W

1?6N 3WS? 48?W
+3?8 6460 ♀W?W

1?6N NWX? 4R?W
H2?… 6460 RW?W

1?5N FWT? ?P?W
3T?N 64?0 JW?W

1?5N 6W+? ?R?W
P3?F 6460 2W?W

1?5N …WT? 4R?W
WF?8 64?0 1W?W

1?6N +WT? ?8?W
3T?1 6460 1W?W

1?5N FWS? 4P?W
YQ?W 6460 ♂W?W

1?6N TWT? 48?W
6R?T 64?0 1W?W

1?5N 9WX? 4R?W
1-?0 6460 KW?W

1?5N 8WX? ?P?W
CT?! 64N0 5W?W

1?6N -W0? ?P?W
S!?♀ 64N0 5W?W

1?6N -WY? 4P?W
9F?1 64?0 KW?W

1?5N 5WS? 4R?W
W4?X 64N0 CW?W

1?6N 5WT? 48?W
31?X 6460 JW?W

1?6N 3W…? 4P?W
W??♀ 6460 2W?W

1?6N JWX? ?R?W
Y3?♀ 64?0 ♀W?W

1?6N KWF? ?8?W
M6?… 64N0 4W?W

1?5N PWX? 48?W
H4?- 64N0 MW?W

2?0N 13+? ?36R
MT?R 8420 MX?W
da gewinnt man ein pareal
3?08 !RX? ?37S
TN?9 8450 4S?N
hier auch
6?0Y QPX? ?FPF
S1?2 94F0 0F?7
und hier
3?2J 4JS? -!RH
TS?F +?S5 NR?X
6?0N C(w)Y? ?TP?
TM?0 7626 YH?W

Hier eure Wunderbriefe: fainted...
I'm close to fainting...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?0? ???6
85?- FM66 RS??
I'm too tired to move.
I got lost in this dungeon!
Rescue is requested!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B2F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F3 T?X? ??66
55?- F766 R7??
I'm lost.
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B3F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?S? ??66
-5?- FM66 RP??
I was attacked!
Fighting a tough foe was a mistake...
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B4F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F3 T?T? ??7?
M5?- F766 RM??
I'm too tired to move.
I lost in a battle...
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B5F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F3 T?(...)? ??7?
H5?- FM66 RC??
I was KO'd...
I'm famished...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B6F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F3 T?(...)? ??N6
45?- F766 R5??
Where am I?
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B7F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?+? ??N?
Y5?- FM66 R???
I was attacked!
I lost in a battle...
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B8F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F3 T?Y? ??P6
Y5?- F766 R4??
I'm lost.
I was done in...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B9F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?0? ??P6
-5?- FM66 RC??
I'm not a fighter...
I lost in a battle...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B10F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F3 T?Y? ??R6
05?- F766 RT??
I can't seem to get out.
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B11F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?+? ??R?
H5?- FM66 R7??
I'm not a fighter...
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B12F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F3 T?X? ??8?
P5?- F766 R!??
I'm in trouble...
I lost in a battle...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B13F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?0? ??86
Q5?- FM66 R-??
Help me!
I got lost in this dungeon!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B14F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F3 T?(...)? ??96
H5?- F766 RM??
I can't get home!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B15F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F3 T?(...)? ??9?
W5?- FM66 RK??
I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Where am I? Help!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B16F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F3 T?F? ??F6
(...)5?- F766 RQ??
I'm lost.
I can't move another step.
Where am I? Help!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B17F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?F3 T?X? ??F6
?5?- FM66 RK??
I fainted...
I can't move another step.
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B18F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?F3 T?S? ??0?
15?- F766 RN??
I'm too tired to move.
I was done in...
Where am I? Help!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B19F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?F3 T?+? ??06
+5?- FM66 R3??
I was KO'd...
I can't move another step.
Rescue is requested!
Client: Shellder
Objective: Help Me
Place: Western Cave B20F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F3 T?+? ??+?
?5?- F766 RK??

One Apple wanted!
Apple wanted after long search.
Please search for it!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B75F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F6F3 T?X? ?6R6
YM?8 ?M6T R6??
One Apple wanted!
The item Apple is the in thing!
Please share one with me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B76F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?0? ?686
YM?8 ?76T R4??
One Apple wanted!
Apple--it's my mom's favorite.
Please find one for me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B77F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F6F3 T?F? ?68?
HM?8 ?M6T RN??
One Apple wanted!
The item Apple is the in thing!
Please let me know if you find one!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B78F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?S? ?696
2M?8 ?76T RR??
One Apple wanted!
Hard-to-find Apple sought.
Please! May I have one?
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B79F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?X? ?69?
0M?8 ?M6T RQ??
One Apple wanted!
Apple--I get scared without it!
Please find one for me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B80F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
?6F3 T?(...)? ?6F?
JM?8 ?76T RC??
One Apple wanted!
Apple--I can't leave without it.
Please help! I'm offering a reward!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B81F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
46F3 T?X? ?6F6
(m)M?8 ?M6T R9??
One Apple wanted!
I can't sleep without it: Apple.
Please! I must have one delivered!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B82F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F6F3 T?T? ?606
6M?8 ?76T R0??
One Apple wanted!
Apple wanted after long search.
Please! Please help me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B83F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?T? ?60?
4M?8 ?M6T R4??
One Apple wanted!
Apple wanted as a charm.
Please trade me one!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B84F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?Y? ?6+?
CM?8 ?76T R5??
One Apple wanted!
Apple--it's my mom's favorite.
Please! Please help me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B85F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?(...)? ?6+6
2M?8 ?M6T RH??
One Apple wanted!
Applemakes me strong.
Please! Please help me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B86F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
46F3 T?0? ?6(...)6
2M?8 ?76T RH??
One Apple wanted!
Wanted: my own Apple.
Please help me out!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B87F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
46F3 T?+? ?6(...)6
(f)M?8 ?M6T RR??
One Apple wanted!
I lost my Apple.
Please help me out!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B88F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
16F3 T?+? ?6S6
XM?8 ?76T R(m)??
One Apple wanted!
Applemakes me strong.
Please contact me if you find it!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B89F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
?6F3 T?F? ?6S6
RM?8 ?M6T R!??
One Apple wanted!
Apple--it's my mom's favorite.
Please share one with me!
Client: Meganium
Objective: Find a Apple
Place: Western Cave B90F
Difficulty: *
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F6F3 T?(...)? ?6T?
TM?8 ?76T RX??

Hier sin einmal 80 Level+Samen:Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?X? ?N?6
1-?6 F466 RS??
I can't get out!
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?+? ?N?6
N-?6 F466 R7??
I'm sad and lonely.
This dungeon is scary!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?X? ?N?6
F-?6 F466 RP??
I can't get home!
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?T? ?N??
N-?6 F466 RM??
I can't get out!
I can't move another step.
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?0? ?N??
R-?6 F466 RC??
I'm in trouble...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?0? ?N66
6-?6 F?66 R5??
I'm scared!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?X? ?N6?
?-?6 F?66 R???
I can't get home!
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?F? ?N66
W-?6 F?66 R4??
I'm sad and lonely.
I'm famished...
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?0? ?N66
8-?6 F?66 RC??
I can't move another step.
Please, I need help!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??F? N?S? ?N66
2-?6 F?66 RT??
Where am I?
I can't move another step.
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?F? ?N6?
P-?6 F466 R7??
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?0? ?N6?
C-?6 F466 R!??
I'm too tired to move.
I can't move another step.
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?(...)? ?N66
S-?6 F466 R-??
I was attacked!
I've reached my limit...
Someone, please help!
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?F? N?(...)? ?N66
N-?6 F466 RM??
I'm lost.
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Glalie
Objective: Help Me
Place: Tiny Woods 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?F? N?0? ?N6?
X-?6 F466 RK??
I was attacked!
I'm famished...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?T? 47?6
1S?+ F466 RQ??
I can't get home!
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?0? 47?6
TS?+ F466 RK??
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?X? 47??
RS?+ F466 RN??
I'm scared!
I was done in...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?0? 47?6
KS?+ F466 R3??
I'm scared!
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FP H?Y? 47??
SS?+ F466 RK??
Help me!
This dungeon is scary!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?X? 4766
?S?+ F?66 R6??
I can't get out!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?X? 4766
WS?+ F?66 R4??
Help me!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?S? 476?
PS?+ F?66 RN??
I'm in trouble...
I was done in...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?X? 4766
0S?+ F?66 RR??
I got lost in this dungeon!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?T? 476?
2S?+ F?66 RQ??
I'm in trouble...
I'm famished...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FP H?(...)? 476?
PS?+ F466 RC??
I'm too tired to move.
I got lost in this dungeon!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?S? 4766
TS?+ F466 R9??
I can't get out!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?F? 4766
4S?+ F466 R0??
I'm not a fighter...
I got lost in this dungeon!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?X? 476?
WS?+ F466 R4??
I'm sad and lonely.
I'm close to fainting...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?Y? 476?
6S?+ F466 R5??
I'm in trouble...
This dungeon is scary!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?(...)? 4776
FS?+ F?66 RH??
I can't get out!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?Y? 4776
FS?+ F?66 RH??
I can't get out!
I lost in a battle...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?X? 4776
+S?+ F?66 RR??
I'm sad and lonely.
Fighting a tough foe was a mistake...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FP H?(...)? 4776
3S?+ F?66 R(m)??
I'm not a fighter...
I'm famished...
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FP H?Y? 4776
CS?+ F?66 R!??
I can't get home!
I've reached my limit...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?+? 477?
(f)S?+ F466 RX??
I can't get home!
I was done in...
Please, I need help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?S? 4776
KS?+ F466 RS??
I was KO'd...
I got lost in this dungeon!
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FP H?T? 4776
(f)S?+ F466 R(m)??
I'm scared!
I can't move another step.
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FP H?X? 477?
(m)S?+ F466 RY??
I'm in trouble...
I'm close to fainting...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Thunderwave Cave 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FP H?F? 4776
NS?+ F466 R7??
Help me!
I got lost in this dungeon!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF H?X? 47??
SS?+ F466 R8??
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Rescue is requested!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?T? 47?6
(m)S?+ F466 RW??
I'm too tired to move.
Fighting a tough foe was a mistake...
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?S? 47?6
JS?+ F466 R(...)??
I was attacked!
I've reached my limit...
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?+? 47??
6S?+ F466 R6??
I can't get home!
Fighting a tough foe was a mistake...
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?S? 47?6
FS?+ F466 RP??
I'm sad and lonely.
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?F? 476?
(...)S?+ F?66 R8??
I can't get home!
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?S? 476?
SS?+ F?66 R8??
I was KO'd...
Whoa! It's too rough here...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF H?(...)? 4766
PS?+ F?66 RM??
Help me!
I was done in...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?T? 476?
NS?+ F?66 RM??
I can't get home!
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Please, I need help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 2F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF H?F? 476?
PS?+ F?66 R7??
I'm in trouble...
I'm famished...
Please, I need help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF H?(...)? 476?
PS?+ F466 RM??
I'm too tired to move.
I lost in a battle...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?(...)? 476?
YS?+ F466 R1??
I'm scared!
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?Y? 476?
RS?+ F466 RC??
I'm scared!
I was done in...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?T? 4766
KS?+ F466 R3??
Where am I?
This dungeon is scary!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 3F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?T? 4766
(f)S?+ F466 R(m)??
Help me!
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?0? 477?
CS?+ F?66 R2??
I'm sad and lonely.
I'm close to fainting...
Someone, please help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?0? 477?
NS?+ F?66 R5??
I'm sad and lonely.
I got lost in this dungeon!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?F? 477?
HS?+ F?66 R+??
I can't get home!
This dungeon is scary!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?S? 477?
HS?+ F?66 R+??
I can't get out!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 4F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?+? 4776
MS?+ F?66 R0??
I can't get out!
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?(...)? 477?
HS?+ F466 R!??
I'm in trouble...
I got lost in this dungeon!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?Y? 477?
HS?+ F466 R!??
I'm scared!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?F? 4776
!S?+ F466 RT??
I was KO'd...
I'm close to fainting...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF H?Y? 477?
0S?+ F466 RH??
I can't get home!
I'm close to fainting...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 5F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?F? 4776
4S?+ F466 RF??
I'm too tired to move.
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?S? 47N?
!S?+ F?66 RT??
I can't seem to get out.
Whoa! It's too rough here...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF H?F? 47N?
KS?+ F?66 R(...)??
I'm close to fainting...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?X? 47N6
+S?+ F?66 RR??
I fainted...
I was done in...
Please, I need help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?S? 47N?
+S?+ F?66 RR??
I can't get home!
I was attacked when I was sitting still!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 6F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?T? 47N?
!S?+ F?66 RQ??
I fainted...
I can't move another step.
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?0? 47N6
CS?+ F466 R2??
I'm not a fighter...
I got lost in this dungeon!
Rescue is requested!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF H?Y? 47N?
6S?+ F466 R4??
I fainted...
I'm close to fainting...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?0? 47N6
PS?+ F466 RM??
I'm not a fighter...
I'm close to fainting...
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF H?Y? 47N?
4S?+ F466 R1??
Whoa! It's too rough here...
Someone, Help!
Client: Ludicolo
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF H?(...)? 47N?
PS?+ F466 RM??
Where am I?
I'm simply no good at fighting.
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
4?FF 7?X? 47N6
1T?5 F466 R!??
I can't get home!
I'm close to fainting...
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF 7?0? 47N6
CT?5 F466 RF??
I'm sad and lonely.
I've reached my limit...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF 7?T? 47N6
CT?5 F466 RF??
I was attacked!
I'm close to fainting...
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF 7?F? 47N?
2T?5 F466 R(f)??
Where am I?
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Where am I? Help!
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 7F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF 7?(...)? 47N?
YT?5 F466 R8??
I was KO'd...
I'm simply no good at fighting.
Rescue is requested!
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
1?FF 7?(...)? 47P6
(...)T?5 F?66 RN??
Help me!
Whoa! It's too rough here...
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF 7?(...)? 47P6
3T?5 F?66 RS??
I'm too tired to move.
I don't know how I did it, but I can't exit!
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF 7?F? 47P6
1T?5 F?66 R!??
I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
??FF 7?F? 47P6
XT?5 F?66 RJ??
I fainted...
I'm close to fainting...
Please, I need help!
Client: Skitty
Objective: Help Me
Place: Mt. Steel 8F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Joy Seed + ? + ?
F?FF 7?0? 47P?
8T?5 F?66 R6??

1?F? ??T? 4??6
PF?? F466 WS??

nur durch wunderbriefe:

1?91 ??F? 4??6
MF?? FJ?6 QS??

Fabelhaftes Meer(bin mir net sicher):
??9H ??Y? 4??6
3F?? FJ?6 Q7??

1?9S ??S? 4??6
♂F?? FJ?6 QC??


F?94 ??F? 4??6
1F?? FJ?6 Q4??
Hoffe konnte Helfen

mfG Mew

Bitte sehr!

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B1F
Difficulty: E
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4???
(...)F?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B2F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?6?
(...)F?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B3F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?6?
(...)F?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B4F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?7?
SF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B5F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?7?
SF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B6F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?N?
SF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B7F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?N?
SF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B8F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?P?
TF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B9F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?P?
TF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B10F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?R?
TF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B11F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?R?
TF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B12F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?8?
XF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B13F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?8?
XF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B14F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?9?
XF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B15F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?9?
XF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B16F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?F?
YF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B17F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?F?
YF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B18F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?0?
YF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B19F
Difficulty: B
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?0?
YF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B20F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?+?
4F?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B21F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?+?
4F?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B22F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?(...)?
4F?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B23F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?(...)?
4F?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B24F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?S?
5F?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B25F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?S?
5F?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Please, I need help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B26F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?T?
5F?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B27F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?T?
5F?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Someone, Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B28F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?X?
MF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
I feel faint... Please help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B29F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?X?
MF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Why? Why is everyone attacking me?
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B30F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?Y?
MF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Where am I? Help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B31F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?Y?
MF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Wroooooaaar! Someone!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B32F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?4?
CF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
My consciousness is slipping... Help...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B33F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?4?
CF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Rescue is requested!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B34F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?5?
CF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Someone, please help!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B35F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??0? 4?5?
CF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B36F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??(...)? 4?M?
HF?? F766 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
...Gasp! Waaaaaaaah!
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B37F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??T? 4?M?
HF?? FM66 R???

I can't seem to get out.
I've reached my limit...
Client: Bulbasaur
Objective: Help Me
Place: Stormy Sea B38F
Difficulty: A
Reward: Poke + Joy Seed
??8S ??Y? 4?C?
HF?? F766 R???

I can't
pls MP pint das an
ich denke, inzwischen kennt fast jeder diese seite

lieber schnell selber wunderbriefe erstellen, als sich von vielen einen rauszusuchen..
ja, ich hatte ma nen generator installiert, hab jez aber ´n neues betriebssystem und da klappt der nich mehr, und bei dem generator auf http://www.pokemonexperte.de/ wird mein spielstand immer gelöscht, das mach ich also lieber nich mehr so schnell, ich meinte, dass ich da so meine probleme mit habe, und mit dem generator den ich hatte, hatte ich nie große probleme
also bei mir funktioniert er problemlos, ich hatte mir aber auch nur einmal 'nen wunderbrief für sympathie erstellt und sonst eigl. fast nichts
Bei mir klappt der auf Pokemonexperte auch problemlos.

Gruß Timi
ja, hab mich vertan, er hatte früher nich geklappt
Gib mir was auf silbergraben1
is wer on?
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