Karten: 155 (65 Commons, 50 Uncommons und 40 Rares)
Pre-Release: 8-9 Juli 2006
Release: 21 Juli 2006
Turnierlegal für Standard constructed: 20 August 2006
Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Japanisch und Chinesisch
Das Fat Pack wird nur auf Englisch erhältlich sein.
Design Team: Bill Rose (Lead)
Mark Rosewater
Aaron Forsythe
Devin Low
Developement Team: Randy Buehler (Lead)
Mike Turian
Devin Low
Zvi Mowshowitz
Na also Leute!!! Hier habt ihr endlich Coldsnap!!!
Und dass heist... alles über Coldsnap kommt hier rein...
Ich will zum schlusswort drauf aufmerksam machen das ein snow-covered land zu sehen ist und das (wizard-infos) in coldsnap auch karten aus den anderen editionen des blocks geprintet werden... d.h.: Force of Will und Brainstorm z.b. (nicht sicher...)
Jeder der jetzt meint die würden niemals die FoW wieder printen... Da liegt ihr falsch... Hier hat man die "Schwarze Liste" der karten die nie wieder Geprintet werden: Click_Mich... kein Force of Will dabei!
Nur Karten, die im Coldsnap Set enthalten sind, werden Teil des Standards. Die Ice Age und Alliances Karten, die in den Themendecks enthalten sein werden, müssen als Teil des Original-Sets betrachtet werden
Hier ein ziemlich leerer spoiler von Coldsnap...
Und Hier ein ziemlich voller Coldsnap Spoiler (Magic Lampoon ist bekannt für die falschen nachrichten die sie geben... ist nur so zum zeigen dabei...)
Auf jeden fall hoffe ich auf eine Tolle edi und das der Gobbo wieder geprintet wird... nicht nur verruckt sondern auch KULT!!!!
Edited By Don Diablo At 26.05.06 - 16:45
Karten: 155 (65 Commons, 50 Uncommons und 40 Rares)
Pre-Release: 8-9 Juli 2006
Release: 21 Juli 2006
Turnierlegal für Standard constructed: 20 August 2006
Sprachen: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Japanisch und Chinesisch
Das Fat Pack wird nur auf Englisch erhältlich sein.
Design Team: Bill Rose (Lead)
Mark Rosewater
Aaron Forsythe
Devin Low
Developement Team: Randy Buehler (Lead)
Mike Turian
Devin Low
Zvi Mowshowitz
Na also Leute!!! Hier habt ihr endlich Coldsnap!!!
Und dass heist... alles über Coldsnap kommt hier rein...
Ich will zum schlusswort drauf aufmerksam machen das ein snow-covered land zu sehen ist und das (wizard-infos) in coldsnap auch karten aus den anderen editionen des blocks geprintet werden... d.h.: Force of Will und Brainstorm z.b. (nicht sicher...)
Jeder der jetzt meint die würden niemals die FoW wieder printen... Da liegt ihr falsch... Hier hat man die "Schwarze Liste" der karten die nie wieder Geprintet werden: Click_Mich... kein Force of Will dabei!
Nur Karten, die im Coldsnap Set enthalten sind, werden Teil des Standards. Die Ice Age und Alliances Karten, die in den Themendecks enthalten sein werden, müssen als Teil des Original-Sets betrachtet werden
Hier ein ziemlich leerer spoiler von Coldsnap...
Und Hier ein ziemlich voller Coldsnap Spoiler (Magic Lampoon ist bekannt für die falschen nachrichten die sie geben... ist nur so zum zeigen dabei...)
Auf jeden fall hoffe ich auf eine Tolle edi und das der Gobbo wieder geprintet wird... nicht nur verruckt sondern auch KULT!!!!
Edited By Don Diablo At 26.05.06 - 16:45
Ich denke, wir kriegen evtl. mal ein paar Legends zu Gesicht. Die haben sich ja recht rar gemacht, zu der Zeit.
Und ansonsten. Die offiziele reprint liste ist nicht die Tinte wert, auf der sie gedruckt wurde, WotC ändert die, so wie es ihnen in den Kram passt. Lediglich der Punkt mit den banned und restricted Karten ist passend.
Und ansonsten. Die offiziele reprint liste ist nicht die Tinte wert, auf der sie gedruckt wurde, WotC ändert die, so wie es ihnen in den Kram passt. Lediglich der Punkt mit den banned und restricted Karten ist passend.
So steht es auch in meinem post...: "Und Hier ein ziemlich voller Coldsnap Spoiler (Magic Lampoon ist bekannt für die falschen nachrichten die sie geben... ist nur so zum zeigen dabei...)"
Die release date ist anfang July... meinst du nicht die sollten anfangen dran zu denken was in die edi rein soll??? und wegen den Force... man darf doch noch Träumen...
Die release date ist anfang July... meinst du nicht die sollten anfangen dran zu denken was in die edi rein soll??? und wegen den Force... man darf doch noch Träumen...
hmmmm.... mir is irgendwie so, als ob ich schon n thead zu coldsnap aufgemacht hätt...
Hab den anderen nicht gesehen... tut mir leid...
auf jeden fall sind hier mehr infos...
auf jeden fall sind hier mehr infos...
Es gibt die erste vorschau aus einem blatt aus frankreich, Lotus Noir. Auch wenn alle sagen das das kein fake sind, habe ich noch zweifel wegen ein paar karten die schon "etwas" mehr drauf haben...
Auf jeden fall sind hier die übersätzungen (Da ich es grad nicht besser weiss:U=BLACK B=BLUE)
Glacial?? 2(w)(w)
Snowy Enchantment
Enchant Creature
Cumulative Upkeep: snowy mana.
Enchanted creature gains +3/+3 for each age counter on ~~
Jötun Owl-Keeper 2(w)
Creature- Giant
Cumulative Upkeep: (w) or (B).
When ~~ goes to a graveyard from play, put into play a 1/1 white Bird token with flying for each age counter on ~~
Flesh Feast (U)
~~ does X damage to target creature and you gain X life where X is 1 plus the number of cards called ~~ in all graveyards.
Martyr of Ashes (R)
Creature-Human Shaman
2, reveal X red cards from your hand,sacrifice~~:~~does X damage to each creature without flying.
End of Hibernation 4(V)
Cumulative Upkeep 1
Whenever you pay ~~'s cumulative upkeep, you may search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to the number of age counters on ~~. If you do, shuffle your library afterwards.
Diamond Fairy 2(W)(G)(B)
Snowy creature-Fairy
+1 snowy mana: Snowy creatures you control gain +1/+1 until end of turn.
Requisition 5(B)(B)
You may remove 2 blue cards in your hand from the game instead of paying ~~'s mana cost.
Gain control of target noncreature spell. You may choose new target(s) for it.(If its an artifact or enchantment spell it comes into play under your control)
Übrigens Cell-Shok... die schwarze liste der reprint karten ist festgelegt und bleibt auch so... dass heist die können nicht alles wechseln wie es ihnen passt!
Auf jeden fall sind hier die übersätzungen (Da ich es grad nicht besser weiss:U=BLACK B=BLUE)
Glacial?? 2(w)(w)
Snowy Enchantment
Enchant Creature
Cumulative Upkeep: snowy mana.
Enchanted creature gains +3/+3 for each age counter on ~~
Jötun Owl-Keeper 2(w)
Creature- Giant
Cumulative Upkeep: (w) or (B).
When ~~ goes to a graveyard from play, put into play a 1/1 white Bird token with flying for each age counter on ~~
Flesh Feast (U)
~~ does X damage to target creature and you gain X life where X is 1 plus the number of cards called ~~ in all graveyards.
Martyr of Ashes (R)
Creature-Human Shaman
2, reveal X red cards from your hand,sacrifice~~:~~does X damage to each creature without flying.
End of Hibernation 4(V)
Cumulative Upkeep 1
Whenever you pay ~~'s cumulative upkeep, you may search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to the number of age counters on ~~. If you do, shuffle your library afterwards.
Diamond Fairy 2(W)(G)(B)
Snowy creature-Fairy
+1 snowy mana: Snowy creatures you control gain +1/+1 until end of turn.
Requisition 5(B)(B)
You may remove 2 blue cards in your hand from the game instead of paying ~~'s mana cost.
Gain control of target noncreature spell. You may choose new target(s) for it.(If its an artifact or enchantment spell it comes into play under your control)
Übrigens Cell-Shok... die schwarze liste der reprint karten ist festgelegt und bleibt auch so... dass heist die können nicht alles wechseln wie es ihnen passt!
Noch eine karte (ich halte mich auf dem laufendem...)
habe nachgeschaut... hier gilt BLUE=U BLACK=B
Vanish into Memory 2(W)(U)
remove target creature from the game and draw cards equal to its power.
At the beginning of you next upkeep return it to play and discard cards equal to its toughness.
Dabei fallen mir die krankesten sachen ein mit ball lightning und yavimaya ants:
Lightning spielen, angreifen, opfern, 6 karten ziehen, kommt später wieder ins spiel, wirfst eine karte ab, greifst an...
Abgesehen von den unmengen an mana kosten, ist das schon o.k.
habe nachgeschaut... hier gilt BLUE=U BLACK=B
Vanish into Memory 2(W)(U)
remove target creature from the game and draw cards equal to its power.
At the beginning of you next upkeep return it to play and discard cards equal to its toughness.
Dabei fallen mir die krankesten sachen ein mit ball lightning und yavimaya ants:
Lightning spielen, angreifen, opfern, 6 karten ziehen, kommt später wieder ins spiel, wirfst eine karte ab, greifst an...
Abgesehen von den unmengen an mana kosten, ist das schon o.k.
Es werden die snow-covered lands wieder geprintet
Im fat-pack bild ist eine insel zu sehen. Das sollte snowy mana sein
Im fat-pack bild ist eine insel zu sehen. Das sollte snowy mana sein
...ja hieß das denn nicht früher auch "snow-covered lands"?
warum denn nun "snowy mana"? |-.-
warum denn nun "snowy mana"? |-.-
ja ich ja eigentlich auch...
aber wenn es wirklich so ist, dass die früher "snow covered lands" hießen ( bin zu faul zum nachsehen^^)
dann frage ich mich warum sie es jetzt ändern in "snowy"
edit: oder hab ich jetze insgesamt was missverstanden?????
aber wenn es wirklich so ist, dass die früher "snow covered lands" hießen ( bin zu faul zum nachsehen^^)
dann frage ich mich warum sie es jetzt ändern in "snowy"
edit: oder hab ich jetze insgesamt was missverstanden?????
Die länder heissen Snow-Covered Land
Das mana das sie erzeugen ist Snowy (also Snowy Mana)
Und ich sehe grade, es wird die stärkste karte von Ice Age Warscheinlich Wieder geprintet...
Das mana das sie erzeugen ist Snowy (also Snowy Mana)
Und ich sehe grade, es wird die stärkste karte von Ice Age Warscheinlich Wieder geprintet...
Also, snow covered Lands haben ganz normales Mana produziert, nix mit snowy oder so.
Ich hoff ja, daß der Icy wiederkommt.
Ich hoff ja, daß der Icy wiederkommt.
ich hoffe du meinst Icy prison... denn der icy manipulator gabs schon in der 9th edi...
was willst du mit der Icy?
was willst du mit der Icy?
der icy(manipulator???)is doch imo schon in der neunten edi drin...von daher wirds wohl nix mit nem reprint ;-)
ups, immer diese ganzen neumodischen Editionen. ka, was in der neunten drin is *duck*
Es gibt den spoiler von allen sicheren karten auf Dieser france seite
um euch die mühe zu nehmen alles zu lesen poste ich es hier
Jotun Grunt 1W Common
Creature - Giant Soldier
Cumulative Upkeep- Put Two cards in a single graveyard on the bottom of their owner's library
Artist:Franx Volwinkel
Könnte einen sinnn haben wenn man den friedhof neutyt. ist aber leider weiss
Surging Flame 1R Uncommon
Ripple 4 (When you play this spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as this spell wihtout paying their mana costs. put the rest on the bottom of your library)
~This~ deals 2 damage to target creature or player
Artist: Ron Spencer
interessant die neue fähigkeit
Karplusan Strider 3G Common
Creature- Yeti
~This~ can't be the target of blue or black spells.
Artistan Scott
kostet zu viel für den T1 kann aber in anderen formaten eine platz haben
Jester's Scepter 3 Rare
When ~this~ comes into play, remove the top 5 cards of target player's library from the game. face down. You may look at those cards as long as they remain removed from the game.
2, T: put a card removed from the games with ~this~ into its owner's graveyard. Counter target spell if is has the same name as that card.
Artist: matt Cavotta
bin kein artefakt spieler aber was meint man dazu???
Allossaurus Rider 5GG Prerealse Card
Creature- Elf Warrior
You may remove 2 green cards in your hand from the game instead of paying ~this~ mana cost.
~this~ power and toughness are each equal to 1 plus the number of lands you control.
Artist: Darren Bader
Strates of scrutation
[Tap]: Add 1 to your mana pool
[Tap], 1: Look at the top card of your library. If it is a snow card, you may reveal it and put it into your hand.
Illus. Thomas M. Baxa
Phyrexian Soulgorger (3)
Snow Artifact Creature - Construct R
Cumulative upkeep: Sacrifice a creature.
The brains of the phyrexian who built it didn't survive its awakening.
Illus. Brian Snoddy
Also... eine schöne 8/8 die 3 kostet ist nicht schlecht....der cumulative ist leicht zu umgehen... vielleicht mit genesis chamber... nette bestie für TNT / Affinity???
Das ist alles!!!
um euch die mühe zu nehmen alles zu lesen poste ich es hier
Jotun Grunt 1W Common
Creature - Giant Soldier
Cumulative Upkeep- Put Two cards in a single graveyard on the bottom of their owner's library
Artist:Franx Volwinkel
Könnte einen sinnn haben wenn man den friedhof neutyt. ist aber leider weiss
Surging Flame 1R Uncommon
Ripple 4 (When you play this spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as this spell wihtout paying their mana costs. put the rest on the bottom of your library)
~This~ deals 2 damage to target creature or player
Artist: Ron Spencer
interessant die neue fähigkeit
Karplusan Strider 3G Common
Creature- Yeti
~This~ can't be the target of blue or black spells.
Artistan Scott
kostet zu viel für den T1 kann aber in anderen formaten eine platz haben
Jester's Scepter 3 Rare
When ~this~ comes into play, remove the top 5 cards of target player's library from the game. face down. You may look at those cards as long as they remain removed from the game.
2, T: put a card removed from the games with ~this~ into its owner's graveyard. Counter target spell if is has the same name as that card.
Artist: matt Cavotta
bin kein artefakt spieler aber was meint man dazu???
Allossaurus Rider 5GG Prerealse Card
Creature- Elf Warrior
You may remove 2 green cards in your hand from the game instead of paying ~this~ mana cost.
~this~ power and toughness are each equal to 1 plus the number of lands you control.
Artist: Darren Bader
Strates of scrutation
[Tap]: Add 1 to your mana pool
[Tap], 1: Look at the top card of your library. If it is a snow card, you may reveal it and put it into your hand.
Illus. Thomas M. Baxa
Phyrexian Soulgorger (3)
Snow Artifact Creature - Construct R
Cumulative upkeep: Sacrifice a creature.
The brains of the phyrexian who built it didn't survive its awakening.
Illus. Brian Snoddy
Also... eine schöne 8/8 die 3 kostet ist nicht schlecht....der cumulative ist leicht zu umgehen... vielleicht mit genesis chamber... nette bestie für TNT / Affinity???
Das ist alles!!!
Allosaurus Riders beim Prerelease....Da werd ich hingehen, find das Bild nämlich auch irgenwie toll
ist doch eine schlimme krea... im sinne das sie schlecht ist...
die 4/4 die 2 costet ist hefttig...
die 4/4 die 2 costet ist hefttig...
Findest du die so schlecht?Im t2 2. Zug 3 Schaden find ich schon gut und dann wird sie auch noch stärker.
es ist aber zu riskant 2 karten zu removen im 2 zug... kann sein das ich zu sehr an combo decks gewöhnt bin aber ich habe keine ahnung was nachr kommt oder ob es besser ist.
Der jotun grunt ist gut... mit der karte stellst ein paar decks auf den kopf! und du kannst selber karten retten die du abwerfen musstest
Der jotun grunt ist gut... mit der karte stellst ein paar decks auf den kopf! und du kannst selber karten retten die du abwerfen musstest
Ist euch schon aufgefallen dass noch keine Karte mit Rampage oder Banding bekannt ist?Fänd ich nämlich schade wenn es diese beiden meiner mach nutzlosen Fähigkeiten nicht mal im T2 geben würde.
Die karten mit banding werden von der wizard nicht mehr beachtet.
Das heist nicht das sie es nicht gibt, aber da die wizard sie ignoriert werden sie sie nicht wieder printen... Das heisst es ist als ob es die karten mit banding nie gegeben hat!
Das heist nicht das sie es nicht gibt, aber da die wizard sie ignoriert werden sie sie nicht wieder printen... Das heisst es ist als ob es die karten mit banding nie gegeben hat!
Jokulslayer 4UUU
Creature - Leviathan R
Jokulslayer comes into play tapped.
When Jokulslayer comes into play, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice five lands.
Jokulslayer doesn't untap during your untap step.
Whenever you play an Island, you may untap Jokulslayer.
Illus. Mark Zug
Martyr of Frost U
Creature - Human Wizard U
2, Reveal X blue cards from your hand, Sacrifice Martyr of Frost: Counter target spell unless its controller pays .
"You shouldn't call the Balduvians barbarians. Their magic is as powerful as it is ancient"
Surging Strength 2G
Enchantment - Aura U
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets +2/+2.
Ripple 4 (When you play this spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as this spell without paying their mana costs. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.)
- Zur the Enchanter
Illus. Wayne England
Sunscour 5WW
Sorcery - Rare
You may remove two white cards from your hand from the game rather then play Sunscour's mana cost.
Destroy all creatures.
Illus: Jim Murray
Das ist alles für den moment
Creature - Leviathan R
Jokulslayer comes into play tapped.
When Jokulslayer comes into play, sacrifice it unless you sacrifice five lands.
Jokulslayer doesn't untap during your untap step.
Whenever you play an Island, you may untap Jokulslayer.
Illus. Mark Zug
Martyr of Frost U
Creature - Human Wizard U
2, Reveal X blue cards from your hand, Sacrifice Martyr of Frost: Counter target spell unless its controller pays .
"You shouldn't call the Balduvians barbarians. Their magic is as powerful as it is ancient"
Surging Strength 2G
Enchantment - Aura U
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature gets +2/+2.
Ripple 4 (When you play this spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as this spell without paying their mana costs. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.)
- Zur the Enchanter
Illus. Wayne England
Sunscour 5WW
Sorcery - Rare
You may remove two white cards from your hand from the game rather then play Sunscour's mana cost.
Destroy all creatures.
Illus: Jim Murray
Das ist alles für den moment
Hier noch was
Deathmark B
Destroy target green or white creature.
Garza Zol, Plague Queen 4UBR
Legendary Creature - Vampire (?)
Flying, haste
Whenever a creature dealt damage by Garza Zol, Plague Queen this turn is put into a graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on Garza Zol.
Whenever Garza Zol deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.
Das ist alles für den moment...
Los mit den kommentaren!!! die 20/20 kann doch nicht nur in ein timmz deck... es gibt doch eine nette karte die mit aether anfängt und alle "counter removet"
Deathmark B
Destroy target green or white creature.
Garza Zol, Plague Queen 4UBR
Legendary Creature - Vampire (?)
Flying, haste
Whenever a creature dealt damage by Garza Zol, Plague Queen this turn is put into a graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on Garza Zol.
Whenever Garza Zol deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.
Das ist alles für den moment...
Los mit den kommentaren!!! die 20/20 kann doch nicht nur in ein timmz deck... es gibt doch eine nette karte die mit aether anfängt und alle "counter removet"
Naja, die DD ist ein bisserl sehr schwer zu beschützen, selbst wenn's nur für ein Runde ist.
Ich denke, das Ding ist zu empfindlich, um es in den meisten Decks realistisch zu spielen. Und ein Deck darauf aufzubauen wäre mir (zumindest im ernsteren Spiel), zu riskant.
Ich denke, das Ding ist zu empfindlich, um es in den meisten Decks realistisch zu spielen. Und ein Deck darauf aufzubauen wäre mir (zumindest im ernsteren Spiel), zu riskant.
mit 8 countern (mana drain, force of will), standstill (aether snap), duress, cunning wish und so weiter...
Lightning Snake XR - rare
Creature - Elemental Snake
Haste, trample
Lightning Snake comes into play with X +1/+0 counters
At the end of turn, sacrifice Lightning Snake
The ice burst in steam after her, sizzling like thousands of snakes greeting her fiery mistress
Krakovian Whispers 3U - uncommon
Enchantment - Aura
Enchant creature
Cumulative upkeep U or B
You control enchanted creature
When Krakovian Whispers is put in a graveyard from play, you lose 2 lives for each age counter on it
*this spell might actually spell win 2 lives, as the actual win or lose word is hidden after the other card... however, I really dont think they would give it a win life condition, but is up to you.
Panglacial Wurm 5GG - rare
Creature - Wurm
When you are searching trough your library, you may play Panglacial Wurm from you library
"Walk softly and maybe we can use it as a bridge"
-Ib Mousehearth, goblin strategist
Die vorherigen texte sind leider nicht 100% sicher!
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge 1BB
Legendary Creature - Zombie Knight R
You may only play Haakon, Stromgald Scourge from your graveyard.
As long as Haakon is in play, you may play Knight cards from your graveyard.
When Haakon is put into a graveyard from play, you lose 2 life.
Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper 2BRG
Legendary Creature - Orc Shaman R
Whenever another nontoken creature you control is put into a graveyard from play, put a 3/1 black and red Graveborn creature token with haste into play.
Sound the Call 2G
Put a 1/1 green Wolf creature token into play with "This creature gets +1/+1 for each card named Sound the Call in each graveyard
Ohran Viper 1GG
Snow Creature - Snake R
Whenever Ohran Viper deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature at the end of combat.
Whenever Ohran Viper deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.
The ohran viper is not cold-blooded. Its veins course with the same antigelid venom used to kill its prey.
Illus. Kev Walker
Und hier ein paar neue karten (ganz neu!)
Viel Spass
Lightning Snake XR - rare
Creature - Elemental Snake
Haste, trample
Lightning Snake comes into play with X +1/+0 counters
At the end of turn, sacrifice Lightning Snake
The ice burst in steam after her, sizzling like thousands of snakes greeting her fiery mistress
Krakovian Whispers 3U - uncommon
Enchantment - Aura
Enchant creature
Cumulative upkeep U or B
You control enchanted creature
When Krakovian Whispers is put in a graveyard from play, you lose 2 lives for each age counter on it
*this spell might actually spell win 2 lives, as the actual win or lose word is hidden after the other card... however, I really dont think they would give it a win life condition, but is up to you.
Panglacial Wurm 5GG - rare
Creature - Wurm
When you are searching trough your library, you may play Panglacial Wurm from you library
"Walk softly and maybe we can use it as a bridge"
-Ib Mousehearth, goblin strategist
Die vorherigen texte sind leider nicht 100% sicher!
Haakon, Stromgald Scourge 1BB
Legendary Creature - Zombie Knight R
You may only play Haakon, Stromgald Scourge from your graveyard.
As long as Haakon is in play, you may play Knight cards from your graveyard.
When Haakon is put into a graveyard from play, you lose 2 life.
Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper 2BRG
Legendary Creature - Orc Shaman R
Whenever another nontoken creature you control is put into a graveyard from play, put a 3/1 black and red Graveborn creature token with haste into play.
Sound the Call 2G
Put a 1/1 green Wolf creature token into play with "This creature gets +1/+1 for each card named Sound the Call in each graveyard
Ohran Viper 1GG
Snow Creature - Snake R
Whenever Ohran Viper deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature at the end of combat.
Whenever Ohran Viper deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card.
The ohran viper is not cold-blooded. Its veins course with the same antigelid venom used to kill its prey.
Illus. Kev Walker
Und hier ein paar neue karten (ganz neu!)
Viel Spass
Gegen DD---> Strip Mine, Wastelands, stifle sogar... und... und... und...
Und wenn sich dann doch ein Deck mit dem Durchsetzt, sehe ich False Prophet im Wert steigen.
Und wenn sich dann doch ein Deck mit dem Durchsetzt, sehe ich False Prophet im Wert steigen.
Wasteland??? Strip Mine??? LOL!!!! >>> Crucible of Worlds ; )
Stifle... da enteuscht du mich aber gewaltig... die der DD ist eine static-triggered ability... wenn du sie counterst... triggerd sie sich wieder!
False prophet??? eine 2/2 die 4 kostet??? mann... mann... mann... noch nicht from swords to plowshares gehört??? und mann kann das riesen ding auch gleich mit fling einsetzen...
back to cards...|Searrch..._And_I'll_give_you...
Einfach nur LOL
Mishra's Bauble 0
T: Sacrifice Mishra's Bauble: Look at the top card of target players library. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turns upkeep.
“Arcum is a babbling fool! Phyrexian technology is our greatest blessing. Take this delightful trinket for instance…”
-Heidar, Rimewind Master
Illus. Chippy
Mouth of Ronom 1
Snow Land
TAP: Add 1 to your mana pool.
4, TAP, Sacrifice Mouth of Ronom: Mouth of Ronom deals 4 damage to target creature.
Feast of Flesh B
Sorcery C
Feast of Flesh deals X damage to target creature and you gain X life, where X is 1 plus the number of cards named Feast of Flesh in all graveyards.
"To starve an army that feeds on its enemies is an excellent strategy."
Garza Zol, Plague Queen
Illus. Volkan Baga
Phyrexian Etchings BBB
Enchantment R
Cumulative Upkeep B (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
At the end of your turn, draw a card for each age counter on Primitive Etchings.
When Phyrexian Etchings is put into a graveyard from play, you lose 2 life for each age counter on it.
perilous research 1U
Draw 2 cards and sacrifice a permanent
Martyr of Sands W
Creature - Human Cleric
1, Reveal X white cards from your hand, Sacrifice Martyr of Sands: You gain three times X life.
"Only in our vulnerability is there true power, and that power is life itself."
Illus. Randy Gallegos
Boreal Druid G
Snow Creature - Elf Druid
T: Add 1 to your mana pool.
Some creatures are bound to the cold by Rimewind magic. Others seek it out, adapted by two thousand years of the ice. The Boreal, where Heidar's frigid sway is strongest, is home to both.
Arctic Flats
Snow Land
Arctic Flats comes into play tapped.
: Add G or W to your mana pool.
"A realm once green now ruled by Frost, where flesh and field both pay its cost. Those dearly loved, forever lost..."
- The Dynasty of Warrior Kings
Illus. John Avon
Braid of Fire 1R
cumulative upkeep - add R to your mana pool
Survivor of the Unseen 2U
cumulative upkeep - 2
TAP: draw 2 cards, then put a card from your hand on top of your library
Krovian rot 1BB
Destroy target creatur with power 2 or less
recover 1BB
Sheltering Ancient - 1G
Creature - Treefolk
Cumulative Upkeep - Put a +1/+1 counter on a creature an opponent controls. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Wilderness Elemental - 1RG
Creature - Elemental U
Wilderness Elemental's power is equal to the number of nonbasic lands your opponents control.
Shape of the Wittigo 3GGG
Enchantment - Aura R
Enchant Creature
When Shape of the Wittigo comes into play, put six +1/+1 counters on enchanted creature.
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on enchanted creature if it attacked or blocked since your last upkeep. Otherwise, remove a +1/+1 counter from it.
Lovisa Coldeyes
Legendary Creature - Human Lord R
Barbarians, Warriors, and Berserkers get +2/+2 and have haste.
"I lead my horde to the northwest. I won't return until the ice wizards fall and their fiendish contraptions are crushed!"
Fury of the Horde 5RR
Sorcery R
You may remove two red cards in your hand from the game rather than pay Fury of the Horde's mana cost.
Untap all creatures that attacked this turn. After this main phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase.
Illus. Brian Snoddy
Soul Spike 5BB
Instant R
You may remove two black cards in your hand from the game rather than pay Soul Spike's mana cost.
Soul Spike deals 4 damage to target creature or player and you gain 4 life.
Vexing Sphinx 1UU
Creature - Sphinx R
Cumulative Upkeep: Discard a card. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Whenever Vexing Sphinx is put into the graveyard from play, draw a card for each age counter on it.
Illus. Lars Grant-West
Counterbalance UU
Whenever an opponent plays a spell, you may reveal the top card of your library. If you do, counter that spell if it has the same converted mana cost as the revealed card.
Field Marshal 1WW
Creature - Human Soldier
Other soldiers get +1/+1 and have first strike.
Stromgald Crusader BB
Creature - Zombie Knight
Protection from White
B: Stromgald Crusader gains flying until end of turn.
BB: Stromgald Crusader gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
White Shield Crusader WW
Creature -Human Knight
Protection from black
W: White Shield Crusader gains flying until end of turn.
WW: White Shield Crusader gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Thrumming Stone 5
Legendary Artifact
Spells you control have Ripple 4 (When you play a spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as that spell without paying their mana costs. Put the rest on the bottom of your library.)
Cryoclasm 2R
Destroy target Plains or Island.
Cryoclasm deals 3 damage to that land's controller.
Karpulsan Wolverine R
Snow Creature - Beast
Whenever Karpulsan Wolverine becomes blocked, you may have it deal 1 damage to target creature or player.
"They're not easily trained. Fortunately, they already know how to kill."
- Lovisa Coldeyes, Balduvian chieftian
Illus. Greg Hildebrandt
Bull Aurochs 1G
Creature - Aurochs
Whenever Bull Aurochs attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each other attacking Aurochs.
The aurochs herd is content to graze - until the bull provides the dissenting urge to charge.
Illus. Kev Walker
Blizzard Specter 2UB
Snow Creature - Specter
Whenever Blizzard Specter deals combat damage to a player, choose one - That player returns a permanent he or she controls to its owner's hand; or that player discards a card.
Illus. Hideaki Takamura
Tamanoa RWG
Creature - Spirit
Whenever a noncreature source you control deals damage, you gain that much life.
Wilderness Elemental 1RG
Creature - Elemental
Wilderness Elemental's power is equal to the number of nonbasic lands your opponents control.
Gelid Shackles W
Enchantment - Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature can't block and its activated abilities can't be played.
{S}: Enchanted creature gains defender until end of turn. ({S} can be paid with one mana from a snow permanent.)
Wall of Shards 1W
Snow Creature - Wall
Defender, flying
Cumulative upkeep- An opponent gains 1 life. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Woolly Razorback 2WW
Creature - Beast
Woolly Razorback comes into play with three ice counters on it.
As long as Woolly Razorback has an ice counter on it, it has defender and any combat damage it would deal is prevented.
Whenever Woolly Razorback blocks, remove an ice counter from it.
Balduvian Frostwaker 2U
Creature - Human Wizard
,{T}: Target snow land becomes a 2/2 blue Elemental creature with flying. It's still a land.
Rimefeather Owl 5UU
Snow Creature - Bird
Rimefeather Owl's power and toughness are each equal to the number of snow permanents in play.
1{S}: Put an ice counter on target permanent.
Permanents with ice counters on them are snow.
Herald of Leshrac 6B
Creature - Avatar
Cumulative upkeep- Gain control of a land you don't control.
Herald of Leshrac gets +1/+1 for each land you control but don't own.
When Herald of Leshrac leaves play, each player gains control of each land he or she owns that you control.
Phobian Phantasm 1BB
Creature - Illusion
Flying, fear
Cumulative upkeep B (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Balduvian Warlord 3R
Creature - Human Barbarian
{T}: Remove target blocking creature from combat. Creatures it blocked that no other creature blocked this combat become unblocked, then it blocks an attacking creature of your choice. Play this ability only during the declare blockers step.
Magmatic Core 2RR
Cumulative upkeep 1 (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
At the end of your turn, Magmatic Core deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures, where X is the number of age counters on it.
Surging Flame 1R
Instant C
Ripple 4 (When you play this spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as this spell without paying their mana costs. Put the rest on the bottom of your library.)
Surging Flame deals 2 damage to target creature or player
Illus. Ron Spencer
Brooding Saurian 2GG
Creature - Lizard
At the end of each turn, each player gains control of all nontoken permanents he or she owns.
Deepfire Elemental 4BR
Creature - Elemental
1: Destroy target artifact or creature with converted mana cost X.
"Ohh, it's the deep burn. Oh, it's so deep."
Lightning Storm 1RR
Instant U
Lightning Storm deals X damage to target creature or player, where X is 3 plus the number of charge counters on it.
Discard a land: Put two charge counters on Lightning Storm. You may choose a new target for it. Any player may play this ability, but only while Lightning Storm is on the stack.
Rite of Flame R
Add RR to your mana pool plus for each Rite Of Flame in each graveyard.
Rune Snag 1U
Counter target spell unless its controller pays 2 plus 2 for each Rune Snag in each graveyard.
Squall Drifter 1W
Creature - ??
T,W : Tap target creature.
Martyr of Bones B
Creature - ??
1, sacrifice Martyr Of Bones, reveal X black cards in your hand from your hand: Remove X target cards in a single graveyard from the game.
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Stifle... da enteuscht du mich aber gewaltig... die der DD ist eine static-triggered ability... wenn du sie counterst... triggerd sie sich wieder!
False prophet??? eine 2/2 die 4 kostet??? mann... mann... mann... noch nicht from swords to plowshares gehört??? und mann kann das riesen ding auch gleich mit fling einsetzen...
back to cards...|Searrch..._And_I'll_give_you...
Einfach nur LOL
Mishra's Bauble 0
T: Sacrifice Mishra's Bauble: Look at the top card of target players library. Draw a card at the beginning of the next turns upkeep.
“Arcum is a babbling fool! Phyrexian technology is our greatest blessing. Take this delightful trinket for instance…”
-Heidar, Rimewind Master
Illus. Chippy
Mouth of Ronom 1
Snow Land
TAP: Add 1 to your mana pool.
4, TAP, Sacrifice Mouth of Ronom: Mouth of Ronom deals 4 damage to target creature.
Feast of Flesh B
Sorcery C
Feast of Flesh deals X damage to target creature and you gain X life, where X is 1 plus the number of cards named Feast of Flesh in all graveyards.
"To starve an army that feeds on its enemies is an excellent strategy."
Garza Zol, Plague Queen
Illus. Volkan Baga
Phyrexian Etchings BBB
Enchantment R
Cumulative Upkeep B (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
At the end of your turn, draw a card for each age counter on Primitive Etchings.
When Phyrexian Etchings is put into a graveyard from play, you lose 2 life for each age counter on it.
perilous research 1U
Draw 2 cards and sacrifice a permanent
Martyr of Sands W
Creature - Human Cleric
1, Reveal X white cards from your hand, Sacrifice Martyr of Sands: You gain three times X life.
"Only in our vulnerability is there true power, and that power is life itself."
Illus. Randy Gallegos
Boreal Druid G
Snow Creature - Elf Druid
T: Add 1 to your mana pool.
Some creatures are bound to the cold by Rimewind magic. Others seek it out, adapted by two thousand years of the ice. The Boreal, where Heidar's frigid sway is strongest, is home to both.
Arctic Flats
Snow Land
Arctic Flats comes into play tapped.
: Add G or W to your mana pool.
"A realm once green now ruled by Frost, where flesh and field both pay its cost. Those dearly loved, forever lost..."
- The Dynasty of Warrior Kings
Illus. John Avon
Braid of Fire 1R
cumulative upkeep - add R to your mana pool
Survivor of the Unseen 2U
cumulative upkeep - 2
TAP: draw 2 cards, then put a card from your hand on top of your library
Krovian rot 1BB
Destroy target creatur with power 2 or less
recover 1BB
Sheltering Ancient - 1G
Creature - Treefolk
Cumulative Upkeep - Put a +1/+1 counter on a creature an opponent controls. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Wilderness Elemental - 1RG
Creature - Elemental U
Wilderness Elemental's power is equal to the number of nonbasic lands your opponents control.
Shape of the Wittigo 3GGG
Enchantment - Aura R
Enchant Creature
When Shape of the Wittigo comes into play, put six +1/+1 counters on enchanted creature.
At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on enchanted creature if it attacked or blocked since your last upkeep. Otherwise, remove a +1/+1 counter from it.
Lovisa Coldeyes
Legendary Creature - Human Lord R
Barbarians, Warriors, and Berserkers get +2/+2 and have haste.
"I lead my horde to the northwest. I won't return until the ice wizards fall and their fiendish contraptions are crushed!"
Fury of the Horde 5RR
Sorcery R
You may remove two red cards in your hand from the game rather than pay Fury of the Horde's mana cost.
Untap all creatures that attacked this turn. After this main phase, there is an additional combat phase followed by an additional main phase.
Illus. Brian Snoddy
Soul Spike 5BB
Instant R
You may remove two black cards in your hand from the game rather than pay Soul Spike's mana cost.
Soul Spike deals 4 damage to target creature or player and you gain 4 life.
Vexing Sphinx 1UU
Creature - Sphinx R
Cumulative Upkeep: Discard a card. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Whenever Vexing Sphinx is put into the graveyard from play, draw a card for each age counter on it.
Illus. Lars Grant-West
Counterbalance UU
Whenever an opponent plays a spell, you may reveal the top card of your library. If you do, counter that spell if it has the same converted mana cost as the revealed card.
Field Marshal 1WW
Creature - Human Soldier
Other soldiers get +1/+1 and have first strike.
Stromgald Crusader BB
Creature - Zombie Knight
Protection from White
B: Stromgald Crusader gains flying until end of turn.
BB: Stromgald Crusader gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
White Shield Crusader WW
Creature -Human Knight
Protection from black
W: White Shield Crusader gains flying until end of turn.
WW: White Shield Crusader gets +1/+0 until end of turn.
Thrumming Stone 5
Legendary Artifact
Spells you control have Ripple 4 (When you play a spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as that spell without paying their mana costs. Put the rest on the bottom of your library.)
Cryoclasm 2R
Destroy target Plains or Island.
Cryoclasm deals 3 damage to that land's controller.
Karpulsan Wolverine R
Snow Creature - Beast
Whenever Karpulsan Wolverine becomes blocked, you may have it deal 1 damage to target creature or player.
"They're not easily trained. Fortunately, they already know how to kill."
- Lovisa Coldeyes, Balduvian chieftian
Illus. Greg Hildebrandt
Bull Aurochs 1G
Creature - Aurochs
Whenever Bull Aurochs attacks, it gets +1/+0 until end of turn for each other attacking Aurochs.
The aurochs herd is content to graze - until the bull provides the dissenting urge to charge.
Illus. Kev Walker
Blizzard Specter 2UB
Snow Creature - Specter
Whenever Blizzard Specter deals combat damage to a player, choose one - That player returns a permanent he or she controls to its owner's hand; or that player discards a card.
Illus. Hideaki Takamura
Tamanoa RWG
Creature - Spirit
Whenever a noncreature source you control deals damage, you gain that much life.
Wilderness Elemental 1RG
Creature - Elemental
Wilderness Elemental's power is equal to the number of nonbasic lands your opponents control.
Gelid Shackles W
Enchantment - Aura
Enchant creature
Enchanted creature can't block and its activated abilities can't be played.
{S}: Enchanted creature gains defender until end of turn. ({S} can be paid with one mana from a snow permanent.)
Wall of Shards 1W
Snow Creature - Wall
Defender, flying
Cumulative upkeep- An opponent gains 1 life. (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Woolly Razorback 2WW
Creature - Beast
Woolly Razorback comes into play with three ice counters on it.
As long as Woolly Razorback has an ice counter on it, it has defender and any combat damage it would deal is prevented.
Whenever Woolly Razorback blocks, remove an ice counter from it.
Balduvian Frostwaker 2U
Creature - Human Wizard
,{T}: Target snow land becomes a 2/2 blue Elemental creature with flying. It's still a land.
Rimefeather Owl 5UU
Snow Creature - Bird
Rimefeather Owl's power and toughness are each equal to the number of snow permanents in play.
1{S}: Put an ice counter on target permanent.
Permanents with ice counters on them are snow.
Herald of Leshrac 6B
Creature - Avatar
Cumulative upkeep- Gain control of a land you don't control.
Herald of Leshrac gets +1/+1 for each land you control but don't own.
When Herald of Leshrac leaves play, each player gains control of each land he or she owns that you control.
Phobian Phantasm 1BB
Creature - Illusion
Flying, fear
Cumulative upkeep B (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
Balduvian Warlord 3R
Creature - Human Barbarian
{T}: Remove target blocking creature from combat. Creatures it blocked that no other creature blocked this combat become unblocked, then it blocks an attacking creature of your choice. Play this ability only during the declare blockers step.
Magmatic Core 2RR
Cumulative upkeep 1 (At the beginning of your upkeep, put an age counter on this permanent, then sacrifice it unless you pay its upkeep cost for each age counter on it.)
At the end of your turn, Magmatic Core deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures, where X is the number of age counters on it.
Surging Flame 1R
Instant C
Ripple 4 (When you play this spell, you may reveal the top four cards of your library. You may play any revealed cards with the same name as this spell without paying their mana costs. Put the rest on the bottom of your library.)
Surging Flame deals 2 damage to target creature or player
Illus. Ron Spencer
Brooding Saurian 2GG
Creature - Lizard
At the end of each turn, each player gains control of all nontoken permanents he or she owns.
Deepfire Elemental 4BR
Creature - Elemental
1: Destroy target artifact or creature with converted mana cost X.
"Ohh, it's the deep burn. Oh, it's so deep."
Lightning Storm 1RR
Instant U
Lightning Storm deals X damage to target creature or player, where X is 3 plus the number of charge counters on it.
Discard a land: Put two charge counters on Lightning Storm. You may choose a new target for it. Any player may play this ability, but only while Lightning Storm is on the stack.
Rite of Flame R
Add RR to your mana pool plus for each Rite Of Flame in each graveyard.
Rune Snag 1U
Counter target spell unless its controller pays 2 plus 2 for each Rune Snag in each graveyard.
Squall Drifter 1W
Creature - ??
T,W : Tap target creature.
Martyr of Bones B
Creature - ??
1, sacrifice Martyr Of Bones, reveal X black cards in your hand from your hand: Remove X target cards in a single graveyard from the game.
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