yugioh ultimate master edition (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

yugioh ultimate master edition (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

yugioh ultimate master edition world championship tournament 2006 wisst ihr wann das game raus kommt und welche karten drin sind??
hier könnt ihr alles reinschreiben was ihr zu den game wisst

aber auch wirklich alles

danke im vorraus
ich glaub im sommer
ne es kommt am 23.märz raus!
so cool sein und das hier:
bei uns is das aber noch nich draußen :-(

diese cards sind aber dabei

Helios - The Primordial Sun
Pyro / Effekt]
The ATK and DEF of this card become the number of monsters that are removed from play x 100 points.

Golden Homunculus
[Krieger / Effekt]
Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by 300 points for each of your cards that is removed from play.

Helios Duo Megistus
[Pyro / Effekt]
This card can be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 "Helios - The Primordial Sun" on your side of the field. The ATK and DEF of this card become the number of monsters that are removed from play x 200 points. If this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, this card will be Special Summoned during the End Phase, increasing the ATK and DEF by 300 points.
ich kann dir leider nich helfen da ich es auch nich hab
glaube 39.95€ weiß aber nicht genau kannst du mal ein genaueren link einfügen
Ich habs und ich finds gut, da man am Anfang Avian, Claeman( oder so), Burstinetrix, Sparkman und sonst noch einen hat hat.
Leider keine Spur von Bubbleman( der sieht noch lustig aus ^^)

Mann kann auch gegen Monster Duelle machen(lol). z.B Kuriboh(hat natürlich Kuriboh Karten ;) ) oder Totenkopfdiener oder Watapon und Sündenböcke( lol ).

Dann hat es auch so bescheuerte Aufgaben zum lösen :(

Man kann diesmal die echten Booster kaufen nich mehr so erfundene und wenn man Kartennummern eingibt, muss man eine gewisse Anzahl an DP geben( das ist doof )
wo hast du das gekauft? übers internet oder im laden?
@ keifel
Sind da ALLE E-Heroes drin???
Böö auf jeden Fall hat man am Anfang nur die, die ich oben gennant habe und die anderen muss man halt durch PW eingeben, aber das kostet viel.

Hab vorhin Federwind eingegebn und die hat schon 2600 DP gekostet :(
Hallo! Kann mir jemand sagen, wie man die letzten 3 Gegner der Stufe 5 freischaltet. Ich habe Raviel und Horus schon 20mal besiegt und die anderen alle 10mal.
Ich brauch nur noch die letzte zwei Gegner der Stufe 5. Den dritten namens "Bollwerk" hab ich jetzt schon. Danke schonmal im voraus.
wie bekommt man neue gegner??
und wofür is
überhaupt herausforderung da is das sowas wie die rätsel bei nightmare toubeldoor??
Die ersten paar egner bekommst man, indem du jeden mindestens 5mal besiegt.
Bei den Herausforderungen ist der Teil "Duellrätsel" ähnlich wie bei Nightmare Troubador. Bei den anderen düfen immer nur bestimmte Karten in dein Deck sein, oder du musst verschiedene Karten im Duell aktivieren.
Wenn man mehrere dieser Aufgaben löst, steigt dein Duellantenstatus, z.B. zum Anfänger Duellant.
Um den dritten Gegner der Stufe 5 freizuschalten musst du ein Technischer Duellant sein.
Ich hoffe das konnte dir weiterhelfen.
Wann kommen die Booster nach Ancient Sanctuary ?
Das ist schon seit Anfang an dabei. Müsste das 10. Booster sein.
Zaubertinte: [chek ich net ]
@ Master of Darkness
Er meint die Booster NACH Ancient Sanctuary. =P
Oh sorry! Neue Booster kommen , wenn ein Gegner (nicht bei jeden) freigeschalten wurde oder wenn man eine bestimmte Anzahl von den Herausforderungen geschafft hat.
Und bis zur welcher Booster-Edition geht das? SOI?
ich glaube noch ein bischen weiter weil da sind karten die ich garnich kenne

z.b Alkana fusion von den drei rittern
hat jemand die lösungen für die rätsel??
Bei welchem hängst du? Ein paar hab ich auch schon. :)
kannst ja paar aufschreiben habe so etwa 4stück erst
Name der Rätsel? oO
egal schreib mal alle auf für die nich weiter kommen wie ich
Ích hab fast alle Rätsel gelöst. Wenn ihr Hilfe braucht dann kann ich euch helfen. Ihr müsst nur sagen welches Rätsel ihr braucht
die rätsel fehlen mir noch
krieger der finsternis
ganz nah dran herbei zaubern
besiege die 3 dämonen
ewige flamme
eliminire fgd
ameisenfressender jäger
hin und morgen
einschaf zu fangen
mauer der zoa
der amfang vom ende
du musst da herauswinden
gegenangriff einleiten
brich das siegel
Und weiß jemand vielleicht, wie ich alle Gegner freischalten kann? ^^
krieger der Finsternis:

1. Aktiviere Frölicher Sarg und schicke Sillva, Beiige und Brow in den Friedhof.
2. Beschwöre Zure.
3. Greif mit Scarr Weißer Zauberhut an
4. Dann aktiviere Goldd's effeckt und zerstöre die BWD's
5. Greif mit dem Rest an
da gibt es E- Hero Elexir den es erst in japan gibt
die rätsel fehlen mir noch
krieger der finsternis
ganz nah dran herbei zaubern
besiege die 3 dämonen
ewige flamme
eliminire fgd
ameisenfressender jäger
hin und morgen
einschaf zu fangen
mauer der zoa
der amfang vom ende
du musst da herauswinden
gegenangriff einleiten
brich das siegel

kann mir einer helfen

Kann mir jemand helfen?????
Versuche Ein Elementarhelden Deck zu machen!
weis aber nicht welche Karten rei sollen??
Und Hab am Anfang
'Spellcasters Jugmed'(oder so ähnlich)
und will nich neu anfangen,weil ich sonst alle meine er-codete karten verlieren würde!!!!!

Die Rätselliste ist zwar auf englisch hilft euch viel-
leicht trotzdem.

| 1. Warriors of Darkness: |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Activate The Cheerful Coffin and send Sillva, Beiige, and Broww to the
graveyard (and special summon Beiige and Silva in attack mode)
-Summon Zure in attack mode from your hand
-Go into battle phase
-Attack White Magical Hat with Scarr (discarding Goldd and destroy both
Blue-Eyes White Dragons)
-Special summon Goldd in attack mode
-Attack with all monsters to win

| 2. Close-Up Conjuring: |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Activate Summon Priest's effect, discarding Monster Reincarnation,
summoning Queen's Knight to the field
-Activate Generation Shift and use its effect on Summon Priest to put a
Summon Priest in your hand from your deck
-Activate Reinforcements of the Army and get King's Knight from your deck
-Summon King's Knight and activate his effect to get Jack's Knight on the
-Use Polymerization to summon Alkana Knight Joker in attack position with
all your knights on the field
-Use Premature Burial to summon Jack's Knight to the field
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Newdoria with Jack's Knight and use Alkana Knight Joker's effect
to disable Newdoria by discarding Summon Priest
-Attack with Alkana Knight Joker to win

| 3. Ancient Mechanism: |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Activate Ancient Gear Castle
-Summon Ancient Gear Soldier in attack mode
-Use Ultimate Offerings effect and summon Ancient Gear Beast by
sacrificing Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (note: don't use Ancient Gear
Castle's effect!)
-Use Ultimate Offerings effect again to summon Ancient Gear Golem using
Ancient Gear Castle's effect
-Go into battle phase and attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon with Ancient Gear
-Attack with other monsters and win

| 4. Open Fire!: |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Enter battle phase and attack Gadget Soldier with Amazoness Chain Master
-Use Amazoness Chain Master's effect to get opponent's Kuriboh
-Enter main phase 2 and summon kuriboh face up
-Activate Multiply by sacrificing Kuriboh
-Use Cannon Soldier's effect on the 4 Kuriboh tokens and lastly Cannon
Soldier itself

| 5. Defeat the Three Phantoms: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
| |
| (NOTE: The JP version is slightly different from the US/EU |
| version but the JP solution works for all versions. I |
| will note the differences below.) |
JP solution:
-Flip Summon 'Dimension Jar', remove the three cards from your opponent's
-Activate 'Raigeki Break', discard 'Aitsu' and select 'Sangan', chain
'Michizure' to its effect, select 'Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder', then
add 'Koitsu' to your hand
-Summon 'Koitsu'
-Activate 'Metamorphosis'
-Attack 'Uria, Lord of Searing Flames' or 'Phantasm Token' with 'Cyber
End Dragon'

US/EU solution:
(Note: The difference is that your opponent starts with 3000 life points
instead of 4000 from the JP version. Also, there is an additional card in
your opponent's graveyard, Metal Reflect Slime. As a result of the
change, there is a slightly different solution to this puzzle.)

-Activate 'Raigeki Break', discard 'Aitsu' and select 'Sangan', chain
'Michizure' to its effect, select 'Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder', then
add 'Koitsu' to your hand
-Summon 'Koitsu'
-Activate 'Metamorphosis'
-Attack 'Phantasm Token' with 'Cyber End Dragon'

| 6. Achilles Heel: |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Flip Magician of Faith face up and select The Cheerful Coffin from your
-Activate The Forces of Darkness and select both Dark World monsters in
your graveyard
-Activate Magician's Unite and select The Unhappy Girl on the field
-Summon White Horns D. in attack mode by sacrificing Magician of Faith and
use its effect to remove all spell cards from your opponent's graveyard
-Activate The Cheerful Coffin and send both Dark World monster cards to
the graveyard (and then special summon them in attack mode)
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster with The Unhappy Girl
-Attack Elemental Hero Tempest with White Horns D.
-Attack with Dark World monsters and win

| 7. Reinforcement: |
| Clear bonus: 200 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Use Cybernetic Magician's effect on both Spirit Reapers, discarding
Battle Footballer and Cyber-tech Alligator
-Put Cybernetic Magician into defense mode
-Activate Scapegoat
-Activate Zero Gravity
-Activate Backup Soldier and bring 3 monsters back from the graveyard
-Use Cybernetic Magician's effect 3 more time on three different
-Go into battle phase, attack and win

| 8. Eternal Flame: |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Put Throwstone Unit in attack mode
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Newdoria with Throwstone Unit and chain trap Option Hunter when
sent to the graveyard
-Attack Newdoria with Ancient Gear Soldier
-Go to main phase 2
-Activate Tremendous Fire and chain Serial Spell

| 9. Frog Family: |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Activate Excavation of Mage Stones, discarding a T.A.D.P.O.L.E. and a
Treeborn Frog from your hand, to get Polymerization from the graveyard
-Summon a Des Frog, sacrificing the Treeborn Frog on the field
-Use Des Frog's summoning effect to summon Des Frog from your deck
(important: NOT YOUR HAND!)
-Use Polymerization to summon D.3.S. Frog in attack position
-Activate Double Attack, discarding Koitsu, and use it on D.3.S. Frog
-Go into battle phase
-Attack twice with D.3.S. Frog and win

| 10. Equip Power: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Available at beginning of game |
-Summon 'Gilford the Legend' by tributing 'Gearfried the Iron Knight' and
'Armed Samurai - Ben Kei', activate its effect and equip everything on
'Hayabusa Knight'
-Attack 'Despair from the Dark' with 'Hayabusa Knight'
-Attack directly with everyone

| 11. Eliminate F.G.D.!: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 5 total duels |
-Set 'Soul Release'
-Activate 'Giant Trunade'
-Activate 'Soul Release', select one monster from your opponent's
graveyard, two of your 'D.D. Dynamite' and your two 'D.D. Assailant'
-Summon 'The Ancient Sun Helios'
-Special Summon 'Helios Duo Megiste'
-Turn 'Banisher of the Light' to Attack Mode
-Attack 'Needle Worm' with 'Helios Duo Megiste'
-Attack 'F.G.D.' with 'Homunculus Gold'
-Attack directly with 'Banisher of the Light'

| 12. Anteater Hunter: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 10 total duels |
-Activate 'Generation Shift', select 'Disciple of the Forbidden Spell'
-Special Summon 'Anteatereatingant' by sending both your trap and spell
card on the field to the graveyard
-Activate 'Anteatereatingant''s effect to destroy opponent's trap
-Summon 'Disciple of the Forbidden Spell', select "Dark" for its effect
-Attack 'Spirit Reaper' with 'Disciple of the Forbidden Spell'
-Attack directly with 'Divine Dragon - Excelion'
-Attack directly with 'Chainsaw Insect'

| 13. The Elemental Hero: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 15 total duels |
-Activate 'King of the Swamp''s effect
-Summon 'Wroughtweiler'
-Activate 'Polymerization' to summon 'Elemental Hero Flame Wingman'
-Activate 'Polymerization' to summon 'Elemental Hero Shining Flare
-Activate 'Premature Burial', select 'King of the Swamp'
-Attack 'Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon' with 'Elemental Hero Shining Flare
-Attack directly with the rest

| 14. Fight to the Death: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 400 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 20 total duels |
-Set 'Fissure'
-Summon 'Elemental Hero Wildheart'
-Activate 'Cyclone Boomerang'
-Turn 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon' to Defense Mode
-Activate 'Stop Defense', select 'Yomi Ship'
-Attack 'Yomi Ship' with 'Elemental Hero Wildheart'

| 15. Towards Tomorrow: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 25 total duels |
-Flip Summon 'Hiita the Fire Charmer' and select opponent's 'Fox Fire'
-Special Summon 'Familiar-Possessed - Hiita' from your deck (do this by
selecting on your deck)
-Flip Summon 'Aussa the Earth Charmer' and select opponent's 'Archfiend
Marmot of Nefariousness'
-Special Summon 'Familiar-Possessed - Aussa' from your deck
-Flip Summon 'Wynn the Wind Charmer' and select opponent's 'Petit Dragon'
-Special Summon 'Familiar-Possessed - Wynn' from your deck
-Flip Summon 'Eria the Water Charmer' and select opponent's 'Gigobyte'
-Activate 'Spiritual Water Art - Aoi', tribute 'Gigobyte'
-Attack 'Marshmallon' with 'Familiar-Possessed Wynn'
-Activate 'Spiritual Wind Art - Miyabi'
-Attack directly with everyone
-Activate 'Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai'
-Activate 'Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane'
-Attack with the new monster

| 16. Roll Out!: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 30 total duels |
-Summon 'Decayed Commander', activate its effect
-Activate 'Zombie Tiger''s effect
-Attack 'Element Valkyrie' with 'Decayed Commander'
-Activate 'Roll Out!'
-Activate 'Combination Attack'
-Attack with 'Zombie Tiger'
-Activate 'Formation Union'
-Attack directly with 'Decayed Commander'

| 17. To Catch a Sheep: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 35 total duels |
-Activate 'Armed Dragon LV7''s effect, discard 'Soul Tiger'
-Flip Summon 'Magician of Faith', select 'Creature Swap'
-Summon 'The Creator' by tributing 'Magician of Faith' and 'Man-Eater Bug'
-Activate 'The Creator''s effect, select 'Soul Tiger' and discard
-Activate 'Creature Swap', select 'Soul Tiger'
-Attack 'Soul Tiger' with 'Elemental Hero Erikshieler'
-Attack directly with the rest

| 18. Wall of Zoa: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 40 total duels |
-Activate 'Tribute to the Doomed', discard 'Hysteric Fairy' and select
'Divine Dragon - Excelion'
-Activate 'Back to Square One', discard 'Dark Hole' and select 'Divine
Dragon - Excelion'
-Activate 'Next to be Lost'
-Activate 'Monster Reincarnation', select 'Divine Dragon - Excelion'
-Summon 'Divine Dragon - Excelion', select the first and last effects
-Attack 'Metalzoa' with 'Divine Dragon - Excelion'

| 19. VWXYZ: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 45 total duels |
-Activate 'Call of the Haunted', select 'W-Wing Catapult'
-Activate 'Premature Burial'
-Summon 'V-Tiger Jet'
-Special Summon 'VW-Tiger Catapult'
-Activate 'Giant Trunade'
-Special Summon 'VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon'
-Activate 'D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master''s effect, discard
'Premature Burial' and select 'XYZ-Dragon Cannon'
-Activate 'XYZ-Dragon Cannon''s effect, discard 'Call of the Haunted' and
select 'Lord of D.'
-Activate it again and select 'Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon'
-Activate 'VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon''s effect and select 'Blue-Eyes
Ultimate Dragon'
-Attack 'Big Shield Gardna' with 'VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon', activate
its effect
-Attack directly with the others

| 20. Beginning of the End: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 50 total duels |
-Summon 'Petit Moth'
-Activate 'Multiplication of Ants'
-Activate 'End of the World', select 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion', tribute
the two 'Army Ant Token'
-Flip Summon 'Magician of Faith', select' End of the World'
-Flip Summon 'Spirit Caller', select 'Elemental Hero Avian'
-Activate 'End of the World', tribute 'Magician of Faith', 'Spirit
Caller', 'Elemental Hero Avian' and 'Kozaky'
-Attack 'Mystical Elf' with 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion', activate its effect
-Attack directly with 'Demise, King of Armageddon'
-Activate 'Ojama Trio'
-Activate 'Mystik Wok', tribute 'Ruin, Queen of Oblivion'
-Activate 'Demise, King of Armageddon''s effect

| 21. Wriggle Out of That!: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 600 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 60 total duels |
-Set 'Statue of the Wicked'
-Activate 'Premature Burial'
-Activate 'Multiplication of Ants'
-Activate 'Book of Taiyou', select 'Magical Plant Mandragola'
-Activate 'Breaker the Magical Warrior''s effect, select 'Statue of the
-Summon 'Parasitic Ticky'
-Activate 'Opti-Camouflage Armor'
-Attack 'Cobra Jar' with 'Army Ant Token'
-Attack 'Magical Plant Mandragola' with 'Breaker the Magical Warrior'
-Activate 'Ojama Trio'
-Attack directly with 'Parasitic Ticky'

| 22. Commence Counterattack: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 70 total duels |
-Activate 'Swords of Revealing Light'
-Activate 'Dust Tornado', target 'Bottomless Trap Hole', chain with
'Emergency Provisions', send 'Swords of Revealing Light', 'Book of Taiyou'
and 'Dust Tornado' to the graveyard
-Activate 'Brain Control', select 'Chiron the Mage'
-Flip Summon 'Magician of Faith', select 'Brain Control', chain 'Divine
Wrath' to 'Skull Descovery Knight''s effect, discard 'Luminous Soldier',
then choose to activate 'Dark Ruler Vandalgyon''s effect
-Activate 'Brain Control', select 'Ancient Gear Golem'
-Activate 'System Down'
-Activate 'Chiron the Mage''s effect
-Attack directly with everyone

| 23. Break the Seal!: |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 80 total duels |
-Summon Emissary of the Afterlife in attack mode
-Equip Mystic Tomato with Axe of Despair
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Mine Golem with Emissary of the Afterlife
-Attack Summoned Skull with Mystic Tomato (do not activate Mystic Tomato's
effect, but activate Axe of Despair's and sacrifice Emissary of the
-Activate Backup Soldier and retrieve the other Exodia parts

| 24. Dragon Killer: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 90 total duels |
-Activate 'Mystic Plasma Zone'
-Activate 'Raigeki Break', discard 'Penumbral Soldier Lady' and select
'Gravity Bind'
-Activate 'Mystical Space Typhoon', select 'United We Stand'
-Activate 'Horn of the Unicorn' and equip it to one 'Master of Dragon
-Summon 'Gilford the Legend' by tributing 'Mystic Swordsman LV4' and
'Zombyra the Dark', choose to activate its effect, equip 'United We Stand'
on 'Cliff the Trap Remover' and the two 'Twin Swords of Flashing Light -
Tryce' on 'Amazoness Swords Woman'
-Attack the 'Master of Dragon Soldier' equipped with 'Horn of the Unicorn'
twice with 'Amazoness Swords Woman'

| 25. Battleship Down: (Thanks c0rps3!) |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 100 total duels |
-Activate 'A Legendary Ocean'
-Activate 'Stop Defense', select 'B.E.S. Tetran'
-Activate 'Book of Moon', select 'Big Core'
-Activate 'Monster Reincarnation', discard 'Nobleman of Crossout' and
select 'Armed Samurai - Ben Kei'
-Summon 'Armed Samurai - Ben Kei'
-Activate 'Mage Power' and equip it to 'Armed Samurai - Ben Kei'
-Activate 'Axe of Despair' and equip it to 'Armed Samurai - Ben Kei'
-Attack 'B.E.S. Tetran' with 'Armed Samurai - Ben Kei' three times

| 26. Indomitable Spirit: |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 110 total duels |
-Activate Shield Crash and select Sand Moth (then special summon Sand Moth
in attack mode)
-Activate Acid Trap Hole and select Giant Soldier of Stone
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Millennium Scoprion with Sand Moth and then activate Rope of Life
after monsters are destroyed
-Activate Call of the Haunted and select Berserk Gorilla
-Attack and win

| 27. A Hero's Welcome: |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 120 total duels |
-Summon Elemental Hero Avian in attack mode
-Activate Double Attack, sending Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman to the
graveyard, applying effect to Elemental Hero Avian
-Set all spell cards on the field
-Special summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman in attack mode
-Activate Giant Trunade to return all spell cards to your hand
-Activate The Warrior Returning Alive to get Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman
from your graveyard
-Special summon Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman in attack mode
-Equip Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman with Bubble Blaster
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Perfectly Ultimate Great Moth with Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman
-Attack twice with Elemental Hero Avian and win

| 28. Summit Showdown: |
| Clear bonus: 800 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 130 total duels |
-Activate Cyber Laser Dragon's effect and destroy itself (I know, this
seems WAY counter-intuitive...)
-Special summon Cyber Dragon to the field
-Summon Proto-Cyber Dragon to the field
-Activate Photon Generator Unit and summon Cyber Laser Dragon in attack
-Use Cyber Laser Dragon's effect to destroy Master of Dragon Soldier
-Activate Call of the Haunted and select Proto-Cyber Dragon; then chain
Inferno Reckless Summon when summoned
-Activate Power Bond and summon Cyber End Dragon in attack mode
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon with Cyber End Dragon
-Attack with Cyber Laser Dragon and win

| 29. A Hero's Farewell: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 140 total duels |
-Activate Monster Reincarnation, sending Full Salvo to the graveyard, to
get Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
-Use Polymerization to summon Elemental Hero Flame Wingman in attack mode
-Summon Elemental Hero Sparkman in attack mode
-Set Chthonian Blast and Giant Trunade on the field
-Special summon Elemental Hero Bubbleman in attack mode
-Use Giant Trunade to get cards back into your hand
-Flip Magician of Faith and get Bubble Illusion from the graveyard
-Activate Bubble Illusion
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Cyber Blader with Elemental Hero Flame Wingman and activate
Chthonian Blast from your hand after they are both sent to the graveyard;
with Chthonian Blast's effect, select Marshmallon
-Attack with other monsters
-Go into main phase 2
-Activate Thunder Crash to win

| 30. Trio of Sheep: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 150 total duels |
-Activate Lightning Vortex by discarding Makyura the Destructor
-Activate Ultimate Offering from your hand (don't use its effect yet)
-Activate Monster Reincarnation, discarding Maju Garzett, and get Makyura
the Destructor from the graveyard
-Summon Makyura the Destructor in attack mode and change Gear Golem the
Moving Fortress to attack mode
-Go to battle phase
-Attack with all three monsters
-Go to Main Phase 2
-Activate Ojama Trio
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect
-Summon Crush D. Gandra and activate its effect (destroying all monsters
to win)

| 31. Splendorous Dance: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 160 total duels |
-Activate Mystical Space Typhoon and select Mirror Force
-Flip Apprentice Magician and Lady Ninja Yae face up
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Troop Dragon with Lady Ninja Yae
-Attack Troop Dragon with Apprentice Magician (and activate its effect to
special summon Hurricail in defense mode)
-Activate Spiritual Wind Art, sacrificing Lady Ninja Yae, and select
opponent's Skill Drain
-Activate Desert Sunlight and select Troop Dragon due to Wynn's effect
-Attack and win

| 32. Revenge of Shien: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 170 total duels |
-Flip summon both Iron Blacksmith Kotetsus and get Salamandra and
Chthonian Alliance
-Activate Shien's Spy and select a Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu
-Flip summon Kageningen
-Activate The League of Uniform Nomenclature and select Kageningen;
special summon two Kageningens in attack mode
-Summon Metal Armored Bug by sacrificing a Kageningen and Iron Blacksmith
-Activate A Rival Appears! and select Blue-Eyes White Dragon to summon
Tyrant Dragon in attack mode
-Activate Book of Moon and use its effect on Blue-Eyes White Dragon
-Activate Molten Destruction
-Activate Salamandra and apply its effect on Tenkabito Shien
-Activate Chthonian Alliance and aplly its effect to a Kageningen
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Blue-Eyes White Dragon with Tenkabito Shien
-Attack Obnoxious Celtic Guard and Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu with Tyrant
-Attack with rest of monsters to win

| 33. Match Point: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 180 total duels |
-Flip Tornado Bird face up and select your opponent's Sakuretsu Armor and
Bottomless Trap Hole
-Activate Collapse and select Gogiga Gagagigo
-Activate White Dragon Ritual and select Tyrant Dragon to sacrifice,
summoning Paladin of White Dragon in attack mode
-Activate Premature Burial and select Goblin Attack Force
-Activate Mystik Wok and select Goblin Attack Force and choose ATK
-Summon Harpie Girl in attack mode
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Stone Statue of the Aztecs with Harpie Girl and chain Damage
Condenser after the damage step to summon Tyrant Dragon in attack mode
(and discarding Ancient Gear Golem)
-Attack Ultimate Obedient Fiend with Paladin of White Dragon
-Activate Windstorm of Etaqua
-Attack both Stone Statue of the Aztecs and Gogiga Gagagigo with Tyrant
-Attack with Blade Knight to win

| 34. Riddle Challenge: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 190 total duels |
-Summon Bladefly in attack mode
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Neo Bug with Jinzo
-Go into main phase 2
-Flip Penguin Soldier and send Jinzo to your hand
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Little Chimera in attack
-Activate Fuh-Rin-Ka-Zan and select Draw 2 cards
-Activate Mystik Wok and use its effect on Little Chimera (select ATK)
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Catapult Turtle in attack
mode (sacrificing Bladefly)
-Use Great Spirit's effect, then flip it face up and apply effect to
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Milus Radiant in attack
-Use Catapult Turtle's effect and select Great Spirit
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Star Boy in attack mode
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Jinzo in attack mode
(sacrificing Milus Radiant)
-Use Catapult Turtle's effect and select Jinzo
-Use Catapult Turtle's effect and select Penguin Soldier
-Use Catapult Turtle's effect and select Star Boy
-Use Catapult Turtle's effect and select itself

| 35. Interdimensional Invitation: |
| Clear bonus: 1000 DP |
| Unlocked by: Played 200 total duels |
-Use Mystical Space Typhoon and select Mirror Force
-Use Dust Tornado and select Skill Drain
-Flip Hiro's Shadow Scout face up
-Activate Mystik Wok and select Double Coston (select ATK)
-Summon Ancient Gear Beast in attack mode by sacrificing Hiro's Shadow
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon both Zolga and The Ancient
Sun Helios in attack mode
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Dark Magician of Chaos in
attack mode (by sacrificing Zolga and The Ancient Sun Helios) and get
Mystical Space Typhone from the graveyard with Dark Magician of Chaos'
-Activate Mysitcal Space Typhoon and select Widespread Ruin
-Activate Card Destruction
-Activate Ultimate Offering's effect to summon Helios Duo Megiste in
attack mode by sacrificing Banisher of the Light
-Go into battle phase
-Attack Nobleman-Eater Bug with Ancient Gear Beast
-Attack Mechanical Hound with Dark Magician of Chaos
-Attack with both Helios Duo Megiste and Elemental Hero Bladedge to win
wie bekomme ich neue gegener
In welchem Modus meinst du denn??wenn du Freies Duell mienst,da musst du jeden Gegener mindestens 5x besiegen.
danke aber ich hab manche nur 1 mal besigt und habe trotzdem batteriemann c als gegener bekommen
Gibts auch gegner nach Horus?
keine ahnung
weiß jemand wo es den Code für die Banned Liste gibt?
öhm ich bin jetzt beim Horus Lv 8 angekommen aber es geht nicht weiter! Ich hab jeden gegner 5x besiegt
WO gibts es den richtigen Code für die Bannliste?
Der im Forum angegebene Code ist falsch!

man kannst du mir nicht helfen? is wirklich dringend du drängler xD
v2AQz 8Gfz(Circle) Lup3K EWQ÷r mQ=vW GxrMr pBLea P=rWQ @zWQ= EWQU7 uMvyn ?f7YG 8-BWg J?D
wie bekomme ich horus und raviel
welche drei kommen nach raviel und horus
gibt es schon den code der banned list von april?
weiß jemand ob es den schon gibt oder noch nicht?
kann mir denn die offizielle yu-gi-oh seite geben?
man du spaddel xD
hör auf zu spammen ich weiß au nit weiter und spamm uch net rum xD
Kann mir bitte jemand die Codes für Horus LV6 und LV8 und bewaffneter drache LV5,7und 10 geben???

Biiitte hab mir bei dem Spiel schon Tausende von Soul of the duelist booster gekauft und hab nie einen gezogen!! Bitte helft mir
hier codes:horuslv6:11224103
horus lv8:48229808
b.drache lv5:46384672
b.drache lv7:73879377
b.drache lv10:59464593
brauchst du auch die legend biests?
kann mir mal jemand Xploder codes für viele DPs geben
und nen gutes deck fürs survival duell geben(wenns geht mit codes)
hallo,ich wollte nur fragen ob einer mir helfen kann,ihr könnt ja mal gucken ob ihr es vieleicht gennt oder sogar besietzt were echt nett von euch.hir ist die adresse: http://www.mogelpower.de/forum/thread.php?thread_id=184620
bleib in deinem thread...
hier is nur ultimate master..
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