Need Goldfinder Barb Items (Nonladder Europe) (* Diablo 2)

Need Goldfinder Barb Items (Nonladder Europe) (* Diablo 2)


2+barb / 5+frw / 15+str / 70+% goldfind @s amu (like dex/ml/ll/life)
2+barb / 70+%goldfind circlet RARE with 2 sock @s (like frw/life/ll/dex/str)
better belt then 19str / 57life / 26lr / 78%goldfind (OW belt with same stats would be kicky)
160%gold/-15% vendor prices gheed (40mf would be kicky, but not a must)

ye thats all for the moment

on all items NN coldmg on them

hat sich erledigt hab alles übers board bekommen.

regards, haXoor
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