Alsooooo, ich habe mir mal aus spaß nen hero editor geholt.. naja und kann mir wer sagen welches der neuste hero editor is??
wo bekomme ich attacken von baal und co her (also im editor)??
und wie viel nv state darf ich usen um noch in games zu kommen??
danke schonmal
wo bekomme ich attacken von baal und co her (also im editor)??
und wie viel nv state darf ich usen um noch in games zu kommen??
danke schonmal
wäre voll lieb von euch wenn ihr mir eventuell noch ein paar tipps gebt :)
attacken von baal oder diablo musste glaub ich so machen:
du hast nen gegestand mit irgendwelchen attributen. dann musste einfach die attribute ändern in attacken, die du dann bekommst. z.b. revive level 12 auf schlag zaubern oder so. das geht auch über level 20 und da stehen glaub ich auch attacken von baal und diablo. aber vorsicht, vielleicht kommst du dann nicht mehr ins spiel rein, weil da irgendne fehlermeldung kommt. habs aber noch nicht probiert.
du hast nen gegestand mit irgendwelchen attributen. dann musste einfach die attribute ändern in attacken, die du dann bekommst. z.b. revive level 12 auf schlag zaubern oder so. das geht auch über level 20 und da stehen glaub ich auch attacken von baal und diablo. aber vorsicht, vielleicht kommst du dann nicht mehr ins spiel rein, weil da irgendne fehlermeldung kommt. habs aber noch nicht probiert.
ja, aber wenn ich dann im game bin, und gucke mir den zauber an , dann steht da : eine böse macht aura...
man muss das irgendwie in nen charm machen(baals cold bla bla..) und dann bei den hex zahlen was ändern -.- so wie das in der anleitung vom hero editor steht, das funzt aber nich, habe alles so gemacht wie es da stand.... ABER: ich weiß 100 %ig das das funzt weil, vor 3 jahren hab i mit d2 aufgehört, und da konnte ich das mit baals attacken und so, das problem is, ich weis net mehr wie das geht ;_;.
das is echt zum kotzen..
ach, und noch was, wie so darf ich in diesen **** forum nicht a.b.a. schreiben???
man muss das irgendwie in nen charm machen(baals cold bla bla..) und dann bei den hex zahlen was ändern -.- so wie das in der anleitung vom hero editor steht, das funzt aber nich, habe alles so gemacht wie es da stand.... ABER: ich weiß 100 %ig das das funzt weil, vor 3 jahren hab i mit d2 aufgehört, und da konnte ich das mit baals attacken und so, das problem is, ich weis net mehr wie das geht ;_;.
das is echt zum kotzen..
ach, und noch was, wie so darf ich in diesen **** forum nicht a.b.a. schreiben???
Hero Editor ... neueste version is V0.95~ "Diablo und Baal attacken" Sinn?! weniger Diablo und Baal Skill Attacken bringen NULL vll bei Monstern aber net im Duel~~ weil eh jeder gute Cheater absorb usen tut~ AFF
"ich weiß 100 %ig das das funzt weil, vor 3 jahren hab i mit d2 aufgehört, und da konnte ich das mit baals attacken und so, das problem is, ich weis net mehr wie das geht ;_;.das is echt zum kotzen.."
Du bist dir schon im Klaren das in 3Jahren sich einiges im Game ändern tut?..und das was du basteln willst geht net ~ seit 1.10 is im D2 alles anders gemacht worden Präffix sowie Suffix Stat sowie Negative Stats werte worden alle geändert bzw Fixed ~ wenst hilfe brauchst dann schau ma bei den Machern von HeroEditor vorbei "" bzw ~hf
"ich weiß 100 %ig das das funzt weil, vor 3 jahren hab i mit d2 aufgehört, und da konnte ich das mit baals attacken und so, das problem is, ich weis net mehr wie das geht ;_;.das is echt zum kotzen.."
Du bist dir schon im Klaren das in 3Jahren sich einiges im Game ändern tut?..und das was du basteln willst geht net ~ seit 1.10 is im D2 alles anders gemacht worden Präffix sowie Suffix Stat sowie Negative Stats werte worden alle geändert bzw Fixed ~ wenst hilfe brauchst dann schau ma bei den Machern von HeroEditor vorbei "" bzw ~hf
Ne wichtige frage: funzt der hero editor nur singelplayer? Und wo is die d2s datei im europe ordner?
thx im voraus
thx im voraus
hi im a boy from sweden, i wonder if someone can tell me were i can find a free download of Diablo 2 LoD character editor versison 1.11!!!! here you can load Jeppe
Hilfe Ich habe Hero-Editor Version 0.95 und komme damit nich zurrecht. Kann mir bitte jemand sagen wo ich eine Anleitung oder Irgendsowas in der art finden kann!
PS: Und ich würde gern wissen wie mal in eine ganz normale waffe beim angriff so ein Frost-Nova oder irgen eine Magie machen kann !
PS: Und ich würde gern wissen wie mal in eine ganz normale waffe beim angriff so ein Frost-Nova oder irgen eine Magie machen kann !
hallo 5468 den Hero-Editor kannst du dir hier Herunterladen !
ich würde an eurer Stelle einfach mal die beigelegte Anleitung durchlesen da wird unter anderem sogar das mit den Baalskills geklärt...
hab auch mal ne frage: ich wollte mal ein paar exotische varianten testen und um nicht erst alles ertraden zu müssen hab mir den hero editor geholt. problem: wenn man sich uniques und sets zusammen sucht haben die keine stats. muss man die tatsächlich erst per hand nachtragen oder hab ich was übersehen?^^
falls ja kann ich das zeug ja gleich ertraden und chars lvln, kommt auf ähnlichen aufwand hinaus^^
falls ja kann ich das zeug ja gleich ertraden und chars lvln, kommt auf ähnlichen aufwand hinaus^^
Nein der Hero Editor hat keine Itemdatenbank, sowas gibts allerdings auf diversen Seiten zum Download.
Die Items auf die entsprechenden Stats hinzufrisiern dürfte dennoch sehr viel schneller gehn als alles zu ertraden.
Die Items auf die entsprechenden Stats hinzufrisiern dürfte dennoch sehr viel schneller gehn als alles zu ertraden.
ich hab mal ne frage ich wollte gern mal wissen wie das geht im hero-editor mit den hex-zahlen wie man die änndern muss damit man Zb: die baal attacke bekommt ??????
Wo bekomme ich eine anleitung vom hero editor her HILFE HILFE HILFE wenn euch das weiter hilft meine version ist 0.95!
Im Hero Editor Ordner ist eine dabei, oder auch Start -> Programme -> Hero Editor und da müsste auch ne ReadMe beiliegen
Danke dd02 aber kannst du mir mal was anderes sagen ? kennst du dich mit linux aus ??
ich hab mal nen Problem weiss jemand wie oder besser gesagt wo man bei diablo 2 die stärke der monster einstellen kann oder einstellen kann z.B das man in der stadt töten (kämpfen) kann ?
hab mal ne frage wie kann man den eigentlich mit dem hero editor ne baal oder diablo attacke machen ? Weiss das einer wäre schön wenn er sich meldet! :-( Wie geht das !!!
Wen euch das weiter hilft ich habe version 0.96!
Wen euch das weiter hilft ich habe version 0.96!
@Help!!! dazu musst du die .txt's verändern... NPC's könntest du so und so nicht killen (aber nen Monster machen das wie Cain aussieht^^) aber du könntest zB im Lager der Jägerinnen Diablo Spawnen lassen oder so. Seh allerdings nicht allzuviel Sinn darin ;)
@Marcol: Müsste in der Anleitung dabeistehn... habs mal gemacht ist aber n paar Jährchen her .. nur um n paar erstaunte Gesichter im Bnet zu sehn is mir das zu langweilig closedbnet is viel cooler ^^
@Marcol: Müsste in der Anleitung dabeistehn... habs mal gemacht ist aber n paar Jährchen her .. nur um n paar erstaunte Gesichter im Bnet zu sehn is mir das zu langweilig closedbnet is viel cooler ^^
@dd02 Danke erst mal aber ich hab noch nit solange den Hero-Editor Könnst mir bitte noch nen bisschen genauer erklären wie das geht?
Wär echt schön!
Wär echt schön!
Afaik wird das in der Anleitung erklärt... ich hab ihn ewig nichtmehr und werd ihn nicht extra downloaden um nen Absatz aus der ReadMe zu kopiern ;)
Auf jeden Fall musst du im Extra Window die Skillbelegung ändern, da du diesen Skill ohne Modding nicht anwählen kannst. Also zB die Kältewelle vom Baal auf F10 legen das wird wie gesagt in der Anleitung erklärt und wird dann im Hexteil durchgeführt.
Auf jeden Fall musst du im Extra Window die Skillbelegung ändern, da du diesen Skill ohne Modding nicht anwählen kannst. Also zB die Kältewelle vom Baal auf F10 legen das wird wie gesagt in der Anleitung erklärt und wird dann im Hexteil durchgeführt.
also dann DankE dd02 ist die anleitung das hier ? ...:....... das hab ich alles kopiert!
How to Use Hero Editor
written mainly by Shokaku and ZonFire99 (
List of Contents
1. Getting Started
2. Editing Basic Stats
3. Editing Your Items
3.1 Adding an Attribute
3.2 Adding States Such As Invisibility
3.3 Setting Item Quality
3.4 Personalizing an Item
3.5 Creating an Item
4. Adding And Filling Sockets
5. Upgrading Your Weapons
6. Other Editing
6.1 Converting 1.09 Characters
6.2 Converting 1.09 Items
7. Getting Set Magic Working
8. Recovering Character Backups
9. Boss & Critter Powers (hexing)
10. Shortcuts to Menu Items
11. Tips
1. Getting Started
Download Hero Editor V0.96 Complete Install (see topic in the "Downloads" forum at Unzip the downloaded file into a new (or at least empty) directory, and there should be three files ("setup.lst", "setup.exe", "Hero Editor.CAB"). Run (double click) the"setup.exe" file (or just "setup", if you have known file extensions hidden), and follow the directions (Click on the big button, on the left side). BTW, if a message comes up re "Version Conflict", answer yes (to keep the newer file that you already have).
Note: Click on the Info tab of the ZonFire99 Edition Hero Editor to see what version is running, or look at the bottom-left of the main window.
If you have already installed a previous version of the Hero Editor but are having problems with missing or unregistered .ocx or .dll files, download Hero Editor V0.96 Complete Install, and these "missing" files will get automatically installed and registered.
Once installed, I suggest that you start the Hero Editor, click on Options tab, and make sure that you've selected 'Normal Error Response' as your Error Reporting and Response option (Option #2) as well as 'Rename Old Character File Before Saving New File' as your Automatic Character File Backup option (Option #10).
I also suggest that you completely segregate all old 1.09 and 1.10 items that you might have into a separate folder and then create a new folder for 1.11 items. Importing 1.09 items into 1.10 or 1.11 characters can cause various problems and may even make your character unusable. Similarly, there are 7 new items in 1.11 that can not be used in 1.10 games and characters.
2. Editing Basic Stats
To edit your basic character stats, click on the Stats tab. Make any changes that you want as long as they stay within the maximums for Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy, Life, Mana, Stamina, and Character Level.
Str/Dex/Vit/Energy max out at 1023
Life/Mana/Stamina max out at 8191
Character Level max out at 127
Note: While these are the maximum values that D2 LOD 1.11 will allow you to set in your character, you may exceed these values by adding item attributes that add or enhance the above stats (such as +nn to Life, +nn to Dexterity, etc.). Using in-game editors can also allow you to increase these Stats when in a game, but the Stats will return to the above limits when the character file is saved.
NOTE: You will need to visit Akara at the start of each game to "restore" your health and mana. Also, the health and mana globes are only for display, and will not fill up properly when your health or mana goes over 32767. But, this will have no effect on your actual health and mana -- they can still be much higher values.
3. Editing Your Items
To edit the magic attributes for an existing item in your char, click on the inventory tab, right-click on the item, and select "Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". In the Hero Editor Extras window, the Item Edit tab will be selected and three columns will appear. In the "Item Edit" column (left-most column), the item that you wanted to edit should be selected. In the middle column, the 'Magic' branch should be selected (click on it, if not) and the item's magic attributes should appear in the right-most column.
NOTE: If you want to edit items that are already socketed into this item, scroll down the "Item Edit" column (left-most column), and select one of the socketed items that are listed below this item.
3.1 Adding an attribute
1) To add a magic attribute to your item, right-click on the item, select ""Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". When the Hero Editor Extras window comes up, scroll the right-most, 'Magic Attribute' column to the bottom and click on "(1st empty slot)".
2) Now in the 'Magic Attribute' column (right-most column), there should appear a small scroll bar to the left of the top-most input box. Click on the down arrow to show the 'All Magic' tree.
3) Expand, contract, scroll up and down to select the attribute that you want to add.
To help you find things, attack, damage, defense, etc. attributes are generally where you might expect to find them (Any attributes that are not shown in the game are listed at the bottom in the 'NotVisible' branch).
Some special attributes such as magic-find, extra gold, increased sockets, replenish quantity, and requirements % can be found under the 'Extra' branch.
Some other special attributes such as chance of blocking %, indestructible, knock back, regenerate mana, replenish life, and throwable can be found under the 'Other' branch.
Some of the newest attributes for 1.10 and 1.11 are in the 'NotVisible' branch.
Once you've selected an attribute, the input box should shrink and show the default max value(s) for the attribute.
4) Set the value(s) to the desired amount(s) and click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update your item.
5) To save your item in a file, go back to the Inventory tab, right-click on the item (look in the right-side window to see if the attributes are corrrect), and export your item.
3.2 Adding States Such As Invisibility
1) To add states to your item, right-click on the item, select "Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". When the Hero Editor Extras window comes up, scroll the right-most, 'Magic Attribute' column to the bottom and click on "(1st empty slot)".
2) Now in the 'Magic Attribute' column (right-most column), there should appear a small scroll bar to the left of the top-most input box. Click on the down arrow to show the 'All Magic' tree.
3) Scroll down and expand the 'NotVisible' branch.
4) Scroll down and select the "nv State" attribute (it is fourth from the bottom, unless your character is NOT a 1.10/1.11 character, then the "nv State" attribute will NOT appear at all). Now 2 pulldown boxes should appear--the first with "0 none" and the second with "1".
5) On the first pulldown box, open it and scroll to find the 'state' that you want. As an example, selecting '146 invis' will make you invisible to other players (but not monsters). Click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update your item.
6) To save your item in a file, go back to the Inventory tab, right-click on the item (look in the right-side window to see if the attributes are corrrect), and export your item.
3.3 Setting Item Quality
1) To set an item's quality, right-click on the item, select "Specific Editing Functions", select "Change the Item's QUALITY", and then select the desired quality.
2) At this point, the Hero Extras windows should appear and the specific qualities should be available for your choice in the right-most column (magical prefixes/suffixes, set names, unique names, rare/crafted prefixes/suffixes/name).
As an example, if you chose Unique, then the Hero Editor Extras window should show you all the unique qualities such as "the Gnasher", "Deathspade", "Bladebone", etc. in the right-most column.
3) Pick your specific quality and then click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column). As mentioned before, you can go back to the Inventory tab and export your item to save it in a file.
3.4 Personalizing an Item
1) To personalize an item, select "Specific Editing Functions", select "PERSONALIZE (if possible)", and then select "Personalize Item".
2) When the Hero Editor Extras window appears, fill-in the desired name in the right-side input box.
3) Click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update your item. As mentioned before, you can go back to the Inventory tab and export your item to save it in a file.
3.5 Creating An Item
1) To create a new item, click on the Extras button at the bottom of the main Hero Editor window.
2) On the Hero Editor Extras windows, click on the Item/Character Create tab.
3) Expand the All Items tree by clicking on the plus sign in front of the "All Items" and then expand Misc, Armor, or Weapons depending upon what type of item you wish to create.
4) Continue expanding sub-branches until you see and click the specific item that you wish to create. Depending upon the type of item, in the Description area, you may see damage (for weapons), one or more requirements and possibly the base number of sockets for the item.
5) Finally, go over to the right side of the window and click on the "Save New Item To PickedUp" button.
6) Returning to your inventory tab, right-click on an appropriate space for your item and right-click/paste the item where you want it. If you haven't already, go read the "'3. Editing Your Items"' section to add attributes and set item quality.
4. Adding and Filling Sockets
To add empty sockets to an item, from the Inventory tab, right-click on the item and select "Specific Editing Functions", select "SOCKETING (if possible)" and then select "Make Item Socketed". This will add the Diablo II default max number of sockets for the item.
NOTE: To be able to use the 'base' number of sockets, the item will usually need to have a sufficiently high item level and quality. By default, items are "now" created with a level of 90 (should be high enough). But, by default, items are created with Superior quality, which may limit the maximum number of default sockets -- you may need to change the item quality to be Magical, Set, Rare, Unique or Crafted, to have all of the 'base' sockets available.
To add more empty sockets, in the Hero Editor Extras windows scroll down the middle column for the 'Magic' branch and add a new attribute 'Increased Sockets' and add the desired number of sockets (if you haven't already, go read the "3.1 Adding an Attribute" sub-section to add this atttribute).
When you add more empty sockets, please be aware that filling more than 7 sockets can caused instability problems for your character. In the 1.10 patch, low, normal and superior items can only have 6 sockets, while magical, unique, rare, crafted and set items can have 7 sockets. Be sure to click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to save your changes.
To fill empty sockets with gems, jewels, or runes, simply drag and drop the gem/jewel/rune onto the socketed item. For example, from the inventory tab, click and hold a jewel in your inventory and move it on top of any item with an empty socket, then release the mouse button. Once a socket is filled, the additional attributes should be visible in the Description area to the right.
Note: After filling in 7 sockets on rings, the last jewel, gem, or rune seems to be ignored by D2, when I open my character within D2 LOD 1.10. There is no instability, but I haven't been able to get the 7th jewel to take effect.
5. Upgrading Your Weapons
To change the item code for a weapon (or any other item), you must first copy the item to the Picked Up area (this is because the picture size might change, and not 'fit' in its original position). You can do this by right-clicking on the item and selecting "Copy Item (copy into Picked Up)", or simply click on the item to do a 'quick' copy. Now from the Picked Up area (move your cursor over the right side of the Inventory tab display), right-click on the item and select "General Edit of Item (in Extras Window)". In the Hero Editor Extras window, the Item Edit tab will be selected and three columns will appear. In the "Item Edit" column (left-most column), the item that you wanted to edit should be selected.
1) In the middle column, expand the 'Item Code' branch and select the 'Items Type Code' sub-branch. The individual item type codes and brief description should appear in the right-most column.
2) Scroll up or down and select the new item code that you want.
If you aren't sure what new item type code is better for your weapon (or any other item), click on the Item/Character Create tab and expand the All Items/Weapons branch/sub-branch (expand the other sub-branches for other type items).
Expand the sub-sub-branch for your weapon (in my case a bow) and click on the type of weapon that you have (say a "Short Bow"). In the description will appear the damage, one or more requirements and the base number of sockets for the item (in the case of a Short Bow, Two-Handed Damage; 1 to 4, Required Dexterity: 15, and Base number of 3 sockets).
Now select other weapons and look for the stats that you want. As an example, if I wanted to change my Short Bow to one that had the highest minimum 2-handed damage, I might choose a Diamond Bow because it has Two-Handed Damage: 33 to 40. Note that the item type code for a Diamond Bow (top of the right-hand side) is 6s7.
Now go back to the Item Edit tab, and scroll up or down the individual item type codes looking for 6s7 (the items are sorted alphabetically, by their description). You can also search through the list by hitting the '6' key to cycle through all type codes that begin with '6', until '6s7' is found. Select that item type code and click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to save your changes.
3) When you change an item type code, be sure to check the 'Number Of Sockets' sub-branch (under the 'Other' branch). In certain circumstances, the base number of sockets will be changed when you change the item type code, especially if you set the base number of sockets to less that maximum for the item.
Note: The Hero Editor will let you upgrade from any weapon to another weapon, from any armor item to another armor item, and from any misc item to another misc item. It will not let you convert across these three categories (such as upgrade from a weapon item to an armor item).
6. Other Editing
If you look at the tabs on the main Hero Editor window, you will see that you can change Waypoints, Skills, Quests, Mercenary Experience and Introductions.
For edited characters, I usually enable all waypoints and set all quests to "Long Finished". I also usually set all skill levels to 99. I tend not to bother with a mercenary nor introductions, but you can click on the appropriate tabs to make whatever changes that you desire.
When setting quests, it is best to make sure that the appropriate waypoints are also enabled, so I highly recommend enabling all waypoints all the time.
6.1 Converting 1.09 Characters
The simplest way to convert a 1.09 character to 1.11 format is to open it with D2 LOD 1.11. Unfortunately, I've heard of various problems when trying to convert any high level character (character level above 99).
So I would recommend, editing your high-level chars with ZonFire99's Hero Editor and resetting the character level to 99 before opening your character with D2 LOD 1.11. Be aware that some conversion will occur right away and further changes will occur as you save and exit from a 1.11 game.
In particular, Str/Dex/Vit/Energy will be capped at 1023 and Life/Mana/Stamina will be capped at 8191 as you save/exit a game.
Also, certain 1.09-only attributes will be deleted. In my characters the old 1.09 Skill Level [1], [2], [3], etc. attributes disappeared. I've heard of others, but didn't get any details. All of my Unique items seemed to convert without any problems although the above Skill Level attributes did disappear.
6.2 Converting 1.09 Items
As mentioned elsewhere, you must strictly segregate your 1.09 items from your 1.10/1.11 format items. Do not import 1.09 items into your 1.11 chars--sometimes they work, sometimes there are minor problems, and sometimes it messes up your character.
So how do you convert your "great" 1.09 items that you spent all that time crafting?
1) You need to create a 'mule' character--dig out an old 1.09 char that is a teen or 99 (or go to the Extras window in the Hero Editor, click on the Item/Character Create tab, and click on the New V1.09D button to create a new 1.09 format character).
2) Set the level to 99. If you are using an existing character, delete items to create as much space as you need to import any 1.09 items that you want to convert, OR if you are creating a brand new character, just rename it to something appropriate.
3) Save the empty 'mule' character into both the Diablo II directory's \save sub-folder and a backup sub-folder.
4) Import all of your 1.09 items, save the character and use D2 LOD 1.11 to open the character.
5) If you haven't mixed anything up, D2 will convert your character (and all of its items) to 1.11 format.
6) Save and exit the game and then use the Hero Editor to open your converted 'mule' character.
7) Now you can export your converted items into your 1.11 items sub-folder and archive all of your 1.09 items.
If you haven't already, I strongly recommend that you take all of your old 1.09 items and move them to an archive folder that identifies them as 1.09 items (you might create a \109items sub-folder).
7. Getting Set Magic Working
For each item in the Set that you are creating, perform the following steps:
1) If you haven't already, make sure that each item's quality has been properly specified as part of the desired set (see "3.3 Setting Item Quality" for an overview of how to set item quality).
2) From the inventory tab, right-click on each item, and select "Specific Editing Functions", select "SET Magic Editing", and then select "EDIT SET1 Magic Attributes".
3) Click on the '(1st empty slot)' in the right-side, Set Magic Attributes area and add the desired attribute (see "3.1 Adding an Attribute" for step-by-step details on how to add an attribute).
4) Set the value(s) to the desired amount(s) and click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update each item.
5) Repeat the above for adding additional Set Magic Attributes (i.e. Set 2, 3, 4, and 5).
NOTE: Unless you "know what you are doing", only put zero or one magic attribute in each Set Magic Attribute. It is sometimes possible to put more than one, but you will often crash the D2 game when you 'mouse over' the Set item.
6) To save each item in a file, go back to the Inventory tab, right-click on each item (look in the right-side window to see if the attributes are corrrect), and export each item.
NOTE: The Set Magic Attributes will only be "available" if you have at least one more item in the Set equipped than the Set list number. For example, if you have 5 'Set Magic Attributes' on an item (sets 1 to 5), but your character is only wearing 3 items, then only the first 2 Set Magic Attributes will be activated. These Set Magic Attributes will show up as green-colored magic attributes in the game.
BTW, the game also adds its own Magic Attributes for each Set as the Set is equipped (gold-colored magic attributes). The regular Magic Attributes show up as blue-colored magic attributes.
8. Recovering Character Backups
If you have specified "Rename Old Character File Before Saving New File" as your "Automatic Character File Backup" option, then each time that you save your character file, a backup copy will be saved in the \save sub-folder of your Diablo II directory (the default path is C:\Program Files\Diablo II).
These backup files will use the following naming conventions: charnameDDHHMM.bak
'charname' is the name of your character
'DD' .......... is the saved day of the month
'HHMM' ..... is the saved hour and minute
To recover one of these backup files, rename your current character file (.d2s suffix) out of the way and then rename the desired .bak file to your character file name (charname.d2s, where 'charname' is the name of your character).
NOTE: If you do lots of editing to your character files, you may want to occasionally delete older .bak files that are no longer needed.
9. Boss & Critter Powers (hexing)
First, put the desired non-class skill (such as "Baal Cold Missiles") on a charm -- don't add any skill bonus like 7 to all skills. Then, set the skill number on your right or left skill (or F1 key, etc.). Remember to use hex format for the skill number (see next paragraph). When you test this in a game, you won't see any skill icon there -- dont worry about it. If you select any other skill while you are in the game you wont be able to select the monster skill again, unless you put the skill on one of the function keys (e.g. F1)
The "hexing" of the monster skill is done in Hero Editor by doing the following:
In the "Extras" window, select the "Character Hex" tab. On the list on the right side, scroll down and select "Skill ID Right Mouse", "Skill ID Left Mouse", or "64 Skill ID". In the "Character Hex" string, a bit down from the top of the window, click the mouse cursor somewhere on this. Press the keyboard left arrow button to move the cursor over to the far left of this hex string. Now, type in the hex value that corresponds to the integer value for the skill that you put on the charm. Make sure you put pairs of hex digits, in reverse order. As an example, the "Baal Cold Missiles" uses a decimal value of "318". Converting this to hex (use the Windows calculator, in Scientific View mode), gets you "013E". So, the "3E" gets typed in first, then the "01" gets typed in. In the Hero Editor Character Hex string, on the left most side, you will now see "3E 01 00 00". If you have already made the charm, then Save, and you're done.
If you selected "64 Skill ID", the bytes on the left are for the F1 key, with the hex location starting at 56. Each function key is allocated 4 bytes, even though only 1 or 2 are typcially used. So, if you want to put the hex value for activation by the F2 key, put the hex value in at byte 60 (+61). Similarily, move up another 4 bytes for F3, etc. for the rest of the function keys.
10. Shortcuts to Menu Items
The F1 key should always be "available" when you are doing anything in the main Hero Editor window. Pressing the F1 key will use Notepad to open up a text description about how to use Hero Editor (i.e. this text description that you are reading now).
If the mouse cursor is over top of an item picture, the following shortcuts will also be available for that item:
<Ctrl>G will activate the Extras window, with the selected item ready for editing
<Ctrl>A will add all normal Magic Attributes for the selected item TO the Buffer
<Ctrl>S will paste all Magic Attributes FROM the Buffer into the normal Magic Attributes for the selected item
<Ctrl>P will pop up a window that lists all Magic Attributes that are presently in the Buffer
<Ctrl>B will delete all Magic Attributes presently in the Buffer
<Ctrl>E will bring up the File Save dialog box to Export the selected item to a file
<Ctrl>I will bring up the File Open dialog box to Import an item from a file to the present location
<Ctrl>X will move the selected item to the "Picked Up" location
<Ctrl>C will put a copy of the selected item into the "Picked Up" location
<Ctrl>V will paste a copy of the "Picked Up" item into the present location
Del will delete the item in the present location
11. Tips
1) When you put the mouse cursor overtop of an item picture, the 'Description' window to the right will list the name and properties of the item, and any Magic Attributes. If the list is long, the text size will get smaller and the window will expand down to the bottom of the window. If there are too many lines to fit on the displayed 'Description' window, then pressing the Up Arrow key will scroll the list up, so you can see additional lines (max 100 lines before 'errors' occur). If you move the mouse, the list will reset to the 'top' of the list. NOTE: The Diablo II game will usually "crash" if you have more than ~30 'visible' Magic Attributes on an item.
2) It is possible to make quick copies of an item. First, click on the item, resulting in a copy of the item being placed in the 'PickedUp' location. Then click on each of the locations you want a copy of the item. This will quickly paste a copy of the item in the 'Picked Up' location.
3) Holding the cursor stationary over certain locations will allow 'Tool Tip' text to appear. This is a short description about additional features for this 'location'. As an example, right-click on an item, select "Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". When the Hero Editor Extras window comes up, put the mouse cursor over the list of 'Magic Attributes' (the list on the right side). You should see "Click to EDIT, <Shift>Click to DELETE, <Ctrl>Click to Add to BUFFER, <Alt>Click to Paste all from Buffer" pop up near the mouse cursor. This same message will appear for Set and Runeword Magic attributes (which is the "only" way to quickly paste lots of Magic Attributes to Set and Runeword Magic attributes).
4) All of the Tree Views can be traversed using the mouse. Also, most can be traversed using the keyboard too. For example, the arrow keys can be used to expand and contract the branches, and to move up and down the list. Also, you can 'jump' to certain list entries by pressing the first letter of the text description. Pressing the same letter will cycle through the list entries that begin with that letter. NOTE: Only entries in branches that have been expanded are used for this search.
How to Use Hero Editor
written mainly by Shokaku and ZonFire99 (
List of Contents
1. Getting Started
2. Editing Basic Stats
3. Editing Your Items
3.1 Adding an Attribute
3.2 Adding States Such As Invisibility
3.3 Setting Item Quality
3.4 Personalizing an Item
3.5 Creating an Item
4. Adding And Filling Sockets
5. Upgrading Your Weapons
6. Other Editing
6.1 Converting 1.09 Characters
6.2 Converting 1.09 Items
7. Getting Set Magic Working
8. Recovering Character Backups
9. Boss & Critter Powers (hexing)
10. Shortcuts to Menu Items
11. Tips
1. Getting Started
Download Hero Editor V0.96 Complete Install (see topic in the "Downloads" forum at Unzip the downloaded file into a new (or at least empty) directory, and there should be three files ("setup.lst", "setup.exe", "Hero Editor.CAB"). Run (double click) the"setup.exe" file (or just "setup", if you have known file extensions hidden), and follow the directions (Click on the big button, on the left side). BTW, if a message comes up re "Version Conflict", answer yes (to keep the newer file that you already have).
Note: Click on the Info tab of the ZonFire99 Edition Hero Editor to see what version is running, or look at the bottom-left of the main window.
If you have already installed a previous version of the Hero Editor but are having problems with missing or unregistered .ocx or .dll files, download Hero Editor V0.96 Complete Install, and these "missing" files will get automatically installed and registered.
Once installed, I suggest that you start the Hero Editor, click on Options tab, and make sure that you've selected 'Normal Error Response' as your Error Reporting and Response option (Option #2) as well as 'Rename Old Character File Before Saving New File' as your Automatic Character File Backup option (Option #10).
I also suggest that you completely segregate all old 1.09 and 1.10 items that you might have into a separate folder and then create a new folder for 1.11 items. Importing 1.09 items into 1.10 or 1.11 characters can cause various problems and may even make your character unusable. Similarly, there are 7 new items in 1.11 that can not be used in 1.10 games and characters.
2. Editing Basic Stats
To edit your basic character stats, click on the Stats tab. Make any changes that you want as long as they stay within the maximums for Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Energy, Life, Mana, Stamina, and Character Level.
Str/Dex/Vit/Energy max out at 1023
Life/Mana/Stamina max out at 8191
Character Level max out at 127
Note: While these are the maximum values that D2 LOD 1.11 will allow you to set in your character, you may exceed these values by adding item attributes that add or enhance the above stats (such as +nn to Life, +nn to Dexterity, etc.). Using in-game editors can also allow you to increase these Stats when in a game, but the Stats will return to the above limits when the character file is saved.
NOTE: You will need to visit Akara at the start of each game to "restore" your health and mana. Also, the health and mana globes are only for display, and will not fill up properly when your health or mana goes over 32767. But, this will have no effect on your actual health and mana -- they can still be much higher values.
3. Editing Your Items
To edit the magic attributes for an existing item in your char, click on the inventory tab, right-click on the item, and select "Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". In the Hero Editor Extras window, the Item Edit tab will be selected and three columns will appear. In the "Item Edit" column (left-most column), the item that you wanted to edit should be selected. In the middle column, the 'Magic' branch should be selected (click on it, if not) and the item's magic attributes should appear in the right-most column.
NOTE: If you want to edit items that are already socketed into this item, scroll down the "Item Edit" column (left-most column), and select one of the socketed items that are listed below this item.
3.1 Adding an attribute
1) To add a magic attribute to your item, right-click on the item, select ""Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". When the Hero Editor Extras window comes up, scroll the right-most, 'Magic Attribute' column to the bottom and click on "(1st empty slot)".
2) Now in the 'Magic Attribute' column (right-most column), there should appear a small scroll bar to the left of the top-most input box. Click on the down arrow to show the 'All Magic' tree.
3) Expand, contract, scroll up and down to select the attribute that you want to add.
To help you find things, attack, damage, defense, etc. attributes are generally where you might expect to find them (Any attributes that are not shown in the game are listed at the bottom in the 'NotVisible' branch).
Some special attributes such as magic-find, extra gold, increased sockets, replenish quantity, and requirements % can be found under the 'Extra' branch.
Some other special attributes such as chance of blocking %, indestructible, knock back, regenerate mana, replenish life, and throwable can be found under the 'Other' branch.
Some of the newest attributes for 1.10 and 1.11 are in the 'NotVisible' branch.
Once you've selected an attribute, the input box should shrink and show the default max value(s) for the attribute.
4) Set the value(s) to the desired amount(s) and click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update your item.
5) To save your item in a file, go back to the Inventory tab, right-click on the item (look in the right-side window to see if the attributes are corrrect), and export your item.
3.2 Adding States Such As Invisibility
1) To add states to your item, right-click on the item, select "Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". When the Hero Editor Extras window comes up, scroll the right-most, 'Magic Attribute' column to the bottom and click on "(1st empty slot)".
2) Now in the 'Magic Attribute' column (right-most column), there should appear a small scroll bar to the left of the top-most input box. Click on the down arrow to show the 'All Magic' tree.
3) Scroll down and expand the 'NotVisible' branch.
4) Scroll down and select the "nv State" attribute (it is fourth from the bottom, unless your character is NOT a 1.10/1.11 character, then the "nv State" attribute will NOT appear at all). Now 2 pulldown boxes should appear--the first with "0 none" and the second with "1".
5) On the first pulldown box, open it and scroll to find the 'state' that you want. As an example, selecting '146 invis' will make you invisible to other players (but not monsters). Click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update your item.
6) To save your item in a file, go back to the Inventory tab, right-click on the item (look in the right-side window to see if the attributes are corrrect), and export your item.
3.3 Setting Item Quality
1) To set an item's quality, right-click on the item, select "Specific Editing Functions", select "Change the Item's QUALITY", and then select the desired quality.
2) At this point, the Hero Extras windows should appear and the specific qualities should be available for your choice in the right-most column (magical prefixes/suffixes, set names, unique names, rare/crafted prefixes/suffixes/name).
As an example, if you chose Unique, then the Hero Editor Extras window should show you all the unique qualities such as "the Gnasher", "Deathspade", "Bladebone", etc. in the right-most column.
3) Pick your specific quality and then click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column). As mentioned before, you can go back to the Inventory tab and export your item to save it in a file.
3.4 Personalizing an Item
1) To personalize an item, select "Specific Editing Functions", select "PERSONALIZE (if possible)", and then select "Personalize Item".
2) When the Hero Editor Extras window appears, fill-in the desired name in the right-side input box.
3) Click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update your item. As mentioned before, you can go back to the Inventory tab and export your item to save it in a file.
3.5 Creating An Item
1) To create a new item, click on the Extras button at the bottom of the main Hero Editor window.
2) On the Hero Editor Extras windows, click on the Item/Character Create tab.
3) Expand the All Items tree by clicking on the plus sign in front of the "All Items" and then expand Misc, Armor, or Weapons depending upon what type of item you wish to create.
4) Continue expanding sub-branches until you see and click the specific item that you wish to create. Depending upon the type of item, in the Description area, you may see damage (for weapons), one or more requirements and possibly the base number of sockets for the item.
5) Finally, go over to the right side of the window and click on the "Save New Item To PickedUp" button.
6) Returning to your inventory tab, right-click on an appropriate space for your item and right-click/paste the item where you want it. If you haven't already, go read the "'3. Editing Your Items"' section to add attributes and set item quality.
4. Adding and Filling Sockets
To add empty sockets to an item, from the Inventory tab, right-click on the item and select "Specific Editing Functions", select "SOCKETING (if possible)" and then select "Make Item Socketed". This will add the Diablo II default max number of sockets for the item.
NOTE: To be able to use the 'base' number of sockets, the item will usually need to have a sufficiently high item level and quality. By default, items are "now" created with a level of 90 (should be high enough). But, by default, items are created with Superior quality, which may limit the maximum number of default sockets -- you may need to change the item quality to be Magical, Set, Rare, Unique or Crafted, to have all of the 'base' sockets available.
To add more empty sockets, in the Hero Editor Extras windows scroll down the middle column for the 'Magic' branch and add a new attribute 'Increased Sockets' and add the desired number of sockets (if you haven't already, go read the "3.1 Adding an Attribute" sub-section to add this atttribute).
When you add more empty sockets, please be aware that filling more than 7 sockets can caused instability problems for your character. In the 1.10 patch, low, normal and superior items can only have 6 sockets, while magical, unique, rare, crafted and set items can have 7 sockets. Be sure to click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to save your changes.
To fill empty sockets with gems, jewels, or runes, simply drag and drop the gem/jewel/rune onto the socketed item. For example, from the inventory tab, click and hold a jewel in your inventory and move it on top of any item with an empty socket, then release the mouse button. Once a socket is filled, the additional attributes should be visible in the Description area to the right.
Note: After filling in 7 sockets on rings, the last jewel, gem, or rune seems to be ignored by D2, when I open my character within D2 LOD 1.10. There is no instability, but I haven't been able to get the 7th jewel to take effect.
5. Upgrading Your Weapons
To change the item code for a weapon (or any other item), you must first copy the item to the Picked Up area (this is because the picture size might change, and not 'fit' in its original position). You can do this by right-clicking on the item and selecting "Copy Item (copy into Picked Up)", or simply click on the item to do a 'quick' copy. Now from the Picked Up area (move your cursor over the right side of the Inventory tab display), right-click on the item and select "General Edit of Item (in Extras Window)". In the Hero Editor Extras window, the Item Edit tab will be selected and three columns will appear. In the "Item Edit" column (left-most column), the item that you wanted to edit should be selected.
1) In the middle column, expand the 'Item Code' branch and select the 'Items Type Code' sub-branch. The individual item type codes and brief description should appear in the right-most column.
2) Scroll up or down and select the new item code that you want.
If you aren't sure what new item type code is better for your weapon (or any other item), click on the Item/Character Create tab and expand the All Items/Weapons branch/sub-branch (expand the other sub-branches for other type items).
Expand the sub-sub-branch for your weapon (in my case a bow) and click on the type of weapon that you have (say a "Short Bow"). In the description will appear the damage, one or more requirements and the base number of sockets for the item (in the case of a Short Bow, Two-Handed Damage; 1 to 4, Required Dexterity: 15, and Base number of 3 sockets).
Now select other weapons and look for the stats that you want. As an example, if I wanted to change my Short Bow to one that had the highest minimum 2-handed damage, I might choose a Diamond Bow because it has Two-Handed Damage: 33 to 40. Note that the item type code for a Diamond Bow (top of the right-hand side) is 6s7.
Now go back to the Item Edit tab, and scroll up or down the individual item type codes looking for 6s7 (the items are sorted alphabetically, by their description). You can also search through the list by hitting the '6' key to cycle through all type codes that begin with '6', until '6s7' is found. Select that item type code and click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to save your changes.
3) When you change an item type code, be sure to check the 'Number Of Sockets' sub-branch (under the 'Other' branch). In certain circumstances, the base number of sockets will be changed when you change the item type code, especially if you set the base number of sockets to less that maximum for the item.
Note: The Hero Editor will let you upgrade from any weapon to another weapon, from any armor item to another armor item, and from any misc item to another misc item. It will not let you convert across these three categories (such as upgrade from a weapon item to an armor item).
6. Other Editing
If you look at the tabs on the main Hero Editor window, you will see that you can change Waypoints, Skills, Quests, Mercenary Experience and Introductions.
For edited characters, I usually enable all waypoints and set all quests to "Long Finished". I also usually set all skill levels to 99. I tend not to bother with a mercenary nor introductions, but you can click on the appropriate tabs to make whatever changes that you desire.
When setting quests, it is best to make sure that the appropriate waypoints are also enabled, so I highly recommend enabling all waypoints all the time.
6.1 Converting 1.09 Characters
The simplest way to convert a 1.09 character to 1.11 format is to open it with D2 LOD 1.11. Unfortunately, I've heard of various problems when trying to convert any high level character (character level above 99).
So I would recommend, editing your high-level chars with ZonFire99's Hero Editor and resetting the character level to 99 before opening your character with D2 LOD 1.11. Be aware that some conversion will occur right away and further changes will occur as you save and exit from a 1.11 game.
In particular, Str/Dex/Vit/Energy will be capped at 1023 and Life/Mana/Stamina will be capped at 8191 as you save/exit a game.
Also, certain 1.09-only attributes will be deleted. In my characters the old 1.09 Skill Level [1], [2], [3], etc. attributes disappeared. I've heard of others, but didn't get any details. All of my Unique items seemed to convert without any problems although the above Skill Level attributes did disappear.
6.2 Converting 1.09 Items
As mentioned elsewhere, you must strictly segregate your 1.09 items from your 1.10/1.11 format items. Do not import 1.09 items into your 1.11 chars--sometimes they work, sometimes there are minor problems, and sometimes it messes up your character.
So how do you convert your "great" 1.09 items that you spent all that time crafting?
1) You need to create a 'mule' character--dig out an old 1.09 char that is a teen or 99 (or go to the Extras window in the Hero Editor, click on the Item/Character Create tab, and click on the New V1.09D button to create a new 1.09 format character).
2) Set the level to 99. If you are using an existing character, delete items to create as much space as you need to import any 1.09 items that you want to convert, OR if you are creating a brand new character, just rename it to something appropriate.
3) Save the empty 'mule' character into both the Diablo II directory's \save sub-folder and a backup sub-folder.
4) Import all of your 1.09 items, save the character and use D2 LOD 1.11 to open the character.
5) If you haven't mixed anything up, D2 will convert your character (and all of its items) to 1.11 format.
6) Save and exit the game and then use the Hero Editor to open your converted 'mule' character.
7) Now you can export your converted items into your 1.11 items sub-folder and archive all of your 1.09 items.
If you haven't already, I strongly recommend that you take all of your old 1.09 items and move them to an archive folder that identifies them as 1.09 items (you might create a \109items sub-folder).
7. Getting Set Magic Working
For each item in the Set that you are creating, perform the following steps:
1) If you haven't already, make sure that each item's quality has been properly specified as part of the desired set (see "3.3 Setting Item Quality" for an overview of how to set item quality).
2) From the inventory tab, right-click on each item, and select "Specific Editing Functions", select "SET Magic Editing", and then select "EDIT SET1 Magic Attributes".
3) Click on the '(1st empty slot)' in the right-side, Set Magic Attributes area and add the desired attribute (see "3.1 Adding an Attribute" for step-by-step details on how to add an attribute).
4) Set the value(s) to the desired amount(s) and click on the Save Modified Item button (below the middle column) to update each item.
5) Repeat the above for adding additional Set Magic Attributes (i.e. Set 2, 3, 4, and 5).
NOTE: Unless you "know what you are doing", only put zero or one magic attribute in each Set Magic Attribute. It is sometimes possible to put more than one, but you will often crash the D2 game when you 'mouse over' the Set item.
6) To save each item in a file, go back to the Inventory tab, right-click on each item (look in the right-side window to see if the attributes are corrrect), and export each item.
NOTE: The Set Magic Attributes will only be "available" if you have at least one more item in the Set equipped than the Set list number. For example, if you have 5 'Set Magic Attributes' on an item (sets 1 to 5), but your character is only wearing 3 items, then only the first 2 Set Magic Attributes will be activated. These Set Magic Attributes will show up as green-colored magic attributes in the game.
BTW, the game also adds its own Magic Attributes for each Set as the Set is equipped (gold-colored magic attributes). The regular Magic Attributes show up as blue-colored magic attributes.
8. Recovering Character Backups
If you have specified "Rename Old Character File Before Saving New File" as your "Automatic Character File Backup" option, then each time that you save your character file, a backup copy will be saved in the \save sub-folder of your Diablo II directory (the default path is C:\Program Files\Diablo II).
These backup files will use the following naming conventions: charnameDDHHMM.bak
'charname' is the name of your character
'DD' .......... is the saved day of the month
'HHMM' ..... is the saved hour and minute
To recover one of these backup files, rename your current character file (.d2s suffix) out of the way and then rename the desired .bak file to your character file name (charname.d2s, where 'charname' is the name of your character).
NOTE: If you do lots of editing to your character files, you may want to occasionally delete older .bak files that are no longer needed.
9. Boss & Critter Powers (hexing)
First, put the desired non-class skill (such as "Baal Cold Missiles") on a charm -- don't add any skill bonus like 7 to all skills. Then, set the skill number on your right or left skill (or F1 key, etc.). Remember to use hex format for the skill number (see next paragraph). When you test this in a game, you won't see any skill icon there -- dont worry about it. If you select any other skill while you are in the game you wont be able to select the monster skill again, unless you put the skill on one of the function keys (e.g. F1)
The "hexing" of the monster skill is done in Hero Editor by doing the following:
In the "Extras" window, select the "Character Hex" tab. On the list on the right side, scroll down and select "Skill ID Right Mouse", "Skill ID Left Mouse", or "64 Skill ID". In the "Character Hex" string, a bit down from the top of the window, click the mouse cursor somewhere on this. Press the keyboard left arrow button to move the cursor over to the far left of this hex string. Now, type in the hex value that corresponds to the integer value for the skill that you put on the charm. Make sure you put pairs of hex digits, in reverse order. As an example, the "Baal Cold Missiles" uses a decimal value of "318". Converting this to hex (use the Windows calculator, in Scientific View mode), gets you "013E". So, the "3E" gets typed in first, then the "01" gets typed in. In the Hero Editor Character Hex string, on the left most side, you will now see "3E 01 00 00". If you have already made the charm, then Save, and you're done.
If you selected "64 Skill ID", the bytes on the left are for the F1 key, with the hex location starting at 56. Each function key is allocated 4 bytes, even though only 1 or 2 are typcially used. So, if you want to put the hex value for activation by the F2 key, put the hex value in at byte 60 (+61). Similarily, move up another 4 bytes for F3, etc. for the rest of the function keys.
10. Shortcuts to Menu Items
The F1 key should always be "available" when you are doing anything in the main Hero Editor window. Pressing the F1 key will use Notepad to open up a text description about how to use Hero Editor (i.e. this text description that you are reading now).
If the mouse cursor is over top of an item picture, the following shortcuts will also be available for that item:
<Ctrl>G will activate the Extras window, with the selected item ready for editing
<Ctrl>A will add all normal Magic Attributes for the selected item TO the Buffer
<Ctrl>S will paste all Magic Attributes FROM the Buffer into the normal Magic Attributes for the selected item
<Ctrl>P will pop up a window that lists all Magic Attributes that are presently in the Buffer
<Ctrl>B will delete all Magic Attributes presently in the Buffer
<Ctrl>E will bring up the File Save dialog box to Export the selected item to a file
<Ctrl>I will bring up the File Open dialog box to Import an item from a file to the present location
<Ctrl>X will move the selected item to the "Picked Up" location
<Ctrl>C will put a copy of the selected item into the "Picked Up" location
<Ctrl>V will paste a copy of the "Picked Up" item into the present location
Del will delete the item in the present location
11. Tips
1) When you put the mouse cursor overtop of an item picture, the 'Description' window to the right will list the name and properties of the item, and any Magic Attributes. If the list is long, the text size will get smaller and the window will expand down to the bottom of the window. If there are too many lines to fit on the displayed 'Description' window, then pressing the Up Arrow key will scroll the list up, so you can see additional lines (max 100 lines before 'errors' occur). If you move the mouse, the list will reset to the 'top' of the list. NOTE: The Diablo II game will usually "crash" if you have more than ~30 'visible' Magic Attributes on an item.
2) It is possible to make quick copies of an item. First, click on the item, resulting in a copy of the item being placed in the 'PickedUp' location. Then click on each of the locations you want a copy of the item. This will quickly paste a copy of the item in the 'Picked Up' location.
3) Holding the cursor stationary over certain locations will allow 'Tool Tip' text to appear. This is a short description about additional features for this 'location'. As an example, right-click on an item, select "Specific Editing Functions" and "MAGIC Attribute Editing". When the Hero Editor Extras window comes up, put the mouse cursor over the list of 'Magic Attributes' (the list on the right side). You should see "Click to EDIT, <Shift>Click to DELETE, <Ctrl>Click to Add to BUFFER, <Alt>Click to Paste all from Buffer" pop up near the mouse cursor. This same message will appear for Set and Runeword Magic attributes (which is the "only" way to quickly paste lots of Magic Attributes to Set and Runeword Magic attributes).
4) All of the Tree Views can be traversed using the mouse. Also, most can be traversed using the keyboard too. For example, the arrow keys can be used to expand and contract the branches, and to move up and down the list. Also, you can 'jump' to certain list entries by pressing the first letter of the text description. Pressing the same letter will cycle through the list entries that begin with that letter. NOTE: Only entries in branches that have been expanded are used for this search.
jap das ist die Anleitung... aber soviel Text reinzukopiern Oo
Der Teil den hier alle wissen wollen siehts aus:
9. Boss & Critter Powers (hexing)
First, put the desired non-class skill (such as "Baal Cold Missiles") on a charm -- don't add any skill bonus like 7 to all skills. Then, set the skill number on your right or left skill (or F1 key, etc.). Remember to use hex format for the skill number (see next paragraph). When you test this in a game, you won't see any skill icon there -- dont worry about it. If you select any other skill while you are in the game you wont be able to select the monster skill again, unless you put the skill on one of the function keys (e.g. F1)
The "hexing" of the monster skill is done in Hero Editor by doing the following:
In the "Extras" window, select the "Character Hex" tab. On the list on the right side, scroll down and select "Skill ID Right Mouse", "Skill ID Left Mouse", or "64 Skill ID". In the "Character Hex" string, a bit down from the top of the window, click the mouse cursor somewhere on this. Press the keyboard left arrow button to move the cursor over to the far left of this hex string. Now, type in the hex value that corresponds to the integer value for the skill that you put on the charm. Make sure you put pairs of hex digits, in reverse order. As an example, the "Baal Cold Missiles" uses a decimal value of "318". Converting this to hex (use the Windows calculator, in Scientific View mode), gets you "013E". So, the "3E" gets typed in first, then the "01" gets typed in. In the Hero Editor Character Hex string, on the left most side, you will now see "3E 01 00 00". If you have already made the charm, then Save, and you're done.
If you selected "64 Skill ID", the bytes on the left are for the F1 key, with the hex location starting at 56. Each function key is allocated 4 bytes, even though only 1 or 2 are typcially used. So, if you want to put the hex value for activation by the F2 key, put the hex value in at byte 60 (+61). Similarily, move up another 4 bytes for F3, etc. for the rest of the function keys.
Der Teil den hier alle wissen wollen siehts aus:
9. Boss & Critter Powers (hexing)
First, put the desired non-class skill (such as "Baal Cold Missiles") on a charm -- don't add any skill bonus like 7 to all skills. Then, set the skill number on your right or left skill (or F1 key, etc.). Remember to use hex format for the skill number (see next paragraph). When you test this in a game, you won't see any skill icon there -- dont worry about it. If you select any other skill while you are in the game you wont be able to select the monster skill again, unless you put the skill on one of the function keys (e.g. F1)
The "hexing" of the monster skill is done in Hero Editor by doing the following:
In the "Extras" window, select the "Character Hex" tab. On the list on the right side, scroll down and select "Skill ID Right Mouse", "Skill ID Left Mouse", or "64 Skill ID". In the "Character Hex" string, a bit down from the top of the window, click the mouse cursor somewhere on this. Press the keyboard left arrow button to move the cursor over to the far left of this hex string. Now, type in the hex value that corresponds to the integer value for the skill that you put on the charm. Make sure you put pairs of hex digits, in reverse order. As an example, the "Baal Cold Missiles" uses a decimal value of "318". Converting this to hex (use the Windows calculator, in Scientific View mode), gets you "013E". So, the "3E" gets typed in first, then the "01" gets typed in. In the Hero Editor Character Hex string, on the left most side, you will now see "3E 01 00 00". If you have already made the charm, then Save, and you're done.
If you selected "64 Skill ID", the bytes on the left are for the F1 key, with the hex location starting at 56. Each function key is allocated 4 bytes, even though only 1 or 2 are typcially used. So, if you want to put the hex value for activation by the F2 key, put the hex value in at byte 60 (+61). Similarily, move up another 4 bytes for F3, etc. for the rest of the function keys.
Ach ich wolt noch fragen ob du im ICQ bist weil dann kannst vielleicht mal büdde nen carakter mir schicken??? BÜDDE!!!!
@marcol also wenn du das bisschen englisch nich kannst, biste vielleicht auch nicht mal 16, also zu jung für des spiel... wenne trotzdem 16 bist, haste inner schule nich aufgepasst.
Das geschriebene ??!! VOLL (:-() erklärt voll SCHEISSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hallo erst mal ich hab nen problem mit diablo 2 wenn ich auf klicke steht da so was das keine verbindung herestellt werdenn kann und ich soll mich mit dem dinstbetreiber verbinden aber ich weiss gantz genau das ich schon sehr oft im BT war und das ging ??? :-(
danke dd02 dass du mir das gesagt hast mit dem txt aber wo ist denn die txt datei?
ist ja nun in dem Thread hier falls du sie nicht findest @HELP!!!
d2 HELP versuchs später einfach nochmal ;) Diablo 2 neu starten wirkt Wunder, wenn nicht tuts höchstwahrscheinlich PC Neustart oder Neuverbinden ins Internet.
d2 HELP versuchs später einfach nochmal ;) Diablo 2 neu starten wirkt Wunder, wenn nicht tuts höchstwahrscheinlich PC Neustart oder Neuverbinden ins Internet.
Hab neu gestartet geht aber immer noch nit :-( :-(-----:-(-------:-(-----:-(-----:-(----
Hallo, Kann ir jemand sagen wo ich das spiel Silent Hunter 2 herbekommen kann wenn es geht kostenlos und zum downloaden ...
ThX im vorraus !
ThX im vorraus !
wolte wissen wie ich das atribut aif char lvl basierend hinbekomme oder wo ich das finde wail ich sehe bei manchen die haben 900++%light dmg auf char lvl bas. aber habe das im hero noch nicht finden können evl kan mir ja einer wieter helfen bitte
@silent Hunter
nein, das gibts noch nicht legal zum runterladen, des musste kaufen, schau mal auf nach. aber wenne nen guten pc hast, kauf dir lieber Silent Hunter III, ist auch nicht mehr so teuer(ca. 15 €).
Aber in Zukunft stellste solche Fragen lieber ins Simulation_und_Sportspiel]-Forum
Silent Hunter ist ein Simulationsspiel.
nein, das gibts noch nicht legal zum runterladen, des musste kaufen, schau mal auf nach. aber wenne nen guten pc hast, kauf dir lieber Silent Hunter III, ist auch nicht mehr so teuer(ca. 15 €).
Aber in Zukunft stellste solche Fragen lieber ins Simulation_und_Sportspiel]-Forum
Silent Hunter ist ein Simulationsspiel.
so, ich hab ihnjz auch, nur es is ja so, dass man nen char einfügen muss??? wieso geht die scheisse nich?
naja...nich zum cheaten gemacht...
naja...nich zum cheaten gemacht...
kann mir mal jemand n hero editor schicken wo ich die sahcen die baal macht (und co) bitte leutz für version 1.11 lod mail mir den mal rüber:
währe auch schön wenn ichn n paar cheatchars bekomme (abba nich in rar format)
Hi ich hab nen PROBLEM MIT DIABLO 2 EXPANSION ich komm net mehr ins da steht : "Falls sie ein modem benutzen stellen sie erst die verbindung mit dem dienstbeteiberher"
Kann mir einer Helfen? wenn euch das hilft ich geh mit W-lan ins internet. UNd DAS GEHT AUCH!
ThX im vorraus
Kann mir einer Helfen? wenn euch das hilft ich geh mit W-lan ins internet. UNd DAS GEHT AUCH!
ThX im vorraus
das Problem hatte ich auch mal.... du hast eine Firewall(ich weiss nicht, ob im Router oder im PC), und die Blockt dir Ports für Diablo2 ab. da musste die nötigen Ports freigeben...
das Problem hatte ich auch mal.... du hast eine Firewall(ich weiss nicht, ob im Router oder im PC), und die Blockt dir Ports für Diablo2 ab. da musste die nötigen Ports freigeben...
@Dom Mac
@Dom Mac
Hilfe :-( es geht doch ´net hab ich was falsch gemacht? ich hab einfack die Windows Firewall Deaktievirt aber geht trotsdem net.
:-( :-( :-(
Hilfe :-( es geht doch ´net hab ich was falsch gemacht? ich hab einfack die Windows Firewall Deaktievirt aber geht trotsdem net.
:-( :-( :-(
hi D2 geht jetzt wieder :-) aber ich wollt mal fragen warum ich mich im offenen bnet. nicht überall einklinken kann da steht MEISSTENS: Einklinken Fehlgeschlagen: was soll das heißen
BITTE um Hilfe
BITTE um Hilfe
wie kann man bei diablo 2 exp. machen das man im open B-Net kämpfen kann und wenn man einen besiegt das dann er die ganzen sachen verliert?
@ marco,
einlinken fehlgeschlagen kann mehrere gründe haben:
1.der host hat nen router und ports nicht freigegeben port 4000/6112 udp/tcp
2. er hat firewall
3. dein char ist overdress(übercheatet)
4. schau auf der blizzard site nach
für alle anderen die baal skills findet man unter skills
einlinken fehlgeschlagen kann mehrere gründe haben:
1.der host hat nen router und ports nicht freigegeben port 4000/6112 udp/tcp
2. er hat firewall
3. dein char ist overdress(übercheatet)
4. schau auf der blizzard site nach
für alle anderen die baal skills findet man unter skills
Ich habe mal ein Problem, mein Gotcha Startet nicht mehr! wenn ich es anklicke Wird der Bildschirm ein paar Sekunden Schwarz und dann sehe ich wieder mein Desktop! Was kann ich dagegen tun ! Ich habe das Spiel schon einmal Deiinstalliert aber geht immer noch nicht! :-(
Ich habe mal ein Problem, mein Gotcha Startet nicht mehr! wenn ich es anklicke Wird der Bildschirm ein paar Sekunden Schwarz und dann sehe ich wieder mein Desktop! Was kann ich dagegen tun ! Ich habe das Spiel schon einmal Deiinstalliert aber geht immer noch nicht! :-(
Hab schohn ZU FIELE Charakter baal auf hölle gemacht!Geht leider nur für einzelsplayer
bei dem hero editor v.82
wie kann man einen charakter machen der ziehmlich stark ist !
würde mich mal interresieren...
wie kann man einen charakter machen der ziehmlich stark ist !
würde mich mal interresieren...
Kann man mit dem Hero Editor auch Items tauschen? Von Charakter zu Charakter? Wenn ja, wie??
Danke ;)
Danke ;)
ist einfach das tauschen öffne hero und 1 carcter (Mit dem item) und dann mach rechtsklick auf den item und dann Export item und dann bei deinen anderen rein (Import item) und das wars :D
Ich kapier das mit den HEX zeug für baal oder andere atacken nich mein kumpel hat mir mal ne seite gesagt wo die atacken aufgelistet sind und dahinter die HEx Aber hab nix auf der seite gefunden :(
PS: und die anleitung "kann nicht gut english" :(
PS: und die anleitung "kann nicht gut english" :(
weis jemand wie ich den editor wieder bekomme von zonfire 99 der war sooooo gut ich weis nur net wo ich den herbekomme bei google hab ich schon überall gelookt kann mir jemand helfen please
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