Program advances (Game Boy (Advance))

Program advances (Game Boy (Advance))

Hi leute,
ich wollte fragen wieviele pa s es gibt ?
und ich wollte fragen welche ihr am besten findet?
Es gibt 30(hab alle)Bester is DarkNEO,kann aber nur von DarkMegaman benutzt werden.Sonst Poisen Pharao
danke du bist echt cool.
ich habe bis jetzt:life sword,pit hockey 1,3;das mit hi-canon(namen vergessen)und das wars*heul*heul*
Hab jetzt 21. Wie geht der Budyguard PA(oder so ähnlich)?
sry, ich meinte Bodyguard PA
ich hab heute diesen p.driver geschafft(allerdings nicht getrofen*heul*)
Hehe,macht 800 dmg,wenn nur ein Teil trifft 400
Eines von dene hab ich in Code M:-(
Aracrass,Anti Dmg hat man sofort in M glaub ich,Muramasa sowieso.und Anti Navi bekommst im Shop
ist muramasa ein evil chip?
und wie geht der pa von twnfg
twnfgn meinte ich
1.ja 2.einfach nach reihenfolge die buchstaben,wie die anderen auch
Ich meinte auch NICHT in Code M. Hat sich aber erledigt.
steht in irgenseinem thresd die pa´s?wenn nicht kann mir einer sie hinschreiben?
irgendeinem meinte ich
Rodolfo,ich schicke dir eine Liste mit den PAs
vielen dank
#01 GigaCannon1
Cannon A-B-C
300 Damage
MegaMan shoots a larger Cannon that does 300 damage.

#02 GigaCannon2
HiCannon C-D-E
400 Damage
MegaMan shoots a larger Cannon that does 400 damage.

#03 GigaCannon3
MegaCannon E-F-G
500 Damage
MegaMan shoots a larger Cannon that does 500 damage.

#04 HyperBurst
Spreader L-M-N
100 Damage
MegaMan shoots a Spreader at an enemy, and it explodes five times on the enemy
and the eight panels around the enemy.

#05 HeatSpread
HeatShot B-C-D, Heat-V B-C-D, HeatSide D-E-F, HeatShot/Heat-V/HeatSide D
300 Damage
MegaMan shoots a Fire-Elemental HyperBurst at an enemy that hits only once.

#06 BubbleSpread
Bubbler P-Q-R, Bubble-V C-D-E, BubbleSide D-E-F,
Bubbler * - Bubble-V E - BubbleSide E (Yes, this does work, despite the game PA
library saying it doesn't)
300 Damage
MegaMan shoots an Aqua-Elemental HyperBurst at an enemy that hits only once.

#07 SuperWide1
WideShot1 C-D-E
60 Damage
Launches 3 WideShot1s.

#08 SuperWide2
WideShot2 L-M-N
80 Damage
Launches 3 WideShot2s.

#09 SuperWide3
WideShot3 S-T-U
100 Damage
Launches 3 WideShot3s.

#10 FlameCross1
FlameLine1 F-G-H
300 Damage
Launches a suped-up FlameCross.

#11 FlameCross2
FlameLine2 D-E-F
400 Damage
Launches a suped-up FlameCross.

#12 FlameCross3
FlameLine1 J-K-L
500 Damage
Launches a suped-up FlameCross.

#13 PitRang1(UGH!)
Boomerang1 L-M-N
200 Damage
MegaMan throws three boomerangs. The first goes down the bottom row and comes up
the back column, the second goes down the top row and down the middle enemy
column, and the third goes down the bottom row and up the front column.

#14 PitRang2(UGH!)
Boomerang2 L-M-N
250 Damage
MegaMan throws three boomerangs. The first goes down the bottom row and comes up
the back column, the second goes down the top row and down the middle enemy
column, and the third goes down the bottom row and up the front column.

#15 PitRang3(UGH!)
Boomerang1 S-T-U
300 Damage
MegaMan throws three boomerangs. The first goes down the bottom row and comes up
the back column, the second goes down the top row and down the middle enemy
column, and the third goes down the bottom row and up the front column.

#16 BeastFang1
TwinFang1 A-B-C
50 Damage
MegaMan fires out 8 TwinFangs.

#17 BeastFang2
TwinFang1 O-P-Q
60 Damage
MegaMan fires out 8 TwinFangs.

#18 BeastFang3
TwinFang1 F-G-H
70 Damage
MegaMan fires out 8 TwinFangs.

#19 PitHockey1
AirHockey1 D-E-F
100 Damage
MegaMan fires an AirPuck that can bounce 18 times before disappearing.

#20 PitHockey2
AirHockey2 I-J-K
150 Damage
MegaMan fires an AirPuck that can bounce 18 times before disappearing.

#21 PitHockey3
AirHockey3 U-V-W
200 Damage
MegaMan fires an AirPuck that can bounce 18 times before disappearing.

#22 MagShock1
MagBolt1 B-C-D
200 Damage
Attracts all enemies to the front row, and zaps the first column.

#23 MagShock2
MagBolt2 E-F-G
250 Damage
Attracts all enemies to the front row, and zaps the first column.

#24 MagShock3
MagBolt A-B-C
300 Damage
Attracts all enemies to the front row, and zaps the first column.

#25 LifeSword
Sword - WideSword - LongSword E/L/S
Sword - WideBlade - LongBlade S
400 Damage
MegaMan slashes the two columns in front of him.

#26 PileDriver
GunDelSol1 - GunDelSol2 - GunDelSol3
400 OR 800 Damage
A mirror appears in front of MegaMan and shoots a jet of sunlight in the row in
front of it. If Lan is outside and the last panel is unharmed and with nothing
on it, a second mirror will appear there, dealing 800 damage instead of 400.

#27 TimeBomb
TimeBomb J-K-L
600 Damage
MegaMan creates a TimeBomb that gets put in the enemy area. Should the bomb
count down, it will explode, damaging the enemy greatly.

#28 PoisonPharoah
Hole * - DarkLine * - Anubis A
Infinite as long as the statue remains alive
My personal favorite PA, PoisonPharoah places a suped-up Anubis that deals Level
2 poison to the enemies.

#29 BodyGuard
AntiMagic - AntiNavi - Muramasa M
100 Damage
Although powered down, BodyGuard can still deal a good amount of damage. 8
shurikens will fall down from the ceiling in real-time onto the enemy.\

#30 DarkLine * - BugChain * - Bass/Bass Another X
250 Damage
You must be dark to use this PA. Bass appears and shoots the Gospel Cannon
thrice, one for each row, and then Bass uses Darkness Overload.

Quelle: Gamefaqs
habs gefunden!trotzdem danke bluepikachu!
Steht doch da,und lass endlich das Großschreiben
na gut
ich hab bisjetzt nur 9 pa´s geschafft(voll cool das mit time bomb,übrigens steht es da oben falsch es heisst time bom+)
Wie bekommt man Muramasa?
Evil Chip Guardian
mein lieblings pa ist poisen pharao.bodyguard find ich auch gut.(hab bis jetzt,nur 10 oder 11[leider])
@ Rodlfo
eigentlich heißt es Giga Count Bomb aber nur in der japanischen version^^
und sonst Time Bomb +
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