- Theme Aquarium [PC] [PSX]
- Dungeon Keeper [PC]
- Dungeon Keeper - The Deeper Dungeons [PC]
- Dungeon Keeper 2 [PC]
- Flood [Amiga]
- Fusion [Amiga]
- Gene Wars [PC]
- Hi-Octane [PC] [PSX] [Saturn]
- Magic Carpet [PC] [Saturn] [PSX]
- Magic Carpet 2 - The Netherworlds [PC]
- Magic Carpet plus [PC]
- Populous [PC] [Mac] [SNES] [MS]
- Populous - The Beginning [PSX] [PC]
- Populous 2 [Mac] [PC]
- PowerMonger [MD] [PC]
- Sim Theme Park Gold [PC]
- Syndicate [JAG] [Mac] [SNES] [MD] [PC]
- Syndicate Plus [PC]
- Syndicate Wars [PSX] [PC]
- Theme Hospital [PC] [PSX]
- Theme Park [PSX] [PC] [Mac] [Saturn] [MD]
- Theme Park Manager [PC]
- Theme Park Rollercoaster [PS2]
- Theme Park World [PSX] [PC]
- Tube [PC]