Andere Lösungen

Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)

for the Sony PlayStation (domestic)
by K. Megura  

 Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Kao Megura
 This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
 in any way, shape or form (physical, electronical, or otherwise) aside
 from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
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 myself.  This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Kao Megura
 .  All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged
 and respected that are not specificially mentioned in this FAQ.

 To continue, this FAQ and everything included herein is protected by
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 fullest extent of the law.

The Rival Schools game series is (c) Capcom of Japan and (c) Capcom of

This FAQ can be found at:
Kao Megura's Home Page (or)


       - Basic Commands
       - General Movelist
       - Akira Kazama
       - Pure Rider Akira
       - Batsu Ichimonji
       - Boman Delgado
       - Daigo Kazama
       - Edge (Eiji Yamada)
       - Gan Ishido
       - Hayato Nekketsu
       - Hideo Shimazu
       - Hinata Wakabi
       - Hyo Imawano
       - Kyoko Minazuki
       - Kyosuke Kagami
       - Natsu Aihara
       - Raizo Imawano
       - Roberto Miura
       - Roy Bromwell
       - Sakura Kasugano
       - Shoma Sawamura
       - Tiffany Rose
       - Hinata 2
       - Kyoko 2
       - Natsu 2
       - Tiffany 2
       - Translations
       - Revision History
       - Special Thanks

 I wrote this FAQ a long time ago (originally, it was for a friend's
 FAQ), but he never released his guide, and I forgot about this one
 until recently.  It's not fully complete (I'm missing some of the
 bonus characters), but it's got some info. in it I haven't seem
 elswhere, especially for the attacks.  Anyway, enjoy!


 This section outlines the basic controls for all characters:

 (controller directions and results)

  ub  u  uf      Jump Up-Back            Jump Up         Jump Up-Forward
    \ | /
 b -- n -- f     Walk Back / Block       Neutral         Walk Forward
    / | \
  db  d  df      Crouch / Low Block      Crouch          Offensive Crouch

 (button layout and effect)

 LP  HP          Light Punch         Hard Punch
 LK  HP          Light Kick          Hard Kick

 (FAQ abbreviations)

  qcf / qcb  -  Press d,df,f or  d,db,b on the joystick.
  hcf / hcb  -  Press b,db,d,df,f or f,df,d,db,b on the joystick.
  PP         -  Press any two / all three Punch buttons.
  KK         -  Press any two / all three Kick buttons.
  (air)      -  The move can be performed while on the ground, or while
                in the air (during a jump or after an air recovery).
  x~x        -  All possible ranges are allowed (for example, ub through
                uf, or MK through HP).
  :L         -  This attack will launch your foe into the air.


 Block / Low Block              Hold b / db when attacked
 Air Block                      Hold b / db when attacked in the air
 Jump                           Press ub~uf
 High Jump                      Tap db~df,ub~uf
 Dash                           Tap f,f / b,b
 Run                            Tap and hold f,f
 Dash Tackle                    Press P while dashing or running
 Dash Slide                     Press LK while dashing or running
 Dash Jump Kick                 Press HK while dashing or running
 Get Up                         While getting up, tap b / f / d / u
 Get Up Attack                  While getting up, press P / K
 Defensive Fall                 Press PP / KK when knocked into the air
 Taunt                          Press the button assigned to "Taunt"
 Ditch (Away)                   Press u + KK / KK
 Ditch (Towards)                Press d + KK
 Throw / Low Throw              Press PP / d + PP
 Tardy Counter                  Block an attack, then do a special move
 Burning Vigor Attack           Depends on the character (see Section 2)
 Team Up Technique              Press same strength P + K
 Attack Cancel                  Attack your foe as they attack you

  - Taunting increases your Burning Vigor gauge by one-third.
  - Throws are unblockable, and will always catch your opponent if
    they have started a Team Up Technique.
  - Tardy Counters and Burning Vigor Attacks cost 1 Burning Vigor
  - Team Up Techniques cost 2 Burning Vigor levels.
  - You'll know if you did the Attack Cancel since there will be
    'resistance marks' where your attack and the opponent's attack
    hit.  Doing an Attack Cancel gives both characters 1 full level
    on their Burning Vigor gauge.  Also note that any two attacks can
    cancel, even a standing LK vs. a Team Up Technique, or a fireball,
    or a Burning Vigor Attack.


 As all the "Americanized" names can be found in the game itself and in
 the instruction booklet, I decided to list the original, Japanese names
 here.  However, when that wasn't possible, I used the Americanized name
 instead.  If there's a move that I don't have either name for, it
 appears in brackets, and is spelled in lowercase.
 AKIRA KAZAMA  (akira with her helmet)

 Ura Rimon                      qcf + P
 Senpuu-bu                      qcf + K  (perform 3 times)
 Houbu                          qcb + K
 Haten no Kamae                 qcb + P
 Launch Pad                     LP,HP,HK,LK from Haten no Kamae
 Bully Beater                   LK,LP,HP,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Sen'en Shippuubu?              HP,LP,LK,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Air Feast                      HK,LK,LP,HP from Haten no Kamae
 Ryuuga Rengiri?                LP,HP,HK,LK,LK,LK from Haten no Kamae
 Houseidou Geki?                LK,LK,LK,LP,HP,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Tenhou no Kyaku?               HK,LK,LK,LK,LP,HP from Haten no Kamae
 Kikou Kai                      qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Ha no Renbu                    qcb,qcb + P
 Ten no Renbu                   qcb,qcb + K
 Rengeki Renbu                  Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP / HK, df + HP:L / HK, f + HK in air

  - You can use intermixing kicks for the Senpuu-bu, such as qcf + LK,
    qcf + HK, qcf + LK.
  - During the Haten no Kamae, press any button to attack.  Or, press
    in any direction to cancel the move.
  - During the Air Feast, you have to delay the next attack (LK) until
    you've jumped up a ways.  Personally, I think you're better off
    with the Tenhou no Kyaku, myself.

 PURE RIDER AKIRA  (aka 'akira' or helmetless akira)

 Mukuro Rimon                   qcf + P
 Senpuu-bu                      qcf + K  (perform 3 times)
 Houbu                          qcb + K
 Haten no Kamae                 qcb + P
 Launch Pad                     LP,HP,HK,LK from Haten no Kamae
 Bully Beater                   LK,LP,HP,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Sen'en Shippuubu?              HP,LP,LK,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Air Feast                      HK,LK,LP,HP from Haten no Kamae
 Ryuuga Rengiri?                LP,HP,HK,LK,LK,LK from Haten no Kamae
 Houseidou Geki?                LK,LK,LK,LP,HP,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Tenhou no Kyaku?               HK,LK,LK,LK,LP,HP from Haten no Kamae
 Kikou Kai                      qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Ha no Renbu                    qcb,qcb + P
 Ten no Renbu                   qcb,qcb + K
 Kyousou Rengeki Shuu           Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP / HK, df + HP:L, f + HK in air

  - You can use intermixing kicks for the Senpuu-bu, such as qcf + LK,
    qcf + HK, qcf + LK.
  - During the Haten no Kamae, press any button to attack.  Or, press
    in any direction to cancel the move.
  - During the Air Feast, you have to delay the next attack (LK) until
    you've jumped up a ways.  Personally, I think you're better off
    with the Tenhou no Kyaku, myself.


 Kiai Dan                       qcf + P  (air)
 Guts Upper                     f,d,df + P
 Mikazuki Kick                  qcb + K
 Ryuusei Kick                   In air, qcf + K
 Zenkai Kiai Dan                qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Air Burst                      qcb,qcb + P, tap P / K rapidly
 W Kiai Dan                     Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP / HK, f + HP / HK in air


 God Upper                      qcf + P
 God Upper (2nd, aerial)        In air, qcf + P
 God Upper (2nd)                qcf + P during God Upper
 God Straight                   qcf + P during God Upper (2nd)
 God Straight                   hcb + P
 God Rush                       f,d,df + P
 God Lariat                     In air, qcb + P
 Heaven's Rush                  qcf,qcf + P
 Heaven's Cross                 qcb,qcb + P
 W Power Buster                 Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + LP / HP:L / HK, f + HP in air


 Musou Tsuki                    qcf + P
   (5 hit chain)                qcf + HP (x5)
 Skull Aura                     In air, qcf + P
 Musou-geri                     qcf + K
 Senaka-gatari                  qcb + P
 Musou Seiken Tsuki             qcf,qcf + P
 Air Rebel Aura                 In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Otoko no Senaka                qcb,qcb + P
 Nan no Naka no Otoko           Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP:L


 Ura-giri                       qcf + P  (air) 
 Taikuu Ura-giri                qcb + P
   (2 hit chain)                qcf + LP, qcf + LP
   (2 hit chain)                qcb + LP, qcb + HP
   (3 hit chain)                qcf + LP, qcb + HP, qcf + HP
   (3 hit chain)                qcb + LP, qcb + HP, qcf + HP
 Hakai                          qcb + K
 Batou                          qcf + K
 Chi Matsuri                    qcf,qcf + P
 Air Burst                      qcb,qcb + P, tap P / K rapidly
 Jigoku                         Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HP:L / HK, f + HK in air


 Teppou Tsuki                   qcf + P
 Teppou Tsuki (finisher)        qcf + LP during Teppou Tsuki
 Aranami Shiko                  qcf + K
 Ganseki Kudaki                 In air, qcf + P
 Ganseki Otoshi                 In air, qcf + K
 Iwa Kudaki                     f,d,df + P
 Kashiwade Yaburi               qcb + P
 Oo Arashi                      hcb + P
 Midare Teppou Tsuki            qcf,qcf + P
 Funka Zan                      qcb,qcb + P
 Kakka Zan                      Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + LP / HP:L, f + HK in air

  - The Oo Arashi and Funka Zan are unblockable.


 Nekketsu Shinai                qcf + P  (air)
 Cross Counter                  qcb + P
 Kiai Kick                      qcf + K
 Shidou Kick                    qcb + K
 Nekketsu Udetatefuse           qcf,qcf + P
 Nekketsu Counter               qcb,qcb + P
 Nekketsu Kiai Hou              Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air

  - During the Cross Counter or Nekketsu Counter, Hayato will attack
    after a moment, or if he is attacked (he'll take no damage).


 Seiha Ken                      qcf + P  (air)
 Taikuu Seiha Ken               qcb + P
 Jicchoku Ken                   f,d,df + P
 Shin'en Kyaku                  qcb + K
 Raiei Shuu                     In air, qcf / qcb + K
 Shimazu-ryuu Seiha Ken         qcb,qcb + P
 Shimazu-ryuu Jicchoku Ken      qcf,qcf + P
 Shimazu-ryuu Shin Seiha Ken    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, f + HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air


 Rengeki Ken                    qcf + P, tap P rapidly
 Shouyou Ken                    f,d,df + P
 Enbu Kyaku                     qcb + K  (air)
 Renkyaku Dan                   In air, qcf + K, tap K rapidly
 Fire Senpuu Kyaku              qcb,qcb + K  (air)
 Air Burst                      qcb,qcb + P, tap P / K rapidly
 Guts Hyakubai                  Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b + HK, f + HP / HK, df + HP:L / HK, f + HP / HK in air

  - Hinata's Team Up Technique will give your active character five
    extra levels in their Burning Vigor Gauge.


 Ichimonji-giri                 qcf + P
 Jyuumonji-giri                 Press P after Ichimonji-giri
 Iai-giri                       qcb + P
 Iai-giri Kai                   Press SP after Iai-giri
 Kogetsu                        Press P when your foe is behind you
 Ouryuu Zan                     f,d,df + P
 Tenrai Zan                     In air, qcf + P
 Gen'ei Shuu                    qcb + K  (air)
 Ankoku Gen'ei Shuu             qcb,qcb + K
 Ankoku Gen'ei Zan              qcf,qcf + K
 Zankoku Zan                    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + LP / HP / HK, df + HP:L / HK:L, f + HP in air

  - The final hit of Hyo's Zankoku Zan will hurt your active character
    for moderate damage, so be sure not to use it when your life is


 Shusseki Kakunin               qcb + P
 Kaishin                        qcb + K  (air)
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Shokushin                      qcf + P, tap K rapidly
 Katayoku no Kou                qcf + K, tap P / K
 Leg Inspection                 Press LP during Katayoku no Kou
 Pulse Inspection               Press SP during Katayoku no Kou
 Weight Measurement             LK,LK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Sitting Height Measurement     HK,HK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Chest Measurement              LK,LK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Height Measurement             HK,HK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Shinshin                       b + LK + HK
 Shi no Kaigo                   qcf,qcf + P
 Tengoku he no Kaidan           qcf,qcf + K
 Kyuukyoku no Kyousei Jutsu     Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HP / HK:L, f + HK in air

  - During the Katayoku no Kou, press any button to attack.  Or, press
    in any direction to cancel the move.
  - The Shokushin and Shi no Kaigo are unblockable.
  - Kyoko's Team Up Technique will give your active character a little
    extra life if they have been damaged previously.


 Cross Cutter                   qcf + P
 Gen'ei Wave                    In air, qcf + P
 Gen'ei Breaker                 qcb + P
 Gen'ei Kick                    qcf + K  (air)
 Raijin Upper                   f,d,df + P
 Kakusan Cross Cutter           qcf,qcf + P
 Double Gen'ei Kick             qcf,qcf + K  (air)
 Last Symphony                  Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Jumping Serve                  qcf + P  (air)
 Kaiten Receive                 qcb + P
 Tokkun Spike                   In air, qcb + P
 Sliding Receive                f,d,df + P
 Jikyuujisoku Spike             hcb + K
 Senbon Spike                   qcf,qcf + P
 Fire Attack                    In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Fight Hyakubai                 Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, df + HP:L, db + HK, f + HP in air, b + HK in air

  - The Jikyuujisoku Spike is unblockable.
  - Natsu's Team Up Technique will give your active character five
    extra levels in their Burning Vigor Gauge.

 Yasha-guruma                   qcf + P  (air)
 Suichoku Yasha-guruma          qcf + K  (air)
 Kyoujuu Reppa                  f,d,df + P
 Roppu Tsuki                    qcb + P
 Seki Saiga                     hcb + K
 Imawano-ryuu Kyoujuu Reppa     qcf,qcf + P
 Imawano-ryuu Roppu Tsuki       qcb,qcb + P, hold P
 Ningen Taiyou                  Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, f + HK, df + HP:L, f + HP / HK in air

  - You can use another 'Yasha' / 'Suichoku' attack during the first
    one (i.e. qcf + LP, then qcf + HK, or qcf + HP, qcf + HP, etc.)
  - The Seki Saiga is unblockable.


 Shining Save                   qcf + P  (air)
 Long Shot                      qcf + K
 Bicycle Kick                   In air, qcf + K
 Rising Kick                    f,d,df + K  (air)
 Sliding Kick                   qcb + K
 (hackysack combo)              f + HK,HK,HK,HK
 (deceptive slide)              Ditch, then press K
 Bakuretsu V Goal               qcf,qcf + K
 Air Burst                      qcb,qcb + P, tap P / K rapidly
 Trap W Shoot                   Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP / HK, b + HK, df + HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Dynamite Straight              qcf + P
 Twister Upper                  f,d,df + P
 Touchdown Wave                 qcb + P
 American Straight              In air, qcf + P
 Triple Twister                 qcf,qcf + P, tap P rapidly
 Super Touchdown                qcb,qcb + P
 W Rising Tornado               Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP:L, f + HP / HK in air, b + HK in air

 Hadou Ken                      qcf + P  (hold P to increase size)
 Soukuu Hadou Ken               In air, qcf + P
 Tengyou Hadou Ken              qcb + P
 Shou Ou Ken                    f,d,df + P
 Shunpuu Kyaku                  qcb + K  (air)
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken              qcf,qcf + P
 Shinkuu Soukuu Hadou Ken       In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Shinkuu Tengyou Hadou Ken      qcb,qcb + P
 Midare-zakura                  qcf,qcf + K
 Haruichiban                    qcb,qcb + K
 Shun Goku Satsu                Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP / HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Chou Gousoku Kyuu              qcf + P  (air) 
 Dai Kaiten Dapou               f,d,df + P
 Satsujin Sliding               qcf + K
 Ippon Zuri Dapou               hcb + P
 Goukai Lead                    b + LK + MK, then press K / any dir.
 Bunshin Makyuu                 qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Homerun Dapou                  qcb,qcb + P
 Grand Slam                     Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b + HP, f + HP / HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air

  - The Ippon Zuri Dapou will reflect projectiles.  Up close, it is
    a throw attack and is unblockable.
  - During the Goukai Lead, press LK to slide and HK to do a flying
    kick.  Or, press in any direction to cancel the move.


 Beautiful Spin                 f,d,df + K
 Groovy Punch                   qcb + P, hold P
 Groovy Knuckle                 qcf + P, hold P
 Exciting Kick                  qcb + K  (air)
 Stamp Kick                     In air, d + K, tap K rapidly
 Wonderful Kick                 qcf,qcf + K
 Air Burst                      qcb,qcb + P, tap P / K rapidly
 Love & Peace                   Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + LP / HP:L / HK, db + HP, f + HP / HK in air

  - Tiffany's Team Up Technique will give your active character a
    little extra life if they have been damaged previously.


 Rengeki Ken                    qcf + P, tap P rapidly
 Shouyou Ken                    f,d,df + P
 Enbu Kyaku                     qcb + K  (air)
 Renkyaku Dan                   In air, qcf + K, tap K rapidly
 Fire Senpuu Kyaku              qcb,qcb + K  (air)
 (super rengeki ken)            qcf,qcf + P
 Crossfire Kick                 Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b + HK, f + HP / HK, df + HP:L / HK, f + HP / HK in air


 Shusseki Kakunin               qcb + P
 Kaishin                        qcb + K  (air)
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Shokushin                      qcf + P, tap K rapidly
 Katayoku no Kou                qcf + K, tap P / K
 Leg Inspection                 Press LP during Katayoku no Kou
 Pulse Inspection               Press SP during Katayoku no Kou
 Weight Measurement             LK,LK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Sitting Height Measurement     HK,HK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Chest Measurement              LK,LK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Height Measurement             HK,HK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Shinshin                       b + LK + HK
 Shi no Kaigo                   qcf,qcf + P
 Tengoku he no Kaidan           qcf,qcf + K
 Heart Attack                   Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HP / HK:L, f + HK in air

  - During the Katayoku no Kou, press any button to attack.  Or, press
    in any direction to cancel the move.
  - The Shokushin and Shi no Kaigo are unblockable.


 Jumping Serve                  qcf + P  (air)
 Kaiten Receive                 qcb + P
 Tokkun Spike                   In air, qcb + P
 Sliding Receive                f,d,df + P
 Jikyuujisoku Spike             hcb + K
 Senbon Spike                   qcf,qcf + P
 Fire Attack                    In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Final Spike                    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, df + HP:L, db + HK, f + HP in air, b + HK in air

  - The Jikyuujisoku Spike is unblockable.


 Beautiful Spin                 f,d,df + K
 Groovy Punch                   qcb + P, hold P
 Groovy Knuckle                 qcf + P, hold P
 Exciting Kick                  qcb + K  (air)
 Stamp Kick                     In air, d + K, tap K rapidly
 Wonderful Kick                 qcf,qcf + K
 (wonderful groovy punch)       qcf,qcf + P
 Bridge Drop                    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + LP / HP:L / HK, db + HP, f + HP / HK in air


 Ura Rimon                      qcf + P
 Touchdown Wave                 qcb + P
 Enbu Kyaku                     qcb + K
 Guts Upper                     f,d,df + P
 Kikou Kai                      qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Heaven's Rush                  qcf,qcf + K
 Super Touchdown                qcb,qcb + P
 Fight Hyakubai                 Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + LP / HP:L / HK, f + HP in air


 Cross Cutter                   qcf + P
 Dynamite Straight              qcb + P
 Twister Upper                  f,d,df + P
 Kakusan Cross Cutter           qcf,qcf + P
 Triple Twister                 qcb,qcb + P, tap P rapidly
 Heart Attack                   Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air, hold b + HP in air


 Chou Gousoku Kyuu              qcf + P  (air) 
 Shusseki Kakunin               qcb + P
 Senpuu Kyaku                   qcb + K
 Bunshin Makyuu                 qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Bakuretsu V Goal               qcf,qcf + K               
 Haruichiban                    qcb,qcb + K
 Shun Goku Satsu                Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP:L / HK:L, f + HK in air


 Kiai Dan                       qcf + P  (air)
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Ryuusei Kick                   In air, qcf + K
 (zenkai ryuusei kick)          In air, qcf,qcf + K
 Zenkai Kiai Dan                qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Otoko no Naka no Otoko         Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP / HK:L, f + HP / HK


 God Upper                      qcf + P
 God Upper (2nd)                qcf + P during God Upper
 God Straight                   qcf + P during God Upper (2nd)
 God Straight                   hcb + P
 Screw Piledriver               hcb + K
 Funka Zan                      qcb,qcb + P
 Final Atomic Buster            qcb,qcb + K
 Ningen Taiyou                  Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + LP / HP:L, f + HK in air


 Teppou Tsuki                   qcf + P
 Teppou Tsuki (finisher)        qcf + LP during Teppou Tsuki
 God Lariat                     In air, qcb + P
 Shou Ou Ken                    f,d,df + P
 Midare Teppou Tsuki            qcf,qcf + P
 Heaven's Cross                 qcb,qcb + P
 W Rising Tornado               Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, f + LP, df + HP:L / HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Mikazuki Kick                  qcb + K
 Aranami Shiko                  qcf + K
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Rising Kick                    In air, f,d,df + K
 Bakuretsu V Goal               qcf,qcf + K               
 Haruichiban                    qcb,qcb + K
 Kyousou Rengeki Shuu           Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP / HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Shokushin                      qcf + P, tap K rapidly
 Raijin Upper                   f,d,df + P
 Jikyuujisoku Spike             hcb + K
 Shinshin                       b + LK + HK
 Shi no Kaigo                   qcf,qcf + P
 (super raijin upper)           qcf,qcf + P
 Haruichiban                    qcb,qcb + K
 Last Symphony                  Press same strength P + K
 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HK, f + HP, df + HK:L, f + HK in air


 Rengeki Ken                    qcf + P, tap P rapidly
 Gen'ei Wave                    In air, qcf + P
 Gen'ei Kick                    qcf + K  (air)
 Shusseki Kakunin               qcb + P
 (super rengeki ken)            qcf,qcf + P
 Double Gen'ei Kick             qcf,qcf + K  (air)
 Jigoku                         Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP / b / f + HK, df + HP / HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Gen'ei Kick                    qcf + K  (air)
 Kaishin                        qcb + K  (air)
 (hackysack combo)              f + HK,HK,HK,HK
 Wonderful Kick                 qcf,qcf + K
 Fire Senpuu Kyaku              qcb,qcb + K  (air)
 Otoko no Naka no Otoko         Press same strength P + K

 Normal Moves:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Long Shot                      qcf + K
 Bicycle Kick                   In air, qcf + K
 Exciting Kick                  qcb + K  (air)
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Bakuretsu V Goal               qcf,qcf + K               
 (super exciting kick)          qcb,qcb + K  (air)
 Crossfire Kick                 Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HK:L, f + HK in air


 Kiai Dan                       qcf + P
 Enbu Kyaku                     qcb + K  (air)
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Katayoku no Kou                qcf + K, tap P / K
 Leg Inspection                 Press LP during Katayoku no Kou
 Pulse Inspection               Press SP during Katayoku no Kou
 Weight Measurement             LK,LK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Sitting Height Measurement     HK,HK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Chest Measurement              LK,LK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Height Measurement             HK,HK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 (hackysack combo)              f + HK,HK,HK,HK
 Zenkai Kiai Dan                qcf,qcf + P
 Tengoku he no Kaidan           qcf,qcf + K
 Kakka Zan                      Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HK:L, f + HP / HK in air


 Exciting Kick                  qcb + K
 Shouten Sekkai                 f,d,df + LK / f,d,df + HK,HK
 Raiei Shuu                     In air, qcf / qcb + K
 Stamp Kick                     In air, d + K, tap K rapidly
 Kikou Kai                      qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 (super raiei shuu)             In air, qcf,qcf / qcb,qcb + K
 Trap W Shoot                   Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP / HK, df + HP:L, f + HK in air


 Ura Rimon                      qcf + P
 Groovy Punch                   qcb + P, hold P
 Shouyou Ken                    f,d,df + P
 Senbon Spike                   qcf,qcf + P
 Shinkuu Tengyou Hadou Ken      qcb,qcb + P
 Kyuukyoku no Kyousei Jutsu     Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, df + HP:L, f + HP in air


 Hadou Ken                      qcf + P  (hold P to increase size)
 God Lariat                     In air, qcb + P
 Shunpuu Kyaku                  qcb + K  (air)
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken              qcf,qcf + P
 Heaven's Cross                 qcb,qcb + P
 Love & Peace                   Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP / HK, df + HP:L / HK, f + HP / HK in air


 God Rush                       f,d,df + P
 Jumping Serve                  qcf + P  (air) 
 Groovy Knuckle                 qcb + P, hold P
 Senbon Spike                   qcf,qcf + P
 Fire Attack                    In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Funka Zan                      qcb,qcb + P
 Shimazu-ryuu Shin Seiha Ken    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, b + HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air


 Shining Save                   qcf + P  (air)
 Ganseki Otoshi                 In air, qcf + K
 Haten no Kamae                 qcb + P
 Launch Pad                     LP,HP,HK,LK from Haten no Kamae
 Bully Beater                   LK,LP,HP,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Sen'en Shippuubu?              HP,LP,LK,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Air Feast                      HK,LK,LP,HP from Haten no Kamae
 Ryuuga Rengiri?                LP,HP,HK,LK,LK,LK from Haten no Kamae
 Houseidou Geki?                LK,LK,LK,LP,HP,HK from Haten no Kamae
 Tenhou no Kyaku?               HK,LK,LK,LK,LP,HP from Haten no Kamae
 Shimazu-ryuu Jicchoku Ken      qcf,qcf + P
 Ha no Renbu                    qcb,qcb + P
 Kikou Kai                      In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Rengeki Renbu                  Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, f + HK, df + HP:L / HK:L, f + HK in air


 Teppou Tsuki                   qcf + P
 Teppou Tsuki (finisher)        qcf + LP during Teppou Tsuki
 Beautiful Spin                 f,d,df + K
 Katayoku no Kou                qcf + K, tap P / K
 Leg Inspection                 Press LP during Katayoku no Kou
 Pulse Inspection               Press SP during Katayoku no Kou
 Weight Measurement             LK,LK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Sitting Height Measurement     HK,HK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Chest Measurement              LK,LK,HK during Katayoku no Kou
 Height Measurement             HK,HK,LK during Katayoku no Kou
 Midare Teppou Tsuki            qcf,qcf + P
 Tengoku he no Kaidan           qcf,qcf + K
 Wonderful Kick                 qcf,qcf + K
 W Kiai Dan                     Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, db + HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air, b + HK in air


 Hadou Ken                      qcf + P  (hold P to increase size)
 Soukuu Hadou Ken               In air, qcf + P
 Shunpuu Kyaku                  qcb + K  (air)
 God Lariat                     In air, qcb + P
 Shinkuu Hadou Ken              qcf,qcf + P
 Shinkuu Soukuu Hadou Ken       In air, qcf,qcf + P
 Heaven's Cross                 qcb,qcb + P
 Final Spike                    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, b + HK, df + HP:L, f + HP in air


 Sliding Receive                f,d,df + P
 Roppu Tsuki                    qcb + P
 Shidou Kick                    qcf + K
 Goukai Lead                    b + LK + MK, then press K / any dir.
 Kikou Kai                      qcf,qcf + P  (air)
 Imawano-ryuu Roppu Tsuki       qcb,qcb + P, hold P
 Guts Hyakubai                  Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  f + HP, b / f + HK, df + HK:L, f + HK in air


 Shining Save                   qcf + P  (air)
 Kashiwade Yaburi               qcb + P
 Twister Upper                  f,d,df + P
 Triple Twister                 qcf,qcf + P, tap P rapidly
 Shimazu-ryuu Seiha Ken         qcb,qcb + P
 Bridge Drop                    Press same strength P + K

 Normal Attacks:
  b / f + HP, f + HK, df + HP, f + HP / HK in air


 In Evolution Mode, any character with an Air Burst super loses it,
 instead getting a new super:

 BATSU        Gets (zenkai ryuusei kick)     - qcf,qcf + K in air
 EDGE         Gets (super batou)             - qcf,qcf + K in air
 HINATA       Gets (super rengeki ken)       - qcf,qcf + P
 TIFFANY      Gets (wonderful groovy punch)  - qcf,qcf + P
 ROBERTO      Gets (super hackysack combo)   - qcb,qcb + K

 Plus, there are no voices in Arcade Mode.

 To see the bad ending, simply beat the game.  To see the good ending,
 beat Raizo or his partner with a Burning Vigor Attack when you fight
 him in Chapter 7.

 This doesn't apply to all characters, but depending on who you're
 playing with, you'll fight Raizo, Hyo, Kyoko, or Hideo very early in
 the game instead of later on.  You only have one round to beat them,
 and they take much less damage from your attacks.  If you lose to them,
 the game continues normally.  If you manage to beat them, you'll
 advance to the sixth or seventh chapter, depending on who you're
 playing with.

 You can select two different colors for your character by selecting
 them with Punch or Kick.  There's also a secret third color you can
 select by holding START, then pressing any button.


 All translations were done by me and so may not be entirely correct.
 I didn't have the kanji / kana for some moves (mainly Daigo and Hayato,
 and some others), so there are a couple of blatant errors.  Does 
 anyone know if Kyoko's Katayoku no Kou follow-up moves were written
 in Japanse or English, originally?  I'm also looking for the original
 kanji (even kana will do) for Akira's Haten no Kamae follow-up moves.


  Ura Rimon                     Inversed Gate
  Senshuu-bu                    Spin Kick Dance
  Houbu                         Cannon Dance
  Haten no Kamae                Mysterious Stance
  Ryuuga Rengiri?               Dragon Fang Rapid Slash?
  Houseidou Geki?               Ruined Method of Justice Attack?
  Tenhou no Kyaku?              Heavenly Phoenix Kick?
  Sen'en Shippuubu?             Spinning Swallow Storm Dance?
  Kikou Kai                     Chi Mass
  Ha no Renbu                   Rapid Dance of Destruction 
  Ten no Renbu                  Rapid Dance of Heaven
  Rengeki Renbu                 Continuous Attack Rapid Dance


  Mukuro Rimon                  Reverse Gate Corpse
  Kyousou Rengeki Shuu          Synchronous Continuous Attack Kick


  Senpuu Kyaku                  Whirlwind Leg


  Kiai Dan                      Force Bullet
  Mikazuki Kick                 Crescent Moon Kick
  Ryuusei Kick                  Shooting Star Kick
  Zenkai Kiai Dan               All-Out Force Bullet               
  W Kiai Dan                    Double Force Bullet


  W Power Buster                Double Power Buster


  Musou Tsuki                   Dream Thrust
  Musou-geri                    Dream Kick
  Senaka-gatari                 Back of Body: Shouting
  Musou Seiken Tsuki            Political Power Dream Thrust
  Otoko no Senaka               Talking Man
  Nan no Naka no Otoko          Manly Shouting of Man


  Ura-giri                      Reverse Slash
  Taikuu Ura-giri               Anti-Air Reverse Slash
  Hakai                         Destruction
  Batou                         Abuse
  Chi Matsuri                   Blood Festival
  Jigoku                        Blood Hell


  Teppou Tsuki                  Gun Stabbing
  Aranami Shiko                 Sumo Wrestler's Rough Wave
  Ganseki Kudaki                Stone Crusher
  Ganseki Otoshi                Stone Drop
  Iwa Kudaki                    Rock Crusher
  Kashiwade Yaburi              Clapping Hand Destroyer
  Oo Arashi                     Great Storm from the Mountains
  Midare Teppou Tsuki           Gun Stabbing Riot
  Funka Zan                     Erupting Volcano
  Kakka Zan                     Active Volcano


  Nekketsu Shinai               Hot-Blooded Bamboo Sword
  Kiai Kick                     Force Kick
  Shidou Kick                   Coaching Kick
  Nekketsu Udetatefuse          Hot-Blooded Ability to do Push-Ups
                                (lit. "to stand and lay down")
  Nekketsu Counter              Hot-Blooded Counter
  Nekketsu Kiai Hou             Hot-Blooded Force Release


  Seiha Ken                     Justice Wave Fist
  Taikuu Seiha Ken              Anti-Air Justice Wave Fist
  Jicchoku Ken                  Honest Fist
  Shin'en Kyaku                 True Crescent Kick
  Raiei Shuu                    Violent Lightning Kick
  Shimazu-ryuu Seiha Ken        Shimazu-style Justice Wave Fist
  Shimazu-ryuu Jicchoku Ken     Shimazu-style Honest Fist
  Shimazu-ryuu Shin Seiha Ken   Shimazu-style True Justice Wave Fist


  Rengeki Ken                   Rapid Attack Fist
  Shouyou Ken                   Rising Sun Fist
  Enbu Kyaku                    Flame Kick Dance
  Renkyaku Dan                  Rapid Kick Bullet
  Fire Senpuu Kyaku             Fire Whirlwind Kick
  Guts Hyakubai                 Guts Hundredfold


  Ichimonji-giri                Straight Slash
  Jyuumonji-giri                Cross Slash
  Iai-giri                      Sword Drawing
  Iai-giri Kai                  Sword Drawing Modified
  Kogetsu                       Crescent Moon
  Ouryuu Zan                    Cherry Dragon Slash
  Tenrai Zan                    Thunder Slash
  Gen'ei Shuu                   Phantom Kick
  Ankoku Gen'ei Shuu            Dark Phantom Kick
  Ankoku Gen'ei Zan             Dark Phantom Slash
  Zankoku Zan                   Cruelty Slash

  Shusseki Kakunin              Roll Call
  Kaishin                       Doctor's Hospital Rounds
  Shouten Sekkai                Operation (lit. "open up") Ascention
  Shokushin                     Diagnosis Strike
  Katayoku no Kou               One-Winged Stance
  Shinshin                      Self Height?
  Shi no Kaigo                  Deadly Nursing
  Tengoku he no Kaidan          Stairs of Heaven and Hell
  Kyuukoku no Kyousei Jutsu     Ultimate Correction Technique


  Gen'ei Breaker                Phantom Breaker  
  Gen'ei Kick                   Phantom Kick
  Raijin Upper                  Lightning God Upper
  Gen'ei Wave                   Phantom Wave
  Kakusan Cross Cutter          Scattering Cross Cutter
  Double Gen'ei Kick            Double Phantom Kick

  Kaiten Receive                Rolling Recieve
  Tokkun Spike                  Special Training Spike
  Jikyuujisoku Spike            Self-Sufficient Spike
  Senbon Spike                  Thousand Ball Spike
  Fight Hyakubai                Fight Hundredfold

  Yasha-guruma                  Demoness Wheel
  Suichoku Yasha-guruma         Vertical Demoness Wheel
  Kyoujuu Reppa                 Insane Beast Destroyer
  Roppu Tsuki                   Internal Organ Pierce
  Seki Saiga                    Stone Crushing Fang
  Imawano-ryuu Kyoujuu Reppa    Imawano-style Insane Beast Destroyer
  Imawano-ryuu Roppu Tsuki      Imawano-style Organ Pierce
  Ningen Taiyou                 Human Cannon

  Bakuretsu V Goal              Exploding Victory Goal
  Trap W Shoot                  Trap Double Shoot


  W Rising Tornado              Double Rising Tornado


  Hadou Ken                     Surge Fist
  Soukuu Hadou Ken              Blue Sky Surge Fist
  Tengyou Hadou Ken             Sky-aimed Surge Fist
  Shou Ou Ken                   Cherry Blossom Fist
  Shunpuu Kyaku                 Spring Breeze Kick
  Shinkuu Hadou Ken             Vacuum Surge Fist
  Shinkuu Soukuu Hadou Ken      Vacuum Blue Sky Surge Fist
  Shinkuu Tengyou Hadou Ken     Vacuum Sky-aimed Surge Fist
  Midare-zakura                 Cherry Blossom Riot
  Haruichiban                   First Storm of Spring
  Shun Goku Satsu               Spring Imprisoning Death


  Chougou Sokukyuu              Super Strong Fastball
  Dai Kaiten Dapou              Great Spin Slam
  Satsujin Sliding              Murder Sliding
  Goukai Lead                   Heroic Lead
  Ibbon Zuri Dapou              Fishing Hook Slam 
  Bunshin Makyuu                Demonic Ball Delivery
  Homerun Dapou                 Homerun Slam



 This FAQ wouldn't have been made without help from others, namely:

 Absolute Zero, Robert Grant, Galen Komatsu, and Darklancer, for their
 Rival Schools FAQs.

 Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Kao Megura