Rival Schools 2 FAQ (e)

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S H I R I T S U   J U S T I C E   G A K U E N   2 :  N E K K E T S U   S E I S Y U N   N I K K I

                              Rival Schools 2 - FAQ v0.1

                         by Senio "Akuma" Rotondi 


  Last Updated : 17 august 1999

  Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Senio "Akuma" Rotondi

  I made this FAQ only for private and personal use.  It can only be reproduced electronically,
  you may also want to put it on a web site but you have to respect 2 conditions:
  1) You must ask for my permission
  2) You have to publish it in its integrity, without ANY type of cuts or similar.
  This FAQ wasn't made to be used for profitable and or promotional purposes, so it CAN'T be
  published on magazines, guides books or similar.
  I created this FAQ and so any right goes to me SENIO "AKUMA" ROTONDI.


1> Introduction

2> Revision History

3> How to play
   3.1> Legend
   3.2> Basic Commands

4> Characters Move list
   4.1> TAIYO HS
        4.1.1> Batsu Ichimonji
        4.1.2> Hinata Wakana
        4.1.3> Kyosuke Kagami
        4.1.4> Hayato Nekketsu
        4.1.5> Ran Hibiki
   4.2> GORIN HS
        4.2.1> Shoma Sawamura
        4.2.2> Natsu Ayuhara
        4.2.3> Roberto Miura
   4.3> PACIFIC HS
        4.3.1> Roy Bromwell
        4.3.2> Tiffany Lords
        4.3.3> Boman Delgado
        4.3.4> Nagare Namikawa
   4.4> GEDO HS
        4.4.1> Edge (Eiji Yamada)
        4.4.2> Akira Kazama (with Helmet)
        4.4.3> Gan Sekidou
        4.4.4> Akira Kazama (without Helmet)
        4.4.5> Daigo Kazama
   4.5> JUSTICE HS
        4.5.1> Hideo Shimazu
        4.5.2> Kyoko Minazuki
        4.5.3> Raizo Imawano
        4.5.4> Hyo Imawano
        4.6.1> Sakura Kasugano

5> Menu Translation

6> Miscellaneous

7> Advanced Techniques

8> What this FAQ needs

9> Credits


Well well well... Here we are again folks!!! And here is... TA-DAAAAN!!! Yes, my second FAQ.
A little note about this faq... At least for now I don't want to make a comprehensive faq, I
just want to put the character's moves, some secrets and more than all the MENU transations.
So don't blame me if (for now...) the faq is not as cool as you wanted it to be. Though is its
first version so perhaps things will get better the next times... Don't ya think???
Now a few words on the game; as i hope you all knows RIVAL SCHOOLS 2 it's not the real sequel to
Rival Schools (the real sequel will be soon out for NAOMI on arcades and DREAMCAST on home) but
more a "remake" of the first game.
The bigger changes are in the "School mode"; in the first game the School mode was put in as a
cool bonus on the second disc, the "EVOLUTION" disc, but that's what is was, a cool gift and
nothing more.
In this game the school mode is much more important, we could say it's the central pillar in
wich the game spins around. Games liked very much the School Mode on The first game, so at
Capcom they've putted many efforts to make it much much much better on this "remake" of Rival
Schools : United By Fate.
There will be many more characters to interact with, many more choices, both in the real game
and in the creation of your characters too. The final resulting characters will be more various,
both in their aspect and in their moves, since they will be not limited in learning ONLY the
others "normal" character's moves; unless that's what it's said... I will give you soon more
accurate informations.
As you may have already thought, yes, old characters have new moves (not all of them though) and
there are a few new backgrounds.
The graphic of the bars has changed (IMHO in a better way... but you know: "DE GUSTIBUS").
There are many modalities and there are much more "sports" to play with, there is also some sort
of dance simulation ā la "Bust a Groove"!!!! Secret "sports" are also rumored to be in.
Then there is the pocket station mode, and an all new Omake mode.
It works some sort of cool, pratically doing the games, the School mode, the Training mode and
all the rest you gain "points"; you can spend this points in the omake mode buying movies,
cards, secrets, pictures and much more...
Expect some "POINT SELECTION" GS/PAR codes very soon!!! EHEHEH!!! ^___-
Now let's come to the real thing, the graphic. As the more of you has surely noticed there was
a big difference between RIVAL SCHOOLS in arcade and on PSX. This difference was a problem of
Capcom BAD PROGRAMMATION team, Rival Schools on arcades runned on a System 11 and so there
shouldn't be problems after we've all seen a quite perfect conversion from a SYSTEM 12 board
game (Tekken 3) so it was all Capcom's programmers' fault... No there are not excuses for them!
Remember that the System 11 is pratically a PSX!!! And if they made an OPTIMUS conversion from a
SYSTEM 12 why Capcom coudn't made it from a SYSTEM 11 board???
We all expected a better graphic here on this remake... And i believe we all got deluded by
Capcom... Yes, perhaps there are a FEW (and i really mean a FEW) more poligons, expecially on
the faces, some more effects but THAT'S ALL... As always the SOOOO WORLD FAMOUS Capcom's sense
of affair has came up once again... Once Capcom has a game or an idea they use it 'til it become
useless, just watch Street Fighter!!!! Street Fighter 2, champion edition, turbo, super street
fighter, super turbo, alpha... Well let's stop here... And Resident Evil??? Yes, Resident Evil,
Director's Cut (with still the CUTS in... -____-), Director's Cut Dual Shock, Resident Evil 2,
Resident Evil 2 Dual Shock, Dino Crisis, Onimusha... Oh man I can't really take anymore of it...
So anyone who knows Capcom should have expected from them a "symphatic" operation like they did
with RIVAL SCHOOLS 2's graphic...
Ok ok, now that i've told all that I had inside of me I think we should begin with the real faq,
don't you think??? And so here we are!!!!!!


Version 0.1
 This is the first version of the FAQ, what are you expecting on it??? I'm really working on it,
 soon I'll come out with v0.2 and... Yes you got it!!! Send contributions to me at my email
 address  please!!! Obviously you will get full credit... ^______-


note: For this section (and many others too) i referred to the American Instruction Booklet of
      RIVAL SCHOOLS: United by Fate; in case of differences i'll update this section as soon as
      the American version of RIVAL SCHOOLS 2 is out. All of the movements are for characters
      facing right, and this is applyed to section "4> Characters Move List" too.


f  ---> Forward
d  ---> Down
b  ---> Backward
u  ---> Up
df ---> DownForward
db ---> DownBackward
uf ---> UpForward
ub ---> UpBackward

p  ---> any punch button
k  ---> any kick button
lp ---> Low Punch
hp ---> High Punch
lk ---> Low Kick
hk ---> High Kick
pp ---> 2 punches pressed togheter
kk ---> 2 kicks pressed togheter

@  ---> this symbol near the name of a move means that that move CAN be done in air
#  ---> this symbol near the name of a move means that that move MUST be done in air


  Quickly do: f,f
  Note that you can press an attack button while dashing to make a Dash Attack

  Quickly do: b,b

  Simply do a DASH and hold "f" the second time you press it. You can even do a Run Attack
  by pressing an attack button during a Run.

  Quickly do: d, ub or u or uf. It will result in a very High Jump. Not that just after a
  Rival Launcher you simply have to press "u" to do a High Jump and go toward the airborne

  Done by pressing lp+hp near an enemy, if your enemy is crouching press d+lp+hp to catch him
  while he is crouching; note that doing a throw from behind your opponent will result in a
  different throw that the standard made in front of your enemy.
  Remember that on the ground you can escape from being throwed by simply pressing the throw
  button at the SAME EXACT moment your opponent does.

  Press lk+hk for a dodge "into the screen" instead press d+lk+hk for a dodge "out of screen"
  Note that if you do a dodge (either "into" or "out" of the screen) while close to your foe AND
  while he is doing an attack of any type (normal, special or even a Burning Vigor Attack) you
  will do a special dodge that will bring you right behind your opponent

  Just press "select" on your gamepad anytime during the fight; your character will taunt your
  foe and he will get some more energy in his Burning Vigor Gauge. Taunt your enemy repeately
  during a fight to fill up your Burning Vigor Gauge to level 9!!!

  While you are knocked to the groud you have 4 ways of getting up,just see the following table:
  press u --> Get op on the spot
  press d --> Roll to the side and get up
  press r --> Roll forward and get up
  press l --> Roll back and get up
  For a faster get up start imputting the command as you'r falling down

  You can attack your opponent while getting up, simply press p or k while doing one of the
  above get up movement

  By pressing b or d or f and hk or hp you'll do a Special "normal" Attack

  You can do many combo in this game, just see the following table:

  Step 1       Step 2       Step 3       Step 4             Step 5
                                                       /--> Burning Vigor Attack
  lp or lk --> lp or lk --> hp or hk --> f+hp or f+hk <
                                                       \--> Special Move
  You can start from which step you want, even from Step 5 (but in that case you will not be
  doing a combo anymore... ^_^;;) and remember that you can skip steps, so from step 1 you can
  go to step 4 or step 5

  Counterattack an opponent by pressing special move combos while guarding the opponent's
  attack. Special move combos are different for each character. You can do a Tardy Counter also
  with a Burning Vigor Attack, a Team Up Technique or even a Special "normal" Attack

  When launched into the air, press any two buttons togheter to land on your feet. New in this
  Rival Schools 2 is the possibility to control your Defensive fall by pressing f or b on the

  Press the directional button df + (hp or hk) to launch your opponent into the air. Jump to
  pursue him, then continue the combo with your attacks. Combine it with the Textbook Combo for
  even greater damage!

  Storing up the Burning Vigor gauges will allow you to use these awesome attacks. They change
  from character to character, see section "4> Character Move List" for more info.

  When two or more guages are stored and you see the face of your partner near your Burning
  Vigor Gauge, you can perform the Team Up Technique by pressing (lp + lk) or (hp + hk).
  Note that the attacker can increase and the defender can decrease the damage inflicted by the
  Team Up Technique by repeately pressing a button while performing the Team Up Technique.
  There are mainly 3 types of Team Up Technique: the standard one will damage your opponent in
  several different ways (depending on the characters you've chosen), the other 2 types will
  instead inflict a very little damage to your opponent and make your character recover your
  energy bar, for one type, or your Burning Vigor Gauge for the other type.


For the moves names and the character's description I referred to the USA manual of Rival
Schools : United By Fate (or the in game menu during training mode) while for the school
descriptions i used the "Rival Schools Character Stories FAQ 1.2" by Batsu ;
for names (or descriptions) not officially documented I put a "???", I'll update when the USA
version of Rival Schools 2 will be out.

4.1> TAYO HS - "The School That Usually Loves Freedom"
     Tackling anything with enthusiasm, Taiyou is a normal coed-school with a burning school
     spirit. However, lately, that school spirit has been shadowed...
     If I'm not wrong TAIYO means sun.

     4.1.1> BATSU ICHIMONJI - "Hot-blooded Transfer Student"
            A hot-blooded, quarrelsome Phys-Ed devotee with a burning desire to find his missing
            mother. Batsu is an expert street fighter.
            Batsu is the real son of Raizo.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Guts Bullet               d,df,f + p
            Guts Upper                f,d,df + p
            Crescent Star Kick        d,db,b + k
          # Shooting Star Kick        d,df,f  k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ Super Guts Bullet         d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Super Guts Upper          d,db,b,d,db,b + p
          # Super Shooting Star Kick  d,df,f,d,df,f + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Double Guts Bullet -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. When you hit your
                                opponent with this move your character will do a back jump and
                                togheter with Batsu they will both charge a "Super Guts Bullet"
                                just to launch it together on your inerm foe.

     4.1.2> HINATA WAKANA - "Whirlwind Schoolgirl"
            A high-energy martial arts expert, she allied with Batsu early on to solve the
            mistery of the students' disappearances. Hinata is loaded with school spirit and is
            good in all the sports.
            She is a good friend of Natsu and Sakura.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Rengekiken                d,df,f + p,p,p,...
            Shouyouken                f,d,df + p
          @ Enbukyaku                 d,db,b + k
          # Renkyakudan               d,df,f + k,k,k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ Fire Sempukyaku           d,db,b,d,db,b + k
            Super Rengekiken          d,df,f,d,df,f + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Guts & Power -> This is a recover-type Team Up Techinque. When you hit your foe he'll
                          fly off the screen, Hinata will come on in and will take your hands,
                          smiling at you and making you even more proud and combattive. Then
                          Your Burning Vigor Gauge will go to its maximum level.

     4.1.3> KYOSUKE KAGAMI - "Mysterious Commitee of Disciple"
            A mysterious, cool-headed student who cooperates with Batsu while hiding an
            important secret. He possesses magnificent fighting techniques, hardly ever loses
            his head, and makes sport of his opponent.
            He is Hyo's younger brother, and so Batsu's cousin too.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Cross Cutter              d,df,f + p
          @ Shadow Cut Kick           d,df,f + k
            Lighting Upper            f,d,df + p
          # Shadow Wave               d,df,f + p,k
            Lighting Strike           d,db,b + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Super Cross Cutter        d,df,f,d,df,f + p
          @ Double Shadow Cut Kick    d,df,f,d,df,f + k (can follow up with "Shadow Cut Kick")
            Super Lighting Upper      d,db,b,d,db,b + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Last Symphony -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. This move is still one of
                           the most spettacular in the game... As soon as you hit your opponent
                           Kyosuke will arrive on the screen and both him and your character
                           will start a sooooooo damned cool combo of kicks and punches on your

     4.1.4> HAYATO NEKKETSU - "Burning Teacher"
            A red-blooded physical education teacher at Taiyo HS who is secretly helping his
            students. Hayato makes his own justice with his bamboo sword.
            He likes all his students but it seems he likes Batsu in particular.
            He fell in love to Kyoko... Even if he don't like to make it known.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Counter Thrust            d,db,b + p
          @ Scolding Slash            d,df,f + p
            Devastation Kick          f,d,df + k,k,k,...
            Second Kick               d,db,b + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            P.E. Smack                d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Super Counter Thrust      d,db,b,d,db,b + p
            Super Devastation Kick    d,df,f,d,df,f + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Sphere of Confidence -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. Yeah, this move will
                                  make you laugh a bit. It's very japanese! Your character will
                                  take a strange, position like a charging one, some sort of
                                  MA-PU in Shaolin Kung-Fu. Then Hayato will appear from behind
                                  and will stard beating hard with his bamboo sword on your
                                  character's back... Your character will slowly charge a ball
                                  of energy and when it's full he will launch it towards your

     4.1.5> RAN HIBIKI - "Scoop Girl"
            No info available.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            ???                       d,df,f + hp (repeat up to 3 times)
            ???                       d,df,f + lp
          # ???                       d,df,f + p
          @ ???                       d,db,b + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ ???                       d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            ???                       d,db,b,d,db,b + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          ?????????? -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. Really Cool!!! Pratically Ran
                        arrives and starts in making cool photos to your character and your
                        enemy (who seems have become big friends...) then Ran arrive on screen
                        to make with both of them the last photo, she does it (autoshot???) and
                        then give a kick to your foe sending him sooooo away.

4.2> GORIN HS - "School of Advanced Sports"
     By name, this school is known for being extraordinarily successful in sports. A high school
     of mutual interest of winning the championship, with a group of students with a high
     exercise ability drawn from all over the country. Instead of sports, Gorin is always
     looking at Gedo HS with hostility.

     4.2.1> SHOMA SAWAMURA - "Explosive Slugger"
            A short-tempered, competitive power slugger. Shoma's scrappy sense of justice causes
            a battle royal wherever he goes. Shoma seeks revenge on the unknown attackers who
            seriously injured his brother.
            He really likes Natsu, even if he don't want to admit it.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Fast Ball                 d,df,f + p
            Grand Slam Smash          f,d,df + p
            Homicide Slide            d,df,f + k
            Catcher                   f,df,d,db,b + p
            Baseline Shuffle          b + kk, lk or hk

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ Hundred Balls             d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Homerun Hitter            d,db,b,d,db,b + p
            Super Homicide Slide      d,df,f,d,df,f + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
            Grand Slam -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. This move should fit better
                          to Natsu than to Shoma in my opinion... Anyway it works like this:
                          Your character will launch the enemy onto the air like a volley ball,
                          then he will jump on air toward him just to slam it toward the ground,
                          just like he would do in a normal volleyball match with a volley ball.
                          Before your foe hits the ground arrives Shoma ho beat an home run on
                          him like he would have done with a baseball ball. The good thing about
                          this Team Up Technique is that wil launc your opponent far away off
                          the screen, so you'll have time to make many things, for example
                          charge your Burning Vigor Gauge with some taunts or prepare better for
                          your next attack.

     4.2.2> NATSU AYUHARA - "Powerful Attacker"
            Batsu's fighting buddy (???), Natsu is an excellent volleyball player with a
            powerful attack. She is a competitive, smart and determined to find out who attacked
            her sports club teammates.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Jumping Serve             d,df,f + p
            Rolling Receive           d,db,b + p
            Sliding Receive           f,d,df + p
          # Tokkun Spike              d,db,b + p
            Set N' Spike              f,df,d,db,b + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Thousand Spikes           d,df,f,d,df,f + p
          # Blazing Spike             d,df,f,d,df,f + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Praise & Spirit -> This is a recover-type Team Up Technique. Pratically Natsu arrives
                             on the screen, she gives your character some friendly slaps on his
                             shoulders making your Burning Vigor Gauge go up.

     4.2.3> ROBERTO MIURA - "Talented Goalkeeper"
            Usually cool, Roberto turns hot-blooded when playing soccer. A masterful goalie, he
            fights only for the sake of friendship and always helps someone in need.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Shining Wave              d,df,f + p
            Long Shot                 d,df,f + k
          @ Rising Kick               f,d,df + k
            Sliding Kick              d,db,b + k
          # Bicycle Kick              d,df,f + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Victory Goal              d,df,f,d,df,f + k
            ???                       d,db,b,d,db,b + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Double Shoot -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. Roberto will arrive on the
                          screen, both him and your char will make some dribbles with your foe
                          until they throw him up in air whith the last dribble. Then they'll
                          BOTH TOGETHER kick him just before he touches the ground when he is
                          coming down from the air.

4.3> PACIFIC HS - "High Class American School"
     Full of good Americans raised in domestic American schools. Said to have many cases of
     children of prominent Americans studying as exchange students.

     4.3.1> ROY BROMWELL - "Stouthearted American"
            A self-proclaimed outsider who resists taking anything except football seriously,
            Roy is investigating the mystery at his high school to please his diplomat father.
            He says he hates jap students, Batsu particulary, and is in competition with him.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Dynamite Straight         d,df,f + p
            Twister Upper             f,d,df + p
            Touchdown Wave            d,db,b + p
          # Fist Slam                 d,df,f + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Triple Twister            d,df,f,d,df,f + p,p,p,...
            Super Touchdown           d,db,b,d,db,b + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Double Rising Tornado -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. As soon as you'll
                                   hit your opponent with this move he will be launched high in
                                   air, while he is coming down Roy will arrive on screen and
                                   TOGHETER with your character they will do some sort of super
                                   High Twister Upper on your foe.

     4.3.2> TIFFANY LORDS - "Flamboyant Cheerleader"
            Before the trouble in her school, the most important things in Tiffany's life were
            shopping and parties. Now she's turned into a cheer-leader with a deadly purpose.
            She loves Roy Bromwell.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Beautiful Spin            f,d,df + k
            Groovy Punch              d,db,b + p (hold it to make the move stronger)
            Groovy Knukle             d,df,f + p (hold it to make the move stronger)
          @ Exciting Kick             d,db,b + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Wonderful Kick            d,df,f,d,df,f + k
            Groovy Combo              d,df,f,d,df,f + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Love & Peace -> This is a recover-type Team Up Technique. As soon as you hit your foe
                          he will be sent away, Tiffany will arrive on screen and give you a lot
                          of kisses making your energy bar go up a little.

     4.3.3> BOMAN DELGADO - "Fighting Clergyman"
            A pastor-in-training, Boman tries not to lose his temper because he knows he could
            really hurt someone. When he does fight, there is no stopping him!
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Great Upper               d,df,f + p
            Haymaker Straight         d,df,f + p (during Great upper, repeat up to 2 times)
            Haymaker Straight         f,df,d,db,b + p
            Great Rush                f,d,df + p
          # Great Lariat              d,db,b + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Best Rush                 d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Great Cross               d,db,b,d,db,b + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Double Power Buster -> This is an attack-type Team up Technique. Your character will
                                 take your enemy for one arm, and Boman for the other, then they
                                 will both jump and... Well I really CANNOT describe this move!
                                 You... You... You really HAVE to see it!!! It's DEADLY!!!!!

     4.3.4> NAGARE NAMIKAWA - "Sleeping Fish"
            No info available.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            ???                       d,df,f + p (the hp version is "homing")
          # ???                       d,df,f + p (the hp version is "homing")
            ???                       d,db,b + p
            ???                       d,db,b + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ ???                       d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            ???                       d,db,b,d,db,b + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          ?????????? -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. This move is so cool. As soon
                        soon as you connect your enemy with this move Nagare will arrive on the
                        screen and they will start make some cool Water Dance, at the end of the
                        Dance the enemy will jump away... Ehem... But why? They don't hit him...

4.4> GEDO HS - "Collecting the Nation's Worst"
     Collecting notorious bad guys from all over Japan, the school goes through a lot of
     excruciating ups and downs. Until now, Akira's brother has drawn the line. With a serious
     clarity, they have a fierce rivalry with Gorin HS.

     4.4.1> EDGE (Eiji Yamada) - "Bloody Knife"
            His uncontrolled manic streak keeps Edge on the brink of total violence. He's
            searching the high schools to find his mising buddy Daigo. Just don't call him by
            his real name.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Reversing Blade Strike1   d,df,f + lp (repeat up to 2 times on ground)
          @ Reversing Blade Strike2   d,df,f + hp (repeat up to 2 times on ground)
            ???1                      d,db,b + lp
            ???2                      d,db,b + hp
            Destructive Kick          d,db,b + k
            Rising Blade Abuse        d,df,f + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Bloody Festival           d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            ???                       d,df,f,d,df,f + k

            REALLY STRANGE MOVE       KK (hold) on high jump
          I've discovered this move for a pure case, i don't know if it's a bug or what, but it
          should be 'cause you can't find it anywhere... Anyway I could only get this to work
          on Rival Schools : United By Fate.
          NOTE: you can follow up Reversing Blade Strike1 with Reversing Blade Strike2 OR ???1,
                ???1 can be followed up with ???2, and ???2 with Reversing Blade Strike2.
                Note that Reversing Blade Strike1 and 2 can be done 2 times consecutevely (if on
                ground) so you can made up to combo of 6 knives.If on air you can only do the
                combo Reversing Blade Strike 1 -> Reversing Blade Strike2. It will result in a 2
                Kinves combo since in air you CAN'T repeat theese moves 2 times each.
          Example of ground combo: d,df,f+lp,d,df,f+lp,d,db,b+lp,d,db,b+hp,d,df,f+hp,d,df,f+hp
          Example of air combo: d,df,f+lp,d,df,f+hp

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Bloody Nightmare -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. It's really strange,
                              pratically in this move your character and Edge will spin around
                              your enemy hitting him with his punch (your char) and with his
                              Knife (Edge).

     4.4.2> AKIRA KAZAMA (with Helmet) - "Kung Fu Rider"
            Claiming to be the sibling od the missing gang boss Daigo, Akira infiltrated Gedo
            High School. Very few have heard Akira speak or would recognize her without her
            She is Daigo's younger sister.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Gate Elbow                d,df,f + p
            Dancing Cyclone Kick      d,df,f + k (repeat up to 3 times)
            Leg Up                    d,db,b + k
            Reflex Stance             d,db,b + p
            Launch Pad                lp,hp,hk,lk,lk,lk,lp,hp
            Bully Beater              lk,lk,lk,lp,hp,hk
            Falter Bash               hp,lp,lk,hk
            Air Feast                 hk,lk,,lk,lk,lp,hp

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ Skull Aura                d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Reflex Barrage            d,db,b,d,db,b + p
            Aerial Barrage            d,db,b,d,db,b + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Gang Buster -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. This works really similarly
                         to Kyosuke's "Last Symphony". The only difference is that on "Last
                         Simphony" Kyosuke and his partner make the combo both on the same side
                         while in "Gang Buster" Akira and his partner are one on the front of
                         the opponent and one on his back.

     4.4.3> GAN SEKIDOU - "Powerful Juvenile Gang Leader"
            Gan is one of the few who have heard Akira speak. Now this powerful bruiser has
            joined the search for Daigo. Could a sensitive streak be hidden under that massive
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Gun Stabbing              d,df,f + p (repeat up to 3 times)
            Rough Wave Stomping       d,df,f + k
            Rock Smashing             f,d,df + p
            Clapping Hand Destruction d,db,b + p
            Thunder Clap              f,df,d,db,b + p
          # Double Pound              d,df,f + p
          # Cannon Ball               d,df,f + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Super Gun Stabbing        d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Concrete Smash            d,db,b,d,db,b + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Active Volcano -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. Oh man! Here is another
                            undesrivable move!!! Hmm, it's some sort of throw done on two where
                            Gan and his partner take the opponent one for his arms and one for
                            his legs, beating him repeatly on the ground and... no you really
                            have to see it or you'll not understand!!!

     4.4.4> AKIRA KAZAMA (without Helmet) - "Pure Rider"
            Daigo's sister is a masterful motorcyclist... until she removes her helmet. Then
            shyness takes over. Riding and praticing the Chinese martial art Taikyoku-ken absorb
            all her time.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Gate Elbow                d,df,f + p
            Dancing Cyclone Kick      d,df,f + k (repeat up to 3 times)
            Leg Up                    d,db,b + k
            Reflex Stance             d,db,b + p
            Launch Pad                lp,hp,hk,lk,lk,lk,lp,hp
            Bully Beater              lk,lk,lk,lp,hp,hk
            Falter Bash               hp,lp,lk,hk
            Air Feast                 hk,lk,,lk,lk,lp,hp
              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ Skull Aura                d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Reflex Barrage            d,db,b,d,db,b + p
            Aerial Barrage            d,db,b,d,db,b + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Neo Synchronous Attack -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. Hey Hey Hey!!! Is
                                    this Rival Schools or a Neon Genesis Evangelion game???
                                    No it's Rival Schools... Then a Capcom programmer must
                                    really big otaku fan of Evengelion!!! Yes, this move is
                                    EXACTELY the same synchronized move used by Shinji and Asuka
                                    to beat that angel who doubled himself... A really must-see!

     4.4.5> DAIGO KAZAMA - "The Man of Men"
            The gang leader at Gedo HS who never fights dirty. While investigating the
            diseappearances at Justice HS, Daigo himself vanished!
            We can say that Daigo's ending is the prologue to the game.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Phoenix Fist              d,df,f + p (repeat up to 5 times)
            Phoenix Kick              d,df,f + k
            Phoenix Fire              d,db,b + p
          # Skull Aura                d,df,f + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Phoenix Fury              d,df,f,d,df,f + p
          # Air Rebel Aura            d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Super Phoenix Fire        d,db,b,d,db,b + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Super Parry -> This is an attack-type Team Up Attack. Eh eh eh! In this move Daigo
                         really demonstrates of being the boss of all!!! Pratically Daigo
                         arrives on screen, your opponent tries to make a few combo to him,
                         and while your character behind will be happy for the arrive of Daigo
                         Daigo will not even try to parry his opponent combo... He will remain
                         still! Then he will lose patience and will give a GIGATON PUNCH to his
                         opponent sending him into the blue blue sky... Then he will calmly walk
                         out of the screen while your character grateful will say "arigato Daigo
                         sempai". "Arigato" is "thanks" and "Sempai" is a words wich distincts
                         older students from younger-ones called "Kohai".

4.5> JUSTICE HS - "Super Elite High School"
     A private institution built to nurture the elite that should change Japan. Talented
     students from all around Japan are admitted. There's a rumor that a part of them were taken
     in my kidnapping to ensure their entrance...

     4.5.1> HIDEO SHIMAZU - "Mobile Teacher"
            A Shimazu-style karate expert, Hideo's alter ego as a Justice High teacher has led
            him into some underhanded dealings. Hideo has begun to suspect certain people at
            He has quite a love story with Kyoko (it becomes true with his ending).
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Seihaken                  d,df,f + p (do p,p,p instead of p if you're in air)
            Anti-Air Seihaken         d,db,b + p
            Jicchokuken               f,d,df + p
            Shinenkyaku               d,db,b + k
          # Raieishuu                 d,db,b + k or d,df,f + k (repeat up to 3 times)
              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Shimazu Seihaken          d,db,b,d,db,b + p
            Shimazu Jicchokuken       d,df,f,d,df,f + p

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Shin Seihaken -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. As soon as you hit your
                           opponent your character will do some sort of Tatsumakisenpookiaku on
                           him, then Hideo will appear from behind and combo your foe with a
                           Jicchokuken, he will remain on air, above your enemy, and while your
                           foe is coming down from the air BOTH Hideo and your character will
                           perform TOGETHER a Shimazu Seihaken on him, one hitting your foe's
                           back and the other hitting him in front. Cool move!

     4.5.2> KYOKO MINAZUKI - "Devilish School Nurse"
            A brainy and energetic school nurse, Kyoko's training as a surgeon makes her deadly
            in combat. While helping Hideo Kyoko has doubts about Justice HS.
            She has quite a love story with Hideo (it becomes true with her ending).
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Shussekikakunin           d,db,b + p
          @ Kaishin                   d,db,b + k
            Shokushin                 d,df,f + p,k,k,k,...
            One Wing Stance           d,df,f + k, p or k,k,k
            Pop Quiz                  b + kk
            Knee Check                f,d,df + k,k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Final Prescription        d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Class Curve Kicks         d,df,f,d,df,f + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Rest & Relax -> This is a recover-type Team Up Technique. This works similarly to the
                          other recover moves. As soon as you hit your opponent he will be
                          launched off the screen, your character will fell on the ground and
                          Kyoko will come on in making some massages to him. Your energy will
                          be a little restored.

     4.5.3> RAIZO IMAWANO - "Fierce Principal"
            This strong-willed principal dreams of controlling a vaster empire beyond that of
            Justice HS. Using Hideo and Kyoko, he kidnaps excellent students one after another.
            He is Batu's father and Hyo's uncle. He has been brainwashed by Hyo via the Imawano
            brainwashing technique.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
          @ Yasha Guruma              d,df,f + p or k, any direction + p or k
            Kyoujyuu Reppa            f,d,df + p
            Roppu-Zuki                d,db,b + p
            Sekisaiga                 b,db,d,df,f + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Imawano Kyoujyuu-Reppa    d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Imawano Roppu-Zuki        d,db,b,d,db,b + p (hold it to make the move stronger)

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Ningen-Taihou -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. As soon as you hit your foe
                           he will be sent into the blue blue blue (even more blue than with any
                           other move... ^_^;;;) sky and while he is floating down Raizo will
                           arrive, take YOUR character for one leg, spin him and launch him
                           toward you opponent!!! Funny move...

     4.5.4> HYO IMAWANO - "Detestable Madness"
            The fierce, half-insane student body president brainwashes the teachers and rules
            the school. His cruel, aggressive personality plants fear in whomever he meets.
            He is Kyosuke's Brother and Batsu's cousin; in reality he has been brainwashed by
            his dead father (Raizo's brother) and starts all this madness... He is the REAL mind
            behind Justice HS.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Ichimonji Giri            d,df,f + p
            Jyumonji Giri             d,df,f + p,p
            Iai Giri                  d,db,b + p (do a Hp combo after this)
            Kogetsu                   hp (when opponent is behind you)
            Ouryuu-zan                f,d,df + p
          # Tenrai-Zan                d,df,f + p
          @ Genei-Shuu                d,db,b + k

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
            Ankoku-Genei-shuu         d,db,b,d,db,b + k
            Ankoku-Genei-Zan          d,df,f,d,df,f + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Zankoku-Zan -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. As soon as you hit your foe
                         your character go behind him and hold him in a way he can't move, then
                         Hyo arrives and hit your opponent with a few sword slash.
                         DANGER!!! Remeber that the last sowrd slash damage BOTH your enemy and
                         YOUR CHARACTER!!!!!

4.6> TAMAGAWA-MINAMI HS - no nick for this school
     No info for this school

     4.6.1> SAKURA KASUGANO - "Fighting Schoolgirl"
            Sakura joined her close friends Hinata and Natsu in order to defeat the kidnappers.
            But can she fight? That remains to be seen.
                    S P E C I A L   M O V E S
            Hadoken                   d,df,f + p (hold it to make the move stronger)
          # Soukuu-Hadoken            d,df,f + p
            Tengyou-Hadoken           d,db,b + p
          @ Shunpuu-Kyaku             d,db,b + k
            Shouou-Ken                f,d,df + p

              B U R N I N G   V I G O R   A T T A C K
          @ Shinkuu-Hado-Ken          d,df,f,d,df,f + p
            Shinkuu-Tengyou-Hadoken   d,db,b,d,db,b + p
            Haruichiban               d,db,b,d,db,b + k
            Midare-Zakura             d,df,f,d,df,f + k

                T E A M   U P   T E C H N I Q U E
          Shungokusatsu -> This is an attack-type Team Up Technique. Pratically this is Sakura's
                           own version of Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu. Your character will hold your
                           opponent from behind while Sakura performs a few moves on him while
                           the screen fades in and out. Very cool move but not as other ones...


Here is the translation of the main menus, i hope soon the translation for the School mode will
come too... For all the names and the description, as usual, i referred to the USA manual of
Rival Schools : United By Fate; as soon as the USA version of Rival Schools 2 i'll be sure
too update.

1: School Mode
   You know what it is, don't you???

2: 1P Game
   Play against the computer with unlimited Continues. Defeat the final enemy to see the ending.

3: Versus Battle
   After selecting your characters, determine their hadicaps (the more stars, the more power).
   Then select a stage. At the end of the match, the Character Select screen will reappear along
   with the match statistics.

4: League Battle
   Play against other teams in a round robin. First decide how many teams will partecipate and
   then select characters. After all the teams fight, team with the most victories is declared
   the winner.

5: Group Battle
   Fight against your opponent in groups. First, select the number of characters for each group,
   and then select characters. When the first character is fighting, the second will become the
   partner character. The first to beat all characters of the opponent's team wins.

   Play against other teams in a tournament. Use the Directional buttons to select your main
   character and partner character. To have a CPU partecipate as your opponent, select CPU in
   the Character Select screen.

   Up to four players using a Multi-Tap can partecipate in Cooperate battles. In addition to the
   basic rules, the partner character controls the Team Up Technique. When the main character is
   swapped for the partner character, the player controls are also swapped.
   * RULE
     This is a tag match mode where up to four players can play simultaneously. The main
     character and partner character are controlled by different players.
     The main character's control is the same as the normal control, except that the main
     character cannot perform the Team Up Technique.
     The partner character starts the Team Up Technique by pressing the Punch and Kick buttons
     of the same strenght simultaneously.

   Pratice basic controls and special moves.Select your character and your opponent's character.
   Press the START button to display a menu allowing you to change the settings.

   Select the subject you want to pratice. Hayato will explain the subject, and the screen will
   display the following:
      Task Message (you need to perform the moves displaye here).
      Name of the subject
      Number of correct answers.
      Time you have to perform the task
    * RULE
      You must complete the task correctly in the allotted time.
      Perform the moves quickly and accurately.
      Each subject will be marked in three categories: energy, accuracy, and speed. A perfect
      score is 300, and evaluations ranging from S (perfect) to A (excellent) to E (fail) will
      be displayed.
      If you fail to perform the moves correctly, points will be deducted. Taking too much time
      to perform will also cause point deductions.

   You can select between many games, some already seen in Rival Schools and some new:
    * Shoma's Home Run Game
    * Roberto's Point Shots Game
    * Roberto's Goal Shots Game(playable in 2 too)
    * Natsu's Service Game
    * Run Game (playable in 2 too)
    * Doki Waku Dance
    * Watch Mode

   Here you can manage the use of characters created with the School Mode. You can change their
   names and other few things, then you can made them selectable. If you do so you can select
   them in all the other modes (ehem... quite all...) via the "EDIT" select button in the
   Character Select screen.

   This is the menu where you can buy all the goodies of the game, and they're sooo much more
   than the game before! Yes you've got it, you have to BUY them... The first option of this
   OMAKE menu is like a shop where you can spend the points you gain by doing the other modes.
   The second option is for viewing, using etc. the goodies you've bought in the first option.
   Secret characters, secret colours and outfit, and the pocketstation mode too can ONLY be
   acquired with this "shop".
   Note that sometimes instead of the girl an old woman will appear, pratically she has lower
   prices and some goodies are sold ONLY by her. I think she appears randomly.
   Expect some few informations on the next versions of the FAQ.

   This is the order in wich the menu is displayed.
   Use the Record screen to save or load game settings and game data. Select an item by pressing
   the Directional buttons up/down and adjust the settings with by pressing the Directional
   buttons left/right. Press the START button to end, or select EXIT and press the X button (it
   should be O button in the JAP version) press the /\ button to cancel.
   If you turn AutoSave ON, game data will be automatically saved at the following points:
   * When exiting the Option screen
   * When ending a 1 Player game and returning to the Mode Select screen (the Main Menu)

   Chose Option Mode to adjust the game settings, including difficulty, rules of the match and
   controller settings. I put the description in the same order they are displayed in the
   Option Mode screen menu in the game.
   Note that selecting DEFAULT (the option just before the last) on the Option menu or any of
   its submenus restores the default settings on the current menu. Also note that the default
   setting is displayed in Yellow, while other settings are displayed in white. So this could
   help you out a bit even if you don't know Kanji and Hiragana... ;-)

     By adding or substracting stars you can change the difficulty of the game, more stars more
     hard, less stars less hard. Just remember that Rival Schools : United By Fate also at level
     8 was an easy game to beat... In Rival Schools 2 Capcom has reprogrammed the Artificial
     Intelligency (it seems that they did AT LEAST this...), and so 8 stars it's not an
     impossible task... But certainly not easy like Rival Schools 2!!!
     Default is 2 stars.
     The more stars, the more damage the moves (both yours and of your enemy) will inflict.
     Default is 2 stars.
   * Timer Speed
     The higher the number of stars the higher the speed of the time flowing.Default is 2 stars.
   * Number of matches (CPU)
     Default is 2 stars; you can change the number of rounds in the game as you like.
   * Number of matches (VS)
     Same as before but for the Versus fights istead of the CPU ones; default is 2 stars.
   * CPU ROUND character change
     Select between on and off, if turned on the computer will swap characters everytime a new
     round begin. Default is On.
     Select between on and off, if turned on you will be able to reselect your characters if
     you select to continue. Default is On
     Select between On and Off, default is Off
   * SOUND
     You can select between Stereo and Mono; default is Stereo.
     With this menu you can adjust the basic systems of the game.
       There are 4 settings for this option, startig from the default one "normal", proceeding
       by pressing right on your pad you'll find in this order: "CONDITION", "LANDING", "Off".
       I'm not so sure about "CONDITION" and "LANDING", but they were in this order both in the
       JAP and in the USA version of Rival Schools : United By Fate; so i guess it should be the
       same here... Though I have to clear out what's their meaning... I guess "LANDING" makes
       you able to make defensive fall ONLY before landing and not in air, but what the hell is
       "CONDITION"??? If you know please help out.
       You can select from varios settings, the default is the "normal", so Initial 3 levels of
       Burning Vigor Gauge, if you press right on your pad you will find other settings in THIS
       order: "Initial 5", "Initial 9", "Initial 0", "FIX MAX", "FIX 0", and back again to the
       standard default setting.
     * GUARD
       Select either AUTO or MANUAL guard. Deafault is AUTO.
     * BACK DASH
       Select between On and Off; default is On.
     * BACK JUMP
       Select between "normal" (default), "Small" and "Off".
     * DEFAULT
     * EXIT
   * Key Configuration
   * EXIT




   Press the next button while your character's previous attack in in motion and has yet to
   connect with the opponent. Restrain your opponent with it.

   Your opponent can easily beat your Tardy Counter attack unless you perform it at the right
   time. As soon as you succed, aim a Rival Launcer or Burning Vigor Attack to guard the
   opponent's attack while he is wide open.

   During a Burning Vigor Attack, your character is invincible, byt only for a short time. It is
   hard to hit your opponent if you just perform this attack normally. Combine it with Textbook
   Combo or Tardy Counter for greater Success.

   Take advantage of the long invincible time. Basically, use this as a counterattack when your
   opponent performs a Tardy Counter, Team Up Technique, Get Up or Dash Attack. It is hard to
   hit your opponent if you just perform this attack normally. Let your opponent attack and then
   fight back.

   Use dodging efficiently. You can escape from all your opponent's fireballs by dodging. You
   lose vitality if you just guard them. If you succed in dodging while near your opponent and
   get behind him, knock him down with the Team Up Technique or whatever works!

   After fighting the same as opponent for a while, your offense and defense become predictable. 
   Now's the tme to learn how to use Throw effectively. A Throw is not affected by the
   invincible time of the Team Up Technique or Burning Vigor Attack. Incorporate Throw into your
   usual attack and your win rate will skyrocket.

   Observe your opponent's attack pattern carefully in the first round. You will have the
   advantage if you know when to counterattack. Conversely, you should always have several
   patterns of attacking so your opponent cannot read your strategy completely at each round. At
   least have a few attacking patterns of two characters. When you find yourself at a
   disadvantage, change characters.

   Humiliating your opponent is not only a really entertaining thing to do, it's also a way to
   make him nervous and let him become predictable, or open his guard... The good thing about it
   is that his "nervousism" will almost certainly remain even if you change game!!!
   I make an example: i often play with one of my friend, i'm better than him in Rival Schools
   he's better than me in Tekken 3, by humiliating him in Rival Schools and then changing the
   game to Tekken 3 he remains nervous and i became able to beat him hard!!!
   There are several ways to humiliate your enemy, the more useful is REPEATING patterns and
   moves, i make some examples:
   * Continue spinning around him and his moves for a bit, then strike him with the SAME attack
     and then restard the pattern
   * Do the same combo, both on air (beginning it with a Rival Launcher) and on the ground
   * If you know the range of his fireballs simply stay still JUST at the end of the fireballs
     range; the fireball will diseappear and OBVIOUSLY u'll take no damage!
   * Taunt them, you'll obtain the double effect of make your enemy very upset and to fill up
     very fast your Burning Vigor Gauge!
   There are even more ways, just think them for yourself!! But i must admit that you'll make me
   a favour by sending them to me... ^____-


Whooooaaaa!!! This faq needs all!!! Send contributions to me!!! 

 - More accurated info in section "5> TRANSLATION"
 - More accurated Characters info
 - More accurated Schools info
 - Any move I haven't listed
 - Endings
 - Secrets
 - Fun Stuff
 - Anything you thing it should be there



  You know he's my master... So i'm always inspired by his works. Arigatou Megura-sensei!!!
  Anyway his Rival Schools FAQ has been of great help for some section i've included in the
  first version fo this faq... DOMO ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU MEGURA-SENSEI!!!!!

  Well he's my best friend... So Expect to see his name in all of my faqs!!! More than this...
  YES! He's a pretty FAQ-maker too!!! Even if he started making FAQS after me... DEH HEH HIH HOH
  HUH!!!! I'm better than you!!! Ghe ghe ghe!!! Ore ga Kore no sempai desu!!! Ok ok i was only
  joking Kengia, please don't do again that terrible EVIL SHIN SHORYUKEN on me!!! ^_^;;;

  He made a GREAT story faq for Rival Schools : United By Fate and Shiritsu Justice Gakuen 2.
  Be sure to watch out on his faq at gamefaqs!!! Anyway I must be very grateful to him, a big
  part of the personal information for new chars and for the different schools put in this faq
  of mine have been taken from his great story faq. Thanks a lot BATSU!!!!!

I hope this section will soon increase... ^_-

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 Senio "Akuma" Rotondi

Rival Schools, Rival Schools 2, Justice Gakuen and Justice Gakuen 2 are trademark of CAPCOM