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Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)


         R I V A L   S C H O O L S      - UNITED     BY      FATE -

             MOVELIST / FAQ              VERSION       1.0

         3 D    F i G t h I n G    G a M e   B y   C A P C O M 
                T E A M    P R O J E C T    J U S T I C E              

Created on 9 Feb 98   

Warning : Copyright (c) 1998 by Lancer
          This FAQ is NOT for sale nor for any profit purpose.
	  Please ask the permission before distribute it on the internet.

          This FAQ is solely made for personal interest of the game.
          None any part of this FAQ is to be published on profit purpose
          articles like : Game magazine, hint books, ...etc. 
          without the approve or credit of the author !!!

     Rival Schools, a 3D game created by Capcom. Featuring students from 
different schools, they gathers to solve the mysterious incidents that 
occured in their schools. 

---------------------------\\\ Keys \\\ -------------------------------  

LP = Light Punch
HP = Heavy Punch
LK = Light Kick
HK = Heavy Kick

360=spin joystick once around
s=store for 2 sec
bk=back , fw=forward , dn=down , up=up

--------------------------\\\ Control Panel \\\-------------------------

8 directions,  4 buttons,  and start button

4 buttons should be set up as    

       LP  HP
       LK  HK       

--------------------------\\\ Game Systems \\\--------------------------

dn up  ......   high Jump
fw fw  ......   dash
bk bk  ......   back hop

LK+HK  ......   side step
dn+LK+HK ....   when near opponent, side step to the back

LP+HP  ......   throw
dn+LP+HP ....   throw crouching opponent

fw fw + P ...   shoulder charge attack
fw fw + LK ..   Slide attack
fw fw + HK ..   Flying kick attack

Start .......   Taunt (increase Burning Vigor Meter)

--------------------------\\\ Combo Systems \\\--------------------------

TextBook Combo System  .....  Perform continuous chains of attacks by 
                              pressing  any light attack twice followed
                              by a heavy attack, then direction + 
                              heavy attack.
                              eg. LK, LK, LK, HK, fw + HP

Air Combo System ..... Launch the opponent into the air and chain attack
                       in the air. By pressing diagonal forwarddown + 
                       heavy punch or kick, your character will launch
                       the opponent into the air. Then hold up to jump
                       into the air to perform chain combos in the air.
                       eg. fwdn + P, jump, LP, LK, HP, HK

--------------------------\\\ Defend Systems \\\--------------------------
Tardy Counter  ..... Input special move command when guarding opponent 
                     attack to counter back. Even in the air !
                     eg. While Blocking -> QCF+P = counter attack 
Defensive Fall ..... Recover from falling by landing on feet while knocked 
                     into air or before knock down. Press any 2 buttons.

--------------------------\\\ Super Attack Systems \\\-------------------

Burning Vigor Attack (B.V.A)  .....  The meter at the bottom is the Burning 
                                     Vigor Meter. It can be store up when 
                                     blocking, hitting, using special moves,
				     taunting ... etc. Refer to the moveslist
				     for the commands of B.V.A.

Team Up Attack (T.U.A ) ..... Use up 2 bars of the burning vigor meter.
			      A combination of the two characters performing
                              an attack or a healing move.
                              Activated by pressing LP+LK or HP+HK.

                          M O V E   L I S T S 
** moves with a "(air)"  means that it can be done in air too.

                      TAIYO (Sun)  HIGH  SCHOOL   

Batsu Ichimonji  

Guts Bullet		:   QCF + P    (air)
Guts Upper		:   fw,dnfwdn + P
Cresent Star Kick	:   QCB + K 
Shooting Star Kick	:   in air, QCF + K

[B.V.A] Full-force Guts Bullet  :  QCF x 2 + P  (air)
[B.V.A] Air Buster              :  QCB x 2 + P
[T.U.A] W - Guts Bullet		:  double fire ball

Hinata Wakaba

Rengekikien (Continous Punch)	    :  QCF + rapid P
Shouyouken  (Rising Sun Punch)      :  fw,dn,fwdn + P
Enbukyaku   (Flaming Dance Kick)    :  QCB + K
Renkyakudan (Continous kick bullet) :  in air, QCF + K

[B.V.A] Fire Senpuukyaku (Fire Hurrican Kick)   :  QCB x 2 + K  (air)
[B.V.A] Air Buster				:  QCB x 2 + rapid P
[T.U.A] Guts Hundred Times  :  increase B.V.meter by 5 bars

Kyosuke Kan

Cross Cutter 		:   QCF + P
Shadow Cutter Kick	:   QCF + K  (air)
Lighting Upper		:   fw,dn,fwdn + P
Shadow Wave		:   in air, QCF + P
Shadow Breaker          :   QCB + P

[B.V.A] Wide-spread Cross Cutter  :  QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Double Shadow Cutter kick :  QCF x 2 + K (air)
[T.U.A] Last Symphony	: 2 characters perform a series of attacks 
                         PACIFIC  HIGH  SCHOOL            

Dynamite Straight	: QCF + P
Twister Upper		: fw,dnfw,dn + P
Touchdown Wave		: QCB + P
American Straight	: in air, QCF + P

[B.V.A] Triple Twister     : QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Super Touch Down   : QCB x 2 + P
[T.U.A] W Raising Tornedo  : 2 characters peform twister upper

Tiffany Rose

Beautiful Spin		: fw,dn,fwdn + K
Groovy Punch		: QCB + hold P 

Groovy Knuckle		: QCF + hold P
Exciting kick		: QCB + K  (air)
Stomp Kick		: in air, dn + K

[B.V.A] Wonderful Kick  : QCF x 2 + K
[B.V.A] Air buster	: QCB + rapid P
[T.U.A] Love & Peace	: recover some life meter


Great upper		: QCF + P
Haymaker straight	: during Great Upper, QCF + P
Great Rush		: fw,dn,fwdn + P
Great Lariat		: in air, QCB + P

[B.V.A] Haymaker Rush   : QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Haymaker Cross  : QCB x 2 + P
[T.U.A] W Power Buster  : 2 charcaters perform a ariel back breaker

		      GORIN ( Five Circle ) HIGH SCHOOL
Shoma Sawamura

Fastball		: QCF + P (air)
Grand Slam Smash	: fw,dn,fwdn + P
Homicide Slide		: QCF + K
Baseline Shuffle	: bk + LK+HK, then LK or Hk
Single Hook Smash	: HCB + P

[B.V.A] Puushinmakyu (Multiple Demon Ball)  : QCF x 2 + P  (air)
[B.V.A] HomeRun Smash			    : QCB x 2 + P	
[T.U.A] Ground Slam   :  Shoma bat the opponent

Natsu Urahara

Jumping Serve		: QCF + P   (air)
Sliding Receive         : fw,dn,fwdn + K
Rolling Receive		: QCB + P
Tokkun Spike		: in air, QCB + P
Jikyuujisoku Spike	: HCB + K

[B.V.A] Senbon Spike    : QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Fire Attack	: in air, QCF x 2 + P
[T.U.A] Fight Hundred Times  :  increase B.V.meter by 5 bars

Roberto Sanho

Long Shot		: QCF + K
Rising Kick		: fw,dn,fwdn + K  (air)
Sliding Kick		: QCB + K
Bicycle Kick		: in air, QCF + K
Shining Save		: QCF + P (air)
Flash Feint		: bk + LK+HK

[B.V.A] Baretsu V Goal  : QCF x 2 + K
[B.V.A] Air Buster	: QCB + rapid K
[T.U.A] Trap W Shoot    : 2 character kick the opponent
			GEDO (unorthodox) HIGH SCHOOL

Akira Kazama

Gate Elbow		: QCF + P
Dancing Cyclone Kick	: QCF + K, QCF + K, QCF + K
Reflex Stance		: QCB + P
Ryuga Rezan		: during Reflex Stance, LP,HP,HK,LK,LK,LK
Senen arashimai		: during Reflex Stance, HP,LP,LK,HK
Rakan geki		: during Reflex Stance, LK,LK,LK,LP,HP,HK
Phoenix Wing Kick	: during Reflex Stance, HK,LK,LK,LK,LP,HP
HouBu			: QCB + K
[B.V.A] Yabu no renbu	: QCB x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Ten no renbu	: QCB x 2 + K
[B.V.A] Kikokai		: QCF x 2 + P (air)
[T.U.A] Rendekirenbu    : Akira perform a series of attack on the opponent

For Akira without helmet, her T.U.A is :
[T.U.A] Rhythmic Flying Kick : 2 characters perform a spining flying kick  

Edge (Eiji) Yamada
Reversing Blade Strike  : QCF + P (air) 
4 hit Reversing Blade Strike : QCF + LP, QCF + LP, QCF + HP, QCF + HP 
Destructive Kick	: QCB + K
Rising Blade Abuse	: QCF + K

[B.V.A] Sacrifice of Blood         : QCF x 2  + P
[B.V.A] Air Buster 	           : QCB + rapid P  or in air, LK+HK
[T.U.A] Ji Goku (Hell of Blood)    : 2 character crossline opponent

Gan Ishiugo

Gun Stabbing			: QCF + P, QCF + P, QCF + P
Rough Wave Stomping		: QCF + K
Rock Smashing			: fw,dn,fwdn + P
Clapping Hand Destruction	: QCB + P
Tai Arashi (Great Storm)	: HCB + P
Ganshi Kudaki (Rock Crush)	: in air, QCF + P
Ganshi Otoshi (Rock Fall)	: in air, QCF + K

[B.V.A] Super Gun Stabbing	: QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Funkazan (Volcano)	: QCB x 2 + P
[T.U.A] Kakkazan (Live Volcano) : catch the leg and slam


Hideo Shimazu

Seihaken		: QCF + P  (air)
Seihaken 2		: QCB + P
Jicchokuken		: fw,dn,fwdn + P
Shinenkyaku		: QCB + K
Raieishuu		: in air, QCF + K, QCF + K, QCF + K

[B.V.A] Shimazuruu Seihaken     : QCB x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Shimazuruu Jicchokuken  : QCF x 2 + P
[T.U.A] Shimazuruu Shin Seihaken : 2 character perform Seihaken

Kyoko Minazuki

Shussekikakunin		: QCB + P
Kaishin			: QCB + K
Shokushin		: QCF + P, then rapid K
Shoutenkikai		: fw,dn,fwdn + K
Flip			: bk + LK+HK

One Wing Stance		: QCF + K
Leg Dignosis		: during One Wing Stance, LP
Pulse Dignosis		: during One Wing Stance, HP
Weight Dignosis		: during One Wing Stance, LK x 3
Height Dignosis		: during One Wing Stance, HK x 3
Chest Dignosis		: during One Wing Stance, LK,LK,HK
?? Dignosis		: during One Wing Stance, HK,HK,LK

[B.V.A] Shi no kego  (Nursing of Death)             : QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Tengoku e no Kaidan  (Stairs to Sky Hell)   : QCF x 2 + K
[T.U.A] KyuuKyou no KyouSenJittsu (Extreme Message) : recover some life meter

Raizo Kiya

Devil Roll		: QCF + P, P  (air)
Upward Devil Roll 	: QCF + K
Beast Charge		: fw,dn,fwdn + P
Organ Ripper    	: QCB + P
Shikudaga		: HCB + K

[B.V.A] Kiyaruu Beast Charge  : QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Kiyaruu Organ Ripper  : QCB x 2 + hold P	
[T.U.A] Human Cannonball : Raizo throw partner towards opponent


Ichimonji Kiri	(Straight Slash)	: QCF + P
Juumonji Kiri	(Cross Slash)    	: QCF + P, P
Iaikiri		(Sword Draw Slash)	: QCB + P, any direction + P 
SakuraRyuZan	(CherryBlossom Dragon Slash)  : fw,dn,fwdn + P
Tenraizan	(Thunder Slash) 	: in air, QCF + P
Shadow Cutter Kick	                : QCB + K  (air)

[B.V.A] Darkness Shadow Cutter Kick : QCB x 2 + K
[B.V.A] Darkness Shadow Slash       : QCF x 2 + P
[T.U.A] Cruel Slash : This T.U.A will cause player to be hit too !!
                      Don't use it when life is too low !!


Sakura Kasugano

Hadoken			: QCF + hold P 
Aoisora Hadoken		: in air, QCF + P
Tenkou Hadoken		: QCB + P
Sho o ken		: fw,dn,fwdn + P
Senpuukyaku		: QCB + K (air)

[B.V.A] Shinkuu Hadoken                : QCF x 2 + P 
[B.V.A] Shinkuu Aoisora Hadoken        : in air, QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Shinkuu TenKou Hadoken	       : QCB x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Midare Sakura		       : QCF x 2 + P
[B.V.A] Haru Ichiban		       : QCB x 2 + K
[T.U.A] Haru Goku Satsu  : Sakura perform series of attack on opponent


----------------------\\\ CODES and TRICKS \\\---------------------------

Condition to fight HYO  .....
Finish Raizo and his parnter(Chapter 7) with Team Up Attack 
in any 1 round. HYO will be the last chapter, finish him to see the REAL 

Free select mode ......
After 2 weeks of installation, characters can be team up freely.(But no story)

Evil Colour ......
After Free select mode is enable, hold start and select the character.

Use HYO and RAIZO ......
After 3 weeks of installation, insert coin, hold start. HYO and RAIZO will 
be selectable.

Use SAKURA and AKIRA(without helmet) ......
After 4 weeks of installation, insert coin, hold start, there will be two
arrows above HYO and Raizo.

Free Select Mode Code (no need time-release) .....
In test mode 's Dot Cross Hatch, 1st Player, up up down down LK, HP.

HYO/RAIZO Code (no need time-release) .....
When machine can free select, in test mode 's Sound&Voice, 2nd player, 
up up down down, LK, HP.

SAKURA/aKiRa Code (no need time-release) ......
When HYO/RAIZO can be use, in test mode 's Input, 2nd player, up up 
down down, 1st player, LK, HP.

----------------------\\\ Frequent Asked Questions \\\---------------------

Q : What happen if I defeat the bonus stage in the story mode ??
A : Depends on who you use, few stages will be skipped and immediately
    goes to stage 7 or 6. Here is a chart of who you will meet,and where
    you will end up if defeat the bonus stage.
    TAIYO  ..... Stage 3 [ RAIZO ],  if you win ----> Stage 6    
    GORIN  ..... Stage 3 [ JUSTICE ], if you win ---> Stage 7
    PACIFIC..... Stage 3 [ JUSTICE ], if you win ---> Stage 7
    GEDO   ..... Stage 3 [ GEDO ], if you perfect---> Stage 6
    JUSTICE..... Stage 3 [ RAIZO ], if you win  ----> Stage 7
    HYO/RAIZO... Stage 3 [ RAIZO/HYO ], no difference 

Q : Are there any difference between English version and Japan Version of 
    this game ??
A : The title in Japan is called "Shiritsu Justice Gakko -Legion of Heroes-"
    which means "Private Justice School". Other than the title, there 
    isn't much different. 

Q : Why my character cannot dash or back hop ??
A : There is something with the program of the game on some machines,
    I do not know whether it can be configured or not. It is not the
    fault of the controller.

Q : Where do I input the "No Need Time Release" codes ???
A : Unless you have access to the configuration setting that properly
    only to those who owns this game, you will not be able to input 
    the codes. Because the codes are input in the configuration manual
    that only can be activated by the dip switches.

Q : Hey ! Is that aKiRa 's T.U.A from some Japanese Cartoon !!??
A : Yep, that move is obviously from a Japanese cartoon called 
    "Evangelion". Watch episode 9 and you 'll see what I mean.

Q : Is there any infinite combo in this game ??
A : Yes. I may include them into this movelist/FAQ later.

Q : Why I can't launch the opponent into the air high enough with Tiffany
    's fwdn + HK  ??
A : Some character has only one kind of air launcher,either fwdn + HP or
    fwdn + HK, while some have both. 

-------------------------\\\ Sources \\\--------------------------------
Cellenious 's Page 
Many things about this game are translated from this site.

Marwan Al-Nusif 
The move names are mostly taken from the cabinet stickers he sent me.


for codes, faqs, news, and discussions of Arcade games, also any updates
of this movelist.
Presented by D.Lancer 

---------------/// End of Rival Schools Movelist/FAQ 1.0 \\\--------------