Andere Lösungen

Rival Schools - United by Fate (e)


This FAQ is good for both the Playstation and Arcade ports.

Now this is interesting:
	The Arcade disc of RS for the Playstation has all the original 
moves and combos of the 			arcade version, but the 
Evolution Disc gives some new moves and takes some away. It's almost 
	like a new game in some ways. Generally, all the Rival Launcher 
Burning Vigor attacks were 	removed.
Therefore, moves marked:
appear only on the Evolution Disc and will not work on an arcade machine 
or the Arcade Disc.
and moves marked
appear only on the Arcade Disc and the arcade machine and will not work 
on the Evolution Disc.

LP = Low Punch
HP = High Punch
LK = Low Kick
HK = High Kick

D = Down
U = Up
F = Forward
B = Back

DF = Down-forward
DB = Down-back
UF = Up-forward
UB = Up-back

Other controls

D U = Super Jump
B B = Back dash
F F = Dash
	--while dashing--
	P = shoulder ram
	LK = sliding kick
	HK = flying kick

LK+HK = Sidestep into the playfield
D+LK+HK = Sidestep out of the playfield
D+LK+HK = When near opponent, side step to the back

LP+HP = Throw
D+LP+HP = Throw crouching opponent

Start = Taunt (increase Burning Vigor Meter, arcade only)

Combo Systems

TextBook Combo System  
	A chain of attacks by 
              pressing  any light attack twice followed by a heavy 
attack, then direction + heavy attack.
              EX: LK, LK, LK, HK, F + HP

Air Combo System 
	 Launch the opponent into the air and chain attack
              in the air. By pressing diagonal forwarddown + 
              heavy punch or kick, your character will launch
              the opponent into the air. Then hold up to jump
              into the air to perform chain combos in the air.
              EX: DF + P, U, LP, LK, HP, HK

Defend Systems
Tardy Counter  
	Input special move command when guarding opponent attack to 
counter back. Even in the air !
              EX: (While Blocking) D,DF,F+P = counter attack with 
Special Attack

Defensive Fall
	Recover from falling by landing on feet while knocked into air or 
before knock down. Press any 2 	buttons before impact with ground.

Super Attack Systems

Burning Vigor Attack 
	The meter at the bottom is the Burning Vigor Meter. It can be 
accumulate when blocking, 	hitting, using special moves, etc. Burning 
Vigor attacks consume one bar of the meter and result 	in a more 
powerful Special Attack. Each character has 2-5 Burning Vigor Attacks.

Team Up Technique
	Consumes 2 bars of the Burning Vigor Meter. A combination of the 
two characters performing
              an attack or a healing move. Team-Up Technique is 
dependent on the teammate and NOT the 	main character. Activated by 
pressing LP+LK or HP+HK, which produces a single attack which 	starts 
of the Team-Up if the attack connects. The activation attack is also 
dependent on the 	teammate. "Initiated by column" denotes that when 
activated, your fighter will briefly be 	surrounded by a column of 
light which must touch your opponent and count as an attack in order 
	for the Team-Up to activate.

M O V E   L I S T S 
(A) means the move can be done in air as well
(#,#) denotes the maximum damage and amounts of hits that move can deal


Batsu Ichimonji  

[Special Attacks]
Guts Bullet (1,29): D,DF,F + P    (A)
A projectile weapon that can travel 7/8s across the screen before 
dissipating. Using Heavy punch speeds up the bullet. Can be done in the 
air downward at a 45 degree angle. 

Guts Upper (3,37): F, D, DF+ P
A flaming uppercut for up to 3 hits up close. Fairly quick and can be 
worked into the end of a combo.

Crescent Star Kick (3,37): D,DB,B + K 
A quick turnaround followed by a crescent-shaped kick for up to 3 hits 
if used up close. Large lag time between the motion and the actual kick, 
but can be used as an anti-air move.

Shooting Star Kick (5,44): D,DF,F + K     (A ONLY!)
Only able to do in the air. A dive kick that almost goes straight down, 
hitting up to 5 times. Be careful, if an opponent blocks this, you will 
be bounced into the air and open to any possible attack.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Super Guts Bullet (5, 73):  D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P		(A)
A more powerful version of the Guts Bullet. Time freezes while Batsu 
winds up, so this move is perfect for catching people off guard. 
Dissipates after crossing most of the screen. Can be done in the air.

**ARCADE DISC** Rival Launcher (7,69):  D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P rapidly
An uppercut followed by an auto air combo. Simply mash punch after the 
first hit gets through to continue the chain and get maximum damage.

**EVOLUTION DISC**Shooting Comet Kick : D,DF,F,D,DF,F+K		(A 
A more powerful Shooting Star Kick.

[Team-Up Technique]
Double Guts Bullet (7,60)
Batsu and his partner charge up two Super Guts Bullets, which the 
unleash simultaneously on their opponent. Initiated with a straight 

Hinata Wakaba

[Special Moves]
Rengekikien (8,72): D,DF,F + P rapidly
A rapid punch finished with a burning energy sphere. Tap punch rapidly 
to rack up the hits and damage.

Shouyouken (1,38):  F,D,DF + P
A single-hit rising uppercut. Adds slight sidestep and flames when using 
HP, as well as deals slightly more damage. Great anti-air move and used 
at the end of combos.

Enbukyaku (4,32):  D,DB,B + K
A forward-moving flaming spin kick. Adds more hits and spins with HK.

Renkyakudan (3,19 per shoe) :  D,DF,F + K		(A ONLY!)
Hinata kicks off her shoe downward at her opponent. Tap kick rapidly to 
kick up to 3 shoes, but don't expect all 3 to hit as lag time between 
kicks is great. It's her only projectile move, so make use of it.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Fire Senpuu-Kyaku (5,73): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K	(A)
Similar to Ryu's Shinkuu Tatsumakisenpuukyaku from Street Fighter Alpha. 
A flaming spin kick in place that can juggle opponents in midair. Can 
also be done in the air.

**ARCADE DISC**Rival Launcher (7,72): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P rapidly
An air-launching punch followed by an auto air combo. Similar to 
Bastu's, just jam on punch rapidly to rack up the hits and damage.

Super Rengekikien (10, 50): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P
A rapid punch followed by a flaming uppercut. Useless unless performed 
close to opponents.

[Team-Up Technique]
Guts & Power (1,38)
Increases your Burning Vigor meter by 5 bars and deals a small amount of 
damage. Initiated by column.

[Hinata2's Team-Up Technique] **EVOLUTION DISC**
Cross Kicker (3,30)
Both characters kick past the opponent in the air. Initiated by close 

Kyosuke Kan

[Special Moves]
Cross Cutter (2,30):   D,DF,F + P
An extremely odd projectile that breaks off at the start with one part 
going up and the other down. Both curve inward and reform at the end to 
make a larger projectile that dissipates 3/4s across the screen. A great 
anti-air move.

Shadow Cut Kick (1,27)     :   D,DF,F + K	(A)
A somersault kick that moves slightly forward. Quick and great for the 
end of a combo. Can also be done in the air for more damage.

Lighting Upper (1,29):   F,D,DF + P
An extremely close uppercut that produces a column of lighting. Slightly 
launches opponents on hit, but cannot be followed with an air combo.

Shadow Wave (1,19):   D,DF,F+ P	(A ONLY!)
An extremely close wave that can only be done in the air. Not much use 
except for finishing an air combo.

Shadow Breaker (2,38):   D,DB,B + P
A hop forward followed by a downward smashing punch. A slightly good 
anti-air move or for getting over projectiles.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Super Cross Cutter (5,73):  D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
A more powerful version of the Cross Cutter that launches 5 waves which 
reform into one giant one.

Double Shadow Cutter kick (7,115):  D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K (followed by 
D,DF,F+K at end)	(A)
A double Shadow Cutter followed by a Shadow Wave. Can be followed by a 
third Shadow Cutter performed manually for astounding damage. Can also 
be done in the air.

[Team-Up Technique] 
Last Symphony (14,62)
Both characters perform a rapid series of kicking attacks followed by 
somersault kicks. Initiated by forward backhand.


[Special Moves]
Scolding Slash (5,35): D,DF,F+P
A rapid-hitting stick slash that is perfect for ending combos on the 
ground or in the air. Also charges up the Burning Vigor bar quickly.

Counter Thrust (3,27): D,DB,B+P
A windup that charges through normal attacks and counters with a flaming 
punch. Sort of useless, since any experienced player will throw or knock 
him down as he winds up.

Devastation Kick (4,36): D,DF,F+K
An upward flaming kick that shoots him into the sky. LK goes straight 
up, HK goes up at a slight angle. Useful against air attackers, but 
quite slow.

Second Kick (1,23): D,DB,B+K
A dashing flying kick without the dash, much like Shoma's Homicide 
Slide. Great surprise attack as it is quite quick.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Physical Education Smack (2,60): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P
A close stick smack that results in the opponent doing pushups if 
unblocked. Must be done up close for any effect, but extremely funny to 

Super Counter Thrust (5,53): D,DB,B,D,DB,B+P
A more powerful Counter Thrust that charges a great distance through 
many attacks to deliver a flaming punch. Easy to see coming, best used 
on falling opponents.

[Team-Up Technique]
Hayato pounds on his teammate until they unleash a huge fireball on the 
opponent. Initiated by close uppercut.



[Special Moves]
Dynamite Straight (1,38): D,DF,F + P
A powerful straight punch that knocks opponents far away. Great range, 
and a superb move for ending a combo with.

Twister Upper (3,43): F,D,DF + P
A twisting, flaming uppercut. Does 3 hits and more damage with HP. Great 
anti air move.

Touchdown Wave (1,38): D,DB,B + P
Creates a wave in front of Roy. Use LP for a short projectile, HP for a 
column directly in front of him.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Triple Twister (10,84): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
Identical to Ken's Shoryureppa of Street Fighter Alpha fame. Executes 
three Twister Uppers in a row, the last being the most powerful. Must be 
executed close to opponent to rack up all the hits.

Super Touch Down (3,85): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
A larger multi-hitting version of the projectile Touchdown Wave. Cannot 
hit opponents up close, so use it from a distance for the best effect.

[Team-Up Attack]
Double Rising Tornado (11,58): 
Both characters perform a Twister Upper simultaneously, carrying their 
opponent high into the air. Initiated by a close uppercut.

Tiffany Rose

[Special Moves]
Beautiful Spin: F,D,DF + K
An upward spin kick similar to Cammy's Thrust Kick in Street Fighter 
Alpha. LK goes straight up, HK goes up at a slight angle. Useful for 
ending combos, but not much else.

Groovy Punch (1,96): D,DB,B + P (hold)
Hold punch to spin her arm and make more sparkles appear around it. Let 
go of the button to unleash the punch. The longer you charge, the more 
damage it does, but charging leaves you open.

Groovy Knuckle (1,19): D,DF,F + P (hold)
Hold punch to make her spin forwards, let go to unleash the punch. 
Useful for covering distance. Use HP to slightly sidestep while spinning 

Exciting Kick (4,43): D,DB,B + K		(A)
A high jump back followed by a fast downward kick. Leaves her very open 
if blocked. Can also done in the air.

Stomp Kick (1,15): D + HK		(A ONLY!)
Not really a special move, but can me used to attack someone directly 
under you.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Wonderful Kick (9,73): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K
Two somersault kicks followed by a Beautiful Spin. Must be initiated up 
close for all hits to connects, but can also be used as an anti air 

**ARCADE DISC**Rival Launcher (7,76): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + rapid P
An air-launching autocombo that deals more damage as you hit punch.

Wonderful Knuckle (5,68): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+ P
Four rapid Groovy Knuckles followed by a mid-charged Groovy Punch. The 
four Groovy Knuckles stun the opponent for the Groovy Punch, so try to 
land all the hits in.

[Team-Up Attack] 
Love & Peace (1,38)
Knocks opponent away and recovers some life meter. Initiated by column.

[Tiffany2's Team-Up Technique] **EVOLUTION DISC**
Groovy Pile (4,55)
Tiffany and teammate dogpile on the opponent. Initiated by high kick to 
the head.


Great Upper (Haymaker Straight) (3,69): D,DF,F + P (repeat 3 times)
Pull off the move 3 times in a row for a rushing punch combo. Use HP for 
a slight sidestep before the first punch and for a bit more damage.

Great Rush (5,52): F,D,DF + P rapidly
A diagonal upward standing punch flurry. Nearly impossible to get all 
the hits in, use it as an anti air move only.

Great Lariat (2,40): D,DB,B+ P	(A ONLY!)
Air only, use HP for more hits and damage. Difficult to connect with 
accurately, use at the end of air combos for best results.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Best Rush (7,97)  : D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
A more powerful version of the Great Upper, hits more times and causes a 
huge amount of damage.

Great Cross (5,74): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
An upward spin with his arms out, can lift close opponents up for 
multiple hits. Great anti air move.

[Team-Up Technique]
Double Power Buster (2,65)
Main character knocks opponent into the sky, where both characters 
perform a back breaker. Initiated by close uppercut.


Shoma Sawamura

[Special Attacks]
Fast Ball (1,31): D,DF,F + P	(A)
A full-screen extremely fast projectile. The only downside in the large 
windup time at the beginning. Great for zoning opponents. Can also be 
done at a downward angle in the air. Use HP for a faster ball and a bit 
more damage.

Grand Slam Smash (2,32): F,D,DF + P
A spin attack with the bat. Quick and useful for finishing combos. Great 
anti-air move.

Homicide Slide (1,27): D,DF,F + K
A quick jump forward and kick in the air. Similar to a dashing HK 
without the dash.
Quick and useful for ending combos as well as an anti air move

Baseline Shuffle (0,0): B+LK+HK
Shoma slowly circles his opponent while taunting. Can follow into:
LK = Sliding Kick (1,15)
	A low kick attack.
HK = Homicide Slide (1,27)
	A high kick attack.

Single Hook Smash (2,49): F,DF,D,DB,B + P
A lunge forward with the bat that follows into a throw if connected. 
Slow startup time and extremely slow lag if missed, leaving him wide 
open. Useful on a dashing opponent.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Hundred Balls (4,88): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P	(A)
A large flurry of baseballs that go a very short distance for multiple 

Homerun Hitter (1,81): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P       
Huge lag at startup, and extremely easy to see coming and get out of the 
way. Extremely powerful smash move that blows opponent to the farthest 
possible side of the screen.

[Team-Up Technique]
Grand Slam (4,60)
Main character bounces opponent into the air and smashes them into 
Shoma, who bats the opponent across the screen. Initiated by close 

Natsu Urahara

[Special Moves]
Jumping Serve: D,DF,F + P	(A)
A large and quick projectile that gradually falls downward as it 
travels. Extremely fast recovery time. Use HP to hit the ball further. 
Can also be done in the air.

Sliding Receive (1,32): F,D,DF + P
A quick low dive that smacks opponents up and back. Leaves her extremely 
open if missed.

Rolling Receive (1,29): D,DB,B + P
A roll forward followed by an air launcher. Can be followed by an air 
combo. Extremely useful and quick move.

Tokkun Spike (2,38): D,DB,B + P		(A ONLY!)
Air only move. Quick hit followed by smash to the ground. Two hits are 
possible although extremely hard to accomplish. Best used at the end of 
an air combo.

Set N' Spike (3,49): F,DF,D,DB,B + K
A short autocombo if the first hit connects. Can only hit up close.

[Burning Vigor Attacks] 
Thousand Spike (5,73): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
While floating in midair, Natsu fires off 5 flaming volleyballs that go 
a good distance. One hit and the rest follow. Great against dashing 

Blazing Spike (5,91): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P	(A ONLY!)
Air only. Fires downward at an angle a single flaming volleyball that 
does multiple hits and high damage. Difficult to aim.

[Team-Up Attack] 
Praise & Spirit (1,38)
Knock opponent away and increases Burning Vigor meter by 5 bars. 
Initiated by column.

[Natsu2's Team-Up Technique] **EVOLUTION DISC**
Double Spiker (4,58)
Natsu and her teammate basically beat their opponent around like a 
volleyball. Initiated by close uppercut.

Roberto Sanho

[Special Moves]
Long Shot (1,34): D,DF,F + K
Great projectile that starts low and curves upward. HK makes the ball 
curve downward at the end. 

Rising Kick (2,38): F,D,DF + K	(A)
A jumping knee. Followed by a kick when HK is used. Useful against air 
attacks. Can also be done in the air.

Sliding Kick (1,25): D,DB,B + K
A quick sidestep followed by a slide kick. Great for dodging projectiles 
and getting a counterattack in.

Bicycle Kick (2,34): D,DF,F + K	(A ONLY!)
Air only, a quick spinning kick that can hit multiple times. Best used 
at the end of an air combo.

Shining Save (3,36): D,DF,F + P
A dive that catches jumping opponent and traps them in a quick 
autocombo. Leaves him extremely open if missed.

Flash Feint (0,0): B+ LK+HK
A sidestepping move that ditches one way and then heads the other. 
Useful for getting around opponents and making them lose their timing. 
Up close, goes right around opponent to their back.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Victory Goal (5,91): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K		(A)
A more powerful flaming version of the Long Shot. Pushes opponents back 
while scoring multiple hits along the ground. Can also be done in the 

Rival Launcher (5,52): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K
An air launcher followed by a flaming air bicycle kick. Leaves him 
extremely open if missed. Use up close. 

[Team-Up Technique]
Double Shot (4,50)
Main character kicks opponent to Roberto, who juggles them before both 
characters kick them across the screen. Initiated by forward roundhouse.


Akira Kazama

[Special Moves]
Gate Elbow (1,29): D,DF,F + P
A very quick short dash forward followed by an equally quick elbow 
strike. Use HP to add a slight sidestep before performing the move. 
Awesome combo ender. For Akira without helmet, this move is changed from 
and elbow into an uppercut, no other changes.

Dancing Cyclone Kick (3, 29 each): D,DF,F + K (repeat 2X)
A quick sidestep followed by either sweeping kicks (LK) or jumping spin 
kicks (HK). Extremely difficult to catch an opponent on all 3 hits. Lag 
time between all the hits is too great to combo,but useful as a quick 
offensive move.

Reflex Stance (0,0): D,DB,B + P
Gets into Reflex Stance. Can be followed by these button chains to 
unleash awesome combos:
	Ryuga Rezan (6,53): LP,HP,HK (launches),LK,LK,LK
	Senen arashimai (4,60): HP,LP,LK,HK
	Rakan geki (6,50): LK,LK,LK,LP,HP,HK
	Phoenix Wing Kick (5,60):  HK (launches),LK,LK,LK,LP,HP

Leg Up (1,48): D,DB,B + K
A grab followed by a low air launcher. Can be followed by a normal jump 
into an air combo.

[Burning Vigor Attacks] 
Reflex Barrage (6,68): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
A more powerful version of the Rakan geki Reflex combo. No Reflex stance 
required to initiate.

Aerial Barrage (6,68): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K
A more powerful version of the Phoenix Wing Kick Reflex combo. No Reflex 
stance required to initiate.

Skull Aura (6,68): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P	(A)
A large rotating glowing skull spins around up close for multiple hits. 
Can also be done in the air, but only good at close range.

[Team-Up Technique]
Neo Synchronous Attack (13,57) 
Main character grabs opponent, and Akira performs a series of attacks 
shortly joined by the main character. Initiated by grab.

[Akira without helmet's Team-Up Technique]
Rhythmic Flying Kick (9,52)
Main character punches opponent into the air, both characters juggle 
them and leap high into the air descending in a multi-hitting kick. 
Initiated by uppercut.

Edge Yamada

Reversing Blade Strike (4, 15 per knife) : D,DF,F + P (repeatable, see 
below)		(A) 
A short knife projectile. Use the motion with LP twice to throw one 
high, one low. Can be chained into motion twice with HP for another high 
and low. HP can be used by itself twice for a maximum of 2 throws, but 
first throw leaves Edge with his back turned to opponent. Can be used in 
the air as a great one-hit zoning move. HP throws further than LP in the 

Destructive Kick (1,38): D,DF,F + K
A kick that rises dirt at the opponent a short range. Use HK for a 
longer range with more damage, but leaves Edge's back turned at the end 
and has longer startup time.

Rising Blade Abuse (1,34): D,DB,B+K
A low dive at the opponent with knives held out. Use LK for a slight 
sidestep before the move, HK for a quick jump back. Great for covering 

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Bloody Festival (7,62): D,DF,F,D,DF,F  + P
A quick sidestep followed by a short dash forward into a autocombo 
slashing frenzy. Quite useful against zoners.

**ARCADE DISC** Rival Launcher (4,63): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + rapid P  or LK+HK 
A juggling air combo that can also be initiated 

**EVOLUTION DISC** Destruction Kick (9,71): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+K	(A ONLY!)
In air only, Edge somersaults multiple times while kicking dust at 
opponent. Can hit multiple times, but only useful against opponents on 
the ground who are close by.

[Team-Up Technique] 
Bloody Nightmare (4,52)
Both characters crossline opponent with slashing attacks. Initiated by 
spin kick.

Gan Ishiugo

[Special Moves]
Gun Stabbing (6,126): D,DF,F+P (repeatable, see below)
A charge forward while slapping sumo style. Use the motion with LP twice 
for 4 hits, HP for 6 hits. All slaps deal 18 damage except the last, 
which deals 36.

Rough Wave Stomping (1,65): D,DF,F + K
A close range sumo stomp that produces a red column. Use HK for more 
damage. Useless at far range.

Rock Smashing (1,65): F,D,DF + P
A short hop followed by a downward smash. Use HP for a higher hop and 
more damage. Not good against air attackers, as the attacks only takes 
effect once you hit the ground.

Clapping Hand Destruction (1,65): D,DB,B+P
A large clap straight ahead. Use HP for more damage.

Thunder Clap (1,60): F,DF,D,DB,B + P
A throw move at close range that tosses your opponent around. Useless at 
far range.

Ganshi Otoshi (1,37):  D,DF,F + K		(A ONLY!)
An atomic butt drop from the air that goes straight down. Easy to catch 
opponents unaware.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Super Gun Stabbing (5,101): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
A more powerful Gun Stabbing. If the first hits connects, the rest are 
in. Great against close opponents.

Concrete Smash (5,120): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
EXTREMELY powerful grab that can easily deplete half an opponent's life 
bar. Only able to use up close, and unblockable.

[Team-Up Technique]
Active Volcano (5,60) 
Toss followed by multiple slams into the ground. Initiated by low grab.

Daigo Kazama

[Special Moves]
Phoenix Fist (5,48): D,DF,F+P (repeat 5X)
A glowing punch that can be chained up to 5 times if you use HP, single 
hit with LP. Great for ending combos, or creating one by itself.

Phoenix Kick (2,38): D,DF,F+K
A double hits roundhouse kick that can be used as a quick combo ender. 
Decent range.

Phoenix Fire (3,45): D,DB,B+K
A column of fire that only hits opponents right up close. Leaves Daigo 
quite open for a second near the end. Mostly useless move.

Skull Aura (3,33): D,DF,F+P	(A ONLY!)
A weak version of Akira's Skull Aura that aims downward for multiple 
hits. Decent speed and can be used to finish off an air combo.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Phoenix Fury (10,72): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P
An autocombo of punches and kicks are landed on the opponent only if the 
first hit connects. Extremely fast first hit makes it easy to end a 
combo with, if you can pull off the motion quickly.

Air Rebel Aura (5,69): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P	(A ONLY!)
A more powerful Skull Aura, best used at the end of air combos for all 
hits and maximum damage.

Super Phoenix Fire (8,79): D,DB,B,D,DB,B+P
A more powerful (you guessed it) Phoenix Fire. Creates a much larger 
column and has much greater range. Useful for tagging air attackers.

[Team-Up Technique]
Daigo takes the weak punches of his opponent and bats them high into the 
air. Initiated by forward push.


Hideo Shimazu

Seihaken (3,45): D,DF,F + P		(A)
A projectile that can travel the entire screen. A bit of startup lag 
time, so be sure to use only at a distance. In air, tap HP rapidly to 
shoot up to 3 fireballs.

Anti-air Seihaken (1,19): D,DB,B + P
A diagonal-up fireball to tag air attackers. Useless otherwise.

Jicchokuken (1,38): F,D,DF + P
A quick rising uppercut a-la-Shoryuken. Perfect for anti air and ending 

Shinenkyaku (3,36): D,DB,B + K
A spinning kick that hits multiple times rapidly. Great for ending 

Raieishuu (3, 25 per hit):D,DF,F + K	(repeatable, A ONLY!)
A slightly downward kick that flies across the screen. Repeat up to 3 
times to make multiple passes over an opponent. Useful for ending an air 
combo, or rapidly building up your Burning Vigor bar.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Shimazu Seihaken (5,73): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
A more powerful Seihaken. Dissipates across the screen and loses hits.

Shimazu Jicchokuken (3,95): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
Identical to Ryu's Shinshoryuken in SFA. A quick punch followed by a 2-
hit Jicchokuken. Only useful up close or against air attackers.

[Team-Up Technique]
Shin Seihaken (10,78)
Main character spin kicks into opponent, Hideo uppercuts them into the 
air and both characters toss multi-hitting fireballs at them. Initiated 
by spin kick.

Kyoko Minazuki

Shussekikakunin (1,38): D,DB,B + P
A spinning sidestep followed by a backhand with the clipboard. Extremely 
useful for screwing up opponents timing or simply getting close for a 
quick hit.

Kaishin (3,32): D,DB,B + K	(A)
A spinning kick towards the opponent. Use HK to score multiple hits and 
more damage. Also use in the air.

Shokushin (5,50): D,DF,F+ P, then K rapidly
A grab followed by a flurry of kicks. The grab is unblockable but has 
short range. The kicks are accomplished by rapidly hitting kick after 
the grab. 

Shoutenkikai (2,30): F,D,DF + K
A rising knee attack. Use HK at tap again after the first hit for a 
second kick. Useful against air attackers.

Flip (1,19): B + LK+HK
A quick spinning flip forward. Useful for attacking opponents backs. Can 
actually damage opponent if legs hit them.

One Wing Stance (0,0): D,DF,F + K
Stance that can link into the following moves:
	(the following are both sidesteps with punches)
	Leg Diagnosis = LP
	Pulse Diagnosis =  HP
	(the following are all chains of rising kicks)
	Weight Diagnosis = LK x 3
	Height Diagnosis  =  HK x 3
	Chest Diagnosis =  LK,LK,HK
	?? Diagnosis = HK,HK,LK

[Burning Vigor Attack]
Final Prescription (5,76): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
A short dash forward followed by a grab resulting in a most unpleasant 
massage. Use only at close range or be left open to counterattacks.

Class Curve Kicks (5,83): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K
A multi-hitting rising kick. Great against air attackers.

[Team-Up Technique]
Rest & Relax (1,38)
Knocks opponent back and recovers some life meter.

[Kyoko2's Team-Up Technique] **EVOLUTION DISC**
Prescription of Love (4,57)
Kyoko and her teammate spin to create a heart, which they launch at 
their opponent. Initiated by straight kick.

Raizo Kiya

Yasha-Guruma (2,44): D,DF,F + ANY, ANY	(A)
A rolling ball attack that can be aimed in any direction. First button 
(when on the ground):
	LP,HP = straight ahead
	LK = 45 degree angle upward
	HK = straight up
In the air:
	LP = straight ahead
	HP = 45 degree angle upward
	LK = 45 degree angle downward
	HK = straight down
Hold any direction and press any button for a second roll after the 
first one.

Kyoujyuu-Reppa (4,35): F,D,DF + P
A charge forward while slashing repeatedly, like Wolverine's Berserker 
Barrage in MSH. Great for dashing opponents.

Roppu-Zuki (1,35) D,DB,B + P
A large lagged claw. Takes a huge time to initiate, but charges forward 
for a good bit of damage. Use when far away.

Sekisaiga (5,80): F,DF,D,DB,B + K
A grabbing autocombo. Unblockable and cannot be done from behind. One 
hit starts the chain.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Imawano Kyoujyuu-Reppa (8,63): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
A more powerful Kyoujyuu-Reppa, charges constantly to the other end of 
the screen. Leaves you open from behind, so be sure to connect with the 
first hit.

Imawano Roppu-Zuki (8,106): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + hold P (release up close)
A more powerful Roppu-Zuki, charges into attacks and counters when the 
button is let go. Charge up close to an opponent and let go for maximum 

[Team-Up Technique]
Human Cannonball (2,60)
Main character kicks opponent into the air and Raizo throws his partner 
at them. Initiated by high kick.


Ichimonji-Giri (Jyuumoni-Giri) (2,16): D,DF,F + P (+P)
A quick sword slash ahead that can be followed with a second overhead 
slash with a second punch button. Fast and great for ending combos.

Iai-Giri (2,45): D,DB,B + P (+ P)
A turnaround sidestep followed by a quick sword slash. Tap the button a 
second time for a second slash. A great dodging move.

Ouryuu-Zan (1,34): F,D,DF + P
An upward rising slash. Great against air attacks and perfect for ending 

Tenrai-Zan (1,25): D,DF,F + P	(A ONLY!)
A dropping sword slash that creates a column of light upon impact with 
the ground. Great for catching opponents off guard, but large lag time 
when you hit earth leaving you open.

Genai-Shuu (1,29)                     : D,DB,B + K  (air)
A somersault kick that can end a combo or catch an air attacker off 
guard. Quite quick.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Ankoku-Genai-Shuu (6,82): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K
Two somersault kicks followed by a multi-hitting sword drop. Use only at 
close range.

Ankoku-Genai-Zan (25,62): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
A massive kicking autocombo finished with an upward slash. Hyo clones 
himself and attacks from both sides. First attack must connect to start 
the combo. Useless from far away.

[Team-Up Technique]
Zankoku-Zan (6,68)
Hyo slashes opponent mercilessly, then hits main character as well. 
Don't use it when life is too low! Initiated by flaming straight punch.


Sakura Kasugano

[Special Moves]
Hadoken (1,31): D,DF,F + hold P 
A projectile that can be charged up to cover less distance and deal more 
damage. Simply hold punch to charge it up and release to fire. Charging 
leaves you open, naturally.

Soukuu-Hadoken (1,23):  D,DF,F + P	(A ONLY!)
A downward diagonal fireball in the air, dissipates before hitting the 
ground if done at the top of a super jump.

Tengyou -Hadoken (1,29): D,DB,B + P
An upward diagonal fireball that's great against air attacks and not 
much else. Quick, but somewhat challenging to aim.

Shouou-ken (6,52): F,D,DF + P
A charging punch that ends with an uppercut. Use LP for a single hit or 
HP for multiple hits and more damage. Superb combo ender.

Senpuu-kyaku (3,27): D,DB,B + K		(A)
A spinning kick. Use LK for a single hit, HK for multiple hits and more 
damage. Curves slightly upward and descends when used on the ground. In 
air, simply spins while rising or falling. Decent air combo ender.

[Burning Vigor Attacks]
Shinkuu-Hadoken (5,73): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P 
A more powerful Hadoken that dissipates and loses hits as it crosses the 

Shinkuu-Soukou-Hadoken (5,73)       : D,DF,F,D,DF,F x 2 + P	(A ONLY!)
A downward diagonal Shinkuu-Hadoken. Great air assault, but difficult to 
make a combo out of.

Shinkuu Tengou-Hadoken (5,81): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + P
An upward diagonal Shinkuu-Hadoken that tags air attackers for a lot of 
damage if aimed correctly.

Midare-Zankuu-Sakura (10,53): D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K
Three Shouou-kens in a row, the last one being the most powerful. Great 
combo ender if you can bust the motion out fast enough.

Haruichiban (5,79): D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K
A series of low sweep kicks ended with a standing roundhouse. Must be 
blocked low. Excellent for confusing opponents blocking patterns.

[Team-Up Technique]
Haru Goku Satsu (13,61)
Main character grabs opponent and Sakura perform series of attack on 
them. Initiated by straight short punch.

Unlocking Stuff at the Arcade
Condition to fight Hyo, Good ending
-Finish Raizo or his partner (Chapter 7) with Team Up Attack in any 
round. Hyo will be the last chapter, finish him to see your character's 
Good ending. 

Free select mode (arcade only)
-After 2 weeks of installation, characters can be team up freely (but 
with no Story Mode)

Evil Color (arcade only)
-After Free select mode is enable, hold Start and select the character.

Unlock Hyo and Raizo (arcade only)
-After 3 weeks of installation, insert coin, hold Start. Hyo and Raizo 
be selectable.

Unlock Sakura and Akira without helmet (arcade only)
-After 4 weeks of installation, insert coin, hold start, there will be 
arrows above Hyo and Raizo.

Free Select Mode Code (arcade only)
-In test mode 's Dot Cross Hatch:
1st Player: Up, Up, Down, Down, LK, HP.

Hyo/Raizo Code (arcade only)
-When machine can free select, in Test Mode 's Sound&Voice:
2nd player: Up, Up, Down, Down, LK, HP.

Sakura/Akira with helmet Code (arcade only)
-With Hyo/Raizo are unlocked, in Test Mode 's Input:
2nd player: Up, Up, Down, Down
1st player: LK, HP.

Unlocking Stuff on the Arcade disc
Unlocking Secret Characters
-What the hell are you talking about? They're all unlocked already!

Unlocking Bonus Stuff
-Unlock Movies by watching the opening many times
-Unlock the image gallery by seeing different load screens (can't really 
control this)
-Unlock endings by completing the game as different characters
-Unlock Staff Roll by beating the game once
-Same with Watch Mode

Unlocking Stuff on the Evolution disc
Unlocking Tiffany2, Kyoko2, Hinata2 and Natsu2
-Simply beat the game with the appropriate character. These are the same 
as the normal characters but with a different costume and a new Team-Up 
Technique (described under that character's moves above).

Unlocking those Custom Characters
-You get one each time you beat the game. Basically, these are weird 
looking characters with the special moves of the normal cast. See the 
list below for the order they come in.

Unlocking Bonus Stuff
-Same as the arcade disc, except one new option:
-Unlock Kyoko's Office (a bizarre massage room that uses the Dual Shock 
controller in a weird new way) by beating the game as Kyoko on the 
highest difficulty level

Unlocking Mini-games!
Shoma's Home Run Mode:
-Beat the game as Shoma with Roberto as your teammate on highest 
Roberto's Target Mode:
-Beat the game as anyone on any difficulty
Roberto's Goal Mode:
-Beat the game as Roberto with Shoma as your teammate on highest 
Natsu's Service Mode:
-Beat the game as Natsu with Shoma as your teammate on highest 

Some things I was asked by people
SomeGuy: Man, my ending sucked. This game sucks.
Me: No way, man. You just suck. Beat the boss in Chapter 7 in any round 
with a Team-Up technique to get to Hyo and see your Good ending.

A Different Guy: What happen if I defeat the really hard stage in the 
Story Mode?
Me: Depends on who you use, few stages will be skipped and immediately
    goes to stage 7 or 6. Here is a chart of who you will meet, and 
    you will end up if defeat the bonus stage.
Stage 3 (Vs Raizo)
Win = Stage 6    

Stage 3 (Hideo/Kyoko)
Win = Stage 7

Stage 3 (Hideo/Kyoko)
Win = Stage 7

Stage 3 (other group members)
Get a Perfect = Stage 6

Stage 3 (Raizo)
Win = Stage 7

Stage 3 (other group member)
no difference 

Somewhat Crazy Guy: What the hell happened to the School Life mode I 
heard about in RS on the Playstation?! ARG!!
Me: Capcom removed it due to the fact there was so much translation to 
be done. School Life was a mode that allowed you to customize a 
character and play through a year at the school of your choice. This 
feature is included in RS2 which is only available for the PS in Japan 
as of note. On the plus side, Capcom did include some Custom Characters 
in the Evolution disc on the PS. You unlock one each time you beat the 
game. Here they are, in order:

(I don't care if you read this or not, but I want to thank some people)

First off, extreme thanks to my best friend Murray for introducing me to 
the Rival Schools machine at the University arcade, and taking beating 
after beating on the Playstation version.

Thanks to Rose for keeping me company as I typed all this junk out.

On a side note, a warm 'Go to hell' to the University for replacing that 
same RS machine with a Soul Calibur. It just isn't the same, damn it...

Oh yeah, and a kind thanks to the local Famous Players for somehow 
getting that same RS machine and installing it in the local mall. See? A 
good ending!

By Kevin Wojnarski
08/03/99 into the night and the next day, and into the next night, and 
into the next day....