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Super Mario Bros Deluxe (e)

             -+- Super Mario Bros. Deluxe FAQ 1.0 -+-
  -+- Skewer / (remove all underscores) -+-
                        -+- May '99 -+-

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           S I N C E  1 9 8 5

              T H E  F A Q


Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Gameplay
Part 3: Challenge Mode
Part 4: Racing Mode
Part 5: Goodies
Part 6: Album
Part 7: Wrap-up
                                                  /  |
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                                       ****** Part | |
                                                  _| |_
                              Introduction       |_____|

Since this is essentially the same game as the NES version, I won't go into 
every little level. However, I will cover all the new things (at least I HOPE 
all of them) in the Game Boy version. This includes glitches, changes, added 
difficulty/easyness. Of course, it will include the goodies you earn as you 
complete tasks during the game!
By the way, this FAQ is hardly complete, so if you want to contribute,
send me an E-mail.

          ;:;:;:     SPOILER ALERT!     ;:;:;:
          ;:;:;:   This FAQ contains    ;:;:;:
          ;:;:;:   info on how to get   ;:;:;:
          ;:;:;:  secrets in the game.  ;:;:;:
          ;:;:;:  PROCEED AT OWN RISK!  ;:;:;:

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                                       ****** Part |  __|
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                              Gameplay             |____|

The game is very accurately translated from the NES, much like the
gameplay in Super Mario All-Stars. The graphics are very similar to
the NES, except in places where the Game Boy Color's limitations
require the use of a color already onscreen. For example, the
underwater pipe in the final dungeon. Due to the smaller screen size,
the game has been formatted to scroll as you go around the screen.
Unlike the NES version you can go backwards a little bit, in order to
cover the obscured portion of the screen. You can look up and down
with the D-pad and ahead with the Select button. A world map has been
added, but you cannot select levels until you beat the game once.
When you run out of lives, you get unlimited chances to continue, and
from the same level where you died. If you die, you usually start
halfway through the level, like before. The warp zones are all still
there, and take you to the same place. There aren't any in-game cheats
or secrets other than the ones found in the NES version, but the NES
version had enough. When Lakitu is present on a level, he will scroll
down to the top of the screen, which should be about halfway below
his actual location. Although it makes seeing him and dodging Spinys
easier, it can make tracking down and killing him harder. You start each game 
with 5 lives, and you get a Game Over if you die with 1 life
remaining. The saving is done when you hit Start and choose it from the
pause menu, or when you get a game over and do not continue, optionally.
                                                   |__  |
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                                       ****** Part  |_  |
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                           Challenge Mode          |____|

Challenge mode lets you go through levels in the game, trying to pick
up red coins, and a Yoshi egg placed in the level. Also, you are
challenged to beat a score. You can do Challenge mode for every level
you beat in the game.

(Note: I hope someday to put the location of the Yoshi eggs or maybe
even red coins in here!)
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                                       ****** Part |___  |
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                             Racing Mode               |_|

Racing mode is an interesting twist on Mario. It may remind you of
the races with Koopa The Quick in Mario 64. You can race a human or
Boo. There are blocks which can hide or show (sort of like the color
blocks in Super Mario World) when you hit the block to toggle the state of the 
blocks. They don't affect Boo. There are also timers which turn
blocks into spikes and back, every 3 seconds. There are mini-
springboards, too, which sometimes may slow you down.
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                                       ****** Part |__  |
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                               Goodies             |____|

The menu that says "Toy Box" hides most of the goodies. When you first
get the game, there is a calendar that goes from 1 AD to 3000 AD. It
comes with several holidays including the Super Mario Bros. Japan
release date. To find the holidays go to their date or hit Select.
To add a date press A and choose "Mark." You can then give a date a
symbol with the A button.

Also, there's a fortune telling game, where you pick a card, which
should be self-explanatory. It doesn't ever seem to improve through
the game. Every Koopa you beat at the end of each world will release
either a Toad or Peach; they end up in a secret room in the Toy Box.
Each one has a different thing to offer, usually a picture or Nintendo
artwork, sometimes including the option to add text, that can be
printed. The last Toad and Peach have an interesting music option,
which can be used to write simple music, but limited; sort of like
the music mode in Mario Paint. You put up the note, A-G, by entering
the capital letter. You can make them sharp, flat, higher or lower by
putting the cursor ahead of the note and pressing one of the buttons
on the bottom. Also, you can add a rest by entering a period. To
adjust the length of notes/rests, put in a music note before the
notes. The following chart depicts what else you can get:

Beat World 1: Get the ability to put names to your dates in the
calendar. Also get Boo mode.
Beat the game: Get the Yoshi egg locator for the challenge game.
Get the #1 high score yourself: Get to play SBM2 (aka Lost Levels)!!
Hit select on world map: Play as Luigi (no noticeable difference in
performance though, no wiggling-leg jump etc.).
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                                       ****** Part |  _  |
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                                Album              |_____|

The album is full of pictures of events, which become available when
you do those events.

Page 1: Awards
   Mario Award: Beat Bowser, save the princess.

Page 2: Events
   Events include: Getting fireworks (1/3/6 trick, see SMB faq for
                                     more info),
   Getting a 1-up, Climbing a vine to a secret area, saving the
   princess, ???

Page 3: Monsters
   When you destroy baddies, you get their pictures.
     Bloober, Goomba, Lakitu, Hammer bros., Koopa Troopa, Spiny,
     Cheep-cheep, Buzzy Beetle, Bullet Bill.

Page 4: ???
Page 5: ???

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                                       ****** Part    | |
                                                      | |
                               Wrap-up                |_|

This FAQ is Copyright c 1999 by Skewer, in other words don't distribute
it at all unless I give you permission! The information in this FAQ is
not guaranteed as accurate, and I accept no responsibility for the use
or misuse of this FAQ.