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Star Ocean - The Second Story (Battle Arena FAQ) (e)

Star Ocean: The Second Story
Nedian Funhouse Battle Arena FAQ
Version 0.5 (Revised 8/2/2000)
By Ragnarok (Michael Szemeredy)

This is the Star Ocean 2 Nedian Funhouse Battle Arena FAQ.  For
those who don't know (or those who don't pay attention to the
storyline), the Nedian Funhouse is commonly referred to as Fun
City. This is the same place where you fight two of "God's Ten
Wise Men" (Marsilio and Shigeo). This is my first official FAQ,
so please be patient. At this time, this FAQ covers the Survival
Battle and the two wise men battles. I'll most likely finish up
the FAQ one week from this update. If you're reading this after
that date then either I was too lazy to do it or you have an
outdated version of this FAQ.


Part I: Revisions
Part II: Marsilio and Shigeo
Part III: Duel Battle
Part IV: Survival Battle
Part V: Credits


* Version 0.5 (8/2/2000)
Added full information on Bullying Battles.
Added enemy information on Duel Battles.

* Version 0.2 (12/23/1999)
Fixed some minor errors and changed some information. Added
skunko's hell servant strategy.

* Version 0.1 (8/21/1999)
Fist version of the FAQ.  Covered the wise men battles and the
survival battles.


At the end of the game, you will face the first two of God's
Ten Wise Men that you can actually defeat in battle. I have supplied
some information for these two annoyances, but keep in mind that if
you are playing in Galaxy or Universe mode, they will be much more
tougher (and the stats listed here will be MUCH higher)!

* Marsilio
150,000 HP
100 MP
Strong against Fire, Earth, Thunder, and Darkness
No Weaknesses

This is the first sage battle.  Keep your fighters constantly
attacking Marsilio and you won't have much of a problem.  A good
strategy is to take control of your healer (either Noel or Rena) and
let the others fight the battle for you. Having a pair of bunny shoes
equipped on your healer makes it much easier for your healer to run
from Marsilio if he decides to come after him/her. Keep healing your
fighters and casting such spells as protection and growth, and you
will not have any problem defeating Marsilio. Be careful of Marsilio's
Creully Rushes and Initial Slay attacks, as they can cause some hefty

* Shigeo
160,000 HP
100 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Before this battle, make sure everybody has an anti-stone accessory
equipped (such as the Stone Check). This will prevent Shigeo from
stoning your charachters with his Infringement attack. As with all the
sage battles, taking control of your healer will leave you in much
better shape. Keep hammering away at Shigeo to take him out. If you
see him charging up, do not get in front of him, as he shoots a large
beam that can cause some moderate damage.


The Duel battles are the easiest you will fight in the arena. Even A
Rank is easy to finish. After defeating 4 opponents in one-on-one
battles, you get a prize. Ranks F-B give various items and such, but
winning Rank A will get you a rare weapon for that charachter (after
the first A Rank victory you get verious good items). The first A Rank
victory for each charachter will get you the following:

Ashton: Doubledemon Sword
Bowman: Flare Burst
Celine: Dragon's Tusk
Chisato: Aero Gun
Claude: Windsley Sword
Dias: Cromlea Sword
Ernest: Cat o' Nine Tails
Leon: Book of Awakening
Noelle: Death Fangs
Opera: Psycho Box
Precis: Hyper Punch
Rena: Fellper Nails

Note: I only presented strategies for the Rank A battles as they are
probably the only ones you will fight just to get the weapons. The
others are also way too easy to need a strategy.

And now, the enemies you will face:

** RANK E **

* Battle 1: *
Lizard Axe
60 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Light

* Battle 2: *
Vopal Bunny
120 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Wind

* Battle 3: *
Armed Knight
180 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning

* Battle 4: *
200 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Star

** RANK D **

* Battle 1: *
Carla Eagle
800 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire, Thunder, Star

* Battle 2: *
Beast Master
840 HP
30 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

* Battle 3: *
600 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Earth

* Battle 4: *
880 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire

** RANK C **

* Battle 1: *
5,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Fire, Thunder, Void
Weak against Water

* Battle 2: *
5,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Fire, Thunder, Void
Weak against Water

* Battle 3: *
Cold Lizard
13,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Water, Thunder
Weak against Fire

* Battle 4: *
Ray Stinger
4,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire

** RANK B **

* Battle 1: *
Dark Crusader
10,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Water, Darkness
Weak against Light

* Battle 2: *
20,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
no Weaknesses

* Battle 3: *
15,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Thunder, Light

* Battle 4: *
30,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Vacuum

** RANK A **

* Battle 1: *
5,500 HP
50 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire, Thunder, Light

Watch out for the Multiple Terror attack. Other than that, there's not
much of a challenge.

* Battle 2: *
Meil 64
8,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning, Star

Be careful of the missiles it shoots from time to time. Rush in and whack it
before it has a chance to use them.

* Battle 3: *
14,700 HP
100 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning, Light

Stay as far away as possible from kidnier, because if it swallows your
charachter, you lose the battle. Besides that, this is an easy enemy to defeat.

* Battle 4: *
Medus Lizzard
38,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Earth, Water, Fire
No Weaknesses

Watch out for the tail attack, which can paralyze you (which means you
lose the battle).  Also be careful with the breath attack, which can
take your HP for a ride downhill.


This section contains a listing of every single enemy you will fight
in the survival battle. The enemies are ALWAYS the same, so you don't
have to worry about random enemies. If you plan to actually win this
set of battles, YOU MUST BE AT AT LEAST LEVEL 150. This means you must
have gone to the cave of trials sand saved at the final save point in
Feinal (the final dungeon). Only stats are listed for the first 25
enemies, as you should be able to kill them in one or two blows. Keep
in mind that if you are playing in Galaxy or Universe mode, the stats
will be higher. Some enemies have missing stats, which I will try to
fill in as soon as possible.

* Battle 1: Lizard Axe
60 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Light

* Battle 2: Armed Knight
180 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning

* Battle 3: Slime
200 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Light

* Battle 4: Bug Bear
200 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

* Battle 5: Carla Eagle
800 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak Against Fire, Star, and Lightning

* Battle 6: Gerel
600 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Earth

* Battle 7: Scewer
880 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire

* Battle 8: Slime Pool
1,600 HP
0 MP
Strong against Earth, Water
No Weaknesses

* Battle 9: Shout
700 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Light

* Battle 10: Sargwen
850 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning

* Battle 11: Mandrake
800 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Star

* Battle 12: Salamander
5,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Fire, Thunder, Void
Weak against Water

* Battle 13: Black Slime
3,600 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Light

* Battle 14: Cold Lizard
13,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Water, Thunder
Weak against Fire

* Battle 15: Hellhound
8,300 HP
0 MP
Strong against Fire
Weak against Light

* Battle 16: Periton
12,500 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire, Thunder, Star

* Battle 17: Reflect Guard
3,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against all elements
No Weaknesses

* Battle 18: Fenril Beast
25,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Fire, Thunder, Water
No Weaknesses

* Battle 19: Dark Crusader
10,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Water, Darkness
Weak against Light

* Battle 20: Otif
8,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Water
Weak against Earth

* Battle 21: Reflect Guard (same as Battle 17)

* Battle 22: Break Wing
30,000 HP
100 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Vacuum

* Battle 23: Ericodos
5,500 HP
50 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Fire, Thunder, Light

* Battle 24: Meil 64
8,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning, Star

* Battle 25: Funny Thief
3 HP (no, this is not a typo)
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

* Battle 26: Kidnier
14,700 HP
100 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning, Light

This is where thing turn tough (if you have low levels). Watch out for
this enemy, as it can eat your charachter, which is considered defeat.
Try using long-range attacks on Kidnier.

* Battle 27: Takicodos
25,500 HP
50 MP
Strong against Water, Wind, Vacuum, Light
No Weaknesses

Watch out for the Multiple Terror attack. Other than that, there's not
much of a challenge this round.

* Battle 28: Riverside
5,200 HP
100 MP
No Strengths
Weak against Lightning, Light

This guy moves fast and swallows charachters whole... defeat it with
long range attacks.

* Battle 29: Wizard
20,000 HP
200 MP
Strong against Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Star
No Weaknesses

Get up close and personal with this enemy. Don't give him time to cast
something on you, as this can put you at a disadvantage. Also, watch
out for the fireball he throws, which can cause status abnormalities.

* Battle 30: Medus Lizzard
38,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Earth, Water, Fire
No Weaknesses

Watch out for the tail attack, which can paralyze you (which means you
lose the battle).  Also be careful with the breath attack, which can
take your HP for a ride downhill.

* Battle 31: Wierd Avia
100,000 HP
300 MP
Strong against Fire, Wind
No Weaknesses

Watch out for the Master Attack this enemy uses as it can cause some
hefty damage. Wierd Avia also likes casting Shadow Flare, Delay, and
Cure All, so hit it quickly if it pauses (which is a sign he's casting
one of them).

* Battle 32: Wierd Knight
23,000 HP
0 MP
Strong against Fire, Darkness
No Weaknesses

From now on, all enemies you will face are from the Cave of Trials.
This guy acts just like the Dark Crusader enemy, so you should be able
to anticipate the sword throw and up close slash. Take your time, but
don't take to much damage this round.

* Battle 33: Warlock
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

Folow the strategy outlined for battle 29 and you should be OK.

* Battle 34: Hunting Gel
20,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Watch out, as this enemy can give you status abnormalities if you
allow it to hit you. Attack from long range and you will be fine. Be
aware that this enemy can split into multiple parts, so be extremely
careful or you may get overwhelmed.

* Battle 35: Giant
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

Nothing special here... Just stay away from the enemy or you'll be in
a world of hurt! Use long range attacks this battle.

* Battle 36: Hunting Gel
60,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Be aware that this enemy can split into multiple parts, so be extremely
careful or you may get overwhelmed. Once again, use long range attacks
for the best effects.

* Battle 37: Punk Ponk
37,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

No information at this time

* Battle 38: Lady Qumira
27,500 HP
200 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Take this spider lady out in a hurry. Not only is she powerful, she
has mass-destruction spells at her disposal, which could really make
your day. Don't let her cast spells, but try to stay somewhat away.

* Battle 39: Greater Goat
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

Use the same tactics as the last battle and you should be fine.

* Battle 40: Dragon Axe
26,550 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

This battle should not pose any problem. Just use long range attacks
to finish this "weakling" off.

* Battle 41: Funny Thief (L99)
40,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

This is what happens when a Funny Thief decides to do a little weight
training. He's fast and annoying, so use attacks that don't miss
often (such as Dias' Full Moon Slash or a powerful heraldic spell). He
can do alot of damage fast, so be extremely careful.

* Battle 42: Last Avenger
26,500 HP
200 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Use the magic strategy for this fight (don't let it cast a spell, but
keep your distance). You're getting close to the end, so it's all
uphill in terms of the strength of the enemies you will be facing
these last eight matches.

* Battle 43: Meigus
17,510 HP
590 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Get up close and personal or you will be eating her Southern Cross and
Light Cross spells. She's not too tough, as long as you keep her from
casting anything. Show this witch how you do things downtown.

* Battle 44: Orbiter Beast
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

Look familiar? Use the same strategy as Battle 30 to win this one.

* Battle 45: Star Guarder
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

No information at this time

* Battle 46: Foriger
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

Kill this little wolf... just keep your distance and you'll be fine.

* Battle 47: Cockitricking
? HP
? MP
Strong against ?
Weak against ?

Watch out... make Kentucky Fried Chicken out of this bird quickly or
you will be in very big trouble.  It can stone you, so move quickly
like an assassin.

* Battle 48: Meil 128
59,000 HP
0 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Tough is not a word you can use to describe this battle... move
quickly and kill it before it kills you!

* Battle 49: Clubgunner
48,500 HP
250 MP
No Strengths
No Weaknesses

Ok... this is tough, but not as tough as the next battle. Move fast
and max out your HP and MP before killing it (use the tried-and-true
magic strategy outlined in Battle 39).

* Battle 50: Hell Servant
500,000+ HP
1000+ MP
Strong against all elements
No Weaknesses

This battle is sorta like facing Indalecio with his limiter off, and
then some. Its Master Attack can outright kill you in one hit, and it
uses the Meteor Swarm spell, which WILL kill you if you don't have the
Angel Armband equipped (if you have it equipped, you wil be fully
healed instead of fully killed). Use the Bubble and Melting Lotions
that are in your inventory (don't worry - you'll have some unless
you've used them in an earlier fight). Hope you kill it in one hit, or
just overpower it untill it dies... moves like Claude's Ripper Blast and
Opera's Alpha on One with over 500 in proficiency are cheap but extremely
effective (and they tend to stun Hell Master often). It will take you an hour
to kill it, if it doesn't kill you first. One thing about this battle that
simplifies it is that Claude's Ripper Blast is REALLY effective...

Here's skunko's strategy for defeating a Hell Master:

  I was using Claude at Lvl. 125, w/ the Eternal Sphere, Reflective Armor,
  Pallas Athena, Atlas Ring, and Might Chain.  I had my *** beat by him
  multiple times before this one, and I never got the Bubble/Melting
  Lotions to work for me.  Here's what I did:

  After finding Twin Slash/Mirror Slice to be relatively ineffective
  since he blocked most attacks, I was able to dizzy him with a normal
  attack - and he stayed dizzy FOEREVER while I pummeled him.  I took
  off over half his life this way, then was able to do the same a little
  later to finish him off.  Just keep the normal attacks going and hope
  he dizzies - it helps ALOT to have body control at level 10 (I should have
  died 3 times) and parry helps also.

After winning this battle, you have finally finished the groueling 50
Battle string known as the Survival Battle. Now, what do you get for
finishing it? Literally, you get Fortune (as if you didn't have it
already to get this far)! No, actually, you get the Fortune accessory,
which gives you things as you walk around. Unlike Mischief or
Trickster, this gives good stuff... Sage's Stones, Tri-Emblems,
Mithril, random large amounts of money, Wisdom Rings, Idols, and the
list goes on... it's definitely worth it!


Here's where credit is due:

* Willy "skunko" Vosti ( for the additional Hell
  Servant Strategy
* Myself ( for getting of my lazy hide and
  actually making a FAQ.

Anybody who submits information for addition to this FAQ will
get credit in later versions. And one last thing...

Please don't take credit for MY FAQ!

This document is protected under US Federal and other International
Copyright Laws. Violators will be prosecuted.

(c) 1999-2000 Michael "Ragnarok" Szemeredy. All Rights Reserved

The most updated version of this FAQ can always be found in the
Features section at The RPG Temple -