Adventures of Lolo 2

  Adventures of Lolo II Walkthrough 1.2 © 2000 Rob Larson []


08/07/00  Version 1.0 – Walkthrough for every room in the tower.  All, but
                        one in the castle.

09/26/00  Version 1.1 – The lexicon is now located after the walkthrough.
                        Also trimmed a few things like the logo.

09/27/00  Version 1.2 – Walkthrough complete!  I may add special ultra bonus
                        Pro levels soon.  Only time will tell.


      FLOOR 1...

Collect the heart framers.  One in the lower left, two in the lower and upper 
right corners.  Hit the snakey in the upper left corner with two magic shots.  
Collect the final heart framer and then the jewel in the center of the 
screen.  Move on to room 2.

First, collect the heart framer to the far right.  Backtrack and collect the 
second, third and fourth heart framer before the snakey.  Hit snakey with two 
magic shots, collect the heart framer and move right past the skull.  Go up
and around to the heart framer in front of the door.  Collect that.  Shoot
the uppermost skull with two magic shots and collect the final heart framer.  
The final heart framer will activate the monsters so hurry to the jewel in 
the upper left corner.  Move on to room 3. 

Collect heart framers in the lower and upper right corners.  Then, collect 
the heart framer that seals the alma in the upper left corner.  Run quickly 
to the emerald framer in the lower right corner.  Wait for the alma to roll 
into the enclosure, then push the emerald framer against the wall to trap it.  
In the lower left corner push the left and right emerald framers up one space 
leaving the middle where it is.  Push the middle heart framer to the side 
[left or right, it doesn't matter].  Collect the heart framer.  Repeat 
process with the next three emerald framers.  Collect the remaining heart 
framers and then the jewel.  Move on to room 4.

This room is packed with leepers [or sleepers as I call them].  They fall 
asleep upon touching you, potentially trapping you.  Walk up towards the 
first heart framer.  Collect the second and the third heart framer using the 
desert path.  Keep moving and the leepers won't trap you.  You don't HAVE to 
use the desert path, it just always works for me.  Collect the jewel and move 
on to room 5.

This room introduces two new enemies.  The block creatures [formally known as 
rocky] will charge after Lolo if they cross paths.  They can't kill you by 
touch, but they can kill you by either trapping you or pushing you into the 
fatal path of the medusas.  The danger zones are any unobstructed path up, 
down, left or right of the medusas.  And any place where a rocky can 
potentially push Lolo into one.  Observe the rockys' patterns, keep moving 
and this shouldn't be a problem.  Directly north of Lolo, push the first two 
emerald framers against the medusas.  Collect the three heart framers on 
either side of the emerald framers.  Push the lower right emerald framer 
against the right side of the rightmost medusa.  Push the upper right emerald 
framer against the top of the rightmost medusa.  And push the remaining 
emerald framer [upper left] against the top of the leftmost medusa.  Collect 
the three heart framers on either side of the emerald framers.  Collect jewel 
and climb the staircase to floor 2!!

      FLOOR 2...

This is another straightforward room involving five heart framers, a few one-
way passes and a rocky.  The room is divided into rows.  The basic concept is 
to collect the heart framers when the rocky isn't adjacent to your row.  The 
danger zones are any recess the rocky can trap you in or position where the 
rocky can push you against the arrows [they're called one-way passes for a 
reason].  Patiently wait for the rocky to leave if need be.  Collect the 
heart framers, the jewel and move on to room 2.

Push the closest emerald framer to the right until you hit a tree.  Collect 
the lower right heart framer.  There's an emerald framer two spaces above the 
two trees directly above.  Push it one unit left, two units down.  Now you 
should have two emerald framers side by side.  Push the emerald framer 
against the trees one unit down.  Then the other left past one tree then 
another [four spaces total].  Don't push it in the corner created by the 
clump of trees.  Go around to the bottom of the emerald framer and push it up 
one, left one, up one, and left one.  It should now be against the right side 
of the lowermost medusa.  Go back the way you came.  It's now safe to collect 
the heart framer near the center of the screen.  Push the emerald framer that 
you left near the trees up two.  Go around; push it to the left until you hit 
a tree, then down one, left four.  Then push it up one and left against the 
wall to block the downward path of the medusa.  Collect the heart framer 
directly below and waddle to the upper right emerald framer.  Push this 
emerald framer upwards against the wall; collect the heart framer between it 
and the rock in the corner.  The jewel box is now open and there are two 
remaining emerald framers to relocate.  The leftmost needs to be pushed 
against the wall to the left.  Leave the middle emerald framer where it is.  
Push the rightmost down three, left four, up one, left one, up six.  Collect 
the jewel and move on to room 3.

Do NOT collect the lowermost heart framer until the end.  Dealing with the 
two emerald framers near the snakeys, push the right one against the snakey, 
right one, up two.  This is to block the skull and to create a narrow path to 
hit the remaining two skulls with magic shots.  Mirror the process with the 
left emerald framer.  Push the rightmost emerald framer against the lower 
right skull, blocking its entrance and again, mirror the process with the 
leftmost.  Now, go up against the wall to collect the four heart framers to 
the left and then the right.  Collect the final heart framer and prepare to 
use the magic shots above you [or in front if you prefer].  Shoot the first 
skull [only once] at least one space from the entrance between the snakeys.  
Move around the egg, shoot the other skull, collect the jewel and move on to 
room 4.

This is room is more instinct than cerebral, but I'll see what I can do.  
There are thirteen heart framers and three rockys.  The room is divided up 
into rows much like the first room, but more advanced.  Generally, the rockys 
in the side rows stay to them exclusively and the other circles around the 
center.  Their patterns are really predictable, stay as far away from them as 
possible when entering the recesses.  That's all, collect the heart framers 
[patience goes a long ways here], the jewel and move on to room 5.

There are a whopping fifteen heart framers in this room, fourteen of which 
you can collect right away.  Save the middle heart framer for last, as of now 
it will act as a shield.  The following can be done in reverse.  Push the 
rightmost emerald framer left against the medusa.  It is now safe to walk 
down to the lower three.  Of the three, push the center framer to the left.  
Walk around to the flowerbed below.  Walk over the jewel box and push the 
emerald framer up against the uppermost [of the lower three].  Push the 
emerald framer below the arrow pointing to the right up two spaces.  It is 
now on the arrow pointing to the right against the left side of the medusa.  
Walk over the jewel box again and around the left side to the leftmost 
emerald framer.  Push it right against another emerald framer.  Go back 
around, the way you came through the flowerbed and jewel box.  Push the 
leftmost emerald framer up one space and right two spaces.  It is now safe to 
collect the final heart framer.  Collect it, the jewel and climb the 
staircase to floor 3!!

      FLOOR 3...

From Lolo's initial placement, move right pushing the emerald framer one 
space.  Move up one space; push the emerald framer, located to the left of 
Lolo, against the medusa.  Return to the three adjacent emerald framers.  
Push the upper emerald framer one space to the right and the emerald framer 
below one space to the right.  And another space to the right when the alma 
rolls into the alcove.  Collect the two heart framers in the lower right 
corner now that alma is trapped.  Scroll left to the opening between the tree 
and stone, move up to the stone above and stop.  Do NOT collect the left 
heart framer now or the gol will kill you when you collect the last, 
activating its flame attack.  Don medusa [or the pink, fanged beast roaming 
back and forth] will cause instant death upon seeing Lolo, so follow my 
directions carefully.  The safety zones are behind the two stones.  When don 
medusa passes right of the center stone, move right three spaces to the 
protection of the center stone.  This part can be tricky.  When don medusa 
begins to cross the stone [it only needs to be a fraction and Lolo is safe] 
start your run to the rightmost heart framer.  There isn't any room for error 
here, you need to collect the heart framer and move back to your original 
position.  The heart framer to the left should now be flashing.  Move behind 
the other stone and collect the final heart framer when safe.  You now have 
the power to turn a one-way pass.  Use it on the arrow above.  When don 
medusa hits the center stone [going right], quickly move Lolo up to the 
emerald framer and push it to the right one space.  Wait until don medusa 
hits the stone going left this time, push the emerald framer two more spaces 
to the right and hide behind it.  Push the emerald framer up one space in 
preparation for the don's arrival.  As don medusa rolls past the emerald 
framer [going right], push it up one space trapping don medusa.  The path to 
the open jewel box is now free.  Collect the jewel and move on to room 2.

Move Lolo right to the two emerald framers.  Push the upper of the two 
against the stone and the lower at or past the flowerbed.  Do NOT collect the 
heart framer below the snakey yet.  When the don medusa scrolls up past the 
clump of three emerald framers, make a run for them.  Then, when don medusa 
scrolls down past the middle emerald framer, push it against the wall and 
down until don medusa can no longer move.  Complete his entrapment by pushing 
the lower emerald framer against don medusa's right side.  Now you may 
collect the three heart framers above.  This gives you the hammer power, 
which I'll get to in just a second.  For now, push the remaining framer down 
two spaces, right four, up three and right one blocking medusa's downward 
path [enabling you to push another framer by].  Go down to the stone by 
snakey and use your hammer power to demolish it.  Push the now free emerald 
framer three spaces left, four spaces up, three spaces right, three spaces 
up, two spaces right and two spaces up.  Medusa is completely blocked off now 
and the path to the jewel box is only an egg ride away.  Hit snakey with one 
magic shot.  In egg form, push it into the water [to the right], holding onto 
right on the d-pad, get on the egg and float to the jewel box holding up on 
the d-pad to get off.  Go on to room 3.

The leeper will run around the flowerbed, so be cautious at the edges.  Have 
Lolo walk into the flowerbed and collect the central heart framer.  Push the 
lower emerald framer to the far right.  Collect the right heart framer and 
return to the flowerbed quickly.  Without the lower emerald framer, the 
leeper will now enter.  So, be careful along the inner edges as well.  Push 
the upper emerald framer to the far left and then collect the heart framer 
beneath.  Return Lolo to the left flowerbed quickly.  Face Lolo towards the 
bottom of the screen.  When the leeper runs in front of Lolo, fire a magic 
shot.  Push the egg against the wall and collect the heart framer.  Return to 
the flowerbed.  Allow the leeper to hatch.  In the right flowerbed, face Lolo 
towards the top of the screen.  When the leeper runs in front of Lolo, fire 
your last magic shot, push the egg against the wall and collect the jewel.  
Move on to room 4.

Move Lolo one space up, moving the emerald framer out of your way.  Push the 
lower emerald framer against the right medusa's left side.  Push the left 
emerald framer all of the way down, into the flowerbed and in between the 
trees.  Collect the heart framer to the right.  Return to the last emerald 
framer.  Push it down and left so it's located directly north of the lower 
medusa [against the tree] enabling safe passage to the left side.  Push the 
lower left emerald framer one space up [right side of left medusa].  Push the 
right emerald framer two spaces up.  Walk up to the snakey.  Hit him with two 
magic shots creating a gap.  Quickly push the upper left emerald framer one 
space down, move one space to the right, push the adjacent emerald framer up 
one space.  Collect the heart framer in the upper left corner.  Push the 
emerald framer that's against the stones down against the tree, then one 
space right, and one space down.  Collect the lower left heart framer.  
Return to the emerald framer north of the left medusa.  Move it one space 
right, down three, right five, and all up against the wall.  Collect the 
final heart framer, the jewel and move on to room 5.

Collect the heart framer to your left [between the skull and emerald framer].  
Go up; collect the heart framer in the stone alcove.  Hit the skull between 
the trees with ONE magic shot and push the resulting egg up against the wall.  
Move the upper right emerald framer one space to the right.  Collect the 
heart framer.  Shoot the skull parallel to the snakey with one magic shot and 
push the egg into the right corner with the other two skulls.  Push the 
accessible emerald framer up and between the two trees to seal the skulls in.  
Shoot the lower skull with one magic shot and use its egg as a raft to reach 
the snakey.  Get off of the egg as soon as you reach the heart framer.  Shoot 
the snakey with the final magic shot and push it into the water right after 
the other egg sinks.  The snakey will float up and around, landing on the 
little peninsula.  Do NOT get off right away, wait a second, then get off.  
Go down, run all of the way to the right, down and to the jewel box.  This 
can be tricky [avoiding the skulls' paths] and there might be a better way.  
Anyways, climb the staircase to floor 4!!

      FLOOR 4...

Move the emerald framer on the left side of the closest snakey all of the way 
up the screen, trapping the room's don medusa.  Collect the heart framer in 
the upper left corner, then the heart framer below.  Push the emerald framer 
directly below the last heart framer down one and right one.  This next part 
will have to be done quickly and with precision.  Hit the snakey with one 
magic shot, push the egg all of the way to the right.  Cross the water 
without hesitating.  Push the first emerald framer up one and right one.  
Push the second up one and the third right one.  Collect the heart framer in 
the upper right corner.  Hurriedly collect the heart framer in the lower 
right corner.  Shoot the snakey and cross the water.  Push the emerald framer 
down one before the snakey reappears.  Now push the emerald framer right 
three spaces so it should be under the medusa now.  Walk to the stone above 
and face Lolo in its direction.  When the leeper reaches the stone, use the 
hammer power.  Move left and wait for the leeper to come out of the new 
opening.  Position Lolo in a spot where he won't be trapped by the stagnant 
leeper.  Go behind the emerald framer and push it up against the medusa.  
Collect the jewel and move on to room 2.

Hurry to the opening [with four heart framers] to your left.  Push the middle 
heart framer up until you are enclosed.  Collect the heart framers.  When the 
almas are at the top of the screen, push the emerald framer at the bottom out 
of your way and move to the next enclosure.  Push the emerald framer directly 
below the top heart framers down to seal yourself again.  Collect the heart 
framers.  Wait until clear and then go for the jewel.  Move on to room 3.

Save the closest heart framer for last, collect the other two carefully 
avoiding the don medusa's attack.  Of the three emerald framers near Lolo, 
push the lower down, over the bridge and against the stone.  Hit the snakey 
with one magic shot, and float over the water when safe.  Quickly push the 
emerald framer one space to the right and when safe, another space to the 
right.  Return to the snakey.  On the left side of it now, hit it with 
another magic shot, push it all of the way to the right.  Then push it down, 
traverse the waterway pushing the emerald framer ONLY one space down.  When 
don medusa arrives at the corner, trap it with the emerald framer.  Collect 
the heart framer on the right side of the gol.  Hit the lowermost snakey with 
one magic shot and cross the water pushing the lower left emerald framer.  
Push the emerald framer down against the medusa.  Collect the heart framer.  
Hit the leftmost snakey with a magic shot.  Push the egg into the water and 
float to the upper right region, step onto dry land.  Get the final heart 
framer.  Hit the upper snakey with a magic shot and ride the egg to the jewel 
box.  Collect the jewel and move on to room 4.

Push the lower right emerald framer one space down and two spaces to the 
right.  Collect the heart framer, then push it up against the medusa.  Push 
the upper right emerald framer one space up and one space right [against the 
left side of the medusa].  Of the remaining five emerald framers, push the 
upper right one space to the left and the emerald framer formally under it 
one space down.  Move one space to the left to collect the heart framer.  
Move another space left to push the emerald framer out of Lolo's way.  Move 
one space up, pushing the upper left emerald framer.  Collect the heart 
framer.  Of the two lowermost emerald framers, push the left one down one 
space and all of the way to the left.  Collect the heart framer below the 
emerald framer.  Go right, up, left, and collect the heart framer between the 
stones.  Be careful not to intercept a path of a medusa.  Hit the upper right 
snakey with a magic shot.  Push the resulting egg one space to the right, one 
space up and another space to the right.  Collect the final heart framer, the 
jewel and move on to room 5.

This level is very simple.  It's a winding path of trees with a medusa and 
leeper in the center.  Move down and right; collect the heart framer when the 
leeper passes in front of the medusa.  Go right, then up, and collect the 
heart framer.  Go up, left, and collect the heart framer.  Go down.  Go 
right, repeating the same procedure here, wait for the leeper to pass in 
front of the medusa.  On the final stretch to the jewel box you'll have to 
wait for the leeper one last time.  Collect the jewel and climb the staircase 
to floor 5!!

      FLOOR 5...

Push the rightmost emerald framer of the lowest row right until it hits the 
tree and up until it's next to the medusa [and watch out for the don medusa 
while you are doing this].  Get the heart framer uncovered by the last move 
and push the emerald framer right, between the trees.  Collect the heart 
framer below the medusa.  Push the rightmost emerald framer up one space and 
another when the don medusa is to the right of it.  With don medusa trapped, 
collect the upper right heart framer.  Move one space down, pushing the 
emerald framer.  Go two spaces left, one space up [all the while collecting 
heart framers].  One space down, push the emerald framer to your left two 
spaces left until it's next to the medusa.  Collect the uncovered heart 
framer, move one space down pushing an emerald framer and two spaces left 
pushing another emerald framer, this time between a pair of trees.  Collect 
the lower left heart framer.  And now the heart framer in the top left 
corner, collect the jewel and move on to room 2.

First, collect the heart framers to the left of both snakeys, leaving the 
center heart framer for later.  Now you have the bridge power.  Hit the upper 
snakey with one magic shot and hold up on the d-pad to cross the moat.  Make 
a bridge parellel to the snakeys.  Push the nearest emerald framer over the 
bridge and in between the tree and medusa.  Collect the center heart framer 
and cross the bridge before the snakey returns.  When the snakey returns, hit 
it with one magic shot, push the egg down one space, right one space and down 
into the water [do NOT cross].  While on the egg hit the other snakey and 
push the egg while on the floating egg.  Now, push the egg all the way left 
to the medusa [it won't go into the water if the other is still afloat].  
Cross the bridge before the snakey returns.  When it does, hit it with 
another magic shot.  Push the snakey egg one space down and five spaces to 
the left so it's positioned directly above the medusa.  Cross the bridge 
again, go through the arrow, collect the heart framer.  Push the upper left 
emerald framer down to where it's betwixt the jewel box and medusa.  Collect 
the final heart framer, the jewel and move on to room 3.

Of the lower left heart framers, collect the leftmost of the pair.  Then walk 
around to the lower right corner and collect the heart framer between the 
tree and the wall.  Hit the snakey to the left of medusa [between two trees] 
with a magic shot and push the egg one space to the right and one space up.  
Collect the second half of the heart framer pair and go up to the jewel box.  
Walk through the jewel box and shoot the snakey.  Push the egg against the 
wall.  Collect the heart framers from left to right.  Then, use the hammer 
power on the stone above the arrow pointing at the gol.  Walk through the 
gap, collect the heart framers and backtrack.  Do NOT walk in front of the 
gols.  Collect the jewel and move on to room 4.

Start off by collecting the lowermost heart framer.  Then use your newly 
acquired magic shots to shoot the gol to your left.  Push the egg against the 
wall and collect the heart framer.  Walk over to rocky's corner [hah] and 
collect the heart framer.  This part can be tricky, so follow my instructions 
carefully.  Walk straight towards the gol, allowing rocky to follow close 
behind.  Then walk up towards gol number two.  Branch off to the left before 
you run into medusa's path.  Slowly walk into the heart framer, allowing the 
rocky to block medusa's attack.  Once rocky is in place, move up and to the 
right, stop before the heart framer.  Wait until rocky sees Lolo and runs up 
against the stone.  Again, slowly walk into the heart framer using the rocky 
as a shield.  Once you have the heart framer, go to the gol to your immediate 
left, shoot it, push the egg one space down.  Then go left between the stone 
and tree.  Hit the center snakey with a magic shot and push the egg beneath 
medusa.  Collect the final heart framer.  Coach the rocky around the bottom 
tree, cautiously avoiding the gols flame attack.  It may work best to collect 
the heart framer once you've successfully lured rocky near position.  Walk 
slowly up the side of the wall as you did before, using rocky as protection.  
Collect the jewel and move on to room 5.

Lolo is on a deserted island with a heart framer and a snakey, hmm.  Collect 
the heart framer.  Shoot the snakey with a magic shot; use the egg as a 
bridge to island two.  Shoot this snakey with a magic shot, push the egg up 
and hop on.  Wait until the egg reaches the bridge and step off.  Collect the 
left heart framer.  Wait yet again for the egg to deep six.  Then hit the 
rightmost gol with a magic shot, THEN collect the heart final heart framer.  
Push the egg into the water and ride it up to the emerald framer, step off.  
Push the emerald framer another space down.  Hit the gol with a magic shot 
before you collect the final heart framer.  Collect the jewel and climb the 
staircase to floor 6!!

      FLOOR 6...

Go down and over the bridge when the don medusa is away.  Same deal here, 
push the rightmost emerald framer against the wall [between the stone and 
jewel box].  Now, as the don medusa starts to scroll left, run after it, 
collect the heart framer and hide behind the center emerald framer.  Move 
half of Lolo's body left of the emerald framer and keep half behind [you need 
every inch you can take for the next move].  When half of don medusa crosses 
the emerald framer going right, run to the left, collect the heart framer and 
return to the emerald framer.  Alright, now go to the jewel box when safe.  
Slide the lowermost emerald framer so it's below the center emerald framer 
[four total spaces].  Keep pushing both one space at a time until the don 
medusa is trapped up against the don medusa.  Then push the top or center 
emerald framer between the medusa and don medusa [so you can block both of 
their attacks with one emerald framer].  You NEED the skulls for the next 
part.  Cross over the bridge and walk through the arrow.  Collect the final 
heart framer, activating the skulls.  When the skull enters the top left 
corner, hit it with a magic shot.  Push the egg into the water and cross.  
You should still have a few magic shots; use them if necessary.  Collect the 
jewel and move on to room 2.

Pass through the right arrow and collect the heart framer.  Pass through the 
next right arrow and collect the second heart framer.  Hit the snakey with a 
magic shot, crossing the water with the snakey egg.  Repeat process here, 
except when in the water hit the third snakey with a magic shot and push the 
resulting egg against the stone.  Push the egg up between the medusa and the 
jewel box.  Go through the stone gap to the right and hit the top right 
snakey with a magic shot.  Push the egg up and into the water, crossing 
immediately.  Quickly collect the top right heart framer and hop back on the 
egg.  Face Lolo towards the gol, shoot it with one magic shot and push it 
against the wall.  Collect the top left heart framer.  Go back to the top 
right snakey, and hit it with another magic shot.  Push the egg all of the 
way left against the wall.  Collect the final heart framer, the jewel and 
move on to room 3.

Follow the arrow along the right side of the screen collecting the heart 
framer.  Walk to the end of the corridor and push the emerald framer at the 
end two spaces to the left, one space up, two more spaces to the left, and 
one space down.  Next, push the top right emerald framer one space up to 
collect the heart framer in the corner.  Collect the heart framer in front of 
the exit.  Then, push the top left emerald framer one space up to collect the 
other corner heart framer.  Go to the left downward arrow and shoot the skull 
below it.  Push the egg through the passage, and follow the arrow up the left 
wall collecting the heart framer.  Walk through the downward arrow again.  
This next part is open to change, but this is what I did.  I shot the lower 
right skull, pushed the egg against the lower left skull.  Then I collected 
the final heart framer, pushed the skull out of the way and collected the 
jewel.  The active skulls weren't much of a threat.  Anyways, once you've 
collected the jewel, move on to room 4.

Go to the end stone.  When the coast is clear, run up to the top emerald 
framer and push it one space to the right.  You now have two rows of emerald 
framers.  Go to the bottom of the two rows.  Wait for the rocky to walk into 
the lower left passage and then push the emerald framer to cork him in.  Push 
the top left emerald framer one space to the left, hide behind it.  When the 
don medusa moves to the right of the emerald framer, push it up against the 
stone [make sure the second don medusa, the one moving vertically, hits the 
stone or you have to start over].  There are only two remaining emerald 
framers in the left wall.  Of the two; push the top emerald framer two spaces 
left, three spaces up, one space left, three spaces up, and when safe, one 
more space to the left.  The upper medusa should now have an emerald framer 
below it.  Return to the solitary emerald framer.  Push it two spaces to the 
left, five spaces up, and four spaces to the left.  It's now safe to collect 
the heart framers along the left wall.  Go back to the line of emerald 
framers next to the flowerbed.  From the top or bottom, push the first, third 
and fifth emerald framers against the wall.  Push the emerald framer located 
second from the top [one of the protruding emerald framers] one space down.  
Push the emerald framer directly to the right of the last one a space down as 
well.  Push the emerald framer to your left four spaces to the left, three 
spaces up, one more space left, and four and a half spaces up [so it blocks 
both the gol and medusa's attack].  Return to the three emerald framers in 
the corner.  Push the top left of these emerald framers one space up, left 
four spaces, six spaces up, and two spaces right.  Ideally, when the vertical 
scrolling don medusa is to the right of the horizontal scrolling gol, push 
emerald framer over it and one space down.  If need be, you can push the 
middle right emerald framer a few spaces.  Collect the final two heart 
framers, the jewel and move on to room 5.

Lolo is on another deserted island.  Anyways, collect the heart framer right 
of the snakey.  Hit the snakey with a magic shot.  Push the egg left and into 
the water.  Hop on.  When the egg carries Lolo to the top left island, step 
off.  Preferably before the jewel box or you'll go down with the ship.  Of 
the two emerald framers on the island, collect the lowermost ONLY.  Then hit 
the rightmost gol with a magic shot, collect the final emerald framer, push 
the egg in the drink and hop on.  Face Lolo downwards and prepare to use your 
rapid-fire skills.  At the exact moment Lolo reaches the middle gol [between 
the downward and upward facing gols], fire two shots!  And step off [works 
best if you are pressing down and shooting simultaneously].  This might take 
a few tries.  Once on land, shoot the left gol once or twice [just so long as 
it's discarded].  Collect the jewel and climb the staircase to floor 7!!

      FLOOR 7...

Push the only emerald framer Lolo has access to half of a space up.  Then 
move left onto the downward pointing arrow.  Next, go up and right [only half 
of Lolo will be exposed to the medusa, no harm done].  Push the emerald 
framer so it is positioned to the directly left of the bottom medusa.  Now, 
collect the leftmost heart framer and whilst on the arrow push the two 
emerald framers [located to the top and bottom of Lolo] so they are against 
the right sides of the medusas.  Return to the right pointing arrow.  Collect 
the center emerald framer and move one space up so Lolo is standing on an 
upward arrow.  Push the emerald framer to your left one space [it is now 
against a stone].  Then move up through an upward arrow and collect the two 
heart framers.  Push the emerald framer to your right two spaces right 
closely observing the movements of the lower don medusa.  Go to the 
centermost emerald framer [the only one of the original four remaining 
untouched] and push it down into the upward arrow.  Move right, down, left 
and down.  Collect the heart framers.  Then push the emerald framer to your 
right three spaces this time.  Return to the stone entrance, passing through 
the side of the right arrow.  Go down and right to the bottom portion of the 
screen.  Push the lower right emerald framer two spaces up and a half [or 
whole] space to the right.  The lower don medusa should now be completely 
blocked.  Go to the emerald framer that lies on the upward arrow directly to 
your left [the only emerald framer on an arrow].  Push this emerald framer up 
two spaces, right one space, up two spaces and right four spaces.  Completely 
trap the upper don medusa using the emerald framers, collect the jewel and 
move on to room 2.

Move down one space and right two and a half spaces.  If you do as I say, the 
leeper will fall asleep directly to the right of a tree.  That is a good 
space for the leeper because it isn't in the way of anything, but keep in 
mind that there are other places.  Move down, past the gol, collect the first 
heart framer.  Two spaces down now [beware of the don medusa], collect the 
second heart framer.  Against the left wall and below the line of trees, 
collect heart framer number three.  Then walk to the cluster of five emerald 
framers in the lower right corner.  Push the top emerald framer right three 
spaces.  When safe, collect the three heart framers below.  Then, go through 
the bottom arrow, pushing the lowest emerald framer one space to the left.  
Push the emerald framer above Lolo up until it hits the tree [watch out for 
the don medusa along the path of trees].  Follow by pushing the emerald 
framer three spaces right and two spaces down.  Go to the lower left corner, 
near the hoard of emerald framers.  Push the bottom left emerald framer one 
space to the right.  Then push the emerald framer above two spaces up, one 
space right, up to the tree, right three spaces, up one, right one, up one, 
and three right.  Do NOT move more than this yet.  Wait for the don medusa to 
reach the corner and push an additional half space.  Lolo will still be on 
the arrow, go left.  One final emerald framer to push..  Of the two along the 
bottom, push the rightmost to the jewel box and up two spaces.  Walk over the 
jewel box, and collect the final heart framer of the room [quickly to avoid 
the gol's fire attack].  Collect the jewel.  Walk through the right arrow at 
the top of the screen to push the emerald framer, freeing the exit and move 
on to room 3.

Push the closest emerald framer two spaces right.  Collect the exposed heart 
framers.  Of the three emerald framers, push the top and bottom framers a 
single space to the right.  Push the protruding emerald framer aside.  Push 
the center emerald framer one space right, collect the heart framer beneath 
Lolo.  Move right until the emerald framer hits the stone.  One more space up 
and Lolo is free.  Collect the third heart framer near the snakey.  Shoot the 
snakey with a magic shot when the rocky isn't blocking your path up.  Push 
the egg five spaces up and left into the water.  Step off at the center 
emerald framer, pushing it a space down [to block the gol's attack later].  
Get back on the drifting egg.  Step off when it reaches the top left area of 
the screen [on the flowerbed].  Collect the final two heart framers at the 
top of the screen.  Do NOT pass through the arrow now; it's certain death.  
Instead, return to the flowerbed, shoot the upper gol with a magic shot.  Now 
go through the arrow, push the gol egg down into the water and hop on.  Get 
off when the egg reaches the flowerbed precisely under the tree.  Navigate 
through the emerald framer maze and collect the jewel.  Move on to room 4.

Collect ONLY the left heart framer at the bottom.  Push the three emerald 
framers up one space respectively.  Push the middle emerald framer up two 
more spaces and four spaces right so that it's positioned under the lower 
right medusa.  Shoot the left skull with a magic shot and push it up between 
the medusa and tree.  Shoot the other skull, pushing it up one and left two 
spaces.  The corner medusa is blocked for now.  Collect the heart framer in 
the upper left corner.  Push the remaining emerald framer below the snakey.  
Shoot the snakey with two magic shots to make it vanish.  Quickly push the 
emerald framer over the snakey's former location.  With the space blocked, it 
can't reappear there, it'll reappear exactly where you need it!  That is, 
above the lower right medusa.  Collect the heart framers in the top right 
corner.  Collect the final heart framer, the jewel and move on to room 5.

Easy room, wahoo!  Push the lowest emerald framer one space down.  Collect 
the heart framer to the right.  Collect the heart framers in the upper left 
corner and Lolo's ready to set sail!  Of the three skulls, hit the lowest of 
the bunch with a magic shot.  Push the egg into the water.  Lolo will reach 
the lower heart framer first.  Collect the heart framer when the time comes 
and immediately hop back on the egg.  Of the two lower skulls, shoot the 
upper when Lolo passes between it and the lower [so it doesn't attack you 
when you collect the final heart framer on it's isle].  Collect the last 
heart framer, return to the egg and float to the jewel box.  Collect the 
jewel and climb the staircase to floor 8!!

      FLOOR 8...

Push the neighboring emerald framer four spaces to the left.  Push the 
emerald framer above one space up then the first emerald framer one space 
down.  Push the emerald framer nearest the medusas' point of trisection one 
space up.  Then move right and push the emerald framer one space right [over 
the heart framer].  Go left, down and around to collect the heart framer 
below the emerald framer.  While you're here, push the emerald framer one 
space up.  Push the center emerald framer down two spaces.  Go back around to 
push this same emerald framer one space left [above the lowest medusa].  
Shoot the centermost snakey with a magic shot.  Push it one space left and 
one space up [between adjoining stone and tree].  Stroll over to the jewel 
box.  Push the upper and lower emerald framers one space left.  Then push the 
middle of the three all of the way down to collect the heart framer.  This 
may be redundant, but anyways, collect the heart framer in the corner.  Look 
for the emerald framer between stone and tree [near the center].  Push this 
emerald framer up one space, left two [against the tree], three up, one space 
right, and up until it hits the wall.  Hit the top right snakey with a magic 
shot.  Push the egg two spaces down and two spaces right.  There's a 
relatively small window of opportunity here.  Collect the two heart framers 
in the corner.  Then, run to the side of the egg and shoot it before it 
hatches to make it disappear.  Now you can use it again, hurrah!  When it 
reappears, hit it with another magic shot.  Push the egg one space down and 
left until it hits a tree.  Then up until it hits the wall.  Collect final 
heart framer, jewel and move on to room 2.

Another simple room.  Nice change of pace, isn't it?  Since this room is 
symmetrical, the following can be done in reverse.  Walk along the left wall 
collecting the two heart framers at the edge of the water.  For this to work, 
collect ONLY the left heart framer along the bottom.  Collect the heart 
framers along the right side as well.  Using the flowerbed as a barricade, 
shoot one of the skulls twice allowing the three almas to escape.  With your 
abundance of magic shots, shoot two of them twice.  With a single alma 
isolated, shoot it once and push the egg into the water [right side in this 
instance].  Hop on the egg and float around to the remaining heart framer.  
You can get off of the egg any time to collect it, just remember to use the 
egg to collect the jewel [entering the core any other way would be certain 
death].  Collect the jewel and move on to room 3.

This room looks a lot more complex than it actually is.  The only enemies you 
will have to contend with are the gols in the upper left corner.  Collect all 
seven accessible heart framers [the one in the upper left corner giving you 
magic shots].  Use your first bridge power to reach the heart framers in the 
upper right corner.  Either from the bottom or left side, but hurry because 
the bridge will burn as it logically should.  Go to the top left corner of 
the room.  Hit the leftmost gol with magic shot and push it down three spaces 
[so it is situated between a stone and the wall].  This convenient measure 
will not only eliminate the threat of this gol, but block the entrance to any 
enemies as well.  Create your second and final bridge just above the stone.  
Of the five leftover heart framers:  leave the lower left, collect the rest.  
Hit the lower of the side-by-side gols with a magic shot.  Collect the final 
heart framer.  While on the bridge, shoot the gol pointed at the jewel box.  
Run across the wall to avoid a fire attack, collect the jewel and move on to 
room 4.

Push the left emerald framer down three spaces and left until Lolo can push 
no more.  Collect the lower left heart framer.  Shoot the left snakey with a 
magic shot.  Push the egg up between the medusa and heart framer.  Collect 
the upper left heart framer.  Push the right emerald framer down three spaces 
and right until it is touching the wall.  Hit the lower right snakey with a 
magic shot and push the egg up between the medusa and heart framer.  Collect 
the upper right heart framer.  On the right stone barrier, smash the second 
stone from the top [between the medusa and heart framer].  Shoot the right 
snakey with two magic shots to make it reappear next to the flowerbed.  Shoot 
it with another magic shot and slide the egg into position [between the 
medusa and heart framer].  Collect the final heart framer.  To the left side 
of the screen now, smash the stone second from the bottom with Lolo's final 
hammer power [between the medusa and jewel box].  Shoot the left snakey with 
two shots as done with the other.  When snakey reappears, shoot it again and 
push the egg into the opening [between the medusa and jewel box] and collect 
the jewel.  Move on to room 5.

Collect the three heart framers in a line, just below the starting point.  
Push the lowest emerald framer two spaces towards the medusa.  Move up 
through the right arrow.  Collect the heart framer.  Use a turn arrow here 
[on the arrow pointing down].  Collect the heart framer to the left.  Use 
another turn arrow power on the same arrow and go up.  Push the emerald 
framer against the wall.  Collect the heart framer and pass through the strip 
with double right arrows.  In the top right corner, collect both heart 
framers and pass through the left arrow [towards the emerald framer].  Follow 
by pushing the emerald framer all of the way left against the tree.  Collect 
the two heart framers below.  Push the top left emerald framer one space 
left.  Collect the heart framer beneath.  Return to the arrow that's been 
turned twice.  Use the final arrow power here [it should be pointing to the 
right now].  Go down to the next arrow and walk through.  Collect the three 
heart framers here.  Push this emerald framer down as far as you can.  Go 
down, push the emerald framer one space to the right and collect the two 
final heart framers.  Walk through the arrow pointing down, go up, walk 
through the second arrow pointing down, through the left arrow, two right 
arrows, and the arrow in front of the jewel box.  Collect the jewel and climb 
the staircase to floor 9!!

      FLOOR 9...

Walk through the two downward arrows.  Collect the heart framer to the left 
and pass through the adjoining left arrow.  Push the left emerald framer two 
spaces up.  Return to the right side of the cluster.  Push the right emerald 
framer two spaces up and two spaces down.  It is now safe to collect the top-
most heart framer.  Suspend the don medusa to the left wall by pressing the 
emerald framer against it.  Push the upper emerald framer four spaces to the 
right and down four spaces.  Wait for the leeper to leave if not already gone 
and push the emerald framer in front of the gol.  Do NOT collect the heart 
framer in the lower right corner now.  Backtrack through the flowerbed to the 
emerald framers.  If not done already, collect the heart framer between the 
gols [be careful not to touch the leeper].  When the leeper is on the right, 
run through the gols, and left.  Stay beside the jewel box, if all goes 
according to plan the leeper will fall asleep in front of the gol.  With that 
taken care of, you'll need to circumvent the skulls, but first, collect the 
heart framer above.  To the emerald framers now [you'll have to go through 
the up arrows and around to reach them], push them past the gols one by one.  
Place the first in the lower right [all of the way down].  Place the second 
emerald framer to the left and the last emerald framer dead center.  Or you 
could push one emerald framer halfway between the middle and left row of 
skulls and save the last emerald framer to block the gol above [the choice is 
yours, but of no consequence].  Collect the final heart framer in the bottom 
right corner, the jewel and move on to room 2.

Go left, up and around to the emerald framers by the jewel box.  Push the top 
one out two spaces and up one.  Collect heart framer.  Push the other right 
and up against the medusa.  Blast one of the skulls in the bottom right 
corner with two magic shots and walk into the gap left in its absence.  
Collect the two heart framers.  Push the outer emerald framers up one space 
respectively.  Of the two emerald framers in the center, push the top one 
aside.  Hit the top right gol with two magic shots.  Collect both emerald 
framers in the corner.  This next part requires a little reflex skill.  Shoot 
both of the snakeys twice clearing a path to the final heart framer.  Grab 
the heart framer and almost immediately pull back, shoot the skull, push the 
egg out of your way and quickly collect the jewel.  Move on to room 3.

Push the emerald framers at your side outward one space each.  Collect the 
first of the two heart framers above the jewel box [upper].  Go to the three 
emerald framers on the left side.  Push the first up four and a half spaces.  
Return to the two remaining.  Push the lower emerald framer one space left.  
Then push the other up against the medusa and half a space left.  Collect the 
left heart framer.  The right side is identical, so just repeat process.  
Revisit the emerald framers by the door.  Push the two leftover emerald 
framers down, ceasing at the jewel box.  Shoot the snakey twice to make it 
disappear.  Push the emerald framer [conveniently located one space above] 
over its previous location.  It will reappear between the medusa and jewel 
box.  Collect the final heart framer, the jewel and move on to room 4.

This room requires keen attention to detail.  Push the only emerald framer up 
one space carefully avoiding the piercing glare of don medusa below.  Then 
push it left to the stone and up into the patch of desert between the room's 
medusa and jewel box.  Cross the bridge and when safe, collect the heart 
framer nestled in the upper right corner.  The flowerbeds are your safety 
zones, so use the patches to shake off the rockys.  Go to the flowerbed 
strips to the left [be aware that directly standing on the right strip of 
flowerbed isn't protected against the left don medusa below].  When the alma 
is below and a reasonable distance away from Lolo, sprint across the clearing 
[using the alma as a buffer] and collect the two heart framers.  To avoid the 
alma when it returns and not die from exposure to the medusa, step half off 
the flowerbed [to the right].  When the alma returns, cross over.  Go down 
the bridge and collect the heart framers from right to left.  All of which 
require patience and timing.  The first two are self-explanatory, so I'll 
skip those.  Collect the leftmost before the third, using the third as a 
shield.  After you've carefully collected all of the heart framers, collect 
the jewel and move on to room 5.

Collect the heart framer two spaces above, acquiring two magic shots.  Go to 
the left snakey.  Shoot it with a magic shot and push the egg one space right 
[in front of the medusa].  Collect the heart framer between the trees.  Now 
go to the snakey in the upper left corner.  As before, hit this snakey with a 
magic shot and move the egg in front of the medusa.  Collect the now 
accessible heart framer.  Go over to the don medusa.  Face Lolo up towards 
the stone blocking don medusa's rightward path.  Smash the stone and run to 
the right stone posthaste.  Once to the right stone, go down to the emerald 
framer.  Push the emerald framer three spaces left, two spaces up, one space 
left, two spaces up, two spaces left and another two spaces up.  Collect the 
heart framer and the final when safe.  Backtrack, collect the jewel and climb 
the staircase to floor 10!!

On the tenth and final floor of the Tower, Lolo catches a ride on an airship 
to the castle aloft...


When the rocky runs towards you, charge up the center.  Collect the heart 
framer between the emerald framers and push each up against the wall.  Follow 
by pushing each emerald framer to the corner, pinning the don medusas against 
the wall.  Hit one of the snakeys with a magic shot.  Push the resultant up 
the bridge, to the jewel box and under one of the don medusas.  Repeat this 
with the other snakey and don medusa.  The don medusas are now trapped 
rendering the remaining heart framers halfway safe to collect.  Push the 
emerald framers in the bottom corners one space down [don't attempt to push 
the framers if the rocky is near].  From the lower central region you can 
push each framer against the wall through the arrows.  Collect both heart 
framers.  Don't walk in front of the gols now, you're practically done, walk 
around.  Collect the jewel and climb the staircase to castle floor 2.

Collect the heart framer a few spaces down.  Do NOT collect the heart framer 
to Lolo's immediate right.  Traverse the bridge.  Shoot the first snakey you 
encounter one time.  Push the egg into the water and collect the heart framer 
below.  Next, cover snakey's square with the emerald framer above before it 
reappears.  It will reappear above the left medusa and when it does, push the 
emerald framer two more spaces down.  Go down to the lower right emerald 
framer.  Push it one space left and collect the heart framer above.  Collect 
the heart framer to the left.  Then push the lower left emerald framer to the 
right and collect the emerald framer in the alcove.  Stand back and blast the 
snakey with two magic shots.  Cover the spot with an emerald framer soon 
after.  This snakey will emerge in front of the other medusa.  Procure the 
last heart framer.  When you cross the bridge, immediately head downwards so 
as to not die of flame attacks.  Shoot the snakey to your right and dash to 
the egg!  Push it in the water and ride to the jewel box.  Collect the jewel 
and climb the staircase to castle floor 3.

Go down through the double arrows.  Take a right under the gol.  Watch out 
for the don medusas.  Go through the down arrow.  No choice, but to go left.  
Then go down and to the three emerald framers in the corner.  Push the left 
and right emerald framers down and after push the center emerald framer to 
the right.  Push the emerald framer through the arrow two spaces.  Wait above 
it, push it half a space down when the don medusa is on the right side.  Push 
it one more space to the right for good measure.  Make a break for the 
leftmost skull [of the cluster].  Behind this skull, take a shot at it with 
some magic and push the egg down to trap the don medusa in the lower right 
corner.  Finish the deed by pushing the skull egg one space to the right.  
Observing the movements of topmost don medusa, push the lowermost emerald 
framer against the two skulls [directly right].  It should be halfway between 
the two.  Collect the heart framer amidst the outcropping of skulls.  Shoot 
the skull above the heart framer [that you just collected] and push the egg 
to the right when the don medusa is below.  When safe, push the egg down.  
Now you have a perfect conglomeration of enemies.  Use your stealth skills to 
reach the top right emerald framer unharmed.  When don medusa is to the right 
[in the corner], push it up a space.  Then push the emerald framer to your 
left under it.  Go down to the emerald framer below.  Push it down against 
the skull and half a space to the right.  Next, go to the emerald framers in 
the lower left corner of the room.  Push the leftmost up against the skull 
and the leftover through the arrow.  Then push the emerald framer in the gap 
of the enemy cube [in the corner].  Walk through the up arrow and push the 
emerald framer atop the down arrow directly above.  Now walk around to the 
top right corner.  Use your turn arrow power on the arrow pointing at you.  
The entire top row of arrows should be pointing down now.  Push the emerald 
framer against the snakey, then down against the skull.  Push the emerald 
framer an additional half space left to cover both the skull and medusa.  
Collect the final heart framer.  Weave through the arrows to the jewel box.  
Collect the jewel and climb the staircase to castle floor 4.

Collect the heart framers in both lower left and right corners.  Then push 
the second emerald framer from the left on the down arrow.  Move left, onto 
the up arrow, go up, and around to the emerald framer on top of the down 
arrow.  Push it three spaces down, two spaces right, two spaces up, one more 
space right and another three spaces up.  Collect the two heart framers 
below.  Go to the right pair of emerald framers.  Push the second from the 
right onto the down arrow.  Use the turn arrow power on the down arrow and 
continue pushing upwards until you hit a tree.  Then, push the emerald framer 
left until you hit tree number two.  The emerald framer should be below the 
medusa.  Collect the heart framer below [should only be three left].  Now, 
push the emerald framer that's directly below left two spaces, up two spaces 
and right one space.  Collect upper left heart framer.  Make your way to the 
bottom left corner.  Slide the bottom left emerald framer two spaces up.  
Walk around and push it one space to the right [it should be on top of the 
downward pointing arrow now].  Walk around yet again and push the same 
emerald framer down three spaces.  Then right three, up until it hits the 
emerald framer below the medusa, left two, up three, and right two.  The 
medusa is adequately blocked.  Collect the final two heart framers.  Though 
it may be tempting to walk straight to the jewel box, walk all the way 
around.  Collect the jewel and climb the staircase to castle floor 5.

You've reached the final room of the entire game!  The first heart framer 
you'll want to collect is the one in the bottom left corner.  Be careful not 
to stray in front of the medusa in doing so.  Then you're going to collect 
the heart framer in the upper left corner.  But you'll have to time this 
perfectly.  Walk halfway onto the heart framer.  When the leaper is to the 
right, collect the heart framer and make a mad dash downwards.  When you are 
two spaces below the trees, quickly face upwards and shoot the leaper.  Your 
time frame is kind of small, but it's easy to do with a little practice.  
Push the egg one space right so it is directly north of the medusa.  Don't 
bother pushing the egg down.  Before the egg hatches you need to collect the 
other two heart framers in the column directly right of the egg.  Now go to 
the bottom of the screen to the right of the lowermost medusa.  Wait for the 
leaper to hatch and approach you.  Shoot it again when it's two or less 
spaces away, but don't let it touch you.  Push it down against the southern 
wall so it is located between the medusa and the jewel box.  This is 
important, wait against the egg so the leaper falls asleep right when it 
awakes.  Now go up and pass between the two trees into the second half of the 
room.  Avoiding the don medusa, push the emerald framer that lies below the 
snakey one space to the right.  Quickly, shoot the snakey.  Push the egg up 
against the wall when the don medusa is in the upper right corner.  Collect 
the upper left heart framer.  Directly below the snakey egg, wait for the don 
medusa to hit the corner, then shoot the egg again to make it disappear.  
Before the snakey reappears, go over to the leftmost emerald framer and push 
it up against the wall when the don medusa enters the little nook.  Run to 
the right side of the emerald framer above the stone collecting the upper 
right heart framer in the process.  Push the emerald framer one space to the 
left.  Run around to the other side and push it up one space.  If done right, 
the snakey will reappear below the medusa.  Push this same emerald framer 
down three spaces so it is blocking the upper medusa's left side.  Collect 
the center heart framer.  Push the rightmost emerald framer one space down.  
Your path to the jewel box should now be clear!  Collect the jewel within and 
climb the stairs to the king's lair!!

Now it's mano a mano, you [Lolo] versus the evil king.  You have unlimited 
magic shots.  As the king moves from left to right he'll shoot at you too.  
Dodge and fire, dodge and fire.  It's very easy.  Climb the stairs to free 



Emerald Framers    Emerald Framers can be moved around the screen to protect
                   you from the attacks of some of the characters, and trap
                   other characters.

Heart Framers      When you've picked up all the Heart Framers the Jewel Box
                   is open.  Like Emerald Framers, Heart Framers will protect
                   you from attack, but they cannot be moved. See Power
                   Display for more on Heart Framers.

Jewel Box          Lolo can freely walk through the Jewel Box, and it will
                   protect him from enemies that attack him directly, but it
                   will not protect him from Medusa, Don Medusa, or Gol.

One-Way Passes     Usually Lolo can go through a One-Way Pass only in the
                   direction the arrow is facing, but there are exceptions.
                   Enemies can pass through One-Way Passes regardless of


Magic Shots        Certain characters, when hit by a Magic Shot, can be turned
                   into Eggs.  An Egg can be moved around, but will return to
                   its original shape and location after a while. If an Egg is
                   shot twice, it will disappear, then return in a few seconds
                   to its original shape and position.

Power Display      When a symbol appears in the Power Display, that power will
                   be made available to you once you've taken enough Heart
                   Framers.  As you take Hearts, you should reach a point
                   where the remaining Heart Framers begin to flicker. Taking
                   one more Heart will give you the power shown.

 - Bridge          When a bridge is shown in the Power display, a Bridge the
                   same length as the one in the display can be built over
                   Water or Lava.  Face the spot where you want to build your
                   Bridge and push your Power button.

 - Hammer          When the Hammer power is shown, one rock in the room can
                   be destroyed.  Point Lolo at the Rock you want to remove
                   and push the appropriate Power button at close range.

 - Arrow Turn      When the One-Way Pass power is shown, the direction of one
                   arrow can be turned 90 degrees by facing the Arrow and
                   pushing the button you've chosen as your Power button.


Deserts            Lolo's speed will be cut in half in Deserts, but they do
                   not affect an enemy's rate of speed.

Flowerbeds         Lolo can rest in flowerbed.  Enemies cannot enter, but it's
                   no protection from attacks.

Lava               Eggs cannot be put into Lava Beds or Lava Streams to get
                   across.  Bridges can be built down very quickly – time your
                   moves and don't get stranded!

Rocks              All attacks, and all enemies' paths, are blocked by Rocks.
                   Rocks cannot be moved.

Trees              Magic shots cannot pass through trees, but some characters
                   can attack through trees.

Water              Lolo has various ways to cross bodies of water.  Bridges
                   can be built if the Bridge Power is available, of he can
                   ride across on an Egg.


Alma               Runs around the room at high speed.  If Alma is directly
                   across from Lolo, she will tuck her body into a ball and
                   roll straight ahead until she runs into something.

Don Medusa         The Boss of the Defenders. Don Medusa attacks in the same
                   way as Medusa, and can be defended against in the same way.
                   He moves at a constant speed in a predetermined path.

Gol                Gol just sleeps until the last Heart Framer is taken, then
                   his eyes pop open and he awakes to shoot a deadly flame
                   straight at Our Hero.

Leeper             Leeper bounds around until he touches Lolo, then goes to
                   sleep and doesn't awaken. He can be turned into an Egg as
                   long as he's moving about.

Medusa             Medusa can attack Lolo in a straight line in all four
                   directions.  His attacks can be stopped be Rocks, Emerald
                   Framers, or the bodies of other characters.

Rocky              Rocky rumbles around slowly most of the time, but he is
                   close to Lolo he'll pick up speed and move very quickly.

Skull              Skulls will sit quietly and watch the action patiently
                   until the last Heart Framer is taken, then leap into action
                   with jaws thrashing and eyes flashing.

Snakey             Snakey keeps a vigilant eye out, constantly turning back
                   and forth, watching Lolo.  He's completely harmless, but is
                   useful as a tool.


Follow these simple rules please:

1. If you would like to post this guide on your site, e-mail your request to

2. And if you aren't going to update it, don't ask.

3. Don't plagiarize this guide.  Even if only a small portion is taken, I
   expect to be properly cited.

4. No profit will be gained from any of my guides.  This is strictly for
   personal use.

5. Lastly, do not take it upon yourself to modify this guide.  I'll do the


-  The Adventures of Lolo 2 is copyright Hal and is licensed for the NES.

-  Thanks to everyone who requested this game.

-  If you have an easier/better way of solving any of these puzzles, let me
   know and you will be credited.

      THE END