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Sweet Home (e)

By Justumaru (
Version 0.1

Table of Contents
1. Revision History
2. Introduction
3. Disclaimer
4. Controls
5. Charachters
6. Tips
7. Walkthrough
   a. First Floor
   b. Second Floor
   c. East Wing
   d. East Garden
   e. Third Floor
   f. The Courtyard
8. Special Thanks

1. Revision History
Ver 0.1
Added some sections to the walkthrough. 
Added Special Thanks

Ver 0.0
First version

2. Introduction-

And the crowd said, "Sweet WHAT?"
Ladies and gentlemen, the long lost father of Resident Evil has been found! His name is Sweet 
Home, and he's been hiding in the net, away from the fans. It was due to the shame of never 
recieving a translation that he never made his face known to the rest of the world. 
But, Sweet Home is not bitter. He understands that he was an extremely violent game, and far too
scary for those at Nintendo of America to accept. And, with the help of Gaijin Translations, 
Sweet Home may now be reunited with his children, and all the bitter fans who never got to play
this game. 
All monkeyshines aside, Sweet Home is an NES game, released by Capcom back in 1990. Many are 
quick to lable it an RPG, but this isn't quite the case. Its more like the precursor to the 
survival horror genre. I hate survival horror.
But, i like this game. Why? Because the Resident Evil series is light on horror, heavy on 
survival. Don't tell me you were scared by the umpteenth time a zombie leapt out at you from the 
window, or cieling... 
What's that? You were?
Here, have a blankie...
But, this game will scare the bejeseus out of you, blankie or no. Its also a little confusing. 
I currently am still trying to beat it. But, with any luck, i'll get through on my own.
Barring this (I expect it to be barred), contributions are always welcome.
For months, i'd been checking Gamefaqs to see if they had an FAQ for this game. Noone had done 
so yet. Funny, i thought everyone loved Capcom and their Survival Horror games. Oh well.
Because i'm such a nice guy, and also thanks to the translation to this game, i decided to write 
the damn FAQ myself, as opposed to just waiting for it. So here it is! Expect revisions and 
additions as time goes by. I don't expect to finish this for a long time. I suck at survival 
horror. Even if this is an RPG, as opposed to an action title.

Yes, i know this file is currently a mess. Its a work in progress. I'll reformat it when i have 

3. Disclaimer
Hi. Sweet Home is copyright 1989/2000 by Capcom. 
This FAQ is my property. You may read it, print it out, save it and even send it to a friend, so 
long as:
1) You DO NOT alter the content of this file in any way at all.
2) You do not post it on your webpage. You MAY NOT post this file on your webpage. DO NOT EVEN 
ASK ME to allow you to post this file on your page unless your name is Al Alamoo. Only he and 
CJayC have my permission to post it.
be mean, but THREE people asked me for posting rights my Dark Half FAQ. Three people more than i 
said i'd give permission to. Don't push me. Please.
4) You do not make a profit off of it. 
5) You don't use any info in the file in a file of your own creation witout giving me credit. 
This action is better known as PLAGARISM, and should not be done. Besides being against the law,
its also very sucky. And you don't want to suck, do you?

4. Controls-
D-pad Move
A Menu
B Party ststus

The Manual.txt included in Gaijin translation's patch should explain the commands sufficently.
It does not, however, explain the tools. While they are self-explanitory, i will describe them 
anyway. You WILL need them.

One thing i will explain is Pray. I don't know its full uses yet, but using Pray in battle will
make you do a lot of damage. It can also save a party member if he was cought by a Zombie or some
similar happening. That being said, don't use it in battle if you can help it. Leveling up a lot
accomplishes the same thing... 

Ok, if enough people ask me to explain the commands, i will... 

5. Charachters-

Tool- Lighter. Use it to burn things.
Probally the best fighter. Lighter comes in handy a lot. It can hurt insects.

Tool- First Aid Kid (+Kit). Restores to normal from some status anamolies. 
Not such a good fighter, but the First Aid kit restores you from Stun and Poison...

Tool- Camera. Use to to take pictures. Also, the bright flash hurts Bats.
Moderate fighter. Camera is probally the most important tool, as its the only way to gain the 
clues from the frescoes.

Tool- Vacuum. Used to vacuum things. Don't laugh.
The vacuum is far more useful than you think. Dust, glass, and many other things strewn 
throughout the mansion are all swept away by this lovely tool. One caveat, tho. He's the heaviest
charachter. He almost always causes wooden planks to fall. Only have him cross such a brige if he
must, make sure he is not leading, and make certian he is not alone. Have him cross last if 

Tool- Key. Opens some locked doors. 
Not much to say here. But, her key does not open all doors... Hmm... Supposedly, you can find 


Here i will describe items used in the game. This is so i don't have to describe their uses in 
the walkthrough more than once.

Wax Candle- Lights darkened rooms.
Wood- Bridges gaps. 
Mallet- Breaks rocks. 
Tonic- Restores Pray and Life of everyone nearby. 
Rope- Used to cross gaps. 

6. Tips- 

-Travel in groups, always. The combonations i usualy use are Kazuo/Taro/Akiko and Emi/Asuka.
But like i said, make sure noone is alone.
-Save your Tonics. Use them only if someone is close to death. 
-Make sure nobody dies! I can't see there being a way to restore the dead, and you need 
everyone's tools, so keep everyone alive!
-Take anything that is not nailed down. 
-Make sure everyone is using a good weapon. Fruit Knives only get the job done for so long!

7. Walkthrough

   a. First Floor
Watch the intro. Now, use Asuka's vacuum to remove the glass. Get everyone out of the foyer.
Like the text tells you, go into the left room. In here is a Tonic, Wax Candle, Fruit Knife, a
note and the first Fresco. Read the note, then Look at the Fresco. Have Taro take a picture of 
it. It will give you a clue (i think something about the three frescoes giving clues to the 
Now, exit and go to the right room. Make sure one of the people in the group has the candle. 
Also make sure the group also has the knife. You can be attacked in this room. Use the lighter
to burn the rope, then take the wood later in the room. Avoid the blue flames, they will carry 
you back into the hall. Keep going and take the Silver Knife. Take the wood. 
In the next room, use the Candle to light your way, then, in a group of two or more, go north and
Use the wood on the gap. A bridge! Now, cross, take the Oak Spear, and get out of there. If
someone falls down, use the Team command to save him. If the bridge didn't fall, take it too.
Now, go back to the main hall. Ok, your ready to move on... Not! Go back into the room with the
blue flames in a group of three. Get this group up to level 3-4. Then, take someone from this 
group, place him with the other two, and get them up to level 3-4. Now, in the main hall, cross
the gap with the wood. Expect it to fall at least once. Go up the stairs and talk to the Zombie.
Yikes! Go to the left and get the Axe with somebody who needs it. Now, go back to the main group.
Stay away fro those eerie looking shadows, k? Just to the left is a door that has the second
Fresco in it.  Use the vacuum to remove the glass, then take a picture to see the second clue- 
You need a Mallet to break boulders. Look at the Skeleton to get a warning- The light may 
fall. Now, exit and go the the left. Crap! The light fell! Dodging right usualy works to avoid 
this hazard. To the south is a door with some Silver Statues in it. Ignore this room for now. 
Go left, past a door you can't open, to a door you can. Take the spear and move through this room
with everyone. Yes, i know using a plank at the gap accomplishes the same thing. Its wasteful 
and dangerous. And you'd miss the weapon.
To the north is a room you can't open. Just to the east and south of that is a room that is. 
Inside, there is a clue to there being another key and camera in the house, but the cieling 
collapses, barring your entry.  Again, crap! Now, exit and go north. Unlock the door. Inside is
a room with many tables, some weapons and items, a fireplace, and the stairs to the second floor.
Exit and go east, you'll be back here in a minuite.
Go east with a candle. In this room, there are some boulders. Remember this place, you'll be back
here later. 
Before you leave, now would be a good time to fight the enemies in the hall until your level 
5-7. If you want, take the weapons from the dining hall first. Don't do it in the dining room, 
the Skulls and Bats are far too dangerous at this point. 
Now, return to the dining hall. Get all the stuff and vacuum away the glass at the stairs to go

   b. Second Floor
Once here, take the stuff. Read the note. Beware of the enemies here, they're dangerous. You 
might want to level up some here and now, but you shouldn't have a problem. Be careful anyway.
Unlock the north door. If you enter, you get kicked out. Hm. You can't unlock the east door. 
So, go west. Cross the bridge with Asuka and Taro. In this room is the third fresco, a rope, an 
axe, a log and some wood. Look at the Fresco. Take a picture for the third clue, the mallet is 
under the desk in the room with the small beast. Return to the room with the mouse in it. Go to 
the upper right corner of the table and try to Move an item into your inventory as you would any 
other item. You'll get the Mallet. Now, go back downstairs with everyone.

   c. East Wing
Go into the room directly across from the dining hall. Smash through the rockfall with the 
mallet. Take the items in here. They include a tonic, Pills, Wire, and a spare camera. I guess
this spare is in case Taro dies. Yes, well, you can probally leave it behind, but take everything
else. Now, go into the room with the boulders and smash them with the mallet. 
No, the mallet does not work on the rocks blocking the front door, sorry... 
Anyway, go through the room. Take the wood if you need it. You'll see a Fire Extingusiher, some 
matches and a broom. Leave these for now. A note in this room tells you that light will banish 
shadows. Along the east wall, there is a door Emi can open. Inside is a Shiv and another Fresco.
Hm... The plot thickens, does it not? Now, go north. A letter here tells you that in the east is 
a garden. (If you had gone north beforehand, into the already open door, a skeleton would have
warned you that the generator is in the east garden.)
Cross the chasm to the east. It'll take two planks. Don't remove any as you cross. Before you do,
make sure everyone is out of the way of the chasm. Now, cross and take the Flashlight. Now, RUN!
A boulder will start rolling. It'll do some damage to whoever is unfortunate enough to be in 
front of it. Now, with the flashlight, return to the room where you got a clue as to how to 
defeat shadows. Go north and use the flashlight on the shadows. Your way will be cleared. 
Before going on, make sure everyone is level 8-10.
Now, go east, pick up the tonic and go south. Vacuum away the glass, unlock the door, and enter.
Take the fire extinguisher if you don't have one, and enter the rooms. Each room with those odd 
symbols will fill the room with fire. Using the extinguisher will remove the flames. Please note
that its consumed after use... 
In the first of these rooms is a fresco. It gives the clue "Where there is lightning..." 
Yeah. Why do i have a bad feeling my 'Special Thanks' section is going to grow with every update?
Further in this room is a knight statue. Near it is a message written in blood "Cannot enter...
Without Prayer..." Look at the Knight and Pray before him. You'll draw the spear. Now, take it,
but as a normal item, not as a weapon. Exit this room. 
The next open room on the west wall has another flaming trap, and another fresco. This one 
provides the clue "A Knight needs a spear." Ah ha! Now, we're cooking with gas! Exit and go 
south, burn the rope and go west. Unlock this door for a shortcut back to the main house. Now, go
back east, to the open door on the east wall. Look at the statue and use the Armor Spear on the 
Knight. Then, Pray, using at least 20 points. This will open up the East garden.

   d. East Garden
With a change of music comes a change of chapters. There are rocks here, but don't worry if you
dropped your Mallet elsewhere. There's one out here. Get the Old Sword. You'll be needing it. 
Take the Gas as well. Now, break the rope, vacuum the door, burn the glass and unlock the 
rocks... Wait, um... Ah hell, you get the idea... 
In here is a large machine. When you get a message telling you its the generator, use the Gas, 
then Look at the generator and switch it on. Yeah! Now, return to the Second Floor. Go into the 
room you were kicked out of. Do not fight with those Armors, they will kick your ass. Go north.

   e. Third Floor
Um... Does that creepy music have anyone ELSE scared? You should be. Like i said, level 10 would
be nice by now. I'm not kidding. Look at those gouges in the walls. Check out those skeletons. 
I am NOT trying to waste your time, you'll get creamed if your any lower. 
Once your done heeding or ignoring my warning, use the rope to cross the gap. Check out that hole
in the center, then go west and open the door. There's a message that tells you that Boots can 
help you walk through sticky floors. Good to know. 
Read the note outside. Residing evil, heh heh... 
Go south, and reenter the house. Go up the stairs and grab the weapons. Now, comes the dangerous
part. Four steps on sticky floors seals your fate. You can Team to rescue stuck people, but its
still dangerous as all hell, because a stuck member is as good as dead. Go north, then east 
through the door. Grab the stuff (espically the Boots), then go east again, then south. After 
unlocking the door, you will find a ladder. Use the Boots to avoid getting stuck on this... green
splooge, and grab the weapons.Now, return to the room with the big pit within. Go north and use 
the boots again. Read the notes, grab the Long Sword and clean the fresco. Then take a picture
for the message "My wife killed... Our child... By accident..." You knew this was comming, right?
I know this sounds bad, but get up to level 12 or so at this point. Actually, i'd reccomend 
getting as high as 15. Hey, i didn't design the game. 
Whenever your ready, use the ladder on the pit and prepare to enter the next room.
Note that, from this point on, i won't always tell you what tools you need to use. You should
always have team mates nearby, so it should not be a problem to get them. I WILL tell you what 
items you need, however. So don't sweat. 

   f. The Courtyard
You can pretty much ignore this area, just have a mallet to smash the mirrors. One of the mirrors
along the north wall holds a secret door. Explore at your own risk, but there's nothing here 
that's really worthwhile. Oh, except a Fresco. 
Oh, allright. Without going into painful detail, using the Pick keeps you from taking damage in 
the water. Pushing the statue stops the water. The Mallet breaks the statues. 
In the fresco room, water comes out of the walls. The Pick won't protect you. If you send someone
to get the items, make sure they are alone. The Fresco is dirty, and tells you "The statue... 
Back to a lake..." Um, whatever. Head for the secret door. Look at the fountain here twice. 
Drink the water. It will turn to blood! Now, go south and take the Pail. Look at the fountian 
again and Use the Pail. Now, go back south and use the Pail on the green statue. Now, you can go
on. But first, go north twice. There's a fresco there that tells you... Well, what i already told
you. But photograph it anyway. ;p 
In this long hallway, go west and you will be outside. Don't touch those thorns until you get the
Gloves. Piles of wood block your way. And that's all i will do, until i figure out how to move 

Comming Next Time:
The rest of this game, hopefully! 
Hoin us, same net.time, same! 

8. Special Thanks For telling me how to get the mallet. 

Remember! This is a work in progress! Only by playing this game and giving me aid can i ever hope
to finish this game!