Mega Man Soccer (e)

MegaMan's Soccer

Version 1.0
Last update - Thursday 06 29 2000

Copyright 2000 Faididi (
This walkthrough is intended for private use only and may not
be distributed for personal gain.

MegaMan's Soccer Copyright 1994 Capcom



I.   Background Info
      - One Sunny Day... (story)
      - Playing with the Ball (controls)
      - Choose Your Ball (options)
      - Setting the Ball (planning)

II.  Strategies
      - General Hints
      - Exhibition
      - Capcom Championship (story mode)
      - Tournament
      - League

III. Extra Balls (miscellaneous info)
      - Passwords
      - Stats
      - Jukebox (music list)
      - Really Small Details
      - Why I Think I Got Suckered

IV.  Credits

I. BACKGROUND INFO - Know the game before you play


  Dr. Light, Roll, and MegaMan gather in front of the old tube to
check out the big international soccer championship game. Before
the teams run out onto the field though, explosions erupt from
nowhere and rock the stadium! The spectators scream and run, and
the shocked newscaster can only watch helplessly at the live video.
As the smoke clears, the newscaster spotted...


  No! Dr. Wily is trying to take over the world by controlling our
favorite sport. As absurd as it may sound (and it is), the good
Doctor modifies MegaMan's programming and sends him off to stop Wily.


 Move! Also use this to aim some of your kicks.

Pass (Default Y)
 The basic kick. Use the D-Pad to aim your ball. Your
 character will automatically pass to the closest buddy in
 the direction he's facing (providing that the buddy is
 close enough).
 If you don't have the ball, you will slide or jump instead.

Shoot (Default B)
 Stronger than the pass, this always aims the ball towards
 the opponents' goal. If you're confused for some reason,
 shoot the ball to see which side the opponents' goal is.
 This kick also launches your Special Attack.
 If you don't have the ball, you will slide or jump instead.

Clear (Default A)
 This kick will lob the ball through the air, making it fly over
 anybody below. If you're not careful, you might knock the ball
 out of the field. Where you are determines what kind of kick
 you'll do. If you're on your half of the field, you will clear
 the ball down to the opponent's half. If you're on the
 opponent's half, you'll kick it towards the goal. You can only
 aim the ball if you kick it from your half of the field.
 If you don't have the ball, you will shoulder ram instead.

[No Function] (Default X)
 This 4th Button appears to do nothing, but it helps you slide
 if you don't have the ball. Very useful when you only want
 to slide and not jump by accident!

Special Shot Switch (R)
 Hold the R Button as you shoot the ball (default is B) to use a
 Special Shot. The ball will be coated with energy representing
 your character's element and zip towards the enemy goal, blasting
 anyone (including friendlies) in the way.

The Useless Button (L)
 Does absolutely nothing!

 Turn the Map on and off. The Map can tell you where everybody is,
 but you can turn it off if you don't want it blocking your view.

 Call a Time Out. (Pause!)

Know the different types of attributes each robot has. When
configuring your 8-man team, try to include players whose
skills will balance each other.
 Run     - How fast the robot is. Note that when someone has the
           ball, he will run a bit slower.
 Kick    - How hard he kicks the ball. The more kick he has, the
           farther the ball goes.
 Tackle  - How strong he is when it comes to knocking someone else
           down. This affects his slide, shoulder ram, and
           Special Shot.
 Defense - How well he can fend off enemy tackles. The higher this
           is, the less likely he'll be tripped by a slide, pushed
           over by a shoulder ram, or getting wasted by a Special
           Shot (as a goalie only).


You have plenty of Options, but remember that the Championship Mode
always uses the default settings for some Options.

Shoot - The Button for your shoot and your slide/jump.
        Default is B.
Pass  - The Button for your pass and your slide/jump.
        Default is Y.
Clear - The Button for your lob and your shoulder ram.
        Default is A.

Time       - How many minutes do you want in one Half?
             Default is 5 Minutes. Can be changed from 1 to 10.
S. Shoot A - How many times can Team 1 (Blue) use Special Attacks?
             Default is 2. Can be changed from 0 to 9.
S. Shoot B - How many times can Team 2 (Red) use Special Attacks?
             Default is 2. Can be changed from 0 to 9.
Music      - Sample the game's music!
             There are 26 tunes.
Sound      - Sample the game's sound effects!
             There are 32 effects.
Stereo     - Do you want stereo sound on or off?
             Default is On. Can be switched to Off.
Keeper     - Do you want your goal keepers to be computer-controlled?
             Default is Auto. Can be switched to Manual.


Before jumping onto the field, ya gotta have a plan.

First, you must pick your team's formation. You'll some sets of
numbers. Each number represents how many players will be in a
certain position. The first number is the amount of forward/offensive
players, the second is the amount of midfield players, and the third
is the amount of defensive players. You have 5 choices:

[3-2-2] is a good formation. It places a lot of players in the front,
giving you maximum offense, but also putting some people in the back
for enough defense.

[3-1-3] provides plenty of offense and defense but leaves your middle
weak. Whoever is in that middle position had better be fast!

Sweeper is a [2-2-2] formation with the 7th player as the Sweeper,
a player who sits in front of your goalie, acting as a "secondary"
goal tender. This is designed for pure defense, but it sacrifices
a lot of offense.

[2-3-2] spreads your forces across the field evenly, giving you
equal offense and defense. This is the only formation that puts
3 players in the midfield.

[2-2-3] is the opposite of [3-2-2]. It gives good defense and some
defense. But if you want more defense, go for the Sweeper formation.

Next, you have to set up your team members. In the Championship Mode,
you swap your current team members with those available in your
Reserve. In the Tournament and League Modes, you can only switch the
positions of your players. In the Exhibition Mode, all the players in
a position type are the same but you can choose from any of the 20

The forwards players should be fast and strong, like CutMan, since
they'll be the ones scoring the goals. The midfield players should
be fast since they'll be aiding the forward and defensive players,
but some tackle strenth will help too. Defensive players won't be
going for the goal, so they only need enough tackle power and a lot
of speed to steal the ball. Sweepers don't have to be fast since
they'll be sitting in front of your goal. Goal keepers don't need
tackle power, but they need some speed to return to the goal after
a bad dive. High defense isn't as big a deal since most Special
Shots will hurt them anyway. (WoodMan may stop IceMan's shot, but
not necessarily those of 18 other characters. Plus his mega-slow
speed will hurt him, so IceMan has a chance anyway!)

The last step requires you to pick a field (if you're playing the
Exhibition Mode). While all the fields are essentially the same, the
different tunes and graphics will spice up your life a bit. :)

Skull Field   - Bits of skull and bone sticking through the sand.
Cut Field     - Nice red sand.
Wood Field    - A pleasant woodland arena.
Elec Field    - Check out Wily's power plant!
Mega Field    - Good ol' classic grass.
Pharaoh Field - Hot sand! It feels more like a volleyball game...
Fire Field    - Run over flowing lava and volcanoes on glass panels!
Needle Field  - Standard bricks.
Dust Field    - Another part of Wily's power plant. Only more dusty.
Enker Field   - Yellow grass or really bad sand?
Proto Field   - More brick. Now it feels more like a basketball game.
Wily Field    - See even more power plant!

II. STRATEGIES - Know the ball, follow the ball, be the ball...


Scoring Goals

 The computer goalie isn't that tough, if you know what you're doing.
 If you go for a frontal approach, you'll never win since the goalie
 will always catch the ball (unless if you use a Special Shot).
 Here are two effective tricks:

 #1: Shoot from the side. Get to the lower or upper outer corner of
 the goal, moving away from the goalie. If the goalie is far away
 enough when you shoot the ball, he won't catch it.

  KEY: G = goalie, Y = you, * = ball

  |     Y      |  Y
  |----*       |-/--
 G|    |      G|/G  |  The goalie will dive, but the distance he
 O|    |      O*    |  needs to cover will let your ball through.
 A|  G |      A|    |  This takes a lotta skill and luck, but it
 L|    |      L|    |  works!
  |    |       |    |
  |----        |----
  |            |

 #2: Sucker the goalie and shoot the ball in when he's recovering.
 You need two people, one in front of the goalie and one below the
 goalie. You, in the front, have the ball. If you pass it down to
 your buddy, the goalie will dive for the ball, thinking that the
 pass was really a shot into the goal. While the goalie is recovering
 from his dive, your buddy can just kick the ball into the goal.
 This takes some good timing and positioning, since the angle
 between the two people is important.

  KEY: G = goalie, Y = you, B = buddy, * = ball

  |            |            |
  |----        |----        |----
 G|    |      G|    |      G|    |
 O|  G |*Y    O|    | Y    O|    | Y
 A|    |      A|    |/     A|    |
 L|    |      L|    /      L*    |   The goalie will dive, but the
  |    |       |  G/|       |\ G |   ball's sharp angle will cause
  |----        |--/-        |-\--    him to miss, letting your buddy
  |  B         | *B         |  B     get the ball so he can score.

 Remember that the computer-controlled goalie has a tougher time
 guarding its side and that it takes a long time recovering
 from a dive. By shooting the ball in from the side, you have a
 better chance of scoring a goal.

Knowing When to Slide or Shoulder Ram

 The slide is faster, but the ram is stronger. If the opponent
 is far away, you should slide because you can catch up to him
 and maybe trip him. If you're touching the guy, ram him so
 you can take full advantage of your tackle strength and knock
 him down.

Using Special Shots

 If you're going to use one, make sure that it's going to hit the
 enemy goalie. Actually, that's really how you're supposed to use
 the Special Shots - to score fast and easy goals. The ball will
 roll past the incapacitated goalie just enough to enter the net.
 Blasting a normal enemy player is a waste, unless if you have
 something else planned (like knocking out a Wily player out of
 your way). Even worse is blasting your own players.

 Another note: Special Shots fly straight across the field in a
 flat trajectory. It's possible for your goalie to kick a
 Special from one end of the field to the other and fry the
 enemy goalie, scoring a point. Don't do this too often - people
 tend to get in the way!

 Another note: Specials travel slightly faster than a shoot, but
 the difference is so small that it's insignificant.

Stopping Special Shots

 For a lot of robots, you can't. Special Shots are really strong,
 and almost every goalie is powerless when a flaming ball is
 blazing right at him. So how do you counter an opponent's
 Special? Use another one of your players! By leaving a regular
 player between the bad guy and your goalie, you will have 2
 lines of defense instead of 1. So what if your normal player
 gets whacked? Your goalie is still around to stop the ball.
 This is useful against the ProtoMan team in the Championship
 Mode, where the ProtoMen are trigger-happy maniacs who
 might use 2 Specials in a row. Not only do you keep the
 other team from scoring, you also waste their Specials!

Wily and Special Shots

 Many gamers will notice that even the almighty PharaohMan can't
 wax a Dr. Wily goalie with a Special. Well, there's a way you
 can knock down the Wily goalie! Use the robots who have the
 strange type of Specials: SnakeMan and GeminiMan. Why are
 their Specials strange? Notice that their Specials don't hurt
 the other robot goalies a lot but hurt Wily! It's funny - Specials
 that whack normal bots don't whack Wily and Specials that don't
 whack normal bots whack Wily! Whack-a, whack-a, whack-a...

The Goalie: Auto or Manual?

 Most players will leave their goalies on Automatic because of several
 advantages. First, the computer is quite competent, and will block
 most enemy shots. Second, the computer goalie is always ready for
 anything, unlike a human who may be caught off guard by a fast kick.
 Third, while the computer handles your goalie, you will retain
 control of your current player. This lets you chase after the
 opponent with the ball without switching you to the goalie, which
 may disorient you. Fourth, once the computer catches the ball,
 you immediately take over as the goalie, giving you some control

 So how about the Manual goalie? Well, it's for those who always
 like to be in control. This is more useful in the 2P Versus Mode
 where a computer goalie has no chance of outwitting a human
 player. But if you're fighting a computer team, a computer goalie
 will do.

Tie Breakers

 Maybe it's just my copy, but I noticed how the computer players
 tend to shoot straight ahead. There's a good chance you'll
 block the ball if you just stand still.
 When it's your turn to kick, it's up to you since the computer
 goalie will dash in a random direction.
 If you're playing against a human buddy, things get interesting
 as you try to outwit each other. Too bad there's no way to
 get into some quick tie breaking practice...

Taking Passwords

 Unlike the previous MegaMan games, the Password system here is
 a monster! Take extra care when recording your Passwords.
 The easiest way is to draw an 8x8 board and bubble in the dots
 for each row, one by one. It's slow, but safe! :)


1P VS 2P

The Mode that lets you set up some fast games. You can fight against
a computer-controlled team alone or with a friend, or you can go for
a friendly soccer version of death match against a friend. You can
also let the SNES give you a demo of the game by pitting two
computer-controlled teams against each other.

This mode lets you practice and check out the different characters.
Play a few matches before starting the other Modes for some warm-up.



The story mode. Like in the previous MegaMan games, you go after
any of the 8 teams in any order. Your team consists of 8 MegaMen
at first. When you beat a team, a member from that team will join
yours. Using your new-found ally, you go after the others. Once
you beat all 8 teams, you go to Wily's castle, where you'll face
off against Enker and ProtoMan's teams before meeting face to
face with the big mustache man himself.

No matter what you did in the Options Screen, the following will
always be true:

- Each half will last 5 minutes.
- Each team can only use 2 Special Attacks.

What order should you go in?

Well, speed is important in this game, so you should get some fast
bots on your team as soon as you can. You should fight the bosses
from MegaMan 1 first: ElecMan, FireMan, and CutMan. ElecMan
is the fastest of the bunch, and he makes a good first addition.

Next, you can go after NeedleMan and DustMan. These two are
a bit slower than MegaMan, but they make up in higher kick and
tackle/defense powers.

PharaohMan and WoodMan are slow as hell and are almost useless,
even if their tackle and defense powers shoot through the
roof. When you fight these guys with your faster robots, you'll
see why you don't want to use them later on. Although some
people might argue that WoodMan's defense will help him as a
goalie, most special attacks will still blast him, and his
snail pace won't help him run back to the goal if he makes a
bad dive.

As for SkullMan, he has abilities exactly the same to those of
MegaMan. When you want to fight him is up to you, although you
might want to save him up for later. There are better bots for
you to get first.

Here's the order we took:

Elec -> Fire -> Cut -> Needle -> Dust -> Pharaoh -> Skull -> Wood

This isn't the best order, but it works. Another good order would be:

Elec -> Cut -> Fire -> Dust -> Needle -> Pharaoh -> Wood -> Skull

For Enker and ProtoMan's teams, life sure gets harder. Be sure to
put your fastest bots in the front to match their high speeds.
ProtoMan tends to use Special Shots a lot, so get ready to block
his attacks with your players' bodies. It's also known that
the Enker and ProtoMan goalies can stop your Special Shots.

As soon as you get Enker and ProtoMan, use them. Both are superior
versions of MegaMan, and they'll help you when you fight Wily.
Speaking of which, Wily is extremely tough, and he's the fastest
character with the best tackle and defense. Don't bother blasting
the Wily goal keeper with a Special; just outwit and outmanuever
him to score your goals.

If you're still having trouble saving the world, you can try the
Passwords listed somewhere towards the end of this walkthrough.

Good Luck!!



Battle it out in an elimination-style series of games. Winners of the
previous matches will have to fight each other until only one team
is left standing. (Once you beat the first set of teams, you'll go on
to fight the elite Enker, ProtoMan, or Dr. Wily teams.)
After a total of 5 games, there can only be one!

Here is a list of who's on each team:

SkullMan's Team
3 SkullMen, 1 IceMan, 1 BubbleMan, 1 BombMan, 1 AirMan, 1 GeminiMan

CutMan's Team
3 CutMen, 1 ToadMan, 1 SnakeMan, 1 IceMan, 1 BubbleMan, 1 FlashMan

WoodMan's Team
3 WoodMen, 1 GeminiMan, 1 TopMan, 1 ToadMan, 1 SnakeMan, 1 FlashMan

ElecMan's Team
3 ElecMen, 1 IceMan, 1 AirMan, 1 BubbleMan, 1 FlashMan, 1 BombManMan

MegaMan's Team
9 MegaMen

PharaohMan's Team
3 PharaohMen, 1 SnakeMan, 1 FlashMan, 1 BubbleMan, 1 IceMan, 1 BombMan

FireMan's Team
3 FireMen, 1 IceMan, 1 BombMan, 1 AirMan, 1 TopMan, 1 GeminiMan

NeedleMan's Team
3 NeedleMen, 1 GeminiMan, 1 AirMan, 1 SnakeMan, 1 TopMan, 1 ToadMan

DustMan's Team
3 DustMen, 1 BombMan, 1 AirMan, 1 GeminiMan, 1 TopMan, 1 ToadMan

Enker's Team
3 Enkers, 1 TopMan, 1 ToadMan, 1 SnakeMan, 1 FlashMan, 1 BubbleMan

ProtoMan's Team
3 ProtoMen, 1 IceMan, 1 AirMan, 1 TopMan, 1 SnakeMan, 1 BubbleMan

Wily's Team
3 Wilys, 1 FlashMan, 1 GeminiMan, 1 ToadMan, 1 IceMan, 1 BombMan



See how you stand up to other teams as you pummel each other.
You will fight every other team for a total of 7 games.

In between every match you'll see the schedule (score screen). To
see how you're doing, find your team name on the vertical column
on the left side. Now, look at your horizontal row. The symbol
represents the result of your match against the team shown above
the symbol. A Red Circle means you won. A White "X"-shaped Cross
means you lost. A Blue Triangle means you tied.

Onto the right side of the schedule is are the columns labeled
"GP" and "GD." "GP" stands for "Game Points" and records your
total score. You get 2 GPs for 1 win and 1 GP for a tie. "GD"
stands for "Goal Differential" and records the difference
between your opponent's score and your score. (Take the other
team's score and minus your score from it.)

Here's a list of what robots each team has:

SkullMan's Team
3 SkullMen, 1 ProtoMan, 2 BombMen, 2 FlashMen

CutMan's Team
3 CutMen, 1 Enker, 2 BubbleMen, 2 IceMen

WoodMan's Team
3 WoodMen, 1 Enker, 2 AirMen, 2 GeminiMen

ElecMan's Team
3 ElecMen, 1 Wily, 2 SnakeMen, 2 GeminiMen

MegaMan's Team
3 MegaMen, 1 ProtoMan, 2 IceMen, 2 BubbleMen

PharaohMan's Team
3 PharaohMen, 1 Enker, 2 ToadMen, 2 GeminiMen

FireMan's Team
3 FireMen, 1 Enker, 2 FlashMen, 2 BombMen

NeedleMan's Team
3 NeedleMen, 1 ProtoMan, 2 TopMen, 2 ToadMen

DustMan's Team
3 DustMen, 1 Wily, 2 SnakeMen, 2 AirMen

III. EXTRA BALLS - Other things that you might want to check out


Wily's bots got you beat? Use these Passwords to get yourself ahead.
A good start for novice Players is the Elec, Fire, and Cut Men
Password. With these MegaMan 1 bots, you'll have an easier time
against the others. To jump straight to the end, use the last
Password with ProtoMan on your team.

KEY: O = Red Dot, X = Empty Space

Got ElecMan    Elec & Fire     Elec,Fire,Cut   + Needle

+ Dust          + Pharaoh       + Skull         + Wood (Wily's Castle)

+ Enker         + Proto (On to Wily!)


Fortunately for you, we have here a quick list of all 21 characters'
statistics. Remember that in the Championship Mode your characters
can improve his stats.

Here's how to read the data:
 (Name) (First Appearance)
 (Run) (Kick) (Tackle) (Defense)
 (Special Shot)
 (Victory Dance)

MegaMan (MegaMan 1)
 40 62 96 128
Mega Buster Ball - Blasts you up into the air
Jumps, runs in a circle, and then jumps cheering

SkullMan (MegaMan 4)
 40 62 96 128
Skull Ball - Knocks you dizzy with spinning skulls
Raises his left arm repeatedly

FlashMan (MegaMan 2)
 40 62 96 96
Flash Ball - Stops time for you, freezing you
Raises both arms repeatedly, saying something

BubbleMan (MegaMan 2)
 40 62 96 128
Bubble Ball - Traps you in a floating bubble
Jumps and then flaps both his arms

ToadMan (MegaMan 4)
 40 62 96 128
Rain Ball - Stuns you
Jumps and then shakes his fat belly

CutMan (MegaMan 1)
 42 62 160 96
Scissor Ball - Cuts you into pieces
Jumps and then makes weird hand motions

ElecMan (MegaMan 1)
 43 62 64 96
Electric Ball - Shocks you like crazy!
Makes even weirder kick and hand motions

BombMan (MegaMan 1)
 40 62 96 128
Bomb Ball - Blows you up into the air
Raises his arms alternately, making happy eye contact

DustMan (MegaMan 4)
 36 64 96 176
Junk Ball - Drops a pile of junk on you
Punches his arms together

AirMan (MegaMan 2)
 38 62 160 96
Tornado Ball - Lifts you into the air
Jumps and then his big fan goes "whirrr...."

IceMan (MegaMan 1)
 48 62 48 48
Ice Ball - Freezes you into a crystal
Jumps, runs in a circle, and then long jumps for joy

NeedleMan (MegaMan 3)
 36 64 128 128
Spike Ball - Shatters you into pieces
Jumps and then hops up and down happily

TopMan (MegaMan 3)
 40 62 96 96
Spin Ball - Knocks you out
Jumps, runs in a quick circle, spins really fast, and then raises arms

FireMan (MegaMan 1)
 42 62 128 112
Fire Ball - Burns you
Jumps and then raises his hand and flame in victory

PharaohMan (MegaMan 4)
 34 62 224 160
Sun Ball - Burns you
Jumps and then raises his arms up and down

Enker (Dr. Wily's Revenge, Game Boy)
 44 62 96 128
Photon Ball - Blasts you up into the air
Jump and then raises both arms repeatedly, cursing the crowd

WoodMan (MegaMan 2)
 28 64 224 208
Leaf Ball - Knocks you down
Points up at the sky, or giving you the finger

ProtoMan (MegaMan 3)
 47 62 96 128
Energy Ball - Blasts you up into the air
Stands there lookin' good with his flying scarf

SnakeMan (MegaMan 3)
 40 62 112 128
Snake Ball - Slips through you
Jumps and then raises his right arm

GeminiMan (MegaMan 3)
 48 62 96 96
Twin Balls - Slip through you
Jumps and then flails his arm and legs like if he's
 getting down and groovy, or slapping his own butt.

Dr. Wily (MegaMan 1)
 50 62 240 240
Lava Ball - Blasts you up into the air
Laughs out loud, banging his chest or something


Here's an almost complete list of the tunes in the Options Screen:

00 Match-Up Screen             13 Proto Field
01 Select Field/Boss Screen    14 Formation Setup Screen
02 Wood Field                  15 Password Screen
03 Skull Field                 16 Wily Field
04 Mega Field                  17 ?
05 Score a Goal!               18 Intro Movie
06 Cut Field                   19 Title Theme
07 Enker Field                 20 Wily's Theme
08 Elec Field                  21 ProtoMan's Theme (short version)
09 Dust Field                  22 ProtoMan's Theme
10 Needle Field                23 ?
11 Fire Field                  24 ?
12 Pharaoh Field               25 Victory (after winning a match)


Do you ever notice the weird stuff going on in the game?

 After you win a match in the Tournament Mode, Roll and Kalinka
 will come out carrying a congratulations banner. The problem?
 "Congratulations!" is spelled incorrectly as "CONGARTULATIONS!"
 Kalinka is the daughter of a scientist, and Roll is a robot.
 Come on now - wouldn't they know that something's wrong?!?!

 You can't use ShadowMan in the game, but he does appear in the
 sidelines. You can find him relaxing in a hot red sports car
 on the top edge of the screen above the Needle and Proto fields.

 Have you noticed which elements from which prequel are used in
 MM Soccer? The robots are all from MegaMan 1 to MegaMan 4, but
 the Password Screen, Password Music, Match-Up Screen, and
 Match-Up Music are all from MegaMan 5!! Oh yeah, and Enker is
 from MegaMan 1: Dr. Wily's Revenge (on the Game Boy).

 What's with the 8 MegaMen? The instructions manual says that 7 of
 them are reserves. Maybe that's where Dr. Light gets the extra
 MegaMen after you blow one up in the previous games! It's kinda
 creepy to know that MegaMan has additional bodies to back him up...

 And what's with the 8 Dr. Wily's?? Maybe the clones are really
 robotic versions of the evil Doctor himself! Can you imagine what
 will really happen if CutMan or NeedleMan slices up the real
 human Dr. Wily? Eeeewwww....


Dude, me and my buddies think we got a screwed-up copy of MM Soccer.
Okay, not screwed-up, just a prototype. After the playing for
awhile, I can't help notice that we have a seemingly incomplete
version of the game.

 - MegaMan is RockMan, and ProtoMan is Blues. Apparently not
   all the translations were in place...

 - We didn't see an ending after kicking Wily's butt in
   the Championship or Tournament Mode.

 - Sometimes my game just resets without warning. And after it
   resets, the music starts getting messed up.

 - Our controls got remapped during gameplay. After playing for a
   long time, I noticed that I couldn't pass. I reset the game and
   went to the Options Screen, where my Shoot became the "Y" Button
   and my Pass became the "?" Button. Not kidding...

I'll admit that the version we played may be a tad bit different from
yours, and I can only hope that the data in this walkthrough still
holds true for your game. Or, if I'm not crazy and you have the same
problems, we can blame Capcom for accidentally releasing an early
version of the game.

IV. CREDITS - Because it wouldn't be right without the proper thanks!

 Who else would make a soccer game starring the Blue Bomber?

 Because that's what we play this game on.

GameFAQs and any other site that puts this up
 Thanks for posting this. Now people in need of help can
 get some, and people in need of something new to read
 won't be bored.

My fellow Faididis and Spherelanders
 They figure out the tricks, I write 'em down. Really, the
 walkthrough is essentially made by those funny guys.
 Plus, they are and like balls.


Hope you enjoyed playing MegaMan's Soccer & reading this walkthrough.
Got questions or comments?
Feel free to e-mail me at: 

Let us carry on the Golden Torch of Videogaming until the sun explodes
and everything on the ball-like Earth dies a horrible, horrible death.