Yu Yu Hakusho - Makyou Touitsusen (FAQ) (e)

             _   _ _  _  _ _  _  _ _
            \ \ / // | || || | || ||
             \ ^ //  | || || | || ||
              | ||   | || || | || ||
              | ||   | \/ || | \/ |/\    _   _ _  _  _ _  _  _ _
              |_||    \__//   \__/<  >  \ \ / // | || || | || ||
               --´    `--´    `--´//\\   \ ^ //  | || || | || ||
                                          | ||   | || || | || ||
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                 _   _    __    _  _   _  _   ___   _   _   ___
                | |_| |  /  \  | |/ / | || | | __| | |_| | / _ \
                |  _  | | /\ | |   /  | || | \_ \  |  _  || / \ |
                | | | | | -- | |   \  | \/ |  _| | | | | || \_/ |
                |_| |_| |_/\_| |_|\_\  \__/  /___/ |_| |_| \___/

Yuu Yuu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen

FAQ version 1.8

    by Saturn Urameshi    sat_4thdimension @ hotmail . com

For Japanese and Brazilian Sega Mega Drive

***Last update: May 7, 2004.***

>Yuu Yuu Hakusho is [c] Yoshihiro Togashi
>Yuu Yuu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen is [c] Treasure
>Sega Mega Drive is [c] SEGA Enterprises

Note: To see this FAQ correctly, you must be using a monospaced font. I
      recommend Courier New, which was the font used to write it.

---Updates Log---

version 1.8 :::  Added info about why this game can't have secret characters
                 in the Rumors section.
                 Updated Toguro Ani's command list. I missed a command in his
                 desperation move... Thanks to Ivan Cedric.
                 Added another thing that can be done in Debug Mode: easy

version 1.7 :::  Updated Hiei's movelist with the full names of his moves.
                 Added info on the pronounce of the characters' names.
                 Updated the credits section.

version 1.6 :::  Corrected spelling and grammar.
                 Updated some move descriptions.

version 1.5 :::  Updated the Sound Test tracks names.
                 Updated Misc Facts section.
                 Added some gameplay tips for some of the characters.
                 Added Lyrics.

version 1.4 :::  Added a section for the Debug Mode. It surely deserves its
                 own section!
                 Created a section for the Endings.
                 Updated all rumors.
                 Corrected Kurama's human name: it's Shuuichi, not Shuiichi!
                 Created a new section, Misc facts about the game.

version 1.3 :::  Added a new Secret.
                 Updated the Rumors section.
                 Corrected some grammar.
                 Added Toguro Anni's desperation move (forgot it in earlier

version 1.2 :::  Added more info to the rumors, thanks to A.R.A.D. and
                 created this updates section. Also, added Apollyon to the
                 credits (sorry, I forgot it in the last update, as it was
                 even more rushed than the first release!).

version 1.1 :::  Corrected some mistakes from v1.0 and gave credit to
                 Apollyon for the Raizen rumor.

version 1.0 :::  First release of the FAQ. A bit rushed, I know...

 |                                                                          |
 | *****************                                                        |
 | Table of Contents                                                        |
 | *****************                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Table of Contents (duh!)                                              |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - About this Game                                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Game Menus                                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Game Screen                                                           |
 |     * Health Bar                                                         |
 |     * Ki Bar                                                             |
 |     * Player                                                             |
 |     * Second Plan                                                        |
 |     * First Plan                                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Common Moves                                                          |
 |     * Run/dash                                                           |
 |     * Evade                                                              |
 |     * Change Plan                                                        |
 |     * Double Jump                                                        |
 |     * Taunt                                                              |
 |     * Charging ki                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Characters and Moves                                                  |
 |     * Yusuke Urameshi                                                    |
 |     * Kurama / Shuuichi Minamino                                         |
 |     * Jaganshi Hiei                                                      |
 |     * Kazuma Kuwabara                                                    |
 |     * Genkai / Fukumen Senshi                                            |
 |     * Chu                                                                |
 |     * Jin                                                                |
 |     * Toguro (Otouto)                                                    |
 |     * Toguro (Anni)                                                      |
 |     * Itsuki / Gate Keeper                                               |
 |     * Sensui Shinobu / Dark Angel                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Secrets                                                               |
 |     1. Secret Mode                                                       |
 |     2. Debug Mode                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Debug Mode Guide                                                      |
 |     1. Incrasing and Decrasing Health                                    |
 |     2. 4-Characters DEMO Mode                                            |
 |     3. Extra Mode                                                        |
 |     4. Watch Mode                                                        |
 |     5. No Training Mode                                                  |
 |     6. Playing with the Credits Screen                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Game Endings                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Rumors about the game                                                 |
 |     1. Secret Moves                                                      |
 |       1.1 Genkai's Rei-kou-kyou-hanshou                                  |
 |     2. Secret Characters                                                 |
 |       2.1. Youko                                                         |
 |       2.2. Raizen                                                        |
 |       2.3. Mukuro                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Misc facts about the game                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Lyrics in Romaji                                                      |
 |     1. Hohoemi no Bakudan                                                |
 |     2. ANBARANSU na Kiss wo Shite                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |  - Credits & Thanks                                                      |

About this Game

This is the second Yu Yu Hakusho game for Sega Mega Drive. Made by Treasure,
this fighting game features 11 characters from the anime and manga series:
Yusuke Urameshi, Kazuma Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Genkai, Chu, Jin, Toguro
Otouto, Toguro Ani, Itsuki, and Sensui.

Since it has characters from many different seasons, there's no story to
follow. The game supports 1-4 players (if you use the 'Team Player', the Mega
Drive peripheral that allows 4 joysticks to be connected in the console) and
has various play modes.

Game Menus

After the game intro, you'll be presented the Title screen ('PRESS START
BUTTON'). There you have two choices:

- Game Start
- Options

The Options screen has the following options:

 Difficult Level:               Easy / Normal / Hard / Hardest
                               (Default: Normal)

 Button Config

 Basic Comands (How to play/Tutorial)
 Sound Test:                    00 : Unknown
                                01 : Music fadding out
                           02 - 05 : Unknown
                           06 - 0D : Yusuke's voice samples
                           0E - 15 : Kuwabara's voice samples
                           16 - 1A : Kurama's voice samples
                           1B - 1C : Youko's voice samples
                           1D - 22 : Hiei's voice samples
                           23 - 2C : Genkai's voice samples
                           2D - 33 : Toguro Ani's voice samples
                           34 - 3A : Sensui's voice samples
                           3B - 41 : Chu's voice samples
                           42 - 4A : Toguro Otouto's voice samples
                           4B - 4F : Itsuki's voice samples
                           50 - 57 : Jin's voice samples
                           58 - 72 : Announcer's voice samples
                                73 : Title screen YU YU HAKUSHO voice
                           74 - 7E : Sound effects (punch, kick, etc)
                           7F - 81 : Unknown
                                82 : Toguro Otouto's Theme
                                83 : Kazuma Kuwabara's Theme
                                84 : Jin's Theme
                                85 : Toguro Ani's Theme
                                86 : Yusuke Urameshi's Theme
                                87 : Chu's Theme
                                88 : Itsuki's Theme
                                89 : Hohoemi no Bakudan (winner screen)
                                8A : Kurama and Genkai's Theme
                                8B : Results screen
                                8C : Taiyou ga mata kagayaku Toki [not sure]
                                8D : Hiei's Theme
                                8E : Menu
                                8F : Win
                                90 : Continue screen
                                91 : No Continue
                                92 : Title Screen 1
                                93 : Title Screen 2
                                94 : ANBARANSU na Kiss wo Shite
                                95 : Sensui's Theme
                                96 : Versus screen
                           97 - 9F : Unknown
                           A0 - A3 : Menu sound effects
                           A4 - A5 : Attack effects
                                A6 : Charging
                                A7 : Confirmation (menu)
                           A8 - AB : Not used (?)
                           AC - EF : Unknown
                                F0 : Hiei's Ensatsu Kokuryura sound
                           F1 - FF : Unknown

 B.G.M. (BackGround Music):     Yes / No
                                (Default: Yes)

 PAUSE Message:                 Yes / No (select "NO" for clean pause)
                                (Default: Yes)

 Controller Reset:              Yes / No (if "Yes", you'll be able to reset
                                the game by pressing A + B + C)
                                (Default: Yes)


Game Start brings a new menu with three choices:

 1P Mode:     Fight against all the 11 characters.
 Multiplayer: For 1-4 players.
 Tournament:  Two tournament modes.
(There's also a secret option... see 'Secrets' for more details)

1P Mode brings you to the Character Select screen.

Multiplayer presents this:

 - Battle
   After picking this choice, select the number of characters (players + CPU)
   and then press any button in each one of the human players' controllers.
   When done, press START to go to the Character Select screen. CPU characters
   are random. In this mode, the fighters in the arena fight until only one of
   them remains counscious.

 - Team
   In this mode, two teams of two characters fight against each other.

 - Training
   No life or Ki bars. Train your moves and combos here. When you're bored,
   press START to go back to this screen.

 - Results
   Shows the results of player vs player matches.

Tournament mode has:

 - 1P mode
   Actually, more than 1 player can join. Matches of 1-vs-1 between the
   characters until one of them reach the top.

 - Team Mode
   Same as above, but matches of 2-vs-2 teams. My all-time favorite ^^.

The secret option will be pretty self-explanatory when you get it.

Game Screen

1  |                                                    |
2  |  ________     ________     ________     ________   |
3  |  --------     --------     --------     --------   |
4  |  --------     --------     --------     --------   |
5  |  1P           CP           CP           2P         |
6  |                                                    |
7  |                                                    |
8  |                                                    |
9  |    _                                      _        |
10 |   / \                                    / \       |
11 |   \_/                                    \_/       |
12 |  \ | /                                 \\ |        |
13 |   \|/                                   \\|        |
14 |     _                                    _         |
15 |    / \                                  / \        |
16 |    \_/                                  \_/        |
17 |     |                                   _|_        |
18 |____________________________________________________|

>>Health Bar (line 3)
  When you get hit, you lose part of this bar. If you already lost half or
  more of your healty, the kanji in your healty bar will begin to flash.
  When both kanjis of the healty and ki bars are flashing, you can perform
  a desperation move.

>>Ki Bar (line 4)
  You need ki to perform special attacks. You can recharge this bar by holding
  any attack button. if the bar is 100% charged, its kanji will begin to
  flash. When both kanjis of the healty and ki bars are flashing, you can
  perform a desperation move. However, that uses a lot of ki!

>>Player (line 5)
  This shows to what player the healty and ki bars belong. 1P, 2P, 3P and 4P
  are players and CP are CPU-controlled characters.

>>Second Plan (lines 10-14)
  Characters 3 and 4 start in this plan. You can change the plan you are
  current on by pressing Y or defense + weak attack.

>>First Plan (lines 15-18)
  Characters 1 and 2 start in this plan. You can change the plan you are
  current on by pressing Y or holding defense and pressing Up.

Common Moves

Run/dash:    Press fowards twice or use X or Z (depending on which side you
             are facing)

Evade:       Hold defense and press weak attack or use X or Z (depending on
             which side you are facing)

Change Plan: Press Y or hold defense and press Up.

Double Jump: Just press Up while in mid-air.

Taunt:       Press A, B and C at the same time. Your character will make a
             taunt and all the opponents will lose some ki.

Charging ki: Hold any attack button (strong attack or weak attack) while
             stopped to refill your ki bar. You'll be vulnerable to enemies'
             attacks while doing this!

Characters And Moves

Except for Jin, the character profiles are from www.reikitantei.net
"Notes" are made by myself to complete the profiles.


f    Foward
u    Up
d    Down
fu   Foward-up (diagonal)
fd   Foward-down (diagonal)
A    Heavy attack / Strong attack
B    Weak attack
C    Defense

qcf  Quarter cicle foward (d, df, f)

A "+" sign means that the buttons must be pressed at the same time. Eg: A + B
means pressing A and B together.
'f + A' and 'f, A' are different. The first one means pressing foward and
strong attack at the same time, the second one means pressing foward and then
strong attack.

(Yuhske Oora mechih)


Yusuke is the fifteen year old, self declared, "Super Number 1 Delinquent of
Sarayashiki Jr. High School". Yusuke has a young mother who stays at home a
lot drinking. Yusuke spends little time in school and a lot of time fighting.
When he dies, he meets Botan and Ko-Enma. Botan explains that Yusuke wasn't
supposed to die, and Ko-Enma offers him a chance to come back to life, called
the "Trial of Resurrection".

When Yusuke finally makes it back to life. (With the help of Botan, Keiko and
Kuwabara) he has to make up a debt to Ko-Enma. So he becomes a detective for
the Spirit World. We find out that Yusuke has spiritual powers that allow him
to shoot ReiKi (spiritual energy) out of his body.


I'm not sure about what Yusuke's stage is...


Head Throw
 >f + A (close to opponent)
 *Throws the opponent fowards. You can connect a rush punch then.

Rush Punch
 >f + A
 *Yusuke moves while punching. Usually does 2-hits.

Special Attacks

 >d, df, f + A or B     (qcf + A or B)
 *Fireball-projectile. A version is faster and B is smoother. If you hold A
 or B after pressing it, Yusuke will charge the projectile and make it larger,
 but it'll need more ki! Pressing C will cancel it, but will keep it charged.
 Yusuke can also do it in mid-air, but won't be able to charge it if it isn't
 already charged.

ReiGan (motion 2)
 >d, df, f + C          (qcf + C)
 *Same as above, but you don't need to hold any button to charge it, as it'll
 charge automatically. Press A or B to launch, or press C again to cancel.

ShotuGan (ShotGun)
 >d, d + A or B
 *Yusuke does some charged punchs. Use it when you are near your opponent.
 You can also use it as anti-air attack.

Hayaku Retsu-Ken
 >Tap A or B quickly
 *Yusuke does a lot of punchs. Has good range and can sometimes block
 projectiles. It works like Chun-Li's lighting kicks in Street Fighter 2, and
 you can keep doing it as long as you have enought ki. Unlike Genkai, Yusuke
 can't do it in mid-air.

Desperation Attack

Reikou Rush
 >f, d, df, f + A or B       (f, qcf + A or B)
 *He starts to rush fowards. If he touches the enemy, he starts a combo. If
 not, he cancels the attack.

 - When playing as Yusuke in Team mode with a human player in your tag who is
   playing with either Yusuke or Genkai, try this one... One player must be in
   front of the enemy and the other must be behind. Now, both players start
   the Hayaku Retsu-Ken (tap A or B quickly).

(Kurahma / Chuiti Minamihno)

Kurama is a very old demon fox named Youko, with nine tails. He was one
of the best known theives of the Makai (demon world). At one point, he
was caught and shot by a hunter and so, severly wounded he came to the
human world to be re-born.

When Kurama was re-born in the human world, as Shuuichi Minamino, he
learned the meaning of love and compassion from his human mother. He
risked his life to save hers at one point. This has earned him Yusuke's
respect. He became a Spirit World Detective and helps Yusuke with his
missions. His human body is 15-18 years old depending on where you are
in the show. While his demonic form is over 1000.


Kurama's stage is a forest. That must be because he can use all sorts of
plants as weapon. He often uses his rose, which he can turn into a spiked


 >f + A
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far.

Special Attacks

Rose Whip
 >A + B
 *Kurama turns his red rose into a whip and uses it to do a 2-hit attack
 that attacks enemies who are in front, behind or even falling towards him.
 But, after doing this attack, Kurama remains imobile for about 1 second.

Rose Throw
 >d, df, f + A or B     (qcf + A or B)
 *Projectile attack. Kurama throws his rose towards the enemies. A version is
 faster and B is smoother.

Fuuka Enbujin
 >d, u + A or B
 *Uses cutting rose leafs as a shield against enemies. In A version, Kurama
 spins twice, while in B version he spins only once (but recovery time is
 faster in B version).

Makai Plant (Far distance)
 >d, d, A
 *A spiked plant raises from the ground, far from Kurama (almost in the other
 side of the screen)

Makai Plant (Mid distance)
 >d, d, B
 *Same as above, but in mid-distance.

Makai Plant (Close distance)
 >d, d, C
 *Same as above, but closer to Kurama.

Desperation Attack

Demon Fox Transformation
 >d, f, d + A
 *Kurama turns into Youko (his true, demon fox form) and dashes towards the
 opponent. Kurama takes a while to transform, so always try to surprise the
 enemy to have an advantage.
 - Note: Youko Kurama CANNOT be damaged, even while he is transforming.

 - The Rose Whip can counter any kind of attacks and projectiles, except for
   Desperation Attacks.
 - Fuuka Enbujin protects Kurama from projectiles plus attacks nearby enemies.

(Jaganh chi Ryei)

Hiei is a fire demon with a cold demanour. He was born into an ice demon clan
as a child, and because they discovered that he was a fire demon, they gave
him the boot. Hiei spent much of his time being a youkai delinquent and
looking for his lost sister, Yukina the pretty blue-haired, demure, ice demon.

Hiei and Kurama are old friends and both came to the human world after
stealing objects from the Spirit World. Kurama stole the mirror of utter dark
and Hiei, a sword, "The Ghost Slayer", with a poisious blade that could turn
any human into a demonic minion. Hiei had a Jagan (demon eye) implanted on his
forhead so this is why he often wears a headband. He is also an expert


Honestly, I don't know the meaning of Hiei's stage...


 >f + A (close to the opponent)
 *Hiei juggles the opponent. You can then connect a Jahou Ensatsu Ken when
 the opponent falls.

Sword Slash
 >f + A
 *Cuts with sword.

Special Attacks

Jahou Ensatsu Ken
 >A + B
 *Burns the opponent with dark fire sword.

Jahou Ensatsu Rengoku Shou
 >d, df, f + A or B    (qcf + A or B)
 *Hiei dashes fowards while punching. You can do this move in mid-air too, but
 Hiei won't dash fowards and will attack faster (so he can combo the punches).

Super Jump (?)
 >d, d, A or B
 *Launches himself upwards. While doing this move, you can control Hiei with
 the D-Pad, and press A or B to make him fall. If you manage to fall right in
 the opponent's body, Hiei delivers a slash.

 >f, f, f, f   (that is, Fowards four times)
 *Not a real teleport, if you already saw the anime or the manga. Hiei just
 moves faster, so it looks like he "disappears" from where he is and then he
 "reappears" a bit foward.

Desperation Attack

Jahou Ensatsu Kokuryuura
 >d, f, d, f + A or B
 *Hiei's black dragon attack. When the dragon's head is complete, you can
 control it with the direcional pad.

 >Move the Jahou Ensatsu Kokyryuura so it comes back to Hiei's body
 *If the dragon hits the character who launched it, he (the character) will be
 powered up. Hiei will recover all his ki, but will lose it with time (you can
 still recharge it by holding A or B). While charged, Hiei is even faster and
 stronger, but he loses some of his jumping ability. If you let his ki run
 out, Hiei will become dizzed.

(Kazumah Kuah bara)

Kuwabara is also a self declared, "Number 1 Delinquent of Sarayashiki Jr. High
School". Of course, it's the same school that Yusuke attends. Kuwabara used to
fight with Yuusuke every day. He lost over 156 times in a row to Yusuke. He is
probably the second strongest student of the school.

In Genkai's contest, Kuwabara learns how to form his Rei power into a sword
which he calls Rei Ken (spirit sword). He insists on helping Yusuke out once
he discovers what kind of work Yusuke has to do for the spirit world.


Kuwabara's stage is the portal that connects the Reikai (human world) to the
Makai (demon world). In the Sensui saga, Sensui forced Kuwabara to use his
Jigen Tou to open the portal. How did Sensui do that? He attacked Kuwabara in
his weak spot: his friends! Friendship means a lot to Kuwabara!


Elbow Throw
 >f + A (close to opponent)
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far.

Up-down Punch
 >f + A
 *A very strong 2-hit punch. It's very hard to connect the first hit...

Special Attacks

Rei Ken
 >A + B
 *Kuwabara does a 2-hit up to down slash with his Rei Ken. Can be done in mid-

Rei Ken (motion 2)
 >f + A + B  or  d + A + B
 *A horizontal 2-hit slash.

Rei Ken Zuki
 >d, df, f + A or B    (qcf + A or B)
 *Kuwabara dashes fowards with his sword. It's 1-hit only.

Jigen Tou (Far distance)
 >d, u + A
 *3-hit slash that can hit enemies who are far from Kuwabara.

Jigen Tou (Mid distance)
 >d, u + B
 *3-hit slash that can hit enemies in mid-distance.

Jigen Tou (Close distance)
 >d, u + C
 *It's just like the first Rei Ken motion, but 3-hit.

Rei Shuriken
 >d, d, A or B
 *Kuwabara breakes his sword into three bombs that he throws fowards.

Desperation Attack

Reiken Ranbu
 >d, d, df, f + A     (d, qcf + A)
 *A 11-hit attack. You must do it close to the enemy or else none of the hits
 will connect.

(Guen kai / Fuku men Sen chi)

Genkai is an old woman who lives in a dojo. She used to be a Spirit World
Tantei but upon the completion of one tournament and the loss of her partner
(not death, just loss) she is no longer a Tantei. She passes her amazing
techniques down to Yusuke when he wins her tournament and defeats Randou.

Note: Using all of her power, Genkai can turn herself into a young fighter
again and use her techniques at full strenght.


Genkai's stage is a forest, too. In the contest to decide who would be her
disciple, one of the tests was crossing a dangerous forest, lair of many
youkais. Most of the concorrents gave up, others got lost in the forest.


 >f + A
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far. Genkai is the only character who can do a
 thrust in mid-air (if you don't count Jin's Shura Senpuuken). Note that for
 the mid-air version must be close to the opponent.

 >f + A (close to the opponent)
 *Juggles the opponent. You could can an air thrust after it.

Special Attacks

 >d, df, f + A or B     (qcf + A or B)
 *Fireball-projectile. A version is faster and B is smoother. If you hold A
 or B after pressing it, Genkai will charge the projectile and make it larger,
 but it'll need more ki! Pressing C will cancel it, but will keep it charged.
 Unlike Yusuke, Genkai can't do it in mid-air.

ReiGan (motion 2)
 >d, df, f + C          (qcf + C)
 *Same as above, but you don't need to hold any button to charge it, as it'll
 charge automatically. Press A or B to launch, or press C again to cancel.

Reikou Upper
 >d, u + A or B
 *An attack that works like Ryu's dragon punch in Street Fighter. It also has
 launcher properties and can be done in mid-air.

 >d, d + A or B
 *Genkai shoots some energy balls. In A version she shoots 6 balls but it
 lasts longer to charge. B version is more balanced: she shoots only 3 balls
 but needs almost no time to charge.

Hayaku Retsu-Ken
 >Tap A or B quickly
 *Genkai does a lot of punchs. Has good range and can sometimes block
 projectiles. It works like Chun-Li's lighting kicks in Street Fighter 2, and
 you can keep doing it as long as you have enought ki. Also, Genkai can do it
 in mid-air!!

Desperation Attacks

Reikou Run
 >f, d, df, f + A or B       (f, qcf + A or B)
 She starts to rush fowards. If he touches the enemy, he starts a combo. If
 not, she cancels the attack. Also, she ends the combo with a Reikou Upper!

 - When playing as Genkai in Team mode with a human player in your tag who is
   playing with either Yusuke or Genkai, try this one... One player must be in
   front of the enemy and the other must be behind. Now, both players start
   the Hayaku Retsu-Ken (tap A or B quickly).


He has a blue mowhak with two ponytails at the base of his neck. He wears a
gawdy outfit that looks like a vest lined with fur of some sort. And leg
warmers made of the same material. He is a very large man who reeks of


His stage is the arena of the Ankoku Bujutsukai.


Head Throw
 >f + A (close to opponent)
 *Throws the opponent fowards. You can connect a f + A then.

Special Attacks

Rensui Yokidan
 >d, df, f + A or B     (qcf + A or B)
 *Fireball-projectile. A version is faster and B is smoother. If you hold A
 or B after pressing it, Chu will charge the projectile and make it larger,
 but it'll need more ki! Pressing C will cancel it, but will keep it charged.

Rensui Yokidan (motion 2)
 >d, df, f + C          (qcf + C)
 *Same as above, but you don't need to hold any button to charge it, as it'll
 charge automatically. Press A or B to launch, or press C again to cancel.

Hayaku Retsu-Suiken
 >Tap A or B quickly
 *Chu does a lot of punchs. Has good range and can sometimes block
 projectiles. It works like Chun-Li's lighting kicks in Street Fighter 2, and
 you can keep doing it as long as you have enought ki.

Shoulder Thrust
 >d, d, A or B
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far.

 >d, d, A or B (air only)
 *Launches himself towards the opponent.

 >A + B
 *Goes to behind the opponent by passing through the background.

Desperation Attack

 >d, df, f, fu + A
 *A very hard move to do! And you have to do it close to the opponent or use
 it as an anti-air. Remember not to press u after fu or else the move won't


Jin can control the winds as he pleases and so he floats in the air and uses
tornados to attack his enemies or for self-defensing. About his personality,
he is calm like wind. By the way, Jin is my favorite non-main character.


His stage is the arena of the Ankoku Bujutsukai.


Rush Punch
 >f + A
 *A moving punch, just like Yusuke's, but Jin's is only 1-hit.

Whirl throw
 >f + A (close to opponent)
 *Throws the opponent.

 >df + A
 *A low lunge.

Special Attacks

Shura Senpuuken
 >d, df, f + B   (qcf + b)
 *Dashes foward with a little whirlwind in his fist. If a projectile hits his
 fist while he is doing this move, Jin won't be damaged. And, if the move hits
 an opponent, it launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she
 hits another enemy, both will be launched far. Can be done in mid-air.

Double Shura Senpuuken
 >d, df, f + A   (qcf + A)
 *Charges a second whirldwind and performes a double version of the Shura
 Senpuuken. Can be done in mid-air

Bakufuu Shoheki
 >d, u + A or B
 *Jin does a cyclone that protects himself against any kind of attack
 (including projectiles) and can juggle opponents. A version lasts longer
 while B has less recovery time. Can be done in mid-air.

 >Keep pressing up in mid-air
 *Not only Jin can do ANY move in mid-air (including running and evading) but
 he can also do infinite double jumps. That's what I call 'fly'. Like for the
 other characters, the two first jumps are free, but from the 3rd jump on, Jin
 will lose a bit of ki. Note also that running or evading in mid-air makes Jin
 lose a little bit of ki too.

Desperation Attack

 >d, d + A + B
 *A super version of the Bakufuu Shoheki. Now you can control Jin while he is
 doing the attack, and even cancel it by pressing A, B or C. But if you let
 the attack last too long, Jin will become dizzy. By the way, this is the only
 attack of him that can't be done in mid-air.
 - Note: It will do NO damage if the opponent is blocking!!!

(Toguroh Otoh to)

Toguro Otouto used to work with Genkai about seventy years ago. They both
fought against demons. At one point though, he is unable to save his friends
and becomes bitter and self deprecating. When he and Genkai participate and
win the Ankoku Bujutsukai, he makes a wish to become stronger, deciding that
in order to do this he must become a demon, he wishes for a demonic body that
will never grow old and remain in peak condition at all times.

Note: Otouto is Japanese for younger brother.


His stage is the arena of the Ankoku Bujutsukai.


 >d + A
 *Juggles the opponent.

 >f + A
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far.

Special Attacks

Power Thrust
 >A + B
 *Blocks and/or negates some kind of attacks (specially melee and projectiles)
 and, if an enemy touches Toguro Otouto, launches the enemy to the other side
 of the screen. If he/she hits another enemy, both will be launched far.

Dashing Punch
 >d, df, f + A or B
 *A version launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. B version is
 a mini-launcher.

 >d, d + A or B
 *Shoots three tiny bullets (so tiny you can't even see them!).

Shou Wangou
 >d, d + A or B (air only)
 *Launches himself towards the opponent.

Desperation Attack

 >d, f, d, A
 *Completely charges his muscles and dashes towards the opponent.

(Toguroh Anih)

Aniki means older brother, thus Toguro Ani is the eldest Toguro brother. His
body is apparently rubbery and he can stretch and manipulate it at will.


Besides appearing in the Toguro saga, Toguro Ani reappears in the Sensui saga.
While looking for Sensui, Yusuke and the others end up in this cave, where
Toguro Ani appears (he's immortal, remember).


Cutting Throw
 >f + A (close to opponent)
 *Name says it all.

Special Attacks

Zenhouko Shoku Shu
 >A + B
 *Makes spikes appear over all his body.

Ken Henge
 >d, df, f + A or B   (qcf + A or B)
 *Turns himself into a sword. You can control it by pressing u or d in the
 direcional pad. Also, this move can be done in mid-air.

Chi Chu Shoku Shu
 >d, d, A or B
 *Puts his hand in the ground and makes it appear somewhere else depending on
 which button or have pressed (A or B).

 >d, d, C
 *Turns his finger into a large spike.

 >d, u, A or B or C
 *Toguro Ani transports himself under the ground. C version makes him appear
 right in front of himself, B makes him appear in mid-distance, and A version
 makes him travel about 3/4 of the screen.

Desperation Attack

Spinning Ken Henge
 >f, d, f, d + A
 *A spinning version of the Ken Henge. You can control it with the D-Pad.

 - Try his Desperation move when the enemy is behind him! The enemy will be
   pushed towards him instead of being repelled.

ITSUKI "Gate Keeper"
(Its ki)

Itsuki was going to be killed by Sensui but when Sensui asked if he had any
last words or requests, he said yes. Sensui wanted to know what they were. "If
it's possible, I'd like to live one more day." Sensui of course, wanted to
know why. "Because my favorite comedy is ending tommorow and I want to see the
last show." he then laughed. Sensui decided not to kill him and Itsuki became
his partner. Itsuki was with Sensui when he met the Black Black club. He has
supported him even in his insanity. He loved the more feminine personality
that sensui has. (The origional personality.)


Itsuki can control a dimensional shadow and trap people inside. While Yusuke
and Sensui was fighting, he trapped the others in this shadow. And here we


 >d + A
 *Juggles opponents.

 >f + A
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far.

Special Attacks

Flying Kick
 >d, df, f + A or B   (qcf + A or B)
 *Jumps fowards. If he hits an enemy, he kicks him/him and launches him/her to
 the other side of the screen.

 >d, d, A or B (air only)
 *Launches himself towards the opponent.

 >d, u + A or B or C
 *A teleports him to the left side of the screen, B to the middle, C to the
 right side. If you do this move in mid-air, Itsuki will be teleported to
 near the ground.

Yaminade Shoukan
 >d, d + A or B or C
 *This move makes two hands appear in front of Itsuki. C version makes them
 appear very close to him, B at mid-distance, A far. You can control the
 hands with the d-pad. While controlling them, use A to punch, B to heal
 (note that, in Team Mode, you can also heal your teammate), u + A for an
 uppercut, and C to cancel the move. While healing, you can still control the
 other hand and do some uppercuts with it.

Desperation Attack

Jikuu Touketsu
 >d + A + B
 *Time stop. It freezes all the opponents (and only opponents). Once one
 opponent gets hit, he/she recovers his moves even if the background is still

(Sensuih Shinobu)

Sensui was a ReiKai Tantei (Spirit World Detective) and has extremely strong
ki. He has had no trouble killing deamons even in his early years. He has very
high morals. And spent his teen years as a Tantei. He believed he was being
heroic and protecting the Human race. Unfortunately, during one of his quests
he stumbled upon the dredge of humanity. The Black Black club. Here he
witnessed humanity at it's worst. Humans enjoying killing youkai that had done
nothing to harm them. And it was cruel killing. The humans were swimming in
yokai blood. Sensui killed every human in the room. And begun to slowly go
insane. He accepted six other personalites as his own. And he took up Sakyo's
plan. He decided that humanity should end and he was the one who would make it
so. Therefore he began opening a hole in the Makai (demon world). Sensui is in
his late twenties.


After openning the portal to the Makai, Sensui entered it (duh!) followed by
Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei. So, his arena is the Makai!


 >f + A
 *Launches the enemy to the other side of the screen. If he/she hits another
 enemy, both will be launched far.

Special Attacks

 >A + B
 *Goes into counter stance, and if someone tries to punch or kick him, Sensui
 blocks and launches the enemy to the other side of the screen.

Reshu Koukyuha (ground)
 >d, df, f + A   (qcf + A)
 *Creates a projectile and kicks it so it goes towards the opponent in the
 ground. Note that if Sensui get hit before kicking the ball, it'll slowly
 fall and explode as it touches the ground.

Reshu Koukyuha (air)
 >d, df, f + B   (qcf + B)
 *Creates a projectile and kicks it so it goes towards the opponent in
 mid-air. Note that if Sensui get hit before kicking the ball, it'll slowly
 fall and explode as it touches the ground.

Reshu Koukyuha (fly)
 >d, df, f + C   (qcf + C)
 *Creates a projectile and kicks it so it travels diagonally to mid-air. Note
 that if Sensui get hit before kicking the ball, it'll may slowly fall and
 explode as it touches the ground or just travel slower.

 >d, d + A or B
 *Reveals the gun he has in his hand and shoots three tiny bullets (so tiny
 you can't even see them!).

Desperation Attack
Sensui has three different forms of the same desperation attack:

Kyoudai-Reshu Koukyuha (ground)
 >d, d, f + A
 *A bigger and more damaging version of the Reshu Koukyha (ground). You can
 control it with the D-pad. Note that it doesn't consomes as much ki as the
 other characters' Desperation Attacks.

Kyoudai-Reshu Koukyuha (air)
 >d, d, f + B
 *A bigger and more damaging version of the Reshu Koukyha (air). You can
 control it with the D-pad. Note that it doesn't consomes as much ki as the
 other characters' Desperation Attacks.

Kyoudai-Reshu Koukyuha (fly)
 >d, d, f + A
 *A bigger and more damaging version of the Reshu Koukyha (fly). You can
 control it with the D-pad. Note that it doesn't consomes as much ki as the
 other characters' Desperation Attacks.


1. Secret Mode
   This mode allows 1-vs-2 or 1-vs-3 matches. Think Street Fighter Alpha 3's
   Dramatic Battle mode, but here it's you against 2 or 3 persons. This mode
   will be avaliable when you finish the first game mode (1P mode) in any
   difficult level and using as many Continues as you want.

2. Debug Mode (thanks to kcemist for discovering it and Gen2000 for
   re-posting it in GameFAQs Message Board)
   In the Main Menu (the one with Game Start and Options), put the cursor in
   'Options' and press A + C + Start, all at the same time. Now you should
   notice a new option between 'Controller Reset' and 'EXIT'. Just set it to
    ("Hai") to enable Debug Mode.
   This mode opens the Secret Mode above without the need of finishing the
   game, allows recharging your health in mid-fight, changes the DEMO mode to
   an endless 4 characters fight and sometimes messes up with the
   'Multiplayer' modes depending on what character you select.

Debug Mode Guide

As you saw in the Secrets section, this game has a Debug Mode. But now that
you activated it, what does it do?

  1. Incrasing and Decrasing Health
     While playing, pause the game. Now hold the D-pad in a direction and
     press X to incrase or Y to decrase health. The player who'll get his
     life incrased/decrased depends on which direction you hold. You can even
     decrase the health bar for CPU opponents!

  2. 4-Characters DEMO Mode
     All you have to do is to wait in the Main Menu screen until the DEMO
     mode starts. If the message 'PRESS START BUTTON' is still flasing then
     the mode will start sooner than it should.
     Now, instead of watching 3 characters fighting against each other you'll
     have 4 characters! Also, the battle won't end until you press Start.
     Even if three characters die, the 4th one will be announced as winner
     but the game won't come back to the Main Menu screen.

  3. Extra Mode
     The Extra Mode, also mencioned in Secrets section, will be avaliable
     even if you haven't beat the game yet.

  4. Watch Mode
     If you select the 'Battle' mode in the Multiplayer menu, you'll be able
     to select your character(s), but when the fight begins all the characters
     will be CPU-controlled!

  5. No Training Mode
     Depending on which character you choose, you won't be able to control
     him in Training Mode. The reason seems to be the Watch Mode.

  6. Playing with the Credits Screen
     In the Credits screen, press A to make it move faster, B to stop it or
     C to reverse it.

  7. Easy Ending
     With Debug Mode activated, soft reset the game (A+B+C) and when the
     Treasure logo appears, press Start to see the ending. The ending
     depends on the difficult level selected, and you cannot see the
     best ending of the Hardest difficult.


There are a few different ending scenes you can get in this game. They aren't
true 'endings' , they only show the characters performing their moves while
the Credits appear.

1. If you finish the game under the 'Easy' difficult setting, you'll get no
   ending at all. Not even the Credits!

2. You get this when you finish the game under the 'Normal' difficult
   setting. You'll be able to see the Credits with a music playing and the
   blue Yuu Yuu Hakusho logo moving in the background like in the menus. The
   background music will be ANBARANSU na Kiss wo Shite.

3. When you beat the game under the 'Hard' difficult, you'll see the
   characters fighting each other 2 by 2, and then doing their winposes. The
   characters who'll fight are always related somehow.
     Yusuke and Kuwabara = Friends and rivals
     Kurama and Hiei     = Parthners
     Sensui and Itsuki   = Friends and parthners
     Chu and Jim         = The two characters from the Ankoku Tournmanet
     Kurama and Toguro(A)= Kurama is the one who trully killed Toguro Anni
     Yusuke and Genkai   = Pupil and master
     Toguro and Sensui   = The two ultimate bosses
     Yusuke and Sensui   = Yusuke is the one who defeated Sensui

4. This happens when you finish the game under the 'Hardest' dificult
   setting, but using Continues. You'll see some good and useful combos for
   every character.

5. The best of all! It happens only when you finish the game under the
   'Hardest' difficult and WITHOUT using any Continues! Firstly, it shows some
   of the characters fighting against each others using their desperation
   attacks. Then it shows the best way to make combos WITH the desperation
   attacks! Watching it is very pleasant!

Rumors about the game

1. Secret moves

   1.1 - Genkai's Rei-kou-kyou-hanshou
     People say that Genkai was supposed to have more or different moves.
     A rumored move is her ki reflector, which would reflect projectile
     attacks back to the opponent. In the SNES game Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2, Genkai
     does have that move. Also, if you go to Sound Test, sound 27 is a speech
     of Genkai not used in the game. In that speech, Genkai says 'Rei-kou-
     kyou-hanshou', which is the name of her reflect / mirror attack.

2. Secret characters

   - First of all, this game has NO secret characters. If it had any, they
     would appear in the Debug Mode and in the Staff section of the credits
     of the game. Besides, the Sound Test doesn't have unused voice samples,
     except for an extra voice track of Youko (which would probably be used
     in Kurama's Desperation Move).

   2.1 - Youko
     Was Youko (demon fox version of Kurama) supposed to be playable? Youko
     actually appears in the game during Kurama's desperation move with a few
     frames. But, if you go to Sound Test and listen to sound 1B, you'll hear
     Youko's voice. This speech track isn't even used in the game! After 1B,
     sound 2B is Youko's actual speech in Kurama's desperation attack...

   2.2 - Raizen
     And, in GameFAQs YYH Message Board, Apollyon said he found some graphics
     for Raizen in the game. That makes me think... Even tough the game has
     characters from the Toguro saga (Toguro Otouto and Toguro Ani), from the
     Ankoku Bujutsukai saga (Jin and Chu) and even from the Sensui saga
     (Itsuki and Sensui), it doesn't have any character from the Makai saga...
     Raizen is from the Makai saga, but if he was supposed to be in the game,
     he would either be the final boss (a valid choice, since we don't have
     any in this game) or another Makai character would have to be in this
     game too.

   2.3 - Mukuro
     A.R.A.D., a great friend of mine, said she was told that Raizen and
     Mukuro are in the game as secret characters. Whoever told her it didn't
     make things clear enough, but according to what she said you have to
     finish the last opponent in 1P Mode as fast as possible in the hardest
     difficult setting and the two secret characters would show up in the
     Character Select screen. However, none of us was ever able to do it, and
     I believe this code is fake. I only found it very strange that Raizen and
     Mukuro don't appear automatically when Debug Mode is set to 'Yes', and
     the two Makai characters don't even have voice samples in Sound Test, as
     well as the announcer (Koto, for those who haven't figured out yet ^^)
     doesn't have voice samples to announce them. Not only that, but even if
     you finish the game using Debug cheats (incrasing your health and
     decreasing the enemy's) no secret characters appear.
     Honestly, if I was on charge for this game and had to put in two Makai
     characters, I'd choose Yomi rather than Mukuro...

Note: Youko, Raizen and Mukuro are playable in the SNES fighting game Yu Yu
Hakusho Final (also known as Yu Yu Hakusho 4). Mukuro and Yomi are also
playable in the Game Boy Color version of Yu Yu Hakusho Final.

Misc Facts about the Game

1. Wrong colors
   Poor Yusuke and Sensui! They both originally have black hair. But, as you
   see in this game, even in their first color their hairs have wrong colors!

2. Other costumes used in the anime/manga

   Yusuke: His B-button costume is used in the Sensui saga.
           His C-button costume seems to be from the Makai saga, but it's
           a bit different.

   Kuwabara: His C-button costume is actually his school uniform.

   Kurama: C-button costume = Kurama's Youko form?

   Hiei: Hiei has a demon form where he turns into a green youkai with
         eyes all over his body. And his C-button costume in this game is
         all green. However his body is still the same color.

3. Urameshi and Kuwabara
   Did you notice that the announcer refers to Yusuke and Kazuma by their
   last names when they win a fight? In the anime and manga, everyone refers
   to Kazuma Kuwabara by his last name. But Yusuke sometimes allows the
   the others to call him by his first name (his close friends usually don't
   refer to him as Urameshi).

4. Chu's background music
   I don't know if it's a bug in the game or a special effect, but when you
   win a fight against Chu in 1P mode, the music won't fade out at all until
   the victory music starts to play.

5. Big mistake with Sensui!
   Sensui's stage is the Makai. But, in the anime, right when Sensui enters
   the Makai, he turns into his demon form (also known as "Armoured Sensui").

6. Characters' names in other countries
   In some countries, some characters' names were changed in the anime. Here
   are those that I know:

     Chuu     -->  Tiyu

     Yusuke   -->  Eugene
     Kuwabara -->  Alfred
     Kurama   -->  Dennis
     Hiei     -->  Vincent
     Genkai   -->  Jeremiah
     Toguro   -->  Taguro


These are the lyrics of some of the anime tracks that play in this game:

- 1. HOHOEMI NO BAKUDAN -                             (track 89 in Sound Test)

 Machi no hitogomi kata ga butsukatte hitoribocchi
 Hatenai sougen kaze ga BYUNBYUN to hitoribocchi
 Docchi darou? Nakitakunaru basho wa
 Futatsu MARU wo tsukete choppiri OTONA sa

 Mecha mecha, kurushii kabe datte fui ni naze ka
 Buchikowasu yuuki to pawaa waite kuru no wa
 Mecha mecha, kibishii hito-tachi ga fui ni miseta
 Yasashisa no sei dattari suru n darou ne

 Imamade nankai yoroshiku to genki ni sakenda darou
 Imamade nankai sayonara to naite wakareta darou
 Docchi darou? Kurabete ooikazu wa
 Naka ni IKO-RU kaite choppiri OTONA sa

 Mecha mecha, kanashii toki datte fui ni naze ka
 Norikoeru yuuki to pawaa waite-kuru no wa
 Mecha mecha yasashii hito-tachi ga fui ni miseta
 Kibishisa no sei dattari suru n darou ne

 Mecha mecha, kurushii kabe datte fui ni naze ka
 Buchikowasu yuuki to power waite-kuru no wa
 Mecha mecha kibishii hito-tachi ga fui ni miseta
 Yasashisa no sei dattari suru n darou ne

 Mecha mecha, tanoshii toki datte wasurenai yo
 Itsu made mo yuuki to power nakusanai yo
 Mecha mecha, hitoribocchi no hito ni ageru
 Kuchibiru no uragawa ni kakushite aru

- 2. ANBARANSU NA KISS WO SHITE -                     (track 94 in Sound Test)

 Wareta kagami no naka
 Naite iru Naite iru
 Hosoi tsuki no nazoru yubi

 Dare wo yonde iru no kieta koi no senaka
 Nando demo Nando demo
 Kimi no mado wo tataku kara

 Yoru no kasokudo ni senaka osarete
 Ito ga kireru you ni
 Tada, kimi wo kimi wo tsuyoku daite 'ta

 Anbaransu na Kiss wo kawashite
 Ai ni chikazuke yo
 Kimi no namida mo kanashii uso mo
 Boku no kokoro ni nemure

 Kinou e no Merry-go-round kimi wo hakonde yuku
 Tometakute Tometakute
 Boku wa kagi wo sagashite 'ru

 Kuzureochisou na sora wo sasaete
 Hitori tachitsukusu
 Tada, kimi no kimi no soba ni itai yo

 Anbaransu Kiss de kakareta
 Futari no shinario
 Ai to yobu hodo tsuyoku nakute mo
 Kimi no subete ga itai

 Tada, kimi no kimi no soba ni itai yo

 Anbaransu na Kiss wo kawashite
 Ai ni chikazuke yo
 Kimi no namida mo kanashii uso mo
 Boku no kokoro ni nemure

 Kimi no kokoro ga boku wo yobu made
 Dakishimeaeru hi made


GameFAQs                   For being so usefull to all kinds of gamers.
www.gamefaqs.com           Thank you in first place!

ReiKiTantei                For all the YuYu Hakusho info they have up there!
www.reikitantei.net        And, surely, for most of the character profiles
                           I used in this FAQ, which belong to their site.

AnimeLyrics.com            Where I got the lyrics in romaji. They also have
                           translations for most of the lyrics.

Yoshihiro Togashi          For creating Yu Yu Hakusho!!

Treasure                   For making this game, of course!

Rede Manchete              For showing the YYH anime here in Brazil. Rest in
                           peace, Rede Manchete... we'll never forget you!

Editora JBC                For publishing translated copies of the YYH manga
www.mangasjbc.com.br       in Brazil!

TecToy                     For selling this game translated in Portuguese. I
www.tectoy.com.br          haven't yet played the translated version because
                           I couldn't find it for sale anywhere, but thanks

Apollyon                   For his research into this game, finding some
                           possible Raizen sprites! If Mukuro is to be found,
                           I'm sure Apollyon is the one who will do it!

Gen2000 and kcemist        For the 'Debug Mode' code.

Ivan Cedric                For Toguro's Ani missing command in his Desperation
                           Move from earlier versions of the FAQ.

Everyone at the            Not only for keeping the board alive, but also
GameFAQs board for         for the Debug mode features.
this game

Amy Rose Art Designer      For letting me know about the possible code for
(A.R.A.D.)                 unlocking Raizen and Mukuro. If the code is true,
                           neither she or I know.

FUNimation                 Altought I don't live in USA, I'm very happy that
                           more people can watch to the YYH anime!

Cartoon Network            They're showing the FUNimation version in the USA.
                           Also, it seems that Brazilian Cartoon Network will
                           show a redubbed version of the anime yet in 2003
                           (Brazilian fans, don't worry: the dub studio is the
                           same one from the Rede Manchete dub of YYH)

ATARI                      (aka Infogrames) because they're making a YYH game
                           for GBA (which may have a walkthought of mine too).
                           Hope to see you who's reading this FAQ in the YYH
                           GBA board at GameFAQs! ~.^

You                        For wasting your time on reading this Credits
                           section. Besides that, this FAQ is made for you
                           after all. What would be of it without someone to
                           read? Thank you very much!

FOREVER!! Yuu Yuu Hakusho!