Dark Arms - Beast Buster 1999 ----------------------------- Weapons & Monster Guide ----------------------- Index 1.0 Revion History 2.0 Copyright Information 3.0 Introduction 4.0 Weapons 4.1 Introduction to weapons 4.2 Creating a weapon 4.3 Advancing & Evolving 4.4 Weapons List 4.5 Evolution Chart 4.6 Seed Locations 5.0 Monsters 5.1 Monster List 5.2 Food Pages 6.0 FAQ 7.0 Walkthrough 7.1 Getting Started 7.2 Dark Grab - getting your first seed 7.3 Dark Grab - Collecting Oum & Seeds 7.4 Rest Hamlet 7.5 Schatten Village 7.6 Fate Tower 7.7 The 9 White Witches 7.8 Wandering Town 7.9 Basement 8.0 Maps 8.1 Dark Grab (Dark Graveyard) 8.1.1 Graveyard 8.1.2 North Exit 8.1.3 Graveyard Village 8.1.4 House Level 1 8.1.5 House Level 2 8.1.6 Tomb 1 8.1.7 Tomb 2 8.1.8a Tomb 3 Level 1 8.1.8b Tomb 3 Level 2 8.1.8c Tomb 3 Level 3 8.1.8d Tomb 3 Level 4 8.1.9a Seed Chamber 1 8.1.9b Seed Chamber 2 8.1.10 Catacomb 8.2 Rest Hamlet 8.2.1 Entrance 8.2.2 Rest Hamlet West 8.2.3 Rest Hamlet East 8.2.4 House 1 8.2.5 House 2 8.2.6 House 3 8.2.7 Butchers 8.2.8 House 4 8.2.9a Mansion Level 1 8.2.9b Mansion Level 2 8.2.9c Mansion Level 3 8.2.9d Mansion Level 4 8.2.9e Mansion Level 5 8.2.9f Mansion Level 6 8.2.10a Garden Level 1 8.2.10b Garden Level 2 8.3 Schatten Town 8.3.1 Schatten Square 8.3.2 Schatten East 8.3.3 House 1 8.3.4 House 2 8.3.5 House 3 8.3.6 House 4 8.3.7 House 5 8.3.8 House 6 8.3.9 House 7 8.3.10 House 8 Level 1 8.3.11 House 8 Level 2 8.3.12 Schatten North 8.3.13 Toilet 8.3.14 Circus 1 8.3.15 Circus 2 8.3.16 To be continued... 8.4 Fate Tower 8.5 Wandering Town 8.6 Basement 9.0 Future Releases 10.0 Contact Information 1.0 Revision History 5th July 2000 Final Version (by me anyway) There is no update in this version as such. Basically I am no longer planning on updating this guide anymore. The main reason being as I no longer enjoy playing this game. I found after playing through it several times it just got boring, especially as the game never really ends. If there is anyone out there who wants complete this guide then let me know and I will pass over ownership of this guide to you. You can contact me on houshin@talk21.com All I ask is that you credit me for all the original content in this document and that the GAMEFAQS site is always updated. If these conditions are not met then I will remove ownership and revert the guide back to this version. 7th May 2000 V1.01 Long time no update. Sorry about that. Anyway I have made this version 1.01. There is an almost complete monster list thanks to Tom Rossi from his aborted FAQ. I have also added most of Schatten Town. I just need to complete Schatten Town, and then I can start on Fate Tower and the Basement. I will need to restart the game to do the Wandering Town. 2.0 Copyright information Dark Arms, all weapon names and all monster names are the copyright of SNK corporation. This guide is owned by Paul Keating and as such can not be modified, changed or altered in any way, shape or form without the express permission of Paul Keating. 3.0 Introduction Dark Arms is a virtual pet game with one or two minor differences. First of it is not a pokemon, dragon warrior monster or any other type of monster you are trying to raise but a weapon. Also, as the focus is on the weapons the game is not a turn based RPG but an action RPG where you actively catch the monsters. Although not as good as the aformentioned Pokem or DWM it is still a fun little game in it self. This guide is intended as to help you raise your weapons by letting you know what each weapon can ultimately evolve into and what monsters there are out there. 4.0 Weapons 4.1 Introduction to weapons The whole idea behind Dark Arms is to try and raise the ultimate weapon. To do this you need several things to help you get started: An Egg An Oum Food The eggs are generally found by killing boss monsters or in certain parts of dungeons. Like the eggs, oum are found in dungeons. Food is everywhere, these are the monsters you kill using your catcher weapon. 4.2 Creating a weapon Once you have both an egg and an oum you can go to the master and speak to him. Select the first option he gives you, modifying a weapon. This will open a new screen showing all the weapons and eggs you have (10 in total). Select the egg, you will now be taken to a new screen showing all the oum you have. Each oum has a different style, such as the handgun, mano, swingt and so on. Choose the oum and it will show you the weapon it will give, OK this. Congratulations, you have created your first weapon. 4.3 Advancing & Evolving Once you have created a weapon, you will want to make it more powerful. There are two ways you can go about this. Either increase the level of the weapon or evolve the weapon. Increasing the experience of the weapon is a simple task. In the masters house, speak to the master. Select the second option he gives you. This allows you to equip the weapon for use. You can equip upto 3 weapons on you at any one time. Once you have equipped the weapon, go out to one of the levels and starting destroying the monsters. When you leave the level you are awarded experience points to all the weapons you have equipped. This applies wether you use the weapon or not. When a certain amount of experience is reached the weapon goes up a level. When the level is increased either the ATK or POW statistic gets raised, ultimately making for a more effective weapon. To evolve the weapon is a bit more involving. First go out and hunt some monsters using your catcher weapon. When you have some monsters return to the masters house and go to the modify weapon screen. Select the weapon you want to modify and then select the first option, Feed Weapon. Here there will be a list of all the monsters you have hunted and caught (there are 10 pages in total) Selecting one of the monsters shows you a picture of the monster and the amount of EVP given. This is important as it is the EVP that is used to raise the weapon to it's next evolution. Each weapon has a EVP limit, which when it is reached will prepare the weapon for it's next form. So start feeding your weapon the various monsters you have found. When the EVP limit is reached a small arrow appears on the weapon icon, this means the weapon is ready to evolve. To evolve your weapon you need to return to the screen where you were asked about feeding the weapon. This time select evolve and then select the weapon to be evolved. Generally there will only be one choice of evolution for a weapon, but in some cases, such as the hand gun there will be several options. Select the icon for the weapon you want to evolve to and press the OK button. You will be told what it will evolve into and if this is OK. You can make the final decision here, if you cancel you are returned to the previous screen otherwise you are shown the stats of the weapons. One final point to bear in mind. When on the feeding screen you will notice that certain monsters have an icon next to their name. This indicates what element they come from. Feeding this monster to the weapon gives that weapon the element. So feeding a fire keeper to your shotgun gives the shotgun a fire attack. When you feed it again the monster will lose this element, unless the next monster has the same element. There are three elements: Fire Water Electricity 4.4 Weapons List The weapons list will show the following information: Weapon Name - The name as given by the game ATK - The atk rating the weapon starts at. The ATK is the amount of damage the weapon can do. POW - The pow rating the weapon starts at. The POW is the energy bar used for the weapon. The first number indicates the amount of POW used in a single shot. The second number is the length of the bar. So in a 40/255 POW rating you can fire six shots in rapid succesion before needing to recharge the gun. EVP - The EVP needed to evolve the weapon Evolves to - The weapon it will evolve to Comments - These are comments about the effectiveness of the weapon. There is a total of 31 Unique weapons. But with element variation this brings the total to 124 weapons. There are ten final evolutions. There are also ten seeds located around the various dungeons and towns of the Dark Realm. Ambusher ATK: 25 POW: 60/255 Evolves to: Comments: An unusual weapon. This acts like the C4 in metal gear solid. When you fire the ambuser it drops and hides where it lands. When you press fire again the ambusher appears hitting anything near or around it. Not particularly useful. Attackdummy ATK: 15 POW: 50/255 EVP: 400 Evolves to: Burst Dummy Comments: Like the dummy, this creates a duplicate of you that again wanders of. This time though it also has the ability to attack. Beam Gun ATK: 8 POW: 50/255 EVP: 500 Evolves to: Vanisher Comments: Fires a single beam of energy. This is quite a good weapon, the ATK rating is quite high. There are two real advantages to this weapon, it can fire the full length of the screen and that when the beam hits a monster it caries on right through the monster and hits anything else in it's path. Bombshell ATK: 20 POW: 60/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: Similar to the shell, energy swills around you. When you fire the weapon an energy beam fires. When the beam hits it's target or reaches it's maximum range it explodes. Extremley usefull for clearing large areas of monsters. Final Form Burstdummy ATK: 50 POW: 80/255 EVP: 800 Evolves to: Dummytrap Comments: Again another duplicate that wanders around the screen. This time when you press the attack button the duplicate exploes causing some hefty damage. Keep an eye on the POW meter though as it won't explode if your POW gets below 80. Catcher ATK: -- POW: -- EVP: -- Evolves to: -- Comments: This is the weapon given to you at the beginning of the game. Although weaker than all the other weapons you will come across, this is vital to beating the game. Any monster killed with this weapon is caught as food. This is upgraded later in the game. Counterstab ATK: 30 POW: 99/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: When activate a skull appears in front of you. While the skull is there, when you are attacked this will counterattack. Pretty useless as either a) you have to take damage before inflicting damage b) the weapon tends to disappear before you can get any use out of it. Crawler ATK: 20 POW: 50/255 EVP: 300 Evolves to: Ambusher Comments: The tentacles of the SwingT now actually leave your body. The move half way across the screen hitting everything in it's path and then returns to you. Dummy ATK: 10 POW: 40/255 EVP: 200 Evolves to: Attackdummy Comments: Creates a duplicate that wanders of in the opposite direction. All monsters near by will go after the dummy instead of you. Quite a good distraction. Dummytrap ATK: 100 POW: 99/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: Again similar to the Burstdummy, but this time does twice the damage over a slightly larger area. Final Form. The dummy trap has the ability to capture monsters, making this the only other weapon that can catch monsters. Hand Gun ATK: 2 POW: 40/255 EVP: 100 Evolves to: Sub M Gun Beam Gun Sub Shotgun Comments: This is the first weapon you will get. Fires a single bullet, exactly the same as the catcher. In fact you are better off using the catcher for a while at first. Keep this weapon equipped though as it gets more useful in the higher levels. Unfortunately as it gets anywher near the higher levels you will probably be ready to evolve to a far more useful weapon. Machinegun ATK: 20 POW: 40/255 EVP: 600 Evolves to: Protectmgun Comments: An increase in the ammount of bullets that are fired You now get three bullets fired. Also carries on after hitting it's target. You can no hit multiple targets. Mano ATK: 10 POW: 40/255 EVP: 200 Evolves to: Strongmano Comments: This is a close range weapon. It punches straight forward. Useful in crowded areas due to it's high ATK rating. Messer ATK: 10 POW: 50/255 EVP: 200 Evolves to: Strongmesser Comments: A short range blade that circles around you completley. Useful for large ammounts of monsters that get in close. Movetasten ATK: 25 POW: 50/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: The shield has been increased and the spike enlarged. Also the length of the dash has been extended. Final Form Protectmgun ATK: 20 POW: 40/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: Similar to the protectsgun. You get an increase in the range of the bullets and also armour which absorbs some damage. Final Form Protectsgun ATK: 15 POW: 40/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: Basicly a more powerful version of the Shotgun. The real addition here is that you are now encased in armour which absorbs some of the damage you take. Final Form. RoundT ATK: 25 POW: 50/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: Extended range of the tentacles. They also now rotate through 360 degrees. Extremely useful. Final Form. Scamper ATK: 30 POW: 60/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: Similar to the ambusher, but when the scamper is activated it not only ambushes the target but also wander around attacking any other targets near by. Final Form. Shell ATK: 15 POW: 60/255 EVP: 500 Evolves to: Bombshell Comments: Energy swirls around you. When you press the fire button the energy fires in the direction you are facing Shotgun ATK: 10 POW: 40/255 EVP: 600 Evolves to: Protectsgun Comments: Better than the sub shotgun, this now fires in three different directions. Allows for some pretty nifty sharp shooting. Shovedmano ATK: 25 POW: 50/255 EVP: --- Evolves to: --- Comments: This is the final form of the mano weapons. Not only is it more powerful than the Strongmano, it also pushes the enemy away from you. An extremely good weapon for catching the more powerful monsters as the time you get allows you to switch back to the catcher. Strongmano ATK: 18 POW: 40/255 EVP: 500 Evolves to: Shovedmano Comments: An extended version of the original mano weapon. Also hits the monster twice now. The extra strenght makes this a formidable weapon. Strongmesser ATK: 15 POW: 40/255 EVP: 500 Evolves to: Counterstab Comments: Unlike the messer, this is a long range blade attack (similar to the strongmano). But if you change direction while the blade is extended, the blade swings around with you. Sub M Gun ATK: 8 POW: 40/255 EVP: 300 Evolves to: Machinegun Comments: Fires a burst of two bullets. Unlike the beam weapon each bullet stops at the target. Not used this weapon to much, so I will update this further at a later date. Sub Shotgun ATK: 6 POW: 40/255 EVP: 300 Evolves to: Comments: Probably the most useful of the three handgun evolutions. The shotgun fires two bullets in a 30 degree angle. OK so the bullets don't travel straight but in most levels the monsters are scattered. With a bit of timing you can utilise both bullets. Supertasten ATK: 18 POW: 40/255 EVP: 500 Evolves to: Movetasten Comments: This creates a larger shield in front of you. The dash has been extended as well. Finally you will now dash through the enemies, meaning you can hit multiple targets. Be careful though, if you stop on top of a monster then you will take some damage. SwingT ATK: 8 POW: 50/255 EVP: 100 Evolves to: Crawler Tentacles Shell Comments: Another close range weapon. Unlike the Mano, which punches in one direction, this attack sweeps around you in a semi circle. Another useful one for large groups of monsters. Tasten ATK: 10 POW: 40/255 EVP: 200 Evolves to: Supertasten Comments: Creates a shield in front of you. When you press the attack button you will dash a short distance across the screen. When you hit a target you will stop. Of limited use, but the evolutions are better. Tentacle ATK: 15 POW: 30/255 EVP: 300 Evolves to: WideT Comments: Similar to the Mano. A large block of tentacles extend out in from of you. Vanisher ATK: POW: EVP: --- Evolves to:--- Comments: This is as far as the Beam weapons will evolve. When fired the weapon turns you invisible. The power bar will slowly decrease and when it empties out you stop being invisible. You can fire a beam weapon while you are invis- ible but switching to another weapon cancels the invisibilty. This weapon is actually more useful than I first thought. While you are invisible you can actually touch the monsters and not get hit. WideT ATK: ?? POW: ?? EVP: 600 Evolves to: RoundT Comments [Forgot to make a note of the ATK & POW ratings, I will try and get this weapon again] Again, like the mano series, this is just an extended version of the basic Tentacle attack. 4.5 Evolution Chart The following should give you some idea of the path taken to evolve the weapons. /-- Sub M Gun -- Machinegun -- Protectmgun Hand Gun --- Beam Gun -- Vanisher \-- Sub Shotgun -- Shotgun -- Protects Gun Mano --- Strongmano -- Shovedmano /-- Crawler -- Ambusher -- Scamper SwingT --- Tentacles -- Widet -- RoundT \-- Shell -- Bombshell Dummy --- Attackdummy -- Burstdummy -- Dummytrap Tasten --- Supertasten -- Movetasten Messer --- Strongmesser -- Counterstab 4.6 Seed Locations This is a list of locations for ten of the seeds. I think that 10 is the maximum number of seeds that can be found, based on the fact that there is ten different weapon evolutions. Dark Grab The first two seeds are located in the shrine in the main graveyard. This shrine is only open at night. You can get the first one when the master sends you there at the beginning of the game. The second one becomes available after completing the Dark Grab area, when you have obtained the three oum. Rest Hamlet There are three seeds located in the Rest Hamlet. The first one is hidden in a house in the first half of the hamlet itself. The house is the one immediatly above the entrance as you enter. It is hidden in one of the cupboards. The second seed is dropped by the vampire in the mansion's gardens. Destroy him and collect the seed. The final seed can only be obtained when you have defeated the master in Fate Tower. After defeating him return to the village area of Rest Hamlet. Talk to every one and they will tell you that a demon has awoken. This will open up the blocked area in the entrance to the Rest Hamlet. Enter here and go up to the second new area. In here is a giant skeleton monster. Destroy him and his head will fall of. Shoot the head and it will reveal another seed. Fate Tower Another two seeds here. In the first room where you have to shoot the witches to activate the platforms, destroy the first four witches. This will give you full access to the left hand side. Go up to where the fifth witch is and take care of her. Now half way across the top wall is an area of the wall that can be shot. Destroy it to get the third seed. The second seed is only available after defeating the dark master. Return to the room where the dark master was, it will now look like a lab. In the center of the room is another seed. Wandering Town This is the final seed that I know of. Half way through the town you will face another vampire. Kill him and he will drop another seed. I would advise collecting this immediately as the wandering town leaves as soon as you complete it. 5.0 Monsters Key(Explanation of abbreviations) 1)The number of the monster as it appears in the beastiary followed by a name Life:The range of numbers that the beasts hit points will fall between EXP:The number of experience points that are awarded to your weapon EVP:The number of Evolution points awarded to your weapon ATR:The attribute for the beast either fire, ice, electricity or none Desc:A brief description of the beast as it appears in the game. 1)Zombie Life:6-36 EXP:5 EVP:1 ATR:None Desc:A heavily decayed reanimated corpse 2)Skeleton Life:15-45 EXP:10 EVP:2 ATR:ICE Desc:Reanimated Bones 3)Sly Ghost Life:10-40 EXP:15 EVP:4 ATR:Fire Desc:Grudge-holding phantom. Amazingly cunning 4)Fire Keeper Life:10-40 EXP:20 EVP:4 ATR:Fire Desc:Attacks anything that threatens fire 5)Bat Life:3-33 EXP:6 EVP:2 ATR:None Desc:Starving bat. Will do anything to get food. Loves human blood 6)Red Knight Life:24-54 EXP:20 EVP:6 ATR:Fire Desc:Color Altered due to blood of victims. Armor missing a master. 7)Blue Knight Life:24-54 EXP:20 EVP:6 ATR:Ice Desc:Empty Armor with only master's cold spirit still remaining 8)Death Hand Life:100-130 EXP:100 EVP:25 ATR:Fire Desc:Hell's minion, bringer of death... guaranteed death. 9)Rat Life:1-31 EXP:7 EVP:1 ATR:None Desc:Enormous, hideous rat. Possibly small and cute in the past. 10)Stone Golem Life:36-66 EXP:20 EVP:6 ATR:None Desc:Made of stone inancient times to protect humans, but has lost that power 11)Mummy Life:20-50 EXP:10 EVP:5 ATR:Ice Desc:Evil reanimated corpse, buried in ancient times 12)Skull Mania Life:40-70 EXP:15 EVP:6 ATR:Fire Desc:Tomb-raiding ghoul. Almost looks human. 13)Werewolf Life:40-70 EXP:30 EVP:6 ATR:Electricity Desc:An otherwise nice guy, becomes hideous feral beast at night. 14)Lycanth Wolf Life:12-42 EXP:10 EVP:3 ATR:None Desc:Think it is just playing around, but its sharp fangs are deadly 15)Fat Man Life:50-80 EXP:1 EVP:30 ATR:Fire Desc:Greedy, Even after death, keeps fighting to protect it's assets 16)Mad Plant Life:35-65 EXP:40 EVP:10 ATR:Ice Desc:Giant experimental plant, was abandoned and grew naturally 17)Slasher Life:35-65 EXP:10 EVP:15 ATR:Ice Desc:Excited by ripping and tearing flesh with Phantom knife 18)Vampire Life:300-330 EXP:300 EVP:40 ATR:Fire Desc:Night-leading Vampire. Also leads savage beasts 19)Undead Life:15-45 EXP:8 EVP:3 ATR:None Desc:Human-like reanimated corpse. 20)Policeman Life:50-80 EXP:30 EVP:10 ATR:None Desc:Ex-cop, has been recalled as beast 21)Performer Life:40-70 EXP:15 EVP:18 ATR:Fire Desc:Anxious to use circus-aquired skills 22)Cruel Doll Life:45-75 EXP:35 EVP:10 ATR:Ice Desc:Grudge-holding doll, once abandoned by a human. Burning with revenge 23)Killer Bee Life:1-31 EXP:10 EVP:3 ATR:Electricity Desc:Human-attacking bee, constantly in fear and watching its surroundings 24)Mafuto Life:90-120 EXP:50 EVP:16 ATR:Electricity Desc:Beast reanimated without realizing it. Has lost all emotion 25)Pudding Life:10-40 EXP:10 EVP:4 ATR:None Desc:Constantly changes shape, hard to see what it really looks like. Low IQ. 26)Shadow Life:30-60 EXP:20 EVP:4 ATR:None Desc:Formless Shadow. Reason for emergence unknown 27)Green Knight Life:40-70 EXP:20 EVP:8 ATR:None Desc:Armor previously owned by famous nobleman, now wandering aimlessly 28)Ice Witch Life:30-60 EXP:40 EVP:8 ATR:Ice Desc:Witch with ice force capable of controlling ice. 29)Electrified Life:10-40 EXP:15 EVP:5 ATR:Electricity Desc:Has electrified body. Slightest touch results in electric shock. 30)Freezie Life:10-40 EXP:10 EVP:5 ATR:Ice Desc:Pudding-like creature, has somehow aquired mysterious ice force 31)Chariot Life:80-110 EXP:70 EVP:1 ATR:Electricity Desc:Dead arms merchant reanimated as electrically driven tank 32)Fire Witch(need data) Life: EXP: EVP: ATR: Desc: 33Petite Head Life:30-60 EXP:30 EVP:6 ATR:None Desc:Has empty pumpkin head. Easy-going fellow. 34)Fire Wolf Life:40-70 EXP:25 EVP:10 ATR:Fire Desc:Originally a werewolf, now surrounded by a fire force 35)Sprite Life:10-40 EXP:30 EVP:8 ATR:None Desc:Tiny beast without own will. Obeys orders 36)Tarantula Life:80-110 EXP:70 EVP:20 ATR:None Desc:Loathed Spiders, but was cursed by spiders to look like one after death. 37)Demon Life:300-330 EXP:600 EVP:100 ATR:Ice Desc:Hell-Beast clawing its way out of the ground. Leads the undead 38)Fairy Life:20-50 EXP:40 EVP:10 ATR:None Desc:Actually not a fairy, but a bunch of vicious sprites. 39)Thunder Witch Life:40-70 EXP:45 EVP:8 ATR:Electricity Desc:Witch with electric force. Generates electricity within body. 40)Pumpkin Head Life:50-80 EXP:50 EVP:15 ATR:Fire Desc:Loves nightime, has growing head with increasing attacking abilities. 41)White Vamp(need data) 42)Spunky(data needed) 43)Chilly Life:20-50 EXP:30 EVP:8 ATR:Ice Desc:Collection of grudges left by lonely people in the land of the living. 44)Black Knight Life:50-80 EXP:60 EVP:10 ATR:Electricity Desc:Armor darkened by the evil sprite residing within. 45)Ice Keeper Life:30-60 EXP:25 EVP:8 ATR:Ice Desc:Wears ice like armor to protect the ice. will perish without ice. 46)Medusa 47)The Arm Life:500-530 EXP:1500 EVP:0 ATR:None Desc:Has now become a powerful beast by integrating itself with the Master. 6.0 FAQ Q. If all the attributes are lost at evolution, what is the point of leveling up a weapon. A. At first I thought there wasn't one. But after playing for a while I found out the real use. For example, the Vanisher is a really useless weapon to start with, but raise it a few levels and you can find yourself staying invisible for longer. Also once you have a fully evolved weapon you can start making it more powerful by raising the levels. 7.0 Walkthrough 7.1 Getting Started Before you enter the world of the Dark Realm you have to talk to the master and tell him your name. After entering your name he sends you of to collect a seed from the seed chamber in the Dark Graveyard [the game map calls it the Dark Grab, so I will call it this from now on to avoid any confusion]. Before you leave he gives you a catcher, this allows you to catch the monsters so you can feed them to your weapon. Leave the masters house and enter the Dark Grab (the only other location you can go to at the moment). 7.2 Dark Grab - Getting your first seed. Unlike all the other seeds in the game this one is pretty straigthforward to collect. It is currently night (and will stay night until you get the first seed) and there are monsters roaming the graveyard. Monsters: 3 Zombies 2 Fire Keepers These are relatively simply to take care of, just watch out for the fire keepers attack. Head upto to the northern end of the graveyard and there are three exits. At the moment the left and right exits are closed, but the middle exit is open (under the statue of the godess). Enter here. There are no monsters to worry about here so just head north and grab the egg at the top of the screen. The egg to the right can not be obtained yet so leave it for the time being. Return to the masters house and he will explain about seeds, oum and creating weapons. He will give you a handgun oum, so use it to create your first weapon. Don't forget to equip this weapon. He will now explain that there are another two oum and another seed in the Dark Grab, so it looks like it is back to the Dark Grab for you. 7.3 Dark Grab - Collecting Oum & Seeds So return to the Dark Grab. I would spend some time catching monsters and attempting to upgradde your weapons now. Also try and get a feel for the weapon and how powerful it can be. You may not like to upgrade this weapon or it may be useless to you in it's current form. [Refer to section 4.0 for more details on the weapons in the game]. Anyway when you are ready, it is time to get on with the mission. When you return to the the exits to the left and right will now have opened up. There isn't much to do in the right hand exit so head to the left. You will now enter the North Exit of the graveyard. Here the area is divided by two, in the northern half is the exit which will open up the next section. Unfortunately this is blocked at the moment. So head to the left and you will come to the Graveyard Village. You want to head to the house on the far right of the screen. Kill the monsters and climb the stairs. Up here you will find a man tied up and three skeletons roaming around. Take care of these monsters and free the man. He will give you a key to Tomb 1. Leave the house. You can have a look in Tomb 2, but there is nothing here of interest. Head up to Tomb 1. In tomb 1 there are four graves on the floor in a cross pattern. Stand on the square in the center of the cross pattern and the grave should open up revealing four skeletons. Kill the skeletons and then leave Tomb 1. The door to Tomb 2 should have closed and the door to Tomb 3 will have opened. Enter Tomb 3. Tomb 3 has several sections to it. Head north and enter the next room. You will be shown a pattern on the floor briefly. Try to memorise this. The patterns will disapear. You need to reveal each pair of shapes other- wise you will be dropped to the next level. After matching all four sets of pairs the door will open and you can get access to three oum (even though the master only told you about 2). They are: Handgun Mano SwingT Leave Tomb 3 and return to the North Exit. The barrier that was blocking the northen most exit has now gone. You can leave the level via this exit. When you return to the Dark Realm map you will see that a new section has been opened up. You know have access to the Rest Hamlet. But before entering there you still have some business to take care of in the Dark Grab. Return to the Master's House, rest, save and then go back to the Dark Grab. It should be night time now. If it is head north and re enter the seed chamber. In here you can access your second seed, get this and then head to the North Exit. You will notice an absense of monster here this time around. Head into the north section and suddenly you will be locked in and the deathshand will appear. Fight of this monster and when he is defeated he will drop a key to the Rest Hamlet. Also you will be able to leave the level again. Return to the Dark Master's house and rest up. Make any changes to your weapons that you need. Then Head on out. 7.4 Rest Hamlet Before heading over to the Rest Hamlet make sure it is daytime. You need to be able to speak to the villagers before you can carry on with your adventure. When you enter the Rest Hamlet you will start out in a caved area. Heading up will lead to two passages going up. The left hand passage is blocked by a boulder and the right hand passage is blocked by a locked gate. You can't do anything with the blocked passage yet so head to the locked gate. Just push against the gate and you will automatically use the key you obtained from the deathshand. You will now actually be in the Rest Hamlet itself. The rest hamlet is split into two halves. In the first half there is several houses and a butcher. In the other side is a mansion and one more house. At the moment there isn't much to do in the other side (the mansion is locked) except monster hunting. In the first half of the rest hamlet you need to speek to all the villagers to get an idea of what is going on and what is expected of you. So visit all the houses and speak to every one. There is one house in particular you will want to visit. This is the house immediately above the entrance you have just come in through. In here is an egg that is hidden away. Just shoot the chest in the top left and eventually you will destroy it and get a seed. There is little left for you to do here other than monster hunting. When you are ready head back to the masters house and rest up, save and prepare your weapons. Return to the Rest Hamlet at night. This time around you want to head over to the other half of the Rest Hamlet. The mansion's door should be open (if it isn't you need to return to the rest hamlet during the day and make sure you have spoken to every one). Enter the mansion and the door will shut behind you immediately, so there's no going back. There are three doors you can go through, but before you do anything you will see a girl leave the room. Speak to the man and he will tell you that there is a problem with the left hand room. You can't leave until you have solved this little problem. So head up to the this room. The problem here is moving furniture. Shoot the furniture and the real problem is revealed, sly ghosts. Destroy all four ghosts and that is one more problem solved. Head back to the main hall were you entered and speak to the man once more (you need to speak to him to allow you to leave). You can explore the house a little, but when you are ready to leave head up through the middle door and then head out the door on the left. You will now be in the garden. Head up to the top left of the garden and you will see the girl who ran out of the room (if you don't see her here then head back to the hall and try talkng to the man again). Head up through the door at the top of the screen. The doors will shut on you again and there is another boss monster to fight. This time it is a vampire (refer to the monster section on how to defeat him). Once he is gone you can pick up another seed and leave the this area through the door at the top. You have another area you can visit now, Schatten Village. 7.5 Schatten Town Enter Schatten Town. You will be in a large square with 4 exits. The southern exit will lead to the Dark Realm map. The northern exit leads to the circus. The eastern exit leads to the east side of town and the western exit leads to the west side of town. There are two seeds hidden in Schatten so you should head over to the west part of town and enter the building around the bottom left corner of the screen. In here you should head straight up the stairs and immediately to the left there is a crate, shoot this and get the seed. Now head to the east side of Schatten. Ignore the cloaked figure for now. Head to the house in the bottom right corner of the screen and speak to the man. He will tell you that one of the cupboards won't open. Destroy this cupboard and you will get another seed. Now go back out and talk to the old crone (the cloaked figure) and she will tell you that she has lost a key and would like you to find it. She had it last in the circus. If it is night time then leave and return when it is day, this will make your job a lot easier. Head back to the square and then head north to the circus. Take the central exit at the top of the next screen, the one on the right leads to some toilets. Take the only exit to the north and you will be faced with a Mafuto (if it is night time then there will be two). This lion like monster can be lethal if you aren't careful, but take it out and you will be given the key. Head back to the house of the old crone. She is standing outside, give her the key and she will ask you to come inside. Enter here house and speak to her. She will give you some more information about the Dark Realm, the Master and the pact between the living world and the Dark Realm. After a while she will ask if you want to stand against the master, answer yes. [I will examine if you can go down a different route at a later date]. She will open up the blocked passage in the west side of town. Head over there and leave through the new exit. You now have access to fate tower. But first head back to the masters house and rest, then return to schatten and return to the old crones house. She will now be gone but there will be a new passage way opened in her room, go through here and you will find the dummy oum. Head back to the masters house and create a dummy weapon. This will be useful for later. 7.6 Fate Tower Head into fate tower. There are some stairs down and there are a lot of gaps. Following the steps down leads you to a large chamber, the only exit is the way you came. The way forward relys on you destroying the six witches will open up the way forward. As you destroy the first two, and a path to the center opens up. Destroy the witches to the left and right and this will give you access to the last two witches. Head back down and walk around and up to the left. You will come to the fifth witch. Destroy her. There is a hidden egg in the wall that runs along the top. Shoot at the wall around the center and you should find it. Head back down and then over to the right hand side and up. Destroy the withc here and you should now have a clear path to the central door. Head through the door. You will be in a room that is continually generating monsters. There are two switches in this room. They are on the left and right hand side of the two doors where the policemen are coming through. Destroying this closes those two doors and opens a third door in the center. Head through here. There is a door in the center of the room. Also to the left and right are two doors that appear and disappear. The left hand one leads to another room with a switch in. Destroying the switch opens a door that leads to a health regenerator. The middle door leads to a room that has a blocked door. the door has the outline of a figure on it. To open this door you need the dummy weapon (any evolution). Simply activate the dummy and walk into the door. This will lead you directly to the fight with the master. The door on the right hand side takes the long way around, useful if you haven't gotten the dummy weapon yet. The rest of the solution follows the long route. Enter the door on the right hand side and it will lead to a flight of stairs. Climb up the stairs and you will be in another room that keeps generating monsters. Just keep destroying them and eventually they will stop coming out. The door will now open. It is now plain sailing until you come to a room with the master in. After a bit of waffle you will have to face the monster. The monster is actually quite easy to beat, if you know how. It also helps to have the protectgun at maximum level. Destroy one of the eyeballs at (left and right of the screen). Now start shooting away at the face in the center. Several shots with a fully maxed weapon will take care of it. Well the dark master is defeated and you have saved the day... Well not quite. With the old crone gone, the residents can't be resurected. You need to locate ten white witches before you can carry on. But first head back to Fate Tower. Make your way around to where you fought the master (either long or short route) and you will find it is now a lab. In the center of the lab is another seed. Collect this and head further up the screen. This will make you leave the Fate Tower and return to the Dark Realm map. 7.7 The 9 White Witches You don't really need a walkthrough for this bit, simply return to all the previous locations except at night. If you are stuck then follow the list below: Dark Grab There is one located in the seed chamber (where you got your first seed) and one in the entrance to the second catacomb (where you get the three oum from). It is worth revisiting here as you can collect the three oum again. Rest Village There is one in the basement of the mansion. There is another one located in the first half of the village, located in the house in the upper left corner of the map. To get the third one here, you need to return in the daytime. Speak to everyone in the village and they will tell you that a demon has awoken. Return to the caves at the entrance of Rest village. When you go to the area that had the boulder blocking the way you will find the boulder has gone. Enter here and go up a screen. There is a giant skeleton here. Destroy the arms (they will grab out for you) and then destroy the head (fires three shots at you). When he is dead his head will fly off. Shoot the skull to get another seed. Head down the new passage that has just opened. In here there is the last two oum, the Tassen and Messer Oum. Leave Rest village and return at night. Re-enter the sealed cave and there will be another white witch in this area. Schatten Town There is one located in the old crones house. There is another located in the toilets around the circus area. Head over to the west side of schatten town. Enter the building at the bottom left of the map. Head to the second room on the ground floor. There is another white witch here. Return to the Masters house and you will be told that the wandering village has returned. Head over to the Wandering Town. 7.8 Wandering Town There isn't much of a walkthrough to this area. The idea is to enter the wandering town and light all the torches. So first you will need a fire based weapon. When you enter the town you will see a lot of empty squares. These are the torches. Simply shoot at these until they are all lit and move on to the next room. There are two exceptions to this. One room doesn't apear to have any torches. There are three pumpkinheads and three pumpkin like monsters. Destroy each monster and a pumpkinhead will light up. The other room has a coffin in it. The doors will seal and you have to defeat the vampire. This vampire teleports around the room to the four corners. It will also open it's cloak to shoot bats at you. He is just as easy to get rid of as the first vampire. Just remember to pick up the seed. Eventually you will return to the entrance again, and if you have missed a torch you need to go through it all again. If you have succeeded you will be met outside by the old crone, the young girl and a villager. There will be a small cut scene (and you see your self for the first time) and the credits will roll. You have saved the day and can rest easy now... Well no you can't, you still have the basement to go through. 7.9 Basement [To Be Completed] You will be in the masters room. Speak to the old crone and she will open up the cellar. The cellar consists of roughly 54 floors. There is usually 9 floors of monsters, generally of one type. Then every tenth floor is usually a boss room. This is followed by a room whith a teleporter in it which returns you to the masters house. There is also a health pick up. Then the same is repeated again until you hit the 50th floor where the final boss is hidden. The other four floors are just connecting corridors. Level 10 - Deathshand Level 20 - Vampire (similar to the one in Rest Hamlet) Level 30 - Skeleton (similar to the one in the blocked are of Rest Hamlet) Level 40 - Vampire (similar to the one in Wandering Town) Level 50 - Medusa The only real tips I can offer are: Take as few hits as possible, I know this may sound stupid but there are only health pick ups on the 11, 21, 31 & 41 floors. If you aren't careful you will end up dead. Use your catcher here. There are plenty of different monsters for you to catch. It is also the only area to give you a direct teleport back to the masters house, again on the 11, 21, 31 & 41 floors. When you reach the 41st floor you will have to make a decision. Do you carry on or do you return to the top. The last nine floors before the medusa have some of the harder monsters on them. If you don't have full energy you may want to return and try again. Climb down to floor 41 and return to the dark masters house. If you have shot everything on the way down you should get somewhere between 1000 ~ 2000 exp points for your weapon. I will fill in the other floors in the next version. 8.0 Maps Below is a map for all six playing area's of the game. I have not included the Dark Masters house because there are no monsters here and you it is only one screen. 8.1 Dark Grab 8.1.1 Graveyard |--| 1 |-----------| 2 |--| | | | | Monsters | | | | Day | --| 3 |-- | 11 Zombies | | Night | | 4 Fire Keepers | | Bats (unlimited) | | |----------| 4 |----------| Legend: 1 - Leads to North Exit 2 - Leads to Catacombs 3 - Leads to Seed Chamber 4 - Leads to Dark Realm Map Note: The entrance to the see chamber is only open during the night. 8.1.2 North Exit |----------| 3 |----------| | H| Monsters | | Day | | 7 Zombies |----------| |----------| Night - | Deathshand 2 | - | |----------| 1 |----------| Legend: 1 - Leads to Graveyard 2 - Leads to Graveyard Village 3 - Leads to Dark Realm Map H - Health Pickup Note: Once you have opened the entrance to the dark realm, when- ever you enter the upper section of the screen at night you will have to fight the Deathshan again. 8.1.3 Graveyard Village |-------| 3 |-------------| | | | | | | | Monsters | | | | | | | Day |-| 2 |- | 4 | | 5 | | 8 Zombies | | Night |-------- --------------| | - | 1 | - |-------------------------| Legend: 1 - Leads to North Exit 2 - Leads to House Level 1 3 - Tomb 1 4 - Tomb 2 5 - Tomb 3 8.1.4 House Level 1 |-------| 2 |-------------| | | | Monsters | | | Day & Night | | | 3 Zombies | | | | |--- -----| | | | | | | |----------| 1 |----------| Legend: 1 - Leads to Graveyard Village 2 - House Level 2 8.1.5 House Level 2 |-------------------------| | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | |---|------ | | | | | | | |-------------------------| Legend: 1 - Leads to House Level 1 Note: There are only monsters in this room until you rescue the man trapped here. After that the man is always in this room. The monsters are 3 skeletons. 8.1.6 Tomb 1 |-------------------------| | -- | Monsters | || | | -- | Day & Night | |---| |--| |---| | 4 Skeletons | |---| |--| |---| | | -- | | || | | -- | |----------| 1 |----------| Legend: 1 - Leads to Graveyard Village Note: Stepping on the square in the centre of the room opens the foor coffins and releases 4 skeletons. 8.1.7 Tomb 2 |-------------------------| | | Monsters | | | | Day & Night | --------------- | 1 Red Knight | | | | 1 Blue Knight | ----| |---- | | ------- | | | |----------| 1 |----------| Legend: 1 - Leads to Graveyard Village 8.1.8a Tomb 3 Level 1 |---------| 2 |----------| | | | |--- |--------| | 3 | | | |---| | | | | |-| 1 |-| Legend: 1 - Leads to Graveyard Village 2 - Leads to Tomb 3 Level 2 3 - Leads to Tomb 3 Level 3 8.1.8b Tomb 3 Level 2 |--------| 2 |---------| | | | | | | | | | | |--------| 1 |---------| Legend: 1 - Leads to Tomb 3 Level 1 2 - Leads to Tomb 3 Level 3 Note: This room has a puzzle in it. A series of paired patterns are on the floor and after a few seconds they will disappear. You have to uncover each pattern in pairs. Failing to do so will drop you to the lower level [Tomb 3 Level 4]. If you Succeed you will be given access to the oum. 8.1.8c Tomb 3 Level 3 |---| |---| | B | |---| | A |--| |--| C | | | | | | | |------| 1 |------| Legend: 1 - Leads to Tomb 3 Level 2 A - Mano B - Handgun C - SwingT 8.1.8d Tomb 3 Level 4 |----------------| | | | | Monsters | |--| |--| | Day & Night | | | | | | 8 Sly Ghost's | |--| |--| | | | |-----| |--| | |--- | | | | | 1|--| |--| | | | |----------------| Legend 1 - Leads to Tomb 3 Level 1 8.1.9a Seed Chamber Level 1 |---| |------| 2 |------| | | | | |------| |------| | 1 | |---| Legend 1 - Leads to Graveyard 2 - Leads to Seed Chamber Level 2 8.1.9b Seed Chamber Level 2 |---------------| | A | | B | | | | | |-----| |-----| | 1 | |---| Legend: 1 - Leads to Seed Chamber Level 1 A - Seed 1 B - Seed 2 Note: Seed 1 is the first seed you come for when the master first sends you out. You can not get Seed 2 until after you have obtained the 3 oum from Tomb 3. 8.1.10 Catacombs |---------------| | | | |-------| | Monsters | |-------| | Day and Night | | 6 Skeletons |-----| |-----| |-| |-| | | | | | | |-| |-| | 1 | |---| Legend: 1 - Leads to Graveyard 8.2.1 Entrance |---| 3 |---| |---| 2 |---| | | | | |-------| | |-------| | Monsters | | | | Night and Day | |---| |----------| | 4 Stone Golems |-------| |--| | 3 Rats | -----------| | | | ------------------- | | |S | | | | |-----| 1 |-----------------------| Legend 1 - Leads to Dark Realm Map 2 - Leads to Rest Hamlet West 3 - Leads to Demon's Lair 8.2.2 Rest Hamlet West |------------| 6 |------------| - | | | 2 --- | - --- | Monsters |-----------| | |-||--| Day | | |---||--| 5 Zombies |---| 5 |---| | Night | |-----------| 1 Werewolf |-----------| | | 3 Lycawolf | | |---| 4 |---| | |---| | | | ------------| |---| 3 | | | 1 | |-----------------------------| Legend 1 - Leads to Entrance 2 - Leads to Rest Hamlet East 3 - House 1 4 - House 2 5 - House 3 6 - Butchers 8.2.3 Rest Hamlet East |---------------------------| | | - | | 1 |---| 3 |---| - Monsters | |-----------| Day | | | 6 Zombies | |---| 2 |---| 1 Skull Mania |---| |---| | Night | | | |---- ----| Zombies |-- --| | | | Bats (Unlimited) | | | | | |-------| |---------------| Legend 1 - Rest Hamlet West 2 - House 4 3 - Mansion Notes - The enclosure in the bottom right of the map is actually a graveyard and not a house. 8.2.4 House 1 |-------------| | | H | |----- | | | | |---| |--| 1 |--| Legend H - Health 1 - Rest Hamlet West Notes - This is actually a bar and not a house, you need to speak to the occupents to open up the mansion later on. 8.2.5 House 2 |---------------| | S | | | | | | - | | | |---| |-------| | | | | |-------| 1 |---| Legend S - Seed 1 - Rest Hamlet West Notes - The seed is actually hidden in a cupboard in the top right hand corner. It will take several shots to reveal. 8.2.6 House 3 |---------------| | | | | | | | - | | | |---| | | |-------| | | |-------| 1 |---| Legend 1 - Rest Hamlet West 8.2.7 Butchers |---------------------------| | | | | | | | |---| |--| |--| | | | |----| 1 |------------------| Legend 1 - Rest Hamlet West 8.2.8 House 4 |---------------| | H | Monsters | | Night & Day | | 4 Skeletons | | | | | | | | |-------| 1 |---| Legend 1 - Rest Hamlet East 8.2.9a Mansion Level 1 |-| 3 |---| 4 |---| 2 |-| | | | | | | | | | | | | |-| |-| |-| |-| | | | | |---------| 1 |---------| Legend 1 - Leads to Rest Hamlet East 2 - Leads to Mansion Level 2 3 - Leads to Mansion Level 3 4 - Leads to Mansion Level 4 8.2.9b Mansion Level 2 |-----------| | | Monsters | | Night | | 4 Sly-Ghosts | | |---| 1 |---| Notes - This is a semi-boss room. There are 4 sly-ghosts hidden in the furniture. 8.2.9c Mansion Level 3 |-----------| | | Monsters | | Night | | 2 Werewolf | | |---| 1 |---| 8.2.9d Mansion Level 4 |---| 3 |---| 2 |---| | | | | Monsters - | Night & Day 4 | 5 Sly-Ghosts - | | | | | |-------| 1 |-------| Legend 1 - Leads to Mansion Level 1 2 - Leads to Mansion Level 5 3 - Leads to Mansion Level 6 4 - Leads to Garden Level 1 8.2.9e Mansion Level 5 |-----------| | | Monsters | | 4 Rats | | | | |---| 1 |---| Legend 1 - Leads to Mansion Level 4 8.2.9f Mansion Level 6 |-----------| | | | | | | | | |---| 1 |---| Legend 1 - Leads to Mansion Level 5 8.2.10a Garden Level 1 |---| 2 |---| | | Monsters | | Night & Day | | 2 Mad Plants |---| |----------| 2 Slashers | 1 | |------------------| 8.2.10b Garden Level 2 |---| |---| | | Monsters | | Night & Day | | Vampire | | |---| |---| Notes - The doors will be closed until you destroy the vampire. The first time you do this it will then give you access to the Schatten Village. 8.3 Schatten Town There are a lot of monsters missing from each map. I will add these at a later date. 8.3.1 Main Square |-------| 2 |-------| | | Monsters | | 3 Police - - 3 Skeletons 3 1 - - | | | | |-------| 4 |-------| Legend 1 - Leads to Schatten East 2 - Leads to Schatten North 3 - Leads to Schatten West 4 - Leads to World Map 8.3.2 Schatten East |---------------| 7 |--------------| | |-| 6 |-| |---| 8 |---| |-|3|-| | | |-------| |-------| - | | | | 9 |-| 4 |-| |-| 5 |-| - | | |-------| |-----------| | | | | | | |-| 1 |-| |-| 2 |-| | | | | |----------------------------------| Legend 1 - House 1 5 - House 5 2 - House 2 6 - House 6 3 - House 3 7 - House 7 4 - House 4 8 - House 8 9 - Leads to Main Square 8.3.3 House 1 |----------------| | S| | | | | | ------| |-----| | | | |---| |--| Legend S - Seed Note: The seed is hidden in a cupboard. Shoot the cupboard to release the seed. 8.3.4 House 2 |---------------| | | | | | | | | |---- ----| | | | | |-----| |-----| 8.3.5 House 3 |---------------| | | | Monsters | | | Night & Day |-- ----- --| Blue Knight | | 3 Puddings | | |-----| |-----| 8.3.6 House 4 |---------------| | |O| | | | --- - | | | | - | | | | | |-------| | | |-| |-| 8.3.7 House 5 |---------------| | | | | | | |-- ----- --| | | | | |-----| |-----| 8.3.8 House 6 |---------------| | | | | | | Monsters | ----- | 2 Slashers | | | | |-----| |-----| 8.3.9 House 7 |---------------| | | | | | | | | Monsters | | | ----- | 2 Fatman | | | ----- | |-----| | | | | | | |------| |----| 8.3.10 House 8 Level 1 |---------------| | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | |--- ---| | | | | |-----| |-----| Legend 1 - Level 2 8.3.11 House 8 Level 2 |---------------| | | | 1 |- --- -| |---| | | | | | | | | |---------------| Legend 1 - Level 1 8.3.12 Schatten North |---------------| |-----| 2 |-----| | | |-----| |-----| |-----| |-|1|-| | | |-----| |-----| Legend 1 - Toilets 2 - Circus 1 8.3.13 Toilets |---------------| | | | | | | ------| | | | | | ------| | | | | |-----| |-----| 8.3.14 Circus 1 |------| 1 |------| | | |--- ----- ---| | | | | | | |------| |------| 8.3.15 Circus 2 |-----------| Monsters | | Day |-----| | 1 Mafuto | | Night | | 2 Mafuto |------| |------| Notes Kill the Mafuto (or both if it is night). The Mafuto will drop the old crones key. 8.3.16 To be added 9.0 Future releases As you should have read above I am no longer updating this guide. So there are no longer any more Future releases, by me anyway. 10.0 Thanks to... PDTari for the additional information on the Dummytrap Andrew Yeh for the location of a couple of hidden seeds. Tom Rossi for the monster list. Chears saved me a lot of time. 11.0 Contact information As I am no longer updating this guide I probably won't be answering any questions. BUT you can always try. houshin@talk21.com