MLB 99 (e)

Sony Playstation
Version: 1.2
Created: July 7, 2000
Made by: TheGreatOne
Last updated: Saturday, July 8, 2000

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It was written and owned by 
me, thegreatone ( It can only be reproduced 
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as 
long as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and 
in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable or promotional 
purposes, etc. Please do not use this FAQ on your website without 
asking my permission first.
This Document is copyright 2000 Tarrant Carter (TheGreatOne)

This FAQ's latest version can be found only at

Table of Contents
1. Latest Updates
2. Review
3. Start Menu
4. Game Modes
5. How to Play
6. Rosters
7. Secrets and Codes
8. Questions and Answers
9. Credits
10. My Other Works

1. Latest Update
      Version 1.0 (7/7/00), everything is new put in my Review of the 
      Version 1.1 (7/8/00), added my other works section.
      Version 1.2 (7/8/00, fixed the spacing problem.

2. Review
Here is my review for the game.
MLB '99 came out in. There is no other baseball like it. MLB '99 puts 
you in control of all aspects of the game. The game offers over 200 new 
pitching motions and batting stances and with over 300 animations 
including home plate collisions, barehanded pick ups, jump and twirl 
throws, over the fence and diving catches. This makes MLB '99 one of 
the greatest baseball games of all time. MLB '99 is one to two players 
and requires 1 to 4 blocks on a memory card.

The graphics in MLB '99 are in unbelievable detail. I was surprised 
about the graphics in this game. They are so detailed. With over 200 
new pitching motions and stances animations MLB '99 is right up they're 
as one of the best-animated baseball games.
Graphics Rating: 9

There isn't much sound in MLB '99 except for the play-by-play announcer 
Vin Scully. There is the occasional ballpark music witch last for only 
a few seconds. The only really disappointing part of the game is the 
Music/Sound Rating: 3

The game play in MLB '99 is unlike that of any other baseball game. 
With features like Total Control Fielding and Total Control Batting it 
puts the game in your hands. Total Control Fielding lets you select how 
you want to field and throw. Total Control Batting allows you to guess 
pitch type a location for unparallel bat control.

MLB '99 features six different game modes. The first being exhibition 
mode which is your basic average 9 inning game. Season mode allows you 
to take a team all the way to the World Series. Home Run Derby is a new 
and improved feature for MLB '99. Select 2 to 10 players to see who can 
out slug whom. And the newest feature in the game is the spring 
training mode. You can create a baseball player and take him through 
spring training to earn ability to make him better.
Game Play Rating: 8

*Other Important Factors*

I like to play MLB '99 however I don't like to play it much. Playing a 
full 9 inning game over and over gets pretty boring.
Replay Value: Low

MLB '99 is pretty hard to play on the veteran and all-star level. The 
only challenge is winning the World Series (if you don't get bored 
before getting there).
Challenge: Medium

The game is actually not that fun I find it a little boring. If you 
like a really like a real long drawn out game that repeats it self than 
this game is for you.
Fun Factor: Low

MLB '99 really isn't worth buying. Its great to rent (so you only play 
it a few times and don't get bored). There are newer and much better 
baseball games out there so go and buy one of them instead of MLB '99.

Overall MLB '99 has great graphics and really good game play but crappy 
sound and low replay value. Its a great game don't get me wrong but you 
will get tired of the game and want to play a different game. The 
challenge is a nice thing about the game. So if you really like 
baseball games go ahead and buy it but if you are looking for a fun 
game don't pick MLB '99. I gave MLB '99 a 7.

3. Start Menu
*Coming Soon*

4. Game Modes
*Coming Soon

5. How to Play
(Control Legend)
X:                                  X 
S:                                  Square
T:                                  Triangle
O:                                  Circle
L1:                                 L1
L2:                                 L2
R1:                                 R1
R2:                                 R2
Select:                             Select
Start:                              Start
L:                                  Left Direction
R:                                  Right Direction
U:                                  Up Direction
D:                                  Down Direction

(Basic Controls)
*Coming Soon*

6. Rosters
*Coming Soon*

7. Secrets and Codes
*Coming Soon*

8. Questions and Answers
*Coming Soon*
Please e-mail me all your questions about the game at *Remember to put MLB '99 in the subject line*

9. Credits
Gamefaqs, for hopefully posting my FAQ

Me, for typing this FAQ

You, for reading my FAQ

10. My Other Works
      Faqs: 3      Reviews: 2

(Playstation FAQ's)
NBA Live '98
MLB '99
WWF Smackdown!

(Playstation Reviews)
NBA Live '98
MLB '99

My Guides will only be found on
-------------------------------   : GameFAQs 

*E-Mail* If you have any questions, comments, or ideas to improve my 
FAQ please e-mail me ( Please put MLB '99 in the 
subject line. Thank you for reading my MLB '99 FAQ.
This Document is copyright 2000 Tarrant Carter (TheGreatOne)