Final Fantasy 9 (e)

Final Fantasy IX - The No-Nonsense Guide
by Elranzer - Started July 7th, 2000
AOL Instant Message: Elranzer
Version: 0.2

This FAQ is copyright 2000 to me. Don't copy or plagarise, it's naughty!

This is a "quickie guide," you will not find *all* boss stratagies, 
nor item or spell lists. Why? Well, I only wanna help you beat 
the game, and let you explore it yourself. It's much more rewarding..

This is best printed with Microsoft Word, period.


Table of Contents and Stuff
I. About the Game
II. About the Characters
III. The Guide
IV. Elranzer Stuff

I. About the Game
- The game has the same controls as Final Fantasy 8
- Even push SQUARE to challenge the card game!
- Push CIRCLE when a "!" or "?" appears over a character's head for events
- You can conviniently rename your characters in English
- About the game's magic/ability system, three words: Final Fantasy 6
- You equip items to gain abilities like JUMP from Dragoon Boots in FF6
- Equiping itmes can also give you spells, like ULTIMA from Paladin Shield in FF6
- Also like in FF6, you learn the spell even if you unequip the item later
- Finallly, like FF6, each character has their own ability and Job Class
- YES! Final Fantasy 6 DID have Job Classes!!! Play the Japanese version...
- Talk to the Moogles to save your game
- Call Moogles with MOGNET! on the world map with the SQUARE button
- Active Time Events (ATE) show events going on while you're doing whatever
- Press SELECT when the ATE icon appears to see a list of current events
- Press SELECT on the menu screen for a surprise

II. About the Characters's Names...
- You get only six letters, so Steiner and Salamander are a problem
- Elranzer uses "Stiner" and "Sandy" (don't ask...)
- You may be tempted to use "Salman" but it sounds too much like a food

III. The Walkthrough
- Woo-hoo, let's getta move on now, be the first on your block to win


1. La Prima Vista
- Light the lantern in the middle of the room
- Name "Zidane" as your comrades rush in
- Thieves Shina, Marcus, and Blank will assist you in a battle
- After Baku reveals himself and chats, you'll move into Alexandria

2. Alexandria Town
- As the Black Mage, follow the croud north
- Play jump-rope with the kids if you like, 20 jumps to win
- Go into the inn near the kids to see a sequence
- Go into the ally near the kids and talk to Nezmi until he leaves
- Follow Nezmi's Kid when he runs off with the ladder
- Look up the tower, Moogles Kupo and Stiltskin tell you about saving
- Follow the kid up the ladder
- Name "Vivi" and the kid introduces himself as Puck, follow him
- As Zidane, battle King Raia with Zenero and Benero
- As you fence with Blank, press the buttons he says for a perfect show

3. Alexandria Castle
- Run upstairs and talk to the White-Hooded Girl
- After Beatrice talks to jesters Zorn and Sorn, name "Steiner" (Stiner)
- As Stiener, make your way outside and go into the west tower
- Run up the tower, as Zidane follow the White-Hooded Girl
- After she talks to Ruby, follow her into the ship's basement
- Go into the left room, soon you'll battle Steiner
- Queen Blane will get mad and fire a Bomb
- When the Bomb appears, you cannot hit it; continue to battle Steiner

4. Evil Forest
- First, play the game's first ATE
- Go into the forest, I suggest you build up to Level 3 at least
- Now you gotta fight the Prison Cage plants for Garnet and Vivi
- A la Rinoa and Adel, you must heal Garnet,if she dies it's Game Over
- You can't save Garnet but you can save Vivi
- Back at the broken ship, go into all rooms and talk to everyone
- You'll soon fight Baku... AGAIN!
- Then... AGAIN... go into all rooms and talk
- You can leave and go back into the forest
- Use the recovery spring for HP/MP refills and Status
- Deeper in, you will fight a boss and save Garnet
- Afterwords... RUN!
- The Moogle Monty will show you out of the forest and give you MOGNET!

5. The Mist Continent
- Not much here, head south to the...

6. Ice Cavern
- This is pretty straight forward, be sure to melt ice to hidden rooms
- At the fork in the road go right
- After the battle with Black Waltz 1, get your party and go back up
- Outside the cave you can finally rename "Garnet"

7. Village of Dali
- Head northwest to the windmill-looking town
- Start at the inn
- After you get up, find Vivi then Garnet then head back to the inn
- After the Steiner event, go towards the windmill to hear Vivi's voice
- Go intio the windmill and into the hatch near the door
- After you get Vivi back, go right to see a chilling scene
- As Steiner, go into the hut and talk to Morid then leave
- Check the barrel, you'll get everyone back and fight Black Waltz 2
- Head onto the new airship, Wind Bloom
- On the ship's deck you'll fight Black Waltz 3 and see more events

8. Lindbulm Grand Castle
- ???????????????????


That's all for now, I know... IT'S PATHETIC!
But this is as far as I am right now...
Elranzer would NEVER get too ahead of you all before updating!

IV. Elranzer Stuff
- Thanks to GameFAQs for publishing this
- To Dingo Jellybean, thanks for the plug
- Website is coming soon
- Read my Seiken Densetsu 3 and Chrono Cross FAQ's