Andere Lösungen

Legend of Legaia (e)

Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 03:18:33 -0700 (PDT)

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                     Legend of Legaia - FAQ version 1.4
                                  by Asura
============================================================================= usual. Well, my work almost at the last phase. I'll
probably post a couple more version until my research is finish. I found new
rare items (Mettle Goblet) that would enable you to use Arts without using any
AP. Check the Bio Castle section. I still searching for the others 2 rare items
Seru Encounter and Something Good. If you find them, please email me. In the
future, I'll make the items and accessories list and including where you could
get them. Please be patient for the list. Right now, I'm still playing the game
for the second time and trying to find anything that I missed before. Oh...yeah,
before you start reading the walkthrough, please check the secret and tips
section first (specially the tips section).

What's new !

New stuff in version 1.4 :
- Make the shop list along with the secret stuff you can get with Platinum Card
- Add new items in the walkthrough and find Mettle Goblet in the game
- Camera Stone function and where to use it
- Add new tips (check the correspondent section, specially Lapis)
- Correction on the previous mistake
- Add tips section in the faq

New stuff in version 1.3 :
- Make some correction from the previous version
- Put new items in the walkthrough 
- Location of the seru monster 
- Adding combo section 
- Fishing tip in Buma 
- New place where you could use the Platinum Card 
- The place where you could use the Camera Stone 

New stuff in version 1.2 :
- Corrected the mistake 
- Make the dropped and stolen item list from the enemy 
- Arange the magic section 
- Make a tip on how to beat Lapis 
- Easy win against Berserker 
- Add some more secret 
- Additional stuff on the walkthrough 

New stuff in version 1.15 :
- Platinum Card 
- Arange the secret section.

New stuff in version 1.1 :
- Mary's Diary secret reveal (thanks alot too many people that response
  to this one). 
- Swimsuit secret reveal. 
- Solve my War God Icon problem. 
- New hidden Ra-Seru Magic.