Pokemon FAQ _____________ Version 1.0 (12/01/98) Written By: Jr Pikachu atlantic1@sprint.ca Revisions: 1.1 Added more evolutions and put up a section on the 3 rare birds, also fixed some spelling errors 1.0 First version of the faq, most things up, will add more evolutions in the next revision _________ Contents _________ 1. Pokemon List and Evolutions 2. TM and HM List and Locations 3. Item List 4. Walkthrough 5. 3 Rare Birds 6. Credits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Pokemon List and Evolutions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. Bulbasaur (Evolves to Ivysaur at LV.16, Venusaur at LV.32) 2. Ivysaur (Evolves to Venusaur at LV.32) 3. Venusaur (No evolution) 4. Charmander (Evolves to Charmeleon at LV.16, Charizard at LV.36) 5. Charmeleon (Evolves to Charizard at LV.36) 6. Charizard (No evolution) 7. Squirtle (Evolves to Wartortle at LV.16, Blastoise at LV.36) 8. Wartortle (Evolves to Blastoise at LV.36) 9. Blastoise (No evolution) 10. Caterpie (Evolves to Metapod at LV.7, Butterfree at LV.10) 11. Metapod (Evolves to Butterfree at LV.10) 12. Butterfree (No evolution) 13. Weedle (Evolves to Kakuna at LV.7, Beedrill at LV.10) 14. Kakuna (Evolves to Beedrill at LV.10) 15. Beedrill (No evolution) 16. Pidgey (Evolves to Pidgeotto at LV.18, Pidgeot at LV.36) 17. Pidgeotto (Evolves to Pidgeot at LV.36) 18. Pidgeot (No evolution) 19. Rattata (Evolves to Raticate at LV.20) 20. Raticate (No evolution) 21. Spearow (Evolves to Fearow at LV.20) 22. Fearow (No evolution) 23. Ekans (Evolves to Arbok at LV.22) 24. Arbok (No evolution) 25. Pikachu (Evolves to Raichu with Thunder Stone) 26. Raichu (No evolution) 27. Sandshrew (Evolves to Sandslash at LV.22) 28. Sandslash (No evolution) 29. Nidoran(f) (Evolves to Nidorina at LV.16, Nidoqueen with Moon Stone) 30. Nidorina (Evolves to Nidoqueen with Moon Stone) 31. Nidoqueen (No evolution) 32. Nidoran(m) (Evolves to Nidorino at LV.16, Nidoking with Moon Stone) 33. Nidorino (Evolves to Nidoking with Moon Stone) 34. Nidoking (No evolution) 35. Clefairy (Evolves to Clefable with Moon Stone) 36. Clefable (No evolution) 37. Vulpix (Evolves to Ninetales with Fire Stone) 38. Ninetales (No evolution) 39. Jigglypuff (Evolves to Wigglytuff with Moon Stone) 40. Wigglytuff (No evolution) 41. Zubat (Evolves to Golbat at LV.22) 42. Golbat (No evolution) 43. Oddish (Evolves to Gloom at LV.21, Vileplume with Leaf Stone) 44. Gloom (Evolves to Vileplume with Leaf Stone) 45. Vileplume (No evolution) 46. Paras (Evolves to Parasect at LV.24) 47. Parasect (No evolution) 48. Venonat (Evolves to Venomoth at LV.31) 49. Venomoth (No evolution) 50. Diglett (Evolves to Dugtrio at LV.26) 51. Dugtrio (No evolution) 52. Meowth (Evolves to Persian at LV.28) 53. Persian (No evolution) 54. Psyduck (Evolves to Golduck at LV.33) 55. Golduck (No evolution) 56. Mankey (Evolves to Primeape at LV.28) 57. Primeape (No evolution) 58. Growlithe (Evolves to Arcanine with Fire Stone) 59. Arcanine (No evolution) 60. Poliwag (Evolves to Poliwhirl at LV.25, Poliwrath with Water Stone) 61. Poliwhirl (Evolves to Poliwrath with Water Stone) 62. Poliwrath (No evolution) 63. Abra (Evolves to Kadabra at LV.16, Alakazam with Trade) 64. Kadabra (Evolves to Alakazam with Trade) 65. Alakazam (No evolution) 66. Machop (Evolves to Machoke at Lv.28, Machamp with Trade) 67. Machoke (Evolves to Machamp with Trade) 68. Machamp (No evolution) 69. Bellsprout (Evolves to Weepinbell at LV.21, Victreebel with Leaf Stone) 70. Weepinbell (Evolves to Victreebel with Leaf Stone) 71. Victreebel (No evolution) 72. Tentacool (Evolves to Tentacruel at LV.30) 73. Tentacruel (No evolution) 74. Geodude (Evolves to Graveler at LV.25, Golem with Trade) 75. Graveler (Evolves to Golem with Trade) 77. Golem (No evolution) 77. Ponyta (Evolves to Rapidash at LV. 40) 78. Rapidash (No evolution) 79. Slowpoke (Evolves to Slowbro at LV.37) 80. Slowbro (No evolution) 81. Magnemite (Evolves to Magneton at LV.30) 82. Magneton (No evolution) 83. Farfetch'd (No evolution) 84. Doduo 85. Dodrio 86. Seel 87. Dewgong 88. Grimer 89. Muk 90. Shellder 91. Cloyster 92. Gastly 93. Haunter 94. Gengar 95. Onix 96. Drowzee 97. Hypno 98. Krabby 99. Kingler 100. Voltorb 101. Electrode 102. Exeggcute 103. Exeggutor 104. Cubone 105. Marowak 106. Hitmonlee 107. Himonchan 108. Lickitung 109. Koffing 110. Weezing 111. Rhyhorn 112. Rhydon 113. Chansey 114. Tangela 115. Kangaskhan 116. Horsea 117. Seadrea 118. Goldeen 119. Seaking 120. Staryu 121. Starmie 122. Mr. Mime 123. Scyther 124. Jynx 125. Electabuzz 126. Magmar 127. Pinsir 128. Tauros 129. Magikarp 130. Gyarados 131. Lapras 132. Ditto 133. Eevee 134. Vaporeon 135. Jolteon 136. Flareon 137. Porygon 138. Omanyte 139. Omastar 140. Kabuto 141. Kabutops 142. Aerodactyl 143. Snorlax 144. Articuno 145. Zapdos 146. Moltres 147. Dratini 148. Dragonair 149. Dragonite 150. Mewtwo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. TM and HM List and Locations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TM 01-Mega Punch-Mt. Moon, Celadon Dept. Store TM02-Razor Wind-Celadon Dept. Store, Game Corner TM03-Swords Dance-Silph Co. TM04-Whirlwind-Route 4 TM05-Mega Kick-Victory Road, Celadon Dept. Store TM06-Toxic-Fuchsia City Gym TM07-Horn Drill-Celadon City, Game Corner TM08-Body Slam-S.S. Anne TM09-Take Down-Saffron City, Celadon Dept. Store TM10-Double-Edge-Celadon City, Game Corner TM11-Bubblebeam-Cerulean City Gym TM12-Water Gun-Mt. Moon TM13-Ice Beam-Celadon Dept. Store TM14-Blizzard-Cinnabar Island TM15-Hyper Beam-Celadon City TM16-Pay Day-Route 12 TM 17-Submission-Victory Road, Celadon Dept. Store TM18-Counter-Celadon Dept. Store TM19-Seismic Toss-Route 25 TM20-Rage-Route 15 TM21-Mega Drain-Celadon City Gym TM22-Solarbeam-Cinnabar Island TM23-Dragon Rage-Celadon City TM24-Thunderbolt-Vermillion City Gym TM25-Thunder-Power Plant TM26-Earthquake-Silph Co. TM27-Fissure-Viridian City Gym TM28-Dig-Cerulean City TM29-Psychic-Saffron City TM30-Teleport-Route 9 TM31-Mimic-Saffron City TM32-Double Team-Fuchsia City, Celadon Dept. Store TM33-Reflect-Power Plant, Celadon Dept. Store TM34-Bide-Pewter City Gym TM35-Metronome-Cinnabar Island Lab TM36-Self Destruct-Silph Co. TM37-Egg Bomb-Fuchsia City, Celadon Dept. Store TM38-Fire Blast-Cinnabar Island Gym TM39-Swift-Route 12 Look-Out Station TM40-Skull Bash-Safari Zone TM41-Softboiled-Celadon City TM42-Dream Eater-Viridian City TM43-Sky Attack-Victory Road TM44-Rest-S.S. Anne TM45-Thunder Wave-Route 24 TM46-Psywave-Saffron City Gym TM47-Explosion-Victory Road TM48-Rock Slide-Celadon Dept. Store TM49-Tri Attack-Celadon Dept. Store TM50-Substitute-Celadon City HM01-Cut-S.S. Anne HM02-Fly-Route 16 HM03-Surf-Safari Zone HM04-Strength-Fuchsia City HM05-Flash-Route 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Items _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Antidote-Cures Poison Awakening-Cures Sleep Bicycle-Makes you travle faster Bike Voucher-Trade in for a free bike Burn Heal-Heals Burns Calcium-Increases Special rating Carbos-Increases Speed rating Card Key-Opens Silph Co. doors Coin-Used to use the slot machines Coin Case-Holds coins Dire Hit-Increase the effect of attacks Dome Fossil-Used to clone Kabuto Elixer-Gives 10PP to all abilities Escape Rope-Pulls you out of buildings and caves Ether-Gives 10PP to one ability Exp. All-Shares exp. with other Pokemon Fire Stone-Triggers evolution Fresh Water-Restores 50HP Full Heal-Cures any condition Full Restore-Cures, restores all HP Gold Teeth-Give to Safari Zone Warden Good Rod-Used to fish Great Ball-Stronger than a Poke Ball Guard Spec-Disable Special Attacks Helix Fossil-Used to clone Omanyte HP Up-Raises HP meter by one Hyper Potion-Restores 200HP Ice Heal-Thaws frozen Pokemon Iron-Increases Defense rating Item Finder-Finds hidden items Leaf Stone-Triggers evolution Lemonade-Restores 80HP Lift Key-Activates elevator Master Ball-Foolproof Poke Ball Max Elixer-Restores all PP Max Ether-Restores all PP to one ability Max Potion-Restores all HP Max Repel-Stops random attacks Max Revive-Revives, restores all HP Moon Stone-Triggers evolution Nugget-Useless, sell for 5,000 Oak's Parcel-Deliver to Prof. Oak Old Amber-Used to clone Areodactyl Old Rod-Used to fish Paralyze Heal-Cures Paralyze Poke Ball-Used to catch Pokemon Poke Doll-Distracts opponent Poke Flute-Wakes sleeping Pokemon Pokedex-Used to store Pokemon data Potion-Restores 20HP PP Up-Raises PP meter by one Protein-Increase Attack rating Rare Candy-Raises Exp. Level by one Repel-Stops random attacks Revive-Revives fainted Pokemon S.S. Ticket-Used to get on the S.S. Anne Safari Ball-Used to catch Safari Zone Pokemon Secret Key-OpensCinnabar Island Gym Silph Scope-Let's you see ghost Pokemon Soda Pop-Restores 60HP Super Potion-Restores 50HP Super Repel-Prevents random attacks Super Rod-Used to fish Thunder Stone-Triggers evolution Town Map-Map of the game Ultra Ball-Better than a Great Ball Water Stone-Triggers evolution X Accuracy-Raises Acuracy X Attack-Raises Attack X Defend-Raises Defense X Special-Raises Special X Speed-Raises Speed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Walkthrough _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PALLET TOWN This is where you begin your game, in your room. Walk downstairs, and your mom will tell you Prof. Oak is looking for you. Explore the town, and you will find out that Prof. Oak isn't around. Go North to leave the town, and Prof. Oak will run up to you and bring you to his lab. Here you can choose your first Pokemon. Your rival, Gary, will choose one that is stronger than yours. As you try to leave, Gary will challenge you. Defeat him to raise your Pokemon to Level 6. Now go to your house and upstairs. Withdraw the Potion from the PC, and leave town. ROUTE 1 This is a pretty straightforward path. The only Pokemon here are Pidgey and Rattata. You can't catch them yet, so just fight to gain experience. The first guy you see here will give you a Potion. Build your Pokemon up to at least Level 9 before going on. VIRIDIAN CITY Go to the Poke Center to heal your Pokemon, then go to the Poke Mart. You will recieve a package for Prof. Oak. Return to Pallet Town to give it to him, and you'll get a Pokedex. Go to Gary's house and get the Town Map, before going back through Route 1. Build up your Pokemon to Level 10 before returning to Viridian. Once back at Viridian, go to the Poke Mart to stock up on Poke Balls and Antidotes. Head back to Route 1 to get Pidgey and Rattata. ROUTE 2 Just follow the path to the forest, don't bother catching anything here. VIRIDIAN FOREST There are 5 new Pokemon to get here, but only get 3 of them. Get Pikachu, Caterpie and Weedle. Metapod and Kakuna break out of Poke Balls a lot, so just evolve them. There are 3 trainers in the forest, all easy Bug Catchers. There are 3 items here: a Poke Ball, an Antidote and a Potion. Before going on to Pewter City, make sure you starting Pokemon is at Level 13. PEWTER CITY Heal your Pokemon. Head to the gym to face Brock. If you don't have Squirtle or Bulbasaur, you're screwed. If you have Squirtle, have him at Level 15, but a Level 13 Bulbasaur will also be effective. Just use their fourth move to kill his Pokemon in one hit. He has a Level 12 Geodude, and a Level 14 Onix. If you win, you'll get the Boulder Badge and TM34. Heal your Pokemon, and move on. ROUTE 3 There are about 8 trainers here, use Pikachu if you have him, and build him up. You don't have to catch a Spearow now, but definitely catch a Jigglypuff. One you get to the end of the path, heal your Pokemon. Before going into Mt. Moon, I suggest building up a few Pokemon and use these Pokemon: Your starting one-Level 18 Pikachu-Level 16 Butterfree-Level 16 Pidgey-Level 14 Jigglypuff-Level 14 One of your choice-Level 12 I will do this throughout the guide to help you along. No enter Mt. Moon. MT. MOON There are 4 good Pokemon here. Zubat, Geodude, Paras and Clefairy. Clefairy is hard to find here, so try to get one. If you want to explore, go ahead, but I'm just going to tell you how to get out. When you enter, turn right and go up. Go right again and go around the corner. Go down, and pass the ladder. Go left, and up until you find a trainer. Fight him to gain experience. In the corner is the first piece of the Moon Stone. Take the ladder. Follow the new path until you get to the other ladder. Go down the stairs, fight the Rocket member, and go up the stairs. Follow the path to the next Rocket member. Beat him, then go fight the Super Nerd trainer. If you beat him, he will give you either the Dome or the Helix fossil. Take the ladder, and then take the next one to exit the mountain. ROUTE 4 There are no trainers here and only 1 new Pokemon to collect. If you have the Red version, get Ekans, if you have the Blue, get Sandshrew. Move onto Cerulean City. CERULEAN CITY Before challenging Misty, build Pikachu and your starting Pokemon up to Level 25. Now go face Misty. She has a Level 18 Staryu and a Level 21 Starmie. Pikachu can easily make short work of them. If you beat her, you'll get the Cascade Badge and TM11. Heal your Pokemon. Go north up to Route 24. ROUTE 24 As soon as you step on the bridge, Gary will challenge you. He now has 4 Pokemon. He has his starting Pokemon, a Pidgey, a Rattata or Raticate (I don't remeber) and an Abra. He shouldn't be too hard. Now move onto the bridge, and beat the 5 trainers, going back to heal when necessary. At the end is a Rocket member, beat him. Before you face him, he will give you a Nugget. Take it back to Cerulean and sell it for 5,000. Stock up on supplies, and take Route 24 towards Bill's house, fighting the trainers along the way. Go inside Bill's house, and talk to the Pokemon. Do what he says, and he will turn into Bill. Talk to him to get the S.S. ticket. Leave his house, and go back in to check the PC for info on Eevee. Collect Abra and the plant Pokemon for your version. (Red/Oddish Blue/Bellsprout) Return to Cerulean, and the house the police officer was guarding is now acessible. Go out the back door, and fight the Rocket member to get TM28. ROUTE 5 Go South from Cerulean to Route 5. If you have the Red version, get Mankey, if you have the Blue, catch a Meowth. The road is closed, so you have to take the Underground Path. ROUTE 6 When you come out, you'll be on Route 6. Defeat all the trainers here to gain experience. Move on to Vermilion City. VERMILION CITY Heal your Pokemon, and find the house where the kid will trade a Spearow for a Farfetch'd. Trade, and keep Farfetch'd (or Dux) in your group. Go into the house next to the Poke Center to get the Old Rod. Head to the docks, and catch a Magikarp with your new rod. He is useless for now, so take him to the Pokemon Daycare on Route 5 to build him up. Now head onto the S.S. Anne. Also, get a Bike Voucher from the Fan Club President. S.S. ANNE Just go in all the rooms and fight everyone until you get all the items and find Gary. He's harder this time, but if you're raising your Pokemon, he should be fairly easy. This is a good chance to build Dux up. Once you beat him, take the stairs behind him. Talk to the Captain, and get HM01. Now get off the ship, and it will leave. VERMILION CITY Now teach Cut to Dux. It will allow you to acess the Vermilion Gym. Beat the 3 other trainers here, and find the two switches that open the gate. Face Lt. Surge. He has a Level 21 Voltorb, a Level 18 Pikachu and a Level 24 Raichu. It's a good idea to head East into Diglett's cave to get a Diglett or a Dugtrio before facing this guy. If you have Dugtrio, use Dig, and you should kill each of his Pokemon in one hit. Now go East to Route 11. ROUTE 11 The way to Route 12 is closed, so all you have to do is fight the trainers and get the Psychic Pokemon called Drowzee. DIGLETT'S CAVE Just follow the path and get Diglett and Dugtrio if you haven't already. ROUTE 2 Go into a house and get HM05. There is another house where a guy will trade you an Abra for a Mr. Mime, if you've built up your Abra, don't bother, get another weaker one for the trade. Now go up to Pewter City and cut down the bush blocking the Museums add-on to get the Old Amber. Work your way back to Cerulean City, and go East to Route 9. ROUTE 9 Before heading here, buy 3 Poke Balls for the trip through Rock Tunnel. Beat the trainers. Don't bother searching for a Voltorb here because they're more common in the Power Plant (later in the game). Heal at the Poke Center, and head into Rock Tunnel. ROCK TUNNEL Use the Flash HM now, to light your way. It's pretty simple to get out. Collect Onix and Machop here. ROUTE 10 Go South to Lavender Town after beating the 2 trainers. LAVENDER TOWN Just heal your Pokemon, buy supplies and go West to Route 8. ROUTE 8 Beat all the trainers here, ad collect Growlithe if you have Red, or Vulpix if you have Blue. Growlithe is hard to catch unless you put him to sleep, because he uses Roar, so watch out! The path to Saffron City is blocked, so take the next Undeground Path to get to Celadon City. ROUTE 7 When you come out of the path, just head into Celadon. CELADON CITY First, heal your Pokemon. Then go to the Mansion, the big building that doesn't have 2 doors. Instead of going in the front, go in a hidden back entrance, and go up all the stairs. You will get Eevee here. Now go to the Celadon Dept. Store and stock up on supplies. Use either a Thunder Stone, a Water Stone or a Fire Stone to evolve Eevee into Jolteon, Vaporeon or Flareon. I suggest Vaporeon. Now head into the restaurant, and talk to the guy in the corner to get a Coin Case. Go to the Game Corner and play the Slot Machines to get coins. You can trade them in for Pokemon or items. Here are the prizes you can recieve: Red: Abra 180 Coins Clefairy 500 Coins Nidorina 1,200 Coins Dratini 2,800 Coins Scyther 5,500 Coins Porygon 9,999 Coins Blue Abra 120 Coins Clefairy 750 Coins Nidorino 1,200 Coins Pinsir 2,500 Coins Dratini 4,600 Coins Porygon 6,500 Coins TM's TM23 3,300 Coins TM15 5,500 Coins TM50 7,700 Coins Now fight the guy at the back of Game Corner to acess the basement. Work your way around until you find Giovanni. He uses a Level 25 Onix, a Level 24 Rhyhorn and a Level 25 Kangaskhan. Use Water or Grass. Beat him to get the Silph Scope. Now head over to the gym to fight Erika. Again, I will suggest what Pokemon you should use and what Level they should be at. Your starting Pokemon: Level 38 Growlithe: Level 26 Vaporeon: Level 35 Dux: Level 35 Butterfree: Level 30 Pikachu: Level 36 Use Growlithe against Erika, for she uses Grass type Pokemon. Use Ember on her Pokemon. She uses a Level 29 Victreebel, a Level 24 Tangela and a Level 29 Vileplume. Beat her to get the Rainbow Badge and TM21. Buy a Fresh Water for the guard at the road block, and he'll share it with the rest of them. Now go back to Lavender Town, and enter Pokemon Tower. POKEMON TOWER Here is where you get Ghost Pokemon. You'll also fight Gary here. He'll use a Level 25 Pidgeotto, a Level 23 Gyarados, a Level 22 Growlithe, a Level 20 Kadabra and his starting Pokemon. 3 new Pokemon to get, Gastly, Haunter and Cubone. When you get Haunter, replace Butterfree for him. At the end of the Tower, you'll gight a Marowak. Kill her to go up to the last floor. Fight 3 Rocket members to free Mr. Fuji. He will give you a Poke Flute in return. Go back to Saffron now that the gates are open. SAFFRON CITY Heal your Pokemon, and buy supplies, then go into Silph Co. You'll find Gary again. Beat him, and talk to the other guy in the room to get a Lapras. Now go find Giovanni. Beat his Nidorino, Rhyhorn, Kangaskhan and Nidoqueen to get a Master Ball from the President of Silph Co. Now go to the Fighting Gym, and beat all the trainers here. When you beat thelast one, he'll let you have either a Hitmonlee or a Hitmonchan. (I chose Hitmonlee) Now go to the regular gym to fight Sabrina. She uses Psychic Pokemon so build up Gastly or Haunter to at least Level 36. She has a Level 38 Kadabra, a Level 37 Mr. Mime, a Level 38 Venomoth and a Level 43 Alakazam. Beat her to get the Marsh Badge and TM46. Now go back to Lavender Town and head South to Route 12. ROUTE 12 Beat the trainers here, they're easy if you use Pikachu (or Raichu if you used a Thunder Stone on him). The guy in the house near the bottom will give you a Super Rod, so use that to catch better fish Pokemon. You also find a Snorlax here, save before trying to catch it. Use the Poke Flute to wake him. Move on to Route 13. ROUTE 13 Beat the trainers here, and get a Venonat, a Ditto and a Gloom if you have Red or a Weepinbell if you have Blue. ROUTES 14 & 15 Get a Pidgeotto here if you don't have one, and fight all the trainers here, there are a lot of them. Use Pikachu here. Move on to Fuchsia City. FUCHSIA CITY Heal your Pokemon, and get the Old Rod somewhere here, I don't remember, but the guy has a pond in his backyard to fish in. Now go up to the gym to face Koga. Switch to Kadabra if you have him for this one. He uses a Level 37 Koffing, a Level 39 Muk, a Level 37 Koffing again, and then a Level 43 Weezing. Beat him to the Soul Badge and TM06. Now go into the Safari Zone. SAFARI ZONE Here are a list of the Pokemon you'll find here: Nidoran(m) Nidorino Nidoran(f) Nidorina Rhyhorn Venonat Exeggcute Parasect Scyther Pinsir Chansey Doduo Paras Kangaskhan Venomoth Tauros The secret house is in Area 3, as are the Gold Teeth. Fish here to get a Dratini, a Slowpoke, a Psyduck and a Krabby. Give the Teeth to the Warden and get HM04. If you find the secret house you get HM03. Now you can Surf. Go West from Fuchsia. ROUTES 16, 17 & 18 The only new Pokemon here are Raticate and Fearow. Catch them and head back up to Celadon through this path. Cut down the bush before going into the city and head into the house in the corner to HM04. Now fly to Cerulean City with your new HM. Go East, and dive into the water where you went into Rock Tunnel. Swim South and then go up into the Power Plant. POWER PLANT You can get Voltorbs, Magnemites, Magnetons, Pikachus, Raichus and Electabuzz's here. There is also one Electrode disguised as a Poke Ball. At the exit of the Plant, Zapdos, one of the legendary birds, is waiting. Use a Pokemon with sleep attacks to put him asleep, then wear him down. Next throw Ultra Balls when he is weak and asleep to get him. SAVE BEFORE FACING THIS POKEMON. IF YOU KILL HIM, YOU WON'T FIND HIM AGAIN!!! I personally had more trouble with Zapdos then with the other 2 rare birds. Fly back to Fuchsia after putting Zapdos in your group, and go South into the water. Swim down to Routes 19 and 20. ROUTES 19 & 20 You can only fight Tentacools here in the water while you swim. Swim down to Seafoam Islands. SEAFOAM ISLANDS You can catch all kinds of Pokemon here, as well as Articuno, the second rare bird. You can get Seel, Slowpoke, Psyduck, Golduck, Horsea, Krabby, Zubat, Golbat, Shellder, Staryu, Kingler, Dewgong, Seadrea, Slowbro. When you find Articuno by rolling the loose boulder into the holes with strength, use the same strategy as with Zapdos. Articuno was the easiest to catch, it only took one Ultra Ball. Exit the cave, and swim on. CINNABAR ISLAND Heal, then buy supplies. Head into the Mansion to get the Key for the gym, and collect a Koffing, Grimer, Weezing, Muk and Ponyta. Now go into the Pokemon Lab and give the scientist your fossil. He will clone a Pokemon for you. Then give him your Old Aber, and he will clone Aerodactyl. Now, go into the gym to face Blaine. He has a Level 42 Growlithe, a Level 40 Ponyta, a Level 42 Rapidash and a Level 47 Arcanine. It's time for me to make suggestions again: Your starting Pokemon: Level 55 Pikachu: Level 50 Articuno: Level 52 Zapdos: Level 52 Vaporeon: Level 48 Dux: Level 55 Use Vaporeon to take Blaine out. You'll get the Volcano Badge and TM38 as a reward. Now time to head off the island. ROUTE 21 In the water you'll face Tentacool, but on land just collect Tangela. Now fly to Viridian City. VIRIDIAN CITY The gym is now open, and Giovanni is the leader! He has a Level 45 Rhyhorn, a Level 42 Dugtrio, a Level 43 Nidoqueen, a Level 45 Nidoking and a Level 50 Rhyhorn. Beat him to get the Earth Badge and TM27. Now go to Route 22. ROUTE 22 You'll face Gary again. Beat him and move on. Collect Arbok if you have Red or Sandslash if you have Blue if you don't already have them. VICTORY ROAD There all kinds of Pokemon to get here, too. You get Machop, Machoke, Geodude, Graveler, Zubat, Golbat, Onix, Marowak and Venomoth. You also get the third rare bird, Moltres. Get the new Pokemon, and Moltres using the same startegy as the other ones, save before you fight him, and move on. INDIGO PLATEAU This is it, time to face the Elite Four!!! Here is a good team: Your starting Pokemon: Level 70 Pikachu: Level 66 Articuno: Level 68 Moltres: Level 56 Vaporeon: Level 62 Gengar: Level 74 The first member is Lorelei, she uses Ice Pokemon, and she has Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowbro, Jynx and Lapras. Use Moltres for the first four, then use Pikachu for Lapras. Next up is Bruno, who uses Rock and Fighting type. He has 2 Onixes, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee and Machamp. Use Vaporeon for the Onixes and Zapdos on the other 3 with Drill Peck. is Agatha. She has 2 Gengars, Golbat, Haunter and Arbok. This is a good place to use your starting Pokemon as long as it's not Charizard, if it is, use Vaporeon on Gengar and Haunter, and Charizard on the rest. Finally you face Lance. He's got 2 Dragonairs, Gyarados, Aerodactyl and Dragonite. Use Articuno here. You are now the Pokemon League Champ...after you beat Gary that is! He uses 6 Pokemon. His first 3 are Pidgeot, Alakazam and Rhydon. The next 3 depend on which Pokemon he picked. Here is something to help: If he chose Bulbasaur: Gyarados-Use Pikachu Arcanine-Use Vaporeon Venusaur-Use Moltres If he chose Charmander: Exeggutor-Use Moltres Gyarados-Use Pikachu Charizard-Use Vaporeon If he chose Squirtle: Arcanine-Use Vaporeon Exeggutor-Use Moltres Blastoise-Use Pikachu For his first 3: Pidgeot-Use Pikachu Alakazam-Use Gengar or Haunter, depending on if you traded to evolve him Rhydon-Use Vaporeon Congrats! You've beaten Pokemon, NOT. You still have one thing to do. Capture Mewtwo. Head to Cerulean City, and go up the ridge. Dive into the water, and swim down to the cave. UNKNOWN DUNGEON There are a lot of new Pokemon here. They are: Dodrio, Venomoth, Kadabra, Rhydon, Marowak, Electrode, Chansey, Wigglytuff, Ditto, Parasect, Arbok/RED, Sandslash/BLUE, Raichu, Golbat, Hypno and Magneton. When you find Mewtwo, just use the Master Ball right away to capture him. Otherwise, you're in for a long fight. THE END _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 Rare Birds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I will describe the 3 rare birds here, and give some good tips on how to get them. Moltres: The legendary Fire bird. He's the last one you find. All you need are a few Ultra Balls and a Pokemon with Sing, Sleep Powder or Dream Eater. Put him to sleep, then use 1 or 2 high damage moves to wear him down, and then use weak attacks until he has a little bit of energy left. Put him to sleep again if he wakes up. Throw the Ultra Balls until you catch him. Moltres is located on Victory Road, right before you face the Elite Four. Articuno: He is the best Ice Pokemon in the game, and one of my personnal faves. Put him to sleep, wear him down until he has a tiny amount of life left, then throw Ultra Balls until you catch him. He is the easiest one to catch, just put him to sleep before he can use his Ice Beam on you. He is found at Seafoam Islands. Zapdos: He is the legendary Electric bird, and is the hardest to catch. Use the same strategy as above, and bring extra Ultra Balls for this guy, he's hard to get. It took me 9 Balls to catch, where it took 1 to get Articuno and 3 to get Moltres. He's found in the exit of the Power Plant. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Credits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I got most of my info from the Pokemon Player Guide, written by Nintendo Power. I'd also like to thank Nintendo for making such a great game. Don't take anything from this FAQ, it is copyright by me, Jr. Pikachu, and took a while to write. I hope to add the rest of the evolutions soon, as well as put up a Battle Chart.