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The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time (e)


				  T H E   L E G E N D   O F
                                 Z E L D A:
                             O C A R I N A   O F
                                  T I M E
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				          Version 1.2

This FAQ may not be reproduced in anyway, nor altered or changed in
anyway. You may not use this on your website without written
permission from the author, as you may not use this within your
own FAQ with written permission from the author. This FAQ may not
be sold or used in anyway to earn a profit. I am not associated
with or affiliated with Nintendo of America, the creators of this
game and system. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is (c)
1998 Nintendo of America. All other copyrights are respected. This
FAQ is for private use only.


Version 1.1
Hey, the rumors and stuff just keep on pouring right on in! I have
updated some more of this FAQ (scroll down to the contents to view
what has been updated). Quite a bit of an update to this FAQ.

Actually, maybe I'll just list everything here:

- Added a game information section (2.3) that tells you about the
other Zelda games.
- Updated all of section 3 (more changes, why they were made, and
better story lines).
- Added more rumors and their explanation.
- Added the comments section (Section 5).

Version 1.1 
The number of e-mails I have received about getting the Triforce is 34.
The #1 thing in the rumor killers is that you can't get the Triforce.
Miyamoto, the creator of this game has said you can't get the Triforce.

How come everyone can't become convinced?

Apparently, even the folks over at have a sense of humor. They
played an April Fool's Joke and told everyone you can get the Triforce and
also threw in some fake screenshots. The fake article and the
information on it is in the Rumor Killers section.


* - When I say "NEW" or "UPDATED" I am referring to the latest update
of this FAQ which was on 6/26/99.

   1.1 What is a changes FAQ?
   1.2 Why did you write it? 

   2.1 What are all the Zelda games ever made and for what systems? 
   2.2 What years did they come out?
   2.3 Game Information (NEW)

   3.1 What changes were made?
   3.2 Why were they made?
   3.3 How do the story lines change in the different games? 

   4.1 Are there any rumors regarding Zelda 64?
   4.2 Are they true or false?

   5.1 The Legend of Zelda
   5.2 The Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link
   5.3 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
   5.4 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
   5.5 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
   5.6 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
   5.7 Overall

   6.1 Author's Note / Thanks
   6.2 Legal Information
1.1 What is a changes FAQ?

This changes FAQ is to give a background on other Zelda games, how they
compare to the N64 version, and changes that were made to the game before
the game was released. It all discusses the rumors of the game, and helps
analyze and take a look at what rumors are true and false.

Considering that many editions of Zelda have been made for a multitude of
different consoles, I thought everyone should get the main picture of the
similarites and differences of how the game has changed over the years. The
Zelda legacy was started in 1987, and the most recent game was made in 1998,
and lots more Zelda games are expected to be made and sell good.
1.2 Why did you write it?

Like I said already above, I think everyone should known the similarities
and differences of Zelda 64 compared to all the other Zelda games. I also
want to pass out knowledge of the changes that were made from the original
release of this game and the actual release of the game.

The reason it is important to have this changes faq is to kill rumors for
Zelda 64. For instance, some Zelda games have Pegasus Boots, therefore a
frequently asked question for Zelda 64 is, "Where are the Pegasus Boots?"
So even though the stories and enemies may be very much alike, the catches
of the game and understanding varies.

I have supported my information with resources from all kinds of
places, ranging from websites, to Nintendo experts, to people that
actually work for Nintendo of America. Please check section 5.1 for
a list of my resources, as well as my personal thank you's.

2.1 What are all the Zelda games ever made and for what systems?

There are a total of 6 Zelda games made for different consoles, and they 
are as follows:

The Legend of Zelda......................................... NES
The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link............... NES
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past..................... Super NES
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening....................... Gameboy
The Legend of Zelda DX: Link's Awakening.................... Gameboy Color
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time........................ Nintendo 64
2.2 What years did they come out?

The Legend of Zelda......................................... 1987
The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link............... 1988
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past..................... 1992
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening....................... 1993
The Legend of Zelda DX: Link's Awakening.................... 1993/1998
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time........................ 1998
2.3 Game Information

The Legend of Zelda			NES					1987

The Legend of Zelda came out in July of 1987, and started the on-going
legacy of the Zelda series. The game was huge immediately - as it was
the first game with a battery save. This game sets a good standard for
RPGs even though we are 12 years past the making of the game. Players
of all ages could play and try to capture the Triforce pieces while
battling many enemies on the way and destroying 8 dungeons.

Not only is the game a good RPG, but it is flat out one of the most
fun games you ever want to play. I've seen RPGs for systems 10 times
better than the out-dated NES, yet this game still ranks at the very
top of the list. This game starts the biggest, most fun series of games
to ever come out as it quickly turns into one of the best games ever

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link             NES    		 	 1988			

The Adventure of Link not only continues the Zelda legacy, but once
again amazes the world with its great 8-bit gameplay. This one is a
side scroller that takes you on a journey through all new towns and
cities, palaces and dungeons, and all new weapons and items are

The camera angle changes from when you are walking (gives a great
overhead view) and when you get set for a battle (becomes a side
scroller). This game carries on the torch as another fantastic Zelda

A Link to the Past			Super NES				 1992

The Zelda series just keeps on coming at you, this time with an advanced
system; Super NES, an upgrade to the original Nintendo Entertainment
System. The advancement of the system showed immediately as the game
was visibly larger than the first two.

The 16-bit power system at the time proves to enhance your gaming
experiences with a sharp new look with the graphics, larger games,
and an all out better adventure. The legacy of Zelda continues 
onto a bigger and better console, as we are introduced to all new
characters, just to make the Legend even better.

Link's Awakening			Gameboy/Gameboy Color		  1993/1998

No, you didn't read that header wrong......... Link's Awakening was
released twice, once for Gameboy in 1993, then advanced in full
color with an extra dungeon for Gameboy Color in 1998. This game gets
a completely different storyline; yet keeps the Zelda Legend alive
by once again becoming an amazing RPG game, debatably the best RPG
portable to ever come out.

Just because the screen is a lot smaller doesn't mean that the game is
worse. The good thing about this game is its originality. It has all
new weapons and items, and requires a trading sequence in order to
defeat the game.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time		N64		 	 1998

The watermark for all RPGs is set with this incredible 3D game, that
was delayed for about 4 years! The actual realease was late November
of 1998, as this game completely shocks the world with breath-taking
graphics, gameplay, sound, originality, and storyline.

The game includes about 10 bosses with 5 or so sub bosses along the
way, 9 challenging dungeons, lots to do, and an extremely original
and creative story. I will say right now, that this will be the best
RPG for at least the next 3 years for any system.

3.1 What changes were made?

Apparanetly there was a heart piece on top of a house near the entrance to
the Lost Woods. The way you would get it is to plant a magic bean in the
soft soil spot and let it take you there as an adult. Now, in the edited
version, the platform brings you to an aclove with rupees in it, but it is
a fact that there was a heart piece near the entrance to the Lost Woods 
because NPower released an early magazine in the game's early stages and a
heart piece was listed in this loaction. At, it says the heart
piece was moved to a better hiding space. If I had to guess I would say it 
is the one that you get from the skull kids when playing the jam session 

Here is what Nintendo Power says about the issue:

The Nintendo Power preview was written using an incomplete version of the
game. This Heart Container was moved to a better hiding place late in the
game’s development.

A gold edition of Zelda 64 was available if you pre-ordered the game an
extremely long time ago. The only differences between the gold edition and
the standard edition are the color of the box, the color of the cratridge, 
and the gold edition is worth more money. There are no extra dungeons in the
gold editions so you don't miss out on anything. The gold edition will be
almost impossible to find these days, but if you do find one, it will most
likely cost you tons of $$$ for it.

It has been said that in the early stages of making this game, you could
never get the Triforce at the end of the game! This still stands today. I 
would assume that Miyamoto didn't want to end the legacy by having you
actually defeat the game and obtain the Triforce at the end. Also, the game
is more enjoyable as you can defeat the final two bosses over and over, and
try different things on him.

There are two different versions of the game; the American version and
the Japanese version. However, no changes besides the language of
the dialogue and the words are different.


- You were once able to thaw Zora's Domain

This was one of the biggest rumors discussed among myself and
others. You are told by Sheik that after saving Zora, you will
unfreeze Zora's Domain and save the Zora people. My guess is that
the plan was to make you thaw Zora's Domain after defeating the 
Water Temple, but Nintendo wanted the game on the market before
Christmas. After all, you are told that the boss of the Water
Temple controls the ice, so after killing him shouldn't it be

Scroll down to the Rumor Killers section for more on the Zora's
Domain matter.

- You were once able to obtain the Triforce

I actually don't think that obtaining the Triforce was a part of
this game. Why would Miyamoto want to end the Zelda legacy and
have you actually defeat the game? I'm sure that the ending took
some serious thought, but I don't think that Miyamoto ever
hindered on his Triforce decision.

- There were more items to collect

The wording of this kind of misinterprets the meaning. I think that
the amount of weapons/items/clothing you obtain in the game never
changed, but some of the actual wapons did. For example, take the
light arrows. Maybe at a time they were called Power Arrows, or
Super Arrows or whatnot. Or maybe there were pagasus boots that
were renamed to the hover boots instead. 

- The location of where you end up after collecting the Goron's Ruby

The first time you go to visit Darunia (when you play Saria's Song for
him and make him dance) press C-Up to switch to a first person view. 
Look up at the ceiling and what do you notice? Yes, it is a secret
passage. Believe when I say that there is no way of getting up there
as a child or an adult. What I would assume this is was where you
end up after obtaining the Goron's Ruby or the Fire Medallion. After
obtaining the Goron's Ruby, you end up outside Dodongo's Cavern. And
after obtaining the Fire Medallion, you end up in Goron City. It
would make sense to me that before this little passageway was unreachable,
it was the place you would wind up after beating Dodongo's Cavern (Darunia
thanks you after it and it would make sense for him to thank you in
his secret room).

- Some of the capacity upgrades were different

The upgrades part of the game could very well have been changed
from the original version. Imagine deciding how many upgrades
you will have for each item and where they will be and how they
will be accessible.... I'm sure it took Miyamoto tons of thinking.

3.2 Why were they made?

I guess that Miyamoto felt that the heart piece wasn't challenging enough to
get to and therefore hid it better. This is proof that Miyamoto is a hard
worker and will even take a lot of time just to make the game a better
challenge......... In case, you don't know, the game was delayed quite a lot
of times.

The gold edition was made a while back and is a limited edition game 
cartridge. The gold edition was made for this game because of the reason a 
gold edition is made for all other games, and that is to make a collector's
item edition fo the game that will be worth money.

Here's a pic of the gold cartridge:

And if you're wondering what the box looks like for the gold edition,
it's the same as the regular only it has a different gold pattern on
the front and back.

Why did Miyamoto change the location of where you are after obtaining
the second spiritual stone? Remember, this is speculation, but I
think I have come to an answer....... Darunia's secret room could only
be accessed by friends and family or anyone connected to the royal
family. Maybe Miyamoto wanted Darunia to show more thankfulness and
had him come out of his room to thank Link. And besides, it would
make more sense to end up in the place that you entered, right?

And in general, many people think that some of these were changed
just because Zelda was rushed into the market. Miyamoto knew that
it would be the best game of all time, the best RPG of all time, and
the game that really kept Nintendo 64 alive..... But after over 3 years
of delays and a bunch of angry, impatient people, maybe he got it
out too early so he could hurry up and make the big sales.

I don't think that any of the changes had to do with the time of the
making of this game. I'm sure it was rushed a little bit (Ganon's
Castle could have been a lot more challenging), but still, do you
think that a bit of a rush would completely change the entire

Obviously the changed location of the heart piece had nothing to
do with time restraints. Miyamoto thought it was too easy, so he
moved it. Trust me, if it came down to having the Triforce in the
game and changing the location of one little heart piece, the
Triforce part would win big time.

Same thing with the secret in Darunia's room. Miyamoto didn't make
that change thinking about time; but he didn't repair it probably
because he was thinking about time (I'm assuming he moved it, and
the game had to be released, so he left the passage in the ceiling).

Anyways, time could have had an effect on the game, but if any,
not much. Besides, if they decided to change anything it would
mess up other parts of the game and the script would have to be
changed, right? I'd bet money that 95% of the stuff in Zelda 64
was pre-meditated before the game was even released.

3.3 How do the story lines change in the different games?

These are the story lines of all the Zelda games ranging from the first 1986
version to the advanced 1998 version. This is just some information on the
games so you get a general understanding of the games' past and what may 
come in the future.

The Legend of Zelda

The evil Ganondorf steals the piece of power of the triforce and runs off 
with it, then it is your job to make sure he doesn't get his hands on all 3

The Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (Instructions from the manual)

One day, a strange mark, exactly like the crest of the kingdom, appeared 
on the back of Link's hand as he approached his 16th birthday. The worried 
Link, went to Impa, Princess Zelda's nursemaid who was shocked and 
frightened when she saw the birthmark. When she regained her composure, she 
took Link to the North Castle. There was a door in the North Castle called 
"the door that does not open." Only the descendants of the Impa family who 
served the king knew how to open the door. Impa took Link's left hand and 
pressed the back of it against the door. There was a sound of a lock
falling open, the door slowly creaked open and there on an alter in the 
middle of the room lay a beautiful woman. "Here lies Princess Zelda." Impa 
began to speak calmly. "Link, the time has come when I must tell
you the legend of Zelda handed down in Hyrule. It is said that a long ago, 
when Hyrule was one country, a great ruler maintained the peace in Hyrule 
using the Triforce. However, the king too was a child of man and he died. 
Then, the prince of the kingdom should have become king and inherited 
everything, but he could inherit the Triforce only in part. The Prince 
searched everywhere for the missing parts, but could not find them.
Then, a magician close to the king brought him some unexpected news.
Before he died, the king had said something about the Triforce to only the
younger sister of the prince, Princess Zelda. The prince immediately
questioned the princess, but she wouldn't tell him anything. After the 
prince, the magician threatened to put the princess into an eternal sleep 
if she did not talk, but even still, she said nothing." 

"In his anger, the 
magician tried to cast a magic spell on the princess. The surprised prince 
tried to stop him, but the magician fought off the prince and went
on chanting the spell. Then, when the spell was finally cast, Princess Zelda 
fell on that spot and entered asleep from which she might never awake. At 
the same time, the magician also fell down and breathed his last."

"In his grief, the prince placed the princess in this room. He hoped that 
someday she would come back to life. So that this tragedy would never be 
forgotten, he ordered that every female child born into the royal household 
be given the name Zelda."

>From the stand next to the alter where Princess Zelda lay in a
deep sleep, Impa took six crystals and a scroll with the same
crest and handed them to Link.

"For generations, my family has been handed down these things which have 
been set aside for a time when a great king will come. They are written in 
an ancient script that no one can read now. But you who have the crest may 
be able to read it. It is said that the key to uniting  the
Triforce is hidden there. Now it is time for you to read it."

Link glanced at the scroll half in doubt, but what do you know? Although he 
had never seen the letters before, he found that he could read them as if 
they were talking to him. This was written on the scroll. "You who'll 
control the Triforce of the future. I shall hand down to you the
secrets of the Triforce. There are three kinds of Triforce -- Power, Wisdom,
and Courage. When these three are brought together, the Triforce will show
its maximum power. Of the three, I have left Power and Wisdom in the
kingdom. But the Triforce Courage I have hidden for a reason.
Not everybody can use the Triforce. It requires strong character with no
evil thoughts. But an inborn special quality is also necessary. 
Unfortunately, I have not found such a person during my lifetime.
Therefore, I have decided to cast a spell on all of Hyrule. A crest will 
appear on a youngman with that character who has been brought up correctly, 
has gained many kinds of experiences and reached a certain age. But, what 
will happen if someone else uses the Triforce before then? If it misused, 
it will produce many evils.
The Triforce of Courage is hidden in the Great Palace in the Valley of 
Death on the largest island in Hyrule. However, to enter there you must 
first fight the guardians and undo the "binding force." When you have 
defeated the guardians, which I made toprevent enemies from
invading the six palaces in Hyrule, set a
crystal in the forehead of the statue you find. When you have set crystals in
all of the statues in the six palaces, the "binding force" placed on the 
Valley of Death will be removed and you will be able to enter the great 
palace. There, you must fight the last guardian. And you can obtain the 
Triforce only by defeating that guardian."
There's nothing to fear. You are the one to get the Triforce. You are the
beacon of hope for Hyrule." Impa implored Link, who raised his head slowly
after reading the scroll. "The magic spell cast upon Princess Zelda will
sure to be broken if the Triforce is used." "Please, Link. Unite the 
Triforce and save the princess. And bring back peace to Hyrule."
Link nodded silently in approval, and left the room after taking a long 
glance at the altar. Then, with a magical sword in his left hand and a
magical shield in his right, he set off alone on his
long travels. At that time, Ganon's underlings were calling up
new allies from the Underworld, and were beginning to work devilishly 
towards the revival of Ganon. 

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

Back in the mists of time, before the era of The Legend of Zelda and
   The Adventure of Link, Hyrule was a land of fabulous palaces and magic.
   It was also a troubled land, and the divisions of Light and Dark were
   tearing it apart. The origins of this conflict lay even deeper in the
   shadows of time, with the coming of the Triforce and the greed of
   Ganondorf, King of Thieves.
   To comprehend Hyrule and Link's desperate quest, one must first know
   the ancient legend of the Triforce. In the Golden Land, where it was
   placed by the creators of the world, the Triforce beckoned to people.
   Ganon and his band of thieves long searched for the secret entrance to
   the Golden Land, eventually stumbling upon it. Then Ganon defeated his
   fellows for possession of the Triforce.

   In a period known as the Imprisoning War, the King of Hyrule brought
   seven wise men together to seal the door to the Golden Land, for Ganon's
   evil power had been spilling forth, causing corruption and darkness. The
   once peaceful land became a place of dreadful rumors of the coming of a
   magical enemy. At this time the Master Sword was forged, but there was
   no hero valiant enough to wield it.

   Before the wise men could seal off the Golden Land and the Triforce,
   Ganon's army surged into Hyrule and besieged the castle. The Knights of
   Hyrule fought heroically, but the power of the Triforce controlled their
   enemies, giving them inhuman strength. The battle raged back and forth
   through the gate. Many foes fell in the tide of battle, but too many Knights
   also were lost. It seemed that they were beyond hope.
   Then, at the end of the day, the wise men finally succeeded in blocking
   the door to Ganon's Realm. With the power of their master removed, the
   enemies fled or threw themselves into the moat. Hyrule was saved and over
   the years the Golden Land, which then became known as the Dark World,
   faded from the memory of people.

   The people of Hyrule may have forgotten about the Dark World, but the
   master of that evil land had not forgotten about Hyrule. Ganon brooded in
   his prison, surrounded by reminders of his fall. He grew ever more bitter
   as the dark years passed like the wailing of cold winds on a winter's night.
   Ambition burned in his eyes. He would find a way to wreak vengeance and
   claim total power.
   Many centuries passed with Ganon and the Triforce safely locked away.
   Then the disasters began: plague, drought, quakes, and fire. The King
   sought sage advice and a wizard named Agahnim stepped forth to end the
   strange disasters. He became a powerful advisor to the King, but he kept
   his true plans to himself. It seemed like a Golden Age, but it wouldn't last.

   Once Agahnim had consolidated his power, he began to abuse it. First to
   fall victim were the ancestors of the seven wise men. The wizard
   imprisoned 6 maidens in crystal cocoons and they were never seen again.
   Then princess Zelda herself was taken as she sent a telepathic plea into
   the night. The Hylian gift that enabled Zelda to send her message also
   allowed Link to hear her.

   Having received Zelda's message, Link felt compelled to save her, but his
   Uncle forbade him to leave the house. Link's Uncle thought that the lad's
   courage outweighed his common sense, yet he knew that something had to
   be done to save Zelda. Turning away from Link, he gripped his sword. He
   knew a secret entrance into the castle, although he didn't know the way

   Link couldn't tell how much time had passed since his Uncle had left - a
   minute? an hour? The only thing he knew was that Zelda had spoken to him.
   He had to help her! Taking a lamp to light his way, Link stepped into the
   lashing rain and headed toward the castle.
   As Link floundered about in the storm, he heard a second telepathic
   message from Zelda telling of a secret route into the castle. When he
   found the entrance, he also found his Uncle inside, wounded and unable
   to carry on. Link took his Uncle's sword and promised to return.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

You must guide Link on your Gameboy to defeat 8 dungeons and obtain all 8
instrument pieces. After being stranded on an island, the collected 8
instruments will allow Link to play the song of the Windfish as he can
escape the island.

The Legend of Zelda DX: Link's Awakening

Same as the one above, only made for Gameboy Color as it is in color and
includes an extra bonus dungeon only for Gameboy Color.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

It is your job to collect all 3 spiritual stones and obtain the triforce 
from the Sacred Realm before Ganon does. But before you get to it, Ganon
obtains it, and it is your job to awaken 6 sages from their temples, then
defeat Ganon for that Triforce.

Here's the actual story from the Zelda instruction booklet 
(contains tiny little spoilers about bits and pieces of the


Before life began, before the world had form, three golden 
goddesses descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule, they were
Din, the goddess of power, Nayru, the goddess of wisdom and
Farore, the goddess of courage.

Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land to
create the earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth to
give the spirit of law to the world. Farore's rich soul
created all life forms who would uphold the law.

These three great goddesses returned to the Heavens, leaving
behind the Golden Sacred Triforce. Since then, the Triforce
has become the basis for Hyrule's providence, where the Triforce
stood became sacred land.

In the vast, deep forest of Hyrule, the Great Deku Tree served
as the guardian spirit. The children of the forest, the Kokiri,
lived with the Great Deku Tree. Each Kokiri had his or her own
guardian fairy, except one. His name was Link.

Early one morning, Link was having a nightmare. It was the same
nightmare he had every night. During a storm, Link would find
himself standing in front of a mysterious castle. A rider on
horseback, carrying a girl, would race by. The girl would look
at Link as if to say something. Then, another rider would appear.
This big man clad in black would look down menacingly at Link.
Link would then awaken.

"Link! Hey, get up, Link! The Great Deku Tree wants to talk to

As Link opened his eyes, he saw a fairy floating in front of
him. This fairy's name was Navi. Navi was sent to summon Link to
the Great Deku Tree.

"Oh Navi, thou hast returned!" said the Deku Tree. "Thank
you, Link, for coming. Thy slumber these past moons must have
been restless, and full of nightmares. A vile climate pervades
this world. Verily, ye have felt it. The time has come to test
thine courage. I have been cursed. I need you to dispel the
curse with your wisdom and courage. Art thou prepared?"

Link entered the Great Deku Tree and broke the curse.

"Well done, Link! I knew that ye were worthy of carrying out my
wishes. A wicked man of the desert cast this dreadful curse on
me. Employing his vile, sorcerous energies, the evil one is
searching for the Sacred Realm connected to Hyrule. For it is there
that one will find the divine relic. The Triforce, that contains
the essence of the gods. Whoever holds the Triforce can make their
wishes come true. Thou must never allow the desert man to lay
his hands on the Sacred Triforce. Thou must never suffer that man
to enter the Sacred Realm of Legend. Link, go now to Hyrule Castle.
There, ye will surely meet the Princess of Destiny. Present this
stone to the Princess. I have foreseen that she will understand

The Great Deku Tree gave Link the Spiritual Stone of the Forest.
Before dying, the Deku Tree's last words were, "The future
depends on thee, Link. Thou art courageous."

Here is a story that kind of summarizes the entire game, typed
up by myself. It includes spoilers and I don't recommend it if
you haven't beaten the game:

In the land of Kokiri Forest lives a young boy named Link, where all other
Kokiri children live with their faries to guide them. For some mysterious
reason, Link does not have a fairy, and feels different from all the other

One day, a fairy without a kid, is asked by the Great Deku Tree, ruler of
Kokiri Forest to get Link and bring him to him. So, Navi the Fairy wakes 
him up, and tells him to come and talk to the Deku Tree.

However, while on your way, the little Kokiri boss, Mido, won't let you 
through. It is your responsibility to equip yourself with a proper sword 
and shield. After doing so, the Deku Tree asks you to enter his body, 
and save it from the enemies inside. After you do so, he will tell you 
a story about the most prestigous treasure in the land of Hyrule, the 
Triforce. It is your job to collect all three spiritual stones, and 
get to the Sacred Realm. The Deku Tree will then tell you that he was 
cursed by an evil man from the west, where if he gets his hands on the 
triforce first, Hyrule will go through a period of evilness. The Deku 
Tree will reward you with the first spiritual stone, and tell you to 
move on with your journey.

You will now meet people and go places in order to save the land of Hyrule.
You will even meet the princess herself, Zelda. She asks you to get the 
other two stones, and she will protect the ocarina of time from the evil
Ganondorf, King of the Gerudos.

Along your way to the gorons ruby and zoras sapphire, you will meet some
important people that tell you, if you save them and their people, you will
be rewarded the stones. This includes saving the Gorons from King Dodongo 
and becoming a sworn brother of Darunia, king of the gorons.

Next, you will have to enter a whales mouth and save Princess Ruto, 
princess of the zoras, for King Zora himself. After achieving this, 
you will complete your mission of collecting all three spiritual stones. 
As you head to the castle to once again meet the Princess and obtain 
the Triforce, you spot Zelda being taken away into safety from 
Ganondorf who chases her out. He intimidates you as a little kid, and 
confronts you. Then he leaves.

You noticed that when you saw Zelda escaping, she threw an object into the 
moat for you to retrieve. It is indeed, the ocarina of time! You are told
to play the Song of Time she teaches you in the Temple Of Time to open the
doors that lead to the Triforce. When you do, the door indeeds opens, but
when you enter, you are surprised to find that Ganondorf has followed you
and entered the Sacred Realm, and taken the Triforce before you have. You
then notice in the middle of the room, a sword in a stone. You pull it out,
and it turns out to be the other object of time, the Master Sword. But when
you tug it out, you are in a place called the Chamber of Sages with a man
named Rauru that you have never seen before, on the opposite side of you.

He tells you that seven years have gone by, and that you should not be 
scared when you see yourself. As you glance at your body, you notice a 
matured face, and a grown up body. Seven years have passed as you 
grabbed the Master Sword, and as the Great Deku Tree told you, Hyrule 
has gone into a time of evil due to Ganondorf owning the Triforce. 
Rauru tells you that as the chosen one, it is still your job to obtain 
the triforce from Ganondorf.

He says that in order to open the doors to Ganon's Castle, where you fight
him for the Triforce, you must awaken six sages from their temples and 
collect their medallion. Being the Light Sage, Rauru starts you off by 
giving you the Light Medallion. Now it is you job to continue your journey
and awaken the six sages from their hidden temple: One in a deep forest, 
one on a high mountain, one in a vast lake, one in the home of the dead, 
and one far in the west.

As you are on your journey to awake the six sages, you will meet new 
people, and learn your destiny and what happened in your past. After 
collecting all medallions, you are now skilled enough to enter Ganon's 
Castle, destroy the barriers feeding the room where he lurks, defeat 
Ganon himself who made you look like nothing seven years ago, save the 
Princess and everyone in the land of Hyrule, and finally, obtain the 
third and final object of your quest, the Triforce itself.

4.1 Are there any rumors regarding Zelda 64?


- You can get the Triforce
- There are Pegasus Boots
- There are more than 13 songs
- You can reach Gerudo's Fortress as a kid
- You can play as Sheik
- There is a fire sword, an ice sword, and a light sword
- There is a secret Sky Temple
- You can beat the running man
- You can get a job at Lon Lon Ranch for Talon
- There is a guy named Kane in th game who gives you the Triforce
- You can unfreeze Zora's Domain as an adult
- There is a different secret ending
- There is a huge fish in the fishing pond called "The Loach"
4.2 Are they true or false?

This can all be found in section #19, the Rumor Killers section, but I'll 
put it down here as well for your convenience.

When something in this section was contributed, the message is put
in these: <<, >>. For example, if you sent me an e-mail that said
"Zelda rules" and I wanted to put it on this FAQ, it would look like

Zelda rules

This should help with any confusion you may have with stuff from my
brain and contributed stuff from others.

1.) You cannot get the Triforce! You do not get it at the end, nor can you
ever get it in the game! It has been said already by Nintendo themself! 
Also, Nintendo is probably working on a sequel. So, if you get the Triforce
and the Sages lock up Ganandorf, then what will be the point of a sequel?
In some games, you just can't win. This is the bad thing about Mario......
If you could never defeat Bowser, how great would the game be today? 

Oh yes, and I've moved the joke commentary to right

>> The Triforce Is Found!

          Rumors have recently surfaced on the internet regarding the
          location of the Triforce in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of

          Nintendo Power Source has monitored these rumors with
          tightly sealed lips, and we freely admit that we have been
          withholding information regarding the location of the Triforce. 

          All of that will change today. 

                                      Link is perfectly
                                      capable of attaining the
                                      Triforce. In fact, that is
                                      the ultimate end to his
                                      quest. Why else would
                                      there be an empty
                                      Triforce symbol
                                      surrounded by Spiritual
                                      Medallions in the
                                      inventory screen? Ever
                                      wonder why you've
                                      never been able to
                                      unfreeze Zora's
          domain? How would you like to save your game after defeating
          Gannondorf? The Triforce is the answer and the reason for
          these and many other mysteries. 

          Many gamers have
          wondered what they're
          supposed to do with 999
          Rupees, but after looking
          at this exclusive screen
          shot that question seems
          rather ridiculous. Who
          would have thought that
          the simple weapon shop
          in Kokiri Village -- where
          Link begins his quest -- would hold the glorious Triforce? It's
          so simple that apparently no one even tried to flash their cash
          at the short store owner. 

          But wait -- there's more. 

                                    Why in the world would
                                    you pay 999 Rupees for
                                    the Triforce when you can
                                    get it for free? There's only
                                    one Triforce in the game,
                                    but there is more than one
                                    way to earn it. Here's
                                    another exclusive screen
                                    shot, showing young Link
                                    as he earns the Triforce in
          the Temple of Time. We're not going to tell you how to do it,
          but trust us: it's so easy you'll be kicking yourself when you
          figure it out. 

          But wait -- that's not all. 

          Why in the world would
          you walk all the way to
          the Temple of Time when
          you could easily find the
          Triforce in the Great Deku
          Tree? To call the invisible
          treasure chest in the
          Deku Tree well-hidden
          would be a major
          understatement. The best
          gamers in the world have been unable to find it. Now that we've
          given you this valuable clue, why not return to the Great Deku
          Tree and examine its secrets more closely? If gamers had
          spent more time experimenting in the Great Deku Tree, there
          wouldn't be so many questions about the Scarecrow Song
          which is played at the "end" of the game. 

          Confused? You won't be once you unlock the power of the
          Triforce. <<

And here's the fake screenshots:
This is a fake screen of Zora's Domain unfroze as an adult.
A fake screen of Link with 999 rupees buying the Triforce from the Kokiri Shop.
A fake screen of Link obtaining the Triforce from the Temple of Time.
A fake screen of Link obtaing the Triforce from a chest in the Deku Tree.

And finally, here's the message you received if you were smart like me
and looked at the url to find out that this was a joke.

Did we fool you? 

       Yesterday, Nintendo Power Source proved that we were bursting at the
       seams with holiday spirit. In the great tradition of April Fools' Day, we filled
       our homepage with hilarious and devious articles, designed to help you
       enjoy the holiday to the fullest. 

       We are obviously quite pleased with ourselves, but we are wondering what
       you think about the Great April Fools' Day Hoax of '99. Based on the e-mail
       we've received, most of you either want to thank us or throw flaming paper
       bags at our office doorstep. We've created this handy post-April 1st poll to
       let you voice your opinion. 

       If you missed yesterday's exclusive coverage, here's one last chance to
       check it out. On a more serious note, we'd like to offer our sincerest
       apologies to everyone who was honestly fooled by our misleading articles --

       Just to make things perfectly clear:

            There is NO #160 Pokémon. Luigi is not anywhere in the game.
            There is no way to capture a Lickitung. 
            There is NO way to get a Triforce in The Legend of Zelda:
            Ocarina of Time. There is no way to unfreeze Zora's Domain.
            There is no way to get 999 Rupees. 

            All of the other stories were fake too. 

       You can stop asking now. 

       So, we can't help but be curious what you think. 

Here's what my buddy Ed had to say about the joke:

		    If you haven't been let in on the joke,
                Nintendo Power source ran a fake story
                about the Triforce being found on April 1st.
                Why would such a reputable web site sink to
                such low behavior? Because it was April Fools'
                Day! Reportedly they've apologized to those
                poor gamers who didn't realize what day it
                was, but we didn't find it funny here at the
                Hyrule News office. They also reported that
                Zora's Domain could be unfrozen, which is
                not true. How dare they toy with the fragile
                emotions of us gamers who take Zelda so
                seriously? My advice is to remember this
                little stunt when April rolls around again.


Here are some stories you may hear about obtaining the Triforce:

- It is in the Temple of Time.
- It is underground somewhere.
- You need the fire/ice sword to obtain it.
- You need the Song of the Sages to obtain it.
- Defeat Ganon again in a secret place to win it.
- It's in an obvious place that everyone is over-looking.
- It's only found in the Japanese version.
- It's only found in the gold edition.
- You have to catch en enormous fish.
- Zelda has it.
- Impa has it.
- You get it by somehow using the scarecrow's song.

Here is an E-Mail sent in to me by an anonymous Zelda fan. He asked
the people over at about the Triforce. The letter was
written very professionally, and I doubt that any Nintendo employee
is going to keep a secret from a letter like this:

  My name is (CENSORED), and I have been the biggest Nintendo fan alive 
since the mid 80s when it all started. I am the owner of the NES, the 
Super NES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, and of course, Nintendo 64. I am also 
the biggest Zelda fan you'll ever come across (I own every Zelda game 
ever made). Now I was wondering, does the Triforce really exist in The 
Ocarina of Time? I beat the game in 3 days (I preoredered the gold 
cartridge and was one of the first customers to ever beat the game) and 
after about 7 months of owning the game, I have not discovered the 
Triforce. Many tell me that it doesn't exist, others tell me that it does 
and that Nintendo is keeping it a secret until Zelda's sales go down so 
that everyone will start buying it again when they learn there is a 
Triforce. So please be honest with my dying questions: Is the Triforce 
obtainable in The Ocarina of Time?

Also, do you know anything about a Zelda 64 sequel coming out in the next 
few years?

Thank you for your help, and please keep up the incredible work on the site, and of course, with your video games.

The #1 Nintendo fan of all time,


And here is the response, straight from themselves:

  Thank you for your appreciation and interest in Nintendo and its
products. Since late Novemeber when Zelda 64 came out, the number
one asked question is definetely the one you just asked me about
the Triforce. I assure you that the Triforce cannot be obtained
in the game.

Lots and lots of speculation is beeing spread about the Triforce
being in the game, including what you told me about Nintendo keeping
it a secret. This is untrue, and I'll tell you that if there was a
Triforce in Zelda 64, I would surely let you know.

To prove myseld, the game's creator Shigeru Miyamoto (who I'm sure
you know being the Nintendo fan that you are) stated that the
Triforce is not in the game. I also personally asked Dan, the man
that wrote the script for the game, and he told me nothing was in
it with Link obtaining the Triforce.

A sequel looks probable but I don't have any information on it at
this time.

Thank you for your interest in Nintendo systems and games, and your
interest in Nintendo's website.

Now here's some more Triforce stuff...... Apparently, this is part
of a speech that Shigeru Miyamoto (the creator of Zelda 64 if you
don't already know by now) made that some believe is a clue to lead
you to the Triforce:

If you seek to open the Gate
The Key you seek is shadowed fate.
In the secrets that lie beneath the ground.
Is where the wisdom required is found. 
To find the third force of power, 
First you must seek the sacred flower.
When the three gather all in one place. 
Then you shall see the sacred one's face. 
On to the realm through the gates you pass. 
Before you will stand a magnificent mass. 
Three stone structures with names familiar to you. 
The names of the gods, Din... Farore... and Nayru...

Here is the message trasnformed into what people believe:

If you seek to open the Gate 
The Key you seek is shadowed fate. 
In the secrets that lie beneath the ground.
Is where the wisdom required is found. 
To find the third force of power, 
First you must seek the sacred flower. 
When the three gather all in one place. 
Then you shall see the sacred one's face. 
On to the realm through the gates you pass. 
Before you will stand a magnificent mass. 
Three stone structures with names familiar to you. 
The names of the gods, Din... Farore... and Nayru...

If you try to look for the Triforce, it has something to do with the
Shadow Temple or Nocturne of Shadow. Either the Triforce is under
the ground or has something to do with a secret under the ground.
A flower of some sort (maybe a deku baba?) will play a role,
and you'll get the Triforce of Power from Ganon (You have the
courage and wisdom along with Zelda, and Ganon has the Power) and
you'll be lead to the Triforce by Din, Farore, and Nayru.

My thoughts? Someone can't translate Japanese into English.

Next bit of Triforce info.......

You know on the quest status screen the picture of the unlighted
Triforce? Well some of you say, "When you get a medallion, the
medallion lights up. So when you get the Triforce, the Triforce
must light up!"

In my opinion, this is an oddity in the game. It's to throw you
off and make you believe that there is a Triforce. Or, maybe it's
just a symbol to remind you of Zelda. How many times in the game
do you see the Triforce on walls, the ground, or pictures? Maybe
30 or 40 times? Well, just because the picture is there doesn't
mean the Triforce is right there also.

Now, here's what the editor of had to say when someone
asked him the question:

           While surfing the web in search of that elusive(at
           least in this game) item, i have run into many
           rumors. They range from plausable to the
           outrageously impossible. I figured the best thing to
           do would be to go straight to the source. Now i ask
           you this after spending many long days trying to
           figure it out on my own. Is there a Triforce in The
           Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time? If so please tell
           me how i would go about obtaining it. If not just tell
           me that it isn't there(although i would hope
           nintendo followed the tradition of winning the trifoce
           in zelda games) so i can stop this maddening
           quest. thank you -- Burnman

                Ed: I too have read the many rumors on the
                web regarding the possible presence of the
                wonderful Triforce, and I can tell you that I
                wouldn't waste my time trying the outlandish
                things often recommended. A lot of sites
                claim to have inside information from NOA
                employees, but strangely enough no one I
                know has managed to find the Triforce! No
                one has ever been able to confirm collecting
                the Triforce. My best answer to your question
                is that it is impossible to get the Triforce. I
                consulted Zelda translator and Hyrulian
                expert Dan Owsen about this controversial
                matter, and he guaranteed me that he wrote
                no screen text for Link finding the Triforce.
                That's straight from the horse's mouth,
                folks. In fairness, though, I feel obligated to
                mention that this does not prove that the
                Triforce is unattainable. It's possible, I
                guess, that Link could be struck speechless
                when the Triforce is acquired. I doubt it,
                though. Don't believe any rumors unless you
                read it here. I swear to my readers that if
                the Triforce is ever found and confirmed by
                our expert Game Play Counselors, I will
                immediately spill the beans in a special
                article in the Hyrule News section. I don't
                think that day will ever come, but an editor
                must be cautious, must he not?

More from Nintendo:

Q: I've heared a lot of rumors about earning the Triforce. Is the 
Triforce in the game?
A: The Triforce is an important element of the game's plot, but it is 
not an item that Link can earn. On the Quest Status screen, there is 
a picture of the Triforce in the middle of the Spiritual Medallions. 
This picture is for decoration only, and cannot be filled in with the 

So, what do the following people all have in common:

The Webmaster of
The editor for
The Zelda Translator
Shigeru Miyamoto

We all tell you that there is no Triforce in Zelda 64.

2.) There are no friggin Pegasus Boots so stop asking. Seriously, some idiot
started this rumor that you can get the Pegasus Boots that make you run 
twice as fast as Epona. This rumor grew quick and there are about 172 ways
on how to get them all over the place, but I think you'll be wasting your

Now, maybe originally Miyamoto had Pegasus Boots in the game, but changed
them and decided he wanted Hover Boots instead. But I don't know this
for a fact, and there are no Pegasus Boots in the game, I assure you.

3.) The songs you learn will be stored on your screen when you hit pause.
You also have the scarecrow song. These are the only songs you learn! There
is no Song of Sages or Song of Light! This is very interesting, but no, you
don't get anymore tunes then the ones above. Sorry.

Straight from the source, NOA (Nintendo of America):

Except for the song which you teach to
the Scarecrow, the songs which appear on
your sub-menu are the only tunes in the

4.) You can't reach Gerudo Fortress as a kid. There is a guy blocking the
path, and as an adult, you get over there with use of the hookshot or Epona
and you don't have either of these as a child. And, if you play the song
that warps you to the Spirit Temple, you don't have the hover boots to get
you from the Haunted Wasteland to Gerudo Fortress.

5.) You cannot play as Sheik! You know, these rumors just get worse every 
time I don't think it can be any stupider.

Again, NOA was asked this question, along with another one asking about
why the game ends the way it does. Here's the response:

Or, it
could be a deeply symbolic scene which
holds clues about how to play as Sheik.

(For those of you that don't know, PSYCH means "just kidding").

Oh, and here's Mike's answer from

Q: Is it possible to play as Sheik?
A: No.

6.) There is no Fire Sword, no Ice Sword, and no Light Sword! Your cheap 
Kokiri Sword, a Giant's Knife that breaks after using it 4 times, a Master
Sword that is ok, and a kickass Biggoron's Sword is all you'll get, no 
matter how hard you try.

Again, there could have been a different name for the Biggoron's Sword
before the game was made, but as the game is now, there are no other
swords than the ones listed above.

7.) There is no Secret Sky Temple, or anything like that, it's all a load of
crap. As Sheik says, as Rauru says, as Nintendo says, there are 5 temples,
Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, and Spirit, and there's 6 medallions.... The 5
from the Temples and the Light Medallion given to you.

8.) You cannot beat the running man! IT - IS - IMPOSSIBLE. Apparently 
Nintendo covered this too....... He'll always beat you by one second whether
your time is 1 second or 100 years. This is where a lot of the rumors start,
for example, the creative makers of these rumors say that in order to get
the Ice Sword, beat the running man. I don't think so.

Alas, the exact words from Nintendo:

		No matter how quickly you make it to the
                bridge in the Lost Woods, that pesky
                Marathon Man will always beat you by one
                second. Why do you think he's huffing and
                puffing so hard? The only reason to race the
                runner is to improve on your own time. If
                you return to Link's house in Kokiri Village,
                there is a sign next to his bed that lists all of
                your best records. If you check this sign you
                can see how many Skulltulas you've
                squished, your biggest fish, your best
                marathon time, your fastest horse race time,
                and your highest score at horseback archery.
                What's it good for? For pumping up your
                ego, of course!

9.) You don't get a job for Talon at Lon Lon Ranch! Here's the newest one
yet. "They Say" that if you win Talon's chicken game as a kid and go back 
to him as an adult, he'll give you a job and pay you for it. No, no, no!

NEW INFO: Apparently, this rumor was expanded on when it was a name for
a code. After telling Talon to get back to Lon Lon Ranch, you can go
to the Ranch and talk to Malon while on Epona. This is when she offers
to do the obstacle course. If you win, you get a cow delivered to your
home. Someone submitted a code to Game Sages with this trick that
was entitled "Save Lon Lon Ranch." I hope this clears up any confusion
regarding the tip.

10) As of this day, I do not know anything about a character in the game
named Kane, but I do know that you can't get the Triforce. The rumors
are telling me that you see Kane in the act after defeating the game.
I'm sure that if there was a Kane in the game and if he held an
important role, the entire world would know about it right now. 

11) It has been said already that there is no way of unfreezing
Zora's Domain. I know, I know, it doesn't make any sense. You are
told that the boss of the Water Temple is controlling the frozen
ice in the Domain, and that you must save the Zora's by destroying
this source of evilness. But after you kill him, they're still

Well, here's all the info I needed to convince me that you can't
unfreeze the place. Someone asked the Editor of, and
here it is:

           Ganondorf is no more. Ninty spiders of the curse
           have been destroyed and more shall die tomorrow.
           All is well in Hyrule. Now I return to peacefull realm
           of my friends the Zora only to find it still frozen cold
           even after the dreadfull curse had been lifted. It is
           for this reason that I have sought your wisdom.
           Please answer me this question; Can the ice of
           Zora's Domain be destroyed and pease returned?
           --First Knight of the Zora 

                Ed: I am pleased that you have returned the
                peas to the Zoras' dinner tables, but nothing
                you can do will ever melt the glacier they now
                call home. Once Hyrule enters an industrial
                era, perhaps pollution will create a
                Greenhouse effect, resulting in global
                warming which will eventually melt the ice of
                Zora's Domain. But then the water would
                likely be polluted and you'd have to go on a
                second quest to rid the land of enviromental
                criminals, with factories taking the place of
                dungeons. For now, rest easy with the
                knowledge that the hearts of the Zoras have
                been unfrozen.

And from Nintendo themselves:

Q: I've earned the Water Medallion, but Zora's Domain is still frozen. 
How do I unfreeze it?
A: It is impossible to unfreeze the water in Zora's Domain.

12) Despite what you may hear, the ending you recieve when you defeat
the final Ganon boss is the only ending you will see. Here's another
reference to it when I sent the question into the editor of

Dear Ed,
           I have beaten gannondorf, gotten out of the castle,
           Beaten gannon and watched the credits roll by(no
           easy task). Anyway, after the credits go, I am
           forced to turn the game off or reset it. It seems no
           matter where or how many times I save my game
           after or during the last two fights, I have to fight
           Gannondorf again when I turn the game back on.
           Must I get all of the Heart Pieces or kill every gold
           skulltula to acually complete the game? Will the
           marketplace ever be inhabited by hylians again?
           Please tell me if anything is left to do!  

                Ed: Take a deep breath, because
                you're never going to see the marketplace
                restored to its full glory. Once you beat
                Ganon and view the credits, there is no way
                to save the game and explore a restored
                Hyrule. What does this mean? It means that
                you just worked your butt off and you won't
                get any of the glory. Sure, you get a loving
                glance from Zelda, but what about a victory
                parade? I bet the many shops throughout
                Hyrule would lower their prices for the man
                who saved their hides. But then again, since
                you return to a time when you're a kid, no
                one would know what you had done for them
                anyway. Actually, and this is pure
                speculation, I bet that Mr. Miyamoto would
                have loved to allow you to explore Hyrule
                after Ganon is defeated. My guess is that
                there was not enough time before the
                release date to add all of the necessary text
                boxes. Also, there are countless questions
                concerning the space/time continuum that
                would pop up. Just be happy you got to see
                the party sequence.

13) Wow! A rumor that's true! Yes, in the fishing pond, there is a
huge fish called the Hylian Loach! Actually, I lied. This thing is a
gigantic eel and catching it will require the sinking lure. The
sinking lure will probably be either on the log in the water, or near
the 3 rocks in the shallow end of the pond. However, if you catch
it, you can't keep it! Doh! Oh yes, and you'll need the golden scale
in order for it to become available (catch a fish around 15 pounds,
give or take 3 pounds).

Q: What does the sinking lure do?
A: Without the sinking lure, you look into the pond at an overhead
view and it is difficult to see if there is a fish nabbing your
line, or if the fish is big or small. With the sinking lure, the
camera view drops into the water so you can see all the fish, and
decide which ones you want to catch and which ones you don't want to

Oh, and one quick little note: If you catch an enormous fish with the
sinking lure, the fisherman will call you a cheater and not record
the size of the fish for you.

- NEW INFO (6/26/99) The sinking lure can also be found near the
crack in the wall, and another way to get the loach is to put on
the iron boots with the zora tunic and quitely enter the water.
Find the loach being super quiet, and cast your line near it (you'll
need the sinking lure, of course).

5.1 The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda will probably be the best and most remembered game
ever for the NES. It really defines and sets watermarks for all future
RPGs that will be Nintendo-made.

It's the first time in the legacy when we are introduced to a large 
number of enemies, enchanted forests, evil bosses, an incredible story
line, and amazing gameplay.

(The following is based on an NES system).

Graphics: 10/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10

Overall: 10/10

5.2 The Legend of Zelda: Adventure of Link

Zelda NES fans wait a few years for the next Zelda game, and all around
it does good, but compared to the first, it flunks. Here is the scale
compared to the NES first version, then on its own:

Compared To The First NES Zelda Game (See Above)

Graphics: Worse
The graphics shouldn't have changed from the first game. We had a nice
overhead view. In this one we have a side scroller. It doesn't sound
too bad, but remember it's on an 8-bit system.

Sound/Music: Same
I'm no big critic on either music nor sound in a game, so I don't
really care in this department.

Gameplay: Worse
I don't know how to put this. Zelda 1 was just more challenging and
more fun to play. Playing Adventure of Link doesn't feel like an 

On Its Own NES Scale

Graphics: 6/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 5/10

Overall: 7/10

5.3 The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

A Link to The Past is probably the best game ever made for any console,
including the newer ones such as N64, PSX, and even Dreamcast. I have
yet to see a game that impresses me more than this one.

Those good old graphics are back from the original Zelda, as is the 
RPG - like gameplay. It's very clear and all of the characters are
designed very well.

The gameplay is the best part of this. Remember that this is a 16-bit
Super NES game, but not only will the game keep you obligied and
challenged for awhile, but the replay value is good and after defeating
the game, you'll want to do it all over again. Zelda III could very
well be the best Zelda game of the series.

Rating based on a Super NES:

Grpahics: 10/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10

Overall: 10/10

5.4 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

For a gameboy game, this continuance of a legacy is amazing and
keeps Zelda's reputation high. But as a Zelda game, it could be the
lowest rated one yet.

The problems with it are:

- The storyline is adjusted. However, the storyline is actually very
good in this game; but Zelda fans I'm sure would like to see the
original stories continued.
- The graphics are in black and white and you'll have to get used to the
different screen adjustments.
- The game is being held back to set normal Zelda standards due to the
amount of size available in the Gameboy.

Don't get me wrong here. Zelda 4 is the best Gameboy game to date because:

- The story is great.
- The sound/music is crisp and clear.
- It's an RPG (there's not many good ones for Gameboy).
- It's challenging and includes lots of gameplay for a Gameboy game.

So there are two ways to look at the game. If you're a Gameboy fan,
get it. If you're a Zelda nut, don't get it.

Based on Gameboy

Graphics: 7/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 8/10

Overall: 8.3

5.5 The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX

This game is the same as above, only better because the graphics are
in color, and there is an extra bonus dungeon. Therefore, the points
add up from my previous score, as Zelda 4x as I like to call it, comes
in and improves a decent game.

Based on Original Gameboy Version

Graphics: 9/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10

Overall: 9.6

5.6 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best game ever made for any 
console without a doubt. Here's Why:

1) Graphics - The amazing graphics in this game will be enough to capture 
the attention of any game player of any console. Incredible effects with
cinemas and other visual screens such as buildings collapsing, a storm 
occuring with total destruction of a village right in front of you, and Link
a small boy pulling a huge sword out of a stone. This and much more add to
this 3-D thriller.

2) Sound - The sound in this game is unlike any other...... You won't hear 
the same tune repeat over and over, as the game is packed with many MIDI
formatted sequences. Whether you're listening to a song on your ocarina, or
get bored in a dungeon, the music will always sound impressing.

3) The Storyline - The story is stunning the way it all fits together and
works out at the end. As a kid you will see places and say, "That passage
must be an oddity to the game," but then later it wiill be the entrance to a
major dungeon. Or getting clues from people like, "Go to the house of the
dead," and then ending up in the correct place; the Graveyard. Anyhow, it
fits in and there isn't one misfit in the storyline.

Based on Nintendo 64

Graphics: 10/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 10/10

Overall: 10/10

5.7 Overall

As you can see, Zelda was very constant. Here's the scores added and
averaged out:

Graphics: 8.6/10
Sound/Music: 10/10
Gameplay: 8.6/10

Overall: 9/10

6.1 Author's Note / Thanks

I hope you enjoyed getting the background and scoop on all of this. First
here are the URL resources, followed by the credits section.

Name           				   URL
Zelda Site  

And my thanks to:
Zelda Headquarters
Provides me with 2 Stories used in this FAQ, and is also one of the
best places to go for Zelda information.
For some backup information in the rumor killers section.

Zelda Site
Nothing used from this site; just a great site to go to for Zelda
Sent me some Triforce information when I asked, as well as other
rumor killer information.

Anonymous Contributers
There were two people that sent in some stuff for this FAQ that
wanted to remain anaonymous..... Thanks guys.

Kao Megura 
Author on GameFAQs (
I didn't use anything from him, but he wrote a tremendous
Changes FAQ for Final Fantasy 7 that inspired me to write
this one for Zelda. Don't get me wrong..... I didn't plagiarise,
in fact, we didn't even write Changes FAQs for games on the same
consoles. He just inspired me to put this FAQ together and
he is truly the best FAQ writer I've ever seen.

The owner of GameFAQs. He put this work on the internet for me
and got it to be recognized. Thanks, man!

6.2 Legal Information

I am not letting anyone use this changes FAQ in their FAQ or on their site
individually. This is not to try to sound mean, but this is an original
piece of work that took lots of time (getting information from
dependent sources) and I's rather have it stand on its own.

Please see the top of this FAQ (under the ASCII and title) for the
entire disclaimer.

The latest version of the Zleda 64 Changes FAQ and always and only be
found at: