Gumshoe (The Zapper FAQ) (e)

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|                             The Zapper FAQ                              |
|                              Version 0.90                               |
|                              by  SpoonDog                               |
|                                           |


| Table of Contents |
 01. Revision History
 02. Introduction

 03. General Information
   .01  The Zapper
   .02  Zapper Games
   .03  Zapper Clones
   .04  Zapper Quirks
   .05  Zapper: How it Works
   .06  Zapper Manual
 04. Adventures of Bayou Billy
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
 05. Baby Boomer
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
 06. Barker Bill's Trick Shooting
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Manual
 07. Chiller
   .01  Synopsis
 08. Duck Hunt
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
   .04  Scoring
   .05  Frequently Asked Questions
 09. Freedom Force
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
 10. Gotcha! The Sport
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Gotcha! The Movie
 11. Gumshoe
   .01  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .02  Manual
 12. Hogan's Alley
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
 13. Laser Invasion
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
 14. Lone Ranger
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
 15. Mechanized Attack
   .01  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
 16. Operation Wolf
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
 17. Shooting Range
   .01  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
 18. To The Earth
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
 19. Track and Field 2
   .01  Help
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
 20. Wild Gunman
   .01  Synopsis
   .02  Tips, Tricks, and Codes
   .03  Manual
 21. I Need Your Help!
 22. Credits

| 01.00 | Revision History                                                |

v0.1  (01/08/99) - The Duck Hunt FAQ
v0.5  (06/15/99) - Converted the Duck Hunt FAQ into the Zapper FAQ, layout 
      changes added a lot of Zapper Games, lots of information, etc.
v0.7  (06/20/99) - Wrote more a few more synopsises, added Lone Ranger 
      code, added manuals. Changed a few minor things here and there.
v0.8  (06/24/99) - Added The Zapper; Zapper Games; Zapper Clones; Zapper 
      Quirks; Synopsis for Laser Invasion; minor spelling fixes, reworked 
      ASCII title.
v0.85 (07/07/99) - New Zapper Game: Track and Field 2; Codes for: GumShoe, 
      Laser Invasion, Lone Ranger, and Track and Field 2; Gotcha! Movie
v0.90 (05/20/00) - Zapper - How it Works Section, New FAQ answered for Duck
      Hunt, Special notice on Duck Hunt on the top of the FAQ (stop 
      emailing me inane questions!), Slight update on Freedom Force 
      synopsis, Slight update to Zapper general info.

| 02.00 | Introduction                                                    |

Almost all NES users owned a Zapper.  There is little information on this 
widely owned peripheral. I decided that since no one else was compiling 
information, I might as well do it. I scrapped the idea that I had of doing
individual FAQs for each of the games, as there really isn't that much to 
them. So here is the successor to the Duck Hunt FAQ:
The Zapper FAQ!

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or info to add email me 

| 03.00 | General Information                                             |

   | 03.01 | The Zapper                                                   |

The Zapper was a light gun produced by Nintendo for the Nintendo 
Entertainment System. It was released in 1985 along with the launch of the 
NES. At that time the body of the Zapper was grey, but soon after the color
was changed to orange. Unlike most modern light guns, it operated without a
sensor on top of the TV and did not need calibration. It was suprisingly 
accurate despite this. The Zapper also emitted a very distinctive 
"KA-PANG!" when the trigger was pulled.

   | 03.02 | Zapper Games                                                 |

There appear to be only 17 games released in the U.S. that utilize the 
Zapper. Here is a list of them:


Slightly edited from "NES Rarity List v 4.0" by Mike Etler 

Title                         Company                 Rarity Controller
-----                         -------                 ------ ----------
Adventures of Bayou Billy     Konami                  C-     Gun Opt
Baby Boomer                   Color Dreams            B-     Gun Opt
Barker Bill's Trick Shooting  Nintendo                C+     Gun Req
Chiller                       American Game Carts Inc B+     Gun Opt
Duck Hunt                     Nintendo                F      Gun Req
Freedom Force                 Sunsoft                 D      Gun Req
Gotcha                        LJN                     C      Gun Req
Gumshoe                       Nintendo                C+     Gun Req
Hogan's Alley                 Nintendo                D      Gun Req
Laser Invasion                Konami                  B-     Gun Req
Lone Ranger                   Konami                  B-     Gun Opt
Mechanized Attack             SNK                     C      Gun Req
Operation Wolf                Taito                   D      Gun Opt
Shooting Range                Bandai                  B      Gun Opt
To The Earth                  Nintendo                C+     Gun Req
Track & Field 2               Konami                  D      Gun Opt
Wild Gunman                   Nintendo                C      Gun Req

Rarity Key:
F  = Unbelievably Common          E  = Very Common
D  = Common                       C- = Borderline Common
C  = Uncommon                     C+ = Not Quite Rare
B- = Borderline Rare              B  = Rare
B+ = Much Rarer                   A- = These Will Require A Lot Of Looking
A  = A True Conversation Piece    A+ = VERY Limited Production
PROTO = Verified Prototype Exists NR = Not Released, Possible Prototype

   | 03.03 | Zapper Clones                                                |

There is only one Zapper clone that I know of:

LaserScope - This Zapper alternative by Konami you strapped to your head! 
  It is also sound operated. So instead of pulling a trigger you were 
  supposed to yell "Fire!". From what I hear it is not very accurate.
  Gimmicky, just like the Power Glove.

   | 03.04 | Zapper Quirks                                                |

If you put your 'brightness' and 'contrast' all the way up on your TV, the 
Zapper game will think that you got a hit, whenever you pull the trigger. 
This is said to work on: Duck Hunt, Gotcha!, Hogan's Alley, and Wild 
Gunman. (any others?)

(I have heard this from several sources, but it doesn't seem to work on my 
TV, so I cant confirm. Maybe it does not work on all TVs?)

   | 03.06 | Zapper: How it Works                                         |

From The Zapper Manual:
"The Zapper works by receiving the light from the screen. The contrast and 
brightness controls of the TV must be adjusted properly or the shots may 
not register. (The characters should be as bright as possible while the 
background areas should be as dark as possible.)"

My Theory:
I'm no expert, but I'm going to take a guess. Keep in mind this is ONLY a 
guess. When you pull the trigger, the game graphics where the target is 
turns into a white block. My guess is that in the barrell of the Zapper 
there is a light sensor of some kind that can see these white blocks and 
indicate a hit or miss. This may be why having too high/low 
contrast/brightness settings can screw with the Zapper's accuracy. 
Although how it distinguishes the different blocks is beyond me. Maybe my 
theory is all wrong. But it is only a guess.

From Zerothis:
This is the way it was explained to me:  The guess that the Zapper sees a 
white sprite is a simple way of saying it, but basically correct  The 
original light gun was for the Magnavox Odyssey (NOT the Odyssey2 or even 
the Odyssey 100) It simple registered a hit if certian threshhold of light 
was present at the time of the trigger pull SO, you could just point it at 
a light, any light, that was bright enough.  The rest of the screen was 
always off an just a white dot appeared  Later models checked the light to 
verify it was accually comming from the screen, is not to difficult for a 
programmer to do this since a TV screens update is standard and the update 
speed of the video ram in the system is known.  Also since later games 
where had more than 2 color graphics it became nessiccary to shut off the 
graphics and place white sprites in the proper areas of the screen at the 
exact moment the light censor was looking. But this still has the 
limitation of a certian threshold of light can regester a hit, if it's from
the screen. Also it's impossible to tell one white sprite from another. Try
this with the Duck Hunt coin-op, put the gun right up against the screen at
the bottom, where the grass is. Fire to hit the Duck, always works.  What 
can be done, the white sprites must flicker at a prescribed rate and/or 
remain on screen for prescribed amount of time.  These two thing can be 
measured from the data the sensor in the gun returns.  By the way PC has no
light gun, too many monitor/video card combinations.  If you wish to 
accually seem these white sprites in action, play Baby Boom.  There are so 
many things to shoot, that the longest time the 'last' white sprites stay 
on screen is perceptible to the average human.  Next comes the 'modern' 
light guns, They can sense the position of the white sprites relitive to 
their feild of view. This is why they have the larger barrels. This is also
why they must be calabrated.  I suppose this new methode could be combined 
with the old methode to produce some amazing games where the game could 
know the distance, position, and angle of the gun from the screen.  This 
could be used to make very realistic 3D shooting games where distace to 
taget accually had reallistic effects like gravity, vicosity and wind (not 
just the size of the enemy graphic).  This would dicourage players from 
putting the gun against the screen, they'd only gain at most 25 feet closer
to your oponet, since the game knows where the gun is it could just 
electronically move everything back 25 feet.  Add another device, a box 
sitting on top of the TV, and a reciever the player wears and enemies in 
the game could accually shoot back (electronically of course) forcing the 
player to run around the room, dive behing the couch and so one.  This 
also, would discourage the player from walking right up and putting the gun
on the screen.  And of couse the ultimate would be to add 3D glasses, you 
could watch the illusion of a vapor trail shoot from the barrel of your 
light gun into the screen then continue the target.  So what does the 
sensor on top of the TV do you ask. Well it basically just becomes a pain 
in the ass!  It's a plain vannilla run-of-the-mill infa-red reciever, JUST 
LIKE ANY OTHER WIRELESS CONTROLLER. The benefits of these IR recievers 
include interference, blocked reception, two extra lenses to get dirty, 
data delay and data loss, any of these can happen just at the right moment 
to ***** you and messup your game. Believe me, the wire hanging of the 
Zapper is far better setup.  Of course 'the ultimate 3D gun game' I 
described above could not be done with a wire, neither would an IR reciever
work reliable with the players running around the room.  A 900mhz reciver 
would work best.  I'm not sure the FCC allows the use of 900mhz for 'toys' 
however. I think it's only authorised for voice transmission with 
restrictions on that too.

   | 03.06 | Zapper Manual                                                |

Zapper - a whole different caliber of excitement!
Nintendo Entertainment System(r)


Zapper(r) Instruction Manual

The Zapper is a new type of light gun that challenges your reflexes and 
quick judgment. It combines a light-sensitive gun with video-game fun. To 
play with the Zapper, you need:

1) The Nintendo Entertainment System(r) (NES)
2) A Light Gun Series Game Pak

Need help?
Nintendo consumer assistance telephone hotline
(Mon to Fri, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Pacific time)
Nintendo of America Inc.
(c) 1988 Nintendo


1. Connecting the Zapper to the NES

[TV --- NES Control Deck --- Zapper]

*Important! Insert the Zapper's connector into Controller Socket 2. 
           (It will not work if connected into Controller Socket 1.)

Note: Your NES Control Deck should be connected in accordance with the 
directions given in the NES Instruction Manual.


2. Operation of the Zapper

- Range: Approximately 6 feet

The range of the Zapper depends on the size of the TV screen, the TV 
adjustment, and surrounding light.

- Target: TV Screen

The Zapper works by receiving the light from the screen. The contrast and 
brightness controls of the TV must be adjusted properly or the shots may 
not register. (The characters should be as bright as possible while the 
background areas should be as dark as possible.)

- How to Aim

Point the Zapper toward the target and aim so that the target, the front 
sight, and the rear sight are all aligned.

- Game Selection

Point the Zapper away from the screen and shoot. The arrow will move from 
one game to another. When the arrow points to the game you want, shoot 
directly at the screen. The game will start.


3. If the Zapper does not operate

Check that you have plugged the Zapper connector into Controller Socket 2.

If the TV if not adjusted properly, the Zapper may seem unresponsive. If 
this occurs, use the TV controls to adjust the brightness and contrast. 
Make the game menu as bright as possible while keeping the background as 
dark as possible.

The Zapper may not work properly if the sun or some other strong light is 
shining on the screen or on the Zapper itself. In such cases, you may need 
to close the curtains, turn off the strong light source, or face your TV 
in a different direction.

- Precautions:

1) Do not pull or tug on the Zapper cored, or swing the Zapper around.
2) Do not drop or strike the Zapper. Use it with care.
3) Do not point the Zapper toward the sun.


4. Care of the Zapper

To clean the Zapper and its lens, use a soft, dry cloth. Do not wipe the 
Zapper with volatile cleaners such as paint thinner, benzene, or alcohol. 

| 04.00 | Adventures of Bayou Billy                                       |
|       |  Publisher: Konami                                              |
|       |  Release:   May, 1989                                           |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 04.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

This game attempts to be 3 different games and fails to be 1 good game. The
three parts are fighting (Double Dragon-ish), driving (sorta like 
Roadblasters), and shooting (like Operation Wolf). As I just mentioned the 
shooting part with the light gun is a lot like Operation Wolf. You scroll 
through a swamp and a bunch of men run around shooting/thowing things at 
you. The shooting stage only takes place during stage 7.

   | 04.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN                           EFFECT
GZOVLLVG                         Infinite lives  
PEKVIZYA + SXOOUKVK              Infinite energy 
AAETAGZA                         Start with 1 life
IAETAGZA                         Start with 6 lives 
AAETAGZE                         Start with 9 lives
GAEVZGAA + UYEVGKPU + AAEVAGGA   Start on level 5 

   | 04.03 | Manual                                                       |

                              HOW TO PLAY
                     THE ADVENTURES OF BAYOU BILLY  


You now own the authentic Konami home version of The Adventures of Bayou
Billy, one of Konami's many original designs for the Nintendo Entertainment
System. We suggest that you read this instruction manual thoroughly before
playing the game.


INTRODUCTION/HOW TO PLAY ........................................
THE HERO AND THE HEROINE ........................................
THE CONTROLLER ..................................................
STAGES I-IX .....................................................
WEAPONS .........................................................
SURVIVAL GEAR ...................................................
HOW TO CONTINUE .................................................
ATTACK VEHICLES .................................................
MAIN CHARACTERS .................................................
TAKING CARE OF YOUR GAME ........................................


A long, black cottonmouth quietly snakes across the porch of your Bayou
Bungalow, his moist back shining in the moonlight. But you pay no mind to
your visitor. You're too lost in love after walking your best girl, 
Annabelle (the sweetest honey this side of a bee's nest), home from the 
Jambalaya Jamboree, where you romantlcally bobbed for crawdads and shared a
bowl of fillet gumbo. You're also satisfied from smashing Gordon's (the 
gangster king of Bourbon Street) Red Bean 'n Rice Warehouse, the fabled 
headquarters of a global smuggling network.

Suddenly, a speeding limo peels across your moss infested lawn. Bullets
strafe your gutters, scaring birds from their roosts and driving you to the
ground. When the smoke clears, you see a rock beside your head with a note
attached. It reads: "Dear Mista Bayou Billy, Cause of your meddlin' in my
livelihood, I've taken measures to end your hankerin' for bravery. Your
cherished Annabelle is hold up here on my plantation and lessin' you stop
messin' with my business she ain't never gonna grace your neck of the swamp
again I Threateningly yours. Gordo." You crumple the note and holler like a
riled gator. Fire dances in your eyes, and sweat beads on your hands and
forehead. You reach for your foot long blade, knowing what you must do.


Rescuing your beloved Annabelle is anything but easy, and you'll have to be
willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the ultimate Cajun Queen. Nine
perilous stages await your backwater courage, as you tangle with maneating
crocodiles pistol totin' henchmen and armed limos. You've even got to be on
the lookout for bomb dropping Cessnas (and you thought pigeons were a 
menace). Along the way, from the slimy swamp to the Gangster King's rat 
packed piantation, be sure to pick up weapons and supplies left behind by 
ruthless gang members.

To begin, choose the game you wish to play - either Game A or Game B - on 
the title screen. Do so by moving the Cursor using the Select Button, and 
then press the start Burton. If you select Game A, you'll use the Gun 
System during Stage 7. If you selecrt Game B, you'll use the Controller 
during Stage 7. (For details on how to use the Gun System, see the gun 
handling manual from your Nintendo. To use the Controller as a firearm, see
page 6 of this instruction book.)

You can also choose the Training Mode. During this mode you'll practice 
street fighting, gun shooting or car driving. The final option offered on 
the opening screen is the Game Sound Effects mode. In this mode you can 
listen to all of the music and sound effects from the game. To operate, 
simply move the cursor up or down using the Select Button to pick your 
favorite tune. Start the music by pressing the B Button. Stop it by 
pressing the A Button. The game ends when the life meter of your third and 
final man dwindles to zero, or when you rescue Annabelle from the clutches 
of that mafia menace.

By the way-if you're wonderin' if all this fightin' and a drivin' and a
shootin' is worthwhile, just ask any red blooded fella who's ever seen
Annabelle. He'll tell ya that the risks are well worth the reward!


Bayou Billy Raised by a family of gators, you've grown into a legend. 
You're a regular swamp superhero and all the southern belles love your 
brute strength and Cajun charm. Of course, your heart is reserved for only 
one belle.

Annabelle Bon Vlvant An ex Miss Louisiana Annabelle is a cross between 
Scarlett O'Hara and Ellie May Clampett. She's the most beautlful babe in 
the bayou, a three time cover girl for the glamour magazine - Swamp Digest.



Press the Control Pad DOWN to decrease speed or UP to increase speed, Press
the control Pad LEFT or RIGHT to move left or right on the screen. Press 
the A Button to toss dynamite at the Gangster King's attacking aircraft. 
Press the B Button to blast enemy limos or other otistacies that stand in 
your way.


Press the Control Pad LEFT or RIGHT to move forward or backward. Press the
Control Pad UP or DOWN to move up or down on the screen. Press the Select
Button to switch to the gun mode. Press the A Button to kick. Press the B
Button to punch, snap the whip, fire the gun, slash with the knife, etc.
Press the A Button together with the B Button to jump-kick.


Remember, if you're in Game A, use the Gun System, and if you're in Game B,
use the Controller as a firearm. If using the Controller, press the Control
Pad to line up the gun sight with the enemy, and press the A Button to 


  Bayou's Backyard

- STAGE 2 
  Deep in the heart of the Dixie Swamp (Gun shootin' Stage)

- STAGE 3 
  Gator Alley

- STAGE 4 
  1-10, the to New Orleans (Car Drivin' Stage)

- STAGE 5 
  Superdome Drive (Car Drivin' Stage)

- STAGE 6 
  The French Quater (Ooo-La-La!)

- STAGE 7 
  Gordon's Gateway - AKA: Murderer's Row (Gun Shootin' Stage)

- STAGE 8 
  Hitman's Yard

- STAGE 9 
  The Perilous Plantation Parlor


After whompin' certain henchmen, they'll drop a weapon. Be sure and pick up
these armaments to defend yourself.

NOTE: You can only carry one weapon at a time, with the exception of the 
      gun - which you can carry as long as you have bullets.

The Magnum
To use, press the Select Button. Press the B button to fire.

The Foot Long Blade 

The Ugly Stick

The Whipper Snapper


If a gangster drops this gear, be sure to grap it. If not, you may find 
your Life Line cut short.

Raw Meat
Replenishes your Life Line.

Bullet Proof Vest
Partially eliminates damage inflicted by the bad guys

First Aid Box
Replenishes your Life Line

Collect these babies for extra ammunition

Prevents your bullet supply from diminishing

Wipes out all of the enemies on the screen in one crushing blow

Gasoline Cans
Add bonus time during the Drivin' Scenes


When the game ends, a clock will appear and tick down from 9 - 0. Press the
Start Button before this time expires, and you'll continue at the beginning
of the stage in which you perished. The maximum number of times you can 
extend your adventure is 5.


After reaching 20,000 points, you receive one extra life. For every 30,000 
points thereafter you'll receive one extra life.

(Picture of Billy's Blazer)


- The Smuggling Plane
- The Whirlybird
- The Swamp Stomper


- Tolouse L'attack
- Thugs McGraw
- Hurricane Hank
- A. L. Hurt
- Jacques Killstow
- Luis Tor-Ture
- Blackie Blue
- Migrane Mike
- Kalishnikov
- Mr. TNT
- Wild Bill Yonder
- Marty Graw
- The Accelerator
- Vito L'angolo
- Schwartz N. Eiger
- Lightning Rod
- Kid Creole
- The Cajun Cut Throat
- Swamp Gas Charlie
- Rocky & Rocco
  (Heirs to Gordon's Underworld Throne)
- Gotfather Gordon
  (The Gangster King of Burbon Street)


*       This Konami Game Pak is 2 precisiorrcrafted device with complex 
        elearonic circuitry. Avoid subjecting it to undue shock or extremes
        of temper2ture. Never attempt to open or dismantle the Game Pak.

*       Do not touch the terminal leads or allow them to come into contact 
        with water or the game circuitry will be damaged.

*       Always make sure your NES Control Deck is SWITCHED OFF when 
        inseting the Game Pak or removing it from the NES Control Deck.

*       Never insert your fingers or any metal object into the terminal
        portion of the expansion connector. This can result in malfunction
        or damage.

Konami« is a registered trademark of Konami Industry Co., Ltd
Bayou Billy is a trademark of Konami Inc.
Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System« are registered trademarks
of Nintendo of America Inc.

® 1989 Konami Inc.

| 05.00 | Baby Boomer                                                     |
|       |  Publisher: Color Dreams                                        |
|       |  Release:   1989                                                |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 05.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

This game was made by Color Dreams who are usually known for churning out 
crap, but this game is actually good! You must protect a baby that crawls 
from left to right without stopping from rats, snakes, holes in the ground,
etc. Almost everything can be shot! Most give you points, but others are 
more useful (ie: shooting a yellow cloud makes an ice bridge across gaps).
This game is very good for an unlicenced game, you should check it out.

   | 05.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |


To earn some extra lives, perform any of the following actions.
Level 1: Repeatedly shoot at the fire hydrant.
Level 2: Repeatedly shoot the thin, tall tombstone.
Level 4: Repeatedly shoot the stalactite over the bridge.
Level 6: Repeatedly shoot the torch. 

   | 05.03 | Manual                                                       |

BABY BOOMER (Color Dreams)

Instruction Manual


Meet Baby Boomer!  One day, while no one was lloking, he crawled out of his
crib and wandered off into the woods.  Little did he realize that while 
he's enjoying this adventurous journey into the unknown, there are many 
dangers awaiting him!  Your job is to protect Baby Boomer and help him find
his way home to his mother.

Unlike other Zapper games, you can shoot just about anything you see in 
Baby Boomer.  Some things give extra points, while others give extra lives,
open secret passages, control something in another part of the world or 
clear a safe route for Baby Boomer to follow.

Copyright 1989 Color Dreams, Inc. * Brea CA
Copyright 1989 Jim Meuer, All rights reserved.
Nintendo, Zapper and Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of 
Nintendo of America, inc.

This product is designed and manufactured by Color Dreams.  It is not
designed, manufactured, sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo.


1) Store at room temperature.  Do not subject to environmental extremes.
2) Always ensure that power is off before inserting or removing the 
   cartridge from the Nintendo Entertainment System.
3) Keep contacts clean (do not touch them and store the cartridge in its
   box when not in use).
4) Do not try to open or disassemble the cartridge.
5) Do not sit too close to your television.
6) Do not clean the cartridge with chemical agents.

IMPORTANT!   If the Zapper does not seem to work effectively, turn down the
             television's brightness and/or turn up the television's 

You must protect Boomer from dangerous creatures that will try to harm him.
Keep spiders, snakes and other bad guys from reaching the baby by zapping
them with the Zapper.

Spider, Snake, Chain Saw, Devil, Spook, Hammer, Missile, Pickaxe, Rat,
Raven, Rock, Riveter.

Skeleton, Ghost, Bat, Cat.

Milk Bottle.  Be sure to zap all the milk bottles you can find for Boomer, 
              or Boomer he will get hungry and start crying.

              Not all milk bottles are visible.  You may have to search 
              high and low to satisfy Baby Boomer's ravenous appetite.

              Note: Watch your milk level indicator at the top of the 
              screen to see how much milk Boomer has left.

Fireworks: Zap fireworks before Baby Boomer reaches them or they will scare
           him.  Invisible fireworks scare the baby as much as visible 
           ones. Spot them by their glowing fuses.

Nugget: Don't shoot the gold nuggets!  Baby Boomer will collect these as he
        passes them.  When he gets enough, you will get an extra life.

Flower: Boomer likes to stop and smell the flowers for a moment before
        continuing on.

To get Baby Boomer back home safely, you will encounter many puzzling
obstacles which require good marksmanship and a clever mind.  Don't let
Boomer fall off cliffs or into rivers or empty graves!

You must figure out how to make bridges to let Boomer cross these obstacles
safely.  It's not easy!  If you really get stumped, try zapping everything
in sight.  Something is bound to work!

CAUTION:  Bridges may not be sturdy!

Cloud, Ice Bridge, Stalactite.


Pipe - Zapping valve handles on pipes can determine which pipe opening 
       Boomer will exit through.

Hydrant - Fire hydrants may have more uses than just putting out fires!

Stalagmite - Rock formations in the cave may come in handy.

Shoot the moon and catch a falling star!  Astronomical entities are worth
their weight in gold!

Moon, Star, Sun, Flame, Bird, Fish, Fountain,
Grave, Harp, Hart, Lamp, Buttons.

Mine Cart - Thar' she rolls!  Get out of the way of runaway mine cars!  You
            can't zap them so you'll have to out smart them.  But dat's de
            way de rail winds (the clue to stopping the train is in this
            sentence's wording)!

Watch out for steamy surprises when travelling in volcanic caverns.
When the lights go out, beware of things that go bump in the dark!
Be very careful of storms.  They can make things slippery to crawl on.

Sign, Torch.




| 06.00 | Barker Bill's Trick Shooting                                    |
|       |  Publisher: Nintendo                                            |
|       |  Release:   1990                                                |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 06.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

There are four different games you can play in this one: Baloon Saloon, 
Flying Saucers, Window Pains, and Fun Follies. The dog from Duck Hunt also 
makes an appearance here, laugh and all. And yes, you can shoot him!!!
Here are the different events:
Baloon Saloon: Baloons float upwards, you must shoot them. This is the game
 where you can shoot the dog from Duck Hunt, it counts as a miss, but its
 all worth it.
Flying Saucers: A man and a woman throw two plates up at an arc, you must 
 shoot them (the plates, not the man and woman :P).
Window Pains: Things fall down behind columns of open and closed windows, 
 you can only shoot them through the open windows.
Fun Follies: You go through all the events, you also get to go through 
 additional ones.

   | 06.02 | Manual                                                       |

Barker Bill's Trick Shooting Instruction Manual
Developer: Nintendo Company Ltd.
Publisher: Nintendo of America - 1990


Thank you for selecting the Nintendo Entertainment System(R) Barker Bill's
Trick ShootingTM Game Pak.  This game requires the Zapper(R), Light Gun

Please read this instruction booklet to ensure proper handling of your new
game, and then save the booklet for future reference.

3. OPERATING THE ZAPPER .................................................... 6
4. HOW TO PLAY ............................................................. 7

1) This is a high precision Game Pak.  It should not be stored in places that
   are very hot or cold.  Never hit it or drop it.  Do not take it apart.
2) Avoid touching the connectors.  Do not get them wet or dirty.  Doing so may
   damage the Game Pak and/or the Control Deck.
3) Do not clean with benzene, paint thinner, alcohol or other such solvents.
4) Store the Game Pak in its protective sleeve when not in use.
5) Always check the Game Pak edge connector for foreign material before
   inserting the Game Pak into the Control Deck.
6) Nintendo recommends against using a rear projection television with your
   NES as image retention on the screen may occur.

TM & (R) Trademarks of Nintendo America Inc.
(C)1990 Nintendo of America Inc.



[ Diagram of NES with television and Zapper ]


Insert the Zapper's connector into the Controller socket 2.



Controller 1 used for START/SELECT

[ Diagram of NES controller ]

+ Control pad-not used.
A Button-not used.
B Button-not used.

When this button is pressed, the game mode whose frame is flashing yellow will
change. Line up the game mode you wish to play in so that the desired frame

Game selection is also possible by shooting the Zapper away from the screen.
Once you have started the game, the SELECT button will not function.

START Button
Press this button to begin.  Starting is also possible by shooting the Zapper
at the screen.

Pause: If you wish to pause your game, press the START button.  Press the
       START button again when you wish to continue play.  The game will
       continue from where you left off.


Target range: approx. 6 feet
*The target range depends somewhat on the size of your TV.

Adjusting the TV screen
*The TV screen must have its contrast and brightness adjusted properly for
 this game.  If not, shots may not hit the targets.

Selecting and starting games with the Zapper.
*Point the Zapper away from the screen with the game menu displayed, and
 This allows you to select the different modes.
*Select so that the frame of the game mode you wish to play flashes yellow,
 and then shoot directly at the screen.  The game you selected will start.

If your TV is not adjusted properly, you may not be able to start the game.
*There are two probable causes of not being able to start a game.
1) The screen is too dark.
   Increase the brightness to lighten the screen.
2) The screen is too bright or is whitish.
   Either adjust the contrast or lower the brightness to slightly darken the
   screen (so that the black background of the TITLE screen is as black as

*The method to adjust the TV screen and the names of its controllers differ
 according to the TV manufacturer.  Read the instruction manual for the TV in
 your home.

If you are still having difficulties getting the Zapper to work properly,
please call Nintendo Consumer Service at 1-800-255-3700 for further


You score points by aiming the ZAPPER at items and shooting.  The items you
can shoot at are different depending on which stage you are in (BALLOON

*Rounds start at round 1 and go up to 99.  (From round 99 onwards, the round
 will not change until the game is over.)  The higher the round, the more
 difficult the game gets.

*You start out with 10 credits.  If you make a mistake, the number goes down
 by 1.  If you run out of credits, that's the end of the game.  If you shoot
 the diamonds that come on screen from time to time, you can add to your
 credits (up to 99).

*When the game is over, your score, hit ratio and top 5 players are displayed.
 The screen will then return to the TITLE screen.

*The TOP SCORES will be erased if the RESET button is pressed or the power
 switch is turned off.


Balloons rise up from the back of the panel.  If you let a balloon rise up to
the top of the screen and escape, this counts as a mistake.  You are given
three bullets for each balloon.

In the first two rounds, only two balloons rise up at the same time.  From
round 4, three balloons will rise up at the same time, and from round 7, four

>From round 3, a dog's face will appear on screen from time to time.  Shooting
the dog will count as a mistake.  Also, the total number of balloons that
appear in a round increases from 20 to 30, and from 30 to 40.
You get 100 points per balloon.  If you shoot all of the balloons, you get an
extra 5000 points.

A man and his assistant will throw saucers into the air.  You must shoot them
before they hit ground. (10 times, total of 20 saucers)  There are five
possible scores for each saucer ranging from 100 to 500 points depending on
the height when shot.  If you hit two saucers at the same time, you get 1000
points.  Sometimes a bird will appear on the screen.  Shooting the bird will
count as a mistake.

The higher the round, the faster the saucers will fly.  If you shoot all of
the saucers, you get an extra 5000 points.


Behind the semi-transparent panels, various items will fall down.  You have to
shoot them through the open windows.  As the rounds progress, the number of
windows decreases.  Starting in round 9, two items will fall down at the same
time.  The points that you get differ according to the object's height when
you hit it (from 100 to 500).  At first, the number of items that fall down is
20.  This increases to 30 and then to 40 as you proceed in the game.  If you
shoot all of the items, you get an extra 5000 points.

In FUN FOLLIES, you cycle through all of the different events including some
only available in this mode.  In this mode only, you are given chances on the
slot machine where you go after increased credits.

If you have:
  1 diamond:  You can have a chance to line up the middle horizontal row only.
  2 diamonds: You can have a chance to arrange the 3 horizontal rows.
  3 diamonds: You can have a chance to line up the 3 horizontal rows and 2
              diagonal rows.


Additional game modes for "FUN FOLLIES"
(NOTE: these modes are only accessible through FUN FOLLIES.)

TRIXIE'S SHOT (First seen in round 4.)
Shoot the coins that the woman holds out while she is dancing.  (10 times,
total 20 coins)

>From time to time a bird will come to pick up the coins and the woman will
throw coins.  Don't shoot the bird - this will count as a mistake.

The score changes according to the time you take to shoot the coins after the
coin has appeared (from 100 to 500).  You get 500 points for coins that the
woman has thrown or dropped.

As you proceed in the game, the rounds get more difficult.  The number of
times that the bird appears and the woman's throwing increases.  Sometimes
she poses to hold out the coin with her right hand.  If you shoot the coin
within 0.2 seconds, you can get a special bonus of 10000 points (this is very
difficult!).  If you shoot all of the coins, you get an extra 5000 points.


BILL'S THRILLS (First seen in round 9.)
The man will throw items at the woman's head.  (5 times, 5 items)  He throws
the items so high that they will disappear above the screen for a while.  You
must shoot the items on their way down.  If the item falls on the woman's
head or you shoot the bird that appears from time to time, it counts as a

The score increases as you progress further into the game.  The game gets
gradually more difficult as the speed at which the items fall increases.  If
you shoot all of the items, you get an extra 5000 points.


| 07.00 | Chiller                                                         |
|       |  Publisher: American Game Carts Inc.                            |
|       |  Release:   19??                                                |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 07.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

This game is horrible. I can't figure out how to play it. Its got 
piss-poor graphics and sounds. Its hard to hit anything. etc etc etc...
If anyone can write a better synopsis, please email it to me, because 
I can't stand this game.

| 08.00 | Duck Hunt                                                       |
|       |  Publisher: Nintendo                                            |
|       |  Release:   October, 1985                                       |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 08.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

Its Duck Hunt! Almost every NES owner has Duck Hunt. For those who have 
been under a rock, the game consists of some ducks, grass, a tree, a 
haystack, and one very annoying dog. Ducks fly up from the grass, you shoot
at them. You get three bullets per round. Very simple. If you hit one the 
dog grabs it up to show you your prize. If you miss, the dog laughs at you,
which makes even the most mild-mannered people attempt to fire off their 
remaining shots at that damn dog. There are also three game modes.
Game A: Only one duck flies up at a time.
Game B: Two ducks fly up at a time.
Game C: Two clay pigeons fly into the distance.

   | 08.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

You can control the ducks with the controller in port 1.

   | 08.03 | Manual                                                       |

Duck Hunt

Instruction Booklet


Connecting the Zapper to the Nintendo Entertainment System Control Deck

TV <-> NES Control Deck <-> Controller Socket 2 <-> Zapper (NES-005)


Names of controller parts and operating instructions

Controller 1 - Start/Select or for second player in Game A

Control pad - Used with Game A for second player to control duck's flight
A button - Not used.
B button - Not used.

Select button - When this button is pressed, the arrow on the screen moves.
                Line up the arrow with the game you wish to play.
                Game selection is also possible with the Zapper.
Start button - Press this button to begin. Starting is also possible with 
               the Zapper.

If you wish to interrupt play in the middle of a game, press the Start 
button. The pause tone will sound, and the game will stop. Press the Start 
button again when you wish to continue to play. The game will continue from
where you left off.

* The Top Score will disappear if the reset switch is pressed or the power
  switch is turned off.


Operating the Zapper

Target range: approx. 6 feet
* The target range depends somewhat on the size of your TV.

Adjusting the TV screen
* The TV screen must have its contrast and brightness adjusted properly for
  this game. If not, shots may not hit their targets.

Selecting and starting games with the Zapper
* Point the Zapper away from the screen with the game menu displayed, and
  shoot. The arrow will move.
* Line up the arrow with the game you wish to play, and then shoot directly
  at the screen. The game you selected will start.
* Some TVs may not be adjusted properly for the game. Please adjust the 
  picture controls if the game doesn't start when the Zapper is fired at 
  the screen.


How to play

Game A:

In this game you hunt ducks one at a time.

* When the hound finds a duck, it barks and jumps into the thicket. Ducks 
  will then fly up one at a time. (The ducks will fly up from various 
* The duck flies around the screen for a few seconds. This is your chance. 
  Aim and shoot! But remember, you only have three shots.
* The flashing duck at the bottom of the screen is your hit indicator and 
  will turn red if a hit is scored.
* A miss occurs when all three shots are unsuccessfully used up, or when 
  time has run out. When this happens, the color of the sky changes, and 
  the duck flies away. (The hound comes out and laughs at you.)
* Sometimes off-colored blue or off-colored red ducks appear. You get a 
  bonus score for shooting these.
* Each round ends after 10 ducks have flown out of the thicket. The Pass 
  Line at the bottom of the screen indicates the minimum number of ducks 
  that must be hit to advance to the next round. If you hit the number of 
  ducks or more, you advance to the next round; otherwise, the game ends.
* The ducks fly faster, and the number of ducks in the Pass Line increases 
  as you advance to later round.

[2 Players:]

Game A can also be played with two players
* One player is the hunter. The other player controls the ducks 
  horizontally and vertically with the control pad, trying to avoid the 
  hunter's shots until the sky color changes. (Ducks automatically escape 
  when the sky color changes.)


Game B (Duck Hunt)

In this game, two ducks fly up at the same time.
* The game is played in the same way as Game A, but the color of the sky
  doesn't change.
* This game can only be played with one player.


Game C (Clay Shooting)

This game is a version of trapshooting.
* Clay pigeons spring out and fly away in the distance two at a time. Aim
  carefully, and shoot them.
* The clay pigeons become small very quickly as they fly away. It is easier
  to shoot them when they are close.
* As in Games A and B, a Pass Line indicates the minimum count necessary to
  advance to the next round. The game ends if the minimum is not achieved.



Game A - Three shots per duck
Game B - Three shots per two ducks
Game C - Three shots per two clay pigeons


Games A, B and C
* The points received show up on the screen wherever a hit is made. Points
  differ depending on the round.
* A Perfect bonus is awarded when a round is ended without a miss.

[Advancing to the next round]
* If the hit indicator has reached the Pass Line at the end of a round, you
  advance to the next round; otherwise, the game is over.
* The minimum count on the Pass Line gradually increases as the round 
  advance (starting from the 10th round).

[Round number]
* Round numbers are indicated with "R= "

   | 08.04 | Scoring                                                      |

 Game A/B
  +-------------------------------+     +--------------------+
  | The Ducks                     |     | Perfect!! Bonuses  |
  +-------+-------+-------+-------+     +---------+----------+
  | Round | Black | Blue  | Red   |     |  Round  |  Points  |
  +-------+-------+-------+-------+     +---------+----------+
  | R=1   |   500 |  1000 |  1500 |     |  R=1    |  10000   |
  | R=6   |   800 |  1600 |  2400 |     |  R=11   |  15000   |
  | R=11  |  1000 |  2000 |  3000 |     |  R=16   |  20000   |
  +-------+-------+-------+-------+     |  R=21   |  30000   |
  | Ducks Required |
  | Round | # Req. |
  |  R=1  |  6/10  |
  |  R=11 |  7/10  |
  |  R=13 |  8/10  |
  |  R=15 |  9/10  |
  |  R=20 | 10/10  |

 Game C
  +----------------+     +--------------------+     +----------------+
  | Clay Pigeons   |     | Perfect!! Bonuses  |     | Ducks Required |
  +-------+--------+     +---------+----------+     +-------+--------+
  | Round | Points |     |  Round  |  Points  |     | Round | # Req. |
  +-------+--------+     +---------+----------+     +-------+--------+
  |  R=1  |  1000  |     |  R=1    |  10000   |     |  R=1  |  6/10  |
  |  R=6  |  1500  |     |  R=11   |  15000   |     |  R=11 |  7/10  |
  |  R=11 |  2000  |     |  R=16   |  20000   |     |  R=13 |  8/10  |
  +-------+--------+     |  R=21   |  30000   |     |  R=15 |  9/10  |
                         +---------+----------+     |  R=20 | 10/10  |

   | 08.05 | Frequently Asked Questions                                   |

Q1: Can I shoot the dog?
A1: No, you cannot shoot the dog. I wish it was possible, I hate him just 
    as much as anyone could hate a sprite based animal.
    If you really want to shoot him, get Barker Bill's Trick Shooting.

Q2: Is there an ending?!
A2: I think it's pretty safe to say there is no ending. At the end of round
    28 in Game A, after getting all Perfect!!s, I had a score of 991100, 
    when it added my bonus of 30000, I was left with a score of 021100, 
    which means the counter reset. Theres a similar situation with Game C, 
    at the end of round 28 after getting all Perfect!!s, I had a score of 
    970000, when it added my 30000 Perfect!! bonus it reset the counter to 
    a dead 000000. In all games I calculated that this would happen about 
    once every 20 levels after that. Scores, objectives, and speed stop 
    increasing after round 21. So, I don't think the designers expected you
    to even get to level 30.

Q3: What was that? It said "GOOD!!". Why does it say that?
A3: It blurts out "GOOD!!" every 10 rounds completed.

Q4: I heard there is a secret hunter/dog/level/boss/etc. 
    How do I get to them/see them/unlock them?
A4: Duck Hunt, being programmed and released in 1984 and weighing in at 
    41kb, isn't a very sophisticated game. There are no easter eggs, cheat 
    codes, hidden characters, levels, or fatalities. I even disassembled 
    the ROM with Tile Layer and found no extra graphics.

| 09.00 | Freedom Force                                                   |
|       |  Publisher: Sunsoft                                             |
|       |  Release:   May, 1988                                           |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 09.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

My first reaction was "Wow! Blood in a NES game!". Yes there is blood in 
this game. So don't play it unless you want to become some sort of a 
serial killer. Well, anyway, you take on the roll of "Rad Rex" or "Manic 
Jackson" (only in 2 player, alternating) as they (or he, seeing as you can 
only play one at a time) try to neutralize a hostage situation. I don't 
know much else because I don't have the manual and this game is HARD. It is
hard because there are enemies coming out of doors everywhere, you have to 
avoid shooting hostages (six strikes and you're out), you have limited 
ammo. Also to heal yourself you must shoot a tiny first aid kit that 
flashes on the screen for all of half a second (read: very hard to hit). 
Although I'm sure with a little practice I'd get a lot better. The graphics
are pretty nice, when the enemies pop out from the doors, they are animated
and not like cardboard cutouts in other games, and then there is blood(!). 

   | 09.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN     EFFECT . . .
ZOOTYTGZ   Start with half ammo 
AEUTLYZZ   Infinite ammo 
LEOVAYTA   Fewer errors allowed
OXOTYNOK   Infinite errors allowed
ZAUTLTPA   Start at level 2 
LAUTLTPA   Start at level 3 
GAUTLTPA   Start at level 4 
IAUTLTPA   Start at level 5 
GAKVYVAO   Start with half health 
GZVAYLSA   Infinite health 

| 10.00 | Gotcha! The Sport                                               |
|       |  Publisher: LJN                                                 |
|       |  Release:   November, 1987                                      |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 10.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

Capture the flag with guns. You must scroll (with the control pad) to the 
right and shoot the opposing team's flag to 'pick it up', then scroll back 
to your flag pole before the opposing team does the same, shoots you, or 
you run out of ammo. When you shoot the enemies they don't die, their guns 
fly out of thier hands and they run off. Good clean NES fun, unlike the 
previous game, Freedom Force. Not much more to say. Also in the Game Genie 
code book it says:
"Gotcha!(tm) The Sport!(tm) Game"
How the hell did they trademark something as generic as "The Sport"?

   | 10.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN                EFFECT . . .
AASUTIPA              Freeze timer 
ZAEOKAPA              Start with double rations of ammo 
IAEPOAGA + PAEPVAIE   Increase timer to 59 seconds
ZAEPOAGA + IAEPVAIA   Decrease timer to 25 seconds 

   | 10.03 | Gotcha! The Movie                                            |
It seems that Gotcha! The Sport was (loosely) based off of a movie. I have 
yet to see it so I'll just put what info I got from here:
(If you have seen it please give me a run-down of it!)

1985 - USA - 97 min. - Feature, Color 
AMG Rating   ***
Director  Jeff Kanew 
Genre/Type  Spy Film, Action, Adventure, Comedy 
MPAA Rating  PG13 
Box office Domestic gross: $8, 800, 000 
Set In East Germany 
From story by Gordon, Dan 
From story by Hensler, Paul G. 
Produced by Universal 

"Gotcha!" is a puerile but popular campus game at UCLA in which students 
stalk one another armed with paint-spewing pellet guns. Veterinary 
student Anthony Edwards (look at all that hair!) may not be any great 
shakes in the classroom, but he's a whiz at Gotcha. His skills come in 
handy when Edwards, on vacation in Paris, becomes acquainted with the 
mysterious Linda Fiorentino. She gets him mixed up in international 
espionage; fortunately, the well-armed spies aren't quite as adept at 
"Gotcha" as Edwards is. Most of the film was lensed in Paris and Berlin, 
where the authorities took a dim view of the filmmakers and their project.
 -- Hal Erickson

| 11.00 | Gumshoe                                                         |
|       |  Publisher: Nintendo                                            |
|       |  Release:   June, 1986                                          |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 11.01 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

PAUENALA   Start with 1 life
TAUENALA   Start with 6 lives 
PAUENALE   Start with 9 lives
IZSEEAAI   Start with 25 bullets 
PASEKAAA   Start with 150 bullets
ZASEKAAA   Start with 250 bullets 
PASAUALA   Gain 1 bullet on pick-up
TASAUALA   Gain 6 bullets on pick-up 
LAKEGYTA   Timer set to 04:00
PAKEGYTE   Timer set to 10:00 
SAKAVEKE   Different attack waves 


Pull the trigger repeatedly at the "Game Over" screen to continue.

   | 11.02 | Manual                                                       |

Light Gun Series

Thank you for selecting the Nintendo(r) Entertainment System(TM) 
Gumshoe(TM) Pak. This game requires the Zapper, Light Gun Attachment.

Ex-FBI Agent turned detective, Mr. Stevenson, receives a ransom note. His 
only daughter, Jennifer, has been kidnapped. Armed with only a Zapper and 
a keen eye, you must help him collect the five Black Panther Diamonds, 
hidden all around the world, to gain the release of Jennifer.

Please read this intruction booklet to ensure proper handling of your new 
game, and then save the booklet for future reference.

1) This is a high precision game. it should not be stored in places that 
are very hot or cold. Never hit or drop it. Do not take it apart.
2) Avoid touching the connectors, do not get them wet or dirty. doing so 
may damage the game.
3) Do not clean with benzene, paint thinner, alcohol or other such 
4) Read the intruction booklet for the Zapper thoroughly.
Note: In the interest of product improvement, Nintendo Entertainment System
specifications and design are subject to change without prior notice.


{image description. insert the Zapper's connect into the second Controller

3 and 4
Controller 1

Control pad- not used. A button- not used. B button- not used. 

SELECT button- not used. 

START button
If you wish to interrupt play in the middle of a game, press the START
The pause tone will sound, and the game will stop. Press the START button
again when you wish to continue play.
The game will continue from where continue from where you left off.

*The TOP SCORE will disppear if the reset switch is pressed or the power
switch is turned off

Target range: approx. 6 feet
*The target range depends somewhat on the size of your TV.

Adjusting the TV screen
*The TV screen must have its contrast and brightness adjusted properly for
this game. If not, shots may not hit the targets.

Starting game with the Zapper
*When Zapper is fired, the game starts.
This game proceeds to the right with the main character, Mr. Stevenson,
automatically running towards the goal within a limited time. The course is
divided into phases: City, Sky, Sea, Jungle. Near the end of each phase, 
there is a diamond that has to be picked up by Mr. Stevenson. While 
collecting all the diamonds, Mr. Stevenson must face many obstacles. 
Whether or not he can make it to the hideout to save his only daughter, 
Jennifer, depends on your sharp wit and lightning reflexes.

The game starts from the beginning of each phases. If Mr. Stevenson is 
"done in" by one of the enemy half way through a phases while he has extra 
lives left, he does not have to go all the way back to the beginning.

When the play starts, the clock in the upper left corner of the screen 
starts the count down. If the clock reaches 0:00, time has run out and you 
lose 1 life.

There is one diamond in each phase except in phases 4 which has 2. Unless 
all 5 diamonds are picked-up, you will not be able to enter King Dom's 
hide-out and rescue Jennifer.

Use the Zapper to shoot down all the obstacles that come flying toward 
Stevenson. Shoot at Stevenson to make him jump to avoid getting hit by the
By making Stevenson pop the ballons, you can increase your number of 
NOTE: When you run out of bullets, you can continue to make Stevenson jump
but you will not be able to shoot down the obstacles.

Stevenson can become energized when he catches Bonus Characters which 
sometimes appear when Lucky birds are shot down with the Zapper.

*When Stevenson runs into an obstacle or obstacles hit or fall on him.
*When Stevenson disappears below the screen by falling into a hole in the
ground or falling down in between the buildings.
*When the clock counts down to zero.
*If Stevenson hits an obstacle when energized, it may or may not become a
*The game ends when all Stevensons are lost.

Fire the Zapper while the "Game Over" screen is displayed to restart the 
game on the last phase attempted.

Lucky Bird - If Stevenson bumps into it, it becomes a miss. Can be 
destroyed with one shot, sometimes making a Bonus Character appear.

Power Drink- One of the Bonus Characters that Lucky Bird produces. When 
Stevenson drinks this, he is energized until he hits an obstacle.

Helmet- One of the Bonus Characters that Lucky bird produces. When 
Stevenson wears this, it increases his power of resistance against Falling 
Rocks and Time Bomb attacks.

Super Shoes- One of the Bonus Characters that Lucky Bird produces. When
Steveson wears these, he cannot be harmed by the skulls.

Roast Chicken- Sometimes this appears when Lucky Bird is shot down. When 
Stevenson eats this, points are earned... 200 PTS.

Can be destroyed with one shot... 200 PTS.

Falling Rock- Can be destroyed with one shot... 200 PTS 

Explosives- When hit with the Zapper, balls of fire scatter and if any of 
the pieces should hit Stevenson, you lose 1 life. Can be destroyed with one
shot ... 2,000 PTS

Time Bomb- Can be safety destroyed with one shot, but if it is allowed to 
explode on its own, dangerous fire balls will scatter... 500 PTS

Crow- Can be destroyed with one shot. When Fluffy Bird and Crow are shot, 
they become roast chicken... 200 PTS

Fluffy Bird- Can be destroyed with one shot... 200 PTS

Shark- Can be destroyed with two shots. First shot turns it into 
bone... 500 PTS

Jelly Fish- Can be destroyed with one shot... 200 PTS

Killer Fish- Can be destroyed with one shot... 200 PTS

Sea Urchin- Can be destroyed with one shot but more will come from the same
location... 300 PTS

Flying Fish- Can be destroyed with one shot... 300 PTS

Airplane- Can be destroyed with one shot. Watch the high spped attack from 
behind... 300 PTS

Gang Car- Can be destroyed with one shot but be careful. It comes from the
back at full speed. Sometimes it even comes down from above... 300 PTS

Zulie- This jungle moster has swallowed the last Black panther Diamond.
Unless Stevenson destroys this monster, he cannot save Jennifer. Zulie 
cannot be destroyed with the Zapper. Zulie blows flames from his mouth. 
Flames can be extinguished with the Zapper. The only way to destroy Zulie 
is for Stevenson to repeatedly shoot him in the eyes with his machine gun.

Black Panther- The only hope to save Jennifer is to collect the five huge
Black Panther Diamonds and delivery them to King Dom's hide-out.

Ballons- If Stevenson pops them, the player's number of bullet increases. 
If all the baloons in one phrase are popped, 1 Stevenson is added... 
200 PTS

Jennifer-Stevenson's beloved daughter who has been kidnapped by King Dom.

Skull- One of the obstacles in the pathway to KING DOM. If touched, it
becomes a miss. Has glowing red face... 200 PTS

Alligator- If Stevenson falls into lake, it will attack him. With 10 
directs hits, it can be destroyed... 2,000 PTS  

Armadillo- When it is round, the Zapper has no effect. You can destroy it 
with one shot when it is in a standing position... 300 PTS

Rhinoceros- Cannot be destroyed.

Giant Grasshopper- can be destroyed with one shot... 300 PTS
  is a diamond

| 12.00 | Hogan's Alley                                                   |
|       |  Publisher: Nintendo                                            |
|       |  Release:   October, 1985                                       |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 12.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

Shoot cardboard cutouts until you crack! This game doesn't ever end, much 
like Duck Hunt. In Game A, three cardboard cutouts come out sideways 
quickly face you and you must shoot the gang members and not the innocents.
In Game B, you scroll around an urban area where the cutouts come out of 
windows, doors, and from behind fences, etc. You must shoot the gang 
members and not the innocents. In Game C you keep tin cans from falling to 
the ground by shooting them, and ultimately land them on platforms on the 
other side of the screen, the lower the platform, the higher the points.

   | 12.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

IAEKOIAP   5 misses allowed--Game A
AZEKOIAP   20 misses allowed--Game A
AAOGETPA   Infinite misses allowed--all games
ZAOGETPA   Each miss counts as 2--all games

   | 12.03 | Manual                                                       |

Hogan's Alley
Instruction Booklet
Light Gun series


Object of the game/game description

Do you have what it takes to be an agent?

Test your skills, using the Zapper, in Hogan's Alley. There are three 
quick-draw games to choose from: First, practice making split second 
identification of the gangsters in a line-up. Next, move into the streets 
where enemy targets can pop up from anywhere, then show 'em your stuff in 
the Trick Shoot, a rapid fire round for only the toughest G-men.


Names of controller parts and operating instructions

Controller 1 - for START/SELECT
Control pad - not used.
A button - not used.
B button - not used.

SELECT button
When this button is pressed, the arrow (->) on the screen moves. Line up 
the arrow with the game you wish to play.
START button
Press this button to begin. Starting is also possible with the Zapper.

If you wish to interrupt play in the middle of a game, press the START 
button. The pause tone will sound, and the game will stop. Press the START 
button again when you wish to continue play. The game will continue from 
where you left off.

* The TOP SCORE will disappear if the reset switch is pressed or the power
  switch is turned off.


Operating the Zapper

Target range: approx. 6 feet
* The target range depends somewhat on the size of your TV.

Adjusting the TV screen
* The TV screen must have its contrast and brightness adjusted properly for
  this game. If not, shots may not hit their targets.

Selecting and starting games with the Zapper
* Point the Zapper away from the screen with the game menu displayed, and
  shoot. The arrow (->) will move.
* Line up the arrow (->) with the game you wish to play, and then shoot
  directly at the screen. The game you selected will start.
  The game menu is replaced by a game demonstration sequence after a set 
  period of time. If this happens, shoot the Zapper to bring back the title
  screen, and then make your selection.
* Some TVs may not be adjusted properly for this game. Please adjust the 
  picture controls if the game doesn't start when the Zapper is fired at 
  the screen.


How to play

The people who appear on the panels in Game A and Game B are introduced in 
the demonstration sequence.

Three of the flashing panels are gangsters - shoot them as quickly as you 
can. The other panels are of a lady, a professor and a policeman - people 
you must not shoot.

Gangster A - 500 pts.
Gangster B - 1000 pts.
Gangster C - 2000 pts.


Game A (Hogan's Alley A):

Find the gangster from among the panels, and shoot him.
* Three panels will appear facing sideways.
* All three panels will turn toward the front at the same time. Find the 
  gangster, and shoot him.
* If the panel is hit just right, it will turn around. 
* If you shoot anyone other than a gangster, the panel you shoot will 
  flash, and you will be penalized with a MISS.
* You will also be penalized with a MISS if you fail to shoot a gangster 
  that has appeared.
* The display on the top of the screen indicates the number of the seconds 
  that the panels face forward.
* The people drawn on the panels (gangsters, the lady, the professor and 
  the policeman) and their positions change continuously, calling for quick
* As you advance to later levels, the display time (seconds) for the panels
  shortens, and so the difficulty increases.


Game B (Hogan's Alley B):

Find the gangsters from among the panels that appear in the windows of the
buildings or from out of the shadows, and shoot them.
* This game is played in the same way as Game A; shoot only the panels that
  have gangsters drawn on them.
* Five panels will appear in the windows or out of the shadows in each scene;
  however, their positions and the order in which they appear vary.
* The scene will change five times. If there are no MISSES, five panels 
  will appear in each scene. Five scenes (composed of 25 panels) makes up 
  one round.
* As the rounds progress, the panels will move more quickly and will face
  forward for shorter periods of time, making play more difficult.


Game C (Trick Shooting):

Shoot the cans as they are thrown, keeping them in the air and guiding them
onto the platforms at the left.
* Cans are thrown in from the right side of the screen, so shoot!
* If you hit a can, it will fly up.
* Keep shooting at the cans to keep them in the air, and guide them onto 
  the platforms at the left.
* The points for each platform are displayed at the platform. The points 
  will flash, and be added to your score whenever you get a can onto one of
  the platforms.
* You are penalized a MISS if a can falls to the bottom of the screen 
  before reaching a platform.
* You can avoid MISSES by placing cans on the safety platform, but you 
  won't get a very high score.
* Five cans will be thrown out for each round. They will be thrown from 
  various directions.
* The cans move faster with each round.



Games A and B:
The points you receive depend on which gangster panel you hit.
Game C:
The points shown at the platform where you lannd the can are added to your

Ending the games

Game A:
The game will end when you have been penalized with more than 10 MISSES.
Games B and C:
The game will end when you have been penalized with more than 10 MISSES, 
even if you are in the middle of a round.

| 13.00 | Laser Invasion                                                  |
|       |  Publisher: Konami                                              |
|       |  Release:   19??                                                |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 13.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

This is 3 types of games in 1.  It is very similiar to Bayou Billy in that 
Type of controllers needed: Control Pad.
Alternate: Zapper, LaserScope

1st type: You pilot a helicopter through the stage, fighting off planes and
other helis, while trying to land on the bases, or trying to get to the 
Before you start the stage, you have to make 2 choices:
1) type of missile you're using
2) type of secondary support.  This can be a refuel tank, or a "cloaking" 
 system designed to fool missiles not to hit you.
On the screen, you see a map, your weapons status, and secondary item 
status. One thing to note is that the game plays like Top Gun in that a 
single missile will kill you, while you have a status bar that goes down 
when you get hit with machine gun fire. You can use the Zapper to fire off 
missiles and use the 2nd item.  The control pad is required as you have to 
fly the copter with it.  A is to fire machine gun, B is to fire either 
missile, or 2nd weapon. Select chooses between each. Start I believe does 
the acceleration (the control is a bit fuzzy in my mind). Control pad 
dives, climbs, turns left and right. The LaserScope apparently does it 
rapid fire. Odd. When you try to land, the screen shifts to a landing pad, 
where you have to land within the center.  Follow the ever growing circle. 
Hint: climb and dive when appropriate.  There are 2 types of places to 
land. One is an enemy base, the other is a refueling dock. I don't remember
the icons on the map, though. Also, when you land to refuel, you get to 
"rechoose" your weapons.

The 2nd type of game is similiar to that of Operation Wolf. You move to the
right, and you attack the running guards trying to kill you.  You can get 
bullet icons, and first aid icons.  You need them very badly though because 
this part tends to be very unbalanced.

The 3rd type is somewhat of a hybrid.  You're in a building, and you walk 
around in a 3-d view.  Control Pad goes forward, backward, turns left and 
right.  I believe a opens the door.  At times you will be ambushed.  At 
that point, the music will change, and you will be attacked by guards.  You
can retreat by hitting down or a button repeatedly (this is handy if you 
have no gun or bullets).

There are 4 stages in this game.

Stage 1: think of it as an introduction.  Basically fly to the base, 
landing when necessary, and fight off the 1st boss, another helicopter. 
Blast it, and you will then land on a base.  fight off the troops, then go 
inside the building.  Free Spider, the hostage, who will tell you the base 
will blow up soon.  So head for the exit quickly, while fighting off 

Stage 2: Fly around, land on a base to get captured. Free yourself *by 
finding your gun, and I think plans*, then you will be fighting in a 
canyon.  Slow down at times because of the gates. (yes you die if you crash
into them).  Then fight the land tank boss.

Stage 3: Just flying.  The boss is a cargo plane that launches satelites. 
It also rams you I believe from behind.

Stage 4: Land on 3 bases, get the dragonfly missiles (that basically 
encases the whole damn cockpit screen) and invade the base.  That's all I 
know, as I can't get past it.

   | 13.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |


9 Fighters: On the Options Screen, move the cursor to PLAYERS 3. Press 
3R, 3A, 3R, 3A. Now, press the combination of R then A eighteen times 
( R A R A etc.). Now, press 3R. A tone will sound and 9 will appear next 

| 14.00 | Lone Ranger                                                     |
|       |  Publisher: Konami                                              |
|       |  Release:   1991                                                |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 14.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

Its funny that Konami licenced the Lone Ranger for a NES game, seeing how 
old the series is.. Lone Ranger is several different games in one, but 
unlike Bayou Billy, the Lone Ranger is fun. There are three different 
views: top, side, and 3D. Top view is used in towns and some gun-fighting 
sequences. Side view is used for action only sequences. And "3D" you use 
for shooting, and this is where the Zapper comes into play. Sometimes you 
can move around in 3D. But during mini-games like shooting cans for cash, 
your view is fixed.

   | 14.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |


Level Select :
Enter this password: 0810 7830 3251 2 
(Leave the last 3 spaces blank)
You will be able to select the level you start on. You will also have a lot
of extras ($9999, 50 rounds, etc)



Game Genie

KEY IN                EFFECT
NNKNTIGV              Start with 255 dollars
GZSZNATG + GZSXOATT   Don't lose money when shooting bystanders
                      (but still lose energy)
AASXUAPA              Infinite rounds
IEUZTNZA              Cheaper silver bullets
ZEUZIYIA              Cheaper standard bullets
ZESYTIIE              Start with 10 silver bullet rounds
YESYTIIE              Start with 15 silver bullet rounds
YESYZSZE              Start with 15 standard bullet rounds
TOSYZSZE              Start with 30 standard bullet rounds
GZKKYPSA              Infinite energy--side views only

   | 14.03 | Manual                                                       |

How to play The Lone Ranger


Justice - western style

Back in the early days of the western frontier there was a law enforcement
agency known as the Texas Rangers. They were headquartered in Abilene, 
Texas. The leader was a man by the name of Dan Reid, and second-in-command 
was none other than Dan's son, John. Their fighting forcers were trained 
strictly by the book, and every action they took followed the letter of the
law. Sometimes John got into trouble with his father for following his 
youthful, independent sense of justice, and he frequently bore the brunt of
the leader's anger.

Around the same time, Butch Cavendish was in a gang of bank robbers with 
his father. In a shoot-out with the Texas Rangers, Butch's father fell 
victim to a Ranger bullet. Since that time, Butch held a terrible grudge 
against the Rangers. One day Butch and his outlaw forces set up an ambush 
to destroy the Texas Rangers.

As a result of the ambush, Dan Reid was fatally wounded, and the Ranger 
forces were dealt a lethal blow. Butch and his gang rode off, believing 
there were no survivors, but John Reid was still breathing. An Indian named
Tonto found John and cared for him until he regained his strength.

Tonto became John's partner and protector - he taught the young man about 
enemy deceptions, how to hide while approaching animals or humans, how to 
fight bare-handed, and other Indian survival techniques.

John decided to put his new skills to work. The first order of business was
to fool Butch Cavendish into thinking John was dead. John had a tomstone 
erected for himself next to the others who were victims of the ambush. 
Then, taking the vest which his father wore when he was killed, John made a
mask, discarded all the rules he had adhered to as a Texas Ranger, and set 
down his own law. He vowed to take revenge on Cavendish and all the other 
outlaws. He became a masked rider - The Lone Ranger.

John, now The Lone Ranger, and Tonto have received news of Butch's latest
caper. The word is that Butch and his outlaws have kidnapped the President 
of the United States. No one is sure what Butch will demand for the 
President's safe return, but for The Lone Ranger, any demand is beyond 
reason. Along with Tonto, The Lone Ranger heads out on a quest to rescue 
the President and take personal revenge on Butch Cavendish. Hi-yo, Silver!


Get Ready To Saddle Up

There are a few things you should know to begin the game:
- Insert the game cartridge into the game unit and press the POWER button.
- On the title screen, choose "Start" or "Password" with the SELECT button,
  then press the START button to enter your choice.
- If you choose "Start", a screen appears asking you whether or not you 
  want to use the ZAPPER(tm) or Konami's LaserScope(tm), which works well 
  with this game. Press the control pad or SELECT button to choose, then 
  the A button to enter your choice. The opening narration will appear, 
  after which the game begins.

Keep Your Smoke Signals Straight (Using The Password)

If you select "Password" then the password entry screen appears. (As you 
progress through the game, your faithful companion Tonto will provide the 
passwords needed to bypass the areas which you have successfully 
completed.) Use the control pad to move to the letters in your password, 
then press the A button to enter your choice. To back space, press the B 
button or use the arrows on the grid by pressing the A button. When you are
finished, move the cursor to "OK" and press the A button. If the password 
is incorrect by even one letter, the game will not begin.

About Your Mission, Kemosabe

You must ride through the western frontier, hot on the trail of your arch-
enemy, Butch Cavendish. Your mission will take you through eight separate 
areas of the large map that Tonto has provided. In each area, you will 
explore towns, caves, Indian reservations, abandoned railroad cars and 
other areas of importance (and danger). A special event takes place in each
area, and you must solve the problem or resolve the situation in order to 
progress. (In some areas a special "Sheriff's Badge" will appear to reveal 
a secret location when you have uncovered enough information.)


Gather Information Along The Way
Luckily, your faithful Indian companion, Tonto, will be nearby to offer 
scouting reports. Listen to Tonto's reports and visit with the townspeople.
Sometimes citizens have nothing to report right away. Don't hesitate to 
revisit a location to see if new information is available.

Dealing With The Townsfolk
There are a lot of outlaws roaming through the Old West. Just remember that
you are fighting for justice, and shooting innocent women is frowned upon, 
not to mention hazardous to your health...

A View From The Top... And Side... And...
During your travels, the game will offer top-down views, 2 dimensional 
horizontal scrolling screens, and simulated 3-D screens. Sometimes you'll 
stroll through a town and talk to innocent bystanders, other times you'll 
ride through the mountains trying to escape an Indian ambush. You may even 
be searching a cave or building and get surrounded by outlaws hurling 
knives and TNT at you. The controller, LaserScope and Zapper work 
differently in each mode. The following guide will be critical to your 
understanding of the game, and in helping you dodge bullets!

Seek Medical Attention Often
The Lone Ranger is human, not some superhero in tights and a cape. He has 
one life, so take care of it. You'll find a doctor in many of the towns who
can patch you up (for a small fee, of course).

The Rewards Of Fighting Justice
When you gun down an enemy, you may see a coin, bullets, or a heart appear.
Touch these symbols to increase your wealth, ammunition and health. If you
are in a 3-D view, you have to shoot the symbols to earn the bonus.


Control Yourself, Paleface

This game provides you with many views of the Lone Ranger's world. There 
are some differences in how the controller works, depending on which type 
of view you see on the screen.

The SELECT button is used to enter your choice on the "Continue/End" 
screen, and to select your choice of weapons (fist, bullets, silver bullets
or dynamite). The START button is used to pause the game.

Large Overhead Map (4 directions)
Control Pad: Moves character in 4 directions
B button: Cancel dialogue lines
A button: Dialogue lines return during conversations with Tonto and others.

Top-down views: Towns, villages, etc.
Control Pad: Moves character and aims gun in 8 directions
B button: Shoot, punch, throw dynamite
A button: Pick up enemy's dynamite, start dialogue with townspeople

2-D Side View: Caves, buildings, etc.
Control Pad: Moves character (left/right)
B button: Shoot (except for straight down)
A button: Jump up (press simultaneously with down direction on the control 
  pad to descend)

3-D (controller only)
Control Pad: Moves character in 4 directions. To change directions when
  fighting, hold in the shooting direction and press the A button; also 
  controls cursor movement for target shooting
B button: Shoot
A button: Only used during a fight - used with control pad to change

3-D (with Zapper or LaserScope)
Control Pad: Moves character in 4 directions (you cannot move forward when
  shooting); use Zapper or LaserScope to shoot targets
B button: Not Active
A button: Not Active

Gunsmith Shop, Doctor, etc.
Control Pad: Cursor movement (up/down)
B button: Cancel
A button: Dialogue line advance; confirm entry


An overview of the Old West

[screen shot]

Enemy - These banditos and outlaws take many forms. The only thing you can 
be sure of is that the ladies you meet aren't packing shootin' irons. 
Anyone else is fair game.

Player - This is the Lone Ranger as you see him in the top-down and 2-D 
modes. (In the 3-D you don't see the Lone Ranger - you see the world 
through his eyes!)

Life Gauge - The twelve bar meter will reflect your strength. When it gets
low, you'd better start looking for a doctor.

Money Level - Nothing's free in the Old West, even for The Lone Ranger.

Radar - In the 3-D mode this will flash red to warn you of enemy attacks.

Weapons - A symbol appears to show if you are using fists, standard 
bullets, silver bullets or TNT. The number above indicates the quantity you
have left. A letter S, M or L next to the number indicates if your gun is 
Short, Medium or Long range.

Gun Cylinder - this shows you how many bullets are left in the chamber. 
Each cylinder holds six shots. Remember that you will fire a blank before a
new cylinder is loaded.

Compass - In 3-D indoor mode this will show which direction you are facing.
The letters E, W, N and S will appear as guides.


The Legendary Silver Bullet...

The Lone Ranger has three weapons at his disposal: fists, a gun, and 
dynamite (TNT). When you start the game, you will have a short range pistol
and a supply of standard bullets, as well as some silver bullets. Here's a 
few things to note before you get into a shoot-out with some ornery 

- That's a six-shooter you're packing, and after firing six shots, you'll 
  have to reload. Therefore, every seventh shot is a blank, then you'll 
  have a fresh clip, if you have any left. The most you can have is 50 
  clips (300 shots) of standard bullets and 50 clips of silver bullets.

- Many of the towns you visit will have a Gunsmith's shop. There you can 
  purchase more bullets, or TNT. In some towns you may even buy a medium or
  long range gun to improve your odds in a gunfight.

- The silver bullets cost more and they pack more punch. A standard bullet
  stops at its target, but a silver bullet can pass clean through a victim 
  and keep on going.

- That TNT can be handy for getting rid of an enemy who's out of your line 
  of fire. Try tossing a stick of dynamite at a sniper behind a stack of 
  crates - he'll get a bang out of it. (You can carry ten sticks at a time,
  so use them carefully, and restock your supply often.)

- Not only can you throw your own TNT, but you can pick up sticks that were
  thrown at you. Press the A button to pick up dynamite and the B button to
  throw it.

- Remember, you can't throw TNT or punch a bandit in the 3-D mode, so make
  sure your bullet supply doesn't get too low.


White Hats and Black Hats

It might help to know who's on your side and what kind of help you can earn
along the way.

Lone Ranger
Friendly Townsperson

Charlie Potsko
This gol-danged varmint's one of the meanest bank robbers west of the Ol' 
Miss. You'll meet him in area 3.

Juaquin Fingers
He and his cousins are very sharp. They'll see that you get the point of 
their attacks. Watch for them everywhere!

Narapmino Indians
The warriors of this fierce and proud tribe have been deceived and misled 
by many white men. They will treat you will if you first earn their 
respect. You'll do that in area 5.

Cavendish's Cohorts
Butch's boys are packin' iron and they're not afraid to use it. You'll have
to rid the West of this scum before you save the President.

Health Bonus
Money Bonus

| 15.00 | Mechanized Attack                                               |
|       |  Publisher: SNK                                                 |
|       |  Release:   1990                                                |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 15.01 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN                           EFFECT
SXUNPEVK                         Infinite lives
EZOKIAXZ + PAOKTAAA + KANKPEVE   Start with only 1 life
EZOKIAXZ + TAOKTAAA + KANKPEVE   Start with 6 lives
EZOKIAXZ + PAOKTAAE + KANKPEVE   Start with 9 lives
AEVOAPLA                         Reduce damage by half
EZOKIAXZ + AAOKTAAA + KANKTEVE   Start with only 1 magazine
EZOKIAXZ + YAOKTAAA + KANKTEVE   Start with 8 magazines
GPONAOAZ + GPEYLEAZ              Magazine holds only half normal amount of
                                  bullets after first magazine used
EZOKIAXZ + PAOKTAAA + KEEGZEVE   Start with only 1 grenade
EZOKIAXZ + AAOKTAAE + KEEGZEVE   Start with 8 grenades
SZUNTOVK                         Infinite grenades
SZEYIOVK                         Infinite bullets

| 16.00 | Operation Wolf                                                  |
|       |  Publisher: Taito                                               |
|       |  Release:   March, 1989                                         |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 16.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

A watered down port of the popular arcade game. Evil army men run across 
the screen shooting and throwing grenades. Shoot Shoot Shoot *boom* (thats 
as complex as it gets. The main difference from the arcade (other than the 
piss-poor graphics), is the gun is single shot instead of rapid fire. This 
makes it extremeley hard to hit anything. Of course, if you play with the 
controller instead of the Zapper, the rapid fire works fine. An OK game, if
you don't use the Zapper.

   | 16.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN                EFFECT
IEVUNSPA              Infinite continues
AESSLZTL              Never die
PESZIGAA              Start on mission 2
ZESZIGAA              Start on mission 3
LESZIGAA              Start on mission 4
GESZIGAA              Start on mission 5
IESZIGAA              Start on mission 6
AAVSIIPA              Infinite magazines
AAEIATPA              Infinite grenades
PEVKVYYE + PAVSIIIE   Increase magazines
PENGXYIE + PAVSIILE   Increase grenades
GANIYIZA              Double bullets in each magazine
NNESZALE              Heal completely between levels
GANULZZA              Grenades inflict double damage
ZAELGPIE              Super power drinks

   | 16.03 | Manual                                                       |

Operation WOLF (from Taito)

[How to Operate]

        "A" Button       Fires machine gun.
        "B" Button       Launches grenade.
        Arrow Keys       Moves gunsight.

            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  
                  ¯¯¯         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯       Nintendo        
                              SELECT  START                         
              ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯      B       A        
               <   O   >      ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯¯      
              ¯¯¯     ¯¯¯                                            
                             ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯¯¯   ¯¯¯¯¯      
                  ¯¯¯         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                       
            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  

Start Button
        - Press the START button to begin the game.

Gunsight Control Selection
        - Press the SELECT button to choose gunsight speed.
        - Press the START button to continue.

Light Gun
 Plug CONTROLLER ONE into Port 1 and the LIGHT GUN into Port 2 before 
turning on the NES deck.

        Trigger                  Fires machine gun.
        Trigger + "B" Button     Launches Grenade.

  |               \____________________________________________________/-|_
 /__________________ \\ \\ \\                                             |
/  O              O \_\\_\\_\\____________________                        |
\                                       _______O_/------------------------|
 \__________________          _________/
    |               \--/-----/
     \         /\   /  \
      \      /   \ /____\
       |   /     //
      /  /      //
     / /       //
    //        //                   Light Gun
   //        //

Start Button
        - Pull the TRIGGER to start the game.

Pause Function (Controller & Light Gun)
        - Press the START button to pause the game.
        - Press the START button to resume play.

[How to Operate]

   Operation Wolf has four levels.  Each level consists of six missions 
which are displayed on the Operations Screen.  You must accomplish the 
mission objective and reduce all enemy forces to zero strength to advance 
to the next mission.  The level is completed when you escape from the 
airport with the prisoners.  Each level becomes faster and harder to 
complete as you progress.

   When you are hit by the enemy, your level of injury increases.  If the
injury indicator at the bottom of the screen becomes completely red, your
injury level has reached the critical point and the game ends.  You can 
reduce your injury level by getting power drinks.

   Increase your weapons supply by collecting extra grenades and bullet
magazines.  You'll need everything you can get!

The player's current status is displayed below the game screen.

        - Time for FREE bullets.
        - Number of magazines remaining.
        - Number of bullets remaining in current cartridge.
        - Number of grenades.
        - Number of prisoners rescued.
        - Number of enemies.
        - Number of helicopters.
        - Number of gunboats (in jungle mission).
        - Number of armored cars.
        - Current level of injury.

Your injury level increases if they are hit.

In the PRISON CAMP and AIRPORT missions, a prisoner is rescued when he 
crosses the screen from the right side to the left side.  The number of 
prisoners rescued at the prison camp will appear at the airport.


Watch out for general!  He's holding a woman prisoner.  The player should 
aim at the general and not harm the prisoner or else the level of injury

Before you can escape from the airport, you must down the terrorist's HIND
helicopter gunship!

10,000 points are awarded for every mission completed.
10,000 points are awarded for successfully rescuing the prisoners.

Motorcycle Soldier   General   HIND Helicopter
150 pts.             5000 pts. 7000 pts.

Armored Car   Helicopter   Gun Boat
1000pts.      2000 pts.    1000 pts.

Field Soldier   Armored Soldier   Guerilla Soldier   Knife Soldier
50-100 pts.     200 pts.          200 pts.           300 pts.

[Bonus Items]

Hit these targets to provide extra weapons and medical supplies.

Vulture = Extra bullet magazines.
Pig = Extra bullet magazines.
Magazines = Contains 20 bullets.
Dynamite = Blows up enemies on screen.
Power Drink = Reduces level of injury.
FREE = Free rapid fire for 10 seconds.
Chicken = Extra grenades.
Grenade = Extra fire power.

[Mission Screens]

After completing the airport mission, the president gives a speech.
The type of speech he give depends on how many prisoners are rescued.

# of Prisoners   Tone of Speech   Bonus Points

       0             Angry           60,000
       1            Unhappy          70,000
       2             Happy           80,000
       3             Happy           90,000
       4          Very Happy        100,000
       5          Very Happy        110,000

The game will end if you complete the prison camp mission without rescuing 
any prisoners.

This screen appears when the current game is over.  It indicates how far 
the player progressed and the level of accuracy.

The player can continue the current game once per mission.
There is NO continue option in the prison camp or airport misions.

        - Press the "A" button to continue.
        - Press the TRIGGER for the light gun.
        - Press the "B" button to end the game.

[Hints and Tips]

  Don't fire constantly - preserve your ammunition.

  Pick up extra weapon supplies for maximum fire power.

  Don't hit civilians.

  Fire at the knife soldier before he gets the prisoner.

  Armored cars, gunboats and helicopters inflict the most damage.
  Aim at them first.

  Press the "A" button to speed up the screen that appear before and after
  each mission.

| 17.00 | Shooting Range                                                  |
|       |  Publisher: Bandai                                              |
|       |  Release:   July, 1989                                          |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 17.01 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN                           EFFECT
ASUAIVAZ + ASXOVXAZ + SXVONOOU   Double usual shots per round
ASUAIVAZ + ANXOVXAX + SXVONOOU   Triple usual shots per round
ASUAIVAZ + EXXOVXAZ + SXVONOOU   Quadruple usual shots per round
GEKAILLA + GAEETTLA              More time for level 1
ZEKAILLA + ZAEETTLA              Less time for level 1 
GAOAATZA + AAOAPTZL              More time for level 2
PAOAATZA + ZLOAPTZL              Less time for level 2
GAOAZTZA + ZLOALTAA              More time for level 3
PAOAZTZA + AAOALTAA              Less time for level 3
GTEPOAZL                         Double bonus time for hourglasses
PPEPOAZU                         Half bonus time for hourglasses

| 18.00 | To The Earth                                                    |
|       |  Publisher: Nintendo                                            |
|       |  Release:   April, 1990                                         |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 18.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

"Earth is in your hands. Save it!" Says the intro. Well I'm sorry, Earth 
is doomed because I can't hit a damn thing! Ships zoom from the center of 
the screen outwards to the edge (3D effect) really fast and you must shoot 
them. Except it is near impossible! Add that with the fact they shoot 
really fast, really hard to hit missles and you're done for! Even standing 
close to the screen doesn't help! Even with a mouse in an emulator doesn't 
help! Its hopeless.

   | 18.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie
AAEUXTGA   Your shots use up no energy
ZAEUXTGA   Your shots use up less energy
AAEUXTGE   Your shots use up more energy
AEUVEYGP   Enemy bombs do no damage
AEUVEYGO   Enemy bombs do half damage
AXUVEYGO   Enemy bombs do more damage
GOEUEVZA   Bonus energy for shooting enemy
GEEUEVZA   Less energy for shooting enemy
AEEUEVZA   No energy for shooting enemy

| 19.00 | Track and Field 2                                               |
|       |  Publisher: Konami                                              |
|       |  Release:   February, 1989                                      |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Optional                                     |

   | 19.01 | Help                                                         |
Could anyone confirm that this is a Zapper game. I've heard that the Zapper
section exists as a bonus game. I REALLY suck at T&F type games so I am 
unable to even make it to the end of the first day so I cannot confirm.

   | 19.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |


| Country   |   Day 2   |   Day 3   |   Day 4   |  Finals   |
| USA       | 1GG36VR54 | HGG3KURN2 | 1GG36URN4 | 1SS3KVJ5C |
| Korea     | MLGF6VRIC | MDS3KURYC | MDS36URIC | 4DG3KVJY4 |
| W.Germany | NDS36VR24 | 5DG3KUR22 | NLG36URTC | NDG3KVJTA |


Start swinging and make sure your power meter is really low - either even 
with the "o" in "power" or lower. make your angle 80 degrees. if you did it
right, the hammer will go a really short distance but you'll be recorded as
going 92.04 meters.

| 20.00 | Wild Gunman                                                     |
|       |  Publisher: Nintendo                                            |
|       |  Release:   October, 1985                                       |
|       |  Control:   Zapper Required                                     |

   | 20.01 | Synopsis                                                     |

Wild Gunman is another first generation NES/Zapper game and like all the 
others, it has three gaming modes. In Game A, you gun duel a series of 
gunmen who get increasingly harder, you must shoot them before they shoot 
you and only after they yell "FIRE!" (cool sound effect). If you manage to 
shoot them they have a thought bubble coming out of them saying "YOU WON!!"
(which is strange, because they do this even if you shoot them between the 
eyes). In Game B, you must do the same as Game A, but with 2 gunmen instead
of one. In Game C, the gunmen come out of saloon doors and windows and you 
must shoot them.

   | 20.02 | Tips, Tricks, and Codes                                      |

Game Genie

KEY IN                EFFECT
GZOGVYVG              Infinite lives
YEUISPLE + PENGVALA   Start with 1 life
ZEUISPLE + ZENGVALE   Start with 10 lives
YEUISPLE + YENGVALE   Start with 15 lives
GZNIPAVG              Infinite bullets
AXVIEOYA              Start with double normal bullets
AUVIEOYA              Start with triple normal bullets
AEVIEOYE              Start with half normal bullets
IENSUOZA + IEUSSUZA   Shoot 5 baddies to finish level

   | 20.03 | Manual                                                       |


Instruction booklet
Mode d'emploi

(picture of the light gun)
Light Gun series
Serie pistolet a rayons

Look for this seal on all software and accessories for your Nintendo
Entertainment System.  It represents Nintendo's commitment to bringing you
only the highest quality products.  Items not carrying this seal have not
been approved by Nintendo, and do not meet our standards of excellence in
workmanship, reliability and most of all, entertainment value.
(picture of "This seal is your assurance that NINTENDO has approved the
 quality of this product").


Thank you for selecting the Nintendo Entertainment System Wild Gunman Pak.
This game requires the Zapper, Light Gun Attachment.

Object of the game/Game description.
Put yourself in the middle of a western showdown.  Armed with the Zapper, 
it takes a quick hand and dead-eye to earn your reward.  Draw against the 
most wanted outlaws in the West.  Then, if you're brave enough, take on the
whole gang at once!

Please read this instruction booklet to ensure proper handling of your new
game, and then save the booklet for future reference.


 1) This is a high precision game.  It should not be stored in places that 
    are very hot or cold.  Never hit or drop it. Do not take it apart.
 2) Avoid touching the connectors, do not get them wet or dirty.  Doing so 
    may damage the game.
 3) Do not clean with benzene, paint thinner, alcohol or other such 
 4) Read the instruction booklet for the Zapper thoroughly.

Note: In the interest of product improvement, Nintendo Entertainment System
      specifications and design are subject to change without prior notice.
(C) 1986 Nintendo

PAGE 3 & 4

    |      |          ______
    |  TV  |---------/      \
    |      |        /   NES  \
    --------        -----------                                 Zapper
                    | _ _   ::|-Socket                 (no I'm not going to
                    -----------                       ascii-draw this one!)
                               Insert the Zapper's connector into the
                               Controller socket 2.

PAGE 5 & 6

Controller 1 used for START/SELECT
  Control Pad - not used.
  A button - not used.
  B button - not used.

  SELECT button
  When this button is pressed, the arrow ( -> ) on the screen moves.  Line 
  up the arrow with the game you wish to play.  Game selection is also 
  possible with the Zapper.

  START button
  Press this button to begin.  Starting is also possible with the Zapper.

  If you wish to interrupt play in the middle of a game, press the START
  button.  The pause tone will sound, and the game will stop.  Press the 
  START button again when you wish to continue play.  The game will 
  continue from where you left off.
  * The TOP SCORE will disappear if the reset switch is pressed or the 
    power switch is turned off.


Target range: approx. 6 feet
  * The target range depends somewhat on the size of your TV.

Adjusting the TV screen
  * The TV screen must have its contrast and brightness adjusted properly
    for this game.  If not, shots may not hit the targets.

Selecting and starting games with the Zapper
  * Point the Zapper away from the screen with the game menu displayed, and
    shoot.  The arrow ( -> ) will move.
  * Line up the arrow ( -> ) with the game you wish to play, and then shoot
    directly at the screen.  The game you selected will start.

(picture of a little boy holding the Zapper and pointing it at a TV)


Game A
In this game, you draw against a single gunman.
* When the gunman's eyes flash and he says "Fire," he'll draw his gun and
* The hit range is the entire TV screen.
* "You Won" is displayed when the gunman is beaten, "You Lost" is displayed
  when the gunman beats you.
* If you shoot before the gunman says "Fire", "Foul" appears on the screen 
  and you lose the wave.
* As the game proceeds, faster shooting gunmen appear (maximum speed 0.4

(picture of Game A screen)
Quickshooting time of the player (top right of the screen)
Shooting time of the gunman (under the player's Quickshooting time)
Score (middle bottom of the screen)
Wave number (beside the score and preceded with a "W:" mark)
Number of players left (under the Wave number & preceded with a gun icon)
Reward for the gunslinger (bottom right of the screen)

Game B
In this game you draw against two gunmen.  Play just like Game A, except 
that sometimes only one gunman will say "Fire."  When this happens, shoot 
only the gunman who says "Fire."

(picture of Game B screen)

Game C
Point the gun toward the screen and wait.  Then gunmen appear one after
another from the windows and door of the building.  Shoot them before they
shoot you.
* Beat 10 gunmen to clear a wave.
* You have 15 bullets.

(picture of Game C screen)
Number of bullets (bottom left corner of screen)
Score (bottom center of the screen)
Wave number (bottom right of the screen and beside a "W:" mark)
Number of players left (under Wave number and beside a Gun Icon)


Games A and B
1) The gunman says "Fire."  At the same time, his eyes flash and he draws 
   his gun.
2) Quickly draw your gun and shoot the gunman.
   * It is against the rules for a player to draw his gun before the gunman
3) The player loses if the gunman shoots first.
4) If you shoot & hit the gunman before he says "Fire," it is a "Foul" and 
   you lose.
   * It is also a "Foul" in Game B to shoot the gunman who did not say 
   "Fire" first.
5) The game ends after three losses.

Game C
1) Shoot 10 gunmen with 15 bullets.
   * Two gunmen may appear at the same time.
2) The player loses if a gunman shoots first, and the game ends after
   three losses.


Games A and B
When the gunman is beaten, the reward become the score.  In addition, bonus
points are awarded, depending on the number of seconds left after beating 
the gunman.  The quicker the win the higher the bonus.

Game C
After beating a gunman, the score is displayed.  These are added up as the
game proceeds.


(Picture of 5 criminals.)

PAGE 11 & 12
Warranty (not written)

PAGE 13 to 25
French version of the booklet (not written, peut-etre plus tard!)
                                            (maybe someday!)

| 21.00 | I Need Your Help!                                               |

If any information is wrong please correct me.

If you know ANYTHING related to the Zapper that is not here please email 
me. Any manuals/codes/release dates/games I'm missing/reviews from 

If you can write a synopsis for game I don't have one for (or if you can write 
a better, more detailed one), please send it to me.

Manuals for: Chiller, Freedom Force, Gotcha!, Laser Invasion, Mechanized 
Attack, Shooting Range, To The Earth, and Track and Field 2.

I would like to have some more information on different light guns for the 
NES. One being the "LaserScope" by Konami. Are there others?

If you know how the Zapper works (indicates a hit), email me.

I am also thinking of adding a section on the Japanese/European 
Zapper/Zapper games, but only if I can gather enough worthwhile and 
interesting information. If you know a bunch about Jap/Euro Zappers and 
games please contact me.

| 22.00 | Credits                                                         |

This FAQ is copyright 1999, 2000 Jason Lunsford (SpoonDog). You can 
distribute freely as long as it is not altered in any way, shape, or form. 
If you wish to include it on a web site, ask permission first. You may not 
sell it for profit.

Myself, SpoonDog (
 Compiling/writing everything

My Zapper (KA-PANG!)
 Sticking by me all these years...

Brandon Upp (
 Pointed out Track and Field 2 to me

Joey (
 Pointing out Gotcha! The Movie

Mantis Knight (
 Wrote synopsis for Laser Invasion, some info on Zapper quirks, brought a 
 few other details to my attention.

Martin Nielsen (
 Adventures of Bayou Billy manual

Mike Etler (
 For his comprehensive NES rarity list

Simon South (
 Barker Bill's Trick Shooting manual

Steve Begin (
 Baby Boomer & Wild Gunman manuals
 GumShoe manual

|tsr (
 Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, Lone Ranger manuals, and tons of other stuff I 
 probably ripped off his site (codes, etc.)

VmprHntrD (
 Operation Wolf Manual

Zerothis (
 Explanation of how the Zapper works.

Zapper manual by UNKNOWN.
 (If you know who typed this please e-mail me so I can give credit)

All games/titles are copyrighted/registered to their respective owners.
 (Don't sue me!!)
                            ---[END OF FILE]---