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Xenogears (e)

Xenogears Walkthrough/FAQ: Version 0:1
Produced by: Zentraedi Industries
Written By: Kyte Sun Smith
Version 0:1 finished on January 19, 1999

I'd like to start off by saying this is the first walkthrough and first 
FAQ I've ever done, so if you have any questions, comments, or 
suggestions please contact me at  

Table of Contents:
I. Character Information
II. Deathblow Skills
III. Character Abilities
IV. Walkthrough
V. Frequently Asked Questions
VI. Final Thoughts

I. Character Information
Fei Fong Wong: the main character of Xenogears, and like Cloud the 
Fruit in 7, he cannot be removed from the party except for certain 
parts of the game.  He is eighteen years old and he lives in the 
village of Lahan.  For the past three years he has lived a peaceful 
life in the backwater village.  Fei is an excellent martial artist and 
painter, two skills he doesn't know how he learned seeing as his memory 
is gone.  And as it turns out, he has quite a past.
Birthplace-Unknown (maybe Shevat?)
Weight-147 lbs.
Gear(s)-Weltall, Weltall II, Xenogears

Elhaym (Elly) Van Houten: a Solarian Gear pilot, associated with the 
special Gebler forces.  Also eighteen, Elly has quite a role to play in 
the games far off future.  Making an emergency landing outside Lahan, 
she blames herself for what happens next.  Meeting Fei after the 
incident in Lahan, she almost kills him, but she just doesn't have the 
guts.  This turns out to be for the better, not only for the two of 
Weight-101 lbs.

Citan Uzuki (the damn well coolest character in Xenogears!): the local 
doctor of Lahan, he makes his home on the mountaintop overshadowing the 
small village.  He is extremely intelligent, and surrounded in mystery.  
Time and again he saves Fei.  Citan is the second oldest character you 
can play at the age of twenty-nine and the only character with his 
entire family intact.  
Weight-150 lbs.
Gear(s)- Heimdal, Fenris (?)

Bartholomew (Bart) Fatima-the vengeful ex-prince of Aveh, and commander 
of the sand pirates and their cruiser Yggdrasil.  What surprised me is 
that this guy is only eighteen and he still commands all this stuff!  
Bart is a reckless and hotheaded young man that somehow manages to keep 
his ass alive.  However, his `shoot anything that moves' nature gets 
the team in trouble more than once.
Birthplace-Bledavik Castle
Weight-158 lbs.
Gear(s)-Brigandier, Andavari

Billy Lee Black-a seemingly lonely young boy, Billy can fend for 
himself when he needs to.  When he was a young boy, Billy's father left 
his mother, sister, and himself.  A little while later, Wels killed his 
mother while he and his sister Primera (Prim) hid.  Bishop Stone 
rescued the two just after their mother was killed by the Wels and in 
return Billy left with the bishop to become an Etone of the Ethos 
society.  But if Billy knew the true story about the Wels and the 
Birthplace-Aquavy Islands
Weight-130 lbs.

Ricardo (Rico) Banderas-the towering demi-human with a shrouded past 
that even he doesn't know about.  He was created through genetic 
experimentation, a cross breeding of a human and a beast.  All he does 
is battle in Nortune's Battling Arena and rule over D-Block.  But when 
he is finally defeated he doesn't know what he should do with himself, 
Weight-352 lbs.

Maria Balthasar-the granddaughter of the brilliant Balthasar 
disappeared from Solaris a few years ago.  Now she is the guardian of 
Shevat combating any force that comes near Shevat or Babel Tower's 
peak.  She constantly thinks of her father until she must use her 
Seibzehn to combat its sister Gear Achtzehn.  Although she herself is 
the weakest character in the game, her Gear can rock just about 

Chu-Chu-that annoying little pink fluff.
Birthplace-N/A (maybe Shevat?)
Height-Short, very short

Emerelda-named after her emerald colored hair, she is a very mysterious 
young girl.  When brought back to the Yggdrasil she calls Fei `Kim'.  
After trying to explain to the girl what his name is, Fei earns the 
name of `Fei's Kim'.  Her Gear, Crescens (?) is average, but her 
strength lies in her spells.  
Gender-Female (even though she is a colony of nanomachines)
Gear(s)-Crescens (?)

II. Deathblow Skills
Key-Triangle Button (weak attack), T
     Square Button (medium attack), S 
     X Button (strong attack), X   

Fei Fong Wong: 

Elhaym Von Houten: 
Cyclone Kick-TTX
Double Shock-TTTX
Sky Attack-TSX
Bright Spark-STX
Sting Kick-XX
Anemo Zap-TTTTX
Terra Charge-TTSX
Thermo Thump-TSTX
Aqua Frost-STTX

Citan Uzuki (without sword):
Willow Wind-TTTTX
Rare Earth-TTSX
Hell Fire-TSTX
Tsunami Ice-STTX

Citan Uzuki (with sword):
Festive Wind-TTTTX
Rumble Earth-TTSX
Haze of Fire-TSTX
Crystal Water-STTX

Bartholomew Fatima:
Head Hunter-TX
Twin Sonic-TTX
Rhythm Shock-SX
Land Break-TTSX

Ricardo Banderas:
Rico Rocket-TX
Death Drive-TTX
Dragon Fist-TTTX
Fire Bomb-TSX
Pile Crusher-STX
Spin Strike-XX
Death Roll-TTTTX
Flame Lariat-TTSX
Hell Splash-TSTX

Billy Lee Black:
Adams Apple-TX
Hell Blast-SX
Nut Crack-TTTX
Sky Walker-TSX
Devil Blast-STX
True Dream-TTTTX
Holy Gate-TTSX
Dear Friend-TSTX

Maria Balthasar:


Leg Cutter-TX
Wave Cutter-TTX
Leg Spin-SX
Grand Arm-TSX
Flying Arm-XX
Tornado Arm-TTTTX
Dark Beast-TSTX

III. Character Abilities
Fei Fong Wong:
Guided Shot
Inner Healing
Iron Valor 
Counter Force 
Yang Power 
Yin Power 
Big Bang 

Elhaym (Elly) Van Houten 
Anemo Bolt 
Terrace Lance 
Thermo Cube 
Aqua Ice 
Anemo Burn 
Terra Storm
Thermo Dragon
Aqua Mist 
Anemo Wave 
Terra Ghost 
Thermo Largo 
Aqua Lord 

Citan Uzuki

Bartholomew (Bart) Fatima 
Wild Smile 
Heaven Cent 
White Lure 
Red Cologne 
Blue Cologne 
White Cologne 
Wind Mode
Earth Mode 
Fire Mode 
Water Mode

Ricardo (Rico) Banderas
Steel Fist 
Steel Body 
Steel Spirit
Steel Mettle 

Billy Lee Black
Purity Light 
Healing Light 
Holy Light 
Goddess Call 
Goddess Eyes 
Wind Shield 
Earth Shield 
Fire Shield 
Water Shield 
Goddess Wake 

Maria Balthasar
Robo Beam 
Robo Missile
Robo Punch 
Robo Kick 
Graviton Gun 

Anemo Dharm 
Terra Feist 
Thermo Gord 
Aqua Aroum  
Anemo Omega 
Terra Holz 
Thermo Giest 
Aqua Dhaum 

Forest Dance 
Culen Prayer 
Myrm Prayer 
Play Dead 
Forest Wind 
Earth Gnome 
Maiden Kiss 
Ancient Myth	

IV. Walkthrough
      You start in the small, backwater village of Lahan.  Fei is 
painting another one of his pictures, and when he takes a break the 
game begins.  You can take a look at all of the pictures in the room by 
examining them.  Check Fei's bed to receive his stash of 200G.  
      Head to the room next to Fei's, the one with the two barrels and 
the shelving unit.  Jump on the barrels and then rotate the camera 
until you can see a spider web, it's very visible, you can't miss it.  
Jump and grab that.
      In the next room there is a lady that you can talk to.  If you 
choose to do that you'll see a little scene explaining how Fei arrived 
in the village three years ago.
      From there go up the stairs and talk to Timothy, Fei's trusted 
friend.  He'll go on about his wedding tomorrow and Fei will thank him 
and Alice for their help when he first arrived here.  Timothy will ask 
Fei to go and check on his bride-to-be.  While walking out the door a 
little red-haired punk will step through the door.  This is Dan.  He'll 
tell you that he needs to talk to you later.
      Leave Chief Lee's house and go behind it and talk t the old man 
three times to receive two Aquasols.
      The house to the left of Chief Lee's is the Training Room.  
Inside the people will teach you about various commands in the game.  
The only person worth speaking to is the bald man with a green shirt.  
Have him explain something to you and you'll receive 80G.  While you're 
here take a look around and see if you see a familiar Squaresoft 
face.yes, it's Lucca of Chrono Trigger.  However, if you have her 
explain Save Points (or Memory Cubes) to you it'll cost you some money.  
You can also save if you want.
      Next you can go and jump down the town well four times to receive 
an Eyeball, Aquasol S, and a Power Ring.  Then go talk to the woman by 
the bearcow, it's a blue-gray, horned animal.  Say to her "No, of 
course not!" and receive an Aquasol (the choice of all bearcows).  From 
here go to the tavern or bar (whichever you want to call it).  Talk to 
the drunken man in the corner of the room.  Say to him: "Drinking won't 
help matters!" and then start to walk away and he'll give you the 
Mermaid Tear.  
      Next go to the house by the two picnickers and go to the 
basement.  Talk to the old woman and say "I like it" to receive 120G.  
Upstairs you can get the RPS Badge from the man in the corner if you 
can beat him five times in a row, and as far as I can tell he has no 
pattern.  You can use the guy as a good way to get lots of cash if you 
save your game in the Training Room and then keep fighting him and 
winning.  If you lose you can reset it using Square's L+R+Start+Select 
command.  I do recommend you get the badge, even though it is tedious.
      Okay, now that you've done all this, find Dan, he's near the 
tavern.  Talk to him and he'll ask you to take Alice away.  You can 
choose to agree or disagree, I don't think it has any affect on the 
      Time to go meet Alice.  Her house is to the right of the tavern, 
it's the one with the woman standing in the doorway.  Speak to her and 
she'll let you pass.  Go up the stairs and Fei and Alice will talk for 
a bit.  Then Fei volunteers to go up to Doctor Uzuki's house in place 
of Dan.
      Now you can decide whether to gain some levels or just go on with 
the game.  If you choose to gain levels, leave the town and fight on 
the world map in hopes of fighting Hoppers and little rabbit-like 
creatures.  They give you better armor.  When you decide to go and see 
the good doctor, rest in your bed and buy supplies.
      One can access the mountain path that leads to Citan's house via 
either the world map or a path in Lahan.  Upon arriving on the path, 
you can save your progress, and jump up a barely visible path that 
leads to a single tree atop a hill.  Here you can get a bird's egg if 
you jump into the tree.  If you do this, the mother (or father) bird 
will fly above your head, pecking at you.  It can cause you only one 
point of damage every time you don't give it back.
      Go up the far right path to find an Aquasol in a chest.  Find the 
path that leads to the bridge and go across it.  Bellow the bridge is 
another Aquasol.  When you reach the path that leads into another 
screen there will be two trees, one on each side of the path.  Jump in 
the left one to get a spider.
      Okay, Fei's reached Citan's house.  Go in the front door and talk 
to Yui, Citan's wife.  If you got the bird's egg then Fei will give it 
to Yui.  She'll tell you that Citan is in the back yard.  Leave the 
house and go up the stairs on the right side of the house.  Step into 
the door that is before the door that leads to the telescope, you'll 
know the door when you open it.  A chicken will pop out.  Inspect the 
room and find yet another Aquasol.  From there go up into the room with 
the large telescope on top of it.  Climb the latter and jump toward the 
small chimney.  Inspect it to find Citan's secret stash of 120G.
      Jump down from there and go back to the right side of the house.  
Jump behind the flowerbed and inspect the entire area.  Somewhere in 
that area is Midori's Ring.  You can't use it yet.  Now go to the 
backyard and step near the door.  An explosion will occur and Citan 
will appear.  A polite conversation ensues and then Citan says that 
there is something he wants Fei to see that is inside the small room.
      Enter the room and take a look at the rectangular box in the 
middle of the room.  Citan appears and the two talk some more.  Then 
doc tells Fei that he's got a little bit more to do and that Fei should 
occupy his daughter's time.  When Fei leaves the statue explodes.
      Dinner passes by and Fei thanks the family for the food.  Citan 
tells him that he'll bring the things Alice wanted tomorrow morning.  
So head back to Lahan with empty hands.  
      While going back, Gears head toward the remote town.  Citan 
catches up with Fei and tells him that the two must hurry to the 
village.  You cannot get in any fights right now, so don't worry about 
      Arriving in Lahan, the two see the village in flames.  Citan says 
that he will help to evacuate people as will Fei.  However, Fei sees a 
lone Gear just kneeling there, it's dead pilot on the ground.  An anime 
scene ensues and then Fei boards the gear, Weltall.  You have to fight 
off to Gears from Kislev I think, but that doesn't matter.  If you have 
Raijin with Fei, use your strong attack for the first two attacks and 
then finish off the other Gear with the Raijin command.
      Now Fei is being overwhelmed by Gears and then his buddy Timothy 
gets shot and he dies.  Fei loses control and toasts the entire village 
and most of its people. 
      Fei wakes up under a tree.  The villagers are all afraid of him 
and Dan blames him for the death of Alice.  Citan suggests that Fei 
leave here and head through the Blackmoon Forest.  And so Fei leaves 
the people that he has lived among for three years.
      Enter the forest, which is West of town.  This is where you can 
gain some levels, if you have the supplies and the patience.
	Throughout the dark forest are a couple of Aquasols, a Survival 
Tent, and an Arcane Rod.  Sorry I can't be more specific about these 
items right now, I'll change that in the next version.
      To get to most treasures follow the odd-looking creatures, 
Hoppers I think they're called.  There is a Hopper near a tree with 
exposed roots.  If you jump towards it, the creature will show you the 
way to climb up the tree.  Save at the save point, don't use a Survival 
Tent.  If you need to heal use some Aquasols or some Hob-jerky.
      Follow the path until you find the tree with the large boulder on 
it and a Hopper standing in front of it.  Fight the Hoppers and then 
get out of the way of the large rock.  Go through the opening that is 
now there.  
      A woman dressed in strange clothing, Elhaym, stops Fei.  She will 
warn Fei that she will kill him, but with his current situation Fei 
really doesn't care.  Elly will be attacked by Forest Elves and you 
must defeat them.  
      The next scene is of Fei and Elly by a campfire.  The two will 
talk for a while and then call it a night.  Follow the path that is to 
the left and head right.  Follow the many Hoppers around the screen to 
receive the treasures, except for the farthest one in the forest by the 
large stone slab.  Don't go there yet.  
      Retrace your steps back to the pathway with the sign and get to 
the save point.  I suggest that you gain some levels here and make sure 
you have Fei with Raijin.  Try to get Elly with as many Deathblows as 
      After gaining some levels and Deathblow skills, save your game 
and heal up.  Unequip Elly.  Go across the bridge and a scene will 
begin.  Fei and Elly have a fight and Elly leaves Fei to himself, going 
on alone.  This turns out to be a rash decision as a Rankar attacks 
her.  Fei will come to the rescue, but his attacks cannot really harm 
the beast.  Just stay alive for four or five rounds until Doc shows up 
with Weltall.
      Attack the Rankar using your strongest attack and Raijin.  After 
a couple o' turns the Rankar will be defeated and another scene ensues.  
Citan and Fei are talking and then Elly wakes up.  The trio sets up 
camp and then Citan and Elly talk for a bit.  Doctor Uzuki will ask 
that Elly leave, as quickly as possible.     
      The next day, Fei wakes up and he and Doc have a brief talk.  
Head out of this place and the two will spot an Aveh battleship.  After 
that part finishes up, continue leaving the forest.
      Time to go to Dazil, the second town in the game.  Rest at the 
local bar, stock-up on supplies and equipment, and then go inside the 
building that rents sand buggies.  I'm pretty sure that it's the second 
or third door on the left when you enter Dazil.
      Talk to the man behind the counter and then go to the back of the 
town, to the Ethos Workshop.  Speak with the man in front and he'll 
tell you that they cannot help our heroes.  Go outside of town and gain 
some levels.  If you don't have Raijin, get it.  You need it.  I 
recommend getting up to at least level nine, and getting the first two 
Deathblow skills.
      Return to town and rest.  Outside the sand buggy shop is a sand 
buggy.  Enter the shop to rent the vehicle for free.  Citan will take 
the buggy alone.  If you talk to people around town, they'll suggest 
that you go and find him seeing as it is dangerous out in the desert.
      Leave Dazil and head West.  Soon you'll enter a large expanse of 
desert.  Follow the Gears that appear to the next screen.  Fei will 
then see a floating fortress overhead, follow that.  After that more 
Gears appear, follow those too.  Now Fei will steel a motorcycle.
      After a brief ride, two Aveh Gears will attack Fei.  Citan will 
show up with Weltall.  Take care of these two using the strong attack 
and the Level One Gear Attack.  
      Grahf will appear and Fei will have a flashback or two.  He will 
have you fight Wyrm, a relatively easy enemy as long as you know what 
to do.  To beat the Wyrm, use Guided Shot three or four times and it 
should be dead.  You'll receive and Eyeball from it.  Next, because 
Weltall was damaged in the fight, Aveh forces'll capture you.  
      Fei and Citan wake up inside an Aveh ship.  Save your game then 
talk to Citan.  When given the option to either rest or keep on 
talking, you can keep on talking two more times for some extra dialog, 
but nothing else.  Rest.
      Citan will have a flashback that will only make sense later in 
the game, much later.  Soon the sand pirates attack the Aveh ship and 
the two are forced to fight the raging sands to escape.  Stepping out 
of your room go north into the next room to find a Survival Tent.  Go 
back south and close the door using the switch on the right side of the 
wall.  Go in the next room to find a Rosesol.  Continue going down and 
jump down the latter.
      In this area, climb the stairs to find a Leather Vest.  Go west 
to find Extra Ar +1.  Head back to the stairway and climb the latter to 
reach that small area.  Jump forward to get on the catwalk and make 
your way toward the latter.
      In this next room use the Save Point and then continue on.  By 
the way, all through this dungeon are enemies that can give you Leather 
equipment.  Climb up the latter and now you have to go across the 
crane.  You can't fall and die so don't worry.
      Reach Weltall and you'll jump down inside its cockpit.  Fei'll 
rescue Citan and then he'll land the Gear away from the ship.  Now you 
get to fight Bart in his Gear, Brigandier.  Use the weakest attack 
because you'll usually miss after he uses Wild Smile and then use Level 
One attacks to defeat him.
	The two of you will be sucked under by quicksand.  After a brief 
scene onboard the Yggdrasil, Bart and Fei decide to have a truce so 
that they can make it out of these caves.  Use the Save Point.