Andere Lösungen

Xenogears (e)

Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 18:00:43 EST
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                          Xenogears FAQ/Walkthrough
                                Version 0.1
                              by Tony Profeta

The most recent version of this FAQ/Walkthrough is available at:

GameFAQs usually has the latest version of this since I update it there
whenever it gets changed.

This is my home page where you can definitely find the latest version of
this FAQ/Walkthrough.  I always update my page so stop by when you can.

    Reproduction and Distribution

 This document may not be reproduced or distributed by anyone without
 the permission of the writer, Tony Profeta.  This FAQ/Walkthrough
 was created by Tony Profeta and is his by copyright.  It is meant
 for educational and teaching purposes ONLY!  This means read it, not
 take it!  To contact me, e-mail Tony Profeta at ""
 Any means of reproduction or distribution of this document is strictly
 prohibited.  In short, don't steal my work!  

 Xenogears is copyright 1998 Square Co.
 This FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright 1999 Tony Profeta

    Game Info.

 GAME: Xenogears            PLATFORM: Playstation
 VERSION: American          CATEGORY: RPG
 DEVELOPER: Square          PUBLISHER: Square Electronic Arts
 PRICE: $49.99              RELEASE: 10-21-1998
 NUM. DISCS: 2              MULTIPLAYER: No
 ANALOG: No                 DUAL SHOCK: No

    Table of Contents

 1.  U P D A T E S / R E V I S I O N S
 2.  D I S C   O N E   W A L K T H R O U G H
 3.  D I S C   T W O   W A L K T H R O U G H

 4.  C O N T R O L S
      - Character Controls
      - Gear Controls

 5.  B I O ' S
      - Character Bio's
      - Enemy Bio's

 6.  S K I L L S
      - Deathblow Combos/AP Attacks
      - Character Abilities

 7.  I T E M S
      - Battle Items
      - Non-Battle Items
      - Story Items

 8.  C H A R A C T E R  S T U F F
      - Accessories
      - Weapons

 9.  G E A R  S T U F F
      - Engines
      - Armor
      - Frames
      - Gear Accessories
      - Gear Weapons
      - Gear Options

 10.  C O D E S
       - Gameshark Codes

 11.  L I N K S
 12.  S P E C I A L  T H A N K S
 13.  A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

           U P D A T E S

Version 0.1  (January ?, 1999)
  The first version! Well I've included a lot of information in this
  FAQ/Walkthrough.  Hope it helps!

Version 0.0  (January 10, 1999)

           B I O ' S

    Character Bio's



  Fei is the main character in Xenogears. On a dark and stormy night he
  was brought to Lahan Village on the Ignas continent. No one knows who
  the masked man was that guided him to the village and no one knows about
  Fei's mysterious past. He was brought to Lahan bloody and half-dead, but
  he perservered and regained his strength. Fei, with the help of his friends,
  decides to put the pieces of his past together and embarks on a journey
  that will forever change the fate of the planet.


  Fei is pretty much the average character in the story. He's got average
  stats, but he's pretty useful throughout the game. His Deathblow and AP
  attacks are devastating once you have him at a high enough level and his
  Ether Attacks are useful at points in the game. His Gear Abilities is his
  strength. Fei has, undoubtedly, the best gear and gear stats out of everyone
  Overall he is a good character to have in a tough fight and he won't let you

  |  Level            1   |  Defense          15  |
  |  Hit Points      50   |  Evade%           12  |
  |  Ether Points    10   |  Ether             7  |
  |  Attack          15   |  Eth Defense       8  |
  |  Hit%            10   |  Agility          11  |


    Weltall - Great gear in the beginning of the game. It has the power, speed,
              and defense that you need. O.K. Ether Abilities

    Weltall-2 - This gear blows Weltall out of the water! It's got awesome gear
                abilities including System Id(!). The power and defense on this
                gear are perfect for whatever part of the story that you are at.

    Xenogears - The ultimate gear. The destroyer of God. Any questions?



  Elhaym Van Houten, otherwise known as Elly, is in the Sacred Empire of Solaris'
  military, the Gebler Force. Her job is pretty much to assist Aveh and to help
  kill all Kislev troops. When her gear makes a crash landing in Lahan, it leads
  to the destruction of the village and the quest for Fei's real identity. She
  is on the side of the enemy, but cannot help from feeling responsible for Fei's
  current situation. Thus, she must choose from helping Fei or staying with Solaris.


  Elly, sad to say isn't that great of a character. If you continuously build her
  up throughout your quest, she proves helpful in the end, but not by much. Her main
  strength is her Ether Abilities and her special option 'Aerods'. Other than her
  Ether options, she has no physical attacks that prove useful. When on foot she
  is VERY weak, and her gear isn't that much better. If you like watching her cast
  her ether attacks, then by all means do, but that's pretty much all she's got.

  |  Level            5   |  Defense          16   |
  |  Hit Points      53   |  Evade%            9   |
  |  Ether Points    19   |  Ether            20   |
  |  Attack          13   |  Eth Defense      13   |
  |  Hit%             8   |  Agility           6   |


    Vierge - Yup she's only got one gear, but that's not too bad. Vierge's
             strengths are Ether Attacks. Her physical attacks are alright
             if you have a goodrod equipped for her weapon. My advice, leave
             this one in the gear hangar and search for someone a bit better.



  Citan, a wise and humble doctor, is well educated in the current events
  of his world. As a man who likes to tinker with objects and take things
  apart, Citan is a perfect inventor. Throughout the adventure, he acts
  as a mentor for Fei, and is the sensible character in the group.


  Citan's got the best stats out of everyone in the group. He is definitely
  the best character in the group. You'll want to build him up and keep
  him in your party at ALL times. His high HPs, Defense, and Speed are all
  plusses. His Deathblow and AP attacks are even more spectacular than Fei's,
  and they cause more damage (usually). My suggestion is to hold onto Citan
  at all costs. If he dies on you, you're either REALLY bad or you haven't
  built up your characters enough.

  |  Level            9   |  Defense          20   |
  |  Hit Points     222   |  Evade%           19   |
  |  Ether Points    42   |  Ether            13   |
  |  Attack          21   |  Eth Defense      11   |
  |  Hit%            15   |  Agility          13   |


    Heimdal - See Fenrir

    Fenrir - Heimdal and Fenrir are basically the same so I'll keep it short.
             They're great gears in battle. Heimdal uses physical attacks and
             Fenrir uses a katana sword as a weapon. Fenrir has a higher attack
             power than Fenrir and can cause devastating damage if used 

    Enemy Bio's

  NAME                       HP         EXP       GOLD       ITEM
  Abandon                    150        3200       350       B&JM10A Ammo, B&JM10S Ammo
  Acid Frog                  120        885        0         Mentsol
  Aegisknight                700        1500       300       Extra Ar+2
  Aegisknight R              1600       5570       2000      None
  Airwalk                    700        2300       600       Lite Ar+1
  Alkanshel                  10500      132549     30000     E Circuit
  Aragnonite                 2300       18500      3000      Insulate Ar+1
  Armor Grub                 7          35         0         None
  Armor Grub(2)              67         1758       0         None
  Armor Wasp                 77         880        0         Zetasol, Eyeball
  Assassin                   290        3500       150       Aquasol
  Avalanche                  290        2800       500       Noise Filter
  Aveh Corporal              60         75         40        Leather Hat, Rosesol, Aquasol
  Aveh Guard                 75         242        90        Aquasol
  Aveh Soldier               60         75         35        Rosesol
  Achtzehn                   12000      50000      10000     Lite Ar+1, Silver Ar
  Batrat                     150        799        0         Fang
  Big Joe                    777        1          1         Metal Vest
  Bloody                     4242       25701      3000      None
  Breaker                    500        5800       600       Extra Ar+4
  Carrier                    420        7500       0         Fang
  Carrier FI                 420        7489       0         Fang
  Calamity                   2500       8642       2000      None
  Citadel                    290        2800       500       Gold Plate
  Clawknight                 600        1500       300       Extra Ar+2
  Clawknight R               1700       5570       2000      Beam Coat
  Conjurer                   880        6000       650       None
  Croaker Tribe              550        1200       0         Fang, Scales
  Croaker Tribe (2)          800        2155       0         Fang, Scales
  Croaker Tribe (3)          550        4065       0         Fang, Scales
  Dan                        450        500        5         Wedding Dress
  Death Eater                7777       30000      0         None
  Death Scythe               900        3000       0         Fang, Scales
  Defencer                   900        10512      1000      Cast Ar, Eyeball
  Deus                       40000      363345     30000     None
  Deus (2)                   ??         ??         ??        ??
  Dive Bomber                30         15         0         Zetasol
  Dominia                    7500       48106      2000      HP Drive
  Dominia (Bladegash)        3000       22428      3000      STR Drive
  Dominia (Haishao)          5000       0          0         None
  Dora                       3000       13393      2000      Extra Ar+3
  Dorothy                    150        6000       150       Rosesol
  Dragon                     18000      91000      0         Devil Dress
  Dune Man                   550        1000       360       None
  Dwarf                      500        600        0         Aquasol
  Eagle Armor                3200       9666       650       None
  Eagle Blade                2000       9333       500       Mirror Ar
  Eagle Gunner               1500       4500       700       Lite Ar+3
  Eagle Wing                 1300       3650       1200      Mirror Ar
  Earth Seraph               2200       6000       8000      Angel Ar
  Edelweiss                  815        880        0         Fang, Scales
  Edin                       3000       17000      650       None
  Elements                   4000       30000      10000     STR Drive
                             2000                            ETH Drive
                             2000                            VIT Drive
                             2500                            ETHDEF Drive
  Emerelda (Crescens)        14800      255000     10000     None
  Etone                      1200       2000       900       Ether Ar
  Executioner                4444       92805      0         None
  Fire Seraph                8000       4333       5000      Eth Ar+3
  Fis-6                      6800       67284      15000     None
  Forbidden                  800        8608       5         Gold Bullion, Gold Nugget
  Forest Elf                 40         41         21        Zetasol
  Ft. Hurricane              15000      32367      50000     None
  Freelancer                 420        8700       500       None
  Fuel Tank                  1200       5000       10        None
  G Elements                 45000      319068     30000     Kishin Sword
  Gebler Guard               180        4400       600       None
  Giant Wells                7000       77103      28000     G-M686 Gun
  Gigafoot                   850        0          0         C Circuit, Extra Ar
  Gimmick                    6          7681       1111      Golden Vest
  Golem                      50         4500       0         Aquasol
  Gonzalez                   400        500        0         Survival Tent
  Grahf                      6666       0          0         None
  Grahf (True Weltall)       15000      198000     0         None
  Griffon                    2200       4050       0         Fang
  Griffon (2)                7500       8050       0         Fang
  Gun Drone                  400        16000      70        Lite Ar+1
  Hammer                     48000      348174     0         Trader Card
  Hammerhead FI              180        3708       0         Eyeball
  Harlute                    45000      1          0         None
  Harquebus MKIO             400        3200       200       None
  Hatamoto MK3               1000       2866       970       Mica
  Heinrich                   500        300        300       None
  Hobgob                     15         2          0         Hob-Jerky
  Hobgob (Sewers)            60         490        0         Hob-Jerky
  Hopper                     100        8          0         Fencing Wear
  Id                         3000       90534      5         None
  Id (Gear)                  30000      200000     0         None
  Jackal                     14         3          0         None
  Kelvena (Marinebasher)     5000       26000      5000      ETHDEF Drive
  Leonardo                   500        300        0         None
  Lil' Allemange             400        2207       0         Eyeball
  Lil' Kobold                35         3          0         Fencing Cap
  Lucre Bug                  67         586        0         Rosesol
  Main Gun                   1800       7000       0         None
  Mammoth                    2500       3750       0         EtherStoneLg
  Marlute                    54000      1          0         None
  May Fly                    555        1410       0         Ar+1
  Mechanic                   333        180        350       None
  Medusoid                   65         698        0         None
  Medusoid (Water)           500        7500       0         Mica
  Merman                     2500       9500       500       Insulated Ar
  Metatron                   45000      1          0         None
  Miang (Opiomorph)          22000      190000     0         None
  Mullet (Sewers)            416        2928       0         Aquasol S
  Mushka MK100               150        90         50        None
  Neo Etones                 3500       15255      5000      Seal Ar, Seal Barrier
  Neo Tears                  70         4500       1111      Golden Hood
  Neo Tin Robo               800        740        300       Extra Ar+1, Extra Ar
  Neo Wels                   200        8450       125       Scales
  Neo Mush MK100             950        12000      500       None
  Nomad Fix Bot              120        420        200       None
  Orphan                     3000       3000       1         Aquasol
  Pecking Duck               208        100        0         None
  Pedestal                   12000      9500       1000      Extra Ar DX
  Pirate (Bart)              800        1600       500       None
  Planter                    300        2008       0         Bizfruit
  Power Seraph               15800      151000     2000      Angel Ar S
  Rain Frog                  80         885        0         Aquasol, Aquasol S
  Ramsus                     12000      32397      50000     None
  Ramsus (Amphysvena)        28000      190000     50000     Golden Vest
  Ramsus (with Miang)        400        7000       500       None
  Ramsus (Vendetta)          12000      32397      50000     None
  Rapid Fire                 500        600        0         Resp Circuit
  Rankar Dragon              480        348        0         Scales
  Rankar R                   800        946        0         Scales
  Redrum                     4242       52425      500       None
  Rhino                      800        1120       0         Eyeball, Scales
  Rico                       N/A        0          0         None
  Ripper                     1000       10440      0         None
  Rotten Sod                 650        5481       147       Zetasol
  Salvager                   400        7500       0         Insulate Ar+1
  Sand Man                   50         60         75        None
  Sand Man (2)               200        1000       120       None
  Sand Shark                 111        121        0         None
  Sand Shark (2)             1000       2000       0         None
  Sand Tripper               180        180        510       None
  Sand Trooper               500        320        220       None
  Security Cubes             180        1500       2000      None
  Seraphita                  2000       31184      5000      VIT Drive
  Seraphita (Grandgrowl)     4000       26000      5000      EP Drive
  Schpariel                  5963       17889      1700      Beam Coat
  Shakhan                    18000      218343     30000     Ether Ar+1
  Shakhan Guard              250        6528       65        Rosesol
  Shakhan Monk               200        1100       500       Rosesol
  Shellbelle                 700        9000       0         None
  Shellbelle FI              2200       9669       0         None
  Shinobi MKO                960        12000      1500      Simp Circuit
  Seibzehn                   5500       60000      10000     Heavy Alloy
  Scud                       300        500        0         None
  Slugger                    400        2000       0         None
  Solaris Guard              200        3200       650       Muscle Belt
  Spear Trooper              500        525        1000      Lite Ar
  Sufal                      2000       136        0         Aquasol
  Sufal Gear                 1800       12000      150       Extra Ar
  Sufal Mass                 4800       97191      30000     Pilot Shield, Gold Nugget
  Sundel                     54000      1          0         None
  Suzarn                     800        500        0         Metal Jacket
  Swordknight                700        1500       300       Extra Ar+2
  Swordknight R              1800       5570       2000      None
  Sword Seraph               3000       8000       2400      Ether Ar+3
  Swordsman                  140        2500       123       Aquasol
  Tears                      500        9190       1111      Extra Ar+5
  Tin Robo                   138        630        210       Extra Ar
  Tolone                     2500       31184      5000      ETH Drive
  Tolone (Skyghene)          5000       26000      5000      VIT Drive, ETH Drive
  Traffic Jam                345        6000       350       Zetasol
  Traffic Jam (2)            1250       6000       1000      Ether Ar
  Trooper                    800        1600       500       Extra Ar
  Tusk-Tusk                  8000       5004       0         Ivory, Fang
  Urobolus                   ??         ??         ??        ??
  Vargas                     500        300        300       None
  Vierge (Elly)              2400       11046      300       None
  Wandknight                 620        1500       400       Extra Ar+2
  Wandknight R               1800       5570       2000      None
  Water Seraph               3000       3000       1600      Angel Ar
  Wels                       500        1600       500       None
  Whiteknight                290        2800       500       Ether Ar, Lite Ar+1
  Wind Seraph                2000       8000       1500      Angel Ar
  Wiseman                    1000       0          0         None
  Wyrm                       200        1044       0         Eyeball
  Wyrm (2)                   70         3100       0         Eyeball
  Shadey                     800        2000       800       AntiEthRockL

           S K I L L S

    Deathblow Combos/AP Attacks


 Deathblow Combos

  Raijin             Triangle, X
  Senretsu           Triangle, Triangle, X
  Hagan              Square, X
  Hoten              Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Tenbu              Triangle, Square, X
  Ryujin             Square, Triangle, X
  Koho               X,X
  Fukei              Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Chikei             Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Kakei              Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
  Suikei             Square, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Kokei              Square, Square, X
  Yamikei            X, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Raijin             4 AP
  Senretsu           5 AP
  Hagan              5 AP
  Hoten              6 AP
  Tenbu              6 AP
  Ryjin              6 AP
  Koho               6 AP


 Deathblow Combos

  Ukigumo (Amaoto)   Triangle, X
  Mufu (Engetsu)     Triangle, Triangle, X
  Jinrai (Amagumo)   Square, X
  Shinrai (Himatsu)  Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Renken (Yako)      Triangle, Square, X
  Hakai (Zanretsu)   Square, Triangle, X
  Ougi (Myogetsu)    X, X
  Festive Wind       Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Rumble Earth       Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Haze of Fire       Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
  Crystal Water      Square, Triangle, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Amaoto             4 AP
  Engetsu            5 AP
  Amagumo            5 AP
  Himatsu            6 AP
  Yako               6 AP
  Zanretsu           6 AP
  Myogetsu           6 AP


 Deathblow Combos

  Screamer           Triangle, X
  Cyclone Kick       Triangle, Triangle, X
  Breakthrough       Square, X
  Double Shock       Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Sky Attack         Triangle, Square, X
  Bright Spark       Square, Triangle, X
  Sting Kick         X, X
  Anemo Zap          Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Terra Charge       Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Thermo Thump       Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
  Aqua Frost         Square, Triangle, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Screamer           4 AP
  Cyclone Kick       5 AP
  Breakthrough       5 AP
  Double Shock       6 AP
  Sky Attack         6 AP
  Bright Spark       6 AP
  Sting Kick         6 AP


 Deathblow Combos

  Head Hunter        Triangle, X
  Twin Sonic         Triangle, Triangle, X
  Rhythm Shock       Square, X
  Dynamic            Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Astral             Triangle, Square, X
  Bracer             Square, Triangle, X
  Justice            X, X
  Angel              Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Land Break         Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Prominence         Triangle, Square, Triangle, X
  Tornado            Square, Triangle, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Head Hunter        4 AP
  Twin Sonic         5 AP
  Rhythm Shock       5 AP
  Dynamic            6 AP
  Astral             6 AP
  Bracer             6 AP
  Justice            6 AP


 Deathblow Combos

  Rico Rocket        Triangle, X
  Death Drive        Triangle, Triangle, X
  Banderas           Square, X
  Dragon Fist        Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Fire Bomb          Triangle, Square, X
  Pile Crusher       Square, Triangle, X
  Spin Strike        X, X
  Death Roll         Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Flame Lariat       Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Hell Splash        Triangle, Square, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Rico Rocket        4 AP
  Death Drive        5 AP
  Banderas           5 AP
  Dragon Fist        6 AP
  Fire Bomb          6 AP
  Pile Crusher       6 AP
  Spin Strike        6 AP


 Deathblow Combos

  Adams Apple        Triangle, X
  Gunholic           Triangle, Triangle, X
  Hell Blast         Square, X
  Nut Crack          Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Sky Walker         Triangle, Square, X
  Devil Blast        Square, Triangle, X
  Banfrau            X, X
  True Dream         Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Holy Gate          Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Dear Friend        Triangle, Square, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Adams Apple        4 AP
  Gunholic           5 AP
  Hell Blast         5 AP
  Nut Crack          6 AP
  Sky Walker         6 AP
  Devil Blast        6 AP
  Banfrau            6 AP


 Deathblow Combos

  Leg Cutter         Triangle, X
  Wave Cutter        Triangle, Triangle, X
  Leg Spin           Square, X
  Hammerhead         Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Grand Arm          Triangle, Square, X
  Divider            Square, Triangle, X
  Flying Arm         X, X
  Tornado Hand       Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X
  Reycount           Triangle, Triangle, Square, X
  Dark Beast         Triangle, Square, Triangle, X

 AP Attacks

  Leg Cutter         4 AP
  Wave Cutter        5 AP
  Leg Spin           5 AP
  Hammerhead         6 AP
  Grand Arm          6 AP
  Divider            6 AP
  Flying Arm         6 AP


  Has no Deathblow Combos or AP Attacks


  Has no Deathblow Combos or AP Attacks

           I T E M S

    Battle Items

     NAME               GOLD           EFFECT
     Aquasol              20           Restores 50 HP
     Aquasol S           100           Restores 150 HP
     Aquasol DX          300           Restores 500 HP
     Aegissol           2000           Blocks MNT status effects
     Alphasol           1000           Restores HP to full
     Blue Star           500           Water up/Fire down
     Brown Star          500           Earth up/Wind down
     Comedienne          N/A           Cancels Play Dead
     ElementHydro       1200           Makes attack water-elemental
     ElementPyro        1200           Makes attack fire-elemental
     ElementAero        1200           Makes attack wind-elemental
     ElementTerra       1200           Makes attack earth-elemental
     Hard Star           800           Defense up during battle
     Igissol            2000           Blocks PHY status effects
     Mentsol              20           Removes MNT status
     Omegasol             50           Restores HP and EP to full
     Physimentsol         50           Removes all status effects
     Physisol             10           Removes PHY status effects
     Red Star            500           Fire Up/Water Down
     Rosesol             100           Restores 10 EP
     Rosesol S           300           Restores 20 EP
     Rosesol DX          800           Restores 30 EP
     Samson's Hair       N/A           Weapon Power up 50%
     Sigmasol           1500           Restores EP to full
     Speed Star         1000           Increases Speed
     Tragedienne         N/A           Enables you to play dead
     White Star          500           Wind Up/Earth Down
     Zetasol             100           Revives from KO status
     Zetasol DX         1000           Revives KO/restores full HP

    Non-Battle Items

     NAME               GOLD           EFFECT
     Aveh Water           10           Aveh tap water
     Bizfruit            N/A           Restores 10 EP
     Desert Strawberry    10           Restores 50 HP
     Durian Juice         10           Super-smelly drink
     Elfanana             10           Restores 50 HP
     EP Drive            N/A           Increases Maximum EP +5
     ETH Drive         10000           Increases Ether value +1
     ETHDEF Drive      10000           Increases EthDef +1
     Eyeball             400           Should sell for a high price
     Fang                200           Should sell for a high price
     Geridelbar Fruit    100           Lose some weight
     Geridelbar Seed      10           Lose some weight
     Hob-Jerky           N/A           Restores 50 HP
     Hob-Meat             10           Restores 100 HP
     Hob-Steak            20           Restores 150 HP
     HP Drive            N/A           Increases maximum HP +20
     Lightning Radish     10           Background item
     Mertoruag Fruit     100           Gain 4 Kg
     Mertoruag Seed       10           Gain 2 Kg
     Minigear            120           1/6 Scale Model, 24 pieces
     Nisan Water          10           Nisan church water
     Omegasol             50           Restores all HP/EP (one)
     Panalphasol         100           Restores party's HP to full
     Scale              1000           Should sell for a high price
     STR Drive         10000           Increase Attack value +1
     Survival Tent       150           Fully restores party's HP and EP
     VIT Drive         10000           Increases Defense value +1

    Story Items

     NAME                              EFFECT
     Anoret Seed                       Makes you lose some weight
     Anoret Fruit                      Makes you gain lots of weight
     Ariberry                          Goes good with milk
     Army Cardkey                      Solaris base keycard
     Bird's Egg                        Yui will cook it
     Book 1                            "The Adventures of Big Joe"
     Book 2                            Not very comical anymore
     Book 3                            Helpful Hellfire teachings
     Bulimy Fruit                      Makes you gain lots of weight
     Bulimy Seed                       Makes you gain some weight
     Cabin Key                         Rusty key
     Chu-Chu Idol                      Strength and Defense +20% (Chu-Chu only)
     Chu-Chu Doll                      Is really Chu-Chu before it joins you
     Dirty Badge                       Background item
     Dog Food                          Breeder's choice
     Elfanana                          Monkey's favorite
     Gold Nugget                       Should sell for a high price
     Gold Bullion                      Should sell for a high price
     Ivory                             Should sell for a high price
     Kislev Map                        Map of Nortune's sewers
     M Disk                            A Music Disk for a jukebox; use at Kislev,
                                       Battling Arena for a sound test
     Master Key                        Nortune Gear Dock key
     Merkava Map                       Map of Merkava
     Mermaid Tear                      It shines like a jewel
     Ordinary Stone                    Background item
     Permission Certificate            Use to move freely in Solaris
     Bell Amulet                       Exchange for Ethos Doctrine Book at Orphanage
     Radish                            Goes good with fish
     Sewer Keys                        Nortune sewer keys
     Shevat Map                        Map of Shevat's hangar
     Spider                            Chu-Chu eats it when it joins you. Receive Ether Veiler
     Spider Web                        Tough thread; used for fishing
     Tickets                           No cameras allowed in arena
     Toy Gun                           BBs and gas sold separately
     UFO Photograph                    Shows a typical Adamski type
     Work Permit                       Solaris 3rd class ID. Use to move freely in Solaris
     Dawn Rock                         A white-colored stone
     Dark Rock                         A dark-colored stone
     Dusk Rock                         A red-colored stone
     H&S Badge                         Hide and seek king
     RPS Badge                         Rock, Paper, Scissors, king
     Tag Badge                         Tag king

           C H A R A C T E R  S T U F F


     NAME                              EFFECT
     Battle Apron                      Attack/Defense +5
     Fuzzy Frock                       Defense +50
     Leather Vest                      Defense +10
     Muscle Belt                       Increases Defense
     Gallant Belt                      Max HP 10% up/restore
     Yamato Belt                       Max HP 25% up/restore
     Pilot Uniform                     Defense +6
     Martial Wear                      Defense +2
     Fencing Wear                      Defense +4
     Metal Vest                        Defense +18
     Crimson Vest                      Defense +64
     Golden Vest                       Defense +90
     Black Leather                     Defense +76
     Dervish Dress                     Defense +44
     Golden Hood                       Defense +45
     Devil Dress                       Defense +62
     Battle Dress                      Defense +56
     Holy Habit                        Defense +42
     Rose Tabard                       Defense +85
     Dark Armor                        Defense +60/ EthDef +10
     Mermaid Ring                      Attack +10, EthDef +10
     Hercules Ring                     EXP Points gained up 50%
     Power Ring                        Attack +2
     Power Ring S                      Attack +5
     Sleep Ring                        Agility +1
     Stamina Ring                      Defense +2
     Stamina Ring S                    Defense +5
     Evasion Ring                      Increase Evade %
     Wind Ring                         Defense vs. Wind Elemental
     Earth Ring                        Defense vs. Earth Elemental
     Fire Ring                         Defense vs. Fire Elemental
     Water Ring                        Defense vs. Water Elemental
     Speed Ring                        Agility +1
     Speed Ring S                      Agility +2
     Guardian Ring                     Increases Defense
     Ether Guard                       Blocks EP-absorb attacks
     Sleep Guard                       Blocks Sleep effect
     Brain Guard                       Blocks Forget effect
     Poson Guard                       Blocks Poison effect
     Body Guard                        Blocks Physical effects
     Mind Guard                        Blcoks Mental effects
     Step Shoes                        Evade % +2
     Premier Shoes                     Evade % +5
     Speed Shoes                       Speed Up next turn
     War Mail                          Defense +52
     Red Mail                          Defense +14
     Knight Mail                       Defense +34
     Ether Stone                       Ether +2
     Ether Doubler                     Uses 2x EP to create 2x effect
     AntiEthStone                      Eth Defense +2
     AntiEthRockL                      EthDef +5
     EtherStoneLg                      Eth +5
     Life Stone                        2x amount of HP restored
     Holy Pendant                      2x support effect
     Metal Jacket                      Defense +28
     Glasses                           Hit % +2
     Super Goggles                     Hit % +5
     Cool Shades                       Blocks Confusion effect
     King's Helm                       Defense +40
     Metal Helmet                      Defense +10
     Marial Cap                        Defense +1
     Feathered Cap                     Defense +28
     Black Helmet                      Defense +35
     War Helm                          Defense +20
     Leather Hat                       Defense +6
     White Beret                       Defense +8
     Silver Beret                      Defense +24
     Power Crisis                      As HP decrease, Attack Power increases
     Economether                       Halves EP usage in battles
     Wizadry Ring                      Deathblow learning rate up
     Penguin Coat                      Defense +40
     Long Dark Coat                    Attack/EthDef +10
     Angelic Robe                      Defense +60/Evade +10/EthDef +10
     Ether Veiler                      Doubles Elemental Defense
     Momento Chain                     Eth +6/EthDef +6
     Elly Jr. Doll                     Creator unknown
     Bart Jr. Doll                     Hand-made by Chu-Chu
     Emer Jr. Doll                     Creator unknown
     Fei Jr. Doll                      Hand-made by Chu-Chu
     Billy Jr. Doll                    Hand-Made by Chu-Chu
     Trader Card                       Increases chance of receiving rare items


     NAME                   (AMMO)                      ATTACK POWER

     Sengoku Sword                                      +30
     Yamame Sword                                       +32
     Yamoto Sword                                       +??


     Leather Whip                                       +2
     Iron Whip                                          +4
     Cobra Cracka                                       +5 (Poison)
     WhippaSnappa                                       +6
     Serpent Sting                                      +7
     Black Snake                                        +7 (EthDef down)
     Silver Blood                                       +8
     Whip-Lasher                                        +10
     Wonder Whip                                        +16
     Desert Worm                                        +12
     Sonic Wave                                         +14
     Thor's Thunda                                      +20


     Magical Rod                                        +4
     Arcane Rod                                         +6
     Marshal Rod                                        +14
     Lunar Rod                                          +10 (Sleep)
     Dynamite Rod                                       +22
     Dark Rod                                           +24
     Hot Rod                                            +22
     Chrono Rod                                         Casts Slow
     Ice Rod                                            +16 (Water)
     Flare Rod                                          +18 (Fire)
     Stone Rod                                          +16 (Earth)
     Thunder Rod                                        +16 (Wind)
     Queen's Rod                                        +20 (Enemy DUR down)
     Chaos Rod                                          +??


     B&J M10 Gun            B&JM10A                     +18
                            B&JM10S                     +21
                            B&JM10X                     +24

     Matchlock              MatAero                     +48 (Wind)
                            MatTerra                    +48 (Earth)
                            MatPyro                     +48 (Fire)
                            MatHydro                    +48 (Water)

     Eth Gun                EthEarth                    Earth Attack
                            EthFire                     Fire Attack
                            EthWind                     Wind Attack
                            EthWater                    Water Attack

     Shotgun                ShotG50                     Initially Equipped
                            ShotG60                     Attack +6
                            ShotG70                     Attack +12
                            ShotG80                     Attack +18

     B&J M696 Gun           B&JM686A                    +24
                            B&JM686S                    +36
                            B&JM686X                    +48

     Godfather              Godson                      +72