Andere Lösungen

Xenogears (e)

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                              :       :


                        XENOGEARS FAQ v0.2
            for the Sony PlayStation (American Version)
                   mantained by Ignacio de Lucas
               originally co-written with Kao Megura

 Unpublished work Copyright 1998 Ignacio de Lucas

 This FAQ is for private and personal use.  It can only be reproduced
 electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered
 as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appear
 unaltered and in full.  This FAQ is not to be used for profitable or
 promotional purposes.  This includes being incorporated, reprinted,
 or otherwise used by magazines, books, guides, etc., in ANY way.

 The Japanese version of this FAQ was created by Ignacio de Lucas and
 Kao Megura. Currently, this American version is being mantained by
 Ignacio de Lucas . All copyrights and trademarks
 are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.

 Xenogears is (c) Square Soft and (c) Sony Entertainment of Japan.

This FAQ, and future revisions of it, can be found at:
Kao Megura's Home Page                  

 T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

 1.  U P D A T E S   /   I N T R O D U C T I O N
 2.  D I S C   O N E   W A L K T H R O U G H
 3.  D I S C   T W O   W A L K T H R O U G H
 4.  S E C R E T S
 5.  A C T I O N   R E P L A Y   /   G A M E   S H A R K   C O D E S
 6.  P L A Y I N G   T H E   G A M E
      - Characters
      - Controls
      - Main Menu
      - Sleeping and Shopping
      - Battles
 7.  L I S T S   A N D   C H A R T S
      - Item List
      - Character Equipment List
      - Character Weapon List
      - Gear Equipment List
      - Gear Weapon List
      - Skills, Abilities and Gear Options Lists
      - Status Effects
      - Selling Prices
 8.  M A P S
      - Yggdrasil Map
      - Bledavik Waterway Map
 9.  M I S C E L L A N E O U S
      - "Small Two of Pieces" Lyrics
10.  L I N K S
11.  S P E C I A L   T H A N K S
12.  A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

   1   .   U P D A T E S   /   I N T R O D U C T I O N

UPDATES  ________________________________________________________________

Version 0.2 (November 5, 1998)
  Since I (shock!) actually have the game now, I was able to check and
    correct quite some things, especially the walkthrough, which has also
    been expanded and now covers up to the fight against the Kefeinzel Gun.
    This has taken a lot of time and left my eyes bleeding, but it's been
    worth it. Now let me die in peace.
  Ah, so they went ahead and changed the item names from the demo version,
    huh? OK, I revised all lists and set everything straight (phew!).
  Added "Selling Prices" to "Charts".
  Added "Status Effects" to "Charts".
  Added all Gear Skills to "Charts".
  Added "Bledavik Waterway Map" to, of all sections, "Maps".
  Added "Action Replay / Game Shark Codes" section
  Added the location of Fei's savings and the Mermaid Earring, thanks to
    Stuart Logan ( Thanks also to Mike Bridge (z964453@ for Fei's savings too.
  Added the location of a Spider thanks to Strahinja "Strasa" Acimovic
    (victor_tzimisce@ and again Stuart Logan (
  Added a strategy to beat the "Rock, Scissors, Paper" guy at Lahan thanks
    to Strahinja "Strasa" Acimovic (
  Corrected a mistake thanks to Brian Youn ( Attack Levels
    1, 2 and 3 do not multiply the amount of fuel recovered with a Charger
    (as Level Infinite does), but rather, add 20, 40 and 60 to that amount.
  Made lots and lots of small corrections, mostly on names from the
    Japanese version. Everything should be correct now, but I know it won't.

Version 0.1 (October 15, 1998)
  First version of the US FAQ, released before even the game itself. Already
    contains almost complete (?) item, Abilities and Skill lists, except for
    Gear Skills and some other things.
  Also contains the beginning of the walkthrough from the Japanese FAQ,
    translated and somewhat modified (added some items that can be obtained
    at Lahan). I've almost completelly rewritten the Battle section under
    Playing the Game, which was fragmented and incomplete (no Skill
    explanation! Ulp!).
  All in all, this is much like version 0.7 of the Japanese FAQ, adapted
    for the US release, and with a couple of additions.

INTRODUCTION  ___________________________________________________________

Long time no see! Well, I stopped working on the Japanese version of the 
Walkthrough quite some time ago, since I didn't really feel like finishing
the game again in Japanese with the US release so close. I'm spending all
my free time in playing the game and writing this walkthough, though
unfortunatelly "all my free time" is not that much.

OK, this is how things are now. K.M. ended up getting tired of the game,
and so he won't purchase the US version. So that means that the FAQ will
be mantained exclusively by me from now on. Since I absolutelly love
the game, there's no way I can't get enough of it, so for those of you
that thought I got tired, don't worry, that'll never happen (I hope).

As mentioned above, this FAQ is based on the American version of Xenogears.
It seems that Square has finally redeemed themselves in their (IMO) only
fault (that is, translation quality). I'm happy to see that the quality in
Xenogears' translation is amazing, back up to the times of Ted Woolsey or
so. This couldn't be more in time, also, since in my opinion Xenogears is
the real masterpiece in Square's history (kicking some serious backside of
pretty much everything else).

ALL information in this FAQ applies to the American version of the game 
only, ESPECIALLY the Action Replay / Game Shark codes. They will NOT work 
in the Japanese version. If you happen to have that version, you should
check GameFaqs for the Japanese version of this FAQ. Note, however, that 
its walkthrough is incomplete and discontinued, and that I probably won't 
be updating the FAQ itself at least until I finish the US game, but you can 
use the walkthrough in this (the US) version to help you. The reason for 
this is that I didn't write a walkthough the first time through, and hearing 
the news of a US release, I didn't thought it was wise playing it through 
again in Japanese.

Well, remember that I'm Spanish, which means English is my second language.
So expect errors. Tons of them ^_^;.

Finally, I won't answer questions by e-mail. Believe me, after two weeks of
spending 1-2 hours a day answering mail, I just had to say "enough". I don't
really mind replying, but it takes way too much time, which I can't afford.
That doesn't mean you shouldn't ask: if I'm able, I'll answer your questions
in the next revision of the FAQ. Also, if you do write me for whatever
reason and are expecting a reply, please allow for one or two weeks before
I do so. As I said, I'm very busy, sorry.

You can contact me at:


BTW, I take advantage of this to make all people who have read any of my
other old FAQs (Final Fantasy Tactics, Bloody Roar, Alundra or Einhander)
note that my e-mail address has changed! Apparently I've been receiving
some mail at that address and I can NOT reply to any of it. Note, however,
that I won't be answering any question related to these games (I don't
play them anymore) nor will I be accepting contributions since I won't
update the FAQs either, so...

   2   .   D I S C   O N E   W A L K T H R O U G H

Until this walkthrough is finished, remember that you can find David
Johnson's complete walkthrough at:


About the monsters: The information is arranged like this:

   Name of monster
     How many HP it has, then, experience and money it awards when beaten,
     and optionally, items obtained by beating it.
     "Character-sized" or "Gear-sized", then a physical description.
     Optionally, techniques it uses, sometimes with an explanation.

Most of the info is self-explanatory. The bit about "character-sized"
or "Gear-sized" means whether if it is a character-sized, hand-drawn
enemy or a Gear-sized, polygonal one. You'll understand as you play...

BTW, the HP ratings have been obtained by editing the PSX's memory so they
have 100% accuracy. This is also how I obtained the HP of indestructible or
even untargettable enemies (or allies).

The monster info's format is provisional, since I plan on separating the 
monster list from the walkthrough once I finish it. I know it's a bit 
bothersome having them intertwined like this, but it's a lot easier for me 
to handle. Be patient.

Another thing to note is that some enemies award different amounts of
Experience and G when encountered at different times of the game. This is
especially notable in battles that are fought at certain points of the
story. For example, the first time you encounter a Trooper, its description 

     HP 180, Exp 180, G 250
     Gear-sized. One-eyed desert Gear.

But from there on, when you find a Trooper in a random encounter, its stats
will be as follows:

     HP 180, Exp 250, G 100. Leaves Extra Ar.
     Gear-sized. One-eyed desert Gear.

even though it's exactly the same enemy. Since it would be a mess to list
all variants, I'm only listing the stats for the first time you meet a given
kind of enemy.

As a final note, I will try not to describe anything happening in
conversations and sequences, to minimize the risk of spoiling things for
people. I won't tell you to talk to any people but the neccesary ones
either, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't. In fact, one of the many high
points of Xenogears is that about everyone has something to say that is
worth listening to. So improve your social skills! ^_^;

               W A L K T H R O U G H   S T A R T

        E P I S O D E   1   :   L a h a n   V i l l a g e

                   L a h a n   V i l l a g e

   Items in this area: Aquasol x5, Aquasol S, Spider Web, Eyeball, 
   Power Ring, RPS Badge, 120 G

   After the FMV showing the crash of a huge ship into your planet long
   ago, and the non-interactive sequence showing a glimpse of the present,
   you'll find yourself reconstructing the sequence of events that led
   there. In other words, you begin playing a flashback.

   Your main character is Fei. 
   Fei's initial equipment: Martial Wear, Martial Cap, Stamina Ring. 
   Fei's initial items: None.
   Fei's initial money: 100 G. 

   The control switches to you after Fei finishes his picture. You can
   check the nice pictures he's done in this very room. Check Fei's bed
   and he'll pick up his savings, 200 G. Thanks to Stuart Logan (Sturat@ and Mike Bridge ( for this. You can
   also sleep here whenever you want to recover all your HP / EP to full).

   In the northern room of this very floor you can talk to a maid who
   will tell you of your arrival to Lahan town. In the westernmost room
   there are two barrels containing one Aquasol each. Also in this room,
   you can jump up to grab the Spider Web on the wall. It's a background
   item that serves no purpose.

   Up the stairs then. Here you can talk to Timothy (Alice's fiancee and 
   Fei's friend) and Lee (the village chief and sort of Fei's foster father)
   among others. When you try to leave, Dan (Alice's brother) will come in
   and ask you to talk to him outside.

   Talk to Dan outside if you want. I don't think the choice you have to
   make here affects the game in any way.

   You can also listen to the woman by the cow and tell her that what she
   says makes sense (well it does). You'll receive another AquaSol.
   Generally speaking, I've found that every single of Xenogears's
   inhabitants have something either insightful or funny to say (sometimes
   both... whatever they are paying the translator, it's too little).

   If you want more Aquasol, talk twice to the old man next to the cow
   behind the elder's house. Then talk to him again for yet another

   Throw yourself into the well a few times. Really! You'll get an Eyeball
   the first time, an Aquasol S the second and a Power Ring the third.

   There are quite some buildings in the town outside. For one, there's
   a shop which sells:

   Character Items:
   Aquasol                  20
   Rosesol                 100
   Omegasol                 50
   Survival Tent           150

   BTW, never EVER buy Survival Tents. Get Omegasol instead. The reason for
   this is that they have the same cost/effect ratio (since the Tents heal
   all three characters, but cost thrice as much), but Tents MUST be used
   on all characters AND they can only be used in save spots!

   There is also a bar, in which you can talk to the customers (often 
   resulting in quite funny dialogue ^_^). Talk to the drunk man and
   tell him that drink won't make his situation any better, and he'll
   give you the Mermaid Tear, which will be useful later. Thanks again
   to Stuart Logan ( for this.
   Upstairs, you can find a mother and his daughter, and talk to them.

   Another house has a guy playing rock, paper, scissors. If you decide to
   challenge him, you'll have to select the option quite quickly (as you 
   would in a real RPS game). Each time you win, he'll give you 50 G, and
   each time you lose, he'll take 50 G from you (fair enough ^_^). However,
   should you manage to beat him five times in a row, he'll give you the
   "Mythical RPS Hero Badge" (AKA RPS Badge), which will be useful later.

   How to beat him? Well, Strahinja "Strasa" Acimovic (victor_tzimisce@ has just come in to the rescue with a nifty hint that will
   help quite a bit (I'm editing it a bit for reasons of context):

   There IS a way that you can increase your chances of winning.  It is not
   COMPLETELY random.  The critical key here is that once the man is beaten
   he will always change his signs.  At that point you want to pick the sign
   that will not lose.  Allow me to show an example:  You throw paper and he
   throws rock.  He'll lose, which means he WILL change signs.  The
   remaining options are scissors and paper.  Scissors will defeat paper but
   paper can't beat scissors.  Throw scissors and you will tie at WORST, win
   at best.  If you tie ---- good luck, that I have found is completely
   random.  On the other hand this little strategy will increase your
   chances greatly.

   See Strasa's point? Assuming you won the previous round, your chances are
   now 1/2 of winning and 1/2 of tying, and if you tie now, you have 1/3 of
   losing, 1/3 of winning and 1/3 of losing. Since if you tie, you'll have
   to draw again with the same chances over and over, it could be considered
   as 1/2 of winning and 1/2 of losing.

   So that's 1/2 of winning straight, and 1/2 * 1/2 of winning if you tie.
   That makes 3/4 of winning each time instead of 1/2, which is quite an
   improvement! So, to win 5 times in a row, you must win the first game by
   pure luck (1/2), then four more by using Strasa's tactic (3/4), so in the
   end it is 1/2 * (3/4) ^4 = 81/512 = 15.82%  instead of (1/2)^5 = 1/32 =
   3.125%, almost five times as much chance as before! Quite an improvement,
   huh? Also, since you win more often than you lose, you'll end up gaining

   Of course, if you happen to own an Action Replay or Game Shark, you can
   still just use my "have won 4 RPS games in a row" code, and just win a
   fifth. I'm not sure if you can find and challenge him later in the game,
   or obtain the RPS Badge otherwise, so don't overlook this event.

   In this very house, you can talk to the woman downstairs and choose
   the first option to receive 120 G.

   There's the village consultant's house too (it's the typical "tutorial"
   place). It would be a good idea to check the explanations on Skills and
   so on. Since the translation quality is so high, the explanations are
   quite clear, and even interesting.

   Lucca from Chrono Trigger will explain the save procedure (and she IS
   Lucca ^_^! Answer "no" when she asks you about hearing her explanation!).
   You can also ask the village's consultant about general battle commands,
   and the guy in front of him about Abilities and Skills. This guy will
   give you 80 G if you ask him about Death Blow Skills. Lastly, the woman
   will tell you about spinning the view using L1 and R1.

   You might want to wander outside the town (but not by its northern
   side, which leads to the mountain) to check the world map. Since you'll
   have to go out of the town later anyway, enemies you can find there are
   explained later.

   You can also go to the mountain North of Lahan if you want, but you'll
   be going there in a moment anyway, so...

   When you're done, go to the house which has a woman at its door and
   talk to her. Go through the door and up the stairs to meet Alice.

   Once the scene's over, go to the mountain north of the village. This
   is the first "dungeon" of sorts.

                    L a h a n   M o u n t a i n

   Items in this area: Aquasol x2, Bird Egg, Spider
   Enemies in this area:
     HP 15, Exp 2, G 0. Leaves Hob-Jerky. Leaves Hob-Steak if defeated
     with a fire-elemental attack.
     Character-sized. Potato-like thing ^_^;
     Uses "Gobble-gobble/HP Absorb". Absorbs HP on an amount equal to one
     fifth of a character's maximum HP.
     HP 14, Exp 3, G 0.
     Character-sized. Blue wolf-like creature.
     Uses "Jackal Tackle". Physical attack.

   Now that we're talking about that, the bit about roasting the Hobgobs to
   get Hob-Steaks is extremelly useful, specially when you get Elly later
   on (which has fire-elemental Ethers). Hob-Steaks recover 150 HP (but
   can't be used in battle) and can be sold for 150 G.

   In the first crossroad where the save spot is, take the West path for the
   shortest route, or the East for a longer one (including a jump) during
   which you can get an Aquasol. Anyway, you'll end up in a platform with a
   boy on it. Here, you can go back East and drop to the ledge with a tree,
   then jump up to grab a Bird's Egg (choose the first option). However its
   owner won't be too pleased about it, and it will follow you to the end of
   this section demanding you to return the egg. Each time you answer no
   (bottom option), it'll peck you for 1 damage. It'll go away if you enter
   Lahan but it'll be back on top of your head if you go back into the

   Anyway, you'll have to drop back down and repeat your way until the 
   platform with the boy. He'll tell you to make a running jump across the
   ledge. Do so, then cross the bridge. After that you can jump down to get
   (you guessed it) another Aquasol. Then climb back up, but before you exit
   North, check the tree that's to the West of the sign. Jump up to reach
   its branches and a spider will appear. Don't be afraid of it, and just
   jump again and grab it. It will be useful later. Thanks to Strahinja
   "Strasa" Acimovic (victor_tzimisce@ and Stuart Logan
   ( for this tip.

                      C i t a n ' s   H o u s e

   Items in this area: Aquasol, Midori's Ring

   Head to the back door of the house. There will be some flowers there,
   leaving a small space between them and the wall of the building. Well, 
   jump over to that space, then search the flowers from that side to 
   receive Midori's Ring (it doesn't show up in the item list).
   You can also check the top of a rock near that: there is bird food
   over it (it doesn't serve any purpose, though). You can even check
   them again and the message will be different (this happens a lot in
   this game).
   After that, check the door in the middle floor of the observatory. A 
   chicken will pop up ^_^ but if you search where it came from, there's 
   an Aquasol. 
   Elsewhere, you can explore the place at your leisure. The top floor's
   room has a ladder that leads to a telescope, with which you can check
   a bit of the world map.

   Inside the room at ground level of the building, you'll meet Citan's
   wife, Yui, and daughter, Midori. Talk to Yui, and, if you have it,
   Fei'll give her the Bird Egg. Note that Fei won't give Midori her ring,
   though! ^_^;

   Now head to the building with the Land Crab over it (that insect /
   helicopter machine). Enter it after the sequence, and touch the music
   box in there. This will trigger some sequences.

   After the sequence, it will be at night. If you brought the Bird Egg to
   Yui, she'll comment on how it improved the meal, and there'll be a
   comment about how Fei has gained some weight (this is actually true,
   since he begins at 167.2 and weights 189.2 after the meal if you brought
   the egg ^_^;).

        E P I S O D E   2   :   F a l l e n   S h a d o w s

                    L a h a n   M o u n t a i n

   Head back to Lahan through the mountain. There are no monsters now. Save 
   at the Memory Cube if you want.

                        L a h a n   T o w n

   After another sequence, a Gear battle will ensue. Refer to the
   appropriate section for controls, etc... 

   Battle : 
   Musha Mk100 x2
     HP 150, Exp 90 (each), G 50 (each).
     Gear-sized. Somewhat old-looking war Gear.

   Really easy. You'd have problems trying to lose against them.

   Some dramatic events will follow now. Once the sequences are over,
   you'll find yourself in the world map again.

        E P I S O D E   3   :   I n t o   T h e   W o o d s

                      W o r l d   M a p

   Enemies in this area:
     HP 100, Exp 8, G 0. Leaves Fencing Wear.
     Character-sized. Two-legged green creature.
   Lil' Kobold
     HP 35, Exp 3, G 0. Leaves Fencing Hat.
     Character-sized. Kobold (goblin-alike) with a bow.

   You can't enter Lahan (rather, there's not much Lahan left to enter to),
   but you can go to the mountain instead. Don't, though.
   Head for the forest West of where you are, and find an entrance on its
   north-easthern border.

                B l a c k m o o n   F o r e s t
                   f i r s t   s e c t i o n

   Items in this area: Aquasol
   Enemies in this area:
   Armor Grub
     HP 7, Exp 35, G 0. Leaves Bizfruit.
     Character-sized. Armored insect-like creature. All physical attacks
     inflict 1 damage (including Skills), so use either Triangle attacks or
     the "Guided Shot".

   During this dungeon, you will find Hobgobs around. You can "talk" to
   them to fight them, but beware that you won't be able to run from these

   Proceed SW until the crossroad. Take the leftmost (easthernmost) path.
   Jump to the small rock, then to the big, stepped one. Jump up the steps 
   to the fallen tree-trunk. Walk over it until you come across another
   tree-trunk over which this is leaning. Jump down to its left (SW) side
   and grab the (sigh) Aquasol. Go all the way to the SW and climb the rock
   with the tree roots on it to reach the Memory Cube. Continue through the
   winding ledge to reach another tree-trunk. Fight the Hobgob group
   standing before the rock. You have three options now: A) Get rolled over
   by the boulder (-5 HP), B) Run Indiana Jones-like all the way through the
   tree only to realize there's no more tree and you have to jump down to
   almost the start, or C) jump to the ledge you came from as soon as you
   see it moving. You guessed it: C) is the right answer. After that, jump
   back and continue through where the boulder was.

   There'll be an anime scene introducing (yes!! Yes!!) Elly now, after
   which you'll fight two enemies.

   Battle : 
   Forest Elf x2
     HP 41, Exp 21 (each), G 0 (each). Leaves Zetasol (each).
     Character-sized. Blue humanoid.

   Again, it'll take less than two rounds. After this, there'll be another
   scene, then you'll be in the next part of the forest.

        E P I S O D E   4   :   G i r l   I n   F o r e s t

                B l a c k m o o n   F o r e s t
                 s e c o n d   s e c t i o n

   Items in this area: Aquasol, Survival Tent, Arcane Rod
   Enemies in this area:
   Dive Bomber
     HP 30, Exp 19, G 0.
     Character-sized. Green, raven-like bird (yeah, I know ravens are
     black! :P).
     Uses "Watches in wait". This basically makes them lose a turn, but they
     can't be hit using physical attacks when they're on a tree.
     Uses "Flutter". Flaps wings for a three hit combo.
   Forest Elf
     HP 41, Exp 21, G 0. Leaves Zetasol.
     Character-sized. Blue humanoid.

   Elly has joined you at this point. 
   Elly's initial equipment: Magical Rod, Pilot Uniform, Ether Stone, 
     Anti Eth Stone.

   Go south to the crossroad. To the right (West) is an Aquasol. Go back and
   take the left (East) path, then continue South to another crossroad. The
   left (North) path leads to a fallen tree which tilts under your weight
   allowing you to go back to the first section, but it's not too useful, is
   it? Take the right (South) path then. Just before the jump, you can turn
   to the West and jump down to a platform containing a chest with an Arcane
   Rod for Elly. From here, you have no choice but to jump down and continue
   NE up to the first crossroad of the section. Like before, go East, then
   South, but this time jump across the gap. You'll find a Memory Cube and a
   chest containing a Survival Tent. After that, continue through the stone
   bridge to trigger a fight.
   Battle : 
   Forest Elf x2, Dive Bomber x2

   Just the same as a regular battle, but it is always triggered when 
   crossing the bridge (or jumping over the gap). Also, you can't run 
   from this one.

   Right after the fight, there will be another scene with some anime,
   then Elly will leave the party and she will be attacked by the Rankar
   (Star Wars, anyone?). However, if you didn't get the Arcane Rod before,
   you can (quite unpolitely) hop to the ledge North of the one you're
   standing on to get it (uh, it's for her, so I guess she won't get
   mad at you ^_^;). However, this way you won't get to use it until much 
   later (since Elly's no longer in your party). You can get the Rod even
   later if you want to be a gentleman, though. You can also save in the 
   Memory Cube if you want. Go SW after that to face the Rankar.

   Rankar Dragon
     HP 99999, Exp 348, GP 0. Leaves Scales.
     Gear-sized. Tyrannosaur-like.

   There's no way you can win this battle on foot (not without an Action
   Replay, anyway), so just select "defend" for a while until Citan 
   arrives in the Land Crab with the Weltall.

   Rankar Dragon
     HP 480, Exp 348, GP 0. Leaves Scales.
     Gear-sized. Tyrannosaur-like. 
     Uses . Causes "Slow".

   When inside the Weltall, alternate between Cross attacks to charge
   your Attack Level (you have plenty of fuel and the Rankar's evade 
   rate is quite low), and Triangle, Triangle Skills to use it. Remember 
   than the single attacks will charge your Attack Level even if they miss. 
   Cross attacks inflict around 70 damage and T,T Skills around 140.
   The Rankar will use an attack which causes "Slow" but there's not 
   much you can do about it. Anyway, he should be out in about eight 

   After then, there'll be a scene. Elly will leave, and Citan
   will join. Finally, you'll leave the Blackmoon Forest.
   Citan's initial equipment: Fencing Wear, Glasses, Step Shoes. 

        E P I S O D E   5   :   D a z i l

                      W o r l d   M a p 

   Enemies in grasslands area:
   Lil' Kobold

   Enemies in desert area:
   Sand Shark
     HP 111, Exp 121, G 0. 
     Character-sized. Fish-like green creature.
   Sand Man
     HP 50, Exp 60, G 75. 
     Character-sized. Looks like a Tusken Raider in a raincoat ^_^;

   You can enter the desert town of Dazil (by its North or its West gate),
   or wander off into the deep desert, which will reveal a field screen 
   with enemies (Sand Sharks and Sand Men) that loops indefinitelly. So 
   go to Dazil.

                          D a z i l

   Items in this area: None

   I'm assuming you're entering the town by its North gate; if that's 
   not the case, the order of the buildings will be reversed.

   In a stall (improvised with wheels ^_^;) you can buy the following:

   Character Equipment:
   Magical Rod              50
   Arcane Rod              100
   Leather Whip             60
   Martial Wear             50
   Fencing Wear             80
   Martial Cap              30
   Fencing Cap              40
   Power Ring              200
   Stamina Ring            150

   Just opposite of that, there's a building which you must enter. Talk
   to the man behind the counter and he'll talk you about his sandbuggy
   (you need to do this).
   Further into the town, there's another stall in the street surrounded 
   by people, which sells:
   Character Items:
   AquaSol                  20
   RoseSol                 100
   Physisol                 10
   Mentsol                  20
   Survival Tent           150

   Get as many Aquasol as you think you'll need. Rosesol aren't that useful 
   since Abilities play a quite secondary role in XenoGears. Also, it's a
   good idea to get some Physisol and Mentsol: they recover status effects.

   One of the many buildings in the town contains a Memory Cube. In another
   one (the inn, cost 10 G), you will meet Big Joe. 

   Finally, enter the large building with the cross-like signs (which 
   you'll get to see quite a bit). You'll be told why you can't get the 
   parts you need.

   Once you've done this, go back to the sandbuggy's owner's house. The
   buggy will be outside it and there'll be a scene. Now enter the house
   and talk to the owner again. He'll lend it to Citan, who will leave your
   party. Now leave Dazil and enter the Western part of the desert.

                           D e s e r t

   Items in this area: None
   Enemies in this area: 
   Sand Shark
   Sand Man

   You'll spot two Aveh Gears as you enter. Continue straight until you 
   reach the end of the screen. Another scene will follow. Then, you'll 
   have to cross two more screens.
   After than, Fei will borrow a bike from an Aveh soldier and use it to
   cross the desert (boo! I was expecting a mini-game here...) until
   he's surrounded by Aveh Gears. Citan will come to the rescue in the 
   Weltall, at which point he'll as usual leave the honors to you.

   Trooper x2
     HP 180, Exp 180 (each), G 250 (each)
     Gear-sized. One-eyed desert Gear.

   Easy. Take one down with two Cross attacks, then the other with any Skill
   you like.
   At this point, Grahf will appear and after some talk, he'll summon a
   giant worm-like creature.

     HP 200, Exp 1044, G 0. Leaves Eyeball.
     Gear-sized. Worm-like three-jawed monster.
     Uses "Slurp/absorb fuel". Drains 60 fuel.
     Uses "Counter Slurp/absorb fuel". Wyrm will drain 60 fuel every time
     you use a physical attack against it.

   Wyrm will drain your fuel quite fast, so it would be a good idea to
   activate Booster (since the amount of fuel you'll lose will be less than
   what you save because of attacking faster).
   You can only hurt it with Guided Shot or with the second hit of a 
   string. The former inflicts around 60 damage, so it's your best option.
   The T,S (Reppu) Skill causes 80 damage and you'll most likely have learnt 
   it by now, so it's not bad either but keep in mind that you will lose one 
   out of each two rounds charging your Attack Level. BTW, use Triangle
   attacks to do so: all three kinds of regular attacks will inflict 0
   damage and Triangle cost less fuel (which is critical in this battle).
   If you don't have that Skill, T,T (Raigeki) inflicts around 40 damage. 

   After that, you'll be surrounded by Gears again, and this time you'll
   have to surrender. You'll find yourself in a Transport afterwards.
   Save your game in the Memory Cube. Talk to Citan twice and the second
   time choose the second option to keep talking or the first one to go to

        E P I S O D E   6   :   D e s e r t   A t t a c k !

                        T r a n s p o r t
                     m i d d l e   f l o o r

   Items in this area: Survival Tent, Rosesol

   Once the scenes are over, you'll find yourself in the same cell you
   were in. The door is open, but the SandCrawler is sinking into the 
   desert and sand is starting to fill the floor! The sand level rises
   continuously, so you better be fast. If it ever covers above your head,
   you'll have to restart from the cell again (though you'll keep the items
   you got before "drowning"). I'm not sure if doing so affects the game 
   or not, but I don't think so.

   Once you exit the cell from the North, you can head to the East or to
   the West. Since I assume you want to get all items, here's what you 
   have to do: Go to the East, then South into a small room and open the
   chest containing a Survival Tent. If you continue to the East, you'll 
   reach a ladder leading directly to the upper floor (unless you are too 
   late and sand is already spilling from it), but you don't want to, 
   because that way you'd miss the items in the lower floor. So go back 
   to the West and enter the first door to the South after the cell's. 
   Get the RoseSol and exit the room. Now keep going West until you come 
   across a ladder going down to the lower floor. If you want, you can
   push the switch on the door to shut it and prevent the sand from entering 
   the room (it won't matter once you go down the ladder, though).

                        T r a n s p o r t
                      l o w e r   f l o o r

   Items in this area: Extra Ar +1, Leather Vest
   Enemies in this area:   
   Aveh Soldier
     HP 60, Exp 75, G 35. Leaves Aquasol, Rosesol.
     Character-sized. Soldier with brown helmet and aviation glasses on.
   Aveh Corporal
     HP 60, Exp 75, G 40. Leaves Leather Hat.
     Character-sized. Bigger soldier with white helmet and aviation
     glasses on his head.

   When fighting in the Transport, "Fire from the Engine Room!" will happen
   every two turns or so. This causes around 30-40 damage to all, including

   Head East, then climb the ladder to the North (as time goes on, a hole 
   will open in the floor below it, but you can still reach the ladder by 
   jumping from its side). Go all the way to the North, then West to get 
   an Extra Ar +1 (Gear equipment). Go all the way back to the East and 
   South, then go up the staircase leading South. Cross the walkway and 
   get the chest containing a Leather Vest. Note that if you take too 
   long, some of the planks in the walkway will fall and you'll have to 
   jump over them. It is still possible to get the Leather Vest: jump as 
   far as you can and press Circle as you touch the chest in mid-air 
   (you'll fall through the hole, so go back South, up the stair, West 
   and North). Anyway, follow the walkway to the East and up the ladder
   to the upper floor.

                        T r a n s p o r t
                      u p p e r   f l o o r

   Items in this area: None
   Enemies in this area:   
   Aveh Soldier
   Aveh Corporal

   Phew! There are no hurries now. Save in the Memory Cube. Go North, West,
   then South. As far as I know, there is no way to climb the crates.

                        T r a n s p o r t
                             d e c k

   Items in this area: None

   Go South through the crane. Don't worry about falling off, Fei will 
   pull himself up again. If you take too long to cross the crane, you'll 
   have to start from the cell again. If that happens, remember you keep 
   all the items you got before that, so go East when you exit the cell to 
   go directly to the upper floor. But remember to reach the ladder before 
   sand begins to spill from it.
   The crane is composed by two bars, between which you have to switch 
   because they're blocked at different points. Start on the Eastern one, 
   then switch each time you can while going South.
   When you get to the other side of the crane, Fei'll get into the Weltall,
   and Bart will attack him in the Brigander.

     HP 800, Exp 0, GP 0
     Gear-sized. Red Gear with whips attached.
     Uses "Wild Smile". Causes "Camera Damaged".
     Uses "Chain Whip". Physical attack.

   As usual, turn on the booster the first round. He will use Wild Smile, 
   which lowers your Accuracy and Evade. Therefore, don't use any Cross
   attacks, as he'll evade them most of the times. Guided Shot causes 
   around 150 damage. You're probably better off with T,S strings, though; 
   they will hit most of the times and cause around 250 damage (each 2 
   rounds, remember). Anyway, not very hard.

   After the fight, you'll both sink into a cave below the sand.

        E P I S O D E   7   :   S t a l a c t i t e   C a v e

                 U n d e r g r o u n d   C a v e

   Items in this area: Gold Nugget, Iron GWhip
   Enemies in this area:   
   Sand Man
   Tin Robo
     HP 138, Exp 680, G 210. Leaves Extra Ar, Extra Ar +1.
     Gear-sized. Blocky, construction type-looking Gear with a crane arm.
   Nomad Fix Bot
     HP 110, Exp 420, G 200
     Gear-sized. Grayish-green repairs Gear with pincers.
     Uses "Fill up/restore fuel". Restores about 250 of YOUR Fuel.
     Uses "Repair/restore Gear HP". Restores about 90 of YOUR HP.
     HP 65, Exp 698, G 0
     Gear-sized. Jellyfish-looking creature.
     Uses "Charging". Loses a turn, but uses "Flash" the next one.
     Uses "Flash". Causes "Camera Damaged".
   May Fly
     HP 555, Exp 1410, G 690. Leaves Extra Ar +1, Eyeball.
     Gear-sized. Strange cross between a huge fly and a Gear. Takes little
     or no damage from any attacks except second hits of Gear Skills.
     Uses . Causes "Armor Damage".

   Bart has joined you at this point. Besides, you get to control your Gears
   for the first time.

   Bart's initial equipment: Leather Whip, Red Mail, Power Ring, Stamina
   Weltall's initial equipment: Extra Ar, Extra Ar, Old Circuit. 
     Engine : G4-1200. Frame: WELT-01800. Armor: MS 3.
   Brigandier's initial equpment: Leather GWhip, Extra Ar +1, A/C,
     Lens Cover. Engine : G4-1200. Frame: BRIG-01900.
     Armor: MS 3.

   In this cave, whenever you fight a Nomad Fix Bot, don't destroy it just
   yet and it'll very nicely restore your HP and Fuel. It'll randomly attack
   you as well, but the damage it inflicts is minimal.

   Replace one of Weltall's Extra Ar for the Extra Ar +1 you got in the
   Transport. Save, then head straight to the South. Press Cross at the
   rock blocking your way to push it. After the scene, head straight South
   again to get the Gold Nugget (it will be useful MUCH later on, almost
   at the end of the game. Thanks to Tatsushi Nakao for the info). After
   that, go West and cross the entrance.

   Go SW until the end of the long passageway (as if you had any other 
   option). In the new section, cross the bridge until the green Gear.
   Go West, then North, and jump up the platforms (the one with nothing
   on it, the one with the black and red machine, then the one with a
   chest) to get an Iron GWhip for the Heimdall. Jump down and go back
   South and East, then SW after the green Gear to get to a new section.

   Jump up the platforms. Go SW and save at the Memory Cube. Then get off
   your Gears and enter the small cave entrance. 

   After the dialogue, talk to Balthazar (Bal) for more speaking. Then, 
   you can talk to him again and choose the third option to buy things 
   from him. After selecting this, the first option is to buy Gear stuff, 
   and the second is character stuff.

   Gear Engine:
   G6-1200                1200

   Gear Frame:
   WELT-02100              400
   WELT-02500              800
   HEIM-03200             1800
   BRIG-02200              500
   BRIG-02700              900

   Gear Armor:
   MS Steel Plate #6       500

   Gear Weapons:

   Gear Parts:
   Extra Ar +1              50

   Character Items:
   AquaSol                  20
   RoseSol                 100
   OmegaSol                 50
   Survival Tent           150

   You should upgrade both Gears' Engine, Frame and Armor; though it's going
   to cost almost all the money you have, it will be worth it. Especially,
   as Bal says, the Engine: it'll double the damage you inflict, not to
   mention it allows you to carry more fuel.
   As in every other place in which you can buy Gear stuff, you can also
   replenish your Gears' HP and Fuel (for a price) here. Generally speaking,
   you should always do so, but not before you've upgraded your frames and
   engines, since they can hold more HP and fuel. In this case the engine
   holds the same amount of fuel, though. Replace all the Extra Ar parts you
   have equipped by Extra Ar +1. Also, if you haven't done so already, this
   would be a good time to stock up in Omegasol.

   After you're done, exit Bal's place and get into your Gears again. You 
   have to find two sensors now. Actually, you have already come across one 
   of them; it was the machine near the chest which had an Iron GWhip. 
   So go back NE, North, then NW, jump up the platforms again and press 
   Cross at the sensor to deactivate it. You can talk to the green Gear now
   and he'll tell you the locations of the sensors again, BTW. Head back to
   the section Bal's house was in, and this time go all the way up the
   platforms and to the North until you find a way out of the current
   section to the NE.

   In the following section, you'll be in a stone bridge over the place 
   with the green Gear and the first sensor, so be sure not to fall off
   (actually, I think you can't ^_^;). After this, you'll be in a long
   passageway to the North, so you know what you have to do.

   After that, go to the North and you'll find a bridge to the West. NOW
   you want to be careful. Remember the section that's below you right
   now? That's right, it's the very beginning of the entire dungeon!
   Go through the bridge, deactivate the sensor, then go back to Bal's 
   house. Talk to Bal and the gate will open. After the scene, you'll 
   be outside Bal's house; you can still go back and buy from him, though.

   Go South through the huge gate. In the new section, go South, then get 
   out of your Gears and enter the Gondola to the East. Turn the red switch 
   on (select the first option when prompted) and go back to your Gears.
   Now go to the elevator to the West and activate it. Head to the South,  
   down the steps then up again, save at the Memory Cube, then take the
   elevator down. 
   In the next room you'll see Calamity flying around. You can walk 
   through the cave a bit before it attacks you, but there's not much you 
   can do.

     HP 2500, Exp 0, G 0
     Gear-sized. Huge, bulky Gear with twin engines at its back.

   Put on Booster as soon as you start. Finger Bullet does 0 damage, so 
   don't bother. Use Skills instead: Fei's T,S and Bart's T,T (unless you
   made Bart fight outside the Brigandier, in which case he could have
   learnt T,S, but it's not worth the trouble). His evade rate is almost
   nil (he does block sometimes, though), so you can abuse Cross attacks:
   they only do around 70 damage, however. Bart's T,T does around 180,
   and Fei's T,S around 200.
   Calamity's punches do about 140 damage, and throwing arms around 200, 
   but since you can't heal your HP yet, they're not to be taken lightly. 
   Bad news is that he has a spread missile attack that hits for 450 damage 
   or so, but he doesn't do it often. Furthermore, he's quite slow, so with
   Booster on, you should be able to get in two actions per character for 
   each one of his. All in all, it shouldn't be too difficult.

   There'll be a sequence then, with Calamity coming back to life and Fei
   defeating it with an Infinite Level Skill (no, you don't get it now! :P).
   After that, go East and take the round path which leads to the side of
   the broken road. Jump on the platform, then onto the road and head South
   to exit the cave. The next scene will leave you on the Yggdrasil, Bart's 
   sand ship.

        E P I S O D E   8   :   P i r a t e ' s   L a i r

                        Y g g d r a s i l

   The Yggdrasil is quite big, and you'll be walking through it quite a 
   lot, so get used to it as soon as possible. Check the map of it in the
   Maps section (it's hard to miss, it's the only map I've done ^_^).

   The floor you're in is the lowest one, the hangar for Gears. Gears
   are stored in stands like the one Weltall is now in. You can approach 
   these places and talk to the person in them to look at them (first and
   second options: look at the Gear's back or front) or ask them for
   information about the Gear (third option). Talk to the person to the 
   South to rename it.
   There's also a Gear shop in this floor; it's the building at the East. 
   It is quite important that you remember this, because it updates its
   stuff quite frequently and most of the time it has the most advanced
   equipment available where you are. Right now they have:

   Gear Engine:
   Z9-1500                1800

   Gear Frame:
   WELT-03000             1400

   Gear Armor:
   MS 9                   1500

   Gear Weapons:
   Iron GWhip             1600
   Snapper GWhip          2000

   Gear Parts:
   Resp Circuit           2500
   Def Circuit            2500
   C Circuit               250
   MagneticCoat           4000
   Lens Cover             2500
   Engine Guard           5000
   Tank Guard             3000
   Ar Repairer            4000
   Motion Guard           4000

   By now you should have enough money to get all the upgrades. I wouldn't
   reccomend getting any of the parts though: none of them are too useful.

   Exit the hangar, then go straight North and enter the door to meet Meison
   again. Here you can buy items and character equipment, but sadly, he 
   does not update his stuff.

   Character Items:
   Aquasol                  20
   Aquasol S               100
   Rosesol                 100
   Rosesol S               300
   Zetasol                 100
   Physisol                 10
   Mentsol                  20
   White Star              500
   Brown Star              500
   Red Star                500
   Blue Star               500
   Hard Star               800
   Speed Star             1000
   Omegasol                 50
   Survival Tent           150
   Character Equipment:
   Power Ring              200
   Stamina Ring            150
   Speed Ring             1200
   Guardian Ring          2000

   I'd reccomend you get some Zetasol: they're the equivalent of Phoenix 
   Tails (recover from 0 HP condition). However, since in XG such characters
   are recovered with 1 HP at the end of the battle, these items aren't as
   important as in FF games. Nevertheless, it's a good idea to keep some 
   handy for hard boss battles. You should get some Aquasol S too. The rest 
   of the items are a bit too expensive to justify their purchase for now.

   Regarding accesories, I specially like Speed Rings, and they're not that
   expensive either. According to Tatsushi Nakao, they also work when you're
   on your Gears!

   You can explore the Yggdrasil and become familiar with it (again, use the
   map). There are some things you can't do yet, though (like changing party
   members... it will be quite some time until you can). When you're done,
   go to the bridge. You can talk to the crew here, including Franz, a
   dolphin guy who can play random sound effects if you ask him. You can
   also check the ship's chart, with all the places you've visited.
   Afterwards, talk to Sigurd.

                  B a r t ' s   H i d e o u t

   Items in this area: Iron Whip

   After you arrive at Bart's base, follow Maison and Citan to the dining
   hall. There a scene will follow explaining the situation about Bart
   and Aveh's current leader, Shakhan, among others. After that, you can
   talk to the people in here. In the very dining hall there's a shop which

   Aquasol                  20
   Aquasol S               100
   Rosesol                 100
   Rosesol S               300
   Zetasol                 100
   Physisol                 10
   Mentsol                  20
   White Star              500
   Brown Star              500
   Red Star                500
   Blue Star               500
   Hard Star               800
   Speed Star             1000
   Omegasol                 50
   Survival Tent           150

   There's also a little girl you should talk to, then to her father. I
   think you have to do this.

   Exit the dining room, then go East to the electronics room. After the
   scene, you can explore the base at your leisure (actually, you also could
   before). To the north there are the quarters, in which you can rest and
   save. The West hallway leads to the World Map. Finally, the door to the
   South leads to Bart's room. There's a warning sign about not entering it,
   but ignore it ^_^; You can get an Iron whip for Bart, and when you try to
   exit, another scene will take place.

   After that, take the elevator down and try to enter the Yggdrasil. Bart
   will pop out and talk to you. After that, he'll tell you the mechanic
   wants to talk to you. So go to the base's Gear hangar then. You need to
   take an elevator which is in the same floor as the Yggdrasil's deck (it's
   on the opposite side of the elevator which leads to the base). Then, talk
   to the mechanic to trigger a scene.

   When it is over, go back to the quarters, save and rest there. After the
   scene, go down to the Yggdrasil, and a sequence will follow. Then, you'll
   have to fight some Gebler Force soldiers.

     HP 700, Exp 1500, G 300
     Gear-sized. Light red Gear with twin metallic whip-blades and a cannon
     for right hand.

   For this battle, you'll have Bart (in the Brigandier) and two of Bart's
   soldiers in some red Gears. Anyhow, it's so easy I won't even comment.

     HP 700, Exp 1500, G 300
     Gear-sized. Big light blue Gear with two large shields.
     Uses "Pile Driver/Weaken Ar". Causes "Armor Damage".

   You have Citan in his brand-new Heimdall for this battle. Again, really

   Wandknight x2
     HP 620, Exp 1500 (each), G 200 (each)
     Gear-sized. White Gear with a large rifle.

   For this battle you'll have both Citan and Bart. Easy too.

     HP 600, Exp 1500, G 300
     Gear-sized. White Gear with a claw and a razor shield.

   Now it is Fei who comes to the rescue. This is really hard... OK, I was
   kidding. Piece of cake.

     HP 4649, Exp 17890, G 1700. Leaves Beam Coat.
     Gear-sized. Huge, weird-looking round Gear.
     Uses . Causes "Armor Damage" to two targets (can be the same
     one, doubling the armor damage).

   You knew this was coming, huh? It's not that hard either, since you have
   all three good guys now. Just keep those T,T Skills and he'll be
   geography (um...).

   After this, there'll be more scenes, then you'll be in the Yggdrasil.

        E P I S O D E   9   :   O p e r a t i o n   A v e h

                     Y g g d r a s i l

   At this point, Citan will be able to use the Heimdal.
   Heimdal's initial equipment: Extra Ar +3, Old Circuit, Old Circuit. 
     Engine : Z9-1500. Frame: HEIM-02500. Armor: MS 6.

   Talk to Sigurd in the bridge, and choose the first option to leave
   Bart's hideout. You'll be controlling the Yggdrasil, so refer to
   Section 5 for details on how to control it. In any case, head for Aveh's
   capital, Bledavik. You'll have yo get off the Yggdrasil to enter, of

                    W o r l d   M a p

   Enemies in desert area:
   Neo Tin Robo
     HP 438, Exp 1100, G 150. Leaves Extra Ar +1.
     Gear-sized. Same description as a Tin Robo. Blocky, construction
     type-looking Gear with a crane arm.
   Spear Trooper
     HP 600, Exp 1050, G 1000
     Gear-sized. Yellow Gear with shield and forked spear.
   Sand Man

   Enemies in grassland area:
   Lil' Kobold

                         B l e d a v i k

   Bledavik is so large (at last a city-sized city! ^_^) that it has its own
   map. However, upon entering the first section, a scene will follow
   introducing quite some new key characters. Once it is over, you'll be in
   the marketplace section of Bledavik.

   Is it just me, or the sign at the entrance says (more or less) "Welcome
   To Fiesta de Aveh" (Fiesta is "Party/Celebration" in Spanish)? Anyway,
   talk to a woman in blue just after entering: she'll give you the
   directions of an hotel.
   In a stall near the South gate you can buy Radishes at 10 G each; in
   another one deeper in the market you can get Ariberries for the same
   price; and finally, in a third stall you can buy Elfananas, again for
   10 G. Both Ariberries and Elfananas restore some HP when eaten outside
   battle, but since you get them one at a time you probably won't have the
   patience to get enough to use them consistently. I don't know if Radishes
   are of any use yet, though ^_^;
   In another stall you can sell any Fang, Eyeball or Scales you might have
   for 150, 300 and 600 G respectivelly. Their selling prices in a regular
   shop are 100, 200 and 500 G respectivelly, so it's a better deal and as
   far as I know there's no use for any of them other than that, so go
   ahead. For more information check "Selling Prices" under "Charts".

   Bledavik is quite a big place and at this point you should explore and
   enjoy it at your leisure. It's also one of my favorite cities in the

   There's a restaurant to the West of the market and a bit to the North
   (its door is in the same wall as the hotel's; a sign over it seems to
   spell "Marine" or "Mario's"). In it's second floor, you can talk to the
   waitress by the aquarium to order some food. There are three options:

   Something delicious: Recover full HP/EP, raises weith a bit, costs 300 G.
   Something cheap    : Recover some HP/EP, raises weith a lot, costs 90 G.
   Something fast     : Recover some HP/EP, raises weith a bit, costs 210 G.
   (additionally, and quite humorously, she'll run like mad if you order
   something fast ^_^).

   There's also an Ethos facility in the same wall as the restaurant, to the
   South. It has the Ethos symbol over it. In there you can buy:

   Gear Engine:
   G6-1200                1200

   Gear Frame:
   WELT-02500              800
   HEIM-03200             1800
   BRIG-02700              900

   Gear Armor:
   MS 7.5                 1000

   Gear Weapons:
   Iron GWhip             1600

   Gear Parts:
   Resp Circuit           2500
   Def Circuit            2500
   C Circuit               250
   MagneticCoat           4000
   Lens Cover             2500
   Engine Guard           5000
   Tank Guard             3000
   Ar Repairer            4000
   Motion Guard           4000

   Oddly enough, all this stuff is the same or worse of what you already had
   access too, so...

   In the south-eastern part of the city there's also a weapon shop
   (unmistakably marked "Weapon"). There you'll be able to get:

   Character Equipment:
   Magical Rod              50
   Arcane Rod              100
   Iron Whip               120
   WhippaSnappa            280

   Also in the eastern wall, there's an armor shop.

   Character Equipment:
   Leather Vest            150
   Leather Hat              80
   Power Ring              200
   Speed Ring             1200

   When you're done, go to the hotel the woman in the entrance told you
   about. There you will be encountered by a nun sent by Nisan. You can
   rest here and even get a discount if you tell the owner you have a
   reccomendation. Tell the truth, i.e. that the woman didn't tell her
   name. In any case, you should go to the nun's room, and there you'll
   learn of the difficulty of accessing the castle where Margie is kept.
   So to the streets you go again to find some info. Head North to exit
   to Bleidavik's map, then enter Shakhan Square.

                    S h a k h a n   S q u a r e

   There's a camel-man (or something) selling toys at a stall. You can get
   a Toy Gun for 80 G or a Gear Figure (Minigear) for 120 G. If you buy the
   Minigear, you can give it to the eagle-boy near the stall, and in return
   he'll tell you about the Gold Nugget in the restaurant's aquarium (which
   you'll get a bit later). As far as I know, the Toy Gun has no use,
   however (but I bought it anyway).

   In another stall you can buy "Bartweiser" ^_^ beer (50 G, makes you gain
   weight and makes the camera wobble). After that, that same stall will
   sell Durian juice, Nisan Water and Aveh Water items, all for 10 G and
   with no use as far as I know (by now your inventory should be full of
   background items... I know mine is! ^_^).

   There's quite some more fun you can have here, including meeting Fox
   Mulder (not really ^_^); learning to breathe fire from the guy who
   breathes red fire (hold R2 and press Cross... it's fun!); buying some
   cakes (the spiced cakes cost 20 G and will make you gain weight, the iced
   ones will make you lose weight for 30 G, both with amusing side effects);
   getting a balloon in front of a tent which you can't enter just now...

   Anyhow, keep going North and Bart will tell you he must leave the party
   so he doesn't get recognized by Shakhan's forces. Do so, then go North
   to enter Fatima Castle's section.

                    T o u r n a m e n t   A r e n a

   Citan will tell you about entering the tournament to distract the guards
   while Bart slips in. So off to the counter you go. You'll be able to
   enter a nickname by combining one of four adjectives with one of four
   nouns. Choose whatever you like the most, then go back to Bledavik.

                           B l e d a v i k
   Now go to the East wall of the market. Walk either to the northern
   stairs and go South, or the southern stairs and go North. You'll find
   some people near a grate. Talk to the man nearest to it and he should
   tell you about the underground waterways. Once you've done this, go back
   to the hotel and enter the nun's room. There you'll put together a course
   of action, but you need the key to the waterway. So go back to the old
   man near the grate and talk to him. Choose either the second or the third
   choice and he'll give the key to you.

   Now go back to the hotel once more. Talk to the nun, and Citan and Bart
   will leave your party. Now, you could talk to either Citan or Bart and
   choose to rest, and it would advance the story, but don't do that just
   yet. Instead, go back to Shakhan Square.

   Remember the tent you couldn't enter? You can enter it now, and the blue
   guys in here will allow you to play a couple of sub-games, called "Merry
   Go Pop" and "Whose Balloons", for 10 G each. They will be covered in a
   future sub-games section of the FAQ; however, about the best thing you
   can get are Physimentsol, so don't worry too much about them. They're
   fun, though, and not a bad way of making money. Also, you can enter a
   third door for 10 G which leads to a mirror in which you can see yourself
   reflected. The reflection will be wider or thinner depending on your
   character's current weight.

   Once you're done with the mini-games, head back to the hotel and talk
   to Citan or Bart and choose to rest. The next morning, Citan will brief
   you on the plan. So go to the Fatima Castle section, where the tournament
   is being held.

        E P I S O D E   1 0   :   T h e   T o u r n a m e n t

                    T o u r n a m e n t   A r e n a

   Talk to one of the guards to enter the tournament grounds, then head
   northeast and talk to yet another guard. Citan will leave at this point.

   Now, if you rotate the camera so that "up" is southeast or southwest,
   and approach the castle tower, you can see Shakhan on top of it! In the
   west tent there are some participants, including Big Joe (yes, he fights
   in this tournament). Enter the east tent and to your surprise, you'll
   find Dan here. After talking to him and a mysterious man, the control will
   switch over to Bart.

                           B l e d a v i k   

   As Bart, exit the hotel and enter the waterway. You can access it from
   any of the two wells (there's one to the East and another to the West),
   but by all means use the western one (just a little South of the hotel).
   It allows for a shorter route and on top of that it allows you to get
   most items along the way.

                    T o u r n a m e n t   A r e n a

   The scene will switch to the tournament again, and Fei'll face his first

     HP 400, Exp 500, G 0. Leaves Survival Tent.
     Character-sized. Gray fat guy with a mace
     Uses "Can't take it anymore!". Physical attack combo for around 60
     damage. Gonzalez will use this attack in his turn whenever you use a
     Skill in yours.

   Beware of this guy. His "Can't take it anymore!" combo can make you kiss
   the floor if he uses it three times, which is less than you need to kill
   him. However, his regular attack deals about 30 damage, so it's not worth
   using regular attacks (which inflict little damage) just because of that.
   What I did was to use "Senretsu", he did his special, I used "Senretsu",
   he did his special, I used "Inner Healing", he did a regular attack, and
   then I did Senretsu two times in a row, because my Agility was superior
   to his. Another thing you can try is build up your AP bar and unleash a
   powerful combo.

   If you lose against this or any of your subsequent opponents, the game
   will not be over (this is a tournament, after all). However, once you are
   eliminated from the tournament, there will be a lot more guards in
   Fatima Castle, making Bart's task harder. Besides, you'll miss part of
   the story since you won't fight Dan or Wiseman.

   Assuming you beat Gonzalez, the menu screen will automatically appear
   now. If you're wondering, this is so you can heal. Do so. Of course, you
   can change your equipment, etc... too (but strangely, not save).

   Once you exit this menu screen, you will be in control of Bart, which
   is swimming through the waterway to reach Fatima Castle. However, control
   from now on switches back and forth from Fei to Bart (once he wins or
   loses each fight) and from Bart to Fei (this happens at regular intervals
   of time) so I will just list all of Fei's opponents and then everything
   Bart has to do.

   Big Joe
     HP 912, Exp 1, G 1. Leaves Metal Vest.
     Character-sized. Elvis-like green-haired character (like if you didn't
     know what Big Joe looks like already).
     Uses "Grrrreat!". Dash punch for 1 damage.
     Uses "Grrrreat!", "And dynamic!". Double dash punches for 2 damage ^_^
     Uses "Joe's fans attack". Sometimes when you attack Big Joe, the crowd
     will throw objects at you for about 60 HPs worth of physical damage.
     Uses "Joe's fans cheer support". Sometimes when you attack Big Joe, the
     crowd will cheer him and heal him 140 HPs.

   The only danger in this fight comes from the crowd, and since they won't
   attack unless you do, this fight shouldn't be too hard. Just remember to
   heal often. Big Joe has quite some HP, however, and when he gets low on
   life the crowd will heal him often (but not always). You might also want
   to consider building up your AP storage meter (by doing single Triangle
   attacks), then bring him down to about 400 HP using Skills, and then
   unleash a 28-AP combo to finish him.

   By the way, be sure to equip the Metal Vest that Big Joe leaves as soon
   as you beat him (once the menu screen pops up).

     HP 300 (of a maximum of 350), Exp 500, G 0. Leaves Samson's Hair.
     Character-sized. Green-robed hermit-looking character with long orange
     hair and a backpack.
     Uses "Strange Pill". Has no effect.
     Uses "Strange Pill". Lowers Attack.
     Uses "Strange Pill". Causes "Poison".
     Uses "Strong Pill". Raises Defense.
     Uses "Strong Pill". Raises Agility.
     Uses "Happy Pill". Recover 200 HP.

   This guy's strongest attacks will cause only 10 damage or so. However,
   don't underestimate him, for if he manages to use the Attack lowering
   "Strange Pill" and the Defense and (especially) Agility raising "Strong
   Pill"'s, you'll have quite some trouble defeating him, as he'll heal
   faster than you can damage him. To prevent this, hit fast and hit hard
   (fortunatelly, he doesn't have that many HP) before he powers up. I'd
   advice casting "Iron Valor" the first round though.
   If he does lower your attack, use "Iron Valor" again to restore it. You
   can also use "Guided Shot", since it, being an Ether attack, won't be

     HP 450, Exp 500, G 5.
     Character-sized. Big-headed boy (how else could I describe Dan? ^_^;)
     Uses "I'm gonna take you down!". Does nothing.
     Uses "This is for all of Lahan!". Physical attack for about 20 HP.
     Uses "This is for Timothy!". Physical attack for about 20 HP.
     Uses "This is for my sister!". Physical attack for about 20 HP.
     Uses "You scum!". Huge energy blast for about 100 HP of Ether damage.

   Where did Dan learn to make these kind of fireworks? Well, he has quite a
   high Defense rating, so it'll take a while to beat him. Use Iron Valor as
   soon as the battle begins; due to Dan's high defense, it will double the
   damage you inflict (the reasoning being a little too long to explain
   here). Don't ever let your HP drop below 100, because if he uses "You
   scum!" (now that's a name for a technique), you're toast. Keep hammering
   with "Senretsu" (or whatever you've got) and heal with "Inner Healing" or
   Aquasol S.

     HP 999, Exp 0, G 0.
     Character-sized. Ominous-looking man with blue cape and hood, and a
     white mask. Wiseman evades all physical attacks and receives minimum
     damage from Ether attacks.

   As you can imagine, there's no way in which you can beat him. He doesn't
   attack you either, and after a while of talking he will leave.

                   B l e d a v i k   W a t e r w a y

   Items in this area: Gold Nugget, Survival Tent, Rosesol S, Aquasol S

   There is a map of the waterway in the "Maps" section of the FAQ: I'd
   reccomend you check it out. BTW, I'm assuming you entered the waterway
   via the west well.
   You'll have to swim northeastward against the current. You can and should
   hold Circle button to swim faster; however, the current will sometimes
   rise in strenght and make you go backwards: in most of such cases, you
   can release both the Circle button and the control pad, then hold them
   again to regain your speed.

   In the junction, continue straight to the northeast. Climb the pipe and
   jump when you're at the top of it: this will lead you to the famous
   restaurant aquarium, in which you can finally get hold of the Gold Nugget
   within the chest. After that, press the Cross button to descend.

   Keep swimming northeast, then North and this time go southeast at the
   junction. Get the Rosesol S and head back to the junction, and take the
   North way again. At the next crossroad, you could take the northeast path
   to get a Survival Tent, but it's quite a long way and, well, it's just a
   survival tent ^_^.

   So take the northwest path instead. Then, take the south way in the next
   one. Get the Aquasol S and head back North. Keep going North, then
   northeast. At the four way junction, you can go South if you want to
   climb a pipe that leads to the interior of the fountain in Shakhan
   Square. This has no practical usefulness, but it looks fun ^_^.

   In any case, head straight North and you'll enter Fatima Castle.

                   F a t i m a   C a s t l e

   Items in this area: Cobra Cracka, Iron Mail x4, Aquasol S
   Enemies in this area:
   Aveh Guard
     HP 80, Exp 242, G 45. Leaves Aquasol.
     Character-sized. Same description as an Aveh Soldier. Soldier with
     brown helmet and aviation glasses on.
   Aveh Guard 
     HP 80, Exp 242, G 45. Leaves Aquasol.
     Character-sized. Same description as an Aveh Corporal. Bigger soldier
     with white helmet and aviation glasses on his head.

   Get out of the pool climbing the ladder to the East. Talk to the old man
   for a lenghty conversation, then save in the Memory Cube. You can close
   the flood gate using the switch at the other end of the bridge, but I
   don't know if that's of any use.

   Climb the ladder and you'll be in the middle of the castle's inner
   garden. From now on there will be guards patrolling the castle (their
   numbers depending on how good did you do with Fei at the tournament).
   If you have played Metal Gear Solid, you'll feel at home: they have a
   vision cone too, and if they see you, they'll run to your encounter.
   They don't activate any alarm though. Besides, they're really easy.

   The doors in the West wall lead to the dinning room and the kitcken, but
   there's nothing of interest there (except people to talk) so you can skip
   them. One cool thing is that whenever you open a door from the castle to
   the inner garden, you can take a peek out to see if there are any guards.
   You can use this to exit when no guards are looking if you're patient

   The southernmost door of the East wall leads to a room in which you can
   get the Cobra Cracka for Bart. It has one point less of Attack power than
   the Whippa Snappa you can buy in Bledavik's weapon shop, but it poisons
   enemies, so I'd reccomend you equip it.

   The middle door of the East wall leads to a room with nothing of interest
   (except the amazing level of detail that's usual in Xenogears).

   The North door of the East wall leads to the armory. You can pick up the
   four armors standing in bars near the entrance: they're Iron Mails. Equip
   one right away, and remember to equip the rest on Fei and Citan when you
   can. If you talk to the guard, he won't pay attention to you, but when
   you head to the door he will notice and pursue you to fight. It's really
   easy to exit without fighting him, however (and why is it that every
   single guard you fight is in fact two? Instantaneous mithosis?).

   Since all three North doors are locked, you only have the South door
   remaining. Cross it, and you'll be in the main hall. The South door
   leading outside is locked too, so go up the stairs.
   The door in the northwest leads to a room with a guy in it, but nothing
   of interest. Same goes for it's northeast counterpart. You can't cross
   the curtains to the South since they lead to the tournament's arena. Take
   the North door then.

   You'll be in a balcony surrounding the inner garden. There will be quite
   some guards here even if Fei wasn't eliminated in the tournament.The
   first door to the East leads to the library, in which you can learn about
   Aveh's foundation (more interesting than you might think), and that
   winners write the history. The other two doors lead to a room with
   nothing worth of remark except the castle's bishop.

   The first door to the West leads to a sort of special weapons room with
   the recently unearthed weapon Shakhan was talking about with Ramsus. The
   other two lead to a room packed with guards, but take the northernmost
   one since you'll sneak behing a wall and be able to overhear their
   conversation. There's also an Aquasol S in this room.

   If you follow either wall to the North, you'll reach a door leading
   to the interior of the castle again (it doesn't matter which side you go
   through). To the north there is a large dinning, but what you have to do
   is climb the stairs to the second floor.

   North of the second floor is a bedroom with (you guessed it) nothing of
   interest. If you go upstairs and cross the door to the North (you'll have
   to fight two guards), you'll be in Shakhan's room. But there's nothing
   here, right? Wrong. If you press Cross in front of the green bottle to the
   East, a panel will slide revealing a screen which is connected to a camera
   system throughout the castle. After picking a location, you can move the
   view around with the control pad and even zoom in and out with the Square
   and Circle buttons. You can see that Margie's in the East Tower, so there
   we go (actually, it's the only place left).

   Go downstairs to the second floor and head to the door that's to the
   East. You'll be in a room with an elevator that doesn't work and another
   door after a corridor to the North. Here you will find Margie at last.

        E P I S O D E   1 1   :   M a r g i e ' s   R e s c u e

                   F a t i m a   C a s t l e

   Save in the Memory Cube and go back to the room with the corridor.
   However, upon crossing it Ramsus and Miang will appear. For this battle,
   you'll have Margie helping you.

     HP 400, Exp 0, G 0.
     Character-sized. Blue-clad knight type with sword.
     Uses "Mirror Stance/predict atk". Ramsus will adopt a defensive stance.
     All physical attacks will miss while he's in that stance. Additionally,
     he'll counterattack for about 130 HP of damage if he's attacked.
     HP 999, Exp 0, G 0.
     Character-sized. Blue-haired girl dressed in white. Cannot be targeted
     by anyone.
     Uses "Restore". Restores 40 HP to Ramsus.
     Uses "Remove Status". If Ramsus has been affected with Status Effects,
     Miang will use this to heal him.
     HP 9999, Exp N/A, G N/A.
     Character-sized. Girl with a red cape. Cannot be targeted by anyone.
     Uses "Good luck Bart!". Randomly restores 0, 20 or 40 HP to Bart.

   Don't count on Margie too much. In any case, Ramsus is not too hard if
   you know you mustn't attack him when he's in his Mirror Stance. If you
   do, he'll slash the stuffing out of you. Take advantage of the time he's
   in that stance to heal. Having the Cobra Cracka helps a lot, because it
   will poison Ramsus sometimes, and Miang will waste her turn healing him.

   After inflicting 400 points of damage upon Ramsus, Fei will join the fun.

     HP 800, Exp 0, G 0.
     Character-sized. Blue-clad knight type with sword.
     Uses "Mirror Stance/predict atk". Ramsus will adopt a defensive stance.
     All physical attacks will miss while he's in that stance. Additionally,
     he'll counterattack for about 130 HP of damage if he's attacked.
     HP 999, Exp 0, G 0.
     Character-sized. Blue-haired girl dressed in white. Cannot be targeted
     by anyone.
     Uses "Restore". Restores 100 HP to Ramsus.
     HP 9999, Exp N/A, G N/A.
     Character-sized. Girl with a red cape. Cannot be targeted by anyone.
     Uses "Good luck Bart!". Randomly restores 0 or 20 HP to Bart.
     Uses . Randomly restores 0 or 20 HP to Fei.

   To make up for Fei's presence, Ramsus has twice as much HP, he can't be
   poisoned, Miang now heals 100 HP and Margie no longer heals 40 HP. Still,
   I didn't find this battle as hard as some people say. The only thing that
   can really be a pain is when Ramsus stays in the Mirror Stance and Miang
   keeps healing him... In any case, just use your best Skills and heal via
   Fei's "Inner Healing", and he should be defeated.

   Once he's down, you'll all escape thanks to Margie. After exiting the
   elevator, go East through the hallway. Another sequence will follow, in
   which you'll finally escape thanks to Elly.

        E P I S O D E   1 2   :   R o a d   t o   N i s a n

                        Y g g d r a s i l

   You'll be on the deck of the Yggdrasil now. Enter it, then press Cross
   in front of Chu-chu (the pink little one who's in front of the bridge's
   door). Bart will tell you to ask Margie to take it from there, so go to
   her room (check the map, it's near the Gear hangar). You'll have to input
   a name for it ("Chu-Chu" is the default). Then you'll realize it isn't a
   stuffed toy at all but a living being.

   After that, go to the bridge and talk to Sigurd twice. He'll tell you to
   pilot the Yggdrasil to the path to Nisan, which is marked by a single
   tree in the desert. It's all the way to the North from Bart's Lair, just
   follow the West coastline and you'll reach it. Enter the road to Nisan
   while still in the Yggdrasil, and it will sink into the sand and cross
   the sea.

        E P I S O D E   1 3   :   C i t y   o f   P e a c e

                            N i s a n

   Nisan, like Aveh, is quite a big city and has its own map. If you exit
   Nisan you'll be in the World Map (obviously).

                        W o r l d   M a p

   Enemies in grasslands area:
   Lil' Kobold

   Enemies in desert area:
   Sand Shark
   Neo Tin Robo

   Not much to do here, but it's my obligation to put the enemies you can
   find here, so... ^_^ We now continue with your scheduled programme. :)

                            N i s a n

   Enter the city section from Nisan's map. Even this section is quite big
   and it's easier to get lost than in Bledavik. The first house to the West
   as you enter is an inn, in which yopu can't rest now, but its owner will
   give you some tea which will make you lose weight, in return.

   You can enter the house that is northeast just before the stairs. After
   some conversation, you can buy the following from their owners:

   Character Items:
   Aquasol                  20
   Aquasol S               100
   Rosesol                 100
   Rosesol S               300
   Zetasol                 100
   Physisol                 10
   Mentsol                  20
   Omegasol                 50
   Survival Tent           150
   Character Equipment:
   Power Ring              200
   Stamina Ring            150
   Speed Ring             1200
   Guardian Ring          2000
   Holy Pendant           8000
   Life Stone            20000
   Ether Doubler         38000

   The new Accesories are quite interesting, but they're REALLY expensive
   and most likely you won't have much money about now anyway. You can also
   find one of Bart's crew in here, which will sell you the following from
   the Yggdrasil:

   Gear Engine:
   Z9-1500                1800

   Gear Frame:
   WELT-03000             1400

   Gear Armor:
   MS 9                   1500

   Gear Weapons:
   Iron GWhip             1600
   Snapper GWhip          2000

   Gear Parts:
   Resp Circuit           2500
   Def Circuit            2500
   C Circuit               250
   MagneticCoat           4000
   Lens Cover             2500
   Engine Guard           5000
   Tank Guard             3000
   Ar Repairer            4000
   Motion Guard           4000

   If you go further to the northwest, you'll find the town hall. You can't
   enter it but you can overhear a conversation about the state of things.

   Anyhow, go downstairs and to the North to meet with Margie. Talk to the
   person in front of the gate, then to Magie and head North to the

                   N i s a n   M o n a s t e r y

   After the scene (wow! Even the sisters have character development!),
   you'll have to follow Margie through the monastery. She's in a door to the
   East. Follow her upstairs, then talk to her again. More character
   development (nice idea the bit about the two angels... and how it goes
   entirelly over Bart's head ^_^).
   Afterwards, follow Margie to the northmost door (skip the other door for
   now) and up the stairs. Here you'll see a beautiful drawing of Sophia
   (that has been my Windows 95 wallpaper for the last few months ^_^), and
   the usual does of mystery will be thrown at you.

   Go back the way you came here, but enter the door you skipped. Talk to
   the sisters here if you want, then to Agnes (I think this is optional,

   You can exit the monastery now, but note there are some people downstairs
   now you might want to talk to.

                            N i s a n

   Back in Nisan's city section, go to the South exit. However, before
   reaching it, Maison will call you from a house's door.
   Enter that house, and you'll have the chance to know quite a lot more
   about Solaris. After asking about the four possible topics, you'll be
   given the chance to repeat any of them if you want. After this, you can
   talk to Sigurd and Maison if you want (Maison will say he knew about
   Sigurd having been in Solaris).

   Exit the house, then go to the bridge that's just behind the house you
   bought all that stuff from. Talk to Bart there. More scenes (isn't the
   translation wonderful? Ahh...), then go to the town hall. Citan, Sigurd
   and Bart will elaborate a strategy for liberating Aveh (and quite a risky
   one too!).

   The next morning, talk to Bart and tell him you're ready. After some
   scenes (and a FMV), you'll be back in the Yggdrasil.

        E P I S O D E   1 4   :   R e c a p t u r e   A v e h

                        Y g g d r a s i l

   As Citan, talk to Maison to cheer him up a little, then save. Head to
   the highest floor of the Yggdrasil and climb the ladder leading outside.

             K i s l e v   B o r d e r   M o u n t a i n

   Items in this area: Extra Ar+2, MagneticCoat, Gold Nugget, Rosesol S
   Enemies in this area:
   May Fly
   Nomad Fix Bot
     HP 815, Exp 880, G 0. Leaves Fang.
     Gear-sized. Blue and yellow vaguelly reptilian animal with a
     flower-like head.

   The enemies in this dungeon are just weaklings ("Medusoids? Gimme a
   break... I fought them in the FIRST dungeon!").

   Go East and climb the ledge. Jump to the southwest ledge then grab the
   Extra Ar+2 and equip it. Go back northeast, then jump to the ledge to
   the North (your Gear can jump more than it seems). Climb the platform to
   the northwest, then jump to the one to the southeast. Follow this one to
   the South and get the MagneticCoat from the chest. Equip it instead of
   the Old Circuit, if you still have it. Go back all the way to the North,
   then jump up the ledge to the northeast and enter the cave. 

   There must be some problem with the compass, because now it seems like if
   you came FROM the northeast! ^_^ In any case, continue to the southwest,
   and when you have a platform behind you to the East, jump to it from the
   one that's more or less at its level. It's a very thight jump, but it
   will save a lot of time, not to mention some jumps (if you can't make it,
   you can just go West, North and then East).

   In any case, keep going up (Northeast, then north). At the junction, go
   East. Climb a ledge and get the Rosesol S. Go back West, keep going
   northwest, jump over the crevice and get the Gold Nugget. Keep climbing
   North, jump over the crevice to the East, and climb up where the Repair
   Bot is. Talk to him and he'll offer the following:

   Gear Engine:
   Z9-1500                1800

   Gear Frame:
   WELT-03000             1400

   Gear Armor:
   MS 9                   1500

   Gear Weapons:
   Iron GWhip             1600
   Snapper GWhip          2000

   Gear Parts:
   Resp Circuit           2500
   Def Circuit            2500
   C Circuit               250
   MagneticCoat           4000
   Lens Cover             2500
   Engine Guard           5000
   Tank Guard             3000
   Ar Repairer            4000
   Motion Guard           4000

   Sounds familiar, huh? Sigh. At least, you can replenish your HP and fuel
   here. Don't tell him you don't trust him, or you'll have to fight him!
   Save in the Memory Cube, then go through the exit to the North. What's up
   with that damn compass!! Now it's like if you just exited FROM the North!
   Note also that you seem to be facing the right direction, i.e. North in
   this case, though it's where you came from. Strange...

   In any case, go East and a sequence will follow. Our girl Elhaym's
   squadron will attack you now (Hey guys, didn't you hear your commander?
   Take it easy!).

   Wandknight x2
     HP 620, Exp 1500 (each), G 200 (each). They leave Extra Ar+2.
     Gear-sized. White Gear with a large rifle.
     Uses "Power Beam/Beam Atk". Beam attack.

   These guys are just as worthless as before (worse in fact, because you're
   on a higher level now).

     HP 600, Exp 1500, G 300
     Gear-sized. White Gear with a claw and a razor shield.
     HP 700, Exp 1500, G 300
     Gear-sized. Light red Gear with twin metallic whip-blades and a cannon
     for right hand.
     HP 700, Exp 1500, G 300. Leaves Extra Ar+2.
     Gear-sized. Big light blue Gear with two large shields.
     Uses "Pile Driver/Weaken Ar". Causes "Armor Damage".

   Even when they're three against one, these guys aren't much of a
   challenge: however, they're at least not as pitiful. Take out the
   Swordknight first, since it's the one who does the most damage; and the
   Aegisknight the last, since it's the toughest and the one that does the
   least damage. If the Aegisknight pesters you too much with "Pile Driver",
   use "Inner Healing" to recover the lost armor. Actually, the point of
   this fight is to weaken you for what's coming next, and that, those guys
   do well.

   After knowing more of that mysterious incident Elly remembered about in
   the Blackmoon Forest, you'll have to fight her.

     HP 2400, Exp 0, G 0
     Gear-sized. White and pink female-looking Gear.
     Uses "Aerod/Eth Atk". Ether attack for about 300 damage.

   Fortunatelly, her regular attacks aren't very powerful. Unfortunatelly,
   the Aerods are, and you don't have any way to heal yourself yet. Use
   booster and keep hitting her with "Reppu". You'll win eventually.

   You'll appear near the Memory Cube again, but this time you can keep
   climbing to the summit. Keep going up, and West / East alternativelly
   until you reach a very bright spot. Upon walking over it, a scene will

                   F a t i m a   C a s t l e

   As Bart and Citan, head up the ladder. There'll be another sequence (I
   hate to sound so dumb ^_^;, but I don't want to spoil anything

        E P I S O D E   1 5   :   D e s e r t   D e s p a i r

                        Y g g d r a s i l

   Just save and exit the room.

              K i s l e v   B o r d e r   D e s e r t

   Enemies in this area:
   Sand Tripper
     HP 180, Exp 550, G 110
     Gear-sized. Yellow Gear with sort of skies and a machinegun.
     HP 500, Exp 320, G 220. Leaves C Circuit.
     Gear-sized. Yellow four-legged Gear with a back-mounted cannon. Stands
     on two legs once it is inflicted 60 or more damage.

   Welcome to the desert attack mini-game! You have to dodge the mines
   (-15 HP... Oh! The pain! ^_^), the shoots from the ships (-1 HP each
   time... I'll live too) and the enemy Gears, which will attack you on
   contact. your mission is basically to go West, then... to go West.

   After that, it's boss time against the so much talked about Kefeinzel

   Main Gun
     HP 1800, Exp 7000, G 0. Leaves Gold Nugget.
     Gear-sized. LARGE cannon (remember you're in a Gear!).
     Uses "Readying Kefeinzel Gun!". Does nothing (yet).
     Uses "Clear the deck!". Does nothing (still).
     Uses "5". Does nothing (but giving you a bad feeling).
     Uses "4". Does nothing (but making you nervous).
     Uses "3". Does nothing (but making you want to be elsewhere).
     Uses "2". Does nothing (but making you wonder how many HP does the darn
     cannon have remaining).
     Uses "1". Does nothing (but scaring the hell out of you).
     Uses "Firing Kefeinzel Gun!". Does about 400 damage (that's all? Boo).
  Small Gun x2
     HP 590, Exp 0, G 0
     Character-sized. Smaller turret-like cannon. It's the only
     character-sized enemy that's made of polygons in the entire game.

  Sorry about the countdown thing, but if you want to be methodic, you have
  to be methodic, and a little humour was in order to make it less boring.
  Right. So stop with the tomatoes will ya!!
  Anyway, considering that the small cannons do like 1 damage, that I could
  have beaten the cannon while it was on "3" or so (I wanted to see what it
  did), and that it just deals 400 damage after all that buildup, you'd have
  to be really bad to lose this fight.

  And that's as far as I've got yet! I fought Dora but forgot to take note
  of a couple of things so I'll trace back to a save.

   3   .   D I S C   T W O   W A L K T H R O U G H

   4   .   S E C R E T S

QUICK GEAR RIDE  ________________________________________________________
by Jego Herve  

While in the world map or any area in which you can go around in your 
gears, you can press L2+R2 to get into / out of your gears instantly.
This might not seem like much, but believe me, not having to go to the 
menu screen saves a lot of time.

YGGDRASIL'S REVERSE GEAR  _______________________________________________
by Ignacio de Lucas  

While flying around in the Yggdrasil, you can hold R2, then press the action 
button (Circle) to fly backwards. Quite useful for those accurate landings.

THE SANDMAN DESERT  _____________________________________________________
by Tatsushi Nakao  

Right at the end of the game, there's a desert in an island in the world
map that can be entered: it is the Sandman's Desert. Upon arriving there
some Sandmen will appear and tell you to go home (in English! ^_^;), at
which point you'll be asked if you want to leave or not. Assuming you
don't (second choice), you'll have to fight them, but when you beat them
there'll apparently be just an endless, looping desert. Well, here's what
you have to do. Go four screens to the East, then two to the North, and
you'll find some Sunahami's jumping towards the West. Follow them, and 
you'll appear in a screen with sand currents leading to the sand cascade.
Just try to stay in the rocks and move quickly to grab the chests (I've 
not had time to get both yet, but the easiest one has one of the best 
armors in the game). Once you drop from the upper part of the screen,
you'll have to fight Mimmy, one of the first bosses in the game... but
this time you're outside your Gears! Anyway, it's not hard. From there
on, though, Mimmys will appear as regular enemies in the desert. Also,
the screen you drop to isn't the starting point but the screen East to 
that, so if you want to repeat it to get the other chest, you only have 
to go three screens East before going North.

IN-GAME MUSIC TEST  _____________________________________________________
by Tatsushi Nakao  

Apart from the music test in Shevat, which lets you listen only to some
themes, there's another one close to the end of the game. If you go
to Kislev's Battling, which is still operative, you can choose to fight
agains other Gears for Battle Points. The Battling will be explained
in a later version of the FAQ, but you can use David Johnson's walkthough
for details about it.
Anyway, one of the items you can exchange for battle points is a M Disc,
which lets you hear most of the game's music in the jukebox in the same
Battling. I've listed the tunes along with the Action Replay number
corresponding to them.
BTW, you can use my Infinite Battle Points Action Replay code to get
the M Disc easily. Unfortunatelly, it seems that using the AR to get
the disc itself won't work, though. (note: this code will be released
when I get the game).
On another subject, I hope to be able to match the songs with their
"official" names soon, so you won't have to put up with "General Sad
Theme" stuff any longer ^_^;

I've marked some of my faves with ***** (as if anyone would care...).

A Theme

  track00: 1E - Elly's theme *****
  track01: 27 - Elly's theme (variation, non-looping)
  track02: 29 - Soft Yggrasil variant (opening text)
  track03: 0F - Chu-Chu's theme
  track04: 2B - Maria's theme
  track05: 2C - Maria and Siebzehn "heroic" variation *****
  track06: 19 - General sad theme
  track07: 06 - Forest of the Dark Moon
  track08: 42 - Graf's theme
  track09: 3E - Id's theme *****

A Battle

  track00: 1D - Battle theme
  track01: 14 - Boss music 2nd
  track02: 0B - Boss music 1st


  track00: 12 - Cave (ambience)
  track01: 11 - Water flow (ambience)
  track02: 18 - Soft wind (ambience)
  track03: 24 - Machinery (ambience)
  track04: 1A - Distant machinery (lighthouse dungeon) (ambience)
  track05: 43 - Sewers (like 06 but without ambience sounds)
  track06: 38 - Babel tower
  track07: 43 - Sewers (yes, again)


  track00: 09 - Midnight (ambience)
  track01: 10 - Mountain (ambience)
  track02: 06 - Forest of the Dark Moon (another one that repeats)
  track03: 15 - Wind (ambience)
  track04: 1B - Soft wind (ambience)
  track05: 1C - Rainfall (ambience)
  track06: 25 - Distant rumble (ambience)
  track07: 17 - Strong wind (ambience)

The World

  track00: 28 - Overworld theme
  track01: 05 - Lahan town
  track02: 07 - Citan's place
  track03: 2A - Dajil theme
  track04: 16 - Bart's theme
  track05: 04 - Alice's theme
  track06: 26 - Aveh city
  track07: 3B - Yggdrasil theme (Bart's variation)
  track08: 47 - Kisleb
  track09: 2D - Damuz theme
  track10: 45 - Shevat theme *****
  track11: 48 - Solaris Comical Theme
  track12: 39 - Church organ music
  track13: 40 - Flying Yggdrasil theme


  track00: 0C - Go to sleep
  track01: 0D - Go to sleep 2
  track02: 0E - Game over
  track03: 0A - Dramatic Church theme variation
  track04: 13 - Eerie music
  track05: 08 - Music box theme
  track06: 2E - Fei's theme *****
  track07: 2F - Church theme


  track00: 23 - Sad theme (Billy)
  track01: 3F - Heroic theme *****
  track02: 3A - General tension music
  track03: 3D - Sinister music
  track04: 3C - Kislev

Of all the tracks that are really songs, there are missing only the 41
and 44, which correspond, unsurprisingly, to the last two bosses' themes.

   5   .   A C T I O N   R E P L A Y   /   G A M E   S H A R K   C O D E S

Please don't reprint these codes without attributing them to their proper
Also, please don't ask me how to use any of these codes. I've put them as
clearly as I've been able (not that much, I know). If you really feel
there's something that could and should be better explained, mail me and
I'll try my best to explain it in the next revision of the FAQ.

These codes were created and tested using a Comms Kit. This device allows
you to enter codes instantly into the game, as opposed to a regular Action
Replay or Game Shark which enters the code from the beginning. If you have
any problems with these codes, try turning off the Action Replay / Game
Shark right after entering the codes, then turning it on just before you
need them (for example, only turn on codes that should be used in a battle
if you are in a battle.

ITEM SELECT                                               8006F65A - xxyy
by Ignacio de Lucas

Most of the times you'll be using this code to just get a Debug Item and
Debug Skill: these items give you almost all items and techniques in the
game! (and even some that aren't in there). BTW, using the Debug Item
generates Debug Skill, so you don't even need that one. The Debug Item
won't give any of the Event Items, though.

The Debug Skill will also put all characters in the "global party", just
as if the "party select" code had been used with 07FF (see below). This
is bad, however: it will cause the game to freeze when shopping, since
it will try to display the faces of all characters on the shopping screen.
So correct it with a Party Select code.

The Debug Item and Debug Skill have the numbers 21 and 22.

xx = Item in first slot, right side.
yy = Item in first slot, left side.

Item numbers will be mapped in a future revision.

INFINITE MONEY                                             8006EF58  C9FF
by Ignacio de Lucas                    8006EF5A  3B9A

Someone asked me in the Japanese version why I hadn't made this code. There
are two reasons: I could say that I don't usually use AR codes to make the
game easier, preferring instead the ones that have interesting effects. But
the main reason is that I forgot ^_^;

FAST LEVEL UP - FEI                                        8006D8E4  0001  
by Ignacio de Lucas                    8006D8E6  0000  

I think this one made you gain a level each battle. I haven't made any
more of these (just Fei's) or tested it further because of the above
reason of making the game easier.

FEI ALWAYS RUNS                                            8005A0FC  0040
by Ignacio de Lucas  

Useful for lazy players (like me! ^_^;) who don't want to even hold X
to run around. The code doesn't have any side effect either (i.e. the 
X button works just fine).

CHARACTER POSITION IN THE WORLD MAP                        800CEB62  xxxx
by Ignacio de Lucas                    800CEB6A  yyyy

by Ignacio de Lucas                    800CC3CE  yyyy

Apparently, the game uses different addresses each time to store your
character's position in the world map. None of those two codes will work
all the time. I'll try to look further into this matter whenever I have a
little more time...

SAVE ANYWHERE                                              800B236C  0001
by Ignacio de Lucas  

Inspired by the code of the same name someone made for FF7 (I later made
that same for the US version of FF7). Like it says, the game always 
consider you to be on a save point. The most amazing bit about this code
is that it actually works, that is, you can load the saved game and you
will appear where you saved. It will mess up in some places, however:
one of them being the Babel Tower. So I'd reccomend you always keep at
least one "traditional" save game (i.e. don't overwrite it using this 

I've also had some problems with this code, specifically being unable
to boot the game with it active. Until I check it some more, I'd reccomend
you turned off the Action Replay as soon as you enter the code, and turned
it on only when saving.

PARTY SELECT                                               8006F364  0xyz
by Ignacio de Lucas                    8006F366  FFFF

One of my favorite codes, it allows you to freely configurate the members
of your "global" party, i.e. the members in your current party and those 
in the reserve. You can then change party members normally as often as 
you want.

Keep in mind that there are only 9 members slots at any time (three in your
current party and six in the reserve) and there are 11 characters, so if you
choose all of them, Citan with Katana and adult Emeralda will not show up.
What's worse, if you choose all characters, the game will slow down to a
halt whenever you enter a shop's menu, as the game will try to display all
characters' faces at once. So in sum, do NOT choose more than 9 characters

Note also that the Debug Skill item will configure your party as having all
characters, so this problem will also arise. Fortunatelly, you can use this
code (party select) to select a 9-character party (or less, if you want).

In other words, you must leave two characters out. During a normal game,
these are obviously regular Citan when he gets a Katana, and young
Emeralda when she grows up. I sort of liked ol' good Citan though (more than
Chu Chu anyway ^_^;).

The way of calculating the number that you have to put instead of the xyz
can be tricky if you don't know hexadecimal / binary. I'll try to make it
simple though.

The "x" controls whether Maria, Citan with Katana and adult Emeralda
are in your global party.

            Maria   Citan   Emeralda 
         0  No      No      No
         1  Yes     No      No
         2  No      Yes     No
         3  Yes     Yes     No
         4  No      No      Yes
         5  Yes     No      Yes
         6  No      Yes     Yes
         7  Yes     Yes     Yes

The "y" controls whether Billy, Rico, young Emeralda and Chu Chu are in 
your global party.         
            Billy   Rico    Emeralda Chu Chu
         0  No      No      No       No
         1  Yes     No      No       No
         2  No      Yes     No       No
         3  Yes     Yes     No       No
         4  No      No      Yes      No
         5  Yes     No      Yes      No
         6  No      Yes     Yes      No
         7  Yes     Yes     Yes      No
         8  No      No      No       Yes
         9  Yes     No      No       Yes
         A  No      Yes     No       Yes
         B  Yes     Yes     No       Yes
         C  No      No      Yes      Yes
         D  Yes     No      Yes      Yes
         E  No      Yes     Yes      Yes
         F  Yes     Yes     Yes      Yes

The "z" controls whether Fei, Elly, Citan and Bart are in your global

            Fei     Elly    Citan   Bart
         0  No      No      No      No
         1  Yes     No      No      No
         2  No      Yes     No      No
         3  Yes     Yes     No      No
         4  No      No      Yes     No
         5  Yes     No      Yes     No
         6  No      Yes     Yes     No
         7  Yes     Yes     Yes     No
         8  No      No      No      Yes
         9  Yes     No      No      Yes
         A  No      Yes     No      Yes
         B  Yes     Yes     No      Yes
         C  No      No      Yes     Yes
         D  Yes     No      Yes     Yes
         E  No      Yes     Yes     Yes
         F  Yes     Yes     Yes     Yes

Some interesting parties are:

07BB : Citan with Katana, adult Emeralda, Maria and Chu-chu (my fave).
077B : Citan with Katana, both Emeraldas, Maria but not Chu-chu.
073F : Both Citans, adult Emeralda, Maria but not Chu-chu.
067F : Both Citans, both Emeraldas, but without Maria nor Chu-chu.

In all of these all of the other party members (Fei, Elly, Bart, Rico and
Billy) are also included. However there's lots of combinations and with
a little thinking you can make your favorite.

CHARACTER SELECT                                           3006F368  00xx
by Ignacio de Lucas                    3006F369  00yy
                                                           3006F36A  00zz

Actually, the only reason now to use this code, is to change characters
when you still can't change characters (early on the game). You will
therefore always use this code in conjunction with the former one, since
when you can't change characters is when you have only three or less in your
global party, so you wouldn't be able to select anyone anyway. So you'd use
the "Party Select" to put the character you want in your global party, then
the "Character Select" to put it into your current party. Clear enough? I
hope so, because that's about as clearly as I can put it.

Beware when selecting a character that you haven't already obtained
normally, as most of the times they won't be equipped with a Gear, or even
be equipped, as in adult Emeralda's case, with the Yggdra4, which tends to
crash the game. For these, remember to use a "Gear select" code (which, of
course, I kindly provide :) ).

In these, xx is the first character, yy the second, and zz the third. If you
are using a Comms Kit to activate these, remember you can't enter codes
starting with 30 with it; instead, you must use:

8006F368  yyxx
8006F36A  00zz

The character numbers are:

00 - Fei
01 - Elly
02 - Citan
03 - Bart
04 - Billy
05 - Rico
06 - Young Emeralda
07 - Chu-chu
08 - Maria
09 - Katana-wielding Citan 
0A - Adult Emeralda

ENEMIES HAVE INFINITE HP                   800CD184  7FFF  800CD2F4  7FFF  
by Ignacio de Lucas    800CD464  7FFF  800CD5D4  7FFF
                                           800CD744  7FFF  

Well, I made this code mainly for being able to make the skill lists 
without the enemies dying all around, but maybe someone might find 
this useful.

ENEMIES HAVE JUST ONE HP                   800CD184  0001  800CD2F4  0001
by Ignacio de Lucas    800CD464  0001  800CD5D4  0001
                                           800CD744  0001  

Silly me, I forgot that the above code could be as well used to put the
enemies down to 1 HP. And THAT would be useful ^_^;

by Ignacio de Lucas    800CD51C  FFFF  800CD68C  FFFF  

Same as above.

ENEMY GEARS HAVE JUST ONE HP               800CD23C  0001  800CD3AC  0001
by Ignacio de Lucas    800CD51C  0001  800CD68C  0001

Same as above also.

INFINITE TIME BAR                                          800D2E06  0000
by Ignacio de Lucas                    800D2E08  0000
                                                           800D2E0A  0000

Yer average (but popular nonetheless) "nyah nyah I can attack a thousand 
times before you can move" code. The enemies will be able to poke an attack
every now and then, however.

ALWAYS HAVE 28 AP STORED                                   800D32A0  001C
by Ignacio de Lucas                    800D32A8  001C
                                                           800D32B0  001C

Like it says. Beware that this causes EXTREMELLY weird things to happen when
inside your Gear: namely, you will use your character's Skills instead of
the Gear's!  It will use the animations for your Gear's attacks but it looks
really cool! The "beware" part is that it tends to crash the game.

by Ignacio de Lucas  

For each character, there are four codes listed. They are HP, Max HP, EP and
Max EP. One note though: some of these will not work, especially for the
later characters. It seems that they're not always equally distanced, and
I've not bothered to try them all. Most should work, though. 


8006D8EC  03E7
8006D8EE  03E7
8006D8F0  0063
8006D8F2  0063


8006D990  03E7
8006D992  03E7
8006D994  0063
8006D996  0063


8006DA14  03E7
8006DA16  03E7
8006DA18  0063
8006DA1A  0063


8006DAD8  03E7
8006DADA  03E7
8006DADC  0063
8006DADE  0063


8006DB7C  03E7
8006DB7E  03E7
8006DB80  0063
8006DB82  0063


8006DC20  03E7
8006DC22  03E7
8006DC24  0063
8006DC26  0063

Young Emeralda

8006DCC4  03E7
8006DCC6  03E7
8006DCC8  0063
8006DCCA  0063

Chu Chu

8006DD68  03E7
8006DD6A  03E7
8006DD6C  0063
8006DD6E  0063


8006DE0C  03E7
8006DE0E  03E7
8006DE10  0063
8006DE12  0063

Citan with Katana

8006DEB0  03E7
8006DEB2  03E7
8006DEB4  0063
8006DEB6  0063

Grown Emeralda

8006DF54  03E7
8006DF56  03E7
8006DF58  0063
8006DF5A  0063

INFINITE HP - ALL GEARS                                    800CCDEC  7FFF
by Ignacio de Lucas                    800CCF5C  7FFF
                                                           800CD0CC  7FFF

This only works in battle... then again, it is the only place in which 
you'll be needing it.

INFINITE FUEL - ALL GEARS                  800CCDC4  270F  800CCDC6  270F
by Ignacio de Lucas    800CCF34  270F  800CCF36  270F
                                           800CD0A4  270F  800CD0A6  270F

There are six codes because I put the Max Fuel as well.

ALWAYS AT ATTACK LEVEL 3 - ALL GEARS                       800CCE30  0003
by Ignacio de Lucas                    800CCFA0  0003
                                                           800CD110  0003


by Ignacio de Lucas                    800CCFA0  0004
                                                           800CD110  0004

Beware that if your character doesn't have an Infinity Level attack he/she
won't be able to attack at all :). Of course, that's where the "Have all
abilities" code steps in.

by Ignacio de Lucas  

You can have any character ride any Gear, but they'll perform the Skills,
Ethers, etc of its legitimate owner.

Fei                  8006D940  00xx
Elly                 8006D9E4  00xx
Citan                8006DA88  00xx
Bart                 8006DB2C  00xx
Billy                8006DBD0  00xx
Rico                 8006DC74  00xx
Young Emeralda       8006DD18  00xx
Chu Chu              8006DCBC  00xx
Maria                8006DE60  00xx
Citan with Katana    8006DF24  00xx
Grown Emeralda       8006DFA8  00xx

The Gears are:

01 : Weltall
02 : Vierge
03 : Heimdal
04 : Brigander
05 : Renmazuo
06 : Stier
07 : Chu-chu
08 : Siebzehn
09 : Crescens
0A : El Regurus (crashes)
0B : El Fenrir
0C : El Andvali
0D : El Renmazuo
0E : El Stier
0F : Xenogears
10 : Heimdal
11 : Bart 01 (crashes)
12 : Yggdra (crashes)

Gears marked with (crash) tend to crash the game (surprise). They can still
be used in battle and they won't crash much (well the Yggdra does a bit
^_^;), but they will definitelly crash if their graphic is to be displayed
in the map. I.e. don't enter or exit any location with any of them active
(I'm afraid exiting from a battle counts as well, though).

by Ignacio de Lucas  

Nice, huh? Each one of the five codes for each character gives all abilities
of a certain type for that character. These are: Skills, Ethers, Gear
Skills, Gear Ethers, and Gear Options, in that order. Actually, you might
just as well use the Debug Skill item to get all abilities, but keep in mind
that the Debug Skill doesn't give you all abilities (for example, Fei's
"Hell Fire" Gear option). If you use Debug Skill and don't get all Gear
Skills, use the third code for each character, which is the one which gives
Gear Skills.

These codes will also give you tons of non-existing abilities though,
which can make anything from crash the game to nothing at all. To make 
sure one of these exists, just check it in the official lists. 


8006ECF4  FFFF
8006ECF6  FFFF
8006ECF8  FFFF
8006ED0E  FFFF


8006ED14  FFFF
8006ED16  FFFF
8006ED18  FFFF
8006ED1A  FFFF
8006ED2E  FFFF


8006ED34  FFFF
8006ED36  FFFF
8006ED38  FFFF
8006ED3A  FFFF
8006ED4E  FFFF


8006ED54  FFFF
8006ED56  FFFF
8006ED58  FFFF
8006ED5A  FFFF
8006ED6E  FFFF


8006ED74  FFFF
8006ED76  FFFF
8006ED78  FFFF
8006ED7A  FFFF
8006ED8E  FFFF


8006ED94  FFFF
8006ED96  FFFF
8006ED98  FFFF
8006ED9A  FFFF

Young Emeralda

8006EDB4  FFFF
8006EDB6  FFFF
8006EDB8  FFFF

Chu Chu

8006EDD4  FFFF
8006EDD6  FFFF
8006EDD8  FFFF


8006EDF4  FFFF
8006EDF6  FFFF
8006EDF8  FFFF
8006EE0E  FFFF

Citan with Katana

8006EE14  FFFF
8006EE16  FFFF
8006EE18  FFFF
8006EE1A  FFFF
8006EE2E  FFFF

Grown Emeralda

8006EE34  FFFF
8006EE36  FFFF
8006EE38  FFFF
8006EE3A  FFFF
8006EE4E  FFFF

HAVE WON FOUR STRAIGHT RPS GAMES                           800C3E7A  0004
by Ignacio de Lucas  

For those of you who just can't beat that darned guy at Rock, Paper,
Scissor in Lahan, here's the right code. This will make the game think
you've won four times in a row, so you just have to win a fifth time and
he'll give you the RPS Badge (remember you have to talk to him after you
win). Evne if you lose, the game still thinks you've won four times, so
just try again. Easy.

by Ignacio de Lucas                    800C3F6C  7FFF

This is for the Whose Balloons mini-game in Bledavik's Shakhan Square. It
will give you maximum balloons and bingos.

   6   .   P L A Y I N G   T H E   G A M E

   C H A R A C T E R S


Birthplace:    Unknown
Age:           18
Gender:        Male
Height:        177cm
Weight:        67kg
Weapon Style:  Martial Arts
Gear:          Weltall


Birthplace:    Solaris
Age:           18
Gender:        Female
Height:        164cm
Weight:        46kg
Weapon Style:  Rods
Gear:          Vierge


Birthplace:    Solaris
Age:           29
Gender:        Male
Height:        182cm
Weight:        68kg
Weapon Style:  Martial Arts / Katana
Gear:          Heimdal


Birthplace:    Aveh  (Fatima Castle, Bledavik)
Age:           18
Gender:        Male
Height:        183cm
Weight:        72kg
Weapon Style:  Whips
Gear:          Brigandier


Birthplace:    Aquavy Islands
Age:           16
Gender:        Male
Height:        168cm
Weight:        59kg
Weapon Style:  Guns
Gear:          Renmazuo


Birthplace:    Kislev
Age:           30
Gender:        Male
Height:        211cm
Weight:        160kg
Weapon Style:  Wrestling
Gear:          Stier


Birthplace:    Shevat?
Age:           ??
Gender:        Female
Height:        ??cm
Weight:        ??kg
Weapon Style:  Bare-Hand
Gear:          Siebzehn


Birthplace:    ??
Age:           ??
Gender:        Female
Height:        ??cm
Weight:        ??kg
Weapon Style:  Body Change
Gear:          Crescens


Birthplace:    ??
Age:           ??
Gender:        Female (judging from equipable armor)
Height:        ??cm
Weight:        ??kg
Weapon Style:  Claws
Gear:          None

   C O N T R O L S

(sigh) They changed the button layout in the US version. It's a mess to
make out at first, especially when I go back to play any other RPG game in
which Triangle goes to the menu screen, as usual. If you played the Japanese
version (or FF7), Square and Triangle are switched as are Cross and Circle.
Of course, the notations in ths FAQ correspond to the US version, don't

WHILE ON THE WORLD MAP / FIELD / DUNGEON  _______________________________

 T     = Jump
 S     = Open Main Menu
 X     = Talk / Accept / Examine / Read / Open chests, doors
 O     = Dash / Decline / Close Menu
R1     = Rotate right 45 degrees
L1     = Rotate left 45 degrees
L2+R2  = Get into or out of your Gears (only in the World Map)
R2+X   = Reverse gear while in the flying Yggdrasil (only in the World Map)
START  = Pause the game
SELECT = Open / Close Minimap (only in the World Map)

  You can jump while dashing to perform a longer, faster Jump.

While in any of these areas (usually), a compass is displayed at the
bottom right corner of the screen to let you know where you're heading.
'North' is always shown in red.

MENU CONTROLS  __________________________________________________________

X  = Accept
O  = Cancel / Close current window
R1 = Show next character in roster
L1 = Show previous character in roster

BATTLE CONTROLS  ________________________________________________________

T = Accept a command  / during Attack, perform a Weak attack
S = Accept a command  / during Attack, perform a Regular attack
X = Accept a command  / during Attack, perform a Strong attack
O = Decline a command / during Attack, end Attack string.

   M A I N   M E N U

Shown on the main screen of the Main Menu is a list of available
commands.  To the right are your characters, and information about 

Experience Level
Experience Points remaining until Level Up
Current HP / Maximum HP  (Hit Points)
Current EP / Maximum EP  (Ether Points)

You can have up to three characters in your party at one time.  At the
bottom of the menu is a display telling you how much Gold (G) you have,
and the total amount of time you've spent playing the game.

MAIN MENU - STATUS  _____________________________________________________

Shown in this menu (top to bottom, left to right):

Current Level (LV)
Amount of EXP earned so far
Amount of EXP remaining until Level Up
Character's Portrait
Character's Name
Current HP / Maximum HP
Current EP / Maximum EP

Characteristic        Determines
Weight                Affects Agility
Attack                Damage inflicted with physical attacks
Accuracy              Chance of hitting with physical attacks
Defense               Damage received from physical attacks
Evade                 Chance of being hit by physical attacks
Ether                 Damage inflicted with Ether attacks
Ether Defense         Damage received from Ether attacks
Agility               Time between turns
Weapon                Weapon equipped
Accessory             Accesories equipped
Gear                  Gear equipped

Skill Menu   = This screen shows you all the skills you can learn at the
               moment.  If you've learned a skill, the Ability Points
               (AP) required are shown along with the button command.
               (For instance, Fei's Senretsu costs 5 AP and is inputted as 

               The numbers and bars tell you how close you are to learning
               a new skill. If it's at 100% and you haven't learned it yet,
               it means that your level is still too low to get it, but 
               you'll learn it automatically once you reach the appropriate 

Ability Menu = See 'Main Menu: Ability'
Equip Menu   = See 'Main Menu: Equip'

MAIN MENU - EQUIP  ______________________________________________________

The box in the upper left shows this:

Weapon   (currently equipped)
Accessories  (currently worn)

Accessories include armor (hats, clothing), and items similar to those
found in FF7 (Stamina Ring, Glasses, etc.)

The box in the upper right shows what unequipped items can be worn.

The box in the lower right shows the same stats from the 'Status'
screen.  When you equip an item, the positive (red) or negative (blue)
impact on certain stats is displayed.

MAIN MENU - ITEM  _______________________________________________________

The main box shows all the items you've accquired so far.  Items that
are highlighted can be used currently; items in dark lettering cannot
be used at the moment.  The lower box will give you a description of
the item, as well as tell you what type of item it is.

You can sort items by pressing X over an item once, finding a place,
and pressing X.  In the case of highlighting another item, the two will
switch places.  To use an item, double-select that item with X and then
choose the applicable character(s).

MAIN MENU - ABILITY  ____________________________________________________

The main box shows all learned abilities, and how many Ether Points (EP)
are required to use that ability.  The box in the lower left gives a
brief description of that ability, and the box to the lower right tells
you what type of ability it is.  Finally, a small box below that shows
you your current / maximum EP count.

MAIN MENU - GEAR  _______________________________________________________

This menu isn't available unless you have a Gear and are using it outside
of a battle.

The menu is similar to the Status screen, but with some differences:

FL = Current amount of Gear fuel / Maximum amount of fuel

Characteristic     Determines
Weight             Affects Agility
Attack             Damage inflicted with physical attacks
Defense            Damage received from physical attacks
Ether Defense      Damage received from Ether attacks
Response           Chance of hitting with physical attacks
Agility            Time between turns
Ether Amplifier    Damage inflicted with Ether attacks

The 'Weapon' and 'Accessory' sections on this screen apply to your Gear,
not you :)  As for the other options:

Get ON/OFF  = Choose if you want to walk or ride in your Gear.
Gear Option = Devices that can be used by your gear. They cost fuel.
Ability     = These are Abilities that you can use while in your Gear 
              They also cost EP.  
Equip       = For equipping weapons and accessories on your Gear.

MAIN MENU - FILE  _______________________________________________________

When selected, this screen loads up all the files on your Memory Card(s),
including the little animated pictures.  Nice.

If you're standing near a Memory Cube or are on the Field, you can choose
to save your game.  Otherwise, your only option are to copy an existing
file or delete a file.  Note that you can copy and delete non-Xenogears
files as well :)

MAIN MENU - EXIT  _______________________________________________________

As opposed to pressing Circle, you can also choose this option to exit the
Main Menu.

   S L E E P I N G   A N D   S H O P P I N G

Sleeping in an inn restores all HP and EP, pretty much as always.

Like inns, shops can be found everywhere.  Sometimes, you can buy things
from just people standing around instead of people inside buildings.
When the shopping menu pops up, you'll see a list of items for sale and
the amount of gold they cost will be displayed on the right.  The window
on the top tells you more about the item.  To buy an item, press left or
right while on it to indicate how many of that item you want.  Then
press X to buy it.  A subtraction table on the right will show you how
much gold you have remaining.  When buying an equippable item, portraits
of your characters will be shown, and if that item can be used by that
character, their portrait lights up.  Below that are indicators letting
you know how that item affects your Weapon Power (top) and Defense
Power (bottom).

You can also sell items in shops; just choose items you want to get rid
of and the price offered will be shown.  Not all items are salable.

You can also buy items for your Gear and maintain or upgrade it.  Not
a lot of people can do this for you (Old Man Bal is one of them).  On
that menu:

TUNE UP MENU  ___________________________________________________________

Here, you can improve your Gear's stats:

Fuel   - Restores your lost fuel.  Increases fuel and HP to maximum.
Engine - You can purchase a new engine. This affects the Gear's attack
          power (first number in the engine's name), as well as the 
          amount of fuel it can carry (second number multiplied by 100).
          Unfortunatelly, more powerful engines use fuel faster when
          using Booster.
Frame  - You can purchase a new frame. The Frame of your Gear affects 
          the amount of HP it has. The HP a frame has can be obtained 
          by multiplying the number in its name by 100.
Armor  - You can purchase new armor (for better defense). If there are
          two numbers in its name, the first is the Defense value and the
          second the Ether Defense value.

BUY MENU  _______________________________________________________________

You can buy Weapons or Accessories (Parts) for your Gear.

SELL MENU  ______________________________________________________________

You can sell Weapons or Accessories (Parts).

   B A T T L E S

The battle system in Xenogears is quite similar to that of so many other
Square games (especially FF games), the ATB (Active Time Battle) system.
This system consists of a separate time bar for each character and enemy,
which fill simultaneously as time goes on. When one character's bar is full,
he/she may choose an action to perform, then wait until it fills again.

The system in Xenogears is the "immediate fill" variant, as in Final Fantasy
Tactics. That means that, instead of the bars actually filling up slowly as
real time passes, the game will skip straight to the next character's turn,
and consequently filling up the other characters' bars too according to the
time ellapsed and their speed. Also like in Final Fantasy Tactics, you have
all the time in the world to pick your choices, as the other characters'
bars don't fill up while making selections. To sum it up, there's no
real-time factor, thus making strategy a heavier component of battles.

OK, if you didn't understand, you will once you fight a couple of battles,
if you pay a little attention to the bars. It's a lot simpler than it

THE BATTLE SCREEN  (Character Battle)  __________________________________

Shown on the top are the portraits of your characters and their current
and maximum HP.  Below that is shown their Time Bar and amount of
stored Attack Points (AP).

Your character(s) and the enemy or enemies are shown in the middle against
an appropriate background.  Depending on the location and progression of
the battle, both enemies and characters may move to different spots on the
screen.  When you're selecting a target for commands and attacks, a red
arrow appears that you can direct over an enemy or friend with the
directional key.  If you have multiple targets, multiple arrows will show,
with darkened directions indicating that you can press in that direction to
highlight a new target.

When one of your character's time bar it's full, a ring-shaped menu will
appear. This is quite similar to that option of FF5 and FF6 in which you
could arrange the commands in a cross shape, so you could highlight any of
them with one directional press. Only thing is, there are more than four
commands this time, which means there is another ring that can be accessed
by pressing a direction again when you are already highlighting that
direction's command. To select any command, press Cross.

Below that is a tall vertical meter.  This is the graphical representation
of your currently usable Attack Points.  When you're creating your own
chain of attacks, a small numerical counter is also shown to the right of
that showing current AP / maximum AP usable at the moment.  Certain attacks
and combinations require more AP than others (we'll get to all that in a

BATTLE COMMANDS  (Character Battle)  ____________________________________

      Main Ring:                            Secondary Ring:

     < ABILITY >                               CALL GEAR

DEFENSE        ATTACK                    ESCAPE         COMBO

        ITEM                                      ITEM

                          A T T A C K

 - The basis for Xenogears' battle system is combining three different
   types of attacks to perform a string during each character's turn. The
   attacks are performed by pressing the Triangle, Square and Cross buttons.
   The player has (almost) full freedom to combine these three attacks in
   any way he/she desires.

 - Once you select the "Attack" command, your character will run next to
   the nearest enemy and wait for you to input further commands. At this
   point, you can:

   Press Circle to cancel and go back to the Ring Menu.

   Or press any direction in the D-pad to select another target, if
   available, as mentioned above. 

   Or press any of the attack buttons to start attacking the enemy.
   The attack buttons are the Triangle button (Weak Attack), the Square
   button (Medium Attack) and the Cross button (Strong Attack). Performing
   an attack will immediatelly deduce its cost from your remaining AP for
   that turn, this cost being 1 AP for the Weak Attack, 2 for the Medium
   and 3 for the Strong.

 - However, as mentione above, one of the most notable differences between
   Xenogears and other RPGs is that you can perform more that one attack
   per turn. Assuming you still have enough AP to perform another attack,
   you may do so, and keep attacking until you run out of AP or some other
   circumstance prevent you from doing so. These circumstances include:

   If you perform a Skill (which will be explained later), the string will
   finish immediatly.

   If you pause after an attack, and the enemy has 0 HP, it will die, thus
   ending the string (what, you wanna punch the air?). Note however that
   if you enter all attacks in a quick succesion the enemy won't die until
   you end the string.

   Finally, if you press Circle instead of an attack button, you'll end
   the string prematurelly.

   In any of these three cases, your turn will be over and any remaining
   AP you might still have will be stored in your Combo Bar. The use of
   this bar is discussed under the "Combo" command description.


 - Skills are specific button combinations that result in the final attack
   in the string, which is always a Cross (strong) attack, resulting a
   graphically impressive special attack that will cause much more damage
   than the regular Cross attack would have. Needless to say, they should
   be performed as often as possible, as they have no drawbacks.

   In addition of showing all Skills available to each of your characters
   when you select the Skill option in the Status screen, the game also
   displays, during battle, which Skills are available to you within a
   two button presses range from your current input. Say, with Fei you
   do "Triangle, Triangle". Assuming you don't kill the enemy, the game
   will pause and display the "Cross" ender (so the complete string, from
   the beginning, would be T,T,X) and the "Square, Cross" ender (T,T,S,X),
   but not the "Triangle, Triangle, Cross" one (T,T,T,T,X), as it is three
   button presses away.

 - Skills you haven't yet, but can be learnt (this usually means you have
   enough AP to perform them) are usually displayed grayed out in the Skill
   list, along with a percentage indicator. This percentage will go up
   faster depending on which strings you use during battle. Although it
   seems that performing the string that would result in the Skill you want
   to learn does raise this percentage, sometimes it seems to get stuck and
   other strings are needed. The exact relationship between strings used
   and Skill learning is largely unknown at the moment, unfortunatelly.

 - In any case, having a 100 in a Skill's indicator doesn't neccesarily
   imply the learning of the Skill, since there's also a minimum level
   requirement. However, if you have 100 per cent, you'll automatically
   learn the Skill when you reach that level.

                         A B I L I T Y

   Pretty similar to other game's Magic, each character can learn different
   Abilities as they level up, and use them in battle (and sometimes outside
   it, such as in the case of healing ones). These abilities consume Ether
   points, that can be replenishing either by sleeping or consuming certain
   items (mostly Rosesols). Each character's Ability command receives a
   different name: Ether, Chi, Arcane, Controls or Spells. Refer to the
   Ability lists for details on individual Abilities.

                         D E F E N S E

 - A defending character does not perform any action this turn, but his/her
   Defense Power will be effectivelly doubled until his/her next turn. This
   is mostly useful as a way of not doing anything.

                            I T E M

 - Use one of your items during battle. Note that there are quite some
   items that can't be used during battle (food, for example). BTW, both
   Item commands (the one in the Main Ring and the one in the Secondary
   Ring) are identical.

                           C O M B O

 - You can store up to 28 AP points total. You can then use the Combo
   option to release the stored APs in the form of a string of Skills,
   each one costing as much as the whole string you have to perform normally
   to use it (even though you are actually performing only the "Cross"
   ender each time). Still, this results in dealing huge amounts of damage
   as the Skills are by far the most damaging parts of the strings, and
   look like you're trashing your enemy (the Skills will be performed in
   Fast Forward).
   Skills susceptible to form part of a Combo include all Skills your
   character has learned, excluding any 7 AP Skill.

                        C A L L   G E A R

 - This command allows your character to get inside his/her corresponding
   Gear, assuming that he/she does have one, and that you are in open space
   or in a wide enough place. The advantages to this are immediate, as
   Gears' Attack and Defense Power are obviously unmatched by humans, not
   to mention they have a lot more HP too. Unless you're fighting weak
   enemies for your Level, you'll most likely get trashed by Gears if you
   go on foot, and converselly you'll trash any character-sized enemy if
   you're in your Gears.

 - Disadvantages? There are two. The first one reflects the unavailability
   of Gear resources, as both their Fuel and HP can only be restored in
   certain places (you can use Fuel to heal HP if you're equipped with the
   appropriate Gear part, but...). Humans' HP, on the other side, can be
   easily restored by quite some items, Ethers, etc...
   The secong, and subtler, disadvantage, is that you can't learn Skills
   while on a Gear. This will be explained later.

                          E S C A P E

 - Your character will try to run away from battle. If he/she is successful,
   everyone will flee. However, if he fails, any other character may try
   again during his/her turn.

THE BATTLE SCREEN  (Gear Battle)  _______________________________________

This screen is similar to the normal battle screen, with the following

 - Shown below the Time Gauge is the Fuel Meter.  Fuel is used in lieu
   of AP while in a Gear.  Without Fuel, you cannot perform commands in

 - The graphical and numerical representation of AP now represents
   your amount of Fuel.

 - There is a box to the right showing the status of your Gear.

 - There's an Attack Level icon available.  

BATTLE COMMANDS  (Gear Battle)  _________________________________________

      Main Ring:                            Secondary Ring:

    ETHER MACHINE                           SPECIAL OPTIONS

CHARGE         ATTACK                    ESCAPE         BOOSTER

        ITEM                                     ITEM

                        A T T A C K

 - A Gear is noticeably heavier and slower than a human, and therefore its
   attacking speed is more limited. This means that a Gear may only be able
   to perform either a single attack or a Skill each turn. Furthermore,
   Gear Skills are significantly different from character ones. For one,
   they don't have to end in a Strong (Cross) attack. Also, the string
   which forms a Skill is only two attacks long (the second being the
   Skill). Consequently, ALL strings are Skills. However, Gear Skills
   can't be performed at any time, like character ones: you need a high
   enough Attack Level.

 - Every time you attack, but not perform a Skill, you gain a level in
   your Attack Level meter. Skills starting with Triangle require and
   consume one Attack Level, ones starting with Square cost two, and ones
   starting with Cross cost three. This means that you have to attack
   three turns and not perform a Skill to be able to do a Cross-starting
   Skill. Also, as mentioned above, the amount of Fuel recovered with
   Charge is multiplied by one plus your Attack Level.

 - Like character Skills, if you press a button and can perform a Skill
   off of that button, a diagram showing you the total Fuel Cost as well
   as what button can be pressed to perform that Skill is shown. Of course,
   you can always press Circle to cancel and just do a normal attack (useful
   for building up Attack Level). 

 - Gear Skills are closely related to character ones, in the sense that
   learning one character Skill makes you learn one Gear Skill (at least
   until your third 7 AP character Skill). Since you can only learn
   character Skills on foot, it comes to happen that you need to be on
   foot even to learn Gear Skills!

 - In addition to the Skills you can learn normally (T,T, T,S, S,T,
   S,S, X,T and X,S), there are three accesories that allow you to use
   one additional Skill per level (T,X, S,X and X,X respectively).
   These Skills are extremelly useful as not only do they more damage
   than a regular Skill, but they also cost much less fuel. Thanks
   to David Johnson ( for this info.

                     Infinite Attack Level

 - Of special mention is the Infinite Attack Level.  For a start, it
   isn't achieved normally (i.e.  you don't automatically enter it
   when using a single attack from Level 3).  Instead, each turn you
   SPEND in Level 3, there is a chance of you getting to Level
   Infinite.  This chance is shown as the Hyper Level in the bunch of
   indicators at the right.  So if it says Hyper Level 30%, each turn
   you spend in Attack Level 3 (not counting the one you reach it)
   you have a 30% chance of getting to Attack Level Infinite. And
   note that you don't have to attack or do anything else to raise to
   Infinite Level: you could as well charge fuel while you wait.

 - Now, where does this chance come from? Well, while some Gears seem to
   have an initial Hyper Level value higher to 0%, generally speaking it
   seems to be solely affected by your current HP level.  The least HP you
   have, the greater this chance is.  Keep in mind, though, that even at
   almost 0 HP, this chance doesn't seem to raise above 45% or so.  Also,
   the Weltall 2 has a Gear option that puts it automatically in Infinite
   Level, and the Xenogears is always at 99% Hyper Level. This makes the
   Xenogears the most powerful Gear in the game, since it can reach Infinite
   Attack Level in four turns every time and let hell break loose.

 - Infinite Attack Level wears of after three turns, so you better
   make the most of it. What are your options when in Infinite Attack
   Level?  For a start, you can use Infinite Level Gear Skills, which
   deal a huge amount of damage (about twice as much as a Level 3 Skill)
   for a mere 10, 20 or 30 fuel. Since these won't wear your attack
   level, you can just use them three times in a row (until Infinite 
   Level wears off). You can also charge, and will get ten times as much
   fuel as normal each time. This usually means 300 fuel, but equipping
   an A, S, X or Z charger will get you 500, 1000, 2000 or a whopping
   5000 fuel back!

 - Note also that you can't reach Attack Level Infinite until you have at
   least one Infinite Level Skill. I'm pretty sure that these correspond
   (as seen above) to the 7 AP Skills of the Gear's pilot.

                    E T H E R   M A C H I N E

 - This allows you to use your character's Abilities when inside his/her
   Gear. Not all of a character's Abilities are available when inside a
   Gear, though. Also, some Abilities function and look different when
   you're riding a Gear. For one, all "HP recover" Abilities restore Gear
   defense when used inside a Gear (there are quite some enemy attacks
   that lower defense: this will be reflected in the Armor Loss percentage

 - The only exception to this rule is Chu-chu's "Forest Dance S", which
   recovers not only characters' HPs, but even Gears', making it 
   extremely useful as it is the only way to recover a Gear's HP without
   using Fuel in the whole game.

                         C H A R G E

 - This is the only way of restoring Fuel during battle. The amount of Fuel
   restored is 30 by default, but certain Gear parts, the A, S, X, and Z
   Chargers increase that amount to 50, 100, 200 and 500 respectivelly.
   Also, the amount of fuel recovered varies depending on which Attack Level
   you Gear is in as well. Thanks a lot to Brian Youn ( for
   pointing out my wrong assumption of that Levels 1, 2 and 3 multiplied the
   basic amount recovered as Level Infinite did. Rather, they just add 20,
   40 and 60 to this basic amount.

   Level   Recover    Basic   A Charger   S Charger   X Charger   Z Charger
     0                 30         50         100         200         500
     1       +20       50         70         120         220         520
     2       +40       70         90         140         240         540
     3       +60       90        110         160         260         560
 Infinite    x10      300        500        1000        2000        5000

   Finally, equipping the Cleaner will allow you to remove all status
   ailments when charging.

                           I T E M

 - It has the same effect that the character command of the same name.

                        B O O S T E R

 - Activating or deactivating the Booster will take you a full turn.
   When the Booster is active, your Gear will consume Fuel each turn,
   but it's Speed will dramatically improve as well, resulting in almost
   twice as many actions performed as before.

                S P E C I A L   O P T I O N S

 - Some Gears receive special devices during the course of the game which
   cost Fuel to activate. Most of the times they are awarded as the story
   progresses, but there are some Gear parts that allow you to restore your
   Gear's HP via one of these commands. These are the Frame HP XX, where
   XX is the percentage of the Gear's HP restored. Of special interest is
   the fact that, while if they are activated in battle they will restore
   the nominal amount of HP, if they are used in the menu screen they will
   only heal a fraction of that percentage, costing much less Fuel as well.
   This is in order to allow you to fine-tune the amount of HP restored.

                         E S C A P E

 - It has the same effect that the character command of the same name.

   7   .   L I S T S   A N D   C H A R T S

   I T E M   L I S T

ITEMS THAT CAN BE USED DURING BATTLE  ___________________________________
Name             Cost  Effect
Aquasol            20  Recover 50 HP
Aquasol S         100  Recover 150 HP
Aquasol DX        300  Recover 500 HP
Alphasol         1000  Recover full HP
Panalphasol     10000  Recover full HP (all characters)
Rosesol           100  Recover 10 EP
Rosesol S         300  Recover 20 EP
Rosesol DX        800  Recover 30 EP
Sigmasol         1500  Recover full EP
Zetasol           100  Recover life
Zetasol DX       1000  Recover life and full HP
Physisol           10  Nullify body status effects
Mentsol            20  Nullify mind status effects
Physimentsol       50  Nullify all status effects
White Star        500  Earth defense up / Wind defense down
Brown Star        500  Wind defense up / Earth defense down
Red Star          500  Water defense up / Fire defense down
Blue Star         500  Fire defense up / Water defense down
Hard Star         800  Defense up until end of during battle
Speed Star       1000  Speed up until end of during battle
Tragedienne        10  Causes "Play Dead" status
Comedienne         10  Removes "Play Dead" status
Igissol          2000  Prevent body affecting status effects
Aegissol         2000  Prevent mind affecting status effects
Blue Rose        1500  Nullifies physical Ether support
Red Rose         1500  Nullifies mental Ether support
Black Rose       1500  Nullifies equipment Ether support
ElementAero      1200  Makes your attack wind-elemental
ElementTerra     1200  Makes your attack earth-elemental
ElementPyro      1200  Makes your attack fire-elemental
ElementHydro     1200  Makes your attack water-elemental
Samson'sHair     1000  Strength up until end of during battle.
                         Usable only when Bart is in the party

ITEMS THAT CAN'T BE USED DURING BATTLE  _________________________________

Name             Cost  Effect
Omegasol           50  Restore all HP/EP (one)
SurvivalTent      150  Restore all HP/EP in save point (all)
STR Drive       10000  Attack +1
VIT Drive       10000  Defense +1
ETH Drive       10000  Ether +1
ETHDEF Drive    10000  Ether Defense +1
HP Drive        20000  Maximum HP +20
EP Drive        20000  Maximum EP +5
Hob-Jerky          10  Recover 50 HP or sell at Battling
Hob-Meat          200  Recover 150 HP or sell at Battling
Hob-Steak         300  Recover 500 HP or sell at Battling
Fang              200  Sell at Bledavik market or Battling
Eyeball           400  Sell at Bledavik market or Battling
Scales           1000  Sell at Bledavik market or Battling
Ivory            3000  Sell at Battling
Gold Nugget      4000   | Give these to the treasure hunter at 
Gold Bullion     8000   | Shevat to have him dig a tunnel
Bizfruit           10  Recover 10 EP
Elfanana           10  Recover 50 HP
Ariberry           10  Recover 50 HP
Radish             10  Background item
Durian Juice       10  Background item
Nisan Water        10  Background item
Aveh Water         10  Background item
Toy Gun            80  Background item
Minigear          120  Exchange for Gold Nugget hint in Bledavik
Anoret Seed        10  Lose 2 Kg
Anoret Fruit      100  Lose 4 Kg
Bulimy Seed        10  Gain 2 Kg
Bulimy Fruit      100  Gain 4 Kg


EVENT ITEMS  ____________________________________________________________

Name             Effect
RPS Badge         | If you have all three badges, a man
H&S Badge         | in Shevat will give you a Power
Tag Badge         | Ring S and a Guard Recover
Mermaid Tear     Emeralda can exchange it for an Earring in Shevat in Disc 2
UFO Photo        Background item
Master Key
Sewer Keys 
Bell Amulet      Exchange for Church Doctrine at Kojiin
Book 1           Background item
Book 2           Background item
Book 3           Background item
Spider           Chu Chu eats it when it joins you
Bird Egg         Yui will cook it
Dog Food         Background item
Spider Web       Background item
M Disk           Use this at Kislev at end of game for a sound test
Chu-chu Doll     This is actually Chu-chu before it joins you 
Tickets          Used in the ceremony at Solaris
Chu-chu Idol     If equipped, Strength and Defense +20%, Chu-chu only
Cabin Key          
Kislev Map
Merkava Map
Shevat Map
Rock             Background item
Dawn Rock         | Exchange all three stones
Dusk Rock         | for an item in Shevat
Dark Rock         |      
Army Cardkey     Given by Elly to escape Ave
Work Permit      Used to move freely in Solaris
Dirty Badge      Background item

   C H A R A C T E R   E Q U I P M E N T   L I S T

HEAD EQUIPMENT  _________________________________________________________

Name             DF  Cost  Notes
Martial Cap       1    30  -
Fencing Cap       2    40  -
Leather Hat       6    80  -
Metal Helmet     10   200  -
War Helm         20   600  -
FeatheredCap     28  1200  -
Black Helmet     35  2000  -
Golden Hood      45  3800  -

HEAD EQUIPMENT : WOMEN ONLY  ____________________________________________

Name             DF  Cost  Notes
White Beret       8   150  -
Silver Beret     24   800  -
Ruby Helmet      32  1600  -
Starlight        38  2600  -
Vivid Turban     50  4800  -
Blessed Helm     55 10000  -

HEAD EQUIPMENT : MEN ONLY  ______________________________________________

Name             DF  Cost  Notes
Iron Helmet      10   200  -
Knight Helm      18  1000  -
Dark Helm        35  1800  Ether Defense +5
King's Helm      40  2800  -
Kaiser Helm      54  5200  -

BODY EQUIPMENT  _________________________________________________________

Name             DF  Cost  Notes
Martial Wear      2    50  -
Fencing Wear      4    80  -
Leather Vest     10   150  -
WeddingDress     14  2000  Ether Defense +5
Metal Vest       18   350  -
Metal Jacket     28   550  -
Penguin Coat     40  1000  -
Holy Habit       42  1200  -
War Mail         52  1800  -
Crimson Vest     64  2800  -
BlackLeather     76  4200  -
Golden Vest      90  5800  -

BODY EQUIPMENT : WOMEN ONLY  ____________________________________________

Name             DF  Cost  Notes
Pilot Uniform     6  5000  -
Uniform          12   180  -
BellonaTunic     16   300  -
DervishDress     44  1400  -
Fuzzy Frock      50  2000  -
Battle Dress     56  1900  -
Mermaid Mail     58  2200  -
Devil Dress      62  3500  -
Beastly Robe     82  5000  -
Angelic Robe     60 10000  Evade +10, Ether Defense +10
Goddess Robe     80 12000  Evade +10, Ether Attack +10
ExecutorGown    100  7000  -
Blessed Habit   100 15000  -

BODY EQUIPMENT : MEN ONLY  ______________________________________________

Name             DF  Cost  Notes
Battle Vest      10   400  -
Red Mail         14   220  -
Iron Mail        20   800  -
Knight Mail      34  1800  -
Dark Armor       60  2400  Ether Defense +10
Rose Tabard      85  5400  -
Slayer Robe     108  8000  -
Manly Mantle    105 10000  Defense up when an ally's HP is zero
Hero Costume    112 10000  Defense down when an ally's HP is zero
Kingly Armor    120 12000  Defense up when an ally's HP is zero

ACCESSORIES  ____________________________________________________________

Name             Cost  Notes
Power Ring        200  Strength +2
Power Ring S      800  Strength +5
Stamina Ring      150  Defense +2
StaminaRingS      600  Defense +5
Glasses           150  Accuracy +2
SuperGoggles      600  Accuracy +5
Step Shoes        150  Evade +2
PremierShoes      600  Evade +5
EtherStone        500  Ether power +2
EtherStoneLg     2000  Ether power +5
AntiEthStone      500  Ether defense +2
AntiEthRockL     2000  Ether defense +5
Speed Ring       1200  Speed +1
Speed Ring S     3000  Speed +2
Gallant Belt     2000  HP max +10% and recovery (?)
Yamato Belt      4000  HP max +25% and recovery (?)
Economether     12000  Halves EP consumption
WizardryRing    20000  Learn new Skills faster
HerculesRing    16000  Obtained Experience 50% up
Trader Card     50000  Raises chance of getting rare items
Holy Pendant     8000  Doubles assisting effects time. Works with Hyper Mode!
Life Stone      20000  HP recover x2
Power Crisis    15000  Strength up when HP is low
GuardianRing     2000  Defense up
Evasion Ring     3000  Evade up
LongDarkCoat    12000  Strength +10, Ether Defense +10
Battle Apron     6000  Strength +5, Defense +5
Body Guard       8000  Prevents body-affecting status effects
Mind Guard       8000  Prevents mind-affecting status effects
Poison Guard     1500  Prevents "Poison"
Sleep Guard      1500  Prevents "Sleep"
Cool Shades      1500  Prevents "Blindness"
Brain Guard      1500  Prevents "Forget"
Speed Shoes      5000  Speed up
Muscle Belt      3000  Defense up
EtherDoubler    38000  Doubles Ether effect and EP costs
Ether Guard      8000  Prevents EP-draining attacks
Wind Ring        5000  Defend against wind attacks
Earth Ring       5000  Defend against earth attacks
Fire Ring        5000  Defend against fire attacks
Water Ring       5000  Defend against water attacks
EtherReversa    10000  Absorb damage from element you have defense against
Ether Veiler    10000  Half damage from element you have defense against?
Ether Maxer     10000  No damage from element you have defense against?
Fei  Jr.Doll    60000  Critical hit damage up, Emeralda only
Bart Jr.Doll    60000  Critical hit rate up, Emeralda only
BillyJr.Doll    60000  Raises Accuracy and Evade
Elly Jr.Doll    60000  Ether damage ramdomly +50% or -50%
Emer Jr.Doll    60000  Counterattacks dealing same damage
Combo Star      20000  Learn new Skills faster
Mermaid Ring    10000  Ether +10, Ether Defense +10, Emerada only
Chu-chu Idol    40000  Attack +20%, Defense +20%, Chu-chu only
MomentoChain      100  Ether +6, Ether Defense +6, Rico only

   C H A R A C T E R   W E A P O N   L I S T

RODS : ELEHAYMM VAN HOUTEN  _____________________________________________

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
Magical Rod       2    50  -
Arcane Rod        4   100  -
Hot Rod           6   250  -
Lunar Rod         8   600  Causes "Sleep"
Marshal Rod      12  1000  -
Thunder Rod      14  2200  Wind-elemental
Stone Rod        14  2200  Earth-elemental
Flare Rod        16  2600  Fire-elemental
Ice Rod          14  2200  Water-elemental
Queen Rod        18  3200  Causes "Ether Down"
Dynamite Rod     20  4500  -
Dark Rod         22  5800  -
Chaos Rod        24  7000  -
Psycho Rod       28 12000  -
Skull Rod        38  2200  -

WHIPS : BARTHOLOMEI FATIMA  _____________________________________________

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
Leather Whip           60  -
Iron Whip         4   120  -
WhippaSnappa      6   280  -
Cobra Cracka      5   700  Causes "Poison"
Serpent Sting     7  1200  -
Black Snake       7  2400  Ether capacity down
Silver Blood      8  2800  -
Whip-Lasher      10  3400  -
Desert Worm      12  4800  -
Sonic Wave       14  5600  -
Wonder Whip      16  6200  -
Thor's Thunda    20  7500  -
Death Adder      24  8200  -

GUNS : BILLY LEE BLACK  _________________________________________________

Hand guns

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
B&J M10  Gun      -  2000  -
B&J M686 Gun      -  3500  -
Matchlock         - 12000  -
Godfather         - 20000  -

Hand gun Ammo

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
B&JM10A Ammo     18    20  For the B&J M10
B&JM10S Ammo     21    40  For the B&J M10
B&JM10X Ammo     24    60  For the B&J M10
B&JM686AAmmo     30    40  For the B&J M686
B&JM686SAmmo     36    60  For the B&J M686
B&JM686XAmmo     42    80  For the B&J M686
MatAero Ammo     48   150  For the Matchlock, Wind-elemental
MatTerraAmmo     48   150  For the Matchlock, Earth-elemental
MatPyro Ammo     48   150  For the Matchlock, Fire-elemental
MatHydroAmmo     48   150  For the Matchlock, Water-elemental
MatLightAmmo     48   150  For the Matchlock, Light-elemental
MatUmbraAmmo     48   150  For the Matchlock, Dark-elemental
Godson  Ammo     60   200  For the Godfather

Ether Gun Ammo

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
EthWind Ammo      -  1000  Wind-elemental
EthEarthAmmo      -  1000  Earth-elemental
EthFire Ammo      -  1000  Fire-elemental
EthWaterAmmo      -  1000  Water-elemental
EthLightAmmo      -  1000  Light-elemental

Big gun Ammo

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
ShotG50 Ammo     30    30  -
ShotG60 Ammo     36    60  -
ShotG70 Ammo     42    90  -
ShotG80 Ammo     48   120  -

KATANA : CITAN UZUKI  __________________________________________________

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
SengokuSword     30  8000  -
Yamame Sword     32 12000  -
Yamoto Sword     35 20000  -
Mumyo  Sword     40 34464  -

   G E A R   E Q U I P M E N T   L I S T

Name             Cost  Notes
Extra Ar           25  Armor +2
Extra Ar +1        50  Armor +5
Extra Ar +2        75  Armor +8
Extra Ar +3       100  Armor +10
Extra Ar +4       150  Armor +20
Extra Ar +5       200  Armor +30
Extra Ar +6       250  Armor +50
Extra Ar +7       400  Armor +80
Extra Ar DX       500  Armor +100
Lite Ar+1         150  Armor +15, Response +5
Lite Ar+2         400  Armor +40, Response +5
Lite Ar+3         600  Armor +60, Response +5
Silver Ar         300  Armor +10, Anti-Gel 50%
Silver Ar+1       500  Armor +50, Anti-Gel 50%
Lite Alloy        200  Armor +30
Heavy Alloy       200  Armor +30
Beam Coat         600  Anti-Beam 50%
Mirror Ar        1200  Armor +50, Anti-Beam 50%
Mirror Ar+1      1800  Armor +100, Anti-Beam 50%
Mica              750  Anti-Electricity 30%
Insulated Ar     1500  Armor +10, Anti-Electricity 30%
InsulateAr+1     2250  Armor +50, Anti-Electricity 30%
Molecular Ar      750  Anti-Pressure 10%
Stress Ar        1500  Anti-Pressure 20%
Stress Ar+1      2250  Anti-Pressure 30%
ShockproofAr      700  Anti-Spinner 10%
Seal Ar          1400  Anti-Engraved Seal 50%
Seal Ar+1        2100  Anti-Engraved Seal 75%
Angel Ar          900  Armor +50, Anti-Angel 30%
Angel Ar+1       1800  Armor +100, Anti-Angel 50% 
Angel Ar S       2400  Ether Armor +50, Anti-Angel 50%
Ether Ar         1000  Ether Armor +50
Ether Ar+1       2000  Ether Armor +100
Ether Ar+2       3000  Ether Armor +150
Ether Ar+3       4000  Ether Armor +200
Wind Veil Ar     5000  Defense against Earth attacks
EarthVeil Ar     5000  Defense against Wind attacks
Fire Veil Ar     5000  Defense against Water attacks
WaterVeil Ar     5000  Defense against Fire attacks
Cast Ar          4000  Armor +2
Old Circuit      2500  Response +10, Defense up
Simp Circuit     2500  Response +10, Defense up
Resp Circuit     2500  Response +20
Def Circuit      2500  Defense up
A Circuit         125  Agility up (Rough)
B Circuit         125  Agility up (Snowfield)
C Circuit         125  Agility up (Desert)
D Circuit         125  Agility up (Underwater)
E Circuit         125  Ether Armor +10, Ether Engine +4
C Circuit+1       500  Agility up (Desert)
A/C              2500  Agility up (Desert)
Beam Jammer      1000  Anti-Beam 75%
Ground           1250  Anti-Electricity 50%
Stress Mat       1400  Anti-Pressure 25%
AirtightHull     1500  Anti-Gas 20%
Noise Filter     2000  Anti-Sound Wave 100%
AntiAngelSys     2500  Anti-Angel 100%
O2 Cylinder      2500  Agility up (Underwater)
MagneticCoat     4000  Response +25
Ballast          2000  Armor +30
Gold Plate      15000  Anti-Gel 100%
Seal Barrier     3000  Anti-Engraved Seal 100%
Energy Saver    10000  Reduces fuel usage (?) 
Power Magic      3000  Ether Engine +8
Veil Doubler     3000  Doubles Elemental Defense (?)
Sword Veil       2000  Can block Ether weapons (?)
Lens Cover       2500  Prevents "Camera Damaged"
Magic Guard      2250  Prevents "E.M. Out of Control" and "E.M. Shutdown"
Engine Guard     5000  Prevents "Power Loss"
Pilot Shield     4000  Prevents "Pilot Confused"
Tank Guard       3000  Prevents "Fuel Leak"
Ar Repairer      2000  Prevents "Armor Damage"
Motion Guard     2000  Prevents "Stop" and "Slow"
Frame HP10        250  Allows to heal HP using fuel (10% during battle)
Frame HP30        750  Allows to heal HP using fuel (30% during battle)
Frame HP50       1250  Allows to heal HP using fuel (50% during battle)
Frame HP70       1750  Allows to heal HP using fuel (70% during battle)
Frame HP90       2500  Allows to heal HP using fuel (90% during battle)
FX Cleaner       5000  Using "Charge" removes status effects
DeathBlower1    10000  Allows to use T,X Gear Skill
DeathBlower2    10000  Allows to use S,X Gear Skill
DeathBlower3    10000  Allows to use X,X Gear Skill
GNRS20          35000  Engine Power +20%
GNRS50          65000  Engine Power +50%
A Charger        2500  "Charge" recovers 50 fuel
S Charger       10000  "Charge" recovers 100 fuel
X Charger       30000  "Charge" recovers 200 fuel
Z Charger       50000  "Charge" recovers 500 fuel

   G E A R   W E A P O N   L I S T

GEAR RODS : VIERGE AND EL REGURUS  ______________________________________

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
Magic RodG        2   200  -
Arcane RodG       4   500  -
IronFistRodG      8  1000  -
SparetheRodG     12  1800  -
Hot RodG         24  4200  -
ThunderRodG      60  8200  Wind-elemental
Stone RodG       60  8200  Earth-elemental
Flare RodG       65  8800  Fire-elemental
Ice RodG         60  8200  Water-elemental
Chrono RodG      75 10000  Causes "Slow"
Smoke RodG       78 12000  Causes "Camera Damaged"
Chaos RodG       80 13200  -

GEAR WHIPS : BRIGANDIER AND EL ANDVALI  _________________________________

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
LeatherGWhip     10  1000  -
Iron GWhip       16  1600  -
SnapperGWhip     18  2000  -
SerpentGWhip     35  4500  -
BSnake GWhip     50  6800  -
SBlood GWhip     56  7200  -
Thor GWhip      100 13000  Causes "Power Loss"
Sonic GWhip     120 16800  Causes "Ether Machine Shutdown"

GEAR GUNS : RENMAZUO AND EL RENMAZUO  ___________________________________

Hand guns

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
G-M10 Gun         -  4000  -
G-M686 Gun        -  7800  -
G-Matchlock       - 20000  -
G-Godfather       - 24000  -

Hand gun Ammo

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
G-M10A  Ammo     18   100  For the G-M10 Gun
G-M10S  Ammo     30   200  For the G-M10 Gun
G-M10S  Ammo     42   300  For the G-M10 Gun                                                 
G-M686A Ammo     24   200  For the G-M686 Gun
G-M686S Ammo     36   300  For the G-M686 Gun
G-M686X Ammo     48   400  For the G-M686 Gun
G-MAero Ammo     60   500  For the G-Matchlock, Wind-elemental
G-MTerraAmmo     60   500  For the G-Matchlock, Earth-elemental
G-MPyro Ammo     60   500  For the G-Matchlock, Fire-elemental
G-MHydroAmmo     60   500  For the G-Matchlock, Water-elemental
G-MLuminAmmo     54   500  For the G-Matchlock, cancels elemental defense
G-MUmbraAmmo     54   500  For the G-Matchlock
G-GodsonAmmo     72  1000  For the G-Godfather

Big gun Ammo

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
G-GG040 Ammo     24   100  -
G-GG060 Ammo     36   200  -
G-GG080 Ammo     48   300  -
G-GG0100Ammo     60   400  -

GEAR KATANA : HEIMDAL AND EL FENRIR  ____________________________________

Name             AT  Cost  Notes
SengokuSword     90  9000  -
Yamame Sword    110 13000  -
Kijin Sword     120 22000  -
Yamato Sword    160 36000  -
Kishin Sword    200 14000  -

   G E A R   E N G I N E   L I S T

Name             AT  Fuel   Cost
G4-1200           4  1200    800
G6-1200           6  1200   1200
Z9-1500           9  1500   1800

   G E A R   F R A M E   L I S T

Name             HP  Cost  Gear
WELT-01800     1800   150  Weltall
WELT-02100     2100   400  Weltall
WELT-02500     2500   800  Weltall
WELT-03000     3000  1400  Weltall

HEIM-03200     3200  1800  Heimdal

BRIG-01900     1900   250  Brigandier
BRIG-02200     2200   500  Brigandier
BRIG-02700     2700   900  Brigandier

   G E A R   A R M O R   L I S T

Name             DF  EthDF   Cost
MS 3             30      0     50
MS 6             60      0    500
MS 7.5           75      0   1000
MS 9             90      0   1500

   S K I L L S   /   A B I L I T I E S   L I S T

               F e i   F o n g
                                W o n g

FEI'S SKILLS  ___________________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Raijin           T,X          4
Senretsu         T,T,X        5
Hagan            S,X          5
Hoten            T,T,T,X      6
Tenbu            T,S,X        6
Ryujin           S,T,X        6
Koho             X,X          6
Fukei            T,T,T,T,X    7       Wind-elemental
Chikei           T,T,S,X      7       Earth-elemental
Kakei            T,S,T,X      7       Fire-elemental
Suikei           S,T,T,X      7       Water-elemental
Kokei            S,S,X        7       Light-elemental
Yamikei          X,T,X        7       Darkness-elemental

While riding the Weltall:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Raigeki          S,S        10+40           1
Reppu            S,T        10+50           1
Raigo            S,C        10+10           1
Hazan            T,S        20+70           2
Ryuten           T,T        20+80           2
Juji             T,C        20+20           2
Raibu            C,S        30+100          3
Ryubu            C,T        30+110          3
Shinrai          C,C        30+30           3
Kosho X          S          10              I
Goten X          T          20              I
Kishin           C          30              I

While riding the Xenogears:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Raigeki          S,S        10+40           1
Reppu            S,T        10+50           1
Raigo            S,C        10+10           1
Hasan            T,S        20+70           2
Ryuten           T,T        20+80           2
Jyuji            T,C        20+20           2
Raimai           C,S        30+100          3
Ryumai           C,T        30+110          3
Shinrai          C,C        30+30           3
Kosho X          S          10              I
Goten X          T          20              I
Kishin           C          30              I

FEI'S CHI  ______________________________________________________________

Name          EP  At Lvl  Effect
Guided Shot    2     1    Non-elemental damage (one)
InnerHealing   2    10    Recover some HP (one)
Iron Valor     4          Attack Power up (self)
CounterForce   4          Fei gains counterattack ability (self)
Yang Power     5          Defense up, Attack down (self)
Yin Power      5          Attack up, Defense down (self)
Radiance      10          Non-elemental damage (one)
Big Bang      20          Non-elemental damage (all)

While riding the Weltall or the Xenogears:

Name             EP     Effect
Guided Shot       2     Non-elemental damage (one)
InnerHealing      2     Restores armor (self)
Yang Power        5     Gear defense up, attack down (self)
Yin Power         5     Gear attack up, defense down (self)
Radiance         10     Non-elemental damage (one)
Big Bang         20     Non-elemental damage (all)

WELTALL'S OPTIONS  ______________________________________________________


WELTALL-2'S OPTIONS  ____________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
System Id      1000     Causes Infinite Attack Level
Thor Wave       600     Non-elemental damage (one)
Flaming Hell   1000     Fire-elemental damage (all)

XENOGEARS' OPTIONS  _____________________________________________________


          E l e h a y m m 
                           V a n   H o u t e n 

ELLY'S SKILLS  __________________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Screamer         T,X          4
Spinedge         T,T,X        5
Breakthrough     S,X          5
Double Shock     T,T,T,X      6
Sky Attack       T,S,X        6
Shine Spark      S,T,X        6
Sting Kick       X,X          6
Thunder Weap     T,T,T,T,X    7       Wind-elemental
Land Weap        T,T,S,X      7       Earth-elemental
Flare Weap       T,S,T,X      7       Fire-elemental
Ice Weap         S,T,T,X      7       Water-elemental

While riding the Vierge or the El Regurus:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Double Impact    S,S        10+40           1
Hard Smash       S,T        10+50           1
Beat Storm       S,C        10+10           1
Sonic Drive      T,S        20+70           2
Heart Strike     T,T        20+80           2
Mega Impact      T,C        20+20           2
Flash Drive      C,S        30+100          3
High Diva        C,T        30+110          3
Blaze Dance      C,C        30+30           3
Flash Flail      S          10              I
Blue Blast       T          20              I
Dark Diva        C          30              I

ELLY'S ETHERS  __________________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Anemo Bolt        2     Wind-elemental damage (weak, one)
Terra Lance       2     Earth-elemental damage (weak, one)
Thermo Cube       2     Fire-elemental damage (weak, one)
Aqua Ice          2     Water-elemental damage (weak, one)
Anemo Burn        6     Wind-elemental damage (medium, area)
Terra Storm       6     Earth-elemental damage (medium, area)
ThermoDragon      6     Fire-elemental damage (medium, area)
Aqua Mist         6     Water-elemental damage (medium, area)
Anemo Wave       10     Wind-elemental damage (heavy, all)
Terra Ghost      10     Earth-elemental damage (heavy, all)
Thermo Largo     10     Fire-elemental damage (heavy, all)
Aqua Lord        10     Water-elemental damage (heavy, all)

While riding the Vierge or the El Regurus:

Name             EP     Effect
Anemo Bolt        2     Wind-elemental damage (weak, one)
Terra Lance       2     Earth-elemental damage (weak, one)
Thermo Cube       2     Fire-elemental damage (weak, one)
Aqua Ice          2     Water-elemental damage (weak, one)
Anemo Burn        6     Wind-elemental damage (medium, area)
Terra Storm       6     Earth-elemental damage (medium, area)
ThermoDragon      6     Fire-elemental damage (medium, area)
Aqua Mist         6     Water-elemental damage (medium, area)
Anemo Wave       10     Wind-elemental damage (heavy, all)
Terra Ghost      10     Earth-elemental damage (heavy, all)
Thermo Largo     10     Fire-elemental damage (heavy, all)
Aqua Lord        10     Water-elemental damage (heavy, all)

VIERGE'S OPTIONS  _______________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Aerods          400     Ether attack

EL REGURUS' OPTIONS  ____________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Aerods          400     Ether attack


            C i t a n 
                       U z u k i

CITAN'S SKILLS  _________________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Ukigumo          T,X          4
Mufu             T,T,X        5
Jinrai           S,X          5
Shinrai          T,T,T,X      6
Renken           T,S,X        6
Hakai            S,T,X        6
Ougi             X,X          6
Willow Wind      T,T,T,T,X    7       Wind-elemental
Rare Earth       T,T,S,X      7       Earth-elemental
Hell Fire        T,S,T,X      7       Fire-elemental
Tsunami Ice      S,T,T,X      7       Water-elemental

While wielding a Katana

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Amaoto           T,X          4
Entsuki          T,T,X        5
Tengumo          S,X          5
Himatsu          T,T,T,X      6
Yako             T,S,X        6
Zanretsu         S,T,X        6
Myotsuki         X,X          6
En-Wind          T,T,T,T,X    7
Go-Earth         T,T,S,X      7
Ro-Fire          T,S,T,X      7
Ko-Water         S,T,T,X      7

While riding the Heimdal:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Kentsui          S,S        10+40           1
Reppu            S,T        10+50           1
Ryuei            S,C        10+10           1
Shinrai          T,S        20+70           2
Fujin            T,T        20+80           2
Ryuga            T,C        20+20           2
Hakai            C,S        30+100          3
Kenjin           C,T        30+110          3
Tensho           C,C        30+30           3
Ochiba           S          10              I
Zanretsu         T          20              I
Enken            C          30              I

While riding the Heimdal or the El Fenrir and wielding a Gear Katana:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Kentsui          S,S        10+40           1
Reppu            S,T        10+50           1
Ryukage          S,C        10+10           1
Shinrai          T,S        20+70           2
Fujin            T,T        20+80           2
Ryuga            T,C        20+20           2
Hakai            C,S        30+100          3
Kenjin           C,T        30+110          3
Tensho           C,C        30+30           3
Ochiba           S          10              I
Zanretsu         T          20              I
Enken            C          30              I

CITAN'S ARCANES  ________________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Sazanami          2     Recover some HP (one)
Renki             2     Next Arcane cast by Citan will affect all party
                          members (self)
Fuuseii           4     Defense against earth, weak against wind (one)
Chiseii           4     Defense against wind, weak against earth (one)
Kaseii            4     Defense against water, weak against fire (one)
Suiseii           4     Defense against fire, weak against water (one)
Ryokusho          3     Remove body status abnormalities (one)
Reisho            3     Remove mind status abnormalities (one)
Koga              2     Defense up, attack down (one)
Yamiga            2     Attack up, defense down (one)
Senkei            6     Speed up (one)

While riding the Heimdal or the El Fenrir:

Name             EP     Effect
Sazanami          2     Restore armor (one)
Renki             2     Next Arcane cast by Citan will affect 
                          all party members (self)
Fuuseii           4     Defense against earth, weak against wind (one)
Chiseii           4     Defense against wind, weak against earth (one)
Kaseii            4     Defense against water, weak against fire (one)
Suiseii           4     Defense against fire, weak against water (one)
Koga              2     Defense up, Attack down (one)
Yamiga            2     Attack up, Defense down (one)

HEIMDAL'S OPTIONS  ______________________________________________________


EL FENRIR'S OPTIONS  ____________________________________________________


         B a r t h l o m e i 
                               F a t i m a

BART'S SKILLS  __________________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Head Hunter      T,X          4
Twin Sonic       T,T,X        5
Rhythm Shock     S,X          5
Dynamic          T,T,T,X      6
Astral           T,S,X        6
Bracer           S,T,X        6
Justice          X,X          6
Angel            T,T,T,T,X    7       Wind-elemental
Land Break       T,T,S,X      7       Earth-elemental
Prominence       T,S,T,X      7       Fire-elemental
Tornado          S,T,T,X      7       Water-elemental

While riding the Brigander or the El Andvali:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Chain Whip       S,S        10+40           1
Beat Serpent     S,T        10+50           1
Spark Wave       S,C        10+10           1
Blood Snake      T,S        20+70           2
Hit Storm        T,T        20+80           2
Dead Cannon      T,C        20+20           2
Dance Wave       C,S        30+100          3
Twin Snake       C,T        30+110          3
Sky Drive        C,C        30+30           3
Meteor Fall      S          10              I
Dead Dance       T          20              I
Soul End         C          30              I

BART'S ETHERS  __________________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Wild Smile        2     Lowers Accuracy (one)
Heaven Cent       2     Non-elemental damage (one)
White Lure        3     Lures one enemy to attack Bart (one)
Red Cologne       4     Raises Attack Power (self)
Blue Cologne      6     Raises Accuracy and Evade (self)
WhiteCologne      6     Gain counterattack ability (self)
Wind Mode         4     Make weapon wind-elemental (one)
Earth Mode        4     Make weapon earth-elemental (one)
Fire Mode         4     Make weapon fire-elemental (one)
Water Mode        4     Make weapon water-elemental (one)

While riding the Brigandier or the El Andvali:

Name             EP     Effect
Wild Smile        2     Causes "Camera Malfunction" (one)
Heaven Cent       2     Non-elemental damage (one)
Wind Mode         4     Make weapon wind-elemental (one)
Earth Mode        4     Make weapon earth-elemental (one)
Fire Mode         4     Make weapon fire-elemental (one)
Water Mode        4     Make weapon water-elemental (one)

BRIGANDIER'S OPTIONS  ___________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Ygg D.Charge    600     Ether attack (one)

EL ANDVALI'S OPTIONS  ___________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Ygg D.Charge    600     Ether attack (one)

        R i c a r d o 
                        B a n d e r a s

RICO'S SKILLS  __________________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Rico Rocket      T,X          4
Death Drive      T,T,X        5
Banderas         S,X          5
Dragon Fist      T,T,T,X      6
Fire Bomb        T,S,X        6
Pile Crasher     S,T,X        6
Spin Strike      X,X          6
Death Roll       T,T,T,T,X    7
Flame Lariat     T,T,S,X      7
Hell Splash      T,S,T,X      7

While riding the Stier or the El Stier:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Drill War        S,S        10+40           1
Bomber Head      S,T        10+50           1
Drill Driver     S,C        10+10           1
Grand Slam       T,S        20+70           2
Twister D        T,T        20+80           2
Hammer G         T,C        20+20           2
Mega Body        C,S        30+100          3
Sky Driver       C,T        30+110          3
Scrap            C,C        30+30           3
Drill Kaiser     S          10              I
Drive Kaiser     T          20              I
Iron Kaiser      C          30              I

RICO'S SPIRITS  _________________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Steel Fist        2     Attack up (self)
Steel Body        2     Defense up (self)
Steel Spirit      2     Ether defense up (self)
Steel Mettle      4     Non-elemental attack (one)

While riding the Stier or the E . Stier:

Name             EP     Effect
Steel Mettle      4     Non-elemental attack (one)

STIER'S OPTIONS  ________________________________________________________


EL STIER'S OPTIONS  _____________________________________________________


            B i l l y 
                       L e e   B l a c k

BILLY'S SKILLS  _________________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Adam's Apple     T,X          4
Gunholic         T,T,X        5
Hell Blast       S,X          5
Nut Crack        T,T,T,X      6
Sky Walker       T,S,X        6
Devil Blast      S,T,X        6
Banfrau          X,X          6
True Dream       T,T,T,T,X    7
Holy Gate        T,T,S,X      7
Dear Friend      T,S,T,X      7

While riding the Renmazuo or the El Renmazuo:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Double Snap      S,S        10+40           1
Hard Snap        S,T        10+50           1
Hard Gun         S,C        10+10           1
Gun Blaze        T,S        20+70           2
Impact Gun       T,T        20+80           2
Holy Fist        T,C        20+20           2
Blaze Shot       C,S        30+100          3
Hard Gatling     C,T        30+110          3
Sky Gatling      C,C        30+30           3
Thousand         S          10              I
Holy Climb       T          20              I
Holy Soul        C          30              I

BILLY'S ETHERS  _________________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Purity Light      2     Remove all status aiments (one)
HealingLight      2     Recover some HP  (one)
Holy Light        4     Recover some HP  (all)
Goddess Call      4     Speed up (one)
Goddess Eyes      4     Defense up (one)
Wind Shield       4     Protection against earth (one)
Earth Shield      4     Protection against wind (one)
Fire Shield       4     Protection against water (one)
Water Shield      4     Protection against fire (one)
Goddess Wake      8     Recover life (one)

While riding the Renmazuo or the El Renmazuo:

Name             EP     Effect
HealingLight      2     Restores armor (one)
Holy Light        4     Restores armor (all)
Wind Shield       4     Protection against earth (one)
Earth Shield      4     Protection against wind (one)
Fire Shield       4     Protection against water (one)
Water Shield      4     Protection against fire (one)

RENMAZUO'S OPTIONS  _____________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Jessie Cannon   500     Non-elemental damage (area)
Jessie Buster  1000     Non-elemental damage (area)

EL RENMAZUO'S OPTIONS  __________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Jessie Cannon   500     Non-elemental damage (area)
Jessie Buster  1000     Non-elemental damage (area)

                  E m e r a l d a

EMERALDA'S SKILLS  ______________________________________________________

Name             Motion      AP       Notes
Leg Cutter       T,X          4
Wave Cutter      T,T,X        5
Leg Spin         S,X          5
Hammerhead       T,T,T,X      6
Grand Arm        T,S,X        6
Divider          S,T,X        6
Flying Arm       X,X          6
Tornado Hand     T,T,T,T,X    7
Reycount         T,T,S,X      7
Dark Beast       T,S,T,X      7

While riding the Crescens:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Arm Bash         S,S        10+40           1
Air Bash         S,T        10+50           1
Dance Bash       S,C        10+10           1
Devil Hand       T,S        20+70           2
Devil Hold       T,T        20+80           2
Devil Bird       T,C        20+20           2
Dead Spin        C,S        30+100          3
Dead Drive       C,T        30+110          3
Dead Melody      C,C        30+30           3
Dark Wave        S          10              I
Dark Force       T          20              I
Dark World       C          30              I

EMERALDA'S ETHERS  ______________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Anemo Darm        3     Wind damage (medium, one)
Terra Feist       3     Earth damage (medium, one)
Thermo Gord       3     Fire damage (medium, one)
Aqua Aroum        3     Water damage (medium, one)
Anemo Omega       6     Wind damage (high, all)
Terra Holz        6     Earth damage (high, all)
Thermo Giest      6     Fire damage (high, all)
Aqua Dhaum        6     Water damage (high, all)

While riding the Crescens:

Name             EP     Effect
Anemo Darm        3     Wind damage (medium, one)
Terra Feist       3     Earth damage (medium, one)
Thermo Gord       3     Fire damage (medium, one)
Aqua Aroum        3     Water damage (medium, one)
Anemo Omega       6     Wind damage (high, all)
Terra Holz        6     Earth damage (high, all)
Thermo Giest      6     Fire damage (high, all)
Aqua Dhaum        6     Water damage (high, all)

CRESCENS' OPTIONS  ______________________________________________________


       M a r i a   
                  B e l t h a s a r

MARIA'S SKILLS  _________________________________________________________


While riding the Siebzehn:

Name             Motion     Fuel Cost     Level       Notes
Mega Hammer      S,S        10+40           1
Dyna Fight       S,T        10+50           1
Gravity Fist     S,C        10+10           1
Dyna Rush        T,S        20+70           2
Head Dive        T,T        20+80           2
Gravity Press    T,C        20+20           2
Meteor Press     C,S        30+100          3
Iron Break       C,T        30+110          3 
Iron Storm       C,C        30+30           3  
Fire Drive       S          10              I
Magneto          T          20              I
Maria Beat       C          30              I

MARIA'S CONTROLS  _______________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Robo Beam         2     Beam attack (one)
Robo Missile      4     Missile attack (one)
Robo Punch        5     Physical attack (area)
Robo Kick         8     Physical attack (area)
Graviton Gun     30     Gravity attack (all)

While riding the Siebzehn:


SIEBZEHN'S OPTIONS  ____________________________________________________

Name           Fuel     Effect
Missile Pod     400     Ether attack (all)
Grav. Cannon   1000     Ether attack (all)

        C h u  
               C h u

CHU-CHU'S SKILLS  _______________________________________________________


When in giant mode:


CHU-CHU'S SPELLS  _______________________________________________________

Name             EP     Effect
Forest Dance      2     Recover some HP  (one)
Culen Prayer      2     Remove body status abnormalities (one)
Myrm Prayer       2     Remove mind status abnormalities (one)
Play Dead         2     Causes "False Death" status (self)
Maiden Kiss       8     Removes "False Death" status (self)
Forest Wind       4     Wind-elemental attack (one)
Earth Gnome       6     Earth-elemental attack (area)
Ancient Myth     10     Non-elemental attack (all)

When in giant mode:

Name             EP     Effect
Forest Dance S    2     Recover some HP, even Gears (one)

   S T A T U S   E F F E C T S

All status effects are cancelled once a battle is over.

CHARACTER STATUS EFFECTS  _______________________________________________

  Physical status effects

Stop                 Time bar stops filling. Character can't perform any
                     action until this status is removed
Defense Down         Defense rating is lowered. Character takes more damage
                     from physical attacks
Attack Down          Attack rating is lowered. Character causes less damage
                     with physical attacks
Blindness            Accuracy and Evade ratings are lowered. Character
                     misses more often and evades physical attacks less
Slow                 Time bar fills slower, as if Agility had been lowered
Poison               Character's HP decrease steadily

  Mental status effects

Confusion            Character becomes uncontrollable and attacks randomly
                     Not too worrying since he/she will only use single
                     regular attacks or Abilities
Forget               Character can't use Abilities
Sleep                Time bar stops filling until woken up by an attack

GEAR STATUS EFFECTS  ____________________________________________________

Armor Damage         Defense rating is lowered until end of battle or until
                     healed with an Ability (most HP-healing abilities
                     recover Armor Damage instead when used inside a Gear)
Stop                 Time bar stops filling
Slow                 Time bar fills slower, as if Agility had been lowered
Power Loss           Attack rating is lowered
Fuel Leak            Character's Gear loses fuel at a steady rate
Camera Damaged       Both Accuracy and Evade ratings are lowered
Ether Machine        Character loses EP at a steady rate
  Out Of Control
Ether Machine        Character can't use Abilities
Pilot Confused       Character becomes uncontrollable and attacks randomly

EQUIVALENCIES  __________________________________________________________

As you might have noticed, there's a parallelism between character status
effects and Gear status effects. Their equivalencies are as follows:

Gear status                         Character status
Armor Damage                        Defense Down
Stop                                Stop 
Slow                                Slow
Power Loss                          Attack Down
Fuel Leak                            
Camera Damaged                      Accuracy and Evade Down
Ether Machine Out of Control        
Ether Machine Shutdown              Forget
Pilot Confused                      Confusion

   S E L L I N G   P R I C E S

This is a chart showing selling prices in different shops of some rare items
you'll find during the game.

              Regular       Bledavik       Battling       Battling          
               Shop          Market        (disc 1)       (disc 2)
  Fang          100           150             ???            150
  Eyeball       200           300             ???            200
  Scales        500           600             ???           1500
  Ivory        1500         No Sale           ???           2000

   8   .   M A P S

   Y G G D R A S I L   M A P

                        Y g g d r a s i l
                       b a s e m e n t   1

      ______ _____  ___
     |      |          |
     | (4)             |
     |______|______  __|
             __/ M     \__                    
            |             |                    
            |             |                   
            |     (2)     |                      
            |             |                   
            |             |                    
             \ (3)       /

    M  : Memory Cube
   (1) : Ladder to the deck
   (2) : Bridge. Talk to Sigurd to take control of the Yggdrasil.
   (3) : Talk to Franz for a random sound test.
   (4) : Elevator to Basement 2

                        Y g g d r a s i l
                       b a s e m e n t   2

        |                  (6)        |
        |                   _  __     |
        |                  | (9) |    |
        |                  |     |  M |
        |                  |_____|    |
        |_________________________  __|
                |      |              |
                | (4)                 |
                |______|_______       |
                               |      |
                               |      |
                       ________|      |________
                      |        |      |        |
                      |                  (8)   |
                      |        |      |        |
                      |        |      |________|
                      |        |      |         
                      |        |      |         
                      |  (7)   |      |________ 
                      |        |      |        |
                      |                  (5)   |
                      |        |      |        |
                      |________|      |________|
                               |__  __|

   (4) : Elevator to Basement 1
   (5) : Margie's room. Talk to her to change party members.
   (6) : Dining room. Talk to Maison to buy items.
   (7) : Sleeping area. Talk to a man here to stay and recover HP/EP.
   (8) : Infirmary
   (9) : Stair down to Basement 3
  (13) : To the Gear hangar

                        Y g g d r a s i l
                       b a s e m e n t   3

                    /       \
                  /           \
                 /             \
                |     (12)      |
                |               |
                 \             /
                  \           /
                   \         /
                     \     /
                      |   |
              ________|   |
             |        |   |________
             |  (11)  |        (9) |
             |                     |
             |________|            |
             |        |            |
             |  (10)               |
             |        |____________|

   (9) : Stair up to Basement 2
  (10) : Bedroom
  (11) : Bedroom
  (12) : Engine room

                      G e a r   H a n g a r

            ___________________________  __
           |         |           |         |
           |  _______|           |_______  |
           |  _______             _______  |
           |     ____|           |  ____   |
           |    |    |           |      |  |
           |         |           | |(14)|  |
           |    |____|           | |____|  |
           |         |           |         |
           |     ____|           |____     |___
           |    |    |           |    |        |
           |         |           |(15)         |
           |    |____|           |____|     ___|
           |         |           |         |
           |     ____|           |____     |
           |    |    |           |    |    |
           |         |           |(16)     |
           |    |____|           |____|    |
           |         |           |         |
        ___|     ____|           |____     |
       |        |    |           |    |    |
       |             |           |         |
       |___     |____|           |____|    |
           |  _______|           |_______  |
           |_________             _________|
           |                               |

  (13) : To Basement 2
  (14) : Gear Shop
  (15) : Weltall
  (16) : Brigander

   B L E D A V I K   W A T E R W A Y S   M A P

              To Fatima Castle
                    |   |
                    |   |
                   /     \
                 /         \
               /   /|   |\   \
             /   /  |   |  \   \
           /   /    |   |    \===\
         /   /      |   |      \   \
       /   /        |   |        \   \
      |   |         |   |         |    \
      |   |         |(5)|         |      \
      |   |         |___|         |   |\   \
      |    \                     /    |  \   \ 
      |      \                 /      |    \   -------------------- 
      |   |\   \             /   /|   |      \_______    ________||
      |   |  \   \         /   /  |   |              \   \
      |   |    \   \     /   /    |   |                \   \
      |   |      \   \ /   /       \   \                 \(4)\
      |   |        \     /           \   \                 \===\
      |   |         |   |              \   \
      |   |         |   |                \   \
      |(3)|         |   |                 |   |
     /   /          |   |                 |   |
   /===/            |   |                 |- -|
                    |    \                |   |  
                    |      \              |   |
                    |   |\   \            |   |
                    |   |  \(2)\         /   /
                    |   |    \===\     /   /
                    |   |      \   \ /   /
                    |   |        \     /
                   /   /          |   |
                 /   /            |   |
               /   /              |   |
             /(1)/                |   |
           /   /                  |   |
         /    <                   |___|
       /   /\   \             East Entrance
     /- -/    \   \
   /   /        \   \
  |   |          |   |
  |   |          |   |
  |   |          |   |
  |___|          |===|
West Entrance 

   (1) : Pipe to Restaurant (get Gold Nugget)
   (2) : Rosesol S
   (3) : Aquasol S
   (4) : Survival Tent
   (5) : Pipe to Fountain
   === : Impassable fence
   - - : Broken fence

   9   .   M I S C E L L A N E O U S

If you have finished Xenogears, you'll have had the extreme pleasure of
listening to "Small Two of Pieces", the staff roll theme which is one of the
best songs I've had the joy to listen to (it's an arrange of the Music Box
theme, which I also love). Well, in case you'd like to have its lyrics
handy, Tomo has been so nice as to let me include here the lyrics for this
song, which I got in his page. BTW, I take advantage of this occasion to
advise you to check it out: it has the lyrics for the entire Xenogears album
and the "Creid" arranged album among a lot others, and it's a really nice
page too. It's URL is:


            Xenogears Ending Theme
            "Small Two of Pieces"

Run through the cold of the night 
As passion burns in your heart 
Ready to fight, a knife held close by your side
Like a proud wolf alone in the dark 
With eyes that watch the world 
And my name like a shadow on the face of the moon 

Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I
Can find the answer. And then,
We can run to the end of the world
We can run to the end of the world 

Cold fire clenched to my heart
In the blue of night
Torn by this pain, I paint your name in sound 
And the girl of the dawn
With eyes of blue, and angel wings 
The songs of the season are her only crown 

Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I
Can find the answer. And then,
We can run to the end of the world
We can run to the end of the world 

We met in the mist of morning 
And parted deep in the night
Broken sword and shield, and tears that never fall 
But run through the heart 
Washed away by the darkest water 
The world is peaceful and still

Broken mirror, a million shades of light
The old echo fades away
But just you and I
Can find the answer. And then,
We can run to the end of the world
We can run to the end of the world
Run to the end of the world...

And now that we're into soundtracks, I'd reccomend you to check the "Creid"
arranged version of Xenogears' soundtrack. It contains really good arranges
of already awesome musics.
Oh, and the Xenogears Original Soundtrack also includes a track which 
wasn't included in the game: "Star of Tears", an awesome arrange of the
overworld theme, with English lyrics (as well, of course, as "Small Two
of Pieces"). The Creid album does include the Japanese versions of both
"Star of Tears" and "Small Two of Pieces", but IMHO they're not as good
as the English versions.

   1 0   .   L I N K S  

 - Here are some links you might find useful.

   Kao Megura's Homepage                                
   Homepage to my good friend K.M., which not only was co-author of this
   FAQ, but has also written a whole bunch of them, including the pretty
   famous Final Fantasy 7 one. The place I reccomend for getting new
   versions of this FAQ.

   Game FAQs Archive                                   
   The best place for FAQs all around. If you're looking for something,
   they surely have it. It also hosts this FAQ.

   The best place for RPG information, including FAQs of course (and this
   one too).

   QueenVera's Xenogears Homepage   
   A really good page packed with Xenogears information, images and links. 

   Musical World               
     of Final Fantasy 
   Homepage of Tomo, which contains lyrics and translations for a lot of 
   Square-related albums, among other neat stuff. A must for Square music

   1 1   .   S P E C I A L   T H A N K S

 - In alphabetic order (more or less):

Strahinja "Strasa" Acimovic                (victor_tzimisce@
 - For the strategy on beating the RPS guy in Lahan and for the location of
   the Spider in Lahan Mountain. Thanks!

Mike Bridge                                  (
 - Also for the tip about Fei's savings in his bed, and for the guy that
   gives you money at Lahan's village consultant.

Jego Herve                                            (
 - For the L2+R2 tip for getting into / out of the gears quickly

David Johnson                                   (
 - For the info on the third Gear Skill in each level. And for his
   invaluable walkthough, which unstuck me more times that I can
   remember ^_^;

Stuart Logan                                           (
 - For the tip about Fei's savings in his bed, for the location of the
   Mermaid Tear and the Spider, and for reminding me that the fighter in
   Lahan's village consultant's house gave you money. Thanks!

Tatsushi Nakao / Uni                                 (
 - A whole lot of corrections on item names, my translations of these, and
   their effects. Also for info on getting some elusive items like the Bird
   Egg, and others. And of course, for being his FF5 FAQ the source of
   inspiration for all my work (don't these item lists seem familiar to
   you? ^_- ). Thanks!

Zhou Tai An                                         (
 - For keeping me updated with his awesome translations (did I tell
   you already to get them? I did? ^_^;), notes on character and Gear
   battle, and general all around assistance :).

Tomo                                                   (
 - For the lyrics of "Small Two of Pieces" which I used in this FAQ, and
   the lyrics of a lot of other songs I use myself ^_^;

Brian Youn                                               (
 - For pointing out that Attack Levels 1, 2 and 3 do not multiply the amount
   of fuel gained thanks to a Charger, as Level Infinite does.

Whoever at Square who translated the US version
 - Thanks for saving this AWESOME game from the clutches of the former
   Square translator (shiver). Xenogears' best point is its story, which 
   would have suffered no end. Also, he/she managed to trasnslate every 
   item with both faithfulness and inventiveness, a true feat given the 
   space and language constraints. Congratulations!

And of course, a huge Thank You to:

Kao Megura
 - Where to start? For being the original co-writer of this FAQ (and thus
   being the source of a lot of the info in this FAQ), for hosting this
   and others FAQs of mine, for being an awesome friend and a great guy...
   do I forget something? ^_^; Oh yes, for his hyper-complete FF7 FAQ,
   but that's another story...

   1 2   .   A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

Till next revision then!

Unpublished work Copyright 1998 Ignacio de Lucas