Andere Lösungen

Ween - The Prophecy (e)


*		         * W E E N  S O L U T I O N *			  *
1) Pick up the tongs by the fireplace and the copperball.
2) Open the cupboard and pick up the knife and the lard.Exit to the left of
   the screen to go outside.
3) Use the tongs on the guard rail and pick up the wood and the straw.
4) Use the knife with the reed and pick it up. Then  go back into the house 
   and go into the backroom. 
5) Pick up the key on the table and use it with the skull, drop the key and 
   pick up the ring hidden inside the skull.
6) Pick up the portrait and hang it up on the hook,this reveals a hideaway.
7) Pick up the sleeping potion (digitalis) on the table and  pick up the  
   bag of seeds. Use the sleeping potion on the seeds.
8) Use the seeds (drug) on the hideaway to put to rat to sleep.Then,pick up
   the mould.
9) Before you go back into the kitchen have a look at the book on the table
   next to the skull.
10) Once you're in the kitchen use the straw and the wood in the fireplace.
11) Use the ring with the copperball to change it into a cauldron.
    The copper ball can be changed into 3 different and very useful objects
    using different sacred jewels.

		    Ring       +  Copperball    =   Cauldron
		    Tiara      +  Copperball    =   Pipe
		    Necklace   +  Copperball    =   Sword

    Dont worry that you haven't got the  tiara or the necklace, you'll pick
    them up later in the game.
12) Use the knife with the reed to make  a flute. Use  the flute on Ween to
    summon Urm the Vampire.
13) Give strawberries to Urm and then pick up the gold and the jam. Use the
    flute again  and this time give him the jam. Use  Urm on the  fireplace
    to start a fire.
14) Use gold with cauldron and then place the cauldron on the fire.The gold
    will begin to melt,use the cauldron with the mould to make a golden key.
15) Go back into the backroom and use the golden key with the padlock.
16) Pick up the half-statue and then open the trap(down you go!)
17) Pick up the torch and the tibia bone.
18) Use the torch on the hearth to start a fire.   
19) Use lard with cauldron and place it on the fire.The lard will melt into
20) Pick up the planks to the left of the screen to uncover another exit.
21) Exit to the left and pick up the rope. Use the Cauldron to pour the oil
    into the bowl.
22) Take a  close  look at  the skull on  the wall. Use  the ring with  the 
    cauldron  to change it back into  the copperball and place  it into the
23) Pick up the stone and  then place the tibia  bone in the opening to act 
    as a funnel. Use the bowl of oil with the tibia bone  and then  use the
24) Go back into the cave to the right and use the rope with the planks.
25) Use  the  bound  planks with  the stone to  cross the gap and enter the 
26) Alright,ask Petroy to translate what is on the stone and the tomb.Touch
    the skull to reveal a sun stone. 
27) Use the torch with the holder by the  stele, this will allow you to see
    whats going on.
28) Pick up the spear,sunstone and the tibia.Use the spear  with the tibia.
29) Use the tibia spear with the curtain to reveal some juicy blackberries.
    Use the tibia spear again to reach the blackberries.
30) Use  the flute on  Ween  to summon Urm. Once  he arrives  give  him the 
    blackberries. Use him on the hole above  the door, he'll fetch you  the
    key from the other side of the door.
31) Pick up the key and use it on the lock to open the door and walk through 
32) A closer look at the sword reveals a catch, use the catch and then  you
    can pick up the sword.Use it on the statue to lever it out of the way. 
33) Open the trap and then use  the cauldron (change the copper ball) on
    the acid, you'll need  to use it twice  with the acid (see #34)empty the
    trap. A mechanism will now be visible in the side of the trap, all  you
    have to do is push the keystones in  combination.  A  secret hide  will
    open in the back wall,you'll find  either  elixir or  an effigy. If you
    find the elixir just push the keystones again and  this time an  effigy
    will appear. If you  get the  effigy  first then don't bother  about the
    elixir,you won't need it.  
34) Now go  back and take a closer look at the stele. Use the acid with the
    stele and read the runes, these will tell you what to  do with  the sun
    and moon stone. Put the sunstone  in the square-shaped niche first  and
    then the moonstone on top of that. All you  have  to do now is put  the
    effigy in the other niche and hey presto! you've opened the Stele.
35) O.k try and cross the bridge a monster will appear  blocking your path.
    Pick up the feather and then open the chest,put the feather in the chest
    and you'll  then be able  to see the objects in it  which are magically
    hidden. Read the parchment and then pick up the venom and the pollen.
36) Use the venom and the pollen in the cauldron to mix up  a potion,use it
    on the leaves on the right of the screen.
37) Take  a closer  look at the  bush and  pick up the strawberries.Use the 
    flute to summon Urm and  give him the strawberries, he'll then give you
    a bar of gold. Use the gold with the half-statue  and then use the fish
    statuette with the water, you'll then  be able to swim across.  If  you
    have the elixir  then you can use that on the monster instead and  then
    cross the bridge.
38) Try and pick up the massive strawberries-Urm will beat you to it and eat
    them all! but he'll leave you a huge pile of gold. Pick up the sword and
    use it with the rock this will block one of the holes. Use the cauldron
    with the hole just in front of the pile of gold,then just point at  the
    hole on the bottom right hand edge of the platform to chase the orvivor
        Grab the  flying  beastie and use it on  the pile of gold,clearing
    the path allowing you to continue.
39) Pick up the torch.Use the venom  with the snake to change it back  into
    quartz. Pick up the tiara and use it with  the copper ball to change it
    into a pipe. Use the  pipe to reach the wasp trap. Use the torch on the
    brambles  to burn  them down. Then  use the trap on to wasps to capture
    them allowing you to get past.
40) Pick up the cherries at the bottom of the tree. Then use the parchments
    to change the  shape of you  and the dragon, keep using  them until you
    change the dragon into a  wasp. Use the trap on the  wasp and  then use
    the flute  to  summon  Urm again. Give the cherries to Urm and then use
    him on  the wasp trap,he'll move it out  the way.  Exit to the right of
    of the screen.
41) This bit is a bit difficult to explain as the puzzle is different  each
    time you'll load it in. Use  Petroy on the mechanism and he'll give you
    a clue on how to solve the puzzle. Basically, the puzzle consists of  4
    stones and  you'll  have to  press  them in a certain order to open the
    door. Pick up the phial below  the mechanism  before  you leave the the
42) Pick up the  ecu, hammer,woodpile, rag and  the leaves. Use the  hammer
    on the statues arm. Use the pile of wood on the hearth and then pick up
    the amphora and place it  on the hearth as well.  Look at  the  statues 
    head and use the rag  to polish the eyes. Use  the pollen on one of the
    quartz  eyes and the venom on  the other. Pick up the quartz flower and 
    use it on the hearth.  Use the tiara to change the copper ball  into a
    pipe and then use it on the snake,the snake will  change it into a coil.
    Pick the gargoyle and use it with  the cyma, then use the coil with the
    gargoyles. Take a closer look at the  fountain and  pickup the  lichen,
    place it on the hearth. Push  the numbered  teeth in the right order to
    start the water flowing,the combination is:-12,4,6,3.Use the  phial  on
    the enclave and use the rag with the water. Place the  wet rag  on  the
    coil and then push the stone. Pick up the magnifying glass and use with
    the beam of light to start the fire. All you have to do now is to  use
    the leaf to plug the gap,simple isnt it?
43) Pick up the philtre and give it to the old guardian.pickup the rag and
    the coil (it will automatically  change  back into a pipe). Change  the
    pipe back into  the copper ball with the tiara and the use it with the
    little statue. Touch the statue and a passage way will be revealed! 
44) Click on the tabernacle and  you'll discover that Kraal has  stolen the
    Revuss.Pick up the necklace and the chalice, use the chalice to tip the
    scales. Click on the statues nose to turn the  head. Pick up the  glove
    and   take  a  closer  look inside  the chest. Use  the glove with  the 
    spiders and  then you'll be able  to  pick up the heart. Click  on  the
    tapestry at the  back of the room to  discover some  mirrors.  Click on 
    vase and take the key out of it. Use the heart on  the site and another
    passageway will open up.
45) Use the mirrors with the openings and then open the  lock with the key.
46) Pick up the root and the bag. Use the bag with the snake and then click
    on the string at the top of the bag to  make sure it can't escape. Use 
    the snake on  the  mongoose to  get it  out of the  way and pick up the 
    digitalis. Change  the copper ball into a  sword and then use it on the
    larch. Use the root to pick up the resin and then use it on  the little
    monsters. Change the sword  into the pipe and  then use  the pipe  with
    the water. Use the digitalis and the pearls  with the bowl and then use
    the femur to mix them together. Use  the mixture on the queen  to knock
    her out,allowing  you to get past. Finally, change  the  pipe back into 
    the sword and then use the sword on the rope to open the gate.
47) Pick up the bowl and use it on the resin, use the resin  on the flower.
    Pick up the horn and use it with the wood. Pick up the tropical creeper
    and use it with the horn and wood to make a pickaxe. Pick up  the baton
    and move it round the area of the  screen just  below  the tree, you'll
    see the end of the baton straighten out when you've found something.
    Pick up the pickaxe and use it on the spot where the baton straightened
    out to discover a spring. Use the pot with the spring and then use  the
    water on the mushrooms.Pick up the rock and use it with the bird. Click
    on the eye and then use the worm on the giant mushrooms.
48) Pick up the net and use it on the sea to catch a fish.Pick up the flute
    ,the  strawberries  and the  oar. Use the flute to  summon Urm and then
    give the strawberries to him, he'll  give  you some  gold. Use the gold
    on the monster and pick up the haversack.Click on the coconut trees  to
    knock down the coconuts,pick them up and use them  on the lobster pots.
    Use  the hammer on the ribs to  break them off. Use  the sword  on  the
    bamboo to cut it down and use it on the  boat  to make  a mast. Use the
    archboat ribs  and the  lobster pots on the boat and use the oar on the
    notch to make a rudder. Use  the sword on  the fish to cut it  open and
    give the eggs to the spider. Pick up the sail and use it on the mast.
49) Use the  hammer on  the padlock and pick up the tar from the hold.  Use 
    the pipe with the bottle  and  pick up the cork. Use  the tar  with the 
    cork to  seal it. Use  the sealed cork with  the hole in the  boat  and 
    quickly use the hammer on the hole  to  knock it in. You might  have to
    empty the water out of the boat with the cauldron if you are not  quick
    enough plugging the hole at first.    
50) Pick up the key and use it on  the lock to open  the door. Go into  the
    shed and pick up the shovel,then go back outside.
51) Use the shovel on the sand in different  places until  you find an eye,
    a gold bar,bones,a diamond,a parchment,jewels,a sandal and  an  oyster.
    Use the sword on the oyster to open it  up and  pick up  the  pearl. Go 
    back inside  the shed and  use the  flute to  summon Urm, give him  the
    strawberries off the table and he'll give you some gold. Give the  eye,
    ecu,diamond,bones,jewels,sandal,ingot(gold bar), pearl  and the gold to
    the old man. Use the sword with the planks  behind  where  the old  man
    was sitting to discover a passage way.
52) Use the cauldron on the hole on  the right and  then  try  to grab  the
    orivor. Pick up the  pendulum and  move  it  round  the screen until it
    starts to swing. Drop it and pick up the cauldron, change  the cauldron
    into the sword. Use  the  sword on the  spot  where the pendulum swung.
    Pick up the gold and give it to the orivor.Pick up the rope and use the
    sword on the branch on the left  and the branches on the right. Use the
    rope on the branch to make a bow.  Use the bow  on the  walnut and then
    change the sword into  the pipe and use the  pipe on the  feathers. Use
    the feathers on the  arrows and then use the bow on the  walnut. Change
    the pipe back into the sword and use it on the walnut.
53) Use the cane on the glass  eye. Pick up the strawberries  and  use  the 
    flute to summon Urm. Give the strawberries to Urm and give the gold  to
    the old man.Pick up the redcurrants and use the cane  on the  glass eye
    again. Give the redcurrants to Urm and use him on the old man.
54) From this point onwards in the game you'll need to make various potions
    to aid you in your quest. Here is a little table to help you:-

    Ingredients		      Potion		 Effect
    ===========	              ======		 ======
    Venom + Pollen	      Growing Potion	 Makes Plants grow.
    Venom + Truffle	      Luciferys	         Turns rubys into fire.
    Pollen + Truffle          Vitalys		 Brings stone etc to life.
    Pollen + Venom + Truffle  Change             Strange effect on silver.

55) Mix up a  growing  potion  by  using  the  venom with  the cauldron and
    then the pollen. Use the potion on the the little mushrooms.Pick up the
    truffles. Now,mix up some  Luciferys  and use it on  the ruby. Whip  up 
    another batch of growing potion and then use it on  the  grass  next to
    the flame. Pick up the  camomile. Use the  cauldron with the  water and 
    camomile. Put the cauldron on  the hearth and then pick it up again and
    use the tea to  cure the  worm. Use the worm on the giant  mushrooms to
    clear your path and out you go.
56) Make a Vitalys potion and use  it on  Bargol to bring him back to life.
    Use the pollen on the  quartz  to turn it into  a flower. Take a closer
    look at the flower and pickup the  pistil. Click on the ant on the leaf
    at the top right of  the screen,give the  pistil to the ant. Pickup the
    axe (bolt) and  the 3 grains of sand. Mix up  another  batch of Vitalys 
    and use it on the statue. Pull the  lever and  go back inside the cave.
57) Look at the mechanism and use the bolt with the  orifice and  the click
    on the lever. Pick up the key and go back outside.
58) Change the cauldron into the sword, use  it  with  the  bushes  and use 
    the key  in the lock to  open the door. Now, change the sword back into
    the  cauldron  and  whip  up a  Change  potion, use it on  the grate to
    transform  it  into  three  big  snakes. Use the venom on the snakes to
    transform them into rubys.Mix up a batch of Luciferys and then use that
    on the ruby's to transform them into  flames. Go back into the cave and
    use the cauldron with the water. Go back outside and use the water with
    the flames.
59) Pick up the bowl and  change the cauldron into the sword. Use the sword
    on the ornament and pick up the flawed jewel which falls to the floor.
    Use the sword with the hole until you discover a ruby. Change the sword
    back into the cauldron and mix up  some Luciferys. Use the Luciferys on
    the ruby and pick up the jewel. Make a Vitalys potion and use it on the
    jewel to bring it to life. Turn the cauldron into the sword and  use it
    on the crack. When the firefly lands pick it up. 
60) O.k now it gets a bit tricky,use Petroy on the hidaways in the room and
    he will tell you the number of each one. This diagram  should help  you
    understand how to lower the drawbridge.
              Room       /\/\/\/\/\/\         Key 
     	      ----         ________           ---
    	        	__           __ 5         /\/\/\ =   Letters
	       	     1 |__|         |__|           __
        					  |__|   =   Hideaway  
			__           O
		     2 |__|	                   O     =   Opening 
		                      __ 4  
			__           |__|         ----   =   Drawbridge
		     3 |__|		                     
61) Touch inside hideaway number 4 (next to the statues  hand), Click on it
    three times until the monster spits some glue at you. Use the bowl with
    glue to pick it up.Use the glue on the firefly and then use the firefly 
    /glue with hidaway number 1.Pick up the broken jewel.  Use the glue  on
    the flawed jewel and then use the flawed jewel on the broken jewel.
62) Change to the sword into the cauldron and mix up some more Vitalys. Use
    it on the jewel to bring it to life. Change the cauldron back  into the
    sword and use it on the crack. Pick up  the firefly  when it lands. Use
    the  firefly on  hideaway number 3.Pick up  the jewel which appears next
    to the drawbridge and bring it to life with some more Vitalys. 
64) Turn the cauldron back into the sword and use it with the crack. When
    the firefly lands pick it up. Use the glue with the firefly and  use it
    with hideaway number 4.Pick up the twig,use it with the opening and then
    pick up the jewel.Change the sword into the cauldron, again! and mix up
    another batch of Vitalys. Use the Vitalys  on the jewel to bring  it to
    life. Change the cauldron into the sword and use it on the  crack. Pick
    up the firefly when it lands,use the glue with it. Use the firefly/glue
    with hideaway number 5. Use the copperball with the hole  and then push
    the copperball to reveal a lever,pick up the jewel. 
65) O.k,now you will have 5 lit hideaways,each containing  a lever.When any
    of the levers are used a stone pedestal will  rise in the middle of the
    room.  When the  levers are  used in a  certain  combination  `ALL' the
    letters on  the back wall will light up,it doesn't matter if all of the
    stone pedestals aren't raised as they will automatically come up when you
    have lit up all the letters. This is the combination I used but you can
    use any combination as long  as you have all the letters  lit up at the
    same time:- 
			LEVER No.	Use No. Of Times 
    			=========       ================
			    1                  1
                            2                  2
                            3                  3
                            4                  4
                            5                  5

66) Once you  have lit all  the  letters,use the bow to  fire arrows at the
    letters to spell the word `K R A A L'. Be careful  with your aim if you
    hit the wrong letter all the lights will go out! If  you  do this right
    the drawbridge will open.

67) Pick up the heart by the skull.Click on the nail on the left wall, just
    above the skull. Keep clicking on the nail  until you manage to pull it
    out of the wall.
68) This diagram of the lock will help you understand how to escape.

                     |      .1        .1       |        Key
	             |   8. | .2   8. | .2     |        ---
                     |7.  O	.3 7.  O  .3   |     . = Hole
	             |     .   .     .   .     |
	             |   6  .  4   6  .  4     |     | = Needle
                     |       5         5       |     O

69) Alright,now insert the nail into hole number 6 (see above) and click on
    the needle.Now one of the bars will rise,move the pointer below the bar
    while it's up and you'll discover a pin.
70) Now all the carving of the two suns means is  that you insert the  nail
    into hole number 7 on the right dial and the pin into hole number 3  on
    left dial. Now, click on both of the needles and all the bars should go
    up!  Before you  leave the cell dont  forget  to put the heart into the
    heart-shaped orifice on the right of the screen.
71) Okie Dokie,you're nearly there now,so dont give up!As soon as you get on
    to this screen click on the levers straight away. Now,you must get this
    be right or you'll mess  it up and  it will be game over.  You'll see 3
    levers on the screen.

                           1      2      3
			   O------O------O            Key
			   ---------------            ---
			   ---------------            O = Lever

    Starting from the right with lever no.3  move it all the way down  then
    back to the  top again,a total of  4 clicks.Do the same with lever no.2
    and then with  lever no.1.  If you have  done this  right  the swinging
    blade will slow down.
72) Click on the carving  and type in `DJEL' the hideaway above  will  open
    up. Pick up  the  knife and the bamboo.Use the  knife  with the bamboo,
    and  you'll  begin  to  carve a  flute. Use the  knife with  the  flute
    again to finish making it and then use  it to summon Urm.  Pick up  the
    stone  and  then use  it  in the hole  in the carving. Now, type in the
    name `AZEULISSE' the other hideaway will now open. Pick up  the  statue
    and use it with  the  other  statue in the first  hideaway.Pick up  the
    grains of sand and use them in the Revuus. Thats it!!

		     Congratulations! You've completed Ween!
                         Now go and get some sleep dude!