Andere Lösungen

Unreal (e)


           FAQ/Walkthrough   by  (Matthew Peyrard)
                                 Version 1.0
                        Last updated January 11 1999 


Table of contents

2.Version updates
-Level 1:Vortex Rikers
-Level 2:Nyleve's Falls
-Level 3:Arajigar Mine
-Level 4:Depths of Arajigar 
-Level 5:Sacred Passage
4.Cheat codes
5.What's to come
7.Author's note

You are on the prison ship Vortex Rikers, you are headed for the prison 
moon when suddenly you get caught in the gravitational pull of a unknown 
planet, you crash land on the planet, you seem to be the only one to 
have survived, now the only thing is, were are you? And how do you 
escape this _hostile_ planet?

2.Version updates
version 1.0

The first version of this FAQ, it covers the first 5 levels of the game 
and the cheat codes, that is all.


Level 1:Vortex Rikers
The level begins when you wake up on a prison ship called the vortex 
rikers. Get up and walk out of your cell, go into the middle cell on the 
other side of the cell area. Pick up the bandages on the toilet. Exit 
the cell and and go up the elevator on the left. 

At the top there is a dead body and a universal translator, pick up the 
translator and pick up the flare and the health pack in the cell on the 
left. Now go back down the elevator and go into the dark end of the 
room, there is a switch on the wall on the right, activate it and the 
elevator your standing on will bring you down to the CHAIR, heh heh heh! 

In this room just walk to the right of the glass and the guy there will 
be electricuted, on the difficulty Hard and Unreal there are some good 
stuff in this room. Now go back up the lift back to the cell area and up 
to the second floor. Now look for a ventalation duct, just crawl into 
the vent and crawl through to get to the bridge. 

Walk into the door on the left. Now the floor here is very slippery, so 
look at the top of the room and look for a switch, jump and hit the 
switch. That will lower the forcefield around the Kevlar suit, get the 
suit, armor, and go back the way you came. This time turn right and get 
the medpack, then jump down to the hallway, be careful as you walk here, 
the ship will shake and there will be some small explosions that might 
seriously hurt you. 

In the next room is the medical lab. Get all the medpacks in this room 
and move on.  

If you need it there are 2 medpaks in this room, then walk into the next 
room. Walk up to the door and listen to what is going on in the next 
room, you will here two prisinors get brutaly killed by some kind of 
monster. When the door opens you will see the monster run away, you 
can't catch it, pick up the dispersion pistol he drops and walk down the 

Walk all the way to a room with 2 large fans and a health station, if 
you need it break the glass, then walk into the passage that is missing 
one fan. On the other side activate the switch and quickly get on the 
elevator that will take you to a door. Go into the next room and walk 
into the smaller room, and shoot the switch on the western wall. That 
will opn a trap door, jump down to exit the ship, and to the next level.

Level 2:Nyleve's falls
As soon as the level has finished loading walk forward and pick up the 2 
flares on the floor. Turn left and follow the tunell to the exit. Now 
you will be outside, a little rabbit will hop by, it is harmless. Look 
right and go up the little slope, there are some clips up there. Now 
turn around and head towards the house. 

At the far end there is a pool of water, look for a blue light and swim 
towards it, there is a clip down there. To get up just jump onto the 
rock and jump to the surface. 

Now pick up the automag on the ground in front of the entrance to the 
house, and pick up any ammo that is around there, then walk into the 
house and pick up all the flares, health packs, and clips. Now walk out 
of the house and head toward the ship, go to the area behind it and walk 
up the planks. 

Head left towards the mouth of a cave, there are two orange flowers near 
the entrance, these are Nali fruit, they have a healing affect of about 
27. Anyway, walk into the cave, keep walking until you see a guy get 
thrown up againsnt the wall, then run backwards, out of the cave and 
wait for the 2 BRUTES to come out of the cave, strafe and shoot as they 
shoot at you. Once they are both dead, go back into the cave and walk 
into the now open door on the right. Head all the way down to the 
elevator and ride it down, there, make your way out, there is another 
brute at the end of the tunell waiting for you, kill him and continue, 
walk down the board towards the house. 

Go inside the house, you will see a meditating NALI there, don't kill 
it, there is no reason, later on in the game the NALI help you, in this 
house shoot all the barrels, in the one next to the door there is a 
flashlight, only use the flashlight when you need it, it has limited 
batteries. Now exit the house and look behind it, there is a cave 
opening there, enter and kill any monsters hanging on the ceiling. 

In the final room there is all sorts of usefull stuff, there are ammo 
for the stinger, the tyrinium shards, and some armor, nedpaks, and s 
flare. Once you have gotten everything head back towards the house and 
go all the way back to were you were attacked by the 2 brutes. Go to the 
hallway were you saw the man get thrown, there is an elevator there. 
Take the elevator up to the end of the tunells, there is another brute 
there and you will also be attacked by a flying creature. 

Once outside head left and look for a metal opening, walk up the stairs 
and you will be in a room with a lot of crates, ther is a brute in 
there. There is some automag ammo and a super health pack(200 health) 
(on easy mode only). Now walk out the other exit and kill the tentacle 
creature and collect any ammo near that area. Now walk into the metal 
door and turn left to enter the Arajigar Mine.

Level 3:Arajigar Mine
Follow the corridor and turn right into a room, pick up the clips. Turn 
around and face the doorway with the red lettering above it, when the 
brute comes, kill it. Then follow the corridor were the brute came from. 

Press the switch to bring the elevator down, get into the elevator and 
turn around, when you reach the top turn left to get some clips. Shoot 
the tentacle creature above the lava. 

Walk up a slope and turn right, and follow the hallway until you can see 
the floor is buckled, there is a tentacle creature on the ceiling. Kill 
the tentacle creature and shoot the 2 boxes in the corner near it. Pick 
up the medpak and shield belt.

Continue to the end of the corridor. You are now in a big room with 2 
switches and blue lights. Hit both switches and  to turn off the 
electricity. This will turn off a green forcefield, elsewere, but now, 
continue until all the lights turn off, turn back the way you came and 
you will see red flashing lights and a skaarj will attack you. Once you 
kill it you can now exit, head towards the light, back to the main room. 
Now, head into the other passage filled with a blueish color.

Run into the room, you will be attacked by a brute, kill it and head 
into a metal opening. Walk along the corridor to the lift. Ride the lift 
down and shoot the tentacle creature nearby. Walk down the hallway and 
shoot the tentacle creature as soon as you see it, then shoot the brute 
not to far away.

Go back towards the lava cavern and stop when the ground starts to 
shake. Shoot the boxes on the left and get the stuff inside. Follow the 
ledge and enter the hallway to the right. Pick up the medpaks. Stop 
again before continuing, when the ground stops shaking, walk right and 
enter the hallway on the left. Pick up the voice box from behind the 
middle pillar, kill the skaarj that is nearby. Continue the way were the 
skaarj came from, the hallway with the blue crystals. As you continue, 
turn right then left, on the way pick up the tyridium shards.

There is a Nali at the next hall on the left. Immediately kill the 
skaarj before he kills the Nali. Once the skaarj is dead, and the Nali 
is not harmed, the Nali will open a secret doorway, beyond the doorway 
is a little pocket, containing the stinger and some ammo for it. 

Leave the room and turn right, once past the blue crystals, turn right. 
Once you get to a drop off, shoot the red switch and that will make the 
beam rise, use the beam to cross the lava. After you are done crossing 
kill the tentacle creature that will attack you right after you cross. 
Then kill the skaarj at the end of the hallway. 

After the skaarj is dead, shoot the 2 exposive barells against the wall 
to make a passage, go into the passage that leads to a control room, and  
kill the brute. After you enter the room, walk up the ramp and turn left 
and push the lever. Now press the four arrows in a counter-clock wise 
direction. Face the door and when it opens kill the skaarj that attacks. 
He may also come out of the door on the right so be careful.

Walk through the door and kill the 2 tentacle creatures on the ceiling. 
Continue through the hallway and kill the tentacle creatures along the 
way, look for a lift. Ride up. Walk forward and you will see an open 
panel on the wall with a purple light. Pick up the shield belt and go 
into the room with the colomn. Go left and kill the skaarj. Shoot the 
boxes to get some medpaks.

Walk out of the niche and go into the hallway. Turn left and kill the 2 
tentacle creatures in the next room. Walk into the room and shoot the 
brute up above if you can. Walk left and shoot the explosive barells 
near the doorway.

Walk to the next hallway and turn right. Shoot the skaarj. Walk past the 
crates, and turn left into an opening in the wall. Use a flare to find 
it. At the end of the tunell you will get the super health pack. 

Walk out of the little opening and turn left and walk backwards up the 
slope in the left-hand corner. You should be to the left of the red 
switch. From there you should be able to shoot the brute on the 
platform. And there is also a tentacle creature up there to the right. 
Press the red switch to avtivate the lift. Shoot the box on the lift 
then get in. once the lift has stopped, get off and turn right. In the 
next room shoot the boxes and get the tyridium shards. Turn around and 
walk accross the platform then turn right. Walk through the corridor and 
accross the bridge were the brute used to be. Follow the corridor. Once 
you see the waiting Nali run past him into the mine control room. 

Shoot the skaarj on the right before he kills the Nali. Follow the Nali 
to some armor and tyridium shards. Walk to the translator message 
pannels and go into the corridor to the left of them.  Shoot the 
tentacle creature in the passage. Walk to the drop off. Drop down and 
turn right. Walk out to the medpaks and kill the skaarj that attacks 

Get the health packs and go back to the hallway, turn right and walk up 
to the bridge, listen to the translator message, it says that the bridge 
is unsafe, so, walk up the sloped beam on the side. 

Look to the left, you should see a shield belt, pick it up. Run back 
accross the bridge, you should hear a Nali chsanting, follow the stone 
wall ta another bridge, kill the nearby brute before he kills the Nali. 
If the Nali is unharmed he will open a panel in the wall and it will 
reveal a dispersion pistol power-up. Now cross the bridge the same way 
as the previous one. 

Kill the tentacle creature in the passage on the other side of the 
bridge, turn left and down the slope to a room with furnace pipes, kill 
the skaarj.

Walk through the next furnace room and down the next slope. Kill the 1 
or 2 skaarj that might attack you. Behind the 3rd pillar is a lift, go 
up and walk through the hole in the rock wall at the end of the lift. 
Pick up the ASMD cores. Drop down and go down the hall way with the red 
switch. Press the switch, that will make the lift come down, kill the 
brute that comes down with it. Then get on the lift and face the back 
wall, start running towards the wall and when the lift goes up you will 
enter a vent. Go through the vent and you will get to a room with huge 
fans. Get all the stuff behind the slow moving fans.

Now go back through the vent and now go all the way up the lift. Now 
shoot the yellow glass on the other side of the walkway, now run there, 
but careful, there is a spot were the railing is broken and you might 
get blown off. In the next room push all three plus shaped switches and 
Then go back to the room with the lift and go down the lift and go right 
into the now open door to the depths of arajigar mine.

Level 4:Depths of arajigar
Follow the hallway and kill the brute that might be near the crates. Go 
up the lift oposite from the crates. Once you are up go near the ledge 
leading to the lava, kill the brute on the platform. 

Hit the red switch then quickly jump into the mine car, ride it to the 
other side, kill the skaarj that is near the crates. Now jump into the 
stacked crates and get the super health pack and the ASMD core, and some 

Now run over to the red switch that is near the mine car, once you've 
pressed it, jump into the car and ride it to the top, be prepared to 
fight the brute at the top. Now turn right. Follow the hallway to a room 
and turn right and shoot the tentacle creature that is there. Push the 
switch, it will temporarily drop the bridge on your left. Turn around 
and walk towards the bridge and turn into the passage on the left. Stop 
before entering the hallway and shoot the explosive barell, that will 
kill the skaarj working at the panel. 

Walk accross the bridge and turn left. Continue past the red lights to a 
bigger room with more red lights. Go through the doorway and down the 
stairs. Kill the tentacle creature that is nearby. When the hallway 
becomes bright and foggy, kill the skaarj that is on the right. Continue 
down the hallway and to the lift, ride the lift up to a room with 

Walk out into the room with the crates and turn right, kill the skaarj. 
As you get to a certain pillar, look left and you should see a bridge, 
shoot the skaarj that comes running accross it. Go back down to the 
floor level and under the bridge is a ASMD core and an amp, do not use 
the amp until I say so. Go back up the ramp and through the doorway. 
Walk up the ramp and kill the 2 tentacle creatures. Walk down the stairs 
and hit the 2 red switches on the tanks. This opens the door on the 
other side of the bridge. 

Go up the stairs and turn right, shoot the skaarj that is on the other 
side of the bridge. Jump accross and press the switch, that will open a 
door not to far away. 

Drop to the floor and go to the now open door nearby. Walk through the 
door and shoot the 2 small boxes. Continue along the hallway to exit the 
arajigar mines.

Level 5:Sacred Passage
Open the door and walk outside into a narrow passage. Follow it until 
you can see a structure, then, follow the left wall to a pool of water. 
Look out for a skaarj nearby.Dive into the water and find the big fish, 
you should kill it right away. Then look for a underwater cave. Go into 
it and follow it until the end. Get out of the water and now you will be 
inside the structure. 

Walk up to the carving between the 2 pillars and step on the switch. The 
carving will lower and you can now go to the other side of the carving. 
Shoot the brute to the left as you walk through. Walk down the 
passageway and read the writing on the wall, _"Only the pure of heart 
being able to pay homage to the God of the good Lore Chizra._"

Run back to the dryed up pool and run behind the green stone and throw 
the lever and that will fill the dryed up pool, and also open the stone 
door behind you. Walk in to enter the next level.

4.Cheat Codes
God:Enables invincibility

Fly:Lets you fly

Ghost:Cliping mode

Walk:Disables flying and ghosting

Killall _enemy_: Enter killall, then the name of an enemy and all of 
those enemy will be dead

Playersonly:Freezes time, type it again to resume it

Open _map name_:Type open, then the name of a map or level, and it will 
be loaded.


Summon _***_:Type summon, then the name of a weapon of item ect, to make 
it appear before your eyes!


Behind view 1:Gives you a 3rd person view

Behind view 0:Returns camera angle to normal

Flush:Fixes graphics if they turn crappy.

5.What's to come
In version 1.1, I will add at least the next 3 levels, mabe a 
description for this game, and look for my monster guide that will come 
out soon enough.

Well only me, I did it all by myself. But if anyone would like to help, 
it would really be appreciated.

7.Authors note
This FAQ cannot be copied in any way without my writen permission, ok.

And if anyone would like to contribute any suggestions, point-outs, or 
additional info, just e-mail me at
You will receive full credit.