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Ultima 9 - Ascension (e)

                      ULTIMA IX : ASCENSION
               The Frequently Asked Questions List
                    Version 1.03 - 19 Apr 1996

            Compiled by Adrian Yau (Sagacious Dragon)
           Copyright (c) 1995-1996. All rights reserved

   Section 1 : Introduction
      1.1         Objective
      1.2         Disclaimer
      1.3         Trademarks
      1.4         Acronyms & Symbols
      1.5         Spoiler Warning
      1.6         Obtaining the FAQ

   Section 2 : Background Info
      2.1         What is Ultima?
      2.2         Who is the Avatar?
      2.3         Who is the Guardian?
      2.4         The Guardian Trilogy so far.
      2.5         The Official Ultima 8 End Sequence
      2.5.1       Has the Guardian conquered Britannia?

   Section 3 : Plot
      3.1         Why is the game called 'Ascension'?
      3.2         General plot features of Ultima 9
      3.2.1       How much of the plot has been worked out?
      3.2.2       What's the story about?
      3.2.3       Philosophical elements
      3.2.4       Plot Non-Linearity
      3.2.5       Sideplots
      3.3         The Avatar's Character
      3.3.1       Character Tranfer.
      3.3.2       Will the Avatar retain the powers gained in U8?
      3.4         Companions and Party Members
      3.4.1       Will companions from previous Ultimas appear in U9?
      3.4.2       Will Dupre return?
      3.4.3       Will there be party members in Ultima 9?
      3.4.4       How many party members can I have? I want an army!
      3.5         Magic
      3.5.1       How important is magic in the plot of Ultima 9?
      3.5.2       What sort of magic system will be implemented?
      3.5.3       Will reagants still be used for the magic system?
      3.5.4       Will party members be able to cast spells?
      3.6         Miscellaneous Plot Questions
      3.6.1       Will dragons be involved in the storyline?
      3.7         The Ending

   Section 4 : Gameplay Issues
    * 4.1         Will U9 use the same engine as U8?
      4.2         World interaction
      4.3         Will the conversation menu system still be used?
      4.4         Movement
      4.4.1       Will there still be jumping and climbing?
      4.4.2       Will the Avatar be able to swim?
      4.5         Combat
      4.5.1       What will combat be like in Ultima 9?
      4.5.2       Will there be two combat models, realtime and
      4.5.3       Will combat combine the keyboard and mouse?
      4.5.4       Will there be more monsters?
      4.5.5       Will there be Resurrection for the Avatar?
      4.6         Graphics
      4.6.1       Characters     Will there be an option for a female Avatar?
    *     Will there be character portraits?
    *     Will there be live actors and movie cut scenes?
      4.6.2       Weather     Will we see the return of night and day?     How about the seasons and weather?
      4.6.3       Inventory     Will inventory have a graphical interface?
    *     Will there still be paperdolling in inventory?
      4.6.4       Map     Will it be a mono- (U7) or dual-scaled map (U5)?     What sort of perspective will Ultima 9 use?
    *     Will a rotating perspective be used?     Can we run the game at different resolutions?
      4.7         Sound
      4.7.1       Will we get 32 channel sound like in WC3?
    * 4.7.2       Will Ultima 9 have full speech?
      4.8         Interface
      4.8.1       Will there be more shortkeys?
      4.8.2       How about user configurable keys?

   Section 5 : Technical Issues
      5.1         Platforms
      5.1.1       Which platforms are U9 currently targeted for?
      5.1.2       Will U9 be released for 3DO?
      5.1.3       Will there be a Mac version?
      5.2         Multitasking
      5.3.        System Requirements
    * 5.3.1       What will be the minimum requirements to run U9?
      5.4         How big will Ultima 9 be?
      5.5         Will there be a floppy version?

   Section 6 : Miscellaneous
    * 6.1         Who's on the Ultima 9 project?
    * 6.2         When will U9 appear on the shelves?
    * 6.3         Where can I get screenshots?
      6.4         Is Ultima 9 "The Lost Vale"?
      6.5         Will there be add-ons for U9?
      6.6         Will there be a Ultima 10?
      6.7         Will there be a special edition for Ultima 9?
      6.8         Cheat Menu
    + 6.9         Will Ultima 9 be multi-player?

   Section 7 : In Conclusion
    * 7.1         Credits
      7.2         Obtaining more information
      7.3         Contacting the author

Section 1: Introduction
  1.1 Objective
      This FAQ was created to answer some Frequently Asked Questions
      on the net regarding 'Ultima 9: Ascension', which is currently
      in development.

      Hopefully, this FAQ will also serve to dispel the many rumours
      floating around the net.

      This FAQ was suggested by Brian Martin,  Design Coordinator of
      the Ultima 9 project, who has provided most of the information
      you will find here.

  1.2 Disclaimer
      Please  keep in mind that Ultima 9 is still in development. As
      such,  nothing is set in stone. The game design could possibly
      change by the time it is released.

      Unless stated, all information presented in this FAQ have been
      confirmed by Origin.

  1.3 Trademarks
      Ultima,  Britannia, Origin are registered trademarks of ORIGIN
      Systems,  Inc.  Avatar, Serpent Isle,  Pagan and Ascension are
      trademarks  of  ORIGIN Systems, Inc.  Origin Systems Inc. is a
      subsidiary  of  Electronic  Arts.   

      All other brands and  names are properties of their respective

  1.4 Acronyms
      U4/5/6/7/8/9  Ultima 4/5/6/7/8/9
      U7SI          Ultima 7 part 2: Serpent Isle
      *             Changes from last version
      +             Additions from last version

  1.5 Spoiler Warning
      There  will  be spoilers for gamers  who  have yet to play the
      previous Ultimas. Sections 2.2 - 2.4 (Background Info) contain
      most of the spoilers.

  1.6 Obtaining the FAQ
      New versions of this FAQ will be posted in the newsgroups:

      You can also access the FAQ on the web at:

      You can also request a copy of the FAQ from the author at:

Section 2 : Background Info

  2.1 What is Ultima?
      For  those  unfamiliar with Ultima; it  is  a line of computer
      games  of the Role Playing Game (RPG) genre produced by Origin
      Systems.  Currently,  there are 13 games  in the series (14 if
      you include Akalabeth).

      For more information about Ultima, refer to the Web at:

         ""          The Ultima Dragons Homepage
         "" The Origin Systems Homepage

  2.2 Who is the Avatar?
      The  Avatar  is the main character  of  the Ultima series. The
      Avatar  is the champion of virtue in the games. The concept of
      virtues (philosophical values) is a main feature of the Ultima

  2.3 Who is the Guardian?
      The  Guardian  is the main  antagonist  in the current trilogy
      (U7-9).  He first appeared in Ultima  7, where he attempted to
      gain  control of Britannia. Physically he has been depicted as
      a huge red being (male) with yellow eyes.

  2.4 The Guardian Trilogy so far.
      In  Ultima  7  (The  Black Gate),  the  Avatar  is summoned to
      Britannia and uncovers the Guardian's plans to gain control of
      the world, with Batlin's help. Naturally, the Avatar foils the
      Guardian's plans and Batlin flees Britannia.

      In  Ultima  Underworld 2 (Labyrinth  of  Worlds), the Guardian
      makes  another attempt on Britannia by encasing the Avatar and
      Lord  British's castle within a  dome of blackrock. The Avatar
      travels to other worlds dominated by the Guardian, to gain the
      power to free the castle.

      In  Ultima  7  part 2 (Serpent  Isle),  the Avatar follows the
      trail  Batlin  has  set;  to  the  Serpent  Isle.  The  Avatar
      discovers the land on the verge of destruction from the forces
      of Imbalance. In restoring Balance to Serpent Isle, the Avatar
      falls into the Guardian's trap.

      In  Ultima 8 (Pagan), the Guardian  throws the Avatar into the
      world  of  Pagan.  There,  the  Avatar  seeks  a  way  home to

  2.5 The Official Ultima 8 End Sequence
      From  the  5  blackrock fragments,  the  Avatar  recreates the
      Blackrock  Obelisk  of  the Great  Temple.  The pyramid shaped
      obelisk  is a black gate which takes the Avatar into the Nexus
      of  the  Worlds (place with  the white pillars). Upon entering
      the  Nexus, a person is taken to where they most desire to go.
      The  Avatar  is  taken  back  to  Britannia,  where he appears
      wearing the suit of the Titan of Ether.

      A  Britannia unlike the one we remember. The sky is blood red,
      rivers of molten lava vein the land and dragons swoop about in
      the sky. The Guardian's head is carved into a mountain.

  2.5.1 Has the Guardian conquered Britannia?
      We'll have to play the game to discover this.

Section 3 : Plot
  3.1 Why is the game called 'Ascension'?
      There  is  no  official explanation  from  Origin  as it would
      probably give away the plot. However, the general feeling from
      most  fans is that the Avatar will have a direct confrontation
      with  the  Guardian in Ultima 9.  In  order to defeat him, the
      Avatar has to 'ascend' to a more powerful state.

  3.2 General plot features of Ultima 9
  3.2.1 How much of the plot has been worked out?
      Most  of  the plot for Ultima  9 has been finalized, including
      the  characters  in the game, the  events  in the game and the
      ending.  Town and dungeon layouts have already been worked out
      as well.

  3.2.2 What's the story about?
      Ultima  9 has been coined the  'trilogy of trilogies' and will
      continue  the  story  from Ultima 8  and  wrap  up the current
      Guardian trilogy (U7-9).

      The  game designers have revealed  that they intend to resolve
      everything  about Ultima; right from  the beginning of Ultima.
      Many artifacts and locations from past Ultimas will be brought
      back in Ultima 9.

  3.2.3 Philosophical elements
      Starting from Ultima 4, the series has always had a plot based
      around  some  system of values. The  concept of the Avatar and
      the Britannian Virtues will play a key and central role in the

  3.2.4 Plot Non-Linearity
      Ultima  9  will feature a non-linear  plot. Quests need not be
      done  in a specific order and there will be many ways to solve

  3.2.5 Sideplots
      We  have been promised that there  will be plenty of sideplots
      (minor  quests  unrelated to the  major storyline) and lots of
      easter eggs.

  3.3 The Avatar's Character
  3.3.1 Character Tranfer.
      Transferring your character of the Avatar was a feature of the
      older  Ultimas  (this  option  was  left  out  from  Ultima  7
      onwards).  Can  we transfer the  Avatar's stats from Ultima 8?
      They're not sure if it will be implemented.

  3.3.2 Will the Avatar retain the powers gained in U8?
      In  short, no. Building up the character of the Avatar is part
      of  an RPG. The Avatar will have  to work to gain strength and
      powers  in Ultima 9. By the end of the game, the player should
      have fully explored the powers of the Titan of Ether.

  3.4 Companions and Party Members
  3.4.1 Will companions from previous Ultimas appear in U9?
      Yes,  the  companions  will return, however  it  has yet to be
      confirmed if they will join the Avatar's party.

      Other  characters  with  sufficient  reason  to  have  a  long
      lifespan  will also appear in Ultima  9. In general, these are
      characters from other worlds.

  3.4.2 Will Dupre return?
      Origin's  not telling on this. However, in a interview (1994),
      Richard  Garriot mentions that Dupre  will, at the very least,
      be present at the ending.

  3.4.3 Will there be party members in Ultima 9?
      Yes,  there  will be party members  in  U9. Though there is no
      confirmation on who they will be.

  3.4.4 How many party members can I have? I want an army!
      The  total number of party members  has yet yet to be decided.
      Unfortunately, there won't be an army.

  3.5 Magic
  3.5.1 How important is magic in the plot of Ultima 9?
      Magic will play an integral part of the game.

  3.5.2 What sort of magic system will be implemented?
      Even  though  the magic system in  U8 was very interesting, it
      was  too  complicated and ended  up quite cumbersome. Ultima 9
      will return to the spell book system similar to Ultima 7.

  3.5.3 Will reagants still be used for the magic system?
      Yes, traditional Britannian reagants will be used.

  3.5.4 Will party members be able to cast spells?
      They're not telling.

  3.6 Miscellaneous Plot Questions
  3.6.1 Will dragons be involved in the storyline?
      There  has been no confirmation from  the design team on this.
      However,  in  the  Ultima 8  end  sequence,  there are dragons
      flying  about the sky. Furthermore, Lord British also mentions
      dragons  as  a form of  transportation in Britannia (letter to
      fans  in  Ultima 8 patch kit).  In  an interview, Lord British
      also mentions taming dragons will be a major plot in the game.

  3.7 The Ending
      Will the Guardian finally be defeated for good?
      Will the Avatar or Britannia still exist after U9?
      They're not telling :)

Section 4 : Gameplay Issues
* 4.1 Will U9 use the same engine as U8?
      No.   As   with  tradition,  each   new  Ultima  involves  new
      technology.  Every new numeral has  a totally new engine (U7SI
      is not considered a new numeral).

      U9 will have a full 3-D world with rotatable perspectives.

  4.2 World interaction
      Ultima  8  was a step back  from previous Ultimas, in terms of
      interaction  with the world and it's objects. Sitting down was
      something we missed most. However, interaction will be greatly
      improved in Ultima 9; there will be lots of it.

  4.3 Will Ultima 9 still use the menu system for conversations?
      Prior  to  the  menu system  (first  introduced  in Ultima 7),
      conversations  with other characters was carried out by typing

      Ultima 9 will use a similar conversation menu system, but with
      an  improved approach, which feels more like a conversation in
      the real world, and every click will be relevant.

  4.4 Movement
  4.4.1 Will there still be jumping and climbing?
      One  important feature of Ultima 8 was the ability to jump and
      climb.   Unfortunately,  there  were  just  too  many  puzzles
      depending on jumping skills.

      Origin is not revealing whether Ultima 9 will have jumping and
      climbing. However, what's certain is that we will not have the
      arcade action of Ultima 8.

  4.4.2 Will the Avatar be able to swim?
      No comments here either :)

  4.5 Combat
      Combat  in U8 was an RPGer's nightmare, basically a session of
      frenzied  mouse clicking. Though  blocking and kicking actions
      were  implemented  they were rarely used.  It all came down to
      the weapon's power and the dexterity of the Avatar in avoiding
      getting knocked down.

  4.5.1 What will combat be like in Ultima 9?
      However  there  is a light at the  end  of the tunnel, we have
      been promised that there will be a new and inventive method of
      combat,  which  should  please a  vast  majority of players. A
      combat  system  far  different from  that  of U8. However, the
      design team will not reveal any further.

  4.5.2 Will there be two combat models, realtime and turnbased?
      The  design  team  hopes to  incorporate  this  into the game.
      However, the code has yet to be written, so it's unconfirmed.

  4.5.3 Will combat combine the keyboard and mouse?

  4.5.4 Will there be more monsters?
      Due  to space and budget constraints, as each monster required
      100's of animation frames, Ultima 8 only had a small selection
      of monsters. Ultima 9 will have greater variety, as it will be
      released on CD-Rom.

  4.5.5 Will there be resurrection for the Avatar?
      The  Avatar,  if killed, will  probably be resurrected in some

  4.6 Graphics
  4.6.1 Characters Will there be an option for a female Avatar?
      Yes.  This  was not included in Ultima  8 due to the number of
      animation  frames  required.  1200 frames  were  used  for the
      Avatar alone!

* Will there be character portraits?
      U6  to  U7 featured character  portraits  when conversing with
      others.  In  U7SI  this  was taken  a  step  further  by using
      digitized  photos for many of  the portraits. This feature was
      sorely  missed  in  U8. 

      Portraits will not be implemented in the same manner as in the
      previous games.  In U9,  the player will be able to zoom in on
      the conversations to such a degree  that near-portrait  detail 
      will be achieved.  Faces will be  a combination of bitmaps and 

* Will there be live actors and movie cut scenes?
      No.  There  will not be any  live  actors or video footage but
      there will many  rendered cut scenes throughout the game.

      Please   note   that  these  cutscenes   will  not  limit  the
      non-linearity  of  the  game. Ultima 9  is  will  NOT have the
      mission based format of the Wing Commander series.

      There will also be a method to review all the cutscenes you've
      been through.

  4.6.2 Weather Will we see the return of night and day?
      This is a definite yes. How about the seasons and weather?
      Clouds  and  weather  such as  rain,  lightning storms will be
      implemented  in Ultima 9. However,  they're still unsure about
      the seasons.

  4.6.3 Inventory Will inventory have a graphical interface?

* Will there still be paperdolling in inventory?
      Paperdolling  was  first  introduced  in  U7SI.  The inventory
      screen  actually  showed  the  character  wearing  and holding
      equipped items and  weapons.  This feature will be included in 

      In  addition,  characters  in the  game  will also  have  this 

  4.6.4 Map Will it be a mono- (U7) or dual-scaled map (U5)?
      There  have  been  past indications  which  indicate a leaning
      towards  a dual- or multi-scale map (see Lord British's letter
      to  Ultima  fans, in the Ultima  8 patch upgrade). However, it
      has  been  decided  that multi-scale  maps  are  expensive, as
      spells for each map scale have to be rewritten.

      On  the other hand, monoscale  maps although capable of having
      detailed  graphics  have  resulted  in  smaller  worlds. Large
      worlds on monoscale maps of high detail results in long travel

      A  decision has been made about  the mapping style of the game
      but Origin are not releasing any details just yet. What sort of perspective will Ultima 9 use?
      Ultima 9 will have a isometric view like the previous Ultimas.

* Will a rotating perspective be used?
      The  isometric perspective used in U7  and U8 had a problem of
      not  being  able  to see behind  walls  and  the items dropped
      behind  them.  Quite  a few  gamers  have suggested a rotating
      perspective be used.

      Ultima  9  will  not have the  problem  of losing items behind
      walls as the fully 3-D world will allow rotatable perspectives. Will we be able to run the game at different resolutions?
      As  U9 will be produced for Win95 (see section 5.1.1), will we
      be  able to adjust the resolution, to see a larger area?
      Note: We  all run machine at  different resolutions.
      CAUTION:  Origin cannot confirm this at the moment, however it
      is  most  likely  that we will be  able  to run the game under
      different resolutions, and view a larger area of the map using
      higher resolutions.

  4.7 Sound
  4.7.1 Will we get 32 channel sound like in WC3?
      U8  only had 4 digital channels  for sound effects. WC3 had 32
      channels   for  sound  effects.  The  greater  the  number  of
      channels,  the  more sounds you  can  hear simultaneously. For
      example:   shouting,  clashing  of  swords,  footsteps,  spell
      casting  simultaneously in a battle.  It's most likely but the
      design team has yet to confirm this.

* 4.7.2 Will Ultima 9 have full speech?
      Due to the amount  of text used in the game,  U9 will not have 
      have full speech.  Voices will be used  in cinematic sequences
      at the highest possible quality level. 

      Real  actors will be hired for the voices, including the voice
      of  Lord  British. The Avatar will  also  have male and female

      Speech  will also be included  for the other language versions
      of Ultima 9.

  4.8 Interface
  4.8.1 Will there be more shortkeys?
      Yes,  there  will  be lots. There  will  be shorkeys for keys,
      spellbooks, stats and more.

  4.8.2 How about user configurable keys?
      Very unlikely.

Section 5 : Technical Issues
  5.1 Platforms
  5.1.1 Which platforms are U9 currently targeted for?
      Currently, Origin only has plans for Windows 95.

  5.1.2 Will U9 be released for 3DO?
      It  is  most likely that Ultima  9  will be released for other
      platforms  as  well  (including  3DO).  However  there  are no
      concrete plans for them yet.

  5.1.3 Will there be a Mac version?
      There  is  a  possibility  that a  Mac  version  will be made.
      However,  this  is  highly dependent on  the  sales of the Mac
      versions  of  Origin's other games  (Super  WC, WC3 and System

  5.2 Multitasking
      Will  we be able to take advantage of multitasking in Win95 to
      take notes online?
      They're still not certain of this.

* 5.3. System Requirements
  5.3.1 What will be the minimum requirements to run U9?
      As the game will utilize the Pentium instruction set for many 
      of  the  complex  operations,  a Pentium 60 will be required,
      with at  least 8Mb RAM and  a double-speed CD-Rom drive. 16Mb
      RAM would probably be ideal .  A fast video card is highly

  5.4 How big will U9 be?
      In  terms  of  disk space, U9 will  most  likely take up 2 CDs
      (something in excess of 1.2 Gigabytes).

  5.5 Will there be a floppy version?
      No. Ultima 9 will be released on CD-ROM only.

Section 6 : Miscellaneous
  6.1 Who's on the Ultima 9 project?

      Project Director        Richard Garriott
      Project Producer        Joye McBurnett
      Design Lead             Brian Martin
      Repository of Design    John Watson
      Design Team             Chuck Zoch
                              Robert White
                              David Biggs
                              Kevin Schlipper
      Game Art Director       Jennifer Davis
      Cinematic Art Director  Bruce Lemons
      Art Team                Denis Loubet
                              Micael Priest
                              Robert Baldwin
                              Micahel Morlan
                              Scott Jones
                              Gary Snyder
                              Jonathan Price
                              Bob Frye
      Tech Lead               Mike McShaffrey
      Tech team               Herman Miller
                              Gary Smith
                              Ragnar Scheuermann
                              Jeff Wofford
                              Matthew Lamari
                              John Watson
                              Shawn Rogers   

  6.2 When will U9 appear on the shelves?
      At the moment they're shooting for Christmas 1996.

  6.3 Where can I get screenshots?
      Some screenshots of the cinematic sequences have been released
      to some magazines. Their scanned versions can be found at:

         F-15 Dragon's U9 Preview Pics Page

  6.4 Is Ultima 9 "The Lost Vale"?
      No.  "The  Lost Vale" was supposed to  be an add-on for U8. It
      was  never  released  as the folks  at  Origin didn't think it
      would sell.

  6.5 Will there be add-ons for Ultima 9?
      Depends on the success of Ultima 9.

  6.6 Will there be a Ultima 10?
      Definitely, unless Ultima 9 turns out to be a total bomb :)

  6.7 Will there be a special edition for Ultima 9?
      They're not sure on this one yet.

  6.8 Cheat Menu
      What already? And you haven't played the game yet :)

+ 6.9 Will Ultima 9 be multiplayer?
      No. A multi-player Ultima game entitled 'Ultima Online :
      Shattered Legacy' is in the works.  For more information
      on Ultima Online check out:
         "" Origin Worlds Online

Section 7 : In Conclusion
* 7.1 Credits
      This  FAQ  could not be made  possible without the help of the
      following people:

         Brian  Martin  at Origin (a  really cool guy) for
         answering our many questions.

         James R. Cheney (Cheese Dragon) for his input and
         editing. James provided many of the questions you
         see in this FAQ.

         Rainbow  Dragon for transcripting  the GenCon '95
         talk given by Lord British and company.

         Joye P. McBurnett at Origin, who provided most of
         the  information for  FAQ ver 1.03  and hopefully
         further versions as well.

  7.2 Obtaining more information
      The  following newsgroups usually have some information on U9.
      Watch out for the S/N ratio though!

  7.3 Contacting the author
      Do  you  have any information  or questions regarding Ultima 9
      which  you don't see here? Read anything which you think might
      be useful to other fans?

      Have  any gripes about the FAQ? I  would love to hear what you
      think about it.

      Feel free to send me mail at: