Tunguska - Legend of Faith (e)



0l  Go to end of maze and pick up statue.
02. Back to the tower - put down statue - tower turns.
03. Enter second maze, pick up statue at the end.
04. Back to the tower - put down statue - tower turns.
05. Go through the maze. Turn right in the large room with the fountain.
06. Defeat the monk, take key from him. Open doors to the room with the lion
    (use the key).
07. Go through the room with the lion in it.
08. Defeat the monk in the next room and take the key to the lion's cage.
09. Continue through the dining room down the corridor as far as the kitchen.
10. In the kitchen, take the flower. Then go on to the large corridor.
11. Go left in the corridor and take a rod out of a vase. The second vase has
    no significance.
12  Then back, left along the corridor and first door to the left.
13. In the vestibule to the grill room, take key out of the apron and a knife
    out of the middle drawer.
14. Open the door to the grill room with the key.
15. Cut off a piece of meat in the grill room.
16. Then back to the lion room. Throw meat into the empty cage. Flick the
    switch on the cage. The lion goes away. Open the cage with the
    key and go inside.
17. Go to the rear wall in the cage and flick the switch.
18. Go through the maze. There are no puzzles in the armory behind the maze.
19. At the end of the corridor where the monks have their living rooms is a
    door that you have to unbolt.
20. In the large corridor with water, you fight with a monk. Take a key from
21. Go with the key from the vestibule to the grill room and open the second
22  There is a pair of pliers in the drawer.
23. With the pliers, go to the grill room and take the first amulet out of the
24. Go out and you will meet a monk from whom you should take a second flower.
25. Place the flowers into two vases that are standing in the large corridor
    next to the exit; you will get two red pearls.
26  Go outside with the pearls into the small maze and go right through an
    obstacle to a door.
27. At the door, stick the two pearls into the eagle's legs. The door will
    open. Go into the maze.
28. At the end of the maze is a bolted door. A key to the operations room is
    hanging on the door.
29. Go into the operations room that is located at the end of the large
    corridor (by the water basin).
30. There is a chest in the middle in which you find a key to the monks' living
    room. There is a nut in the cabinet, on the right,.
31. Go out, turn left, then left again along the corridor, and at the end left
    again in the direction of the living rooms.
32  The key fits the door at the right, behind the entrance.
33. In the living room is a small table. There is a nutcracker on the table.
    The nut should be cracked open in order to obtain a white pearl.
34. Take a pot that is destined for the well in the kitchen out of the cabinet
    in this room.
35. Go back into the kitchen, put the pot on the well and lower it. When it
    returns, you get three teeth.
36. In the kitchen, there is a barrel that you have to open with the rod in
    order to get a card. The card shows a combination of three pearls and a
    needle that leads to the entrance to the last maze.
37. Go to the dining room and examine the card on the chimney.
38. In the next corridor, in which you defeated the monk and got the key to the
    lion's cage, put the teeth on the monster heads.
39. You get a second amulet, a skeleton key and a key.
40. With the skeleton key, go to the remaining monks' living rooms.
41. In the first living room you get an axe; in the second nothing is to be
    used or taken.
42. Go with the axe into the room with the fountain and then straight ahead.
    You open the door with the key.
43. Go straight ahead and left, straight ahead through the door. Then right and
    down the stairs.
44. In the basement, defeat the monk and take a ring from him.
45. In the basement there is a candle that you should take.
46. With the ring, go back up into the corridor and open the door at the end of
    the corridor at right.
47. In the room (guard-room) use the ring to open a cabinet and take the key to
    the cells in the basement.
48. Go back to the basement and open the prison doors.
49. There is a pile of hay in one cell. Burn it with the candle and get a
50. Go back with the needle through the entire castle as far as the large
    corridor, and then outside into the maze. In the maze, go right as far as
    the wall with the lock. Place the pearls and the needle according to the
    diagram that you have seen on the card, and go through the maze.
51. At the end of the maze, you get a third amulet out of a statue.
52. Go back out of the prison compound, turn left and go on to the room with
    the fountain.
53. There you find a key to the door which leads outside from the fountain
54. Open the door with the key and go out.
55. Go to the first gate and place the first amulet there.
56. Do the same with the other amulets until you have defeated all the
57. At the end is a gate with a switch that you have to flick. END