Andere Lösungen

Tobal No. 1 (e)


Survival guide in UDAN's Dungeon





       You gain about 32 HP.

       (Larger one)
       You gain much more HP than Bread.
       If you eat it when your HP is full, you gain DP instead.

       (Smaller one)
       Gains HP and AP.

   Dynamite Cherry
       You will be hyper for a while.

       Life Up
       Life Down
       Life Full
       Poison - Throw at floor guards !
       Life Max Up
       Life Max Down
       Hyper - Good for quick kill

   Search Light
       You can look all the floor map. But not important.

       You can stock items in it (maximum 5).
       To get items out, throw the pot. But it will be broken.
       NOTE: You can not put a pot into another pot.

       You can identify the nearest item/enemy.

       You can throw it against enemies. Useful for floor guards.
       (Max 3 times) You can not get no money (crystal?) by selling it.

       Sell it. Maybe there is a shop for selling on the floor.

   Shop Capsule
       If you throw it on a empty floor, it creates a shop for buying.

   Balance up
       If you have it in your left hand (that is, an item picked up first),
       you can use an item in your right hand (an item picked later)
       with bonus. Usually effect of items is doubled, but if you have
       a book, you can identify not only enemies' HP, but also
       their level, AP and DP.

       A Violent Mouse on level 2? (I forgot) has it. You can gain a heart
       safely (without risk that your HP becomes 1.)



Special guards floor

For approximately every 3 levels, you must defeat one of 8 characters you
can use, or one of special enemies (Dullahans, Sylphs, Knights, or Demons)
to go to the next level. Call such levels SPECIAL GUARD FLOORS.

On First 6 special guard floors, you must defeat just one of two, but on
level 24 or deeper, the mazes of the special guard floors change, and you
must win against both of them.

Boss floor

Adding to special guards floors, there is another type of special floor
(level 10 and 20). There you must fight against Mufu or Snork.
Let us call these levels BOSS FLOORS.

You must go through this level carefully because THE NEXT LEVELS OF

Brief Map

   Special guards floor (Red Guard and ???)
       You can get a Heart.
   Special guards floor (Dullahan and ???)
   Boss floor (Mufu)
   Special guards floor (?,?)
   Special guards floor (Sylph,?)
   Special guards floor (Epon,???)
   Boss floor (Snork)
   Special guards floor (Chuji, Armored Demon)
   Special guards floor (Armored Sylph + Gren)
       I felt there were less enemies.
   Special guards floor (Gold Knight + Fei)
       Mammoth level. With the forth be with you !!!
   Udan + TORI



  White Puppet
       They are weak. They rarely do low attacks.
       They have long arms, so it is difficult to throw them.
       They also rarely do low attacks.
  Gray Mole
  Brown Mole
       They are moles. (Nothing to write.)
  Black Dullahan
       They have low HP, but be careful with their high AP !
  Wild Mouse
  Violent Mouse (B25?)
       They like throws.
  Unseen Monster
  Green Unseen
       I am not sure which part of them I should attack.
       Middle attacks are meaningless?  Tell me if you know the answer.
  Red Frog
  Green Frog
  Yellow Frog
  Brown Frog
       Frogs use throws which we can not escape from them (4+G+M).
       If you are caught by them, it may be a good idea to use
       44 (back, back) to escape from their grab.
       In addition, care of Yellow Frog's triple dragon punches.
  Green Lizard (B12)
  Black Lizard
  Red Lizard
  Blue Lizard
       Lizards have short hands, so they can not use throws. (At least
       I have never been thrown.) Check their low attacks with their tails.
       He/She has no friends.
       Have you ever seen Small/Big/Giant/Green/Red Oannes ?
  Penpen (a kind of a pet name for penguins)
  Violet Penguin
       The first Penpen has only 128 HP's, but you must not be deceived !
       Other Penpens and Violet Penguins have much more HP.
  Small Mammoth
  Big Mammoth
  Giant Mammoth
       They are the most dangerous enemies !
       You can not win Udan's dungeon unless you can escape from their
  Armored Sylph
       Sylphs occur only on special guard floors.
  Red Knight
  Gold Knight
       Knights also occur mainly on special guard floors,
       but they also appear on usual floors near the bottom.



   Who should we use to win easily?  I am not sure, but I like to use
   GREN. You can complete the dungeon only by using his H M M attacks.
   In hyper, Gren can kill any enemy with his middle punches rush (M,M,M,M..)

   How to identify potions ? *I* do it by throwing potions against
   enemies until I identify poison and life max down.  If you give a hyper
   potion to your enemy, you are just unlucky.   Try again.

   Some people drink Life Max Up Potion with Balance, but I do not recommend
   it. Instead of it, I think you should use Balances with Meats to gain DP.
   If you raise your Max HP too much, it is very difficult to gain your DP.

   Be careful when you eat Meat (larger steak).  Since you can gain DP to
   eat Meats when your HP is full, you should eat Meats when you have no
   damage. But you would often find Meats when you have low HP.  Even in
   such cases, you should search around, and try to fill your HP by eating
   other foods and potions before eating Meats. If it seems to be impossible, 
   then eat them to gain HP.

  If your hands are full, but there are more items around, one solution is to
  drink a hyper potion or eat a dynamite cherry at the entrance to the next
  level and rush.

  You must not fight near a "Heart Block". Because...

  When your life is full, you might step on the block
      while fighting. You gain a heart, but your HP becomes 1 pt.
      If the enemy's attack is hit, you lost the heart.
  When your life is not full, your enemy might step on
      the block instead of you. He/she gains a heart.

  For the same reason, you should not fight near a shop for selling.

  Think a lot before you put an item in your pot. I recommend you should put
  only Hyper, Life Full and Poison potion in it. Whatever else you should use
  on that level.

  You have to always consider where the special guards and boss floors are.

  You can also use a dynamite cherry or poison when you must fight against
  special guards and bosses. If you used hyper potion to kill these enemies,
  there may be some hyper time remained, so rush into the next level.

  It takes about 1 minute to genocide all the enemies on one level with hyper.

  You must be able to escape Mammoths' throw. Otherwise, you can not go
  through Level 29. (It also be possible to go to the exit as directly as
  possible with a search light, but it is still better if you can escape.)
  Mammoths uses Oliem's normal throws. So train yourself.

  The last boss TORI, I thought he was extremely powerful, maybe in addition
  poison resistant. But, it was wrong. You can use poison against him.



Level 30 - The Bottom
At level 30, the last level, you must defeat UDAN and the last (maybe)
secret character, TORI. If you succeed and get a huge crystal, you can
now use TORI.

Who is TORI ?
The full name of TORI is Akira Toriyama. He is the character designer of
Tobal No.1. He is also known as a very famous manga writer in Japan.
Some of you have heard of his titles, "Dragon Ball" or "Dr. Slump".
TORI in Tobal No.1 is often appeared in Dr. Slump as his self-portraited
manga character. In Tobal No.1, HE IS WEAK. It is because he is not
a fighter, but just a manga writer...


by JPF