Andere Lösungen

Tobal 2 (e)

                           Tobal 2 FAQ v1.0
                      by John Lacano and Frostbyte
This FAQ is maintained by John Lacano ( and Frostbyte 
(  Please send any comments or corrections to either one
of us.

Thanks to:
-Ignacio Lucas ( for providing various information, 
including the Load method for obtaining monsters.
-Mark Bradley ( for helping with the potions and stones and 
for making the excellent potion description pictures.
-Additional moves provided by,, and

Legal Stuff:
This document is (c)1997 John Lacano.  All rights reserved.  No part of this 
document may be reproduced without the express written consent of John Lacano.
No part of this document may be changed in any manner.  This document may be 
freely distributed for personal use provided it is not charged for.  No part 
of this document may be included in any magazines, CD-ROM compilations, or pay
web sites.

Tobal 2 and all characters are (C)1996, 1997 SquareSoft. All rights reserved.

Version Info
v1.0  Added Mark's moves.
      Added Mark2's moves.
v0.9  Corrected potion information.
      Dance code, repeat speech code.
      Practice with "F" monsters trick.
      Analog controller projectile.
      Basic quest moves added.
      Chocobo and Dog moves added.
v0.8  More quest tips, potion info, and stone info.
      Added potion RGB list.
      Added character backgrounds.
      Updated moves (Chuji,Epon,Ill,Gren).
      Fixed spacing problem on monster list.
v0.7  Added Moves Section provided by FrostByte.
      Added Monster List.
      Another reorganization (sorry!).
v0.6  More Potion Information.
      Analog Controller Information.
v0.5  Added Potions and Stones section to Quest Mode.
      Added unblockable attacks and counters.
      Renamed Menu Translations to FAQ.
v0.4  Added Version Info, Index, and Quest mode information.
      Also did a little reorganizing and tweaking.
v0.3  Added the replay menu options.
v0.2  Added hidden character info.
v0.1  Initial release.

1.0  MENUS
    1.1  Tournament
    1.2  VS
    1.3  Quest
    1.4  Training
    1.5  Option
    2.1  Common Moves Legend
    2.2  Character Moves
      2.2.1  Chuji Wu
      2.2.2  Epon
      2.2.3  Oliems
      2.2.4  Hom
      2.2.5  Fei Pusu
      2.2.6  Ill Goga
      2.2.7  Mary Ivonskaya
      2.2.8  Gren Kuts
      2.2.9  Chaco Yutani
      2.2.10  Doctor V
      2.2.11  Mufu
      2.2.12  Nork the Mysterious
      2.2.13  Emperor Udan
      2.2.14  Mark
      2.2.15  Mark2
      2.2.16  Chocobo
      2.2.17  Dog
    2.3  Move Tips
    2.4  Character Backgrounds
    3.1  Moves
    3.2  Status Screen
    3.3  Potions
    3.4  Stones
    3.5  Food
    3.6  Quest Tips
    4.1  Methods to Unlock Monsters
    4.2  Using the Monsters
    4.3  Dungeons
    4.4  List
    5.1  Hidden Characters
    5.2  Codes

1.0  MENUS

Main Screen:


Pick a character and start fighting. (duh!)
See Using Monsters section for info on the red, blue, green, and gray monsters.

1.2  VS

Two player mode.
See Using Monsters section for info on the red, blue, green, and gray monsters.

1.3  QUEST

Initial choices:
-New Game

During the Quest Mode, pressing select will bring up the following menu:
-Equip Stone

In town, there is a Church, speaking with the priest will bring up this:
-About Saving
-Don't Save


Select a character to practice with.
Push L2 and R2 to reset characters to the center of the ring.
See Using Monsters section for info on the red and blue monsters.

While in Training Mode, press Start to get the following menu:

-Control Data (display controller input)
-Status (display damage info and button grid)
-Slow Motion (the higher the number, the slower the game)
-Color Change**
-Practice Reversals (push guard and square when OK flashes)
-Character Select (choose new characters)
-Return to Title (leave training mode)
-Exit (resume training)

*Options for Player and Computer from left to right, Player starts at 
 Controller 1, Computer starts at Controller 2.
-Controller 1
-Controller 2
-Enemy (computer controlled opponent)
-Syagami (crouching)
-Guard (always defends)
-1 Hit Guard (defends after one hit)
-Down (stays down after a fall)
-Jump (jumps up and down)
-High Attack
-Middle Attack
-Low Attack

**Choosing this option will bring up a menu of the clothes your fighter is 
wearing.  Select an item by moving up or down.  The three numbers at the top 
represent the amount of Red, Green and Blue in that order.  Move left or right
to select a color.  Add more of a certain color by pushing triangle, reduce a 
color by pushing X.  Clear will reset your fighter to normal colors.


-Game Options (see below)
-Button Configuration
-Memory Card (see below)
-Replay (see below)
-Screen Adjust
-Theater (move left or right to select movie)
-About the Analog Controller
        The analog controller has three different settings:
        digital (no light), analog pad (red light), and
        analog stick (green light).  To use analog control
        without the vibrations, use the setting for the
        analog stick.
        [NOTE: You'll probably need to use the Free Setting
        in the button configuration and change the button
-Return to Title

Game Options
-Number or Rounds to Win
-Time Limit
-Endurance Mode (OFF, recover 10%, recover 20%, etc.)
-Sound (STEREO, Mono)

Memory Card
-Auto Save (OFF, on)

Replay (FIGHT MEMCARD displayed at top of screen)
-Smooth(?) Motion Program (ON, off)
  This option should be ON, otherwise the game will look terrible.
-Save Replays (OFF, on)
  Brings up these save options after a fight (FILE, New File, Don't Save)
-View Replays (see below)

[NOTE: If you use an analog controller, saved fights will not be recorded corre
ctly.  You can still save fights, but when you view them later it won't be the
same fight.]

  View Replays Menu
  -Files (if you have saved any)
  -Create New File
  -Rename File
  -Erase File
  -View Demo Fights

    Viewing Options (appears after selecting a file or View Demo Fights)
    -View Once
    -View Continuous
    -Copy  [not available for demos]
    -Move  [not available for demos]
    -Delete (NO, yes)  [not available for demos]

      Camera (appears after View Once or View Continuous is selected)
      -Control Yourself
      -Look at Player 1
      -Look at Player 2

        Power Gauge (appears after camera mode is selected)


2.1  Common Move Legend (all facing right)

f/F = forward/hold = tap/hold your direction pad to the right
b/B = back/hold    = tap/hold left
u/U = up/hold      = tap/hold up
d/D = down/hold    = tap/hold down
J = jump        = (default L1 or L2)
G = guard       = (default R1 or R2)
H = high attack = (default Triangle)
M = mid attack  = (default Square)
L = low attack  = (default the X button)
A = action      = (default the circle button) only used in Quest Mode

f,f = quick dash
f,F = run
b,b = quick escape
b,B = skip backwards
f/b+G+H = roundhouse
f/b+G+L = low sweep

G+M = grab
d+G+M = low grab (hold block to keep grabbing)

After Grab: (offense / your grab)
f/b/d/u = move
tap U = high punch combos
tap D = low shin kick
M = throw
f,b = push back

After Grab: (defense / opponent's grab)
f/b/d/u = counter their move
b,b = escape
U = high blow escape
D = low kick escape
G+M = throw

(after throw) G+M = counter throw/escape/reversal
(after block) f+M = counter attack

Recovery Moves
G+M = recover from juggles.
J+G (hold) = stay grounded
J = flip recovery
H = recover and high attack
M = recover and mid attack
L = recover and low attack
f/d/b/u = directional roll.

Distance Attack
b+M, b/B = chi attack (hold back to increase your power at the cost of
           your own life.)

2.2  Character Moves
Move listed with a (*) is an extended chain move they are very hard to pull,
you can only execute them with PRECISE button presses. Use the practice mode
and the combo bar to practice these.  You'll know if you pull one of these
off, usually these moves are accompanied by a star trail.

2.2.1  Chuji Wu
height: 175 cm
weight: 70 kg
age   : 18

(grab) M          :   Over-shoulder Trip
(grab) b+M        :   Back Toss
(grab) f+M        :   Forward Trip
(grab) u/d+M      :   Shoulder Toss
(grab)(pull) f+M  :   Tackle
(tackle) H        :   Face Punch
(tackle) L        :   Low Punch
(tackle) M        :   Back Toss
(side grab) M     :   Hip Toss
(side grab) M     :   Shoulder Toss
(back grab) M     :   Gut Throw.

Normal Attacks
H,M               :   Punch, Side Kick
H,L               :   Punch, Sweep
H,H,H             :   2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M             :   2 Punches, Gut punch
*HHM,M            :   2 Punches, Power Gut Punch
*HHM,M,L          :   2 Punches, Sweep Fakeout
H,H,L             :   2 Punches, Sweep
H,H,f+L           :   2 Punches, Forward Sweep
L,L               :   Low kick, Sweep
L,M,M             :   Low kick, Side Kick, Cartwheel
*LM,M             :   Low kick, Side Kick, Power Sweep
f+M               :   Shoulder attack
b+H               :   Back fist
b+M               :   Back flip
b/d/u+L           :   Monkey Sweep
b/d/u+L,M         :   Monkey Sweep, Horse Kick
*b/d/u+L,L        :   Monkey Sweep, Power Sweep
f,f+M             :   Power Punch
f,f+H             :   Heel Kick
b,b+M             :   Reverse Flip
d+M               :   Left Upper
u+M               :   Right Upper
G+H,H             :   High Kick, Roundhouse
G+B+H,M           :   Left Hook, Right Hook
*G+B+HM,M         :   Left Hook, Right Hook, Power Punch
G+B+M,M           :   Power Punch, Uppercut
*G+B+M,H          :   Super Punch
G+F+M,M           :   Uppercut, Uppercut
G+L               :   Low Sweep
*G+L,M            :   Right Hook Fakeout
*G+L,M,M          :   Low Sweep, Double Scissors Kick
*G+L,M,M,M        :   Low Sweep, Triple Scissors Kick
[Hold briefly M],M:   Elbow, Backhand

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H,H,H,L,M,M       :   Backfist, 2 Punches, Trip, Side Kick, Reverse Flip
H,H,H,L,L         :   Backfist, 2 Punches, Trip, Sweep
*HHHLM,L          :   Backfist, 2 Punches, Trip, Side Kick, Power Sweep
H,H,M             :   Backfist, Punch, Gut Punch
*HHM,M            :   Backfist, Punch, Power Gut Punch
*HHM,M,L          :   Backfist, Punch, Sweep Fakeout
M                 :   Horse Kick

Dodge Attacks
U,U/D,D+H         :   Jumping Roundhouse
U,U/D,D+M         :   Shoulder Ram
U,U/D,D+L         :   Trip

While Standing
(crouch) M        :   Double Scissors

b+G+M,H           :   Power Punch


2.2.2  Epon
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Age   : 19

(grab) M          :   Spinning Throw
(grab) b+M        :   Reverse Trip
(grab) f+M        :   Forward Trip
(grab) u/d+M      :   Stomach Throw
(side grab) M     :   Neck Throw
(side grab) M     :   Judo Throw
(back grab) M     :   Stomach Throw
f,f+G+M           :   Flip Over (when enemy is crouching)

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   3 Punches
H,H,H,f+H         :   3 Punches, Knee
*HHHf+H,M         :   3 Punches, Knee, Rolling Kick
H,H,H,f+H,f+L,M   :   3 Punches, Knee, Sweep, Rolling Kick
H,H,G+H           :   2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M,M           :   2 Punches, Uppercut, Reverse Crescent Kick
H,H,H,M           :   3 Punches, Elbow
*HHHM,L           :   3 Punches, Low Fakeout
H,M,L             :   Punch, Side Kick, Sweep
*HM,L             :   Punch, Side Kick, Power Sweep
H,M,f+M           :   Punch, Side Kick, Mule Kick
H,M,M,M           :   Punch, Side Kick, Side Kick, Gut Punch
H,H,L             :   2 Punches, Sweep
M,M               :   2 Side Kicks
*M, H             :   Side Kick, Power Side, Mule Kick
M, L              :   Low Kick, Trip
L,M,H             :   Low Kick, Side Kick, Roundhouse
L,M,L             :   Low Kick, Side Kick, Sweep
L,M,M             :   Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks
L,M,M,f+H         :   Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks, Knee
*LMMf+H,M         :   Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks, Knee, Rolling Kick
L,M,M,f+H,f+L,M   :   Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks, Knee, Sweep, Rolling Kick
f+M               :   Mule Kick
                      (you can chain this into any combo starting with H)
f+M, B            :   Super Mule Kick (hold back to delay)
f,f+M             :   Crescent Kick
*f,f+M,M,L        :   Crescent Kick, Power Crescent Kick, Power Sweep
b,b+M             :   Rolling Heel Kick
f,f+H             :   Flying Heel Kick
b,b+H,L           :   Flying Roundhouse, Sweep
d/u/b+H,L         :   Crescent Heel Kick, Sweep
d/u/b+M           :   Reverse Crescent Kick
f/u/b+L,M         :   Right Sweep, Rolling Kick
f,f+L,H           :   Left Sweep, Crescent Kick
*f,f+L,M          :   Elbow Fakeout
f+H               :   Knee
G+H,H,H           :   3 Roundhouse Kicks
G+H,M,L           :   Roundhouse, Uppercut, Sweep
G+H,M,M           :   Roundhouse, Uppercut, Crescent Kick
G+H,f+M           :   Roundhouse, Mule Kick
G+H,b+M           :   Roundhouse, Gut Punch
f+G+M             :   Heel Upper
f+L,M             :   Sweep, Low Flip

b+G+M             :   High/Mid attack reversal

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H                 :   High Chop
                      (you can chain this into any combo starting with H)
M                 :   Reverse Crescent Kick
L                 :   Low Swipe

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+M       :   High Roundhouse Sweep

While Standing
(crouch) M        :   Low Crescent

H,M,f+M,b         :   High Punch, Middle Kick, Charge Kick

b+G+M             :   For high and middle attacks

2.2.3  Oliems
Height: 198 cm
Weight: 110 kg
Age   : 20

(grab) M          :   Body Slam
(grab) b+M        :   Jumping Suplex
(grab) f+M        :   Back Breaker
(grab) (push) M   :   Shoulder Breaker
(grab) u/d+M      :   Stomach Throw
(side grab) M     :   Body Drop
(side grab) M     :   Side Suplex
(back grab) M     :   Atomic Drop

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M           :   3 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M,M           :   2 Punches, Axe Kick
H,H,M,f+M         :   2 Punches, Kick, Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
B+H,H,H,H,H       :   Blur Punches
B+HHHHH,M,H,H,H   :   Blur Punches, Gut Punch, 3 Backfists
B+HHHH,L,f+M,M    :   Blur Punches, Low Kick, Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
*B+HHHH,L,M       :   Blur Punches, Low Kick, Power Headbutt
B+HHH,M           :   Blur Punches, Overhead Kick
M,M               :   Axe Kick
f+M,M             :   Gut Punch, Scissors Kick
f,f+M,M,...       :   Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
b+M,M,M,M         :   3 Uppercuts, Chop
b+M,M,H,M         :   3 Uppercuts, Overhead Kick
b+M,M,H,H,L,f+M,M :   2 Uppercuts, Blur Punches, Headbutt, Hook
*b+M,M,H,H,L,M    :   2 uppercuts, Blur Punches, Power Headbutt
b,b+M             :   Heel Kick
b,b+H             :   Backfist
b,b+H,H,M         :   Backfist, Elbow, Overhead Kick
f,f+H             :   Flying Heel Kick
*f,f+H,M          :   Flying Heel Kick, Stomp
M,f+M,M           :   Kick, Headbutt, Hook
f,f+M,M           :   Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
*L,L,..           :   Infinity Low Kicks
*L,L,..,M         :   Infinity Low Kicks, Stomp
G+H,H,H           :   3 Backfists
G+H,M,M           :   Backfist, Punch, Gut Punch
G+H,M,L           :   Backfist, Punch, Swipe
G+H,L             :   Backfist, Swipe
b/f+G+M,H         :   Charge, Roundhouse
b/f+G+M,M         :   Charge, Overhead Kick
b/f+G+M,L         :   Charge, Sweep
G+L,M,M..         :   Sweep, Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
*G+L,M            :   Sweep, Power Headbutt

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H,M               :   Elbow, Overhead Kick
M                 :   Back Flip

Dodge Attacks
u,u+M/d,d+M       :   Side Hook

While Standing
(crouch) f+M      :   Gut Punch
(crouch) f+M,M    :   Stomp

b+G+M,H           :   Deflect, Power Kick
b+G+M,b+M         :   Deflect, Axe Kick
b+G+M,L           :   Deflect, Foot Sweep

b+G+M             :   Deflects high attacks and sets up unblockable

2.2.4  Hom
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 150 kg
Age   : 21

(grab) M          :   Head Slam
(grab) b+M        :   Power Bomb
(grab) f+M        :   Head Slam
(grab) u/d+M      :   Stomach Throw
(grab) (push) b+M :   Sommersault Throw
(side grab) M     :   Elbow Throw
(side grab) M     :   Side Head Slam
(back grab) M     :   Body Toss

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M,M           :   3 Punches, Uppercut
H,M,M             :   3 Punches
H,M,L             :   2 Punches, Sweep
H,L               :   Punch, Sweep
*H(long tap),H,.. :   Infinity Punch
*H(long tap),H..M :   Infinity Punch, Mid Punch
d/u/b+H,M         :   Split Kick, Uppercut
d/u/b+H,L         :   Split Kick, Sweep
b+M,M             :   Double Uppercut
b+M,L             :   Uppercut, Sweep
f,f+M,M           :   Axe Kick
f,f+H             :   Overhead Punch
*f,f+H,M          :   Overhead, Spinning Punch
f,f+M,tap H       :   Half Axe, Power Punch
f,f+M,tap H, L    :   Half Axe, Sweep Fakeout
b+G+M             :   Extended Grab
d+J+G             :   Switch Off
f+M,M,b+M         :   2 Kicks, Headbutt
f+M,M,H           :   3 Kicks
b,b+M,L,L,L,M,(F) :   Back Flip, Breakdance Kicks, (Rocket Dash)
b,b+M,M,d+M       :   Helicopter Kicks
L,M               :   Low Kick, Double Punch
f/d/u+L,L,M       :   2 Low Kicks, Kick
b,b+L,L,L,L       :   Flip, Low Kicks
b,b+L,M,M,d+M     :   Flip, Low Kick, Split, Helicopter Kick
b,b+L,H           :   Flip, Low Kick, High Kick
G+H,M,M,...       :   Roundhouse, Infinity Punch
G+H,L             :   Roundhouse, Sweep
B+L               :   Rocket Dash

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u/d+M             :   Side Chop

While Standing

f,f+M,H,H         :   Stomp, Windup Punch
                      (keep hitting H for more power, L to cancel)


2.2.5  Fei Pusu
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Age   : Unknown

(grab) M          :   Spinning Throw
(grab) b+M        :   Rolling Throw
(grab) f+M        :   Forward Spin
(grab) u/d+M      :   Stomach Throw
(grab) (push) b+M :   Reverse Spin
(side grab) M     :   Spinning Throw
(side grab) M     :   Neck Throw
(back grab) M     :   Reverse Forward Spin

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,f+M           :   2 Punches, Overhead Kick
H,H,b+M           :   2 Punches, Backflip
f+H,M,M           :   3 Punches
H,M,L             :   Punch, Kick, Sweep
*H,M,L,M(M),M     :   Punch, Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Uppercut
*H,M,L,M(M),L,L   :   Punch, Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Hell Sweeps
*H,M,L,M(M),L     :   Punch, Kick, Sweep, Sweep Fakeout
u/d/b+H           :   Split Kick
*u/d/b+H,M,M      :   Split Kick, Flame Upper, Power Upper
f,f+H             :   Roundhouse
M,L               :   Kick, Sweep
*M,L,M(M),M       :   Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Uppercut
*M,L,M(M),L,L     :   Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Hell Sweeps
*M,L,M(M),L       :   Kick, Sweep, Sweep Fakeout
f+M               :   Overhead Kick
b+M               :   Uppercut
b+M,(hold M)      :   Delayed Uppercut
b+M(M),L          :   Sweep Fakeout
*b+M,M            :   Uppercut, Power Upper
*b+M,L,L          :   Uppercut, Hell Sweeps
*b,b+M,L,L        :   Backflip, Hell Sweeps
f,f+M,M,M         :   Kicks, Uppercut, Sweep
*f,f+M,M,M,H,H,H,L:   Kicks, Uppercut, Sweep, Punch, Punch, Backflip, Stomp
                      (You have to see this!)
f,f+M,(M)         :   Kicks, Delayed Uppercut
f,f+M,(M),L       :   Kicks, Sweep Fakeout
f,f+M(hold)       :   Punch Fakeout
f+L,L             :   2 Low Kicks
*f+L,M,M          :   Low Kick, 2 Flame Uppers
*f+L,M            :   Low Kick, Roundhouse Sweep
L,M               :   Low Kick, Double Punch
b/u/d+L,L         :   Sweeps
f,f+L,M           :   Low Kick, Double Kick
*f,f+L,M,M        :   Low Kick, Heel Kick, Double Kick
d+G+H             :   Flying Roundhouse
G+H,M             :   Roundhouse, Uppercut
*G+L,L,M,L,L      :   Sweep, Hell Sweep, Back Flip, Hell Sweep
d+G+L,M           :   Low Kick, Double Kick

b+G+M             :   High/Mid Counter
b+G+H             :   High/Mid Reversal
b+G+L             :   Low Counter

Turning Attacks (back turned)
M                 :   Backflip

Dodge Attacks
u,u+M/d,d+M       :   Side Chop

While Standing
(crouch) f+L,H    :   Roll, Double Kick
(crouch) M        :   Heel Kick
*(crouch)M,M      :   Heel Kick, Double Kick

u+M,b/d+M,b       :   Sidestep, Power Punch

b+G+H             :   For high attacks
b+G+M             :   For middle attacks
b+G+L             :   For low attacks

2.2.6  Ill Goga
Height: 201 cm
Weight: 180 kg
Age   : Unknown

(grab) M          :   Body Slam
(grab) b+M        :   Back Slam
(grab) f+M        :   Head Toss
(grab) u/d+M      :   Stomach Throw
(grab)(push) M    :   Body Slam
(side grab) M     :   Head Slam
(side grab) M     :   Head Slam
(back grab) M     :   Body Slam

(grab) hold G, M  :   Mount
(mount) H         :   High Punch
(mount) L         :   Low Punch
(mount) M         :   Throw

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   3 Punches
H,M               :   Punch, Double Punch
H,M,L             :   Punch, Double Punch, Kick
H,L,L,H           :   Punch, 2 Kicks, Elbow
H,L,L,L,H         :   Punch, 3 Kicks, Roundhouse
b+H               :   Tail Swipe
*b+H,H            :   Power Swipe
f+H               :   Boot Kick
f,f+H,L           :   Headbutt, Low Kick
*f,f+H,H,H        :   Triple Headbutt
*f,f+H,H,L        :   Double Headbutt, Low Kick
b/d/u+M           :   Double Punch
b/d/u+M,H         :   Roundhouse Fakeout
b/d/u+M,L         :   Double Punch, Low Kick
b,b+M             :   Uppercut
f,f+M             :   Knee
f+M               :   Mid Kick
b+L(hold)         :   Lay down (stay down, direction to move)
b+L,L             :   Lay Down, Swipe
b+L,b+M           :   Lay Down, Uppercut
b+L,M,M,M         :   Lay Down, Tail Strikes
f+L,L             :   2 Low Swipes
f+L,H             :   Swipe, Overhead Punch
f+L,M,M           :   Swipe, 2 Punches
G+H,H,M,M         :   2 Overheads, Uppercut, Tail Swipe
G+H,L             :   Overhead, Sweep
G+H,M,M           :   Overhead, 2 Punches
b+G+M,M           :   Tail Swipes
G+L,M,M,M         :   Tail Swipes

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+H       :   Side Upper

While Standing
(crouch) f+M      :   Hammer
(crouch) b+M,M    :   Double Hammer
(crouch) M, f+M   :   Headbutt, Knee

b+H (hold)        :   Spinning Tail Whip


2.2.7  Mary Ivonskaya
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 140 kg
Age   : 33

(grab) M          :   DDT
(grab) b+M        :   Delayed Suplex
(grab) f+M        :   Body Lift
(lift) M          :   Back Breaker
(lift) f/b/d/u+M  :   Direction Drop
(grab) (push) b+M :   Giant Swing
(grab) u/d+M      :   Neck Throw
(side grab) M     :   Neck Drop
(side grab) M     :   Arm Breaker
(back grab) M     :   Back Suplex
f+G+M             :   Tackle
(tackle) H,H...   :   Face Punch
(tackle) L,L...   :   Stomach Punch
(tackle) M        :   Rolling Throw
(hold G) f,f + M  :   Ground Throw
                      (different from each direction)

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   3 punches
*HH,M,H           :   2 Punches, Mid Punch, Roundhouse
*HHH,M            :   3 Punches, Gut Punch
H,M,L             :   2 Punches, Low Kick
H,M,H,H           :   3 Punches, Slap
H,M,H,L           :   3 Punches, Low Kick
b+H,H             :   Hook Punches
b+H(hold)         :   Power Right Hook
*b+H,H,M          :   Hook Punches, Gut Punch
f+H               :   Power Slap
f,f+H             :   Drop Kick
M,H               :   Mid Kick, Drop Kick
M,L               :   Mid Kick, Sweep
f,f+M             :   Boot Kick
b+H               :   Right Hook
f+M,M             :   Hammer, Hammer Uppercut
b+M               :   Overhead Chop
b+M(hold)         :   Power Chop
b,b+M,M           :   Overhead Hammer, Uppercut
f+L,L,L           :   Ali Kicks
*f+L,L,M,H        :   Ali Kicks, Mid Kick, Drop Kick
*f+L,L,M,L        :   Ali Kicks, Mid Kick, Sweep
f+L,M,H           :   Ali Kick, Mid Kick, Roundhouse
f+L,M,M           :   Ali Kick, 2 Mid Kicks
b+L               :   Sweep
G+H               :   Jumping Roundhouse
G+L,M             :   Sweep, Power Overhead Punch

b+G+M             :   High/Mid attack Counter
                      also an air catch.
b+G+L             :   Low Counter

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+M       :   Sweep

While Standing
(crouch) M, H     :   Mid Punch, Roundhouse
(crouch) f+M      :   Gut Punch

b+H (hold)        :   Power Hook
b+M (hold)        :   Power Chop
G+L,M             :   Foot Sweep, Hopping Punch

b+G+M             :   For high and middle attacks
b+G+L             :   For low attacks

2.2.8  Gren Kuts
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Age   : 18

(grab) M          :   Body Slam
(grab) b+M        :   Low Suplex
(grab) f+M        :   Shoulder Drop
(grab) u/d+M      :   Neck Throw
(grab) (push) b+M :   Neck Throw
(side grab) M     :   Neck Breaker
(side grab) M     :   Neck Breaker
(back grab) M     :   Back Toss

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M           :   2 Punches, Roundhouse, Mid Sweep
H,H,H,L           :   2 Punches, Roundhouse, Low Sweep
H,H,M             :   2 Punches, Mid Punch
*HHM,L,b+M,M      :   2 Punches, Mid Punch, Sweep, Double Sommersault
*HHM,L,M,M,M,M,M  :   2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, 2 Punches, 2 Overheads
*HHM,L,M,M,M,M(hold)     2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, 2 Punches, Stance
 then    -H       :   Overhead Flip
   or    -L,b+M,M :   Low Kick, Double Sommersault
*HHM,L,M,M,L,M    :   2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, Punch, Sweep, Uppercut
*HHM,L,M,L,M      :   2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, Sweep, Uppercut
H,M,L             :   2 Punches, Sweep
*HML,M            :   2 Punches, Sweep, Uppercut
*HM,M,L,M         :   2 Punches, Uppercut, Sweep, Uppercut
*HM,H,H,H         :   2 Punches, 3 Roundhouse
*HM,H,M,M,M,M     :   2 Punches, Roundhouse, 2 Mid Punches, Overheads
*HM,H,M,M,M(hold)        2 Punches, Roundhouse, 2 Mid Punches, Stance
 then    -H       :   Overhead Flip
   or    -L,b+M,M :   Low Kick, Double Sommersault
*HM,H,L,M         :   2 Punches, Roundhouse, Sweep, Backflip
*HM,H,L,M         :   2 Punches, Roundhouse, Sweep, Uppercut
f,f+H             :   High Sweep
f+M               :   Uppercut
b+M               :   Gut Punch
*b+M,L,M          :   Gut Punch, Sweep, Uppercut
*b+M,M,M,M        :   Gut Punch, Punch, 2 Overheads
b,b+M,M           :   Overhead Kicks
b,b+M,L,M         :   Overhead Kick, Sweep, Backflip
*b,b+M,L,M        :   Overhead Kick, Sweep, Uppercut
b+M,f             :   Delayed Gut Punch
f,f+M             :   Mid Sweep
*L,b+M,M          :   Low Kick, Double Sommersault
f+L               :   Sweep
*f+L,M,M,M,M      :   Sweep, 2 Punches, Overhead Kicks
*f+L,M,M,M(hold)         Sweep, 2 Punches, Stance
 then    -H       :   Overhead Flip
   or    -L,b+M,M :   Low Kick, Double Sommersault
*f,f+L,M          :   Sweep, Uppercut
*b,b+L,b+M,M      :   Sweep, Double Sommersault
G+H,H,H           :   3 Roundhouse
*G+H,M,M,M        :   Roundhouse, Punch, Double Sommersault
*G+H,M,L,M        :   Roundhouse, Punch, Sweep, Uppercut
G+H,L,M           :   Roundhouse, Sweep, Backflip
*G+H,L,M          :   Roundhouse, Sweep, Uppercut
b+G+M             :   Flaming Scissors Kick
d+L~M             :   Crouch into a Slicing Spin Kick
d,d/u,u+[hold M]  :   Crane Stance (You can hop around in any direction)
   -M             :   Double Axe Kick (After releasing M press again
                          for second one)
   -H             :   Overhead Flip (Rises higher than Nork)
   -G             :   Cancel Stance
d,d/u,u+H         :   Spin Kicks (This is his Dodge Attack)

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+M       :   Axe Kick

While Standing
(crouch) f+M      :   Uppercut
(crouch) b+M,M    :   Double Sommersault
(crouch) f+H      :   Roundhouse

b+G+M             :   Super Axe Kick


2.2.9  Chaco Yutani
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Age   : 23

(grab) M          :   Shoulder Toss
(grab) b+M        :   Body Push
(grab) f+M        :   Tackle
(Tackle) H        :   Face Punch
(Tackle) L        :   Stomach Punch
(Tackle) M        :   Arm Breaker
(grab) u/d+M      :   Neck Throw
(side grab) M     :   Arm Breaker
(side grab) M     :   Arm Breaker
(back grab) M     :   Arm Breaker

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M           :   2 Punches, Double Palm Strikes
*H,HHH,M          :   3 Punches, Double Palm Strikes
f+H,M             :   Double Palm Strikes
H,H,L             :   2 Punches, Sweep
*HHL, M           :   2 Punches, Scorpion Kick
*H,HHL, M         :   3 Punches, Scorpion Kick
H,H,M,M           :   2 Punches, Elbow, Uppercut
*H,HHMM           :   3 Punches, Elbow, Uppercut
M,M               :   Side Kick, Heel Kick
M,H               :   Side Kick, High Heel Kick
*M,H              :   Side Kick, Spinning Heel Kick
M,G,H,f           :   Crouch Dash, Grab, Sidestep
M,G,H,H           :   Crouch Dash, Grab, Power Roundhouse
M,G,H,M           :   Crouch Dash, Grab, Mid Punch
*MG,H,M           :   Crouch Dash, Grab, Power Punch
M,G,H,L           :   Crouch Dash, Grab, Trip
*MG,HL,H,H        :   Crouch Dash, Grab, Trip, Air Spin Kick
M,G,M             :   Crouch Dash, Power Punch
MG,b+M,M,f+M      :   Crouch Dash, Overhead Hammer, Elbow, Shoulder Strike
M,G,f+H,M         :   Crouch Dash, Double Palm Strike
M,G,L             :   Crouch Dash, Trip
L,L               :   2 Low Kicks
*f+L,M,M          :   Low Kick, 2 Spinning Heel Kicks
*f+L,M            :   Overhead Sweep
f+M               :   Uppercut Swing
M,f               :   Power Uppercut
d+M,D or u+M,U    :   Super Uppercut
b,b+H             :   Spinning Heel Kick
f,f+H             :   Spinning Roundhouse
f,f+M             :   Double Fist
f,f+L             :   Rolling Low Kick
b,b+M             :   Forward Flip Kick
*b,b+M,M          :   Flip Kick, Overhead Sweep
*b,b+M,L          :   Overhead Sweep
b+M,M             :   Mid Fist, Chop
b+M+L             :   Overhead Sweep
*b+M+L,M,M,...    :   Infinity Overhead  (only when blocked)
*d+L,G, M         :   Back Dodge, Power Punch
*d+L,G, H         :   Back Dodge, Double Palm Strike
*G+L, M           :   Scorpion Kick
*G+L, L,...       :   Infinity Sweep
*G+L, L,..., M    :   Infinity Sweep, Scorpion Kick
G+H               :   Roundhouse

b+G+M             :   Mid/High Counter

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H                 :   Roundhouse
M                 :   Shoulder Strike

Dodge Attacks
u,u+H/d,d+H       :   Side Flip Kick

While Standing

u+M,u/d+M,d       :   Charge Punch
b+L,G,H           :   Bend Over Backwards, High Two-handed Punch
b+L,G,M           :   Bend Over Backwards, Middle Punch

b+G+M             :   For high and middle attacks

2.2.10  Doctor V
Height: 202 cm
Weight: 105 kg
Age   : 32

(grab) M          :   Tackle
*(tackle) M       :   Hold
*(hold) H         :   Face Punch
*(hold) L         :   Stomach Punch
*(hold) M         :   Rolling Side Throw
(grab) b+M        :   Guard Pull
(grab) f+M        :   Forward Trip
(grab) u/d+M      :   Neck Throw
(back grab) M     :   Back Trip

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M           :   2 Punches, Elbow, Side Kick
H,H,M             :   2 Punches, Side Kick
H,M,L             :   2 Punches, Trip
H,H,L             :   2 Punches, Trip
f+H,H,M           :   2 Elbows, Side Kick
f+H,H,L           :   2 Elbows, Side Kick
*f+H,H,H          :   Elbow, 2 Power Punches
*f+H,M            :   Elbow, Uppercut
b+H               :   High Kick
b+H,M             :   Overhead Knee
b,b+H             :   Straight Arrow
b,b+H,M           :   Back Attack
b+M               :   Uppercut
f+M,M             :   Elbow, Knee
f,f+M             :   Boot Kick
b,b+M,M,L         :   2 Mid Punches, Trip
f+L,M,H           :   Trip, Elbow, Roundhouse
*f+LMH,M,M        :   Trip, Elbow, Overhead Kick, Heel Kick
b+L,M             :   Low Kick, Horse Kick
b+G+H,H           :   2 Left Hooks
b+G+H,M,M         :   Left Hook, Overhead, Uppercut
f+G+M             :   Elbow Uppercut
b+G+M,M,M         :   Triple Knee
*b+G+M,H          :   Knee, High Kick
*b+G+M,M,M        :   Knee, Overhead Kick, Heel Kick
*b+G+M,L          :   Knee, Trip
G,G (hold G)      :   Dodging Stance (D)
b/d/u/f           :   Dodge
(D) M,M,M         :   Triple Uppercut
(D) f+H           :   Super Punch
(D) f+M           :   Super Overhead Hammer

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u+H               :   Spinning Elbow

While Standing

b,b+H             :   Posing Charge Punch (M to cancel)
b,b+M (hold)      :   Crouching Charge Punch (H or L to cancel)


2.2.11  Mufu  (finish the game on EASY to play him)

(grab) M          :   Spinning Pile Driver
(grab) b+M        :   Spinning Body Toss
(grab) f+M        :   Giant Swing
(grab) u/d+M      :   Body Toss
(side grab) M     :   Spinning Neck Throw
(side grab) M     :   Spinning Neck Throw
(back grab) M     :   Spinning Reverse Body Toss

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   Triple Hammer
f+H,H,H,H         :   Double Punch, Slap
f+H,M             :   Double Punch, Mid Kick
b+H               :   Heel Kick
M,M,M             :   Triple Mid Kick
*MM,M,M,M         :   2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, High Kick
*MM,MM,M,H        :   2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, Kick, Split Punch, Taunt
f+M,H             :   Split Punch, Taunt
b+M,M,M           :   2 Stomps, High Kick
*b+M,M,H,H        :   2 Stomps, Split Punch, Taunt
b,b+M             :   Uppercut
L,H               :   Low Kick, Heel Kick
f+L,L,L           :   Travelling Low Kick
f+L,M             :   Low Kick, Turnaround Heel Kick
*f+LL,MM,MMM      :   Travelling Kicks, 2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, High Kick
*f+LL,MM,MM,MH    :   Travelling Kicks, 2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, Split Punch

Turning Attacks (back turned)
M                 :   Horse Kick

Dodge Attacks
u,u+M/d,d+M       :   Uppercut

While Standing



2.2.12  Nork the Mysterious  (finish the game on NORMAL to get him)


Normal Attacks
H,H               :   2 Punches
b+H               :   Right Hook
b+M               :   Uppercut
f+M,M,M           :   Triple Hammers
G+H,H,M           :   Triple Overhead Punches

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks

While Standing
(crouch) M        :   Uppercut



2.2.13  Emperor Udan  (finish the game on HARD to get him)

(grab) M          :   Arm Swing
(grab) b+M        :   Frankensteiner
(grab) f+M        :   Arm Swing
(grab) u/d+M      :   Side Toss
(grab) (push) b+M :   Back Toss
(side grab) M     :   DDT
(side grab) M     :   Body Drop
(back grab) M     :   Belly Suplex

Normal Attacks
H,H               :   2 Punches
H,M               :   Punch, Mid Punch
*H,M,H,H,L        :   2 punches, Roundhouse, Sweep
*HM,HH,Mb+M,b+M,L :   2 punches, Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Ram, Stomp
*HM,HH,Mb+M,M,M   :   2 Punches, Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Drop Kick, Flip
b,b+H (H)         :   Spinning Roundhouse (delay)
b+H               :   Spinning Roundhouse
f+H (H)           :   Forward Spinning Roundhouse (delay)
b+M,b+M,L         :   Double Flash Kicks
*b+M,b+M,L        :   Double Flash Kicks, Stomp
*b+M,b+M,M,M      :   Flash Kick, Drop Kick, Reverse Flip Kick
f+M               :   Spinning Punch
f,f+M             :   Flip Kick, Flash Kick
b,b+M,M,M         :   Drop Kick, Reverse Flip Kick
f,f+L,M,M         :   Low Drop Kick, Reverse Flip, Back flip
b,b+L             :   Low Shoulder Ram
G+H,H,L           :   Double Roundhouse, Sweep
*G+HH,Mb+M,b+M,L  :   Double Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Ram, Stomp
*G+HH,Mb+M,M,M    :   Double Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Drop Kick, Flip

Turning Attacks (back turned)
M                 :   Drop Kick
L                 :   Low Sweep
H                 :   Spinning Punch

Dodge Attacks
u+H/d+H           :   Roundhouse
u,u+H/d,d+H       :   Spinning Roundhouse
u,u+M/d,d+M       :   Side Sommersault, Shoulder Ram
u,u+M/d,d+M,M     :   Side Sommersault, Stomp
u,u+M/d,d+M,L,M,M :   Side Sommersault, Reverse Flip, Back Flip

While Standing
(crouch) M        :   Sommersault
(crouch) b+M      :   Flip Stomp
(Crouch) f+M,M    :   Reverse Flip, Back Flip



2.2.14  Mark

(grab) M          :   Shoulder Throw
(grab) b+M        :   Frankensteiner
(grab) f+M        :   Rolling Throw
(grab) u/d+M      :   Side Throw
(side grab) M     :   Side Suplex
(side grab) M     :   Body Drop
(back grab) M     :   Suplex

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   High Knee, 2 Spinning Kicks
H,H,M             :   High Knee, Spinning Kick, Hop Kick
H,M,M,M,M,M,M     :   High Knee, Axe Kick, 2 Flips, 2 Forward Flips, V Kick
H,M,L             :   High Knee, Axe Kick, Foot Sweep
M,M               :   Gut Kick, Forward Flip Kick
L,M,M             :   Low Kick, Side Kick, Backwards Kick
L,M,L             :   Low Kick, Side Kick, Foot Sweep
L,L,M,M,M         :   Low Kick, Foot Sweep, 2 Flip Kicks, Mule Kick
b+H,M,M           :   Scorpion Kick, Gut Kick, Forward Flip Kick
b+H,L,L,M,M,M     :   Scorpion Kick, Double Sweep, Sweep, 2 Flips, Mule Kick
b+M               :   V Kick
b+L               :   Breakdance Sweep
b,b+H             :   Headspin (unblockable)
b,b+M             :   Backflip Kick, Roll Away
b,b+M,M           :   Backflip Kick, Pop Up Kick
f+H,H,...         :   Infinite Kicks
f+M,M             :   Forward Flip Kick, Handstand Kick
f,f+H             :   Headspin
G+H,H,...         :   Infinite Spin Kicks (can change to below move anytime)
G+L,M,L,M...(L,M) :   Infinite Low and Middle Spin Kicks

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H                 :   High Knee
M                 :   Back Kick
L                 :   Low Kick

Dodge Attacks
u+H/d+H           :   Sidestep Kick
u+M/d+M           :   Side Flip Kick
u+L/d+L           :   Foot Sweep

While Standing
(crouch) M        :   Handstand Kick

b,b+H             :   Headspin


2.2.15  Mark2

(grab) M          :   Shoulder Throw
(grab) b+M        :   DDT
(grab) f+M        :   DDT
(grab) u/d+M      :   Side Throw
(side grab) M     :   Spin Throw
(side grab) M     :   Armbreaker
(back grab) M     :   Suplex

Normal Attacks
H,H               :   Backhand, Straight Punch
H,M               :   Backhand, Spin
M,H               :   Hook, Backhand
M,M,H             :   Hook, Low Backhand, Backhand
M,M,M             :   Hook, Low Backhand, Straight Punch
M,M,L             :   Hook, Low Backhand, Tail Sweep
L,H,M             :   Low Kick, Axe Kick, Power Gut Kick
L,M,H             :   Low Kick, Kick, Power Axe Kick
L,M,M             :   Low Kick, Kick, Power Gut Kick
L,L,L             :   2 Low Kicks, Tail Sweep
b+H,M             :   Scorpion Kick, Tail Strike
b+M,M             :   2 Flipping Tail Attacks
b,b+H             :   Power Tail Swat
b,b+M             :   Uppercut
f+M               :   Power Two-handed Punch
f+M,M,H           :   Fake Power Punch, Hopping Tail, Flipping Tail
f,f+M             :   Power Punch
f,f+L,L,L         :   Three Tail Sweeps
G+H               :   Tail Spin
G+L,L,L           :   Three Tail Sweeps

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u+H/d+H           :   Sidestep, Kick
u+M/d+M           :   Flip Kick

While Standing
(crouch) H        :   High Kick
(crouch) M,M      :   V Kick, Tail Strike
(crouch) L,L,L    :   Three Tail Sweeps

hold G,M,M(timing):   Power Tail Spin
G,M, release G    :   Power Tail Spin


2.2.16  Chocobo


Normal Attacks
H                 :   High Peck
M                 :   Middle Peck
L                 :   Low Kick
f+M               :   Middle Kick

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks

While Standing



2.2.17  Dog

f,f+G             :   Jump onto opponent

Normal Attacks
H,H,H             :   3 Paw Scratches
M,M               :   Kick, Double Kick
b+H,H,H...        :   Bark
b,b+H             :   Howl
b+M               :   Play Dead
b+L               :   Growl
f+H               :   Pouncing Attack
f+M               :   Double Kick
f,f+M             :   Head Attack
f+L               :   Leg Bite

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u+M (or d+M)      :   Side Hop

While Standing
M                 :   Beg



2.3  Move Tips

All 10 main characters now have fireball attacks.  These are done by pressing
back, sqr, back(hold).  The longer you hold back, the more powerful the
projectile becomes, but it will drain your life as it is charging.

To perform a projectile using the analog controller, push down on the left 
analog stick as if it were a button (this is referred to as L3, pushing the 
right analog stick is R3), then hold middle attack to charge.  Release the 
middle attack button to launch the projectile.

Close Range Unblockables
For these attacks, the button combinations should be performed as fast as 
possible (and usually hold the last button for a little longer).  For example,
with Chuji press back+guard+sqr and try to slip you're thumb to tri 
immediately.  If done correctly, you will see an aura around your fist/foot 
similar to launching a projectile.

You can hold back and guard and wait for an attack.  The other button should be
pushed just after your opponent starts his attack but before anything connects.

Many of the monsters are derivatives of other monsters, for example Tri Horn is
based on Dog.  Usually there are a few slight differences between similar 

Some of the monsters (especially those that normally can't grab) have special 
throws.  These throws are done by pressing f,f+G+M.  A few examples of this are
Dog, any zombies, any jellies, Mohican Penguin (what the hell?!?), and Silver
Wizard (there are probably more).

2.4  Character Backgrounds

Recently, Kuts Foundation has been bought up all of Tobal's mines and started
selfishly mining them.  To this end, Kuts Foundation has been working the 
miners very hard and frequently taking over it's smaller rivals.  As one of 
the miners who has been bought up, Chuji is now infuriated by the practices of
the company.  Chuji enters the 99th Tournament in order to strike down the
head of the company, Gren Kuts.

Previously, Epon's father injured numerous opponents in the Tobal tournament 
using a brutal style as he became the Super Tobal Man.  Having said that, the 
true reason he fought so hard for the prize money was because he needed it to 
help Epon who suffered from a terrible illness when she was a child.  But the 
public bathed him with blame for the rough fight, so he was banished by the 
Emperor of Martial Arts and disappeared.  Epon was told this story by her 
mother when she had grown, in order to clear her father's name, she has once
again entered the Tournament.

Oliems' master entered the Tobal No. 1 Tournament.  However, his opponent was a
Kittaiku-seijin (Epon's father) who beat him, showering him insults like 
"Chicken Bastard".  Not only was the name of the famous military champion 
humiliated, but rumors of the Kientakku-seijin's weakness began to spread.  In
order to restore Kientakku-seijin pride and honor, Oliems joins the Tournament
aiming for the championship.  [Note: Kientakku-seijin approximates to 
Kentuckian in English, a little bit of Toriyama humor]

Recently Hom's body had become weak.  He was worried that his master, Fei, had
done this to him on purpose.  As long as he suffered from this condition and 
did not have [? some kind of permit ?], he could never be independent.  Thinking
this, Hom saw Fei as an incentive to enter the 99th Tournament.  Fei opposed 
Hom's entry saying "You will stop on your way to your goal", but Hom didn't 
understand his meaning.  Ignoring Fei, Hom proceeded to enter the contest.

Recently, Hom's condition has worsened.  In the middle of training, Hom would
stop moving and he had to be fixed.  Suddenly Fei remembered that the special 
Molmoran Stone was actually the Royal Stone.  The point is, Hom is a robot 
powered by the Royal Stone that Fei obtained after he won the 66th Tournament.
Perhaps the stone's power has become weak.  The only way to get another Royal 
Stoneis by winning the Tobal No. 1 Tournament...

Ill thought that if he won the 98th Tournament, he could present his 
girlfriend with a nose ring [wedding ring?].  He thought it would be good 
for her to see his gallantry at the Tournament, but Ill was horribly defeated.
Moreover, his girlfriend fell in love with the champion, Gren, and couldn't
stand to look at Ill.  In order to win back his girlfriend's love by defeating
Gren, Ill has ent ered the Tournament.

One day a letter was delivered to Mary by Gren Kuts' butler.  The letter said 
that because Gren wanted to continue his study of martial arts, he wished to 
block Mary from entering his Tournament.  Enclosed in the envelope was a blank
check.  Mary was in financial trouble because of her family situation and 
because of the state of Professional Wrestling which offered her no opponents.
The lure of the prize money was too much and Mary ignored Gren and entered the

Gren became the Super Tobal Man by defeating Emperor Udan in the 98th Tobal 
Tournament.  But lately, Gren has heard terrible rumors about the Kuts 
Foundation.  Somehow the Foundation has been buying up land on Tobal and 
committing various crimes.  Thinking that this situation will injure the honor
of the Kuts' House, Gren left for Tobal in order to investigate the 
Foundation.  And as long as he's on Tobal, Gren has decided to join the 99th 

In order to investigate an evil "ki" that has begun emanating from planet 
Tobal, a woman, Chaco, has been dispatched from the ranks of the Galaxy 
Patrol.  She found the Kuts Foundation to be very suspicious and is determined
to find proof of it's wrongdoings.  At the same time, the 99th Tobal No. 1 
Tournament is being held.  Chaco really has three reasons for entering the 
Tournament.  To find new evidence, to test her martial arts skills, and also
she would like to meet once more a man she has only glimpsed before, Gren...

Doctor V
As well as being a famous surgeon, Doctor V also comes from a family of 
military fighters.  He believes he has taken the road of medical science to 
the extreme and he can feel the limit of the latest technology.  In order to 
study ancient medical techniques, Doctor V has taken a trip to the center of
the Universe.  The ancient medical texts mentioned a certain stone without 
necessarily confirming it's existence.  He also heard that the winner of the 
Tobal No. 1 Tournament will be given the Royal Stone by Emperor Udan.  
Thinking that this stone would be useful in his research, Doctor V enters the 

A native from the planet Jarungu.  Since no one else understands his language,
Mufu is a very puzzling character.  [Note: Jarungu approximates to Jungle in

Like most of his race, Nork has a weak mind, but Emperor Udan has increased his
strength and size...

At the last tournament, the final opponent to stand against Gren was of course
Emperor Udan.  However, at this tournament it seems that there exists a 
competitor who is even stronger than Udan.

Greed has blinded the director of the Kuts Foundation, the digging in the 
mountains has resulted in chaos, and after a seal in the ground was broken, a 
legendary warrior has reappeared.  This warrior possesses the kind of power
only spoken of in Tobal's ancient legends, and yet no one knows where he came
from.  The reason for the seal inside the mountain is unknown.  Where will he
go?  What will he do?  Everyone is getting wrapped up in the mystery.


3.1  Quest Moves
These moves are specific to the quest mode.  Anyone who has played Tobal No. 1
will already be familiar with these.

u,u               :   Run
G                 :   Stop
G+left (or right) :   Turn
hold G, b,b       :   180-degree turn
J+u               :   Climb (useless)
O+direction       :   Move without changing directions
G+O               :   Get item (hands must be empty)
G+M               :   Use item
G+H               :   Throw item
G+L               :   Set item down
G+O               :   Put item in bag
Select            :   Open menu
L2                :   Turn on/off on-line manual

3.2  Status Screen
Different parts of the body gain experience according to how much they are 
used.  There are eight different things you can level up.

The four on the left from top to bottom are:
-Left Arm
-Left Leg
The four on the right from top to bottom are:
-Right Hand
-Right Leg

On the right are the Stones you have equipped.
Below that is a ratio of your food level.
Next is your money (in units of Mols).
Finally, your total time is displayed.

3.3  Potions
Those of you familiar with Tobal No. 1 will remember those pesky potions.  
Potions can be bought in town or picked up from defeated monsters in the 
dungeon.  A potions effect is indicated by it's color, unfortunately each time
you start (or return to) a quest, all the potion colors will be different.  So
in one quest a potion may increase your hit points while in another it will 
poison you.  Once you drink a potion, you will remember it's effect for the 
rest of that dungeon (but not after saving and returning to a game) and the
effects will be listed (in Japanese).

Price     Effect
-----     ------
 N/A      Show map for level
 N/A      Grow
 N/A      Shrink
 N/A      Curse All Stones
 N/A      Poison (slow)
 N/A      Poison (fast)
 N/A      Increase equipped stone by 1
 N/A      Decrease equipped stone by 1
  20      Decrease Stamina Bar by ~10
  20      Decrease Life Bar by ~16
  20      Stay Awake
  50      Identify Unknown Stones
  60      Increase Stamina Bar by ~10
  60      Minus 30 Stamina Points
  60      Fall Asleep
  60      Decrease All Attributes by 1
  60      Decrease Guard by 1
  80      Increase All Attributes by 1 (arms, legs, head, etc.)
  80      Increase Guard by 1
 100      Hyper
 100      Plus 100 Health
 100      Minus 100 Health
 100      X2 (multiplies effects of next potion by 2)
 150      Random effect and uncurse stones (White Potion)
 160      Increase Life Bar by ~16
 160      Instant Dizzy
 250      Maximum Health
 300      Muteki (can't be touched)
 300      Tetsujin (all attacks are unblockable)
 300      Invisible (monsters won't attack)

A new feature in Tobal 2 is the ability to mix potions.  To mix two potions 
together, try to throw one potion into another (works well in corners).  The
resulting color is determined by somehow adding the other two colors together.
Here's a list of possible RGB values, of course the effects will change each
time you play, but this may give you something to work with.

     Color                 R       G       B
     Red                  191     25      26
     Pink                 229     51      153
     Cherry Blossom       255     153     204
     Red Bean             127     51      51
     Tea                  127     51      0
     Kohaku (?)           255     204     140
     Gold                 204     165     38
     Shu (?)              229     51      0
     Lemon                255     255     51
     Koge Tea (?)         63      38      0
     Yellow               255     178     0
     Blue-green           0       127     127
     Yamabuki (?)         255     127     0
     Water                51      229     229
     Sky                  0       153     255
     Purple               114     0       165
     Dark Blue            0       25      127
     Gunjyo (?)           0       25      76
     Gray                 127     127     127
     Sepia                165     89      25
     Yellow-green         102     255     25
     Azure                25      51      204
     Oodo (?)             178     127     25
     Deep Green           0       63      0
     Silver               165     165     178
     Green                0       127     0
     Orange               255     76      0
     Uguisu (?)           165     255     127
     Black                25      25      25
     White                229     229     229

If you continue to combine a lot of potions, you will eventually reach the 
White Potion.  When the White Potion is used in a combination, the result will
be the White Potion so it is useless to try to combine it.  The White potion 
has two effects, first it uncurses your stones, second it has a random effect.

3.4  Stones
Also new to Tobal 2 is the ability to equip Stones.  These Stones affect 
different attributes depending on their colors.  The colors always affect the 
same attribute, but you won't know whether it will raise or lower your stats 
until you use it.  Once a Cursed Stone (lowers stats) is equipped, you'll have
to find a potion to remove the curse (after which the gem can be removed).

Like the potions, these Stones can be combined (using the same method).  The
resulting color of the Stones will be the color of the stationary Stone (not the
one thrown).  The effects of the two stones will be combined to form a new 

Stones without a + or - next to the name will have an effect of +1 when 
equipped, but +0 when combined.  Stones with a +0 value cannot be thrown to 
combine (as it would have no effect), but they can be used as the base Stone 
in a combination.

Color Effects:
-Green Stone:  Life Bar
-Yellow Stone:  Stamina Bar
-Red Stone:  Arms, Legs, Throw
-Blue Stone:  Guard
-Transparent Green Stone:  Revive, equip at maximum health
-Purple Stone:  Used to capture enemies

Remember, some Stones will increase an attribute and some will decrease it.  To
see the effects of your equipped stones, press Select, then Start.  Numbers 
should appear next to the body parts affected.

3.5  Food
Most of the animal enemies you find will drop food when defeated.  Before you 
chow down, be sure to check the color of the food.  Make sure that the food 
isn't greenish gray (this food is rotten and will poison you).  Early on, most 
good food will be brown, but later it will be the color of the animal 
defeated.  For example defeating the Red Crest will give you a red Dragon 
Steak, or beating a Green Lizard will get you a green Lizard Tail.  Basically,
if the food isn't the color of the animal you just defeated, don't eat it.

Eating food while your stamina bar is at full will increase your guard level.

Eating jellies left by certain enemies will add ten food points and also have 
different effects depending on the color.
-Blue Jelly:  Guard x2
-Yellow Jelly:  Freezes Stamina Bar for short period (eat before a long nap)
-Red Jelly:  Tetsujin
-Black Jelly:  Muteki
-Green Jelly:  plus 50 to health

3.6  Quest Tips

Using the Shop
To buy items, just pick up whatever you want, the cost of the items you have 
picked up will be displayed in the lower right hand corner.  When you talk to 
the Shopkeeper, he will ask if you want to buy the items you are holding, the
top (default) response is yes, the lower response is no.  You have to either
buy or drop any items you pick up, otherwise you won't be able to leave the 

To sell items, drop any items you want to sell and talk to the Shopkeeper.  
Again the top response is yes (sell), and the lower response is no (don't sell).

Probably the most important attribute to keep at a high level is Guard.  If you
don't continually increase your Guard level, enemies on the lower floors will
be able to kill you in one hit.  Be sure to eat a lot of food while your 
Stamina is full to increase Guard.

Negative Stones can be very useful when combined.  Try combining all the 
negative Stones you find into a blue or green Stone.  Once you get a lot of 
these Stones combined, throw them at an enemy.  The effect is that the monster
guard (blue) or health (green) will be greatly reduced.  After defeating the
monster, you can recover the Stone with it's power slightly reduced.  Be 
careful though, if you throw a Stone and miss, your enemy can pick it up and 
throw it back at you.

Always try to kill all the monsters on a level, if you try to skip ahead to the
Boss, you will quickly discover that your arms and legs aren't powerful enough
to defeat the enemies.

Try not to rely too much on one single attack or combo.  If you're a puncher, 
make sure to keep your leg levels up because later on you will face enemies that
are too low to punch (i.e. the lizards and worms).

Except for the Practice dungeon, defeating all (or most) of the monsters on a 
floor, will cause roaming monsters to appear.  These monsters will be blue 
flames bouncing around the halls which become monsters just like the 
stationary red flames.  Don't get surprised by these monsters while taking a 

Desert Spaceship
There are no animals in the Desert Spaceship dungeon (except the bosses), so be
sure to stock up on food in town before going in.

The exit for each level of the Desert Spaceship will not appear until all the m
onsters on that floor have been defeated.

After passing through Mine Level 1, you will enter the heart of the Mine.  
There is a Priest here to save your game and also a Shopkeeper.  In order to 
go on to Mine Level 2, you have to enter the Mini Mine to find the key.  In 
the Mini Mine, your stats will not increase and you won't receive any items 
either, so get the key and get out as soon as possible.  The key is located on
the lower floor.

4.0  Monsters
This is a nearly complete list of all the monsters found in Tobal 2.  It also 
contains information on where to locate and capture monsters to use as playable
characters.  There are spoilers here, so only read on if you don't want to try
to figure this out for yourself.

4.1  Methods to Unlock Monsters

Any monsters located in the dungeons can be captured.  First you must have a 
Purple Stone, beat any monster down to about 10% health and throw the Stone at
it.  The monster will die and the next monster of that type will have a C next
to its name.

Monsters that must be loaded are not found in any dungeon (some of them are in
the overworld though).  These monsters are found using the Green Monster option
in VS Mode.

The best (fastest) way to get these monsters is to set the number of rounds to
5 and each fighters health to 16 (minimum).  Also be sure to have enough room
on your memory card to save replays.  Using this method to keep fights short
will allow you to save around 60 replays per slot on your card.

Once you find a new monster, choose it for at least one fight, this will put it
on your list of monsters (however it will have F status).  Now use the Gray 
Monster option, it will ask for another memory card.  Remove and then
re-insert your memory card and press circle.

This method may also allow you to use monsters from the dungeons.

Some monsters become accessible only when certain conditions are met (such as
the Totems).  These methods are listed for each individual case.

4.2  Using the Monsters
These descriptions refer to the four different colored monsters available on 
the character select list.  They can be used in Tournament Mode, VS Mode, and
Training (only the Red and Blue are available in Training).

-Red Monster:  A list of all monsters you have come in contact with either in 
the quest mode or through the Green Monster option.  Controllable monsters are
highlighted and marked with a C, uncontrollable monsters are marked with an F.
This option becomes available after you encounter a monster in quest mode.

-Blue Monster:  Allows you to load a saved character from the Quest Mode.  This
 option is available from the start of the game.

-Green Monster:  Uses a saved replay to access a monster.  This monster will be
 unplayable and will have stats (presumably) generated by information from the
 saved fight.  This option becomes available after using a monster in VS Mode.

-Gray Monster:  Load monster data from another memory card.  The first time you
 use this, Super Trix will become a playable character.  This option becomes 
 available after using a monster in VS Mode.

4.3  Dungeons
1. Practice  [5 Floors]
2. Egyptian Ruins  [8 Floors]
3. Desert Spaceship  [5 Floors]
4. Mine Level 1  [5 Floors]
-  Mini Mine  [2 Floors]
        Note: Stats will not increase in the Mini Mine
5. Mine Level 2  [7 Floors]
6. Castle
7. Cave (all stats are reset)

4.4  List

Num   Monster                 Dungeon           How to Access
001   Dog                     None              Load
002   Brown Lizard            Ruins             Capture
003   Wyvern (boss)           Castle            Capture
004   Deino                   Practice          Capture
005   Cougar                  None
006   Shopkeeper              None              Load
007   Brown Ape               Practice          Capture
008   Skeleton                Castle            Capture
009   Silver Wizard           Mine2             Capture
010   Chocobo                 None              Load
011   Silver Gorem            Castle            Capture
012   Azurite Gorem           Castle            Capture
013   Bronze Gorem            Mine 2            Capture
014   Mono Eye                None              Beat Normal (no continues)
015   Wraith                  Castle            Capture
016   White Ferret            Castle            Capture
017   Thin Man                Mine 2            Capture
018   Zircon Gorem            Mine 2            Capture
019   Hound                   None
020   Nebak                   None
021   Red Zeppel              None              Beat Hard with a monster
022   Zombie                  Ruins             Capture
023   Dragon Puppy            None              Load
024   Tategami (boss)         Mine 2            Capture
025   Mad Plant               None
026   Lich                    Castle            Capture
027   Ripper                  Castle            Capture
028   Totem 1st               None              See all Easy endings
029   Totem 2nd               None              See all Normal endings
030   Totem 3rd               None              See all Hard endings
031   Mujaki                  Castle            Capture
032   Phantom                 Castle            Capture
033   Axe Beak                Ruins             Capture
034   Blue Emu                Ruins             Capture
035   Cockatrice              None              Load
036   Blue Jelly              Practice          Capture
037   Tie Tamper LD           Mine 2            Capture
038   Bear                    Ruins             Capture
039   Owl Bear                Mine 2            Capture
040   Red Jelly               Practice          Capture
041   Green Jelly             None
042   Yellow Jelly            Practice          Capture
043   Executer                Castle            Capture
044   Punk Head               Practice          Capture
045   Blind Beast             Castle            Capture
046   Deep Blue               Mine 1            Capture
047   Star                    Castle            Capture
048   Blue Star               Castle            Capture
049   Red Star                Castle            Capture
050   Green Star              Castle            Capture
051   Black Star              Castle            Capture
052   Gray Ghoul              Practice          Capture
053   Green Ghoul             Practice          Capture
054   Blue Skeleton           Castle            Capture
055   Wight                   Castle            Capture
056   Ikkaku (boss)           Mine 2            Capture
057   Black Dog               None
058   Grell                   Spaceship         Capture
059   Penguin                 Practice          Capture
060   Grimlock                Ruins             Capture
061   Knocker                 Ruins             Capture
062   Red Cap                 Ruins             Capture
063   Jaki                    Ruins             Capture
064   Dark Elf                None              Beat Hard without continues
065   Red Crest               Ruins             Capture
066   Gray Mouse              Practice          Capture
067   White Mouse             Practice          Capture
068   Brown Mouse             Practice          Capture
069   Black Mouse             Castle            Capture
070   Father                  None              Load
071   Green Lizard            Ruins             Capture
072   Gray Lizard             Ruins             Capture
073   Battle Emu              Ruins             Capture
074   Gaze Eye                Ruins             Capture
075   Small Helm              Ruins             Capture
076   Violet Worm             Mine 1            Capture
077   Repair Droid            Spaceship         Capture
078   Patrol Drone            Spaceship         Capture
079   Alien's Cocoon (boss)   Spaceship         Capture
080   Attacker                Spaceship         Capture
081   Hammer Head             Spaceship         Capture
082   Dual Hammer             Spaceship         Capture
083   Great Hammer            Spaceship         Capture
084   Carrier                 Spaceship         Capture
085   Empty Carrier           Spaceship         Capture
086   Heavy Attacker          Spaceship         Capture
087   M1 Droid                Spaceship         Capture
088   Power Carrier           Spaceship         Capture
089   Red Attacker            Mine 2            Capture
090   Thor's Hammer           Mine 2            Capture
091   Gae Bolg                Mine 2            Capture
092   Giga Pile               Mine 2            Capture
093   Pile Driver             Mine 1            Capture
094   Brown Mole              Practice          Capture
095   Gray Mole               Practice          Capture
096   Red Frog                Practice          Capture
097   Green Frog              Practice          Capture
098   Yellow Frog             Practice          Capture
099   Gray Frog               Practice          Capture
100   Green Man               Mine 2            Capture
101   Laser Drone             Spaceship         Capture
102   Vortex Shell            Mine 1            Capture
103   Gharbi                  Castle            Capture
104   Frost Bear              Mine 2            Capture
105   Purple Bear             Ruins             Capture
106   Dark Thing              Mine 1            Capture
107   Silver Ape              Ruins             Capture
108   Gold Ape                Ruins             Capture
109   Coelophysis             Ruins             Capture
110   Struthiomimus           Castle            Capture
111   Dagger Tail             Castle            Capture
112   Shilhpid                Castle            Capture
113   Dryad                   Castle            Capture
114   Big Hand                Mine 1            Capture
115   Snaky Head              Mine 1            Capture
116   Bishop                  Mine 1            Capture
117   Undine                  Castle            Capture
118   Water Devil             Ruins             Capture
119   Tie Tamper              Mine 2            Capture
120   Giga Hammer             Mine 2            Capture
121   Gravel Carrier          Mine 2            Capture
122   Power Carrier2          Mine 2            Capture
123   Black Ferret            Mine 2            Capture
124   Dual Pile               Mine 1            Capture
125   Seeker                  Mine 1            Capture
126   Analyzer                Mine 2            Capture
127   D Purple                None              Beat Normal with a monster
128   Feeler                  Spaceship         Capture
129   Dark Feeler             Mine 2            Capture
130   Red Spike               Mine 2            Capture
131   Rock Breaker            Mine 1            Capture
132   Lode Hammer             Mine 1            Capture
133   Carrier LDE             Mine 1            Capture
134   Power Hammer            Mine 1            Capture
135   Black Worm              Mine 1            Capture
136   Black Chocobo           None
137   White Dog               None              Load
138   Ohma (boss)             Cave              Capture
139   Ohma 2 (boss)           Cave              Capture
140   Trix                    None              Beat Easy with a monster
141   Super Trix              None              Load Monster in VS mode
142   Wiseman                 None              Load
143   Priest                  None
144   Mine Boss               None              Load
145   Worker                  None              Load
146   Inn Master              None              Load
147   Gate Keeper             None              Load
148   Elder                   None              Load
149   Archaeologist           None
150   Wizard Phantom          Castle            Capture
151   Taxim                   Castle            Capture
152   Ghost                   Mine 1            Capture
153   Blind Master            None
154   Violet Penguin          Practice          Capture
155   Anciant Horn            None
156   Dual Horn               None
157   Tri Horn                None              Save (number?) replays
158   Spike Shield            None              View (number?) replays
159   Brown Ferret            Mine 2            Capture
160   Mohican Penguin         Practice          Capture
161   Orc                     Castle            Capture
162   Dark Orc                Castle            Capture
163   Orc Guard               Castle            Capture
164   Silver Emu              Castle            Capture
165   Blue Lizard             Castle            Capture
166   Killer Ape              Castle            Capture
167   Violet Devil            Castle            Capture
168   Kasyabo                 Castle            Capture
169   Joker                   Castle            Capture
170   Psycho Chuji (boss)     Mine 1            Capture (with Chuji)
171   Psycho Epon (boss)      Mine 1            Capture (with Epon)
172   Psycho Oliems (boss)    Mine 1            Capture (with Oliems)
173   Psycho Ill (boss)       Mine 1            Capture (with Ill)
174   Psycho Mary (boss)      Mine 1            Capture (with Mary)
175   Psycho Fei (boss)       Mine 1            Capture (with Fei)
176   Psycho Hom (boss)       Mine 1            Capture (with Hom)
177   Psycho Gren (boss)      Mine 1            Capture (with Gren)
178   Psycho Doctor V (boss)  Mine 1            Capture (with Doctor V)
179   Psycho Chaco (boss)     Mine 1            Capture (with Chaco)
180   Black Attacker          None              Beat Easy without continues
181   Box Man                 Practice          Capture
182   Puppet                  Practice          Capture
183   Specter                 Castle            Capture
184   Loader                  None
185   Berserker               Castle            Capture

This section contains information about hidden characters, how to access them
and codes for the game.  Those of you who want to find this stuff out for 
yourself should stop reading now.

5.1  Hidden Characters
Mufu - beat easy mode
Nork - beat normal mode
Udan - beat hard mode

Trix (Toriyama Robo) - beat easy mode with a monster
D Purple - beat normal mode with a monster
Red Zeppel - beat hard mode with a monster

Black Attacker - beat easy mode without using continues
Mono Eye - beat normal without using continues
Dark Elf - beat hard mode without using continues

Super Trix - load monster data from another mem card in VS mode (gray monster

Tri Horn - becomes playable after a certain number of replays are saved
Spike Shield - becomes playable after a certain number of replays are viewed

Chocobo - beat Practice (1st) Dungeon
Mark - beat Egyptian Ruins (2nd) Dungeon
Dog - beat the Desert Spaceship (3rd) Dungeon
Mark2 - beat the Castle (6th) Dungeon

Totem 1st - see all 10 endings on easy mode
Totem 2nd - see all 10 endings on normal mode
Totem 3rd - see all 10 endings on hard mode

5.2  Codes
Adjust Size:
When selecting your character, hold down L2 and R2 and push triangle.  Now you
can adjust the size of your character by pushing L2 (shrink) or R2 (grow).  
This won't work on quest mode though.

Character Dance:
To make your character dance after a match (instead of playing through Hard 
mode), press up+right+L2 during the replay.

Repeat Winning Speech:
As soon as your character finishes his/her victory speech, press L2+Left to 
make them repeat it.

Practice With "F" Monsters:
To use a monster that has not yet been captured, select the monster right above
 it on the monster list (this monster may have to be "C"), now push O then down
 very quickly (almost at the same time).  Unfortunately, this will only work in
 Practice mode.

Eye Roll:
Move the directional pad around to move your character's eyes in their victory
pose (not really a code, but pretty neat anyway).