The Guide to Adventure FAQ (e)

                  The Guide to Adventure             
               Frequently Asked Questions           

                               Ver. 1.1                                  

           Thursday, August 29, 1996 10:11:44 AM    

This file contains questions that crop up frequently in newsgroups or
e-mail about the role-playing game system The Guide to Adventure and
Alien Dawn. The TGTA FAQ was initiated by Michael Ball, the author of
The Guide to Adventure and Alien Dawn. Any Questions and should be
submitted to him at the e-mail address below.

Michael Ball:


Please bear in mind that when I started this FAQ, I was not trying to
insult anyone's intelligence about role-playing games or belittle
other gaming systems. Rather it is just what it should be, questions
that find themselves always being asked. Also, this FAQ might help
those users who fear being flamed or are just too shy to ask certain
game, or any game, related questions. The FAQ may appear a little self
indulgent. Well, in a way it should be. It is, after all, about my


Here is what I have so far. Send in your comments and other stuff you
think should be in the FAQ as it is far from complete. I'd appreciate
those that submit questions supply anything they know about possible
answers, since I don't know it all. Keep in mind, this is a FAQ about
The Guide to Adventure, not an obscure gaming trivia file.

* - denotes new question
+ - denotes revised/updated question

Section  1.0 - General Information

1.1    What is The Guide to Adventure?
1.2    Is the game a universal role-playing game like GURPS?
1.3    Is The Guide a card game like Magic: The Gathering?
1.4    Who is Michael Ball?
1.5    What are his favourite role-playing games, board games, modules
       and scenarios?
1.6    Can I order the game? 
1.7    Will there be more material to come?
1.8    Wait a minute - are Alien Dawn and The Guide to Adventure
1.9    What is with the layout format?
1.10   How should I print the cards out?
1.11   Why are the cards hard to read?
1.12   What formats are the games avialable in?
1.13   What are the latest releases?
1.14   When will this or that be released?
1.15   Can I contribute?
1.16   Is the game copyrighted? When?
1.17   Can I give away copies of (distribute) the game?
1.18  *Why do you use skill (experience) points?

Section 2.0 - History
2.1    When was The Guide to Adventure written?
2.2    How about Alien Dawn?
2.3    What issue was the Dragon Magazine ad?
2.4    When were the game(s) released on the internet?

Section 3.0 - The Guide To Adventure: Fantasy
3.1    What the heck are Reptiliads?
3.2    Where can I get some?
3.3   *Are there any 4th edition books available?

Section 4.0 - The Guide to Adventure: Alien Dawn
4.1    Will the format of Alien Dawn look like The Guide to Adventure?

Section 5.0 - Downloading, FTP and Web Sites
5.1    What are TGTA web sites?
5.2    What are TGTA FTP sites?
5.3    I am having trouble downloading, what gives?
5.4    How can I help?
5.5    Can you e-mail me a copy of the game?
5.6    Is there any way I can get a copy e-mailed to me?
5.7    What newsgroups will I find TGTA info in?

| Section 1.0 - General Information |

1.1 What is The Guide to Adventure?

The Guide to Adventure is role-playing game system. There are
presently two settings available, fantasy and an Alien invasion of
Earth game. The fantasy game is called The Guide to Adventure: Fantasy
or simply The Guide to Adventure. The Alien invasion game is called
The Guide to Adventure: Alien Dawn or simply Alien Dawn. All settings
within The Guide to Adventure series use the same game mechanics. The
Guide also uses cards to enhance play and reduce the amount of tables
(and work) for both the players and gamemaster. For a more detailed
look into what is role-playing, some history and player advice, click

1.2 Is the game a universal role-playing game like GURPS?

In a way yes. The two games released so far use the exact same
character generation and game mechanics. Characters can be used in
both The Guide to Adventure and Alien Dawn without any alterations.
Thedifference is that instead of producing a generic system and then
adding a genre around the game, I created each game by themselves with
the same mechanics. Thus each game will be complete and take advantage
of the setting and genre. With both games released I have covered
fantasy, medieval earth, mercanary, aliens, modern warfare, post
holocaust, pre sci-fi, espionage, and many more. All that is missing
is the last bridging game (sci fi).

1.3  Is The Guide a card game like Magic: The Gathering?

No. The Guide to Adventure and Alien Dawn are classic or 'traditional'
role-playing games. The cards are used to resolve combat situations
(damage, hit location) without using cumbersome tables or charts.

1.4  Who is Michael Ball?

A role-playing gamer like yourself. He lives in Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada and grew up un Thunder Bay, Ontario.

1.5  What are his favourite role-playing games, board games, modules
and scenarios?

I always liked the original Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game. The
1st edition hardcover books - Players Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide
and Monster Manual. I also like Rolemaster, although I found a bit
cumbersome. ICE's Middle Earth modules and sourcebooks are excellent.
Two beer and pretzel games, Chill and Paranoia, are ranked high on my
list. Board games, Squad Leader and Wings. A liked the original
(yellow band) Slavelords series (A1-A4), the Sinister Secret of
Saltmarsh (U1), and the Village of Hommlet (T1). I really like Harn. I
have the original 12 Harnlore modules :)

1.6  Can I order the game?

I am offering everything for free. For those people who cannot
download the game, or print it out, you can order copies from me. I
will print it out on nifty coloured paper, 600dpi, hardstock for 
the cards and punch it out and even put the darn thing in a binder -
whew! This will cost you money, though...

TGTA Player's Handbook - $10.00
TGTA Gamemaster's Handbook - $10.00
Alien Dawn Player's Handbook - $8.00
Alien Dawn Gamemaster's Handbook - $8.00
Cards (including the Vehicle Cards) (uncut) - $10.00
TGTA Reference Sheets - $2.00
Alien Dawn Reference Sheets - $2.00

Coloured Paper - $2.00 per item
Binders - $1.00 Each (nice - not cheapos)

Specify White or Coloured Paper (parchment - cool looking) Colour
paper is $2.00 more for each of the Players and Gamemasters Handbook
or reference sheets.

Prices are in US funds. I do not take cheques or bank issued money
orders. Only post office money orders. Shipping costs are covered by
the buyer and depend on where you live.

E-Mail me at for further information and the

1.7  Will there be more material to come?

YES!! I have released the first scenario to Alien Dawn. I plan to
release at least 3 more soon. I will then release the campaign
information for my fantasy world Pah-Lyron and some of my fantasy 
scenarios. I also plan to release the time-line from Alien Dawn to The
Guide to Adventure. There will be more rules added to Alien Dawn for
role-playing the Aliens.

1.8  Wait a minute - are Alien Dawn and The Guide to Adventure

Yes. Pay close attention to the descriptions of the Drazil race of
Aliens and the Reptiliads from The Guide. You will have to wait and
see how this all comes together.

1.9  What is with the layout format?

The Guide to Adventure is a universal system. By providing each rule
section in its own chapter, players of the game can organize the
system any way they like. I can also update individual sections
without having to re-release the entire game. 

1.10  How should I print the cards out?

I use a 20lb stock paper and a laser printer. You could also print out
the cards on a 8.5" by 11" piece of paper and bring it to a print shop

1.11  Why are the cards hard to read?

I assume you are referring to the text and some of the numbers on the
cards. When I created the cards in GIF format I used 640x480
resolution. This works well in that it keeps the GIF file an extact
size of a 8.5" by 11' paper. But, the clarity of the words suffer. I
am in the process of making all the cards 1024x768. Currently, only
the vehicle cards are done this way.

1.12  What formats are the games avialable in?

The Guide to Adventure:
Handbooks are formatted for Wordperfect 5.x, postscript, RTF and ASCII
Reference Sheets are GIF, postscript and ASCII text files.
Cards in are GIF and postscript formats.

Alien Dawn:
Handbooks are formatted for Wordperfect 5.x, and ASCII text.
Reference Sheets are GIF files.
Cards in are GIF and postscript formats (vehicle cards are in GIF
format only).

1.13  What are the latest releases?

The Guide to Adventure is currently in Edition 5.1. Alien Dawn is in
pre-release, Edition 0.0

1.14  When will this or that be released?

Soon :) Since this is a free project and I am doing this for fun,
there are no set deadlines or schedules.

1.15  Can I contribute?

Certainly!! I am always looking forward to hearing new ideas. I will
also post and place your ideas on the 'net. I would like to see
characters (e-mail them to me or post them on your web site) and to
hear about their adventures and the worlds in which they travel.

1.16  Is the game copyrighted? When?

Yes. The Guide to Adventure was offically copyrighted July 3rd, 1987.
Alien Dawn was offically copyrighted August 5th, 1988. The copyright
notice is below:


This electronic document is Copyright 1996 by Michael Ball
All rights reserved.
You are granted the following rights:
I. To make copies of this work, so long as
     (a) the copies are exact and complete;
     (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these       
         paragraphs in their entirety;
     (c) the copies give obvious credit to the authors;
II. To distribute this work, or copies made under the provisions
above, so long as
     (a) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution;
     (b) you ensure that the distributed form includes the
copyright notice, this paragraph, and credit to the authors;
     (c) the distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or
within computer software (prior explicit permission may be
obtained from the authors);
These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or
other notice by the authors. This copyright notice shall be
governed by the laws of Canada and the Berne Copyright Agreement.

1.17  Can I give away copies of (distribute) the game?

Yes - as long as you include the copyright notice, give credit to the
author (Michael Ball) and do NOT charge money for the game.

1.18  *Why do you use skill (experience) points?

Up to the 4th edition of The Guide to Adventure, I did not use
skill/experience points to reward characters at the end of a mission.
The old system work like this: character's would get a check for each
successful skill saving throw (useage). At the end of an adventure a
dice roll was made against the number of checks (in conjunction with 
the learning ability attribute), and if successful the skill would
increase one level. If the dice roll failed, the check(s) would be
erased and the process of recording check marks would begin again.
This rule made sense in theory as skills would increase only if they
were used. As well, any skill could be checked for advancement at any
time during an adventure. This had problems. Players would use skills
just to get check marks. Or they would use skills repeatedly, again
just to get checks. I felt this took away from role-playing. I changed
this system in the 5th edition (and Alien Dawn). If I gave some skill
points at the end of an adventure, then there would be no abuse of
skill useage and players could consentrate on role-playing, not
roll-playing. As well, most players like the idea of a reward when a
scenario is complete. Finally, by giving skill points, lower skill
levels can be raised to an effective level. In the old system, a
player might not be able to make a low skill saving throw. I realize
that a lot of game players dislike "experience points". But I think 
it works, it is fun, and it make for good character development. A
gamemaster could always dictate where skill points are assigned
depending on skills used and the campiagn.

| Section 2.0 - History |

2.1  When was The Guide to Adventure written?

The rules were written as a generic game concentrating on modern
combat and a universal role-playing system around 1984-5. The game was
called The Guide to Adventure as it covered no specific genre. Around
1986 the fantasy element of the game was written and and the first
edition was ready in 1987. The game was called The Gudie to Adventure:
Fantasy. As it was the only game ever released, the name The Guide to
Adventure meant the fantasy element of the system. For a more detailed
look into what is role-playing, some history and player advice, click

2.2  How about Alien Dawn?

About one year after the fantasy element was written, the modern
combat and Alien invasion rules were combined into one game called
Alien Dawn. This game was never released.

2.3  What issue was the Dragon Magazine ad?

The ad for The Guide to Adventure appeared in Dragon Magazine #172,
August 1991, on page 110.

2.4   When were the game(s) released on the internet?

The Guide to Adventure:Fantasy - February 1996. Alien Dawn - May 1996.

| Section 3.0 - The Guide to Adventure: Fantasy |

3.1  What the heck are Reptiliads?

Reptiliads are a line of miniatures created by Bob Murch for Rafm
Miniatures, Inc. Reptiliads are 'lizard-men' standing roughly 6-8 feet
tall, are intelligent and have a complex society. Rafm is a cool
miniature company located in Southern Ontario (Canada). The other day
Rafm said they will (might?) re-release the Reptiliad line and make
some new miniatures. They are a small company and the guys that run it
are really into gaming. Rafm has given me offical use of the Reptiliad
line of miniatures for The Guide to Adventure. 

3.2  Where can I get some?

Anyone wanting a catalogue or other info contact RAFM at: 

Rafm Miniatures, Inc.
20 Parkhill Road East
Cambridge Ontario
N1R 1P2

3.3  *Are there any 4th edition books available?

Yes. There are a limited number of 4th edition Player and Gamemaster
Handbooks available. The books detail rules that were dropped for the
5th edition: such as the alternate skill advancement system and the
diceless combat. If you are interested in purchasing a copy, let me

| Section 4.0 - The Guide to Adventure: Alien Dawn |

4.1  Will the format of Alien Dawn look like The Guide to Adventure?

Yes, and no. Alien Dawn will be released in the chapter format like
TGTA. I will format it in wordperfect and also make it available in
ASCII text. I will not insert graphics or spend a lot of time
formatting/presenting the game like TGTA. This should keep the size of
the files small and keep the complexity to convert it to other fomarts
to a minimum.

| Section 5.0 - Downloading, FTP and Web Sites |

5.1  What are The Guide to Adventure web sites?

     Official Sites:  
      Michael Ball's original TGTA web site. 
      An alternate web site with complete desciptions, examples
      and lots of pictures (slow).
      The most complete TGTA site with Alien Dawn.

5.2  What are TGTA FTP sites?

 All FTP sites can be accessed through anonymous FTP.

     FTP Sites: 
      Contains wordperfect and postscript versions of TGTA.
      TGTA ftp archive. Contains all file formats and both 
      The Guide to Adventure and Alien Dawn (slow).
      TGTA ftp archive (mirror of Dragonfire). Contains all 
      file formats and both The Guide to Adventure and Alien Dawn.

5.3  I am having trouble downloading, what gives?

Well... most sites are out my control. Unless it is my (official) web
site, I am at the mercy of other systems. Dragonfire and its mirror
are slow sites. Dragonfire is occasionally down for one reason or
another (such is the fate of 'free' sites). Lakehead University's
server is run by a school club so it also is prone to be down or slow.
Try my web sites first for ASCII text versions of the game and all the
reference sheets and cards. If you still are having trouble, please
let me know.

5.4  How can I help?

If you have space or know of any server that is archiving role-playing
games, let me know. It doesn't hurt to ask the sysop!

5.5  Can you e-mail me a copy of the game?

Since I am paying for my Internet connection, I would rather not
e-mail people copies of the game. It takes about 20-30 minutes to send
the entire game in wordperfect format with the cards and reference
sheets. I may e-mail someone the ASCII text version since this will 
'send' a lot faster than the 'zipped' files. Again, if there are
problems, let me know.

5.6  Is there any way I can get a copy e-mailed to me?

Yes. There is a free RPG e-mail server.

To get an RPG

     Subject: archive

     READ {archive type} {options ...}
     {Filename from below}


     and this will reply with a uuencoded file of the
     requested .

     {archive type}
     tar.gz              unix tar then gzip
     tar.Z               unix tar then compress
     tar.z               unix tar then pack
     zip            pc & mac zip

     -dos           convert text files to PC format
     -mac           convent text files to Mac format
     -split              send replies split into 70kb messages
     -mime               (WARNING DOES NOT WORK YET)
                    reply with a mime message using
                    base64 instead of uuencode, warning
                    this is currently untested.

      For more info contact David Finch:

5.7  What newsgroups will I find TGTA info in?

I post to the news groups and to 

Copyright 1996 Michael Ball

| Michael Ball   The Guide to Adventure Site:   |
|                E-Mail me at:                   |   