Andere Lösungen

Terranigma (e)

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Terranigma walkthru

Chapter 1

Our story begins one day when Ark wakes up and finds his sweetheart Elle
standing over him. 
Apparently Ark has been sleeping restless-like because Elle asks him if he has
been having a nightmare. Ark explained that he had been having the same dream 
every night. Elle mentions that he should go outside to see the Crystal Blue to 
help take his mind off of his nightmare. Then she leaves.

You'll notice that on the table in Ark's room there is a book and pen. These are 
what the save points look like. Sometimes they'll appear in the strangest 
places, so keep an eye out for them.

Ark gets up out of bed and starts heading out the door of the Elder's house 
where he lives. But one of the guys by the door mention that the Elder would 
like to speak with him before he leaves. The Elder's room is to the back of the 
house, but on the way to his room you notice a blue door. Wonder what's behind 
it? The Elder has always kept this door locked for some reason. But there seems 
to be a quiet voice asking for help from the other side of the door.

Turns out that the Elder is mad at you. Ark likes to create mischief and had 
gone to the weaver's house the day before and ruined all of the weaver's goods.
Neither the Weaver or the Elder is very happy with Ark for doing that. The Elder 
sends you out to the Weaver's house to apologize.
The Weaver's house is just north of the Elder's house. On entering the house, 
you'll notice Elle and the chief weaver sitting by a table. Apologize for 
destroying all the weavings and then return to the Elder. Before returning to 
the Elder's house, you can explore the town of Crysta. The mill in the upper 
right portion of the town is interesting. The millers don't know how it got 
there or who built it but they use it anyway. If you go upstairs you can turn 
the mill off, which turns into quite a surprise for the miller downstairs. You 
can also pick up the lettuce and the pumpkins in the garden and throw them. 
Go back to the room with the blue door, and you'll notice that all of your
friends are gathered by the door. The Elder has stepped out for a bit, and they 
have decided that they are going to open the door. They ask for Ark's help, but 
it is up to you if you want to help them open the door or not. Ark's friends 
work on the door until suddenly it opens and a great flash of light appears. 
When the light goes away, you're alone with only one friend remaining. He says 
that the other's got sucked into the doorway when they opened it, but the door 
is now locked again. To open the door, pick up one of the objects in the upper 
left section of the room and throw it at the door. You'll make a crack in the 
door. Throw one more object at it and the door will open.
Go through the door and there's one of your friends. But for some reason, he 
doesn't appear to be moving or even talking to you. He looks like he has been
frozen! Continue down the staircase and there are two more friends here, but 
they too have been frozen. The next staircase leads to a long corridor. That 
same cry for help is heard again, so you walk down the corridor and at the end 
there is a floating box. What ever is in the box is happy to see you and asks 
that you help it out of the box. So help the poor thing out of that box! 

Thing is definitely the term to use with this guy. The creature that was trapped 
in that box is some sort of pink/purple floating rabbit head! The thing even 
talks! It says it's name is Yomi, and the Elder had trapped it in that box. Yomi
thanks Ark for rescuing him and explains that since he has freed him from the 
magical box, you now get to use it. You jump into the box (using the SELECT 
button) and he takes you on a tour.
There are 4 rooms to the box; the Center Room, Item Room, Armor Room, and Weapon 
* Center Room: This is where you learn information. 
* Jewel Box: You will be able to purchase Magic Rings (like magic spells) and 
then store them in the Jewel Box. You will also be given special rings later on. 
* Battle Handbook: There are certain attacks that are more damaging to some
enemies. This spot will allow you to view what the attack looks like and if you 
press the Select button, a brief description on how to do the attack.
* Strength Mirror: Shows your statistics, like Hit Points (HP), strength, 
defense, and the amount of experience points you have won and what the next 
level requires. 
* Settings Memo: General settings for the game, like stereo vs. mono, etc 
* Map: Ark may use this in the dungeons so that he doesn't get lost. 
* Journey Guidebook: Some tips on how to successfully play Terranigma 
* Item Room: You can use and/or equip items from here. Ark can have one type of 
item equipped. The maximum amount of a certain item you can have (like healing 
bulbs) is 9. To use an item you've equipped while not in the box, you press the
X button. Later on you will have to equip items so that you can give the item to 
other people. You can get a summery of the item by having Yomi hovering over the 
item and pressing the Select button. 
* Armor Room: Here is where all of the armor that you have received is kept. To 
equip a new piece of armor, just move Yomi over the armor you want and press the 
A button. Press A again to confirm or B to cancel. 
* Weapon Room: All of the weapons you collect are in this room. To equip a 
weapon, again just move Yomi over the weapon and press B. 
Yomi then takes you back to the center room, and suggests that now you wander
around the box to get a feel of the place. If you wander back into the Weapon 
Room, there will be a bright light in one of the weapon spots. If you go up to
the light and talk to it, you will receive the Cryspear. 
Yomi hears a sound outside the box and guesses that there is a visitor outside 
waiting to talk to them. Leave the box and Elle will be there in the corridor. 
She is frightened because she feels as though something big is about to happen, 
but she doesn't know what. Suddenly Elle too turns to ice. Ark immediately 
blames Yomi, but Yomi explains that he was just a guy trapped in that box and he 
has nothing to do with the icings. Yomi says that if Ark wants to save his 
friends, he has to go outside the village. Ark has never been outside the 
village before, and wasn't even aware that a world awaited him out there.
Go back up the stairs and through the blue door. If you try to leave the Elder's 
house, Elder is there blocking the door. You ask the Elder what is going on, but 
he's upset with Ark again because this time he screwed up by opening the 
forbidden door and freeing the creature he had put in the box. Elder explains 
that there are 5 towers that he needs to climb in order to save the villagers. 
Before you leave, don't forget to go back to the Elder's room and get the items 
in the Treasure chests. Also go inside the box and equip the Cryspear and the 
* Treasure
* 50 gems 
* SBulb

Go ahead and leave the Elder's house. There will now be a gate that you can go 
through to escape to the outside world. If you walk west of Crysta, you'll 
notice the First Tower. Just walk into it and the challenge begins.

Tower 1

The first tower is just South West of Crysta. When you first walk up to the 
tower, it will ask you what you want. Tell the face on the Tower door that you 
want to rescue your friends, and it will allow you to enter the Tower.
The first Tower is very easy. You can practice learning the various attacks. 
Just don't forget that you have to equip your armor (clothes) and your weapon 
(cryspear). If you don't equip your spear you obviously cant destroy the 
monsters. The nice thing about the Cryspear is if you take some damage, the 
Cryspear will slowly replenish your HP. That way you don't have to use up your 
SBulbs or leave the tower, go to Crysta, and then sleep to replenish your HP. If
you've suffered a lot of damage, you can just stand in one place for a bit while 
the Cryspear heals you.
Once you enter the Tower, the first level is just a large corridor. There are 
little purple monsters that look like pill-bugs wandering around, which you can 
usually kill in 1 hit. They only have about 4HP each. There is another monster 
now that is a fiery wheel that will shoot smaller fireballs at 90 degree angles 
(very easy to avoid). The fire monster only had 6HP

The second floor is also very easy. Just go around destroying the purple pill-
bugs. When the last bug is destroyed, a glowing spirit will appear, give you 
some advice, and the open the gate to the next floor. The stairs to go up are
directly to the right of the stairs that take you back to the first floor. 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock- far right side of the room
The third floor becomes just a bit more challenging. There are some of those 
purple pill-bug monsters again, but now there is another new monster, a large 
stone-like guard. The guard is big and slow, but he has around 22HP, and Ark's 
Cryspear only does between 1 and 4Hp of damage at a time. So it does take a 
little longer to destroy the 2 guards. Once you defeat all the enemies, a little 
glowing spirit will appear and give you some tips.
* Treasure 
* MagiRock- upper left corner
* SBulb- lower left corner 

The entrance to the next floor is a little difficult to see right away. Right 
below the treasure chest where the SBulb was, there are a series of windows. The 
window on the left side is broken. Walk through the window and Ark will emerge 
outside the Tower. Climb the chains until you reach the fourth floor. 
The fourth floor has the same 3 types of monsters. When you first enter the 
fourth floor, don't forget to go down the staircase that will be a little north 
and to your right. There will be a guard to destroy but you can pick up the
* Treasure 
* MagiRock

The fifth floor has no enemies when you first enter it. But there is a funny 
looking guy in the center of the room called Guardian. If you go up and talk to 
him, he will explain that the monsters in the Tower are souls that have become 
lost. Destroying the monsters frees those souls again. Suddenly the Guardian 
disappears, and 4 orange pill-bugs called Huballs come down from the ceiling.
These orange pill-bugs are a little different then the purple ones. These guys 
can curl themselves up and then come shooting at Ark like marbles. They only
have 10HP, but they are fast. 

Once you destroy the 4 of them, the Guardian reappears. He says that the world 
is being resurrected and that this Tower is the main controller of a land mass. 
A cinema scene then plays and the world is shown. Suddenly a large land mass 
appears on the world and is given the name Eurasia. Also the people who live at 
the weavers house, including Elle, become un-iced. Ark then returns to outside 
the tower.

Tower 2

The second Tower is just a little bit North from the first one, on an island. 
Before you enter Tower 2, go back to Crysta and buy an Ice Ring from the 
MagiRock shop. You'll need it for the last floor of the Tower. 

The first floor has the purple pill-bugs and the firewheel monsters. Once you
defeat all the monsters the spirit will show up and give you a tip. It says to 
look at the jewels on the statue's foreheads. There are some statues that have
pink jewels in their foreheads. Those statue's Ark can push and move. In this 
room there are two pink-foreheaded statues on the upper level, and both of them 
have a staircase behind them. 

You will have to go up both sets of stairs, but I recommend going up the right 
one first. Ark will be on the second floor, where there is a switch to the left 
and a MagiRock at the south end. Once you flip the red switch, go back down the 
stairs to the first floor, and then go up the left stairs. 
This is the main second floor area. There is a new monster, besides the purple
pill-bugs and the firewheels, that looks like a wizard. He can "look" at you and 
temporarily make it so you cant move. But he only has 20HP. If you go south from 
the staircase you arrived on the second floor with, you'll find a SBulb. To the 
right of the staircase there is another red switch. Flip the switch and the 
doorway near the top/center of the room will open.

* Treasure 
* MagiRock- lower right corner, reachable by the first floor staircase 
* SBulb- lower left corner of the room
The third floor looks like a giant donut. There is a red switch in each of the 4 
corners of the room. All 4 switches need to be flipped in order for the entrance
to the next lever to appear in the middle of the room. Don't forget you can move 
the statues that have pink jewels on their foreheads! 

The fourth floor is a whole bunch of statues, with a MagiRock in the upper left 
corner of the room. In here you have to move the statues with the pink jewels 
that are on the left and the right side of the room a certain way to open the 
door to the next room. If you move one of the statues up, down, or towards the 
center of the room, a lot of those purple pill-bug monsters will appear. It is a 
great opportunity to level up. The bugs are destroyed with one hit each, and you
can exit and reenter the room, move the statue the wrong way again, and destroy 
the bugs that show up and collect the gems. When you're done goofing off with 
the bugs, the correct way to move both the pink-jeweled statues is away from the 
center of the room. 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock- upper left corner of the room
The fifth floor is another donut-shaped room. But there is a barrier in the way 
to get to the center of the room. Directly to the south there is a red switch 
that needs to be flipped and unfortunately it is across a gap in the floor.
Equip the Jewel Box as your item, face the switch, then press the X button. You 
will get a menu above your head and you can choose which ring you want to use by
pressing the directional buttons, and then pressing B to confirm. If you choose 
the Ice Ring, an icicle will fly from your hand and if you're pointing the right 
direction, will flip the red switch and drop the barrier in your way.

Then walk to the middle of the room, where the Guardian will congratulate you 
again. This time there will not be any enemy monsters to fight. Walk through the 
land mass control room doors, awaken S. America, and un-ice some more villagers.

Tower 3

Tower 3 is east of Tower 1 and 2, and north of Crysta. As soon as you enter the 
tower, you'll notice the moving blocks. This tower has a lot of moving blocks. 
You'll also learn how to run and jump in this Tower. 
The first thing you do on the first floor is to run across the blocks that had 
moved into place when you entered. Once you get to the platform, you can go to 
the right or to the left. On the first floor you'll be fighting firewheels and
orange pill-bugs. There are only two exits on this floor; one in the top-center 
of the room, and one on the right side. The one on the right leads down into the
basement, where a single corridor leads you to a MagiRock (no monsters). So you 
may want to go through the right door first and then come back and cross the 
moving blocks to get to the center door. There is also a treasure chest next to 
the path to the center door, but it looks like there is a wall in the way. You 
can go through the wall to get to the treasure, which contains a SBulb. 

* Treasure 
* MagiRock- take the staircase down on the right side of the room 
* SBulb- to the right of the center doorway
On the second floor, you come across a gardner monster, who will pop out of the 
wall when you come near. The monster will shoot at you, and if he hits you, you 
fall asleep and he begins dragging your sleeping body toward him. If he gets you 
before you wake up, you get kicked out to the first floor and have to climb up 
the tower all over again. Also you will have to dash past the spears that come 
out from the walls (dash using the Y button). 

Ark will eventually come to a part in the room with 4 switches and 4 movable 
blocks, one switch corresponding with one block. You have to hit the switches so
that the block starts moving, and then flip the switch again to stop the block. 
You have to configure it so the blocks make a bridge you can cross with.
The third floor is simple. You can either take the right path or the left path. 
Just move your way up to the top of the room, and then go through the door to 
the next room. 
The fourth floor has some more running/jumping excersises. From the entrance, 
you can jump to the platform to the right and get a MagiRock. On the platform to 
the left of the entrance is the Sleepless Seal, which nullifies the gardner 
monster's sleep attack. You'll still feel damage if their shots hit you, but you 
wont fall asleep if you equip the Sleepless Seal. This floor is similar to the 
third floor, but this time you have to flip the two red switches next to the
door in order to open it. As soon as you press both switches, the door opens and 
a lot of orange pill-bugs come out. Just destroy the bugs and go through the 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock- lower right corner of the room 
* Sleepless Seal- lower left corner of the room
The fifth and final floor has a very large hole in the middle, but there is also 
a platform in the middle of the hole. Walk down the pathway until you get to the 
platform and you'll hear the Guardian's voice congratulating you again, but this
time he throws some monsters at you and cuts off the pathway! Suddenly 3 "high 
cadets" appear, but only 1 of them is the real monster that can receive damage.
The other two are just normal wizards. You have to attack one of the wizards 
when they become close enough and then you'll find out if you're fighting the 
real "high cadet" or just one of the illusions. 

Eventually Ark will destroy the real one and you'll gain access to the control 
room. This time the continent is Africa. Only two more Towers to go. 

Tower 4

that Ark has made it this far, and immediately sends 3 wizards after him. The 
wizards are easily destroyed. In Tower 4, you will be learning how to walk 
across ropes. To walk across a rope, just align Ark up with the rope and walk 
normally across. You don't have to press any special buttons; just walk. 
The first floor doesn't have too much on it. You have to choose whether you want 
to walk across the rope to the left side or the right side. Either way, you 
still end up in the same place; at the top of the room. But it looks like the
only way down is to jump, which is exactly what Ark must do. 
Ark lands in the Basement1, which has two parts to it; a lower level and a
higher level that you can't get to by any staircase from the lower level. In the 
lower level there are some wizards and a wall gardner, so watch out for those. 
There are 4 holes that you can jump down that will lead you into the Basement2, 
one in each corner of the room. 
* The upper right hole goes to the red circle on the map. 
* The lower right hole goes to the blue circle on the map. 
* The upper left hole goes to the orange circle on the map. 
* The lower left hole goes to the purple circle on the map.

The red location, orange location, and the purple location all lead to the exact 
same spot. The blue location leads a different way (and the correct way through 
the tower). So there are actually only two paths you can take. 
First the 3 dead ends..... 
Each of the other holes (the upper right, upper left, and lower left) drop to a 
location in the floor below Basement1. This we would call Basment2. The only 
enemies here are firewheels and orange pill-bugs, except for the hole in the 
upper left of Basement 1, which lands in the orange location and right next to a 
wall gardner. No matter which one of the spots you land in, the only exit from
this area of Basement 2 is the left staircase in the upper portion of the room. 

The staircase takes you back up to Basement 1, but this time you are on the 
upper level of the room. If you walk down to the lower left corner of the room 
(on the upper level), you'll receive 44 gems. If you go to the lower right 
corner of the room you'll receive a MagiRock. You can choose whether you want to 
jump down to the lower level of Basement 1 and try another hole, or you can 
continue up the stairs.
* Treasure 
* 44 Gems- lower left corner, upper level 
* MagiRock- lower right corner, upper level
Going up the stairs takes you to a small room on the first floor. All you can do 
is continue up the next flight of stairs. 
Ark emerges onto the right side of the second floor of the Tower, where there 
are two ropes spanning the large gap in the floor. If you fall off the rope, 
you'll land on the first floor. At that point if you wanted to get back to the 
second floor, you would have to fall down into Basement 2 and climb back up the 
The bottom rope strings across the gap but eventually stops at a platform 
containing a MagiRock before the rope continues over to the left side of the
room. The upper rope goes right across to the left side of the room. On the 
upper left corner of the room there are two treasure chests. One contains a
MBulb and the other has a Life Potion. And this is where the dead end is. From 
here the only way is back down. You can either go back across the rope and climb 
down the stairs to Basment1, or you can fall from the second floor to the first 
floor, and then fall to Basment1. It's up to you. 
* Treasure 
* MBulb- upper left corner of the room, across the ropes 
* Life Potion- right next to the MBulb
Now that you're back in Basement1, this time Ark will take the lower right hole 
to fall down through. From here, you land on the right hand side of Basment 2,
which is a completely separate area then the rest of Basement2. Head toward the 
staircase that is in front of you. 
And again you'll end up back on the first floor, but in another area that just 
has a staircase and nothing else. Continue up the stairs. This time you'll be on 
the second floor, but there will be a large hole that you can jump down and also 
a staircase. Unless you really want to, don't jump down the hole. It will take 
you back to the first floor, and you will have to fall back down to Basment2 to 
return to where you are now. Just continue on up the staircase 
Now Ark has reached the third floor finally. Follow the path until it branches
off north. Go into the room and open the treasure box. You'll receive the 
Crystal Thread. Leave the room and follow the path until you come across two
ropes. You can take either one, but the top rope goes across a platform with a 
quickly spinning firewheel that could potentially knock you off and you'd have 
to climb the tower all over again, so you may want to take the lower rope. 
Besides, the lower rope is closer to the MagiRock that is waiting in the lower 
right corner of the room. From the right side of the room, travel north until 
you come across a third rope. Walk across that and you'll find the control room. 
* Treasure 
* Crystal Thread- room in upper left corner 
* MagiRock- lower right corner of room
The Guardian's voice will mention that he has created a show for you to watch 
and he transports you away into another room. Suddenly a train of Huballs come 
flying at Ark, but the last huball is gold while the others are blue. Hit the 
gold Huball to break it loose from the train and either destroy it, or hit it 
off the platform. 

Do that for all the Huballs and Guardian will allow you access to the control 
room. From there Ark awakens N.America. Once you leave the Tower, return to 
Crysta, equip the Crystal Thread, and go visit Elle. She will want the thread
from you to make a cloak to protect you. Then she suggests that you return to 
the Elder's to get some sleep.
In the middle of the night you wake up. Go visit Elle and she will still be 
working on Ark's cloak even though she should be asleep. She tells him that 
she's worried that he will be leaving soon and will be going far away. Then she 
tells you to go back to bed. In the morning, revisit Elle and she will give you 
the ElleCape. You will need it to enter the fifth Tower.

Tower 5

Tower 5 is southwest of Tower4, on a peninsula to the far east. 
As soon as you enter the tower, Guardian appears and throws a glowing orb at 
you. Luckily you have equipped the EllaCape (right?) and the orb bounces right 
off you. Just walk up the stairs. 
The second floor had a hole in the ground, a staircase, and 2 firewheels. That's 
it. Simple enough. Destroy the Firewheels and go up the stairs. If you want to 
fall down the hole, you'll fall back down to the first floor. 
The third floor looks like the second floor, except this time instead of
firewheels it's wizards. Take out the wizards and go up the stairs. 
Fourth floor... hmmm... looks just like the other three floors. This time it's
those wall Gardners you just have to avoid. Up the stairs we go again. 
Fifth floor. There is an opening right by the stairs and a pathway to the right 
side of the screen. You can take the opening if you want to, but you'll fall to 
the outside of the tower and have to climb back up again. Take the path to the 
right, and you'll confront Guardian. He says you have one more challenge to go, 
and disappears. Go through the doorway that he was in front of and walk down the 

This is the monster that Guardian was talking about. A very large scorpion-like
creature. The first thing he does is start pushing you back down the corridor. 
He will also spit laser beams from his mouth, and then he will pull his claws 
together in an attempt to catch you. You can fit between the empty space that 
separates the lasers, and when he pushes his claws in front of him you can whack 
him with the Cryspear.

The first thing he will loose is one of his claws. He will still spit out the 
lasers, but he will put his remaining claw in front of him at a faster pace. So 
now the remaining claw is a little more difficult to hit because he retracts it
back toward him faster.

Now that he's lost both of his claws, he returns to the end of the corridor and 
uses his tail to try to attack you. He is still shooting lasers out of his 
mouth. Now just keep hitting him in the face, while dodging the tail. You can 
avoid the lasers by standing in the corner, but watch out for the tail. 

Once he has lost his face, you don't have to worry about being hit by lasers. 
But now his tail has become some sort of electric shocker. He wags his tail 
above his head, lunge it at you, give out a little shock, and wave it back above 
his head. The tail shocker is easier to avoid then the laser/tail combination.
He'll be finished when he starts exploding.

Once the monster is destroyed, the Guardian reappears. He congratulates you on 
defeating the challenges, and orders you to revisit the Elder for further 
instructions. Then he disappears, allowing you to go into the control room and 
resurrect Australia.
Don't return to the Elders yet. There is a small house west of the Tower 5. 
Enter it, and you'll come across a lot of firewheels and those stone guards. 
Defeat them and then go into the main room. There are a group of 3 firewheels
sitting on a platform in the middle of the room and you can't jump to the 
platform to defeat them. Head toward the upper left of the room and the
firewheels will group together on the upper left corner of their platform. Again 
just equip the Jewel Box and use an Ice Ring to destroy the three of them at the 
same time. Once you do that, you can enter the control room at the top and awake 
There is another optional area just north of Tower 3. The only thing you have to 
do here is move the rocks out of the way to get to the control room door. You'll 
resurrect Mu.

Now that you have returned to the village, everyone is un-iced. Go speak to the
Elder and he will tell you to meet him by the large hole that is east of the 
Go back outside the village and you will see a large hole east of the village. 
Go to it and the Elder will be there waiting for you. Talk to the Elder, and he 
will explain that the hole that is in front of you is the pathway to the surface 
world. The Elder would like to see the world resurrected, so he is sending Ark 
ahead to ready the world for the people who live in the village. He also tells 
you that you can not return to the lower world until the job on the surface 
world is finished. If you haven't done so, go say goodbye to Elle.

Return to the Weaver's house, but Elle does not want to see you. She is upset
that you are going to leave, and she doesn't want the last memory of her to be a 
sad one. 
Go back to the Elder and he will allow you to jump down the hole. 

Chapter 2

Ark awakens from his fall down the hole and takes a look around. Ug, what kind 
of world is this! There is nothing to see but rocks and dirt. The Elder must be 
crazy if this world is going to support the life from the world below. Yomi 
appears and tells you to be optimistic, but you're still not convinced. Leave 
the hole and go to the world map. Now you can see how desolate this world 
actually is.
Head south until you come to a pond that is on a peninsula. Walk up to the pond, 
and now you'll get a first hand look as to how dead this world actually is. 
Boiling liquid is oozing out of the ground and the sky is filled with a smoky
gas. It's not exactly a place that Ark would like to live in. But then a voice 
speaks calling for Ark. You've got no choice but to go ahead.
There is an old dead tree at the end of the path. There is also a save point and 
a spirit to the left of the tree. The spirit is acting as an item shop, and will 
sell you SBulbs, MBulbs, and PCures. Make sure you have a few of each. Crawl 
through the hole at the base of the tree and you'll come to an entrance for a 

Ra Tree

Once you have entered the cavern, keep an eye out for these bulging grey pods. 
They act just like treasure chests, and can have an item in them for you. There 
are a lot of MBulbs scattered through out this cave plus other goodies too.

The cavern is only a few floors deep; the first floor and three levels of 
basement. As soon as Ark stands up in the tree, he is in a small room. There is 
another save point if you want to use it and also a doorway. Just go through the 
doorway and you'll end up in a long corridor and on the first floor. Follow the
corridor until you reach a three-way fork in the road; there are paths left, 
right and a staircase down in front of you.

If you decide to go right, you'll meet up with one of the monsters in the 
cavern. This big monkey guy will curl himself up in a ball and hurl himself at 
you. Often times they'll just jump down from the ceiling in front of you in 
pairs and attack. Luckily there is only one in the way. There is a door that 
goes into another room toward the bottom half of the screen. If you go through 
the door, you'll come across a big hole, but you'll be on the north side of the 
hole, and there is also a south side of the hole (which is the path to the left 
from the three-way split in the pathway). You can fall down this hole from here
if you would like, but you'll just end up on the wrong side of Basement1, so you 
may want to go left from the three-way fork.

Continuing left from the three-way split, you just follow the path that the 
cavern takes. There's really no way to get lost on this level. Ark will 
eventually destroy a yellow flower monster that turns into a spirit. The spirit 
explains that all the plants came from the same tree. If Ark saves the tree, the 
world will become green again. The spirit is even nice enough to fill up some of 
your HP too.

To the right of the spirit appears to be a dead end. There looks like there is a
path on the other side of the water, but there's no way of getting to it. What 
needs to be done in order to create the bridge is to destroy the two fish that 
are swimming and jumping. Once those two are gone the bridge will be created and 
you can continue on. Now you are on the south end of the large hole that you saw 
earlier. Go ahead and jump down the hole.
* Treasure 
* PCure 
* 42 gems 
* SBulb
* MBulb 
* MBulb
You'll land in Basment1. If you had jumped down from the north side of the big 
hole, you would of landed on the other side of this creek. There are some 
treasures on the other side like the RaSpear, but to continue on you had to of 
jumped into the hole from the south side. The door that is in the upper left 
corner of the room leads to the downward staircase that was the northern 
direction in the 3-way split on the floor above. From where you landed, walk to 
the east and head up the stairs.

* Treasure
* RaSpear 
* SBulb 
* PCure
In Basement2 head west. Then follow the cavern north and go down the stairs. 

Ark will now be on Basement3. Head to the west and pick up the three treasures, 
then head south. Follow the cave and then head south when you get to a 
north/south split in the path. Continue following the cave until you get to a 
rock barrier. Ark will have to push the rock out of the way in order to move on.
Walk northward until you destroy a monster that turns into a spirit. The spirit 
will request that Ark follow it. Jump over the gaps that are in the floor to 
follow the spirit and then climb down the long vine.
* Treasure 
* LifePotion 
* PCure 
* MBulb
At the bottom there is a large pool of water with some very beautiful plants. 
Talk to the purple lily and it will thank Ark for saving it. The lily will also
give Ark the Giant Leaves, which will allow you to swim through water. Swim to 
the lower left corner of the pool and pick up a MagiRock. Another flower will
mention a "Parasite" who lives in an area filled with poisonous gas. Climb back 
up the vine to get back to Basement3.

* Treasure 
* Great Leaf 
* MagiRock
Go past the rock you have to push and head toward the staircase in the northeast 
section of the room (the northern path at that previous north/south fork). Climb 
down the staircase and now you can swim across the pool of water that was
preventing you from getting to the other side. The next few levels just have 
staircases in them. When you get down to the bottom floor, there will be another 
lily there. Talk to it and it will give you the Ra Dewdrop, which is an antidote 
to the Parasite's poisonous gas. If you would like, continue swimming east and 
talk to the other flowers and pick up the treasure. Leave the bottom floor and 
head back to Basement2. 
* Treasure 
* Ra Dewdrop 
* LeafSuit
* MagiRock
Now that you're back on the floor that you ended up at when you jumped through
the hole, swim across the creek to get to the other side. If you haven't 
already, get the RaSpear and other treasures. The doorway to the Parasite is in 
the northeast corner. Before entering the door, equip the Ra Dewdrop and then 
use it. Ark will then become immune to the Parasite's poison. 

The Parasite appears to be a giant insect that has infected the tree. When you 
first enter the room, the only part of it you can hit is the little orange claw-
like hand that will randomly appear from the 6 holes along the sides. Try to 
dash toward the claw when it appears so you can hit it before it disappears.

After Parasite takes some damage, he will change his attack. Now instead of the 
orange claws coming out of the holes, the blue worm does instead! And there is a 
large eye peering out of the middle of the tree! The eyeworm can only receive 
damage when it's eye is open. Try to hit the big eyeball and don't worry about 
the blue worm. The eyeworm also spits out five orange-claw things and then 
closes it's eye, so you have to destroy the orange-claws before it will open 
it's eye again. The easiest way to kill this thing would be to stand right in 
front of the eyeworm and then hit the A button repeatedly. You will receive
damage when he decided to jump out of his hole and rush across the screen, but 
if you have MBulbs equipped you should be fine.

Once you defeat Parasite, you'll return back outside the cave. Hey, everything 
is green again! Talk to the tree that you had crawled under and it will explain 
that it is the Ra Tree. The world is now covered in green plants again, but it 
is still too early for the world to be fully resurrected. Some of the plants in 
the area mention that there use to be a paradise of birds up north. Leave the Ra 
Tree and travel north.

Travel north from the Amazon and go through a mountain. You'll come into the
Guiama. Guiama is just a cliff you have to cross; there's no monsters in it at 
all. The flower that is right below the cliff mentions that up ahead is the 
resting place for the birds. Continue on through Guiama and head back outside to 
the world map. Now head north until you reach the Colorado area. 
Now in the middle of Colorado there is a stone mountain. There is also a 
mountain on the west side of Colorado too. The mountain to the west is the 
Sanctuary. There is a flower there who explains that the Sanctuary use to be 
filled with birds but now it's barren. There are also two spirits there who sell 
magic rings and items, and a save point. From here go ahead an head toward the
mountain in the middle of Colorado.


The Grecliff is a large cliff maze. When you first enter it, head east until you 
get to the first door you see. Enter the door, and follow the path through the 
room. You'll have to jump up the steps that are in this room to get to the 
staircase up. Follow the path through the next room until you come across some 
boulders blocking the path. The first one you can push out of the way, but the
second one is actually a rock-like monster. You'll have to destroy him in order 
to continue on. Exit the room and you'll be back outside, but one ledge up from 
the door that you first entered through. Take the first vine to the right and 
enter the doorway there. You can get a StrPotion. Go back outside, climb down 
the vine, and then head east until you come to a doorway.

* Treasure 
* StrPotion
Just head north in this room and go up the staircase you see. The next room is
just a path through a giant pool of water. Watch out for the birds that swoop 
down on you. They can spit feathers out and they're difficult to hit because
they fly around your head. Wait till they come down to hit you, then do a 
jump/hit to destroy them. The exit is in the upper left of this room. 

In this room, follow the path until you reach some ramps. Go up the ramps and 
you'll see a doorway right in front of you. Instead of going through the door, 
follow the cliff wall on the left. You'll come across another door that exits to 
the outside.

Once you're back outside, climb up the vine to the right, climb down the next
one, climb back up the third vine, and you'll come across a doorway. Head north 
to the next exit, from there go west down the corridor, and go through the 
doorway. You'll wind up in a room with two rocks blocking the path to a treasure 
chest. Once you touch the rocks that are in the way, they'll transform into the 
rock monsters. Destroy the two monsters and get the treasure. Ark now has the 
RocSpear, which will allow him to destroy large boulders. You can practice using 
the RocSpear on the boulder that fell from the ceiling and is now blocking the 
door. Just equip the RocSpear and hit the boulder. It should explode. Now just 
head back the same way you came until you get to the room with the two ramps.
This time you can go up the staircase.

* Treasure 
* RocSpear
Don't worry about getting over to the right side of the room yet. There is a 
large gap separating the left and right sides of the room, and you can't jump 
it. Instead jump over the gaps that are in the floor on the left side of the 
room and exit back to the outside. Once you're back outside head east and then 
climb up the vine that you'll come across. There is a MagiRock on this level, so 
grab it and then go through the doorway that you see. 
* Treasure
* MagiRock

Follow the path through this room and you'll get to a group of 4 rocks that are 
blocking your way. Just use the RocSpear to destroy them and continue moving 
south through the room and back outside. From here you have to jump up the cliff 
ledges and walk west. Continue walking west and jump down more cliff ledges 
until you get to a hole in the ground. You can climb down the vine leading into 
the hole, or you can climb down the vine just south of the hole and grab a 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock
Once you start falling down the hole, there are two paths you can take, right or 
left. You can lean toward the right and you'll land on the ledge with the 
MagiRock on it again. You'd have to climb back up the vine and then climb back 
down the hole and this time lean left. Or you can just lean left to begin with 
and not have to worry about climbing back down the hole. 
When you land, travel west and pick up an SBulb. You'll also come across another 
hole with a vine leading down. Go down the vine and fall out the other end. 
From your landing point head west (you'll go east later). Walk down the long 
path and you'll eventually come to a doorway. Enter the door. Ark will be in a
room with some small holes in the floor. Rock heads pop up from the holes, spit 
fire at you, then pop back down. And the little boogers won't pop up if you're 
waiting by the hole to destroy them. Walk away just a bit so they'll show up, 
and then do a dash/attack combo to destroy them. From here enter the doorway in 
the upper right corner of the room. 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock
In the next room, you have to dash across the stone bridges before they fall 
down. Waiting on the other side of the bridges are Quakers. You can dash across
the bridge, and then do a dash/attack combo to destroy them before they 
leap/land, cause and earthquake, and make you not be able to move while you're
on the falling bridge.

Exit out the door and you'll be back outside. Hop up the cliff until you get to 
a thicket. The shiny object in the thicket are the Sharp Claws. You can climb up 
cliffs that look like they have little holes in them now. There's no need to 
equip the Sharp Claws; they automatically are used when you want to climb up 
something. Climb up the cliff next to the thicket and grab the MBulb from the 
treasure chest. Then climb back down and go back to the spot where you landed 
after falling down that hole. Now this time you can go right instead. Go through
the first doorway you come across and go through the room until you come back 
outside. Then climb up the cliff. You can go west to pick up 87 gems and a 
MagiRock. Then go west until you find a hole in the ground. Jump down the hole. 
From where you land you can go west to go down to the beginning of GreCliff, or 
head east until you get to a spot where you have to climb up the cliff. Climb up 
for a ways until you get to the boss. 
* Treasure 
* MBulb 
* 87 gems
* MagiRock
The ledge that you have to fight the Dark Twins on doesn't have anything to
protect you from falling off of. So you can fall off, but you'll just reappear 
back on the ledge and you'll have to damage the boss all over again. The first 
wave of attacks is from the green bird. He'll shoot flaming feathers at you 
which can be easy to avoid, depending on where on the ledge you are. After the 
green bird is done shooting feathers at you, he will drop from the sky and start 
spinning on the cliff. The wind that he kicks up can push you off the cliff, so 
make sure you're walking in the opposite direction that the wind is blowing. You 
can even dash to avoid being blown off, but be careful that when the wind stops 
blowing, you don't dash right off the other end of the ledge. It's easier to hit
the green bird right before he starts spinning then to wait for him to fly low 

After a few hits the green bird will call for it's twin; a brown bird. The green 
bird continues to do it's normal attacks, but the brown bird drops bird doo from 
above. So now you'll have to avoid the feathers and the bird poop. When the 
green bird swoops down to spin up the wind, hit him. After a few hits they'll 
both explode.

Ark hears a voice saying that it has waited a long time for his arrival. All the 
birds that have turned into monsters will now be normal again. The scene changes
and now you're back at the Sanctuary. There's birds everywhere now!

Now that you have returned to the Sanctuary, climb up the big cliff until you 
get to the Kingbird's nest. Continue to climb upwards until you meet the King of 
the Kingbirds. He will thank you for returning them all back to normal, but he 
say something still is not right. The wind has not begun to blow yet, so they 
cant migrate to other lands. King requests that you go to Windvale and awaken 
the wind. Talk to one of the gulls below the King of Kingbird's pirch and he 
will fly you to a cave east of the Sanctuary. Enter the cave, throw the 3 stones
you see into the crevasse, and a voice will appear. The voice thanks Ark for 
awakening him, and he knows what he must do. Return back to the gull that is 
waiting outside the cave and then fly back to the King of Kingbirds. He will 
notice that the wind is now blowing and give Ark the WindPin. 
Climb back down the vine and talk with one of the Gulls. He'll mention since the 
wind is now blowing, he's thinking about flying to the new continent and visit 
the paradise of animals, Safarium. Go ahead and hitch a ride with him. 

When the two of you arrive at Safarium, there are no animals to be found. The
Gull is disappointed. In Safarium, there is a save point in the upper left 
corner, and two spirits in the upper right corner. The spirits sell magic rings
and items. Leave Safarium and head south. When you see a spot between the 
mountains that has palm trees in it, head into there. You'll find Zue.


Zue is a grassland/jungle type of challenge. You have to crawl, swim, climb, and 
jump around many obstacles. The enemies here are reptiles and amphibians.

Upon entering Zue, travel west. On the next screen, walk north and crawl through 
the bushes. You'll get to a 3way fork in the path. The north path leads to a 
dead end and the southeast path leads you around in circles. Take the northeast 
path to continue on.
Travel north until you come to another 3way fork and a dead tree. Destroy the 
lizard and then head west to the dead end. Once you defeat the turtle, a spirit 
will appear. The spirit explains that Zue has a series of rainfall alters. Then 
the spirit will disappear. Head back to the dead tree and travel north.
Now it appears we're by a dry riverbed. There is a path to the east though, so 
we need to take that first. You'll come across a large empty field with lots of
little bushes. Destroy the two sword-wielding lizards and the last one will turn 
into another spirit, then disappears like the other one did. Start heading back 
the way you came, but there is another path to the south that you have to take 
first. Go down there and defeat the turtle in the next area. Another spirit 
appears and tells you to head toward the rainfall alter. Now you can head back 
toward the area with the dry river bed. 
Head north when you get back to the dry river bed and crawl through the bushes. 
Hop down into the river and defeat the giant frog. Another spirit will appear, 
who explains that each rainfall alters were once controlled by 4 shamens, who in
turned controlled the weather in the area. Once the spirit disappears, follow 
the riverbed until you get to the first rainfall alter. Enter the alter and 
you'll see those 4 spirits again. They'll disappear so head back outside.

Hey whoa, everything is green again! Ark then realized that there are no animals 
around because there is no green food for them to eat. If he awakens the spirits 
at the remaining 3 rainfall alters, the ground will be covered in green plants 
again and the animals can eat. Go ahead and jump in the river and swim around. 
Don't forget to pick up the treasure that is now on an island surrounded by the
* Treasure
* DefPotion
Crawl back through the bushes again and head east. You'll be back in the field 
with the bushes all over the place. In the upper right corner crawl through the 
bushes and you can open the two treasure chests. Crawl back through and take the 
path directly south. 
* Treasure 
* MBulb 
* Sticker
In the next area, jump into the river and swim east. Get out of the river in the
next screen, and then head north to get the treasure chest. Head back and you'll 
notice that there are some large rocks blocking the path. Use the RocSpear to 
destroy the rocks and then defeat the turtle. You'll free spirit #1. Continue 
walking to the east.

* Treasure 
* PCure

When you enter this area, crawl through the bushes to the north and defeat the
turtles. You'll rescue spirit #2. Don't forget to grab the treasure! Crawl back 
through the bushes and then follow the path until it looks like you can jump
down into the dry riverbed again. Drop down to the riverbed, and then follow the 
path. You'll eventually come across a strange looking dam that needs to be 
destroyed. Hit one of the frogs so that he spits an orb at you. The impact of 
the orb against your body will propel you back against the dam and destroy it. 
Destroy the other frog and free spirit #3.
* Treasure 
* SBulb
Follow the riverbed until you can climb out. Travel west until you reach the 
rainfall alter, but don't go up to it yet. Continue to travel west until you
meet up with one of those sword wielding lizards. Defeat him and free spirit #4. 
Also pick up the MagiRock that he was guarding. 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock
Now go into the rainfall alter, walk up to the alters, watch the spirits 
disappear, and then go back outside. The riverbed now has a river that you can 
swim through. Swim downstream until you get to the spot where you originally 
jumped into the riverbed and climb out of the water. There will be two stumps 
there. Push the one stump into the water, walk onto it, and then push the other
stump out of your way.

Across the river there are two treasure chests to the north. Destroy the lizard 
that is wandering around and free spirit #1. Continue south until you can jump 
down into another dry riverbed. Destroy the frog that is to the west to free 
spirit #2. Follow the riverbed south until you come across another frog. Destroy 
him to free spirit #3. You can continue to follow the riverbed to collect a 
MagiRock. Walk back to the spot where you had to push the two stumps. This time 
after you get back to the other side of the river, take a swim and follow the 
river south. Jump out of the river at the next bend and defeat the frog to free 
spirit #4. Go back into the river and follow it south. You'll eventually come to
the third rainfall alter. But continue swimming west and you'll find another 
MagiRock. Go back and release the spirits that are waiting for you in the 
rainfall alter. 
* Treasure 
* 65 gems 
* Life Potion 
* MagiRock 
* MagiRock
Now from here go back to the spot with the two stumps. Cross to the east side of
the river again by pushing the one stump into the water and pushing the other 
stump out of your way. Continue to walk toward the dry riverbed. This time
instead of a dry riverbed there's water in it. (if you didn't pick up the 
MagiRock previously, it's now underwater). Swim down the river until you get to 
the fourth rainfall alter. Enter the alter and prepare for a battle. You may 
want to equip your remaining MBulbs so when they're needed you just use your X 
button to eat one. 

What's this?! There's something freaky-looking at the last rainfall alter! The 
Storm Master has several different attacks. He will spit green "unholy" flames 
right at you (which are difficult to avoid), throw his bony knives at you and
also try to stab you from the front. He's easiest to hit when he has his arm 
outstretched to try to hit you. Once you hit him, he'll protect his body by 
crossing his arms in front of him. So it's best to hit and run. After some 
damage his body falls apart, but his head stays there. Suddenly the two of you 
are falling down a hole.

Now this guy has just gotten uglier. He's a lot more difficult to damage here, 
mainly because he hovers over your head and you can't reach him. He now throws 
rocks at you along with spitting out the green flames. When he gets close
enough, do a jump/attack combo to hit him in the head. He will finally explode.

A voice is heard saying that it has waited a long time for Ark to come and 
awaken it. All the mammals that were turned into monsters will be turned back to 
normal, but it is still too early for the world to be completely resurrected. 
The scene will change and Ark will be back at Safarium.

Return to Safarium and now you'll see lots of animals! One of the rhinos warns 
you about visiting the Lions Cave. Go ahead and enter the cave anyway. The lions 
in there are about to eat you when one of them stops his companions. Turns out 
he's King Neo, and he tells Ark he is welcome in their den. Talk to the lioness
next to Neo and she'll introduce herself as Neo's Wife. They have a cub named 
Liem, and Neo has sent him to the canyon in the south to prove that he can 
become the next king. Neo's wife has heard the birds report back that there are 
a lot of monsters in the canyon right now, and she's worried for Liem's safety. 
She wishes Neo would call off his silly king-ritual, but he is too stubborn. She 
requests that you help Liem with his quest. Leave Safarium and head south again, 
go past Zue, and enter the mountains.


When you enter the canyon, the plants at the entrance mention that a lion cub 
entered the canyon a little bit ago. Head south and then climb down the vine. 
You'll eventually fall off the end of the vine and fall down to the bottom of 
the canyon. Head west. 

There's Liem, but he's cornered by a couple of birds. Destroy the birds and talk 
to Liem. Liem is glad to see someone and thanks you for rescuing him. Ark 
realizes that this canyon is too dangerous for just a small lion cub to be in
all by himself, so he decided to accompany Liem through his ritual.

The two of you travel west. Try to keep a little ahead of Liem, because there 
are monsters that appear that will try to attack Liem. Destroy the monsters 
before they get the chance to hurt him. The two of you jump up the ledges and 
then walk east. Liem stops at a rock wall, and asks you how are they going to 
get past the cliff wall. Push the rock that is there against the rock wall and 
Liem will jump onto the rock and then walk onto the next ledge. Climb up after 
him. Liem will mention that you're really slow, and run off to the right and
through a doorway. Follow him.

When you enter the new area, go all the way to the east side of the cliff. Liem 
will be waiting for you to talk to him. Liem will then head back to the west. 
Follow him and you'll end up jumping up more ledges to the entrance into the 
next area. Remember not to exit the area before Liem does, or he will stay 
behind and you'll have to go back and talk to him again before he starts moving 
back up the cliff. 

Liem will walk west until he gets to a rock-path maze. He'll end up going the 
wrong way into a dead end, so talk to him and he'll start walking in the right
direction. Start through the rock maze and he'll stop again half way. Liem will 
be unsure as to which direction to take, left or right. Tell him to go to the 
right. The two of you will continue on through the maze and head west again.

Liem says he'll follow you this time through this area because of the amount of 
monsters. Destroy the birds that are in the way and then head east. Liem will 
get excited when he sees the rock bridge and start walking across it. Let him 
walk onto the bridge just a little bit before you walk behind him. The rocks 
will fall after a short while, so staying close to Liem will allow you to get
across the bridge. If you dart up ahead too far, the rock that Liem will be 
walking across will fall down with him still on it, and you'll have to jump down
after him, go through the rock maze, and try to cross the bridge again. Once 
across to the other side, head east.

In the next area Liem wants to race you up the cliff. Even if you start climbing 
up the cliff before he says "go", he'll still beat you to the top. The two of 
you head west. In the next area, Liem says he senses a monster up ahead and to 
be careful. He jumps the ledge across to the other side, but you can only climb 
down the vine and walk west into the next area. 

The next area has you and Liem separated. Liem will be on the ledge above you, 
and there will be some sort of mud monster on the other side of the gap. The Mud 
Doll says he wants to "party" with you, and will start spitting out globs of mud 
at you. There will be a rock right below Liem. Pick it up and jump/throw the 
rock at the Mud Doll. Liem will go off the screen and push another rock back 
down onto the ground, so while you're waiting for him try to avoid the globs of 
mud. The Mud Doll only has about 100HP, so once he's damaged he'll apologize for 
being mean and give you a gift. 

He'll create a bridge for you to walk across the gap onto his side. About half 
way over the bridge though he'll laugh at you, destroy the bridge, and you'll go
falling down into the gap, landing on a small ledge with no way back up to the 
top. From up top, you can hear Liem yell for you and the Mud Doll laugh. Liem 
will get mad and all you can hear is something fighting. After a while 
everything's quiet up top, and then Liem will come jumping down the cliff to see 
if you're still alive. He's happy to see you, and he is proud to announce that 
he destroyed the Mud Doll. A shiny stone falls from up top, and Ark tells Liem 
to keep it as a token of his challenge. Liem receives the Starstone. He also 
says that he's going to get a Gull to help fly Ark out of the Canyon. The gull 
shows up and fly's back to the Safarium.

Return back into the lion's cave. Neo will thank you for helping Liem and will 
give you the Neo Fang weapon. He also says that he will let the other animals 
know of your coming. Leave Safarium and head east past the Canyon. You'll come 
across Indus R. The monkey at the river bank will mention that he heard that you 
were coming and the Rhino's made a bridge of themselves so you can cross the 
river. Cross the river and head east and then east through Tibet. You should see 
a mountain that you can enter just south of Tibet. 


Eklemata is the resting place for humans. It is a cold and rocky area. When you 
first enter the area, travel to the west to pick up a MagiRock. Talk to the 
flower and it will give a little description of Eklemata. Then climb up the vine 
in the upper left area. 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock

Climb up the next vine and you'll run across a Yeti. The Yeti's don't attack 
unless you attack them. He'll get all mad, pick you up, and throw you against 
the closest object. If you just walk around him, he'll be perfectly fine. 
Continue on past the Yeti and climb down the vine. You'll run across another 
Yeti who's minding his own business. Head east and climb up the vine. 

There's a Yeti here who seems to be resting in a pool of water. Yomi appears and 
explains to Ark that the Yeti is resting in a hot spring. He may be doing it 
because he his nursing his wounds, since the hot springs tend to have healing
capabilities. Head east past the Yeti, climb down the vine, and go into the 

Wander through the path in the cave. Don't worry about going down the staircase 
you see, you'll get there in a bit. You'll also notice that there are some rocks 
that are placed below two ramps. Pick the rocks up and toss them. They'll be in 
Ark's way later on. Continue through the cave and climb up the vine to get to 
the second level. Walk west until you come to a vine that starts leading down 
towards a hole in the floor. Climb down the vine and then jump off. You'll fall 
down the hole and pick up a treasure. Climb up the stairs and you'll be at that 
staircase you saw earlier. Climb back up the vine to the ledge and this time
head north, then head west until you get to the left ramp. Use the Y button on 
the controller and "dash" down the ramp. Ark will hit the wall and destroy it. 
Pick up the treasure and do the same thing for the right ramp. The right side 
will have a staircase behind its wall.
* Treasure 
* FirePike 
* IceSuit
Continue through the cave until you exit back outside. The only thing outside on 
the ledge is a flower. Talk to the flower and it will give you a Snowgrass Leaf,
which you can use to heal wounds. Take the leaf and go back to the Yeti that's 
sitting in the hot springs. Equip the leaf and use it. Ark will throw the leaf
into the hot springs, healing the Yeti. The Yeti will be so grateful that he'll 
ask Ark to follow him. Head north where you'll come to a broken bridge. The Yeti 
will ask if you want to get to the other side. Say "yes" and he will pick you up 
and toss you over to the other side of the river. Head north. 
Climb up the vines until you get to a ledge where you can either go east or 
west. Head east first. Go into the next area until you get to a cave. Enter the 
cave to receive a MagiRock. Go back the way you came, and this time walk west. 
If you go to the south end of this ledge there will be another MagiRock waiting. 
Climb up the vine to the north.
* Treasure 
* MagiRock 
* MagiRock
Now you'll be in some sort of snow field. Continue north, climb the vine, and 
follow the path that is in front of you. Enter and exit the cave and Ark will 
find himself in the middle of an avalanche! You can try to outrun it, but the 
snow will catch up with you. 
Ark will awaken to find a Mountain Goat watching over him. The goat mentions 
that it looks like the two of them have been trapped by the sudden avalanche.
Follow the goat and she will show you her dead husband. Apparently they were 
just bouncing along when the got caught up in the avalanche, and he landed wrong
and died. She is worried that night is coming and Ark doesn't have a warm fur 
coat like she does. Night arrives and the she-goat keeps Ark warm.

Ark wakes up in the morning to the sound of the she-goat trying to break the ice 
wall with her horns. She apologizes to Ark for waking him up. She also mentions 
that if you're hungry, you can eat her husband. Ark just cant bring himself to 
eat him, even though the she-goat mentions that he needs his strength and that 
her husband would of wanted them to live. The goat also says that there is a 
cracked spot in the wall and if she hits it with her horns they may find a way
out. She eventually breaks down the wall, but just another dead end awaits. 
Disappointed, she mentions that you can escape by climbing the wall. She says 
she'll find a way out someday and not to worry about her, but to continue on 
with your quest. Climb out of the hole and back outside.
You'll be back outside in the are previous to the snow field. If you want the 
treasure, walk south of the hole and get it. Also you can climb back up the 
vines to get back to the snow field and grab the treasure that is now available 
too. If not, just walk south until you get to the bridge. 
* Treasure
* Stardew 
* Life Potion
The river that use to be there has now been filled with snow because of the 
avalanche. Climb down the vine underneath the bridge and head east. Then climb 
up the vine in the upper right corner of the area. Continue climbing up the next 
vine until you enter a cave.

Go west when you first enter the cave to get the treasure on the far left side 
of the wall. Then continue back east, pick up the other treasure, and then 
continue out of the cave. Once you're back outside climb up the first vine and 
head toward the upper left corner and pick up a MagiRock. The rest of the area
is just climbing up and down vines. Eventually you'll come to a big hole in the 
ground. Jump down into it and then fall down the next hole when you land. 
Continue through the cave, exit the cave, then climb up the next vine you see. 
* Treasure 
* 99 gems 
* Stardew 
* MagiRock
Finally we meet up with the boss, Dark Morph. At first he kind of resembles a 
human, but then he changes his shape into a Yeti. The Yeti will through ice
crystals around on the ground and then he will start up a snow storm. Ark will 
get blown all over the place, but be careful he doesn't run into the ice
crystals. After a while the Yeti will change back into Dark Morph.

The Dark Morph will change into a wizard next. The wizard will shoot glowing 
objects at you. The point is to hit the objects back so they hit him instead of 
hitting you. When one of the wizard's yellow orbs is coming at you, just hit it 
with your weapon. It should change direction and start heading toward him 

After he finishes being a wizard, he'll change back to his normal state. Dark
Morph will move around the screen fairly quickly, but try to do a 
dash/jump/attack combo against him. Having the FirePike equipped results in less 
damage to Dark Morph. Equip the NeoFang instead. If you're strong enough, he'll 
take between 30 to 60 damage from the NeoFang. After he's hit, he'll change into 
a group of bats that fly around chasing you. The bats are hard to avoid, so 
count on getting hit by them. The bats will reemerge back into Dark Morph. 

One Dark Morph is defeated, a voice is heard thanking Ark. Humans have now been 
resurrected back into the world. The voice also told Ark that humans are quite
powerful creatures, but they need someone to show them how to manage their 
power. Ark must continue to lead the way for human intellectual evolution.

Humans have now finally been resurrected. Ark relaxes and finally ends up 
passing out cold. 

Chapter 3

Ark awakens to find a lady standing over him. She is surprised to see that Ark 
has finally awoke! She runs off to tell Lord Kumari and she says don't get out 
of bed. Like we're going to listen to her! Jump out of bed and explore Lhasa. 
You'll find out that you've been asleep for 3 years. That's definitely a long 
time! Head toward the back of Lhasa and you'll meet Kumari. 

Kumari is glad to see that you have finally waken up from your three year nap. 
He also says that you no longer have the ability to talk to plants and animals, 
and gives you the Bone Pin. One of the monks then walks in and announces that
Master MeiHou has arrived to speak with Kumari. Head out to the entrance of 
Lhasa and you'll meet MeiHou. MeiHou refuses to talk to you before he talks to
Kumari. Go back to Kumari's chamber and eavesdrop on MeiHou telling his story.
Apparently his granddaughter MeiLin has disappeared again. He mentions the 
MeiLin has some sort of power, but he neglects to say what. MeiHou says that 
MeiLin keeps returning to the town of Louran, but the town was destroyed in a 
war. MeiLin use to live in Louran with her mother and father, but they were 
killed in the war. Kumari requests that Ark go to Louran to retrieve MeiLin for 
Head south from Lhasa and then back north trough the Yangtze. Cross the river 
until you reach the Gobi. There is also a secret forest area just northeast of
the Gobi where you can pick up a MagiRock. Enter the Gobi and you'll enter the 
desert. Ark will come across a sandstorm, but he'll see someone in the far side 
who runs off when he spots Ark. Follow the person and you'll come across Louran.


This is Louran? There are lots of people here! This doesn't look like a
destroyed town at all. Talk to the townspeople and they will act just as 
surprised to find out that they're suppose to be an abandoned town. They also
mention that they don't get a whole lot of visitors either. Head toward the 
southwest corner of the town and enter the next area. 

Follow the path until you enter Tamjin's House. Tamjin is in the first room and 
he asks for you to listen to his story. It seems that Tamjin is the wealthiest 
citizen in Louran, and he doesn't know what to do with his money when he dies. 
Tell him that he should take it with him to his grave. He'll be incredibly 
happy. Continue through Tamjin's house. MeiLin's house is right behind his.

Enter MeiLin's house and talk to her mom and dad. Her mom says that MeiLin's 
room is through the chimney. You can also enter their bedroom to get a MagiRock. 
Crawl through the chimney and make your way to MeiLin's room. MeiLin is there, 
but she isn't exactly glad to see you. She tells you to get out and leave 
Louran. MeiLin wont even let Turbo, her dog, come near you. Go back downstairs 
and MeiLin's mom apologizes for her daughter's behavior. She says MeiLin isn't 
usually this rude.

* Treasure
* MagiRock 

Head back to the main square of Louran and this time go to the northwest corner 
of the square and enter the next area. You'll come across a guy who says one day 
he's going to make a door in the back of the building. Ark will also come across 
an Inn. Enter the Inn and the innkeeper will say that she has a bed all ready 
for him to rest in. Enter the room on the left and you'll meet Hedyn, who is a 
traveling explorer. He says that the people of Louran are incredibly nice. Well 
we might as well stay the night since we're here.
Yomi wakes you up in the middle of the night. He says that something just isn't 
right. Hedyn is even gone from the room and in his place is a treasure chest.
Grab the treasure and head back to the innkeeper's desk. 

* Treasure 
* MBulb 
Whoa, the innkeeper has turned into a zombie! Yomi explains that Louran must be 
some sort of mirage during the day and at night it is a city of the walking 
dead. Creepy! Head to the back of the inn and you'll discover a hole to jump 
down. Go down the hole and you'll be in Tamjin's basement. Head back toward 
MeiLin's house and go back up to her room.

The only thing in MeiLin's room is a RedScarf that is lying on the floor by her
bookcase. Yomi recognized the scarf as the one that MeiLin was wearing and if 
they had a dog they could use the scent from the scarf to track down MeiLin. Ark 
remembers that MeiLin had a dog named Turbo, but they need to find him first. 
Exit out of MeiLin's house and go back to Temjin's. Head toward the front of 
Temjin's house and you'll run across Hedyn, who hasn't quite figured out what 
the heck is going on with Louran. Exit Temjin's house and head back to the main 
square of Louran.
Man, there are zombies everywhere! Some of them you have to hit the first time 
to destroy their heads, and then hit them a second time to destroy their bodies.
Others have heads that they can throw at you. Head toward the southeast corner 
and you'll find a passageway into the next area. 
You can enter the first house you come across to get a MagiRock. Exit back 
outside and then go down the alleyway between the house and the stone wall. 
Continue to head north until you get to another house. Go through the house 
until you get outside again. Continue south until you enter another house.

* Treasure 
* MagiRock
Crawl through the chimney and go down the stairs. You'll meet Hedyn again, who 
has discovered this room that has some books in it. The books explain what
actually happened to Louran. The town was destroyed by monsters, not by a war. 
Ark can read the books in the other bookcases too. One of them mentions a 
talisman that protects you from ghosts. You can also sleep in the bed in this 
room to recover HP. Climb back up the chimney and head toward the east room. 
There is a hole in the floor, so jump down it. The next room where you land has 
the HolySeal. Equip the HolySeal as an item and then push the table out of the 
way so you can continue on to the left. The ghosts that emerge from the statues 
cant touch you because you have the HolySeal. Return to the main square of 
This time go to the northeast corner of the square and enter the next area. 
Follow the path to the dead end and then enter the house. The northern half of 
the house has a treasure chest which contains the LightRod. The LightRod may be 
weaker then the BronzePike, but it is excellent against zombies. You can destroy 
the zombie's head and body in one hit using the LightRod. Go back to the main 

* Treasure 
* LightRod
* MagiRock 

Enter the house to the northwest and you'll find a room full of boxes. You have 
to move the boxes in a particular manner in order to get both treasure chests. 
Note: I've color coded the boxes. They really aren't this color in the game. 
* Move the Blue Box to the south. 
* Move the Orange Box to the south. 
* Move the Red Box to the south. Pick up the PCure. 
* Move the Purple Box to the north. Pick up the Rags. 
Exit out of the building and continue on to the northwest area. Upon entering 
the area, you'll notice some zombies entering the back of the house by the
entrance. Remember the guy who was talking about building an doorway into the 
back? Follow the zombies into the house. 
Watch out for the tables in this room. They seem to be possessed and will move 
across the room in an attempt to hit you. The tables will also explode when they 
hit the wall, so the pieces that fly out can hurt you as well. Climb through the 
chimney in the upper right corner. 

Ark will eventually come to a room that has a few ghosts in it, but the ghosts 
aren't moving to attack him. That's because you have the HolySeal equipped.
Continue through the house until you go back outside.

This area has a lot of houses. Most of them are just dead ends. Now that you 
have entered the area, head north until you get to the first house you find. 
Enter the house and you'll find 178 gems. Go back outside and continue north. 
Walk through the gap in the stone wall and you'll see another house. Don't worry 
about entering this house yet. Instead enter the house in the northeast corner 
and get the LBulb. Continue south from that house and pass back through another 
gap in the stone wall. Enter the next house you see and continue downstairs and 
across until you exit back outside through another house. Grab the 
StrengthPotion. Go back into the house, back downstairs, and exit back outside
the first house. Continue south from here and you'll pick up a MagiRock. There 
is also a house to the lower right that has a MagiRock in it. You will also see 
an exit into another area to the southeast corner. Head towards the new area. 

* Treasure 
* 178 gems 
* LBulb 
* STRPotion 
* MagiRock
* MagiRock 

You've now reached Louran's Cemetery, where there are lots of zombies. Destroy 
all the zombies and head for the gravestone in the upper left corner. This is 
Tamjin's grave and the crazy guy took your advice and buried his money with him. 
Take the 500 gems from his grave. Head toward the gravestone in the upper right 
corner and you'll find Turbo guarding the grave. Equip the RedScarf and Turbo 
will sniff the RedScarf and start following you. Exit out of the Cemetery.

Turbo then takes the lead and wants you to follow him. Follow Turbo until he 
reaches the house that you previously hadn't entered yet. Turbo will go into the
house and then go down the stairs. Follow him into the basement and he'll head 
toward the room on the west side. Crawl under the table and you'll find Turbo 
staring at a statue. The statue will turn into MeiLin, who is very happy to see 
Turbo again but still isn't happy to see you. She tells Ark that she absolutely 
hates him and if he had never arrived in Louran she would of been with her 
mother and father forever.

Suddenly a voice is heard. MeiLin's mom is heard telling her daughter not to 
mean to Ark. She and MeiLin's father are right in the middle of the process of
being reborn into new bodies, but they don't know what form they will take. 
MeiLin's mom says one day she will see MeiLin again, and then the voice
disappears. MeiLin takes off out of the house with Turbo. Follow after her and 
you'll meet up with MeiHou outside. He apologizes for MeiLin's behavior and 
tells you if you want to go to the next continent, talk to the Nomads that live 
to the northwest of Louran for instructions on how to cross the Taklama desert. 
While leaving Louran you'll find Hedyn again who is now going to travel to 
Europe to write a book about his adventures. 

Travel northwest from Louran and you'll find the Nomads. None of them really 
want to talk to you except for one guy by the campfire. He will give you
directions on how to cross Taklama.


The Nomad's directions are as follows.... 
* Walk west until you find 3 boulders positioned in a triangle shape. 
* Then walk south until you find a series of boulders shaped like a snake.
* Then walk northwest until you find some dragon skulls. 
* Then walk north until you find a large skull.
Leave the Nomad's camp and head toward the desert in the west. 

Upon entering the desert, head to the west. You'll eventually come across the 
three boulders the Nomads were talking about. Walk south from the boulders.

You will eventually run into the snake-like rock formation. From here walk 

These are the "dragon skulls" the Nomads were talking about. Walk north past the
skulls. You will eventually run into a large skull. Enter the skull through it's 
mouth and you will exit Taklama. If you never see the large skull, just continue 
north for a ways and if the skull still doesn't show up, head to the west. Most 
likely you'll exit out of Taklama at the correct end.

Now that you've passed through Taklama, travel west and cross the river at the 
Balkans. The town of Loire is to the west, the Castle is to the north, and to 
the northeast is a mountain area where you can pick up a MagiRock. Enter the 
town of Loire to learn about the area.


Loire is a quiet little town filled with art, wine, and food. It seems like a 
lovely place to say, but from talking to the citizens it's not quite the cozy 
little hollow. They complain about their King who takes all their money. The 
town drunk Louis mumbles something about a ProtectBell and the King killing a 
village. Other citizens mention the Norfest Forest up north is full of ghosts. 
Simone is worried because White Wind, the take- from- the- rich- and- give- to-
the- poor thief, has been rumored to be captured by the King and is rotting in 
his dungeon. Overall, Loire's residents are not too happy with their current 

Go to the Inn and you'll meet Bounty. He gives you food and wine and even has a 
dancer come out and perform for you. Then he tries to charge you 100000 gems! 
When you refuse to pay for a service you didn't even request, he mentions that 
he may have to put you to work at the labor camps in order to pay off your debt 
to him. Then a soldier shows up at the Inn and confronts Bounty. Lady Fyda has
warned Bounty about pulling scams like this one, and Bounty admits that he was 
actually going to give this to you for free and you could even stay the night
too for free. How nice of Bounty to change his mind. Fyda also mentions to you 
that if you want to be a candidate for the princess' groom to meet at the Castle 
tomorrow morning. Stay at the Inn for the night.
When you awake in the morning and begin to leave the Inn, a new person will be 
at Bounty's. He is a chemist who has been searching for a special type of 
mushroom that he needs to make his sleeping potion. Leave Loire and go to the 
castle. Walk down the long corridor and enter the first floor. From here you can 
go to the west wing which leads to the Guard's Chamber. One of them brags that 
he was the one who captured White Wind sneaking into the King's bedroom. White
Wind is downstairs in the dungeon and you can talk to him if you like. From the 
first floor you can also go to the east side of the Castle, which houses the 
kitchen area. You eavesdrop on the kitchen help mentioning that the King is just 
using the princess for something. If you go into the pantry of the kitchen 
you'll find a MagiRock. 

* Treasure 
* MagiRock 
The main doorway on the first floor leads to the King and Princess' bedrooms and
the library. You can read the books that are on the bookcases in the library. 
The records say that the King was having a difficult time reaching the village
of Storkolm, which is hidden in the Norfest Forest. Someone gave him the 
ProtectBell, which allowed him to get to Storkolm and grab the treasure from the 
village. But when he arrived and couldn't find the treasure that he was looking 
for, he destroyed Storkolm and killed all of it's residents. He then adopted the 
Mayor's daughter as his princess.

Go up the staircase from the first floor. Once you reach the second floor, enter 
the room that has the doorway guarded by two Castle Guards. A third guard will 
be in this room. He will ask you if you are here for the groom candidates. Tell
him yes and he'll direct you to the right room to wait until you're called. When 
entering the right room, you'll notice that there are already some people here. 
Talk to the guy in the blue outfit. He'll tell you that you don't have what it 
takes to be the princess' groom! Man, this guy has a big ego. He introduces 
himself as Royd, and he's only here because he wants the princess' money. The 
guard will return back into the room and request that the guy with the "gold 
pointy hair" go meet with the King.

Go talk to the Butler (the white bearded guy in front of the King) and he'll say
that you need to talk to King Henry the 13th and the Princess. After talking to 
the King, go talk to the Princess. She looks just like Crysta's Elle! The
Princess' hair is brown instead of green, but the resemblance is so close and 
her name happens to be Elle too! This is just too weird. Princess Elle refuses 
to speak though, and turns her head away from you. The Butler then explains the 
rules for groom ship. The Princess is suffering from an ailment that has made 
her mute. The first man who can bring a cure to heal the Princess gets to marry 
her. Ark is sent on his way with orders to report back to the King when he finds 
any information that could be helpful.

Leave the Castle and head north. Cross the river and you should see a small
house to the northeast. Molly lives there, and he says that there are mushrooms 
that grow in the forest to the east that are used for medical purposes. 

It is difficult to see anything in the Mush Forest. The Mushroom grows at the 
base of trees and with all the shadow around it is hard to find. If you go 
directly south from the entrance into the forest, the Mushroom will be between 
two trees. There are also two other treasures here that are hidden beneath the 
trees. Once you get the Mushroom go back to Loire and return to the Inn. Equip 
the Mushroom as an item and talk to the chemist. He will want your Mushroom, so
give it to him. He requests that you come back later and he'll reimburse you for 
your troubles. Spend the night at the Inn and in the morning talk to the
chemist. He will give you the SleepPotion.
* Treasure 
* Mushroom 
* 500 gems 
* LBulb 
Return to the Castle and go to the kitchen. Equip the SleepPotion as an item and 
pour it into the pot that is bubbling on the stove. The kitchen help will then 
tell you that dinner is ready and to please leave. You'll end up back outside, 
so reenter the castle. Everyone's asleep! Head back toward the dungeon and talk
to White Wind. He'll request that you set him free. Go to the guard next to his 
jail cell and take the JailKey from him. Equip it as an item and then unlock 
White Wind's jail door. He will thank you and let you know that in the King's 
bedroom there is a secret passageway to his treasure. 
Head to the middle doorway on the first floor, climb up the stairway, and then 
exit to one of the passageways to the left or the right. Climb up the stairs and 
head toward the King's bedroom. You'll accidentally bump into Princess Elle, who 
is wide awake. She looks at you, turns around, and then leaves the room. Yomi 
pops out and laughs at Ark because the Princess doesn't like him. Ark tells him
to shut up and Yomi pops back into the box. 
Head north through the next doorway and you can push the sleeping guard out of
your way. There are two doorways in this area. The left door takes you to 
Princess Elle's room (which has nothing of significance in it), and the right 
door takes you to the King's bedroom. Go into the King's room and in the upper 
right corner there will be a gold statue. Push the statue out of the way and 
you'll uncover a crawl way. Crawl through the gap and then head up the stairs. 
At the top floor you'll find a MagiRock and the ProtectBell. Exit out of the 
Castle. Walk northward again, cross the river, and this time head in the eastern 
direction. You'll come across Norfest Forest. 

Norfest Forest

To get to Norfest Forest, travel north of the Castle, cross the bridge, and then 
travel northwest into Scandinavia. Norfest Forest is at the tip of the 
peninsula. Before you enter Norfest Forest, equip the ProtectBell. The forest is 
one gigantic looping maze and when the bell rings it lets you know that you're 
going in the correct direction. If you enter an area and the bell doesn't ring,
you've gone the wrong way. The nice thing is instead of getting totally lost, 
you just end up in an area that you were in previously.

Upon entering Norfest Forest, Royd is there waiting for you at the beginning. He 
tells you not to be stupid, but start entering the forest anyway. Royd will stop 
you again and tell you to be careful.
When you first enter the Forest, the first thing that will happen is the Protect 
Bell will "ring out", letting you know you're going in the correct direction. 
Head north until you get to a path that goes southeast. If you go down there you 
can get a treasure. Continue north from the entranceway until you enter the next 

* Treasure 
* RingMail 
The next few areas have 3 exits to them; a north, east, and west exit. Listen 
for the ProtectBell to ring out and let you know you're going in the right 

* First area: Correct exit is the north one. 
* Second area: Correct exit is the north one. Look for the small stumps on the
ground if you cant see the exit right away. 
* Third area: Correct exit is the north one.
* Fourth area: Correct exit is the east one. 
* Fifth area: Correct exit is the northeastern one. If you don't see it right 
away, look for the large sticky bushes and go in that direction. 
Now you've reached the bridge to get to Storkolm, but the bridge has been 
destroyed. Looks like the only way across is to go around the lake. Head east. 
The next area just has a short path to the south. 

In this area continue to the south. Don't go down the eastern path yet. The 
southern path leads to a dead end, but you can grab a treasure that is hidden
beneath a tree. Take the eastern path now and follow it south. You'll come to 
the edge of the lake again. Follow the bank of the lake to the east. 

* Treasure 
* LifePotion 

There are giant worms that hop from one stump to the other one here. 
Unfortunately you cant destroy them, so you have to walk past the stumps before 
the worm hops out and travels across the screen. There is a treasure in the
upper right corner and the exit is to the upper left corner. When you leave this 
area, something follows you......
* Treasure 
* 389 gems 
Ark immediately knows that something is not right. It feels as though something 
is following him, but he doesn't know what. Continue north in this area until 
you come to an eastern path that is lined with tree stumps. Enter this area and 
follow the path until you reach the Dog Whistle. Go back to the previous area 
and then travel along the path. Before you leave to enter the next area, there 
is a scream behind you! 

Ark turns around to find a swarm of bats covering something. Destroy the bats 
and you'll discover what has been following you. It's MeiLin! Ark asks what she 
is doing following him, and she replies that she's been really bored so she 
decided to tag along behind you. She says that she's not going to cause any 
trouble by following you. Go ahead and head into the next area and MeiLin will 
follow behind you.

The exit to the next area is directly to the left of the entrance, but if you 
take the south path first you'll find a MagiRock.

* Treasure
* MagiRock 
Finally the two of you have reached the other side of the lake with the broken 
bridge. Head north. 

There are two paths you can take from the entrance into this area. The northern 
path will lead you to a dead end, but you'll be able to pick up a MagiRock. The 
western path takes you to another pathway, which you take north to go into the 
next area. The exit in the next area is to the bottom left corner, past the 
small pond.
There are two western exits in this area; one by the treasure chest, and one 
south of the treasure chest. The one to the south takes you to a MagiRock. The 
one by the treasure takes you to the next area. 

* Treasure 
* MBulb 
* MagiRock 
It looks like you're close to Storkolm now. The sign by the bridge says it's 
right up ahead. Cross the bridge. You may want to equip the Dog Whistle before
you enter Storkolm. 

Storkolm looks incredibly familiar. In fact, it looks exactly like Crysta. Ark 
tries to explain to MeiLin that this looks just like his home town, but MeiLin 
says that all rural towns look exactly the same.

Suddenly a pack of wolves surround Ark and MeiLin. Use the Dog Whistle and the 
pack will leave. You are now safe to explore. All the buildings in Storkolm have 
broken doors except for the Crysta/Elder's looking house. If you visit the 
weavers house, Ark will recall his Elle of Crysta and wonder how well she is 
doing. If you go into the house that looks like the Elder's, in the back room
there will be two treasures. One of them has the Portrait in it. MeiLin looks at 
the picture of Elle's parents and says that she can make the princess happy 
again if she shows the princess her parents again, just like she was doing in 
Louran. MeiLin has a catch though; she doesn't want Ark marrying the princess. 
Begin to leave Storkolm MeiLin will stop you and ask if you've done everything 
you need to do. Tell her that you're going to return to the Castle and she will 
say that she'll meet you there. As soon as you exit Storkolm you're back outside 
on the world map. Return to the Castle.

Return to the Castle and head back to the King's Chamber. Right before you enter 
to talk to King Henry, MeiLin will stop you and ask for the Portrait so she can
remember what the Princess' mom and dad look like. 

Talk to the King and he'll order you to cure the Princess of her muteness. 
Suddenly it appears that the three of them have been transported to Storkolm. 
The King is in shock at his sudden relocation. Two people walk up to the 
Princess; it is Princess Elle's mom and dad. The King starts freaking out 
because he knows they are dead, since he was the one who ordered everybody in 
the village to be killed. Elle's father explains that they're here merely to 
wake up their daughter's soul so they can hear her voice again.

You are all back in the King's Chamber again. The Princess begins to speak! Fyda 
asks Elle if she's all right, and the King becomes incredibly nervous. He tells 
you that the Princess is not well and to wait at the Inn until you're notified. 
He then orders his guards to throw you out of the Chamber! MeiLin meets you in 
the waiting area and is pleased that they got the Princess to talk again, but 
she is suspicious of the King. The two of you go to the Inn to stay the night. 
Ark has a dream about the Elder of Crysta. He tells Ark that the world of humans 
is still young, and they need incredible thinkers called "genius'" to motivate
the world and expand the human race. Elder says that there is a genius to the 
south that needs his help.

Ark wakes up and begins to leave the Inn, but the innkeeper stops him. She warns 
him to be careful because King Henry died mysteriously during the night. Go 
outside to the fountain in the middle of Loire and there are some people 
gathered there. Jean is there explaining that since they don't have a king 
anymore, he would like to be the representative for the town. Louis pops up and 
says that he would like to become a candidate as well. They decide to take a 
break before everyone casts their votes. Go talk to Keinz and he'll say that if 
the conservative Louis wins Loire will never change, but if the pro activist
Jean wins great things will come to Loire. 

To start the voting up you have to enter/exit a building and walk back to the 
fountain. There will be a line of people casting their ballots. Stand in line 
until it is your turn and pick Jean as the leader. Then go back to the group of 
people and Jean will announce there will be another break while they count the 
votes. Enter/exit a house again and then go back to talk to Jean. Jean will 
announce that Louis received 24 votes and he received 25 votes, so he is the new 
representative. He asks Louis if he would like to join him on this job and Louis
agrees. Looks like it's time to move on to the south since everything is fine in 
Loire now.

Now that you've taken care of that problem, head south through the mountains. 
You'll run across a toll gate, but there wont be anyone there to stop you from 
going through now that the Monarchy of Loire has been disintegrated. Pass 
through the toll gate until you see a town to the south.


Litz is a small town that also has a port to the south (also named Litz). The 
first building you come across is the town Hospital. Dr Emilio is the head of 
the Hospital, and all of his patients like him because he treats poor people 
like them. Litz's only product is Sardines (those tiny little fish) but they 
have no way of processing the fish so they can trade with other towns. The 
townspeople also talk of the castle to the east called Sylvain. There once was a 
queen who ruled in Sylvain, but then her 3 sons died while on an exploratory 
voyage. She the went insane with grief and people are afraid to enter the castle
because no one has ever returned back outside.
If you visit the Inn Royd will be there. He says that Princess Elle has gone
missing, right after King Henry died. He finds it very unusual. Also in the 
upper left corner of Litz there is a treasure chest. Before you go to Sylvain 
Castle, stock up on ElecRings from the Magic Shop in Loire. Buy as many as you 
can. You'll need them later. 
* Treasure 
* Luck Potion
Leave Litz and head toward Sylvain Castle. When you get there, the place is old 
an run down. There's even acid in the fountain! Go through the courtyard and 
head into the castle.
The Castle itself isn't really that large, but the monsters inside are. There 
will be four pathways you can take; two to the left side and two to the right 
side. You cant go through the one in the lower right corner, so head up the 
staircase that is in front of the entrance. You'll come across a series of 
paintings that appear a little suspicious. From the paintings, head to the left 
and take the first staircase you find.

You can also go through the doorway in the lower left corner, but it just leads 
to a dead end with a StarDew at the end. The correct path is up the stairs and
up the left staircase. 
* Treasure
* StarDew

When you arrive on the second level, you'll find three more pathways to go. 
There is a doorway to the south and north, and a staircase going down to the 
* North path: The northern doorway leads to a single Chamber. Upon entering the 
room, a voice is heard saying "Give me back my children". Perhaps it's the 
queen? When you destroy the skeletons in here, two spirits will appear. One 
mentions that the queen had three children, but they all died young. The other
one says that the queen used the year her children died as an important number. 
* East Path: Go down the stairs and follow the corridor west. You'll find the 
library, which contains a lot of books. The books are all on the bottom shelves 
of the bookcases so you can easily reach them. 
* A book talks about the world being a balance of "light" and "dark". When the 
balance is disturbed, a hero appears to repair the balance. 
* A book records that a man named Columbus returned from a voyage in 286, but 
without the three princes that went with him. The Queen blamed Columbus for her 
sons' death and threw him in jail.
* Some of the books talk about the security system that is setup in the castle. 
* Another book has a poem in it which describes four men; The first man had
clear blue eyes, the second was an oriental with purple eyes, the third had 
passionate eyes, and the fourth had a brown false eye.
* South path: The southern doorway takes you to another room that has more 
doorways. There are also some very large chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. 
There are doorways at the east and west ends of the chandelier room. The east 
doorway takes you to the Chapel. If you defeat all the monsters in the Chapel, a 
spirit will appear and tell you that it wants to return to its body but until 
then the spirit is going to follow you around. The western doorway in the 
chandelier room takes you to the Royalty chamber. There is a doorway in the
lower left corner that will take you back outside the castle so you may get the 
Vest Armor. The rest of the Royalty chamber just has some bedrooms and treasure 
* Treasure 
* 651 gems 
* MagiRock 
* Vest Armor
Head back to the main room. Stay on the upper floor, walk past the paintings, 
and then go through the doorway in the upper right corner. You'll find a statue
on a single platform. The spirit that is still following you says that the 
statue is his body and emerges into it. Then the statue attacks you! What an
ungrateful spirit. Destroy the statue and a bridge will appear below the 
platform. Go back to the main room, climb down the staircase below the 
paintings, and head through the doorway in the lower right corner. You can walk 
across the bridge that you created and walk through the doorway on the other 

The next room has three more exits to it; one in the upper left corner, a 
staircase in the middle, and an exit in the upper right corner. Take the doorway 
in the upper left first. It will lead you to the Guard's Area and Storage. In
the back of the Storage room there are some treasures. You will need the Tower 
Key from one of the chests to unlock some door's you'll come across. 
* Treasure 
* Ice Pick 
* Tower Key

Return back the way you came and this time go up the staircase in the middle. 
When you reach the top of the stairs, Yomi calls out for you on the other side 
of the room. Go to Yomi and he shows you some sort of machine with chains and
oil drums. He suggests that you walk on the oil drums to change the number that 
appears above the chains. Walk on top of the oil drums and then push against the
wall until you change the number. The first number is 2, the second number is 8, 
and the third number is 6. When the three numbers are shown, the chains will 
uncoil and a large sound will be heard from somewhere in the castle. Head back 
to the previous floor.
This time take the upper right doorway, which leads you to the Dining area and 
the Kitchen. In the Kitchen there will be a stove fireplace on the north wall. 
Crawl through the fireplace and keep crawling until you discover the Black Opal 
hiding among the soot in the fireplace. Crawl back into the Kitchen and exit out 
the door to the south that leads back outside.
* Treasure 
* Black Opal
Now that you are back outside the castle, you'll see a tower to the east and a 
tower to the west, but the doors on both of the towers are locked. Go to the 
eastern tower, equip the Tower Key and then use it to unlock the door and enter 
the tower. 
Defeat the guard and the gate will open. You'll end up in the sewers, where the 
water has been replaced by the same purple acid you saw in the fountain in the 
courtyard. Walk through the sewer (there's no way to get lost; just follow the
path) and you'll eventually come across a series of statues that look like 
snakes. The middle snake appears to have something in it's mouth. Reach in and
try to grab it. A switch will activate and all the acid will turn back into 
water. Walk back through the sewers, exit the west tower, and head to the west 

* Treasure 
* Defense Potion 
* MagiRock
Unlock the door on the western tower and climb up the staircases. Ark will 
eventually reach the top of the tower. Yomi will notice on the wall of the
eastern tower there is a stone relief that looks like a snake, but something 
appears to be imbedded in it's eye. There doesn't appear to be any way to reach 
the east tower from the west tower, until Yomi pushes you off the side of the 
tower and you have to hop from rooftop to rooftop to reach the east tower. Once 
you reach the roof of the east tower, climb down the vine and grab the jewel out 
of the snake's eye. 
* Treasure 
* Topaz
Return back to the main floor of the castle, go up the staircase, walk past the
paintings again, and go back up the staircase on the western side. You'll return 
back to the three-way split, so head south back into the chandelier room.

The chandeliers are now closer to the ground then they were before and you can 
now cling to the bottoms of them. Go to the chandelier that his hanging on the 
far right and jump onto it. You do have to be careful because you can fall off 
the chandelier and incur damage. Jump from the chandelier to the platform to the 
right and pick up the Ruby. It is easiest to get back onto the chandelier if you 
jump from the lower corner to the platform diagonally onto the chandelier. Leave 
the Chandelier room and walk back outside into the courtyard.
* Treasure
* Ruby 
* LBulb
Return back outside the castle to the courtyard you first walked through. The 
fountain that was once filled with acid is now filled with water again, so jump 
into the fountain for a swim. You'll find the Sapphire gem in the water. Go back 
inside the castle and walk up to the paintings. The jewels will react strangely, 
and start placing themselves into an eye of each of the paintings. Once they are 
all in place, a chandelier falls from the ceiling and creates a large hole in 
the floor in front of the paintings. Jump into the hole.

* Treasure
* Saphire

You'll land in the castle's dungeon. As soon as you get up, a group of 4 
monsters in pink dresses will surround you. They mumble some sort of chant, and 
they stay an equal distance from you while they're spinning around your head. 
But once they stop spinning you can hit them. Three of the monsters are fake and 
the real one is usually the northern monster. You don't have to wait for them to 
stop chanting in order to hit one of them. As soon as they stop spinning hit the 
one to the north.
Once the real monster is destroyed, head toward the eastern room in the dungeon. 
You'll see some poor guy huddled in the corner. Talk to him, but the only voice 
that you'll hear is someone welcoming you to her room. 
The next challenge is a game of "Simon Says". The monster is at the end of a 
long corridor, and as long as the monster is saying "simon says walk" you can 
walk. But as soon as she says "stop", you must stop and not move until she 
starts chanting again. If you do walk while she's not speaking, she'll send you 
back to the end of the corridor and you'll have to start walking toward her all 
over again. The closer you get to her, the faster she'll speak. When you get
close to her, hit her with your spear and she'll start crying for her mommy 
because "Ark is being mean". Suddenly you're transported into another room.
Bloody Mary is one of the most difficult boss monsters. She has around 300HP, 
but the spear you have equipped will only damage her around 2HP at a time. It's 
best to equip the Light Rod as the weapon because it gives the most amount of 
damage even though it maxes out at 4HP for the best hits. This is also where the 
ElecRings come in handy. Equip the Jewel Box as your item and use those 
ElecRings. The ElecRings can do around 46HP of damage to Bloody Mary, so it's 
easier to fry her with ElecRings then take the time to hit her with the spear.

If you are stuck having to hit her with your spear instead of using ElecRings
(or if you run out of ElecRings), keep moving around the room in a circular 
motion. Bloody Mary has those 4 jewels that circle around her feet, and she will 
even take off her face and throw it at your last location. Even the circle of 
jewels will chase you down, so it's important to always be moving. Bloody Mary 
will mostly be in a position in the room that will overlap your circular 
pattern. If she was at the top of the screen, you could start from the upper 
left corner, run to the lower left corner, run to the lower right corner, run to 
the upper right corner, begin to run back to the upper left but since Bloody 
Mary is in the way, you can do a dash/attack combo or even a dash/jump/attack
combo. If you're lucky most of the time when you run through her to hit her, 
you'll completely miss being hit by one of her jewels. Even getting hit by one
of her jewels or her face that she throws around can damage you in the 30HP 
range. The battle may take up to 45 minutes if you're stuck running around the 
room and hitting her with your spear. If 45 minutes is too long to wait, try 
leveling up Ark. Ark at level 26 can take off about 40HP whereas a level 21 can 
only do a few each hit. 
Eventually she will be destroyed. You'll return back to the dungeon. Talk to the 
guy who is huddled into the corner and he'll say his name is Columbus. Columbus 
says he had been tortured because he was to blame for the queen sons' deaths. 
You'll then return to Litz. At Dr Emilio's Hospital, Columbus says that he has
taught the local sailors his navigation techniques so they can sail the ocean. 
Dr Emilio says that Columbus needs some sleep, so talk to the nurse outside in 
the waiting room. She will give you the Fever Medicine. Go to the Inn for the 
In the middle of the night, Ark is awakened by Lady Fyda. Fyda says some people 
are trying to kill Princess Elle and so she's putting her on the next ship to 
the new continent. Fyda asks Ark if he would escort the Princess to the new 
world. Tell Fyda that you will take the Princess to the new continent. Fyda 
leaves so you can get back to sleep.
Before you leave to go to the port of Litz, you may want to go back and visit 
Loire. The town has grown incredibly large since Jean and Louis took over. Talk
to Matis and he will ask you to take one of his paintings to try to sell 
somewhere, and at Madame Poille's Marily gives you some Fancy Clothes that she 
has made in hopes that someone will want to buy more clothes from her. 

When you go to the Port Of Litz, Fyda and Princess Elle are there waiting for 
you. Board the ship and you'll sail to the west. During the voyage, Ark tries to 
talk to Princess Elle, but she refuses to speak to him. Well since there's 
nothing else to do you might as well head into the cabin and take a nap. There 
is also a room to the right that has a treasure.
* Treasure 
* LBulb

During the middle of the night, you're awaken by a scream! Some "sea spirits" 
are here and they've attacked Princess Elle. There are four of them but only one 
of them is the real ghost. Eventually the ghost will run away. Princess Elle 
says she's okay, but she doesn't understand why Ark helps her. She says that you 
have nothing to gain by being around her. Head back to bed and go back to sleep.
In the morning land is spotted, but you're still asleep. Yomi wakes you up and
tells you that you've landed at the new continent. Leave the ship and the sailor 
at the plank says that the lady that you were with has already left, but she
left you a note. Read the Royal Letter and Princess Elle will write that she was 
the one who killed the King of Loire. She carries a secret with her that was 
passed down from her parents, and the King wanted the secret. So he destroyed 
the town and killed her parents. Others want to know her secret and Fyda found 
out, so she took the Princess from the castle and put her on the first boat to 
the new continent. 
In the pub at the port there is a MagiRock. Leave the port of Freedom and walk 
north into the city of Freedom. 


Freedom is a town on the coast of the new continent. There are a lot of people 
here and you'll meet new friends. In the house in the upper right you'll meet 
the Three Girls, who are incredibly fashionable. They would like some new 
clothes, so give them the Fancy Clothes. They will be incredibly happy. Talk to 
Bell and he'll request that you go up to Nirlake and check to see if his
girlfriend Amanda is okay. Also help Eddy by pushing on the machine. It will 
explode in your face, but at least the guy gets an idea about electricity.

You'll also meet a kid in the square. He says you're looking kind bummed out so 
he does some skateboard tricks to cheer you up. He says his name is Perel and 
asks if you came from another continent. Perel really wants to hear your 
adventure and asks if you can tell the others. Follow Perel into a house and 
you'll meet the other kids, but one of them named Anita is missing. One of the 
kids say she went to look for Will, who is the oldest of the group. Will has 
been working on a flying machine up north in Nirlake. 

Leave Freedom and travel north. Nirlake is between some lakes. A sailor in 
Nirlake said he saw something fall out of the sky toward the lake. Amanda is 
also in one of the houses. Talk to her and she'll say that she has found someone 
new. The house in the lower left corner also has a treasure inside. Will's shop 
is through a path on the east side of town, but there is no one inside. The only 
thing there is a Tin Sheet on the floor. 

* Treasure 
* Life Potion
* Tin Sheet 
Before heading back south, go to the forest to the northwest of Nirlake. In
Gumin there are some orange blobs that hide in tree stumps. You have to destroy 
the orange blobs and the smaller blobs it splits into. You can pick up Logs when 
you have destroyed them. Leave Gumin and return to destroy the blobs in order to 
collect 9 logs.

You can try to go to the cave at the Great Lakes, but a man will stop you on the 
bridge. Servas is waiting for his fianc‚ Nana to return from Liotto. Since we 
cant go any farther until Servas gets out of our way, we'll have to go to 
Travel south past Freedom and you'll see a spot by the river. A man by the 
Colorado River says he's trying to make a bridge, but he doesn't have the right 
kind of lumber. Give him all 9 logs, leave the area, and then return. He will 
have made a bridge. And as a bonus there is MagiRock in the middle of the bridge 
for you. 

* Treasure 
* MagiRock 
From the Colorado River, head south. You'll come across Guiama again, so pass
through that and continue to follow the coastline to the southeast. You'll come 
across Liotto and it's port.
Liotto is a carnival city, where every day is a party. The only real attraction 
here is the "hit the cat" game, where you can win a MagiRock. If you go to the 
cotton candy booth, you'll run into MeiLin. She says she's going to follow you 
around for a bit. If you go up the northern path, you'll come across Corcobad 
Hill. Corcobad Hill is a place where if a couple announce how much they love 
each other, their lives will be happy. MeiLin thinks this place is very 
beautiful and wants Ark to meet her here at night. She then tells Ark that she 
loves him and runs off. Go to the Inn and take a nap. 

When you return to Corcobad Hill at night, Elle from Crysta is there! Elle tells 
you that she has received permission from the Elder to venture up to the surface 
world. She tells him how lonely it is down in Crysta without Ark there. Suddenly 
Elle fades away and MeiLin appears from behind the statue. She tells Ark that 
the person he saw is the one that he cares about, not her. MeiLin yells out that 
she hates you and runs off again.
Leave Liotto and head for it's port. There is a captain there claiming that if 
anyone can defeat the "monsters" he'll give that person a boat. Accept the 
challenge and the captain will take you to the Mermaid Tower to the east.

The Mermaid Tower is incredibly simple. The first floor has nothing but a
staircase going down. The second floor has just another staircase. The third 
floor is where you first come across the "monsters". They're big green fish that 
swim back and forth along the corridor. You can hit them when they swim close, 
wait while they're swimming farther away, and then hit them again when they're 
close. They will spit out bubbles if they see you and will swim quickly toward 
you, but you can easily avoid them since they only swim east and west. The 
fourth floor has the same green fish. Destroy them and go down the staircase.

The fifth floor is where the boss monster is. He's a big blue and pink fish who
spits out large pink bubbles. He'll be difficult to hit if you try a frontal 
attack because as soon as he notices you heading toward him, he'll swim away in 
the opposite direction. He also has two green fish that chase after you and will 
bump into you, causing you to fly across the screen into the wall on the 
opposite side. Keep moving around the room to avoid the green fish. When you see 
the blue one come close to you, turn your back so that you're not facing him. 
He'll swim closer to you that way and you can turn around and hit him.

Climb back up the tower and on the second floor you'll find the mermaids. There
is a mermaid with a crown on her head. She says her name is Nana and she died at 
sea while going to meet her fianc‚ Servas. She requests that you give Servas her
Engagement Ring in hopes that one day they may be together. The mermaids that 
are blocking the staircase thank you for ridding their tower of the monsters, 
and tell you that on the continent to the south they have hidden their treasure. 
Since Ark rescued them he is free to sail down there and take it. The mermaids 
also give you the Water Pin. There is also a treasure on this floor now. 

* Treasure 
* Engagement Ring 
* Water Pin
* Sea Spear 
You'll return to Liotto and the captain will give you a ship to use. Now you can 
sail all over the world. Before you return to Freedom, sail southwest until you 
reach a large icy continent. That's the S. Pole, and on the west side there's a 
place where you can park your boat and a cave to enter. Go inside the cave and 
you'll receive the Sea Mail. 

* Treasure 
* Sea Mail
* Life Potion 

Return back to the Nirlake area and try to go into the Cave. Servas will still 
be at the base of the bridge waiting for Nana to return to him. Show him Nana's 
Engagement Ring and Servas realizes that something happened to her and thanks 
you for letting him know. He then fades away, allowing you to cross the bridge 
and enter the cave.

Great Lakes Cavern

The Great Lakes Cavern has a lot of water in it, and you'll be doing a lot of 
swimming. When you first enter the cave and swim/walk to the back wall, you'll 
come across a waterfall. There appears to be a spot with air bubbles where you 
can dive under the water, but you cant do it just yet. Instead go to the left 
down the dead end until you pick up the Air Herb, which will allow you to breath 
underwater. Return back to the waterfall and now you should be able to dive 
under the water. 

You'll emerge just east of the exit, but on the other side of the rocky wall. 
There will be several places throughout the cave that you can dive into. You
just have to keep an eye out for air bubbles rising to the surface. Not all air 
bubbles indicate passageways though. In this area there will be air bubbles 
coming up from the water, but they're actually monsters that are getting ready 
to surface and leap out of the water. Watch out for these air bubbles and try to 
swim away to avoid them. East from where you emerged you'll find another 
waterfall. Swim down it.
You'll land in a pool at the bottom of the waterfall. There will be a corridor 
leading to the east. Walk down the corridor and go up the staircase. 
In the next room, walk to the north. There will be a ramp to the northwest and a
staircase to the northeast. The ramp leads you to the same waterfall you just 
jumped down, so you may not want to go that way unless you like walking in 
circles. Instead take the northeast staircase. 
When you enter the next area, you're on a ledge next to a large pool of water. 
Ark will notice off to the distance a mysterious shadow under the water. Then a 
voice is heard calling for help! The shadow moves off to the south. Instead of 
following the shadow, swim along the western wall. 
While swimming along the western wall you'll come to a spot where you have to 
swim down another waterfall. Go down it, but lean toward the left side. You'll
land on a platform and get the Magic Anchor. The Anchor will make sure you don't 
get pulled downstream when you swim across a waterfall that you'll come to later
on. Continue down the waterfall until you reach the bottom. When you land in the 
pool, take the path to the left.

There are two ways to go now. You can either dive underwater and go through that 
way, or you can take the doorway directly to the north. The doorway to the north 
will eventually lead you back to the room where you saw the shadow under water, 
but above the doorway that you originally entered the room with. From on the top 
ledge you can swim over to the right side and pick up 753 gems, fall back down 
the waterfall, and circle back until you get back to this room. The correct way
to continue through the cave is to jump into the water and dive. When you 
surface, head for the exit to the north.
* Treasure 
* 753 gems 
The next thing you'll come across when entering the next are is a split in the 
corridor. There is a path to the right and a path to the left. The right-hand 
path leads to a dead end, so you would want to take the left path instead. 
Follow the left corridor and go up the stairs. 

This area is filled with giant frogs. They can leap at you very fast and spit 
out orbs that when hit, will propel you against the opposite wall. They also
spit out clouds of red poisonous gas, which are only curable with a Serum. A 
PCure wont work against poison this powerful. The way into the next area is in 
the northwest corner of this room. Go through the corridor, up the ramp, collect 
the treasure, and then leave. 

* Treasure 
* GeoStaff 

Follow the corridor to the east and you'll come across a trickle of water coming
out of the wall. Use one of the rocks that are lying on the ground and throw it 
at the wall to release the water. Or if you run out of rocks, jump against the 
wall and fall down the hole. The wall that was preventing the water from falling 
will break and a waterfall will be here in it's place.
You'll fall back to the room that had the GeoStaff, but now it's filled with 
water. Swim back down the corridor until you come to the room that use to have 
the frogs in it. On one of the newly formed islands there will be a MagiRock. 
Also there is now a path you can reach in the northeast corner of the room. 

* Treasure 
* MagiRock
Go down the ramp and then continue east. You'll come across a doorway. Go 
through the door and in the next area follow the path and go down the staircase. 

You'll now come to a room with a large waterfall. You'll also see a staircase 
leading down directly south of your entrance, but that leads to the bottom of 
the waterfall and nothing more. Make sure you have the Magic Anchor equipped so 
you don't get swept down the waterfall, and swim to the opposite side. Climb out 
of the water and follow the path south.

The path leads south down some steps. When you reach the bottom, head to the 
east and you'll come across another waterfall. There is an outcrop of land that 
is closer to the waterfall then the rest of it. You have to swim under the 
waterfall from that outcrop. When you emerge from under the waterfall you'll be 
in a small room with a doorway. 
Go through the doorway and you'll come across two water paths; you can swim to 
the west or swim to the east. It doesn't matter which path you take, they both 
end up at the top of the same waterfall. Swim down the waterfall. 

There's a giant water dragon in front of you! The dragon doesn't seem to attack 
you, but the three starfish will. Two of them will just merely jump out of the
water and onto the log that you're standing on. They are easy to hit when they 
land on the log.

The last remaining star is more difficult to destroy. It will pop out of the 
water, hover above you, and then try to drop onto the top of your head. If he 
misses, you have a split second to hit him before he jumps back into the water. 
If he does land on your head, he'll stick there. But the water dragon will spew 
flames from it's mouths and fry the starfish off of your head.

Once the three starfish are destroyed, the water dragon Gossie will want to help 
you. He'll give you the WaterPin and he'll lead you to Will. Will says he 
crashed his plane into the Great Lakes and was attacked by the starfish. Gossie 
protected him though. 
Return back to Nirlake and talk to Will in his shop. He says that he would like 
to build a new plane, but a company called Lon Trade in Yonkou has started 
buying up all the scrap metal and raising the prices of the remaining metal. 
Leave Nirlake and leave the port of Freedom, sail past Liotto, turn west when 
you reach the end of the continent, and sail northwest until you reach a series
of islands. A few of the islands have ports where you can land your ship. On one 
of the islands, there is a treasure chest that contains the Speed Shoes. You'll
need them for YunKou. 

* Treasure 
* Speed Shoes 
* 378 gems 
* LuckPotion 
* 1403 gems

Before landing at Yunkou, you can go to the island east of it and visit
NeoTokio. The only thing of importance right now in NeoTokio is a noodle eating 
contest where you can win a MagiRock. There is also another MagiRock in the 
building in the southwest corner. Other then that, it's just a nice place to 
explore for now. You'll return back here later in the game. 
Yunkou has a lot of neon lights, making it an "electric" type of town. There is 
a MagiRock behind the building in the northeast corner. Visit Lon Trading and 
MrLon doesn't want anything to do with you. Return to the Inn and go upstairs, 
where you'll find a sick Fyda. If you go to the Medicine House, the Doctor will 
say that some Ginseng will cure Fyda, but Lon Trading was the only place where
you could get it. Return to Lon Trading. This time MrLon will talk to you. He 
will help you if you investigate his younger brother Wong. Wong mysteriously
left Lon Trading and bought Dragoon Castle to the west. He is buying stuff and 
keeping it at the castle. MrLon is worried that his brother is getting into bad 
things. Agree to help MrLon and he will give you the Ginseng. 
Return to the Medicine House and the Doctor will tell you that Fyda needs to 
drink the Ginseng in order to get better, then she needs to be rid of her 
nightmares. Go back to the Inn and give Fyda the Ginseng. 

Fyda will be dreaming of the days when she use to work for King Henry of Loire. 
She is recalling the tragedy of Storkolm, and how she was ordered to kill
Princess Elle's parents. Fyda remembers how before she killed them, Princess 
Elle's parents requested that Fyda protect their daughter. Fyda believes that 
she will never be able to rid herself of the guilt brought on by following King 
Henry's orders. Ark reminds her that she is fulfilling their last request by 
protecting Princess Elle all the time.
Fyda wakes up from her nightmare and informs you that Princess Elle is a 
prisoner in Dragoon Castle. Leave the Inn and Perel will be outside waiting for 
you. Perel had heard from Will that you've come to Yunkou to discover why metal 
prices were so high, so he is here to help you. Follow Perel to Dragoon Castle.
If you haven't done so already, go to one of the islands south of Yunkou and get 
the Seed Shoes.

Dragoon Castle

When you first walk up to Dragoon Castle's gate, Perel will be there waiting for 
you. He says he'll distract the Guard while you sneak in. He then proceeds to 
the castle gate, and does some skateboard maneuvering. The Guard chases after 
Perel, letting you get inside the castle.

There are no monsters to defeat in this castle, but there are Guards. The Guards 
wont attack you, but if they do "see" you, they'll transport you back to the 
outside entrance of Dragoon Castle. The Guards can be an annoyance or even a 
help to you. Just make sure you have the Speed Shoes equipped. That way you can 
run past the Guards with out them even noticing you.

When you first enter the castle there's three ways you can go, all protected by 
the Guards in one way or another. The room in the upper left corner is a dead
end, and then there is a passage to the middle and a passageway in the upper 
right corner. Take the doorway on the middle first.

The Guard in this room is directly in front of the way you want to go. To bypass 
this guard, hide next to the candlestick until he looks forward. Then use the 
Speed Shoes to run past him while he continues to look forward. Run down the 
passageway and then jump the gap. At the end of the hallway there is another 
Guard and he's right in the way as well. This one is much more difficult to go 
by. Get close enough to the Guard to not see the top of his head (like you see 
his feet and part of his body). That will allow you to see at least which way he 
is pointing, since the Guards look different when they're facing each direction.
Lean against the wall and keep and eye on the Guard. When he faces away from the 
wall you're leaning up against, sprint by him with the Speed Shoes. You'll run 
past him and then quickly go through the doorway.
There are no Guards in this room. Just what appears to be a dead end. Use the 
Speed Shoes again and run against the wall. A door will open. 
This room has a lot of Guards in it, but they walk in a pattern against the 
walls and never turn back around, so you can walk past them (or even walk behind 
them) with out being spotted. There is a doorway in the upper right corner of 
this room.
The next room just has a staircase going down in it. 
Now we're in the dungeon. There is a MagiRock to be grabbed in the lower left
corner of the room. While walking through the dungeon, a familiar voice is 
heard. It's Elle of Crysta! How'd she get down here?! Elle has apparently become 
a prisoner in this dungeon, and is chained up against the wall in the largest 
cell. Walk up to Elle, but she fades away and a skeleton remains! Suddenly the 
cell gate slams shut and someone is heard laughing. MeiLin has trapped you in 
the dungeon of Dragoon Castle. She said she has orders from MrWong to trap Ark 
in the dungeon so he doesn't interfere with his business. Then she runs off, 
leaving Ark in the dungeon. There's nothing for Ark to do but wait for someone 
to help him.

While Ark sits in the dungeon, Princess Elle is in the throne room of Dragoon 
Castle. Wong appears with Ryod and begins talking to the Princess. Wong is 
incredibly upset with Princess Elle because she killed his accomplice King 
Henry. He says it was King Henry's job to collect "information", and then it was 
up to him to deliver the "information" and the money but he doesn't say who the 
goods are going to be delivered to. Princess Elle doesn't understand why Wong 
wants Storkolm's Treasure. Wong gives up in frustration and orders Royd to keep 
an eye on the Princess.
Meanwhile, Ark is still in the dungeon of the castle. Yomi pops out and says 
that he heard something at the back of the cell. Get up and walk to the back and
someone's voice will be yelling from up above asking if anyone is down there. 
Ark yells back that he needs help and the person lowers a chain to climb up. 
Fyda is at the top of the chain. She asks you why you have come to such a 
dangerous place. She then says she's heading to the east side of the castle, and 
then she leaves. Follow her out of the room and you'll be back in the room with 
the Guards that walk in patterns. Let one of them "see" you so you get 
transported back to the beginning. 

Once you're back inside the castle, go up one of the staircase and head to the
doorway in the upper right corner. Again there will be a Guard right in your 
way. This Guard is probably the most frustrating one in the entire castle. You 
have to get by him somehow, but he is always in the way. There is no easy way to 
get past this guy. It's all luck. When you (finally) do get past him , go 
through the doorway he was guarding.
There's another Guard in this room, but he doesn't just stand there and look 
around, he'll walk up and down the hallway. Then when he reaches the end,, he'll 
turn around and walk back. Hide behind the candlestick again and wait for him to 
return. Then when he turns away, then run past him and use the Speed Shoes to
run down the hallway. 
Jump the gap in the next room and you'll find Elle of Crysta standing in front
of a doorway. Elle says that Princess Elle is in the next room. Then she fades 
away. Before going through the doorway, jump the gap to the left and continue on 
to pick up some treasures. When you're finished come back upstairs to the 
doorway and enter it. 
* Treasure 
* 200 gems 
* MagiRock 
* LBulb 
* 300 gems
* MagiRock 
* 3 Part Rod
Go through the doorway that was previously guarded by Elle of Crysta. You'll 
enter a room that is full of chairs. Walk through the room and go through the 
doorway in the upper right corner. 
You've now reached the library. There are books you can read that are on the 
bottom shelves. One book has a very interesting verse... 
Six lights illuminate a new road by losing six lights. 
Like that makes any sense. Oh well. Continue to the back of the library and
you'll find Princess Elle. Ark attempts to talk to her, but then that familiar 
laughing voice is heard again. MeiLin calls Ark a dummy, and creates an illusion
of both Elles floating around Ark in a circle. Suddenly another voice is heard, 
telling Ark that what he's seeing is a mirage and he has the strength to defeat 
his nightmare.

Fyda has arrived. Fyda demands the villain show herself, so MeiLin appears. Fyda 
asks why she torments Ark so much. MeiLin responds that she must make Ark suffer 
the same way she did. Fyda tells MeiLin she is just a child and then gives her a 
good slap. MeiLin starts crying and runs off, yelling back that MrWong can 
destroy the both of them.
You and Fyda return to the room with the chairs, but MeiLin is just standing 
there near the exit to the room. She says there use to be a doorway out of the 
room, but now it's blocked up. Wong's voice is heard and he congratulates MeiLin 
for assisting him in capturing Ark, but he has no more use for her. MeiLin is 
confused by Wong's statement until Fyda explains to her that Wong plans on 
killing her too. MeiLin begins to cry and apologizing to everyone she ever hurt, 
including Ark and her grandpa.

Suddenly there's some pounding noises heard, and Perel busts through the wall
and skates in. Now there's a way to escape out of the room. Right before you 
leave, MeiLin stops you and says to check the wall next to the unpaired statue.
Return back to the entrance of the castle. You've gone through the center door 
and the upper right door, so the only one left to explore is the dead end in the 
upper left. 

There's nothing in this room except for a circle of 6 candlesticks, but there 
are also 6 blue pots in various sections of the room. The book in the library 
mentioned something about a new road created when 6 lights are lost. Take each 
pot and throw it against a candlestick, smothering the fire out. As soon as the 
last light is extinguished, a doorway behind the alter appears.

This new room doesn't appear to have any exits to it. The upper left corner is a 
dead end, and so is the upper right corner. But remember what MeiLin said about 
the unpaired statue. There is a statue at the entrance of the room that is all 
by itself. Check the opposite wall and you'll find a switch. Flip the switch and 
you'll open up a doorway in the upper right corner of the room. In the next room 
use the Speed Shoes again to crash into the wall to open the door.

You've now finally made it into the throne room where Princess Elle is being
held. She is surprised to see you, and doesn't believe you're actually here at 
first. But then Ryod enters the room and tries to pick a fight with Ark. Fyda
shows up and says that she'll fight Ryod while Ark and Princess Elle escape from 
the castle. Ark and the Princess run out of the throne room, leaving Fyda and 
Ryod alone.

When you return to the room with the unpaired statue, MeiLin will be calling for 
you from the upper left corner. She says that she has found an exit and to take 
the Princess and run. 
Meanwhile back in the throne room Fyda recognizes Ryod as one of the men who 
where at Loire Castle during King Henry's groom quest. Royd asks her why she
fights so much and she replies because someone needs protecting. Ryod then 
decides to let her go instead of fighting her. Fyda is confused at first but 
then she runs after Ark and Princess Elle. 
Ark and Princess Elle are still running through the castle when suddenly 
Princess Elle stops. She says that she is going to stand here and wait for Fyda 
to follow them. She tells you to continue on without her and she'll catch up 
when she meets up with Fyda. No amount of convincing is going to change her 
mind, so continue on without her. Once Ark has left, she apologizes to Ark and 
says she still has some things that she needs to do.
Back in the throne room, Wong has returned and discovered that Princess Elle is 
gone. He is worried that "Beruga" will find out that the Princess has escaped
and orders Ryod to chase after her. Ryod refuses to go after the Princess, 
saying that he now knows the name of the mastermind behind all the preparations. 
Wong is puzzled until Ryod explains that his best friend was killed by Wong's 
preparations. Wong tries to run away, but he is destroyed by Ryod. 
Ark has now reached the sewers and is still making his way out of the castle. 
MeiLin catches up to him and asks where the Princess is. The castle suddenly 
starts shaking like it's going to collapse, so Ark and MeiLin quickly try to 
escape out of the castle. 
Ark wakes up outside the castle gate. Perel and MeiLin are there with him. Perel
mentions that the price of metal has now lowered again, allowing Will to rebuild 
his airplane. MeiLin thanks Ark for not giving up on her, and she says she is 
going to return to Lhasa to her grandpa. 

Return back to Nirlake and Will thanks you. He says he has built another 
airplane and gives you instructions on how to fly it. Take off from the airport 
by Freedom and fly toward Lhasa. Between Lhasa and Loire there is a town that 
also has an airport. Land the plane and go explore the town.


Mosque is a snowy town north from the airport. The residents are deciples who 
have pledged themselves to a man called Beruga. Perhaps this is the same Beruga 
that Wong was talking of in Dragoon Castle. Beruga is known for his 
biotechnology theories and is now in a deep sleep in a cold storage unit in the 
laboratory to the south. The people in white cloaks say that Beruga will awaken 
one day from his laboratory in order to save the world.

There is a MagiRock in the northeast corner of Mosque. If you leave Mosque and 
walk to the east toward Siberia, you'll also find a cave where you can pick up 
the Black Rod. 
* Treasure 
* MagiRock 
* Black Rod
When you enter Beruga's Lab, you'll find a single pathway leading to the east. 
You'll also see a doorway that leads to an elevator, but the power apparently 
has been turned off somehow. Continue on to the east into the next area.

In this new area there will be a small room to the left of the entrance that has
some sort of machine in it. There will be a switch on the machine, so flip it to 
turn the machine on and continue on. There will be some robots that you'll see, 
but they don't move. You will eventually run into a dead end. Crawl under the 
pipes and continue on until you reach another machine with a switch attached to 
it. Flip the switch (which turns on all the power) and go back to the elevator.
Note: Someone emailed me and let me know that if you continue crawling under the 
pipes pass the entrance and you'll reach a room where you can pick up a Soul 
Armor too! (When I find your email again I'll give you credit! With my old age, 
I tend to forget things, like where I placed your email. Now where have I placed
my hearing aid....) 
The elevator now works. The switch to the left side takes the elevator up one 
floor, and the switch to the right side takes the elevator down one floor. Flip 
the right switch to ride the elevator down, and then get off at the next floor. 
Run over the conveyor belt into the next room. It appears as though you have run 
across another dead end. You cannot destroy the white blocks that are in the 
way, and you cant push them either. Instead crawl through a small opening in the 
wall to get to the next area. Follow the path until you come to a large capsule-
like object. It's a transport module, so jump into it and you'll teleport to
another area.

Once you have reappeared, head south and follow the hallway. You'll reach a room 
with four more transport modules 
* The lower left one transports to the middle left 
* The lower right one transports to the middle right
Open the door to the north and enter the next room. The switch to activate the 
elevator is in the middle of the room. When you've flipped the switch, head to 
the east and then south to get back to the elevator. Board the elevator and get 
off at the next floor. 

Walk up the hallway and then you'll come across a series of conveyor belts. Jump 
on top of the conveyor belt and you'll discover two transports. The first one 
takes you to a dead end where you can find a Defense Potion. The transport 
module in the upper right corner at the end of the conveyor belt takes you to a 
point in the middle of the room. Take the transport module that you see and when 
you arrive at the other module, travel the hallway until you reach a room that 
has it's floor made up of conveyor belts. It is hard to destroy the robots while 
you're standing on the conveyors, so try to find a non-movable piece of the 
floor. There is a transport module in the upper left corner of this room that
takes you to a large computer.
Walk up to the computer and turn it on. The database asks you for a password and
of course you don't know it. Yomi pops out of the box and explains that this 
machine controls all the systems in this lab. Yomi suggests you use BLOODY MARY 
as the password, and sure enough that's the correct one for the database. By 
entering the password, the machine unlocks the elevator so it can continue to go 
down floors. The database also unlocks the cold storage facility that is on the 
next level down. The database also stores information as to what happened to the 
world. It records that the world's population was almost completely wiped out by 
a virus called Asmodeus, but Beruga had created a vaccine for it. Unfortunately 
there wasn't enough vaccine for everyone and so only a few survived. The
database also talks about the hibernation chamber that Beruga perfected. Return 
back to the elevator. 
Get off at the last floor and enter the chamber. You'll set off the security 
system, and a giant red robot will arrive. To damage the robot, hit it's three 
legs. The GeoStaff works pretty good against this guy. Also try not to do the 
FastAttack combo (the one where you press the attack button repeatedly). The 
FastAttack isn't as damaging as just simply hitting the robot's legs. You'll 
notice when you've done enough damage to a leg because it starts having little 
red bubbles surrounding it. Once you've defeated the robot, continue north into
the next chamber.

At the far end of this chamber is the all mighty Beruga himself. His coldfreeze 
hibernation chamber unlocks and he wakes up. Beruga thanks you for awakening 
him, and says he's been asleep while he waited for the world to be resurrected. 
Beruga wants to show you what he has been working on, so follow him into another 
He shows you a creature living in a large glass tube. The creature looks very 
similar to a zombified human! Beruga says these are humans that he has created 
and these "humans" are capable of living forever. Ark looks at the "human" and 
it looks back with a sad look in it's eyes. Ark asks if it is wise to revive the
dead, so Beruga responds that only the unnecessary will die but the necessary 
will continue to live. That remark angers Ark and he tries to charge at Beruga, 
but some robots appear and immobilize Ark. Beruga explains that Ark cannot get 
close to him else his robots will kill him. He says that soon his "liege" will 
emerge from the underworld and he walks away, leaving his robots to finish off 

The scene changes to the innocent NeoTokio, where people are doing their 
everyday things. Suddenly the sky is ablaze and people start fading away! Soon
there is no one left alive in NeoTokio. 
Ark then dreams of the Elder from Crysta. The Elder congratulates Ark on the
excellent job he has done so far, but it is now up to Beruga to make the world a 
wonderful place. He says that now Ark's job of resurrecting the world is 
complete, and now Ark can rest for all eternity. The Elder fades away, and Ark 
realizes that he is about to die. He wonders if the entire time that he had been 
resurrecting the world, he was shaping it into what Beruga wanted. Suddenly a 
voice is heard telling Ark that he can not die yet. The voice explains that Ark 
has the ability to change this fate. 

Ark awakes in a bed in Lhasa. MeiHou is standing over you. He is glad to see
that you have finally woke up from your nap and how Lord Kumari arrived in Lhasa 
carrying your badly damaged body. He also mentions something called the Star Of 
Darkness and how it destroyed NeoTokio.
Go talk to Lord Kumari. He says that Beruga is the one that brought up the Star 
Of Darkness, and how humans can no longer die. Kumari says that to fix this 
problem, you must collect the Starstones and place them at the gravemarkers at 
time's end. He also explains that you exist outside of the normal loop of fate, 
so only you can find the Starstones and save the world. 

There's two ways you can go once you leave Lhasa. You can go to the west and 
take the Bird at King Neo's Sanctuary and fly to Colorado, or you can go east
and pass through Taklama and head toward Litz. Either direction will be fine, 
since it doesn't matter in which order you collect the StarStones.

StarStone 1

Note: Before heading for NeoTokio, make sure you have Holy Waters in your 

Return back to NeoTokio. The city is completely deserted and no one is left 
alive. Head toward the Police Station in the upper left corner. Upon entering 
the building, a strange sound is heard coming from the desk. Go investigate the 
desk in the corner of the room and you'll find the Transceiver. A girl is 
calling for help through the Transceiver and Ark tries to reply, but she doesn't 
hear him. Yomi pops out of his box and suggests that the girl may not know how 
to use her Transceiver. Yomi then notices the sound of water in the background 
of the girl's distress call. The only place to find running water in NeoTokio is
in the sewers.
Head toward NeoTokio's underground complex. Between the Noodle Restaurant and
the Saki Pub there is a door that use to be locked. Go through the door and 
enter the sewer. 
Once you enter the sewer Ark will notice the terrible smell. There's not too 
much you can do about the sewer stench, so continue west until you reach a door. 
Unfortunately the door is locked but there is a passageway to the south. 
Watch out for the dog-like creatures with packs over their shoulder. They will 
rush you, knock you over, and take some of your money! Then they will run away 
so you cannot catch them. Try and destroy these dog-things before they attack 
you and take your money. You can reach the next area by going to the lower right
corner of the room.

Walk through the next area until you exit to a room with a door. This door isn't 
locked, so go through it and you'll be in the control room. The girl's voice is 
heard through the transceiver again calling for help. Crawl into the hole that 
is in the upper right corner to get to a room that holds the Sewer Key. Now you 
can open the locked door back near the entrance. Start walking back to the 
locked door, but about halfway there, the girl's voice comes through the 
Transceiver again. Now she says there's a Lion chasing her! Hurry back to the
door and unlock it. 
* Treasure
* Sewer Key

Aaaaa... there's the girl that has been talking through the Transceiver. She is 
quite glad to see you, even though you cant get to her because she's across the 
sewer sludge. She is still saying that a Lion is chasing here though, and sure 
enough a few moments later a Lion comes out of the doorway next to her and 
chases her into the next room. Hurry to the east and take the first doorway you 
see to the north. If you would like, before the doorway go to the left a bit 
more to pick up a treasure.
* Treasure 
* Holy Water
You'll enter the pond area where the first thing you'll see are three paths 
going to the left. The first path you come across leads to a dead end, the 
second path leads to a Luck Potion, and the third path lets you continue on 
through the pond area. Continue following the path until you are at the 
northernmost part of the Pond area, where you'll come across a left/right split. 
Take the right path to reach the Fauchard weapon. Then go back and take the 
left, then head south. Before you exit the Pond area there is a MagiRock to be
picked up to the right of the exit. 
* Treasure
* Luck Potion 
* Fauchard 
* MagiRock
Now you'll be on the platform you just saw the girl and the Lion on. Go through 
the doorway that they ran through. 
You'll enter a room with three pathways in it; a left path, a middle path, and a 
right path. The right one takes you to a MagiRock. The left one takes you to the 
KingArmr, and the middle one leads you into the next room. 
* Treasure
* KingArmr
It appears that the Lion has trapped the little girl in a dead end. When you 
approach the Lion, he notices you and turns around to face you. Ark challenges 
the Lion to attack him instead of the little girl. Suddenly the Lion stops 
growling and starts purring! Yomi pops out of his box and notices that there's 
something familiar about this Lion. It's King Neo's son Liem! Liem is all gown 
up now and was apparently taken from his home to live as a pet by someone in 
NeoTokio. The little girl thinks it's pretty neat that the Lion is your friend. 
Ark asks her what happened and she says that suddenly people started vanishing,
including her mom and dad. But she says she has a pendant that would talk to her 
and cheer her up. The little girl gives you the pendant, which happens to be one
of the StarStones you have been looking for.

A voice comes over the Transceiver asking if anyone hears him. It is the Freedom 
Research Team looking for survivors. Ark replies that there is a girl and a Lion 
friend in the sewers that need some help. Leave to go find the next StarStone. 

StarStone 2

Astarica is on the west coast of S America. There is a place to park your boat 
directly to the south. Then you can walk to the temple. 
When you enter the temple, walk up to the alter in the middle of the room. 
You'll hear a voice telling you to drink from the goblet in front of you. 
There's no use fighting not drinking, you'll do it anyway as if your mind was 
controlled by someone else. After Ark drinks the liquid in the goblet, he passes 

Upon awakening, you'll see two people that look remarkably like MeiLin and 
Perel. The MeiLin-clone says her name is MeiLia and she serves Lord Meila. The
Perel-clone says his name is Pela and he too serves Lord Meila. Pela then 
requests that you talk to Lord Meila, who is waiting at the bottom of the stairs 
for you. Lord Meila strikes a remarkable resemblance to MeiHou.
Lord Meila explains that they hold a holy ceremony once every year on this exact 
day. They place 6 goblets on the alter, which are filled with night dew that 
they have collected over the year. One of the goblets is said to make the 
drinker closer to the gods and must spend a year without food or drink, while 
the other 5 mean certain death. Today two of the priests have gone back to the 
goblet chamber, but they haven't returned yet. Lord Meila requests that you go
To enter the chamber, you must push the statue that is behind the alter with the 
two fire pots. The statue is directly north from where you woke up at and has a 
pink jewel in its forehead. 
This chamber appears to be a dead end. But you can open the door in the northern 
wall by pushing the two statues by the entrance into the slots by the northern 

Just follow the pathway in this area. There's no way to get lost, but there a
lot of monsters. You can also pick up a treasure and a MagiRock. Once you reach 
the end of the path, go into the next room.
* Treasure 
* HolySuit 
* MagiRock

When you reach the next area, you'll overhear a conversation between Roy (Ryod 
clone), Fyla (Fyda clone), and Elle (Princess Elle clone). Roy is surprised the 
Elle had picked the correct goblet. Fyla recalls taking Elle to the goblet 
chamber so she could make a choice, but that was a year ago. Elle had spent the 
last year alone at the goblet alter. Elle says that the year has been a long
one, but she never died. In that year, she realized that humans were pathetic 
creatures and rituals like this one were completely stupid. Elle says that if 
there were no humans around the world would be peaceful.
Suddenly Roy and Fyla are surrounded by light. Roy demands to know what Elle is 
doing, and Fyla asks her what is wrong with a life that never ends. Elle then 
destroys the two of them, but not before Roy and Fyla tell each other they love 
one another. 
Talk to Elle. She asks if you've come to gain an immortal body. Ark mentions to 
her that for an instant, her face looked like a demons. He recalls that it has
been said the people have an external and an internal soul and perhaps the 
liquid in the goblet awakens the internal one. Elle then dares Ark to try it for
It doesn't matter which goblet drink, even though the one that was directly 
behind Elle is not accessible. Once you've taken your choice and have digested 
the contents, you pass out and wake up back at Astarica. There is now a treasure 
chest by the alter that holds the StarStone. 
* Treasure 
* StarStone

StarStone 3

Note: Be sure to have a Pretty Flower in your inventory.

There is a man who lives alone in the Northeast corner of Alaska. He studies 
birds, and he says birds have different migratory paths. 
* Alaska to Australia 
* N America to Kamiyo
* N America to Savannah 
* S America to Greenland
Land your ship by Liotto and head south. Along the western mountain range you'll 
see a small forest. In the forest you'll find a bird that will take you to 

Once you land in Greenland, travel south until you reach the village of 
Penginea. The Penguins in the village cant understand what you're saying at all. 
But when you eat their fist they get mad! Make sure you have a Pretty Flower 
equipped and talk to the penguin who is sitting outside the igloo directly 
northeast of the entrance to Penginea. He'll take your flower from you and give
you the StarStone in return. There is also a MagiRock you can pick up from the 
igloo to the northwest of the entrance to Penginea.
There is also a cave to the west of Penginea where you can pick up a lot of 
* Treasure 
* StarStone 
* MagiRock 
* 961 gems

StarStone 4

Sail your ship (or take the plane) to Australia. To the west of Suncoast is 
AirsRock. Go there and climb up the rock. At the top there is a man there who 
says he's a scientist. He says he is going to witness the end of the world from 
up top AirsRock, since it's not so polluted up here. Agree to listen to his 
story. The man says that nature was once cherished and worshiped, but the more 
modern societies squabble over preserving nature. He says he heard a voice 
calling his name, telling him that one day a boy carrying a rod will appear and
to give him his StarStone. The man then gives you his StarStone, which he has 
had since he was a child.


Sail your ship to the west coast of Africa. From there you can visit the caravan 
who are resting at the oasis. One of them mentions that you can turn into a pile
of bones if you stay too long in the desert. Head toward the northeast corner of 
the Sharara. You'll enter the desert, where you'll come across a pile of bones.
Yomi pops out of his box and notices something around the skeleton's neck. Ark 
recognizes the jewel on the necklace as the one that Liem won after fighting the 
Mud Doll in the Canyon. How did this person get Liem's stone? Yomi guesses that 
the human had snuck into the lion's den and had stolen it. You'll receive the 

Now that you've received all 5 StarStones, take your ship and sail to the S 
Pole. The area you want to reach is at the very southern coast, but there are 
lots of rocks in your way. Keep an eye out for a gap between the rocks directly
south of the location you're trying to reach. Sail through the rocks and then 
land your ship.

South Pole

The area on the southern coast of the South Pole looks like a giant graveyard. 
Wonder how a place like this ended up in the middle of nowhere? Scattered
throughout the graveyard are large skulls that represent alters. Place each of 
the StarStones on the 5 skull alters. Once the 5 StarStones are in place, a
spirit appears.

The spirit wants to know since Ark has gone through countless dangers and has 
become incredibly injured at times, why he hasn't died? Ark is the legendary 
hero, who is said to appear when the world is unbalanced. The spirit then turns 
into a shadowy likeness of Ark! The shadow explains that he is the lightside 
while Ark is the darkside. Beruga's awakening has disturbed the natural balance 
of the world. The shadow asks Ark to close his eyes and think deep thoughts 
about the earth. With that last comment, the spirit attacks Ark, causing him to
pass out.

Chapter 4

Note: Once your levels begin to reach into the 30's range, your hit points will 
increase dramatically. For example, from level 35 to level 36 your hit points
will increase by 57. It is an excellent idea to build up levels in anticipation 
for the final battle.

Chapter 4 opens with Princess Elle living in her old house in Storkolm. She is 
tending a baby that is sleeping in her bed. Suddenly the infant wakes up and 
starts to cry. Princess Elle quiets the baby down by talking to it. She asks 
herself how long it has been since she has been living back in Storkolm with the 
baby. She tells the baby that she found him in a field by Storkolm. The baby 
resembles so closely some one she knew, she gave him the same name: Ark. 
Princess Elle leaves the room to get the baby something to eat. Suddenly a new 
person walks into the room. It's Elle of Crysta! A voice is heard telling Elle
to kill the baby, since that was the only reason why she was sent up from the 
lower world. Elle of Crysta takes the baby out of the bed and leaves the room 
with him. Soon after Princess Elle returns and notices the baby has gone 
Elle of Crysta takes the baby to the basement of Princess Elle's house. The 
voice is still heard telling her to kill the baby. Princess Elle arrives and 
stops Elle of Crysta from killing baby Ark. When Elle of Crysta turns around to 
see who has come to interfere, Princess Elle is shocked to meet someone who 
looks identical to her! She demands to know what Elle of Crysta is doing with
the baby.

Suddenly Yomi appears! He is apparently the voice that Elle of Crysta has been 
obeying. He tells Elle of Crysta that she now must kill Princess Elle as well! 
Right after that, something unusual begins to happen to the baby. A new voice is 
heard calling out the baby's name.

The voice that is heard is Lord Kumari's. Kumari is telling the baby that he 
needs to wake up. Other voices are heard as well. The plant spirit Ra tells the 
baby that the earth is screaming. King Neo's son Liem says that something is 
wrong with the humans. Kingbird tells the baby that the sky is all dirty. Kumari
says to listen to their voices and awaken. 
A bright light appears, surrounding the baby. When the light dissipates, the 
baby has turned back into the adult Ark again. Yomi is very surprised to see Ark 
standing there, since he had no idea that the baby was actually him. Yomi says 
that he was following orders from the Elder to kill Ark once Beruga had been 
awakened. Instead he took his time, and now that Ark has become the legendary 
hero he can kill him. Then nothing will stand in the way of the earth to be 
reborn under Dark Gaia. Yomi orders Elle of Crysta to kill Ark and then he 
disappears. Elle of Crysta runs to the back of the room and Princess Elle
appears to be in some sort of suspended animation. 
Ark runs to the back of the room to catch up with Elle of Crysta. Elle says that
she always wanted to see Ark again, but she had no idea they'd meet in this 
situation. She explains that she was ordered by the Elder to kill someone from 
the surface world who was a threat to Crysta, but she didn't realize that it was 

Yomi reappears and is disappointed to see that Elle hasn't killed Ark yet and 
explains that he'll kill Ark instead. Ark is baffled as to why his friend wants 
to destroy him. Yomi explains that Ark was just a player in a game, and he sets 
off an earthquake that immobilize Ark so he cant move. Yomi is just about to
kill Ark when Elle jumps in front of him and grabs Yomi. She says that people 
need their light side and their dark side. She then asks Ark to save the people 
of the surface world. A ball of light appears and destroys both Elle and Yomi.
Ark of course blames himself for Elle's death. He thinks that if he had never 
opened the Elder's box, none of this would of ever happened. Ark wishes for his 
carefree days back in Crysta again. 
Walk back to Princess Elle. She's unfrozen now and can talk. But there is 
something new next to her; a box that looks exactly like the Elder's box that 
had Yomi trapped inside. Princess Elle says that her village has a story about a
hero who appears, crates a miracle, and then defeats a dark enemy. She says that 
the hero's armor and weapon are sealed inside that box. Columbus discovered them
on one of his voyages and hid them here in Storkolm to protect them. These 
armorments were the reason that Storkolm was destroyed, but the souls of the 
villagers were transformed into wolves so they may continue to protect the 
When you touch the box, it disappears and another Yomi appears! This Yomi is 
glad that the legendary hero has finally awaken because he was getting tired of 
waiting. The new Yomi also explains that he is different from the Yomi of the 
underworld and gives you the HeroPike and the HeroArmor. He then says that it's 
time that you went after Beruga. Princess Elle says that she'll wait in Storkolm
for your return. 
Leave Princess Elle's house and there is a bird waiting for you outside with a 
letter for you. The Letter is from MeiHou, who explains a virus weapon called 
Asmodeus has destroyed NeoTokio. He says a large group of people have banded 
together to try and stop Beruga from using it again. The party includes himself, 
Fyda, Royd, Perel, and MeiLin. MeiHou says they are heading for Beruga's Lab 
Tower in eastern Siberia and they hope that Ark can help them. 

Make your way from Storkolm to an airfield and take a plane to Mosque. From the
airfield at Mosque, travel north east and cross a small grey bridge to enter 
Siberia. Then travel east until you see Beruga's LabTower.

Lab Tower

When you arrive at the Lab Tower MeiHou, MeiLin, and Perel are there waiting for 
you. MeiHou says that Beruga is planning something horrible at the top of the 
tower. He also mentions that he believes that Beruga is being controlled by some 
unknown force, since Beruga let it slip that he is working with someone
underground to resurrect the world. MeiHou and Perel take off to enter the tower 
through a different door, leaving you and MeiLin to take the main entrance. 
Walk through the entrance and into the tower. MeiLin will stop you from 
proceeding on and say that Beruga has setup some surveillance cameras. She goes 
ahead alone, disables the cameras, then returns and gives you the okay to 
proceed. Go into the next room.

The next room has some robots across from where you enter. MeiLin say she'll 
create a camouflage to hide you while you pass through the room undetected. Walk
to the left and then exit through the doorway to the south. 

It appears as though you have run into a dead end. Suddenly a large crane 
appears above your head, grabs you, and then carries you over to the other side 
of the room. Perel is there waiting for you. He says that Royd was the one who 
was controlling the crane that brought you to the other side. Follow Perel into 
the next room.

Perel says there is a machine up ahead that shoots laser beams. He says that 
MeiHou has a slight ability to look into the future for just a short time and he 
saw that you and Perel would be shot by the laser beams. Perel then takes his
skateboard and uses it to disable the lasers so that you can pass safely. 
Continue past Perel and then go into the next room.

You'll be on your own for just a little bit. Continue going east. You'll 
eventually reach a winding staircase leading up. Go up the stairs and onto the 
next floor of the tower. Walk to the south and go through the exit in the lower 
left hand corner of the room. 

In the next room, you'll meet up with Fyda. She says that there are two levers
that need to be pulled at the same time in order to open the gate. Go to the 
lever that is waiting for you in the upper right corner. You both switch the
levers and the door on the bottom level opens. Fyda says she'll meet up with you 
later and runs off to the left. Walk south from your lever and follow the path. 
You'll come across a small platform with three exits; a lower left, a upper 
left, and an upper right. The lower left and upper left exits just take you to 
small rooms with robots in them. The way to exit the room is to take the upper 
right exit.
You'll be on your own again for a while. Just follow the path east and then 
north. There is a MagiRock in the upper left corner and the exit to the next 
room is in the upper right corner. Proceed up the staircase in the next room.
Once you reach the next floor, head to the west. 
In the next room just follow the path. There will be a large room to the north 
of the path, but there is nothing in that room besides robots to destroy. The 
exit is in the southwestern corner. 
You really cant get too lost in the Lab Tower. The next few rooms just have one 
path to take and an exit. Climb up the staircase you come across and continue to 
follow the path. 
You'll eventually walk into a room where Royd is on the platform above you. He 
says he never expected to help you like this. Royd explains that the door to the
next area has been closed, so he is going to use the laser cannon to break it 
open. He points the cannon toward the door and blasts it open. Then he tells you
to continue on. Walk through the doorway he just opened up for you. Take the 
staircase up to the next level.

Now you'll enter an area that have a few paths to the left and right. There are 
also large red robots which only have 870 hit points, but a lot of experience 
points. This spot is a perfect location to build up your levels, especially 
since you can destroy the robots with just one dash/jump/attack move.
First east/west split 
* East: MeiLin explains that they need to press all 4 switches at the same time
in order to open the doorway to the airship. She tells you to go to the last 
vacant room so you can operate the levers. 
* West: MeiHou is in the room to the west. He says that Beruga is trying to 
escape in an airship and the doorway to the ship has already been blocked off. 
They need to open the doorway else Beruga will get away. Treasure chest next to 
MeiHou holds a LifePotion.
Second east/west split 
* East: Perel says that there are 4 rooms, each with a lever that controls the 
doorway to the airship. He tells you to hurry to the remaining room.
* West: There is no one in this room. Walk up to the switch on the north wall. 
The four of you will flip the switch at the same time, opening up the doorway to
the airship.
Return back to the corridor. Take the hallway south, then turn to the east when 
you reach the end. Go up the stairs, then jump down the large hole in the floor. 

You've landed on top of the Airship. Go through the door to the right of where 
you landed and you'll enter the ship. Fyda and Royd will be there waiting for 
you. Fyda explains that the machine they're standing in front of is called a 
computer. There are 7 computers that run the airship and if all of them were 
destroyed, the ship would go down. She then gives you 7 TimeBombs to use on the
computers. Fyda and Royd then go off on their own.

Before you go, don't forget to place a TimeBomb on the computer that Fyda and 
Ryod were standing in front of. Once you're done with that, head to the right.

You'll be on the left wing of the airship. Walk across the wing and enter the 
door on the far right. You will now be inside the airship again. The path to the 
south from where you entered just leads back outside and to a dead end. Instead, 
take the staircase to the north from where you came in.

The staircase leads you back outside the airship, but you're on the level above
the wing. Follow the path to the south and then take the doorway at the end.
Once you're back inside the airship, you'll come across a 4 way split. You 
entered through the west path. 
* South Path: This leads to the rear part of the airship. You'll come back to 
this area later. For now don't worry about it. 
* East Path: Takes you back outside, but this time you're on the right wing. 
Walk across the wing and take the doorway you'll see. Royd will be there waiting 
for you. Set a TimeBomb next to the computer. The doorway to the right of the 
computer just leads back outside and to a dead end.
* North Path: There is a small room with a staircase to the north, and the 
corridor also continues past this room. Take the staircase up. Fyda will be 
waiting for you on the next floor. She says when you're all done setting the 7 
TimeBombs to head back to the rear of the ship (the south path). There are two 
computers in this room, so don't forget to put TimeBombs in front of each one. 
The exit to the south of the computers just leads to a dead end on the top level 
of the airship. Return back to the corridor on the lower level 
Continue past the room with the staircase and you'll come to another 4 way 
split. This time you came in on the south path.
* East/West Path: They both connect back up to on another, so it doesn't matter 
which one you take. If you take the West path, you'll reemerge back in this room
from the East path. There is a computer about half way through, so you do need 
to take one of the paths so you can set a TimeBomb. 
* North Path: Leads to a staircase. On the next floor up are the last two 
computers. Set the remaining TimeBombs in front of the computers and go back 
down the stairs.
Now that all 7 TimeBombs are set, take the corridor all the way to the south. 
Fyda and Royd will be there waiting for you. Fyda sets off the 7 TimeBombs, and 
they destroy the computer. Royd says that all that is left is just to escape 
from the airship. Suddenly Beruga's voice is heard coming from the rear of the
airship calling you foolish. Run to the rear of the airship. 

Beruga is there waiting for you! He congratulates you on your progress so far, 
but explains that since he is a scientist he always has an escape plan. He says 
he's wearing a pair of rocket boots that he can use to fly away from the 
crashing airship! The rocket boots that Fyda and Royd stole to use for escaping 
wont work because they were controlled by the computers that they just 
destroyed. Soon his liege's eternal world will be resurrected.
Suddenly the propeller of the airship starts twirling around. Beruga is caught
off guard and is sucked into the moving propeller. Beruga was destroyed by his 
own machine.
Now it's just the three of you, standing on an airship that is crashing to the 
ground. Fyda apologizes to you for leading you into a death trap, since there 
appears to be no way of getting off the airship. Royd then notices a seagull 
that has flown up to the airship. Royd tells you to take the seagull and escape, 
since the seagull can only carry one person. Fyda says not to worry, since 
humans have been known to survive airplane crashes before. Take the seagull and 
fly away. 

The scientist on top of Aris Rock notices something falling from the sky. It's
Beruga's airship, but he mistakes it for the light of the apocalypse and an omen 
signifying the end of the world. You and the seagull land behind the scientist. 
The scientist tells you that the light fell in the direction of South America. 
Climb down Aris Rock and go to Suncoast. Take the plane back to Freedom and then 
make your way back down to South America.

Return to the cave/portal that you originally emerged onto the surface world 
through. Columbus will be there waiting for you. He says he's never forgotten 
the time that you saved him in Sylvain and since that time he's traveled the
world. Throughout his travels, he came to realize that Ark was the legendary 
hero who returns underground. Columbus will also ask if you're sure you want to
go back down. Make sure you have enough LBulbs and Mbulbs. There is also a save 
point behind Columbus. Tell him that you need to finish cleaning up the mess you 
created and jump into the hole.


When you land on the other side of the "portal", return back to Crysta. The 
villagers are glad to see you when you talk to them, but then a voice is heard
commenting that if you had never found out the truth, you would of been happy. 
The villagers then begin to turn into spirits and attack you. 
Return back to the Elder's house. Walk back to his room and speak with him. The 
Elder says that you've learned more then you should have. He then says he wants 
to show you something. Follow him back outside the house and talk to him again. 
Elder says that all the humans here are replicas made by the same material. When 
the human replica's use up their energy, they convert back to their original 
form, which just happens to be the Crystal Blue that floats through the sky! He 
also explains that the world has two sides; the Light Side that creates life and
the Dark Side that destroys what isn't necessary. The Dark Side has now willed 
that Ark is no longer necessary! The two of you then turn into spirits and
teleport to the Gaia Stone.

Ark rematerializes on a long endless path. Spirits are floating and disappearing 
around him. A voice is heard saying that this is the Gaia Stone, which is 
located in the center of the underworld's sun. The voice explains that the Light 
is creation and Dark is destruction and the two will soon become one. 

Suddenly Dark Gaia appears before you. He has several different attacks he uses.
* Sonic Boom: very hard to avoid.
* Gaia's Rage: explosions follow you around. Just walk in the opposite direction 
* MagiRocks: throws MagiRocks around on the ground, then they'll explode 

But the most important one will be the Light Orb. This is the only thing that 
will hurt Dark Gaia at first. You must stand in front of him and then hit back 
the orb that he shoots at you. The orb will split into two and go off in 
different directions. It's best to stand at one of the side points of the star 
on the ground in order to hit the orb back so it damages Dark Gaia.

Now that you've hit him with one of his own Light Orbs, he gets really mad! He 
tucks in his head and arms into his body and then dislodges himself from his
legs. He'll float around the room trying to attack you. When he stops and he is 
close to the platform, you can hit him. He'll return back to his legs and start 
his attacks again. Just keep on hitting the orb back at him until he's 

Now that Dark Gaia is destroyed, all is well right? No way! Another Dark Gaia 
appears, and he's even stronger then the first one. Dark Gaia 2 only has two 
* Sparks: He will drop sparks down in various formations.
* Lightning: The more lethal attack. His lightning attack will cut your hit 
points in half every time you're hit.

To defeat Dark Gaia, you need to know how to survive his lightning attacks. You 
need to use your Blocking move. When Dark Gaia throws his lightning, continually 
press your Right button and don't let it go until he's done with his lightning 
attack. Not the right directional key, but the Right button that is positioned 
on top of the controller. If you're using an emulator and a keyboard, you need 
to look in the ReadMe file that came with the emulator to see which keyboard key
represents the Top Right button. The Block move shields you from the lighting 
attack and instead of taking half of your hit points in damage, you'll only
receive 1 to 10 damage.
Dark Gaia will also fly around over your head where you cant reach him. You have 
to hit his body in order to damage him. When he gets close enough hit him with 
your HeroPike to destroy him. 
After Dark Gaia is destroyed you're left alone on the platform. A voice is heard 
that sounds very familiar. In fact, it's the same voice Ark heard when he was 
placing the StarStones at the South Pole. The voice is glad that you have 
resealed Dark Gaia's power. Ark asks who he is, and he explains that he's the 
Ark of the Light Side! Dark Gaia had created a copy of him and of his home town
of Storkolm when Dark Gaia was originally sealed away. The copy that was created 
was Ark and Crysta! Ark of the Light Side says that your work is done and 
teleports you back to Crysta. 
Of course with the destruction of Dark Gaia, there is no one left in Crysta. Ark 
becomes saddened because everyone is gone, and remembers how Princess Elle also 
lost her entire village. Yomi pops out of his box and inquires as to why he is 
so sad. Ark wonders what he has been fighting for the whole time. He followed 
the Elder's orders to resurrect the world but believes that he also brought bad 
luck to the planet.

Yomi is surprised to hear that Ark has such a sense of duty even though he
fulfilled it by resurrecting the world. The humans would consider his actions 
god-like, and where there are living beings bad things are expected to happen. 
Yomi says that there are just as many good things that happen as well.
Ark finally asks what Yomi actually is. Yomi explains that all living beings 
evolved out of one single creature and that all living beings looked like him at 
one point in time. Yomi finds humor in the idea that one day humans may evolve 
back into what he looks like. Then he says he has to return back to sleep until 
the next time he's needed. 
Yomi disappears. Four spirits appear and surround Ark. Light Gaia speaks and
explains it's the soul of the surface world. Now that Dark Gaia has been 
destroyed, Crysta and the rest of the underworld will soon disappear and the 
surface world will return to normal. Ark is the hero that appears when the world 
is in danger and has both Light Gaia and Dark Gaia blood flowing through him. 
Soon Ark too will also disappear. Light Gaia says spend your last happy day in 
Ark is then transported back into Elle's room at the weaver's house, but Elle's 
alive again! She says you were standing there zoned out for a second. The rest 
of the inhabitants are all so very happy. The shops have never heard of
MagiRocks and Ark's friends have never heard of an Elder. They say the blue door 
in the Elder's house has always been a broom closet.

When Ark is finished, go to his bedroom and crawl into bed. Ark will fall asleep 
and dream of Elle. She explains that she tried to destroy Ark when he was a baby 
because the Elder's word was final. She finally realized that everyone are 
individuals and need to live naturally. Elle says that Crysta may be gone, but 
she will meet Ark again. She then says goodbye and fades away. Ark then starts 
to dream his last dream; he's a bird and fly's all over the world, watching it 
get older..... 

The End

Town Events

Lhasa, Liotto, NeoTokio, Yunkou, and Mosque are unable to expand and grow. Kienz
is no where to be found in those towns, so he is unable to give an economic 
forecast. Kienz can be found in Loire, Litz, Freedom, Nirlake, and Suncoast.
Those five towns need events to take place in order for them to develop. 

Events for Loire
* When the elections come, vote for Jean as the mayor 
* Get the Clothes from Merily and give them to The 3 Girls in Freedom 
* Get the Painting from Matis and give it to Rich in Britain 
* Help Pierre with the invention of the Camera 
* Get the Wine from the winemaker and give it to the girl in the pub in Freedom 
* Take a picture of Loire with Pierre's Camera and give the picture to the
Tourism Bureau that reside in Loire, Freedom, Nirlake, and Suncoast

Events for Litz
* Give the sailor in the cannery the Tin Sheet that you find on the floor in 
Will's house in Nirlake  * Get the Tinned Sardines from the cannery and give 
them to Stoma in Freedom 
* Buy a Crystal from the nomads in the Sahara Desert and give it to the artisan 
who is making an ornament for the church 
* Take a picture of Litz with Pierre's Camera and give the picture to the
Tourism Bureau that reside in Loire, Freedom, Nirlake, and Suncoast

Events for Freedom
* Check on Bell's girlfriend who lives in Nirlake. Upon returning back to Bell's 
house, tell him the truth. He'll go to the pub to drink away his sorrow. Talk to 
him again and he'll start working on his invention 
* Help Eddy with his invention by pushing the button on his machine 
* Give the Clothes from Merily in Loire to The 3 Girls 
* Give the Wine from the winemaker in Loire to the girl in the pub 
* Give the Tinned Sardines from the cannery in Litz to Stoma 
* Give the Tasty Meat from the cattle rancher in Suncoast to Stoma
* Take a picture of Freedom with Pierre's Camera and give the picture to the 
Tourism Bureau that reside in Loire, Freedom, Nirlake, and Suncoast

Events for Nirlake
* Get the Tin Sheet from the floor of Will's house and give it to the cannery in
* Get the Airfield Plans from Will and give them to the committee in Suncoast
* After Nirlake burns down and you get the 9 letters, take them to these people
* Will in Nirlake
* Bell in Freedom
* Eddy in Freedom
* Cannery owner in Litz
* Pierre in Loire
* Matis in Loire
* Winemaker in Loire
* Marily in Loire
* Rich in Britain
* Take a picture of Nirlake with Pierre's Camera and give the picture to the
Tourism Bureau that reside in Loire, Freedom, Nirlake, and Suncoast

Events for Suncoast
* Get the Tasty Meat from the cattle rancher and give it to Stoma in Freedom
* Give the Airfield Plans from Will in Nirlake to the committee
* Take a picture of Suncoast with Pierre's Camera and give the picture to the
Tourism Bureau that reside in Loire, Freedom, Nirlake, and Suncoast
