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Tenchi Muyo RPG (e)


Tenchi Muyo RPG (Super Famicom) 


Version 1.0

January 11, 1999


Table of Contents-

1. Introduction

2. Playable characters

3. Game Play similarites

4. Battles

5. Character's techniques

6. Walkthrough



This is a faq for the Tenchi Muyo! RPG made by Banpresto. There are no faqs 
available at the time of writing for this game so I decided to give it a try, 
besides I love the anime. By the way this is not a translation but I have 
included a bit character information for those curious. Knowledge of Japanese is 
not required for the game. This faq is incomplete at this time. Feel free to e-
mail with any corrections or added info. I will update when possible. Enjoy.


Playable Characters:

Tenchi: The guy with the black hair and funky brown oufit. Tenchi has been 
trained in sword fighting by his grandfather since about the age of 3. His 
weapon of choice is a wooden sword. Tenchi also has a problem not possible in 
real life, he has too many girls in love with him. On top of that they live in 
the same house as him with no gripes from his father and grandfather.

Ryoko: Blue-Grey haired girl in green and pink outfit. She is a quite powerful 
space pirate or demon (depending on what version of the anime you favor). She is 
one of the girls in love with Tenchi, and is the one who reveals her feelings 
the most. She fights with a laser sword and various fireball attacks.

Ayeka: Purple haired girl in red and purple robes. She is a princess of Jurai 
(another planet where Tenchi's grandpa was orginally from). She is also in love 
with Tenchi and often fights with Ryoko for Tenchi's affections. She uses a whip 
and Jurain power in battle.

Mihoshi: The blonde in pink and yellow. She is quite basically a ditz, but very 
lovable. As you guessed it she also has a thing for Tenchi(she is not very 
outspoken about it though). She is a member of the Galaxy Police and was 
originally meant to apprehend Ryoko, but things didn't work out that way. She 
fights using her Galaxy Police side arm.

Ryo-ohki: Little brown varment. Ryo-ohki is a cabbit (half cat and half rabbit). 
Ryo-ohki can transform into Ryoko's spaceship, but seems closest to Sasami. Has 
a big affinity for carrots.

Robot: A robot that appears after getting past Mihoshi's ship. I know nothing 
about him, but in the game he moves slowly and doesn't attack that well.

Grandpa: Tenchi's grandfather. He is currently a Shinto priest who is skilled in 
fighting techniques. He has trained Tenchi in sword use. Grandpa was once also a 
prince of Jurai until he fled to Earth seeking peace and stuff.

Sasami: Little blue haired girl in green. She is Ayeka's little sister. She also 
has a crush on Tenchi, but she knows she is too young, but has her dreams for 
later in life. She gets kidnapped and joins your party shortly after entering 
the spaceship.

Washu: Pink hair, seen as a "choosing icon" until later on in the spaceship. She 
is the universe's greatest scientific genius. She had something to do with Ryoko 
and Ryo-ohki's creation, but I am honestly not sure how. She shows up in the 
spaceship later in the game.


Game Play similarities:

The game has a 3/4 perspective much like the Genesis game Landstalker. Battles 
are carried out in Shining Force style, but in 3/4 perspective. Techniques are 
gained when characters gain experience much like Chronotrigger.



Before each battle you choose which characters will make up your fighting party. 
You have four available slots to choose you characters, and fill up all four 
when the chance is given. 

When it your character's turn to fight, their picture will appear and a black 
flashing block will appear under them. Press "choose" and a menu with three 
commands will appear

1st command=when first selected you choose where you want your character to move 
to (any of the visible squares, none of the black). Once your character has 
moved to a spot suitable for attack select this command again to choose 
technique to be used and which enemy to target. The first number for a technique 
is the range and the second is the number of green dots used.

2nd command=Cancel. Press if you want to change where you movied to.

3rd command=Wait. Select before moving to just not use your turn, select after 
moving if no technique can be used. Useful if you want to wait for the enemy to 
approach within striking distance.

Powerup: It replaces the third command and moves Wait down to fourth on the 
list. It becomes available for certain characters when all 8 green circles 
become filled. Tenchi and Ryoko wear the same outfits as seen in the anime. 
Sasami changes into Pretty Sammy and Washu changes into a Nurse with a very big 

Be sure to act fairly quickly or more enemies will appear.


Character's techniques:

(technique in order learned or listed, what it does, range, any special effects)

(unless otherwise noted diagonals are not included)


Level One: Two hit sword combo, (1) one enemy.

Level Two: Spin Slash much like in Zelda games, (1) strikes every square around 
Tenchi including diagonals, hits multiple enemies, maybe stopped by obstacle.

Level Four: Throws sword at enemy's head it bounces off and returns, (3) one 

Level Five(?): Rushes in with a variety of spin slashes, (1) one enemy.


Level One: teleports to an enemy, attacks and, teleports to original positon, 
(2) one enemy, .

Level Two: charges up energly blast and fires, (3) one enemy, 

Level Three: teleports, charges up and laser blades, (1) one enemy, similar to 
above but not as powerful

Level Four: background changes to outerspace and Ryoko energy blasts every 
enemny within range, (2) multiple enemies, Like Tenchi's Spin Slash but with 
wider area of destruction


Level One: attacks with whip, (1) one enemy.

Level Two: heals ally, (3) one ally,


Level One: fires 3 shots from gun, (3) one enemy, can hit an enemy on the other 
side of an ally, sometimes misses and Mihoshi gets a semi-ditzy expression


Level One: jumps on enemy bites them and begins swinging aorund, (1) one enemy


Level One: gets hot and charges the enemy,(4) one enemy, not much damage


Level One: punch, punch, (1) one enemy,


Level One: chucks big kitchen knife into enemy's head, (3) one enemy, seeing a 
sweet innocent girl with a big kitchen knife is just too cool.

or she throws Ryo_ohki at the enemy who roll attacks and jumps up and down on 
head, still very humorous.

Level Two: Throws big carrots to heal everyone withing the area, (2) radius 
includes diagonals, Ryo-ohki is probably jealous. 


Level One: Attacks with a mecha fist, (1) one enemy

Level Two: Healing, (1) one ally, good radius including diagonals,

Level Three:



Section I. 

The game begins in the Mazaki household (Tenchi's home). The group is sitting 
and standing around aruing as usual. Sasami gets upset and leaves with Ryo-ohki. 
The room turns funky colors and monsters are discovered in the household. You 
can use Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Mihoshi for this battle. Sometimes the 
monsters get two turns before it is your turn again. They can also attack from 2 
squares away.

After the battle a mysterious green haired girl threatens the party and 
apparently has kidnapped Sasami. You fight her and similar monsters as last 
time. Hit the girl once and the battle will end. She will disappear along with 

From here you can choose from 3 different places to go to.

Carrot Garden: You run into a possesed Ryo-ohki with four giant carrots. Kill 
the four carrots and the battle will end. They will often die with one attack. 
Be careful they can hit you from 3 squares away. Ryo-ohki will join the party 
after this battle.

Mihoshi's Spaceship: Mihoshi runs off after seeing her space ship. She is 
kidnapped and you must fight to save her. Sorry, no Mihoshi for this battle. The 
tree stumps provide obstacles. At the end of the battle you gain back Mihoshi 
and also her robot partner thing.

Waterfront: You see Tenchi's grandpa with some monsters and of course fight. The 
dragon looking guys have some major range and you can't use your own projectile 
attacks against them.

Swamp: You see some enemies, go kill them. No new characters gained. 

Waterfall: Funny scene with Ryoko and Ayeka starting out. Battle starts out with 
two of the first guys you ran into and two birds. While the birds attack they 
try running away. No fancy stuff here either. 

Bridge past Waterfall: Red and grey birds, Tenchi and Ryoko's destroy everything 
around them attacks very effective.

Entrance to Spaceship: Swamp looking area. Two robot looking animals and two red 

Spaceship: Starts with finding Sasami tied up by two blue robots. And of course 
you fight. Two robo animals and two blue robots starting out. Sasami is rescued 
at the end and she joins.

Section II. Inside the Spaceship.

Spaceship "A": Two little pink robots and two big green ones. Again Tenchi can 
get in and take out both pink robots with one spin slash. Let Ryoko charge up 
and do her Level Four to take out both green robots.

Top blue square area: Flirting with Tenchi by Ryoko and Mihoshi take place 
before the battle. Two red and two blue robots come and interrupt.

Left grey area: Four green robots. One good Ryoko Level Four can take all four 

Upper right crate area: You enter into a room with a bunch of crates. Washu 
teleports in and talks to the group. She will join here before the battle. Two 
scorpion robots and two gunnery bots show up.

Upper left light blue area: Run into mean green haired chick. Ayeka and Ryoko 
are all set to tear her apart too. It turns into a green haired chick vs. Ryoko 
one on one fight. One Level Four will take her out. I like this attack can't you 
tell? Greenie runs away into the next room followed by Ryoko. Blue haired guy 
arrives in his machine and Washu comes in. Ryoko receives a lightning bolt to 
the noggin from Blue. Ryoko disappears and Tenchi spazzes. Washu apparently 
pisses Blue off and she gets into her usual cocky self. Time to pick people for 
battle again then and no Ryoko. 


Copyright Information

Unpublished work Copyright 1999 sailor mimic (

Tenchi Muyo! character names and titles are copyrighted by AIC and Pioneer 